howlingchampion - Forever a fan of fiction
Forever a fan of fiction

She/herI try to make fun and spicy character AI prompts but requests are always welcome

47 posts

Jonathan Rook SFW Alphabet (NSFW Coming Soon Lol)

Jonathan Rook SFW alphabet (NSFW coming soon lol)

Jonathan Rook SFW Alphabet (NSFW Coming Soon Lol)

Affection: In public- Not afraid to be handsy (hand holding, staying close by your side) At home- Surprisingly touchy and willing to be affectionate

Best friend: Rook is an outgoing business man, and that plays into how he treats you. As a friend. He’s not scared to embarrass you in public, but he is considerate..doesn’t mean he tells you everything

Cuddles: Since Jonathan’s mothers passing, almost no one has been allowed near enough to even touch him without his security taking them down, so saying ‘touch starved’ is a tad understatement

Domestic: Rook isn’t the worst at cooking or cleaning, but trust me, it isn’t too great. He’s used to others doing it for him in recent times. Settling down is something he doesn’t really think about, but if he found his person, he’d want them to 100% stay in Rook Tower with him

Ending: Most likely breaking up over text (he doesn’t always have time or motivation)

Fiancé: With Rook, he wouldn’t be too upset if his significant other would suggest marriage, however, the wedding would most likely be secret, considering his publicity

Gentle: As someone who isn’t one for trusting, when he finally finds his other half, he’s being as gentle as he can to just keep them around. He can get slightly aggressive when upset however :(

Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but when alone with you, he sometimes just lays his head in your lap and hugs your torso like a pillow

I Love You: After a few months, he’ll probably come up to you and ask you if you love him. Say yes, and he’ll immediately say it back. Say no, and you’re probably sent away

Jealousy: Outwardly, not as showy. He’s got the public to show off for. Inwardly, ready to turn into Stretch Monster and wreck them

Kisses: Usually just little pecks around your face from him in public, however, he prefers slow kissing when out of prying eyes. He’s handsy when his lips are on yours, and sometimes opens his eyes just to make sure you’re enjoying it

Little Ones: While not usually around young children, he tends to get along with them. Having any of his own, and he’s spoils them rotten

Morning: He’s an early bird, but likes to stick around just to watch you wake up. He finds it cute how messed up you look

Night: Due to him secretly being Stretch Monster, he’s not always around most of the night. When he does come back, he just wants to cuddle and love you

Open: Rook would honestly never willingly tell you about his secret, but once you find out, he’d make sure you keep it. If you kept his secret and maybe even helped him go against the Flex Fighters, he would be overjoyed. If not, he might just have to lock you away. Or kill you :((

Patience: Rook is very patient, but once angered enough, he’s like a fuse. Explosive

Quizzes: Jonathan is a genius. He remembers everything about you and everything you like

Remember: His favorite moment about you would most likely be when he realized you liked him

Security: Rook would be extremely protective of you, especially if you were pregnant. Sending most of his security to make sure you’re safe

Try: Jonathan would go above and beyond for you, no matter the circumstances

Ugly: He doesn’t always tell you everything…like his monster secret or true plans for humanity

Vanity: Due to the public, his looks are one of his main features. With you, he still tries to look his best, but knows you don’t always mind

Whole: Rook loves you through and through, but I wouldn’t say he’d be ‘incomplete’ without you, just…upset. Badly

Xtra: Jonathan likes that you remind him of his mother, that’s one of the main reasons he fell in love

Yuck: Jonathan would hate if you were a fan of the Flex Fighters, and would definitely show it

Zzz: Even though his looks betray it, he really does not get much sleep…

  • idrinktheadarling
    idrinktheadarling liked this · 7 months ago

More Posts from Howlingchampion

2 years ago

Awesome 🤩

8 months ago

If you’re feeling up to it, could you write up SFW and /or NSFW alphabet for Psimon from YJ? There’s not much on him and I’ll take anything I can get at this point.

Yes! This man deserves some love too :)


If Youre Feeling Up To It, Could You Write Up SFW And /or NSFW Alphabet For Psimon From YJ? Theres Not
If Youre Feeling Up To It, Could You Write Up SFW And /or NSFW Alphabet For Psimon From YJ? Theres Not

Affection: Psimon isn’t an ‘affectionate’ guy, but for you, he’d try to make an effort to at least appear more touchy. Don’t get me wrong, he loves your touch, but he doesn’t always reciprocate due to the environment around you both or just due to his own worries.

Best friend: Again, this man doesn’t exactly do ‘positive interactions’, but if you somehow managed to get him to like you enough to be considered a best friend? He’d defend you, be there for you, hell he’d even use his powers to get you the dumbest things like candy or stuffed animals.

Cuddles: Around the rest of team Onslaught, he rarely touches you, but when it’s just the two of you, he’s right beside you; holding your hand, a hand on your shoulder, his face close to your head- and when it comes to cuddles? He clings.

Domestic: Cooking and cleaning are not his favorites by any means, but if you asked him to and he was free he would.

Ending: If he were to end a relationship, I’d be in person. Over text or call just seems unprofessional to him. He’s evil, sure, but he’s polite.

Fiancé: Getting married is something that’d 100% be done in secret. He’s not going to risk Miss Martian finding out that you’re someone special to him.

Gentle: Psimon is very gentle with you. Sometimes too gentle. Not like he treats you like glass, but he doesn’t always let you join missions and he definitely won’t let you go against his mortal enemy.

Hugs: Although he’s not big on touches, he’s willing to hug you if you ask for it. As long as you’re alone. He only initiates hugs and other forms of affection when he truly feels he needs it.

I Love You: Psimon wouldn’t say the ‘L word’ until he’s positive you mean it and feel the same. If he says something, he means it.

Jealousy: Never outwardly showing it, but once you’re alone again, especially if it’s another person, he’ll voice his worries and do his best to try to ‘make up’ for what he ‘did wrong’. (He’s been in bad relationships before)

Kisses: Same with hugs; and if he suspects you want one he’ll take you somewhere private.

Little Ones: Psimon wouldn’t be too keen on putting more of himself out there, but if you really insisted on it, he’d want them to be protected and for you to be even more careful.

Morning: He wouldn’t stay in bed too long, but if he woke up and you were asleep he’d stay. He’s a gentleman after all.

Night: Sleeping is something he doesn’t always do, but…when he does he tends to want to stay with you. If you would stay up late he’ll stay with you.

Open: He wouldn’t reveal his secrets to you all at once, and after each step in your relationship he’d say something new.

Patience: He’s very patient, but if you are in danger or the Martian is mentioned he gets irritated quickly.

Quizzes: Psimon knows a lot about you, not just romance-wise, and won’t hesitate to let you know if questioned.

Remember: His favorite memory of you both was when you finally trusted him enough to read your mind. It allows him to feel more bonded with you..

Security: He knows you can handle yourself, you’re with him for gods sake, but even so he will protect you when he sees fit.

Try: Psimon would never try to intentionally hurt you physically, so even if you asked, he’d still refuse.

Ugly: Psimon doesn’t want to hurt you…physically…mentally…wellll…let’s just say he wouldn’t mind teaching you a few things with his powers if you acted out.

Vanity: Before, he didn’t care. With you, he doesn’t care. He knows he’s not what anyone would actively search for, and yet you still love him. It actually makes him try to put a little more effort into his mannerisms.

Whole: At first, he’d be fine without you. If it got to the point where you’d been together for years..he wouldn’t be obsessed, but he’d be infatuated, per se.

Xtra: When he was in the comatose state from Miss Martian’s retaliation, you were the only member of Onslaught to stay by his side and help with tasks others hated. That’s why he fell in love.

Yuck: Talking highly of the young hero team he fights almost weekly is definitely something that’ll make him end the conversation and not speak with you for a bit.

Zzz: When he actually does sleep, it’s soundly, and he doesn’t wake up for around 6 hours. His powers elicit vivid dreams so he moves around a lot and sometimes even speaks in his sleep.

Aftercare: He’d be sweet with it, cleaning up both of you and then tucking you in. Psimon would probably deny it if anyone asked but you both know the truth.

Body Part: Psimon’s favorite part about you is your mind, no doubt. Surprisingly, I’d imagine his favorite parts about himself are his hands. The hands that can feel you and hold you.

Cum: He prefers cuming inside of you (mouth or lower), but if that’s not an option he would release into a tissue in order not to make a mess. He’s not a near freak, he just doesn’t want stains 🤷‍♀️

Dirty Secret: He’s always wanted to choke you. Just to see what it feels like with his bare hands and not telekinesis.

Experience: He wouldn’t have much experience, but he’d rely on you to teach him, since he knows you’re already decent.

Favorite Position: Psimon doesn’t have a set favorite, but most of your intimate moments end in the missionary position.

Goofy: Yeah no. Sex is sacred to him. If he doesn’t take it seriously, how’s he supposed to be expected to treat you well (at least that’s what he believes)

Hair: Believe it or not, Psimon is completely hairless. Whether it be a side effect of his powers or that he was just born that way 🤷‍♀️

Intimacy: He is very intimate. Reading your mind (with your permission) and finding out what makes you moan..talking and acting the way you like, just for you.

Jack off: Rarely ever. He finds it boring and wasteful. The only times he’s given in is when you’re right there watching.

Kink: Oh boy. A bunch. Praising, biting/scratching, choking, sub/dom-

Location: Bedroom. He’ll only do it with you in a secluded and nice bedroom. It’s mostly for your comfort.

Motivation: When you allow him into your mind and talk to him through it? Beautiful. Defending him from the Martian? Oh god yes.

No: He would never force you into any sexual activity that you don’t want. That’s something that even this villain can’t bring himself to do (thankfully)

Oral: Giving for a female or male? He’s got you. Doesn’t matter the size or taste or even the state of grooming. It’s you. And if you decide to take it up a notch and give him the pleasure? He’s yours that night. He’ll be sure you know he loves you.

Pace: Slow and sensual, but if you ask he’ll go faster and harder. He wants you to feel good no matter what.

Quickie: He would rather king and passionate encounters, but even if it’s just a little he’s happy.

Risk: He’s not big on risk, but if it’s really what you want, then he’s open yo experiment.

Stamina: His average is 2 rounds, but he once went 4. He was EXHAUSTED. You drained this poor man. He was happy but kinda sore the next day.

Toys: He finds them ‘unnatural’ but if you convince him enough, he might let you try a few..might.

Unfair: Oh he is very unfair. He’ll pleasure you nonstop and when you try to reciprocate? Yeah he’s suddenly too tired. Yes he’s teasing of course but sometimes you’re too fucked out to notice!

Volume: Usually quiet with the occasional grunts or gasps, but if you keep him going he’ll get louder and needier.

Wild Card: He’s not too into things that have to do with your butt, however it is possible to convince him. Just tread lightly-

X-ray: Average length, 5.7 inches, and decent girth, 1.7 inches wide. It’s pale while like the rest of his skin, but the tip is pink and he’s uncut. The balls don’t hang too low but they’re definitely there. He’s sensitive all over but loves it most when you’re slow. He likes the torture.

Yearning: His sex drive isn’t very high, but it usually willing when you ask. He only starts asking if he thinks you’ve formed a close enough bond.

Zzz: Right after he makes sure you’re okay he’s dead asleep. He needs to recharge. He loves to hold you in his arms and actually have him cockwarm him

Alright! Thanks to who requested this one! It was honestly fun to do haha

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7 months ago

First off, I’m so happy you write for obscure characters such as Psimon and I appreciate the effort in your fanfics, they always light me up 💕

As for my request, I request… write about any fav character on your mind right now with any prompt you like 👍 no rush either

Thank you! All I be support makes me happy too :)

For the oneshot I’m gonna do Corvo from Ben 10 since I have seen absolutely none of this poor guy

First Off, Im So Happy You Write For Obscure Characters Such As Psimon And I Appreciate The Effort In


“Watch it freak!”

Corvo grimaced as he felt someone shoulder check him so hard he falls and drops the beat up binder he used. Gods he hated this school.

As he pushed himself into a sitting position and reached up to run a hand through his hair, he saw feet in front of him, then knees, and finally the torso of a person.

Suddenly the felt himself be helped up, to which he struggled at the touch, until he felt his binder and loose papers being pushed into his arms. Looking up, he saw someone who looked at him with sympathy…pity?

“Hey…you okay? I’m sorry that he did that…are you gonna be alright?”

Corvo blinked once, his visible eye widening. Then he scoffs and shoves past them.

A few days later, he sees them again. He’d been avoiding this person due to how much they made him feel. Plus FiskRick had found more docks for heists.

This person that decided to be the one person who’s nice to him. He can’t let them know that what they’ve done has impacted him. Then something that he’s dreaded happens.

That stupid jock starts picking on them. Dumping their bags out and laughing at how they frown and try to pick everything up. Corvo froze then narrowed his eyes…and walked away.

Later that day, you (the person) were walking home. It was raining. How cliché. Suddenly a monster truck looking vehicle pulled sup next to you, then snatched you up.

As you sat in the backseat, afraid and confused, you saw a familiar face. Corvo. He was also in the backseat, but he just looked bored, not upset or scared. In the front seat was someone who looked similar to what Corvo was wearing, and in the passenger seat was FistRick himself.

He smirked at you then faced forward again. Corvo suddenly got up and sat next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, making you freeze and think about screaming, until you realize he’s holding something out to you. A picture. Of the jock who hurt you! And he looked…beat up.

It struck you; Corvo got the gang to beat the guy up for you. Maybe he didn’t hate you after all…doesn’t explain why he’s practically cuddling you to his side, until he looked away and scooted a bit closer, then you figure out he’s trying to get you warm.

Suddenly, how cold and humble he was made sense…he just needs a true friend. He wants it to be you.

Thank you again for all the love! I’m open to whatever characters found on my (OliviaForevermore) and on my list here :)

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2 years ago
Lol Me And My Little Sister Love Playing Games Together

Lol me and my little sister love playing games together

8 months ago

Hank (ShredForce) head cannons

Hank (ShredForce) Head Cannons
Hank (ShredForce) Head Cannons

Due to Hank and Ronny being teens in the show, I’m not gonna make NSFW head cannons for them, only little oneshots and SFW ones :)

Affection: In public I imagine he wouldn’t show it too much, maybe hand holding or side hugging, but at home he’ll be a big cuddle bug :)

Best friend: Apart from Ronny and Lucas (Maxmagic’s name for Locust from the pilot), it’s assumed that Hank doesn’t have many friends, so with you being one of his only ones, he’d tease you a ton but would always be searching for validation

Cuddles: Again, public is a no-no. Gotta keep up that punk persona 😤 alone is a whoooole other world. Clingy. That’s the best way to describe it. I’m picturing him needing to be in the same room otherwise he’s super bored and lonely 😭

Domestic: NO. Cleaning? Cooking? Nuh uh. If you really wanted him to he’d try, but it probably wouldn’t be very good :( but he wouldn’t care as long as you still say you’re proud. Gotta feed his ego

Ending: Hank most likely would break up through text due to him -being a chicken- deciding it’ll soften the blow

Family (Changed Fiancé to Family cus he’s a minor. This is also not a couple head canon. This one is purely just you being a family member): Hank would tease and pick on ya non stop. Doesn’t matter if you’re older. He’s defend you too

Gentle: Two different worlds. Publicly and with the gang? He’s kinda rough (play fighting/name calling) but alone? Oh he’s a softie. Always seeking validation from you and trying not to hurt you. I imagine it even took him like a month to even cuddle you because he didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable by laying on you 😭😭

Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but out of prying eyes, he’s all for bear hugs and hugs while he’s doing something. Like on his guitar? Yeah he wants you sitting behind him and wrapping your arms around his neck lol

I Love You: It’d probably take him like a month max to say he loves you. He’s scared you won’t say it back :( he also doesn’t wanna let his friends know he’s soft on you

Jealousy: BIG TIME. Phil comes in Rockin Ricky’s for pizza and starts being somewhat nice to you since you’re new? Yeah. No. He’s annoyed the second Phil or anyone else touches you anywhere or even stands near ya. Not even Ronny is safe lol I feel like Hank would move Ronny away from you and be like “dude you’ve already got a chick bug off mine”

Kisses: At first nothing. Always checking that his breath is okay and starting to actually brush every day. Takes a few weeks then he’ll probably spring a little peck to your cheek or the back of your hand when he’s holding it. After that, when you’re alone, he’s jokingly peppering kisses on your face and shoulders. I imagine he was scared to actually have his first kiss with you, but after that? Definitely gonna want to make out every other day lmao-

Limitations (Changed Little Ones bc he’s once again- a Minor): Hank would definitely put limits on stuff you shouldn’t do in public. Not that he doesn’t want to, he’s just worried you’ll be picked on by Phil or your friends will try to convince you to dump him

Morning (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): Sleeps late so there’s not many ‘mornings’ per say, but when you wake up together, he’s all cuddly and tries to get you to stay in bed with him

Night (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): I honestly don’t think he sleeps very much but when he does, he’s OUT. Like you get a goodnight then you look over and he’s snoring instantly. If not, then he’d be up watching tv with you and eating sooo much junk food

Open: I actually head canon that he’s got slight separation anxiety and ADHD (I tried to look for evidence in the pilot and found some but that’s just what I gathered 🤷‍♀️ plus it’s for fun) so when Hank gets with you, he kinda tries to beat around the bush but eventually tells you. He doesn’t at first cus he doesn’t want you to think he’s too weird :(

Patience: The ADHD head canon comes into play with this so I assume he would try to be, but after a little he’d try to focus on something else, or if you’re telling him something he’ll ask you to hurry up (he’s not being mean he’s just anxious)

Quizzes: Oh boy. He tries to know about you and your likes, but honestly he kiiiinnndaaa…forgets most stuff. Not his fault he also forgets his own important things 😬 Ronny is his calendar 🤦‍♀️

Remember: Again, not the best with this area, but he really does try lol-

Security: Yep. Protective. Only when Phil is around and if he’s saving the world with Ronny in their hero forms. Otherwise he knows you can handle yourself. You got with him anyway lol

Try: Hank definitely puts effort into the relationship even if you don’t see it. He wouldn’t get with you for no reason (I also head canon him as a Pan Demisexual)

Ugly: He wouldn’t tell you about being a part of Shred Force until you randomly find out, then he tells you EVERYTHING

Vanity: Honestly…I doubt he cares much for his appearance apart from his -clearly dyed- hair, so he wouldn’t care what you look like either

Whole: If you and him dated for at least three months then broke up? Oh he’s devastated. That poor boy wouldn’t even wanna save the -leveled- city :( you are his world. Or at least a big chunk of it

Xtra: His little sister Harmony (OC by Minareee3) LOVES but also doesn’t understand how you got with her weirdo brother, but she’s super jazzed that she might get a big sister someday :)

Yuck: He would hate if you liked Phil or Nordic Bunny and would lead to fights :(

Zzz: Out like a light when he hits the pillow lmao-

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