Sfw Alphabet - Tumblr Posts
I hope that your recovery is going well. I was wondering if you would do a SFW alphabet for Chico or/and Miguel. I'm like 80% sure that thats a thing. If not, my apologies and please ignore. Again I do hope that you are doing better. Thank you
That is totally a thing! It’s like the affection alphabet. Very romantic and not sexual. I’ll do both! This one will be Chico SFW Alphabet, the next will be Miguel.
SFW Alphabet with Chico Guerra…

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
His love language is gift giving. When he fucks up and wants to show affection, he’ll get his partner something. Sometimes it’ll be lavish, like a new diamond bracelet (that’s totally not stolen😬). Sometimes it’ll be personal. Like if you write, he’ll get you a nice fountain pen. If you dance, he’ll get you a music box. Think he would also try to make things but just get frustrated that it’s not turning out right. Despite what people think of him, he has feelings. He just doesn’t know how to express them without punching.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He doesn’t start friendships easy, but once he does, he’s a ride or die. You saw how protective he got over Jorge and Carlo and Carlos. Those were his hermanos. You have to do something for him. Something personal and unprompted. Something that anticipates his needs. It could be anything, but random kindness confuses him so you’ll have to live through the five stages of grief before he thanks you.😅 He’s sort of like a Hyena. Very loyal pack animal.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Ask him and he’ll say no. Catch him on a bad day, where nothing is going right, bad memories were brought up, and everything seems like it’s crashing down around him. He’ll get home, you’ll greet him and he’ll say nothing. Just plop down on a seat next to you, lean down, and put his head in your lap. Sometime, he’ll spoon you in the night without saying a word. Or he’ll wait till you fall asleep to whisper in your ear how his day went. Takes him a while to open up physically to cutsey things.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think he could be domestic for his partner, but he never saw himself doing that so he’ll need to get in a rhythm. Doesn’t wash dishes very well. Not very tidy. He can cook huevos rancheros but that’s about it. His laundry day is when he can’t see the floor anymore.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Text message from 🤪Chico Guerra❤️
🤪Chico Guerra❤️: hey, this isn’t working. Sorry.
You: … yo what the actual-
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ahhhhhhh… there’s that word again. Commitment. That’s never been his strong suit. Think he’d work best in an open relationship or a swingers relationship. But pure monogamy? I don’t know, folks. I think he wants to, but he’s just so driven by impulses that you’ll have to forgive him a few times if you want it to work.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Don’t think he’d be very gentle at first. Actually, probably not until you needed him to be. He comes home to you crying one night, and after a few rounds of “who did this to you?” And you explaining that it’s not like that and you’re just sad, he’ll kind of give out a defeated “oh” and just sit with you for a moment. He’ll put your head on his to cry, even if you both aren’t saying anything. He’ll turn on some goofy movie for you to watch, or a really serious classy movie that he drags to shit until you’re laughing again. You almost laughed till you peed during Amadeus.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He’ll say his fine and doesn’t need one but you can tell when he does. He’ll get that defeated look in his eyes. That sigh when he says he doesn’t want to talk anymore. You can’t ask him. He’ll say no or make a lewd joke to cover up his feelings. You just have to hug him anyway. When he feels your body around his, his head stops spinning and his heart rate goes down.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Says I love you for everything at first. Got my favorite taco? I love you. Saved me a space at the table? I love you. Then, you’re not there one day and he realizes he really does love you. He stops saying it altogether. You’re a little hurt and ask him why. He gets all blushy and aggressive, probably saying something stupid like it’s none of your business. You get a text from him later that night.
Text message from 🤪Chico Guerra❤️
🤪Chico Guerra❤️: fine. it’s not nothing. I love you okay?
😁Y/N🥰 loved this message.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oof. Yeah, it really takes nothing for him to get possessive and jealous. You could be talking to a barista for a little too long and he’ll be butthurt all day. It depends on what season you’re dating him in. Season two, anyone looks at you too long and they’re eating pavement. Season six, he’d probably still get aggressive but would make an effort to try and talk about it. He’ll do that after he lashes out in some insane way though. His superpower is hindsight.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Wet kisses. Passionate. Lots and lots of tongue. Likes to miss the lips every once in a while and get the cheek. He likes his make out session sloppy. He will also mumble into your mouth during the kiss, like something in Spanish to himself.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Confused but caring. He’s never mean to kids, he just doesn’t quite know how to talk to them. He tries though, and his dry sarcasm almost always makes them laugh. He also lets them play on him. Like crawl over him, hide between his legs, and hold onto his arm and swing. Doesn’t bother him. He was a high energy kid himself.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Wakes up fairly late. Prefers working nights. He’ll get up, doom scroll for a while before coming downstairs. Prefers when his partner makes food, but he can cook eggs well enough. Like mango juice in the morning, not orange. When he does have orange, it’s pulp all the way, baby. Likes to read the paper in the morning. Mostly for the scores and fights. Sometimes he reads the obituaries just to see if there’s anyone he knows. On Saturdays he watches cartoons though; shhhhhhhhhhh!
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He comes him from work exhausted. I write him as a mechanic since he played one in Law and Order. He throws down his keys and waits for his partner to greets them. They have a little intimacy time, then they make dinner, Chico burning almost everything. He likes to watch TV before bed. Mostly TV movies. You settle into bed and he’ll wish you good dreams, then he’ll put his cold feet on yours for a laugh.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He waits a while and you just kind of figure out things about him. Like he’ll just be talking about something and drop information about himself he doesn’t even realize he said. You just have to collect the Easter eggs to really get to know him.
Text message from 😁Y/N🥰
😁Y/N🥰: Wanna hang?
🤪Chico Guerra❤️: I would but today’s the anniversary of my brother’s murder. Tomorrow?
😁Y/N🥰: ???
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
HA! Patience of a less than five year old taking that psychology marshmallow test. The one where they say if you don’t eat this marshmallow I’ll give you two. And they come back and the kid has it in its mouth. No patience for War Boy.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
So if you ask him a specific question he will not have an answer at all. Family member’s name. Favorite color. Shit like that. That said, he’ll do things that shows he knows you. Like if you don’t like the cherry on your ice cream, he’ll just wordlessly take it off your plate. Or order extra fries so he can give you some. Or getting you a pair of shoes that match your favorite pants. He knows you, he just doesn’t know it yet lol
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One day, you both had a really bad argument. Like really bad. You’re still living together though, so you come home after work the next day. It had been a particularly rough day for both of you at work. So you decide, after a few sour looks and awkward silence, that it’s worth it not to be mad at each other right now. Neither one admits right or wrong, but you need to be with someone you love. Chico asks if you wanna go to some of his favorite spots. You grab too many beers and head out. He takes you to the batting cages at a park. It’s dubious whether or not you guys were breaking in or not. You guys hit a few balls together, but he really knocks them out of the park. He strips to his wife-beater so you can see his muscles as he does this, winking at you. You’re both tipsy at this point. You head to a nearby hotel you may or have not been trespassing on, and get in the hot tub. You just spend the whole night laughing and getting drunk on the beers and each other. It was a simple night, but he needed it. You just make everything better.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh he’s your German Shepard at this point. Like he’ll start something in the clubs because someone was looking at you weird. Anyone actually tries something with you, and they’re just over. Gone. Nothing. Dust. He’s does care if he goes back to prison for you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Not a lot at first. Just in it for the fucking. After that, he tries to put effort in, but it’s mostly flashing cash around the clubs all night, getting you can’t jewelry or fashion items, and giving you all the finest things. You really don’t care. Your best dates with him have been when he doesn’t cry, and he just takes you for a burger and makes you laugh and touches on you. You never feel more like his partner until those moments.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Never puts away his clothes or does the dishes. Just generally disorganized. He also tends to drink from the bottle in the fridge instead of getting himself a glass. He leaves the toilet seat up often so if you have to use it fast you almost fall in every time. It never fails to make Chico laugh. 🤣
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very concerned. Wasn’t considered the cute one as a kid. He grew up into a devilishly handsome man, and he used that to his advantage often. The one thing he is self conscious about is his eyes. When Alvarez brings it up, he sees red. You actually love his eyes -if you’re anything like me- and compliment them often. He’s got beautiful brown eyes. 👀
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. Without a doubt. He doesn’t have very much or very many people who care whether or not he lives or dies. When he finds someone, even if he can’t admit otherwise or even acknowledge it, they become his whole world. Just everything. And he’ll protect them as such.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Total. I mean TOTAL anime nerd. He loves Attack on Titan and the Promised Neverland. He enjoys watching them with a cheap bowl of ramen. Chico doesn’t like expensive ramens; he likes the cheap ones his family could afford when he was younger. The 33¢ ones. He’ll add leftover pork, some greens, carrots and all that to jazz it up, but it never amounts to more than five bucks.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Absolutely no ketchup on eggs. Like none. Big yuck for this guy. When you make huevos rancheros for the kids and they don’t want hot sauce, you use ketchup and he almost divorces you.😅 Another yuck for him is partners that are shitty to kids. You don’t have to be a savant but if you’re mean, you can fuck off and die in his books.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Soft snorer. He’s also like an octopus in his sleep. Will pull his partner close unconsciously, tangling his legs amongst theirs, arms wrapped around them entirely. Will make a joke that he was just getting rid of his erection, but you know it’s because with you, he feels safe. ❤️
79 Followers!!! Thank You!
I can't believe I am at 79 followers! So, as thanks, I’ll be doing NSFW/SFW alphabets for Vikings. Feel free to message me for the ones you want! Viking Ships are still open.
- Aftercare, Body part, Dirty Secret, Experience, Goofy, Kink, Location, Motivation, Intimacy, No, Pace, Risk, Stamina, Toy, Unfair, Wild Card, etc.
- Affection, Body Type, Cuddles, Domestic, Little Ones, Jealously, Memory, I love you, Kisses, Wedding, Proposal, etc.
Virburu's SFW Alphabet!
Kitterine Belongs to @artisticaliens
@anxiouspineapple99 I did it ☺️
• A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Virburu can be quite affectionate most days but there are days where she wants her space for sure. She understands others can feel this way too and while she tries to respect their wishes she will poke around to make sure they're okay.
• B - Best friend (How would they be as a best friend? How would the relationship start?)
How it would start ultimately depends on certain variables however as a BFF she does care about you and she'll express that through words, actions, gifts. She'll also listen to rants or just anything and offer advice where she can. She's also chill to hang out in total silence. She can be a yapper but due to colleges in the past saying she was annoying she doesn't do it as often. All in all she will be there for you, and be your ride or die, unless what you're gonna fo is gonna hurt you 🤣
• C - Cuddles (Do they like cuddles? How do they cuddle?)
Only her SO's, but if you're a good friend and you ask she'll make an exception.
• D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I mean she's married to 2 people and going along with canon they'd be living on Pabu, so it's not a matter of if since they've already settled down. She can cook either from a recipe or by winging it, it's certainly not grade A stuff but it's good enough. With cleaning...she can get a little lazy with it. Not to absurd extremes though.
• E - Ending (If they had to break up, how would they do it?)
Oh God she'd never dream of breaking it with her wife and husband but if she had to...there'd be a lot of tears on her end but she'd be very polite about it and consoling while she's like "I'm sorry things didn't work out between us...we can still be friends?" and even though she mentions still being friends it never happens cause it's too awkward for her afterwards.
• F - Fiancee (How do they feel about commitment? How quick do they want to get married?)
Again she's married to 2 people so I'd say she's pretty committed.
Kitterine: She was mentally ready to marry her after the 3rd date but they were in no position to do so being so young (early 20's).
Tech: They certainly paced themselves but she was mentally read funnily enough aslo after the 3rd date.
• G - Gentle (How gentle are they? Phsyically, emotionally)
Mmmm mainly yes however if it calls for it she won't be. As for emotional, she tries to be gentle but sometimes it might not sound like it and for that she feels terrible about.
• H - Hugs (How often do they hug? Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?)
She likes receiving them but she loves giving them more. She makes them those tight, snug hugs with a little wiggle.
• I - I love you (How fast do they say it?)
Kitterine: It took Virburu a while to build the courage to say it but she said it first. She was nervous 😅
Tech: She was the first to say it before they were dating because she couldn't keep her feelings hidden anymore.
• J - Jealousy (How jelly do they get? What do they do when they are?)
Yes 👀, it depends on the situation of how jealous but she'd just act a little more possessive and clingy.
• K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss? Where to they liked to be kissed?)
Her kisses are normally like a soft press there's no harshness behind it. She likes to give her SOs face and tummy kisses. She herself has no preference of spot but she is a bit ticklish so be warned.
• L - Little Ones (How are they around children?)
She's like the cool wine aunt to kids "related" to her and she showers them with adoration and love. She can't have kids with humans cause their DNA is too different to mix so she makes due.
• M - Mornings (How are mornings with them?)
She's a bit slow and groggy but once she's up and moving, perhaps with the help of a bit of coffee, everything is just peachy.
• N - Night (How is the night spent with them?)
Oh boy, she really tries to stay up to spend time with her family but once her eyes close she's out for the rest of the night. Good luck trying to wake her, it's not gonna work but you'll need it.
• O - Open (When do they start revealing about themselves? Do they say it all at once or reveal slowly?)
If she's comfortable with you and you do much as give her a chance she will info dump any and all information about herself because that's how she makes friends.
• P - Patience (How quick to anger are they?)
If there's a certain situation she tries her best to stay nice but even she has her limits. She'd feel bad about snapping later and go to apologize.
• Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember?)
It depends, sometimes she remembers perfectly, other times something is missing.
• R - Remember (Favourite moment in the relationship?)
If ever asked she'd always say "Meeting them" or "Everyday with them is my favorite". It gets a little old and repetitive perhaps but it's the truth.
• S - Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
She will protect her loved ones with her life. She doesn't exactly expect others to protect her, she knows they will and in whatever way is appreciated but if they get seriously hurt because of it she's gonna feel so upset and like it was her fault.
• T - Try (How much effort is put into dates/anniversary/gifts/everyday?)
She tries to find the perfect gifts for her loved ones. Gift giving is her love language and she will settle for nothing less than perfect and individual to them.
• U - Ugly (Bad habit of theirs?)
Besides being a little lazy with cleaning and being nosey where it's not currently wanted she goes into these animalistic states during high fear situations in regards to loved ones. Sometimes those instincts work out great, sometimes they get in the way. She wishes it wouldn't happen but it exists and it's hard for her to come to terms with.
• V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She managed to get the attention of 2 HOT people by looking (in her opinion) average. As long as they love her for being herself then no, not a whole lot of vanity.
• W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their SO?)
Oh absolutely, in a worse timeline where both Kitterine and Tech are dead she suffers from so much guilt and depression. Saying things like "It should've been me" but she keeps going on for them as much as she'd rather be with them.
• X - Xtra (Extra head canon)
She doesn't like using blasters and such. She prefers spears and such.
• Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like in general or in partner?)
She doesn't like it when people just keep taking stuff from her, in a mental state, or when others take advantage of her kindness.
• Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Your girl loves to invade others personal space in her sleep. But she also loves to curl into a comfy ball. Or be the big spoon. Or spread out. Unfortunately she is a very heavy sleeper so once she's latched on to you good luck getting her off unless she does it on her own.
Jonathan Rook SFW alphabet (NSFW coming soon lol)

Affection: In public- Not afraid to be handsy (hand holding, staying close by your side) At home- Surprisingly touchy and willing to be affectionate
Best friend: Rook is an outgoing business man, and that plays into how he treats you. As a friend. He’s not scared to embarrass you in public, but he is considerate..doesn’t mean he tells you everything
Cuddles: Since Jonathan’s mothers passing, almost no one has been allowed near enough to even touch him without his security taking them down, so saying ‘touch starved’ is a tad understatement
Domestic: Rook isn’t the worst at cooking or cleaning, but trust me, it isn’t too great. He’s used to others doing it for him in recent times. Settling down is something he doesn’t really think about, but if he found his person, he’d want them to 100% stay in Rook Tower with him
Ending: Most likely breaking up over text (he doesn’t always have time or motivation)
Fiancé: With Rook, he wouldn’t be too upset if his significant other would suggest marriage, however, the wedding would most likely be secret, considering his publicity
Gentle: As someone who isn’t one for trusting, when he finally finds his other half, he’s being as gentle as he can to just keep them around. He can get slightly aggressive when upset however :(
Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but when alone with you, he sometimes just lays his head in your lap and hugs your torso like a pillow
I Love You: After a few months, he’ll probably come up to you and ask you if you love him. Say yes, and he’ll immediately say it back. Say no, and you’re probably sent away
Jealousy: Outwardly, not as showy. He’s got the public to show off for. Inwardly, ready to turn into Stretch Monster and wreck them
Kisses: Usually just little pecks around your face from him in public, however, he prefers slow kissing when out of prying eyes. He’s handsy when his lips are on yours, and sometimes opens his eyes just to make sure you’re enjoying it
Little Ones: While not usually around young children, he tends to get along with them. Having any of his own, and he’s spoils them rotten
Morning: He’s an early bird, but likes to stick around just to watch you wake up. He finds it cute how messed up you look
Night: Due to him secretly being Stretch Monster, he’s not always around most of the night. When he does come back, he just wants to cuddle and love you
Open: Rook would honestly never willingly tell you about his secret, but once you find out, he’d make sure you keep it. If you kept his secret and maybe even helped him go against the Flex Fighters, he would be overjoyed. If not, he might just have to lock you away. Or kill you :((
Patience: Rook is very patient, but once angered enough, he’s like a fuse. Explosive
Quizzes: Jonathan is a genius. He remembers everything about you and everything you like
Remember: His favorite moment about you would most likely be when he realized you liked him
Security: Rook would be extremely protective of you, especially if you were pregnant. Sending most of his security to make sure you’re safe
Try: Jonathan would go above and beyond for you, no matter the circumstances
Ugly: He doesn’t always tell you everything…like his monster secret or true plans for humanity
Vanity: Due to the public, his looks are one of his main features. With you, he still tries to look his best, but knows you don’t always mind
Whole: Rook loves you through and through, but I wouldn’t say he’d be ‘incomplete’ without you, just…upset. Badly
Xtra: Jonathan likes that you remind him of his mother, that’s one of the main reasons he fell in love
Yuck: Jonathan would hate if you were a fan of the Flex Fighters, and would definitely show it
Zzz: Even though his looks betray it, he really does not get much sleep…
Hank (ShredForce) head cannons

Due to Hank and Ronny being teens in the show, I’m not gonna make NSFW head cannons for them, only little oneshots and SFW ones :)
Affection: In public I imagine he wouldn’t show it too much, maybe hand holding or side hugging, but at home he’ll be a big cuddle bug :)
Best friend: Apart from Ronny and Lucas (Maxmagic’s name for Locust from the pilot), it’s assumed that Hank doesn’t have many friends, so with you being one of his only ones, he’d tease you a ton but would always be searching for validation
Cuddles: Again, public is a no-no. Gotta keep up that punk persona 😤 alone is a whoooole other world. Clingy. That’s the best way to describe it. I’m picturing him needing to be in the same room otherwise he’s super bored and lonely 😭
Domestic: NO. Cleaning? Cooking? Nuh uh. If you really wanted him to he’d try, but it probably wouldn’t be very good :( but he wouldn’t care as long as you still say you’re proud. Gotta feed his ego
Ending: Hank most likely would break up through text due to him -being a chicken- deciding it’ll soften the blow
Family (Changed Fiancé to Family cus he’s a minor. This is also not a couple head canon. This one is purely just you being a family member): Hank would tease and pick on ya non stop. Doesn’t matter if you’re older. He’s defend you too
Gentle: Two different worlds. Publicly and with the gang? He’s kinda rough (play fighting/name calling) but alone? Oh he’s a softie. Always seeking validation from you and trying not to hurt you. I imagine it even took him like a month to even cuddle you because he didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable by laying on you 😭😭
Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but out of prying eyes, he’s all for bear hugs and hugs while he’s doing something. Like on his guitar? Yeah he wants you sitting behind him and wrapping your arms around his neck lol
I Love You: It’d probably take him like a month max to say he loves you. He’s scared you won’t say it back :( he also doesn’t wanna let his friends know he’s soft on you
Jealousy: BIG TIME. Phil comes in Rockin Ricky’s for pizza and starts being somewhat nice to you since you’re new? Yeah. No. He’s annoyed the second Phil or anyone else touches you anywhere or even stands near ya. Not even Ronny is safe lol I feel like Hank would move Ronny away from you and be like “dude you’ve already got a chick bug off mine”
Kisses: At first nothing. Always checking that his breath is okay and starting to actually brush every day. Takes a few weeks then he’ll probably spring a little peck to your cheek or the back of your hand when he’s holding it. After that, when you’re alone, he’s jokingly peppering kisses on your face and shoulders. I imagine he was scared to actually have his first kiss with you, but after that? Definitely gonna want to make out every other day lmao-
Limitations (Changed Little Ones bc he’s once again- a Minor): Hank would definitely put limits on stuff you shouldn’t do in public. Not that he doesn’t want to, he’s just worried you’ll be picked on by Phil or your friends will try to convince you to dump him
Morning (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): Sleeps late so there’s not many ‘mornings’ per say, but when you wake up together, he’s all cuddly and tries to get you to stay in bed with him
Night (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): I honestly don’t think he sleeps very much but when he does, he’s OUT. Like you get a goodnight then you look over and he’s snoring instantly. If not, then he’d be up watching tv with you and eating sooo much junk food
Open: I actually head canon that he’s got slight separation anxiety and ADHD (I tried to look for evidence in the pilot and found some but that’s just what I gathered 🤷♀️ plus it’s for fun) so when Hank gets with you, he kinda tries to beat around the bush but eventually tells you. He doesn’t at first cus he doesn’t want you to think he’s too weird :(
Patience: The ADHD head canon comes into play with this so I assume he would try to be, but after a little he’d try to focus on something else, or if you’re telling him something he’ll ask you to hurry up (he’s not being mean he’s just anxious)
Quizzes: Oh boy. He tries to know about you and your likes, but honestly he kiiiinnndaaa…forgets most stuff. Not his fault he also forgets his own important things 😬 Ronny is his calendar 🤦♀️
Remember: Again, not the best with this area, but he really does try lol-
Security: Yep. Protective. Only when Phil is around and if he’s saving the world with Ronny in their hero forms. Otherwise he knows you can handle yourself. You got with him anyway lol
Try: Hank definitely puts effort into the relationship even if you don’t see it. He wouldn’t get with you for no reason (I also head canon him as a Pan Demisexual)
Ugly: He wouldn’t tell you about being a part of Shred Force until you randomly find out, then he tells you EVERYTHING
Vanity: Honestly…I doubt he cares much for his appearance apart from his -clearly dyed- hair, so he wouldn’t care what you look like either
Whole: If you and him dated for at least three months then broke up? Oh he’s devastated. That poor boy wouldn’t even wanna save the -leveled- city :( you are his world. Or at least a big chunk of it
Xtra: His little sister Harmony (OC by Minareee3) LOVES but also doesn’t understand how you got with her weirdo brother, but she’s super jazzed that she might get a big sister someday :)
Yuck: He would hate if you liked Phil or Nordic Bunny and would lead to fights :(
Zzz: Out like a light when he hits the pillow lmao-
I will be doing SFW Alphabets!
I was “inspired”, if I can call it that, by @yesitsmewhataboutit
I won’t be doing the same letters?
I won’t be doing the same thing the letter stands for.
Plus I am not stealing anything!
@yesitsmewhataboutit said many people have done SFW Alphabets before.
I also asked for @yesitsmewhataboutit ‘s permission.
(Read text from bottom to top.)

From this picture you can see that I won’t be doing an NSFW Alphabet any time soon. I do not feel comfortable writing smut or anything smut related. Well . . . since we’re already here I’ll tell you what I’m okay with writing. Have I already written that? Let me check.
The closest thing I could find is this:
I have definitely changed since then so . . . a new one it is!
I found the rules I wrote!
All of this is basically the same. P.S I’ll write about any character of any fandom. If I don’t know the character I’ll just research and try my best to capture their personality correctly. Please let me know what the fandom is in your request as I may not know the character. If you don’t I’ll just ask you about it.
Anyway, that’s my update!
Comment what character you would like a SFW Alphabet for!
But wait, what is a SFW Alphabet?
SFW means “Safe For Work”, meaning nothing inappropriate is involved. You know what an alphabet is already. Here’s an example, A will stand for something and I’ll explain why. Then so on and so on. If that sounds boring, it’s not! I just suck at explaining things. :)
A big thank you to @yesitsmewhataboutit for bringing SFW Alphabets to my attention!

Good Bye and Good Luck!

Alright here we go, some stuff is missing but that's just cuz I really cannot think of anything and I just wanna get it out of my drafts. Emjoy
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You were 100% part of the Simon, Janae, Maeve group before and after you started dating. I’d say you maybe knew Janae first and got in through her. It’s a really great dynamic and you have the best times together. He’s the type of best friend who will literally roast you any chance he gets, worse every time, but will defend you to hell and back if anyone else does.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He will not, under any circumstance, admit it, but he’s a pretty big fan of just a good ol’ cuddle sesh. He will never outright say when he wants to, but he’ll sort of act in a way that lightly pushes you do initiate it. He’ll get closer to you, wrap his arms around you, stuff like that, waiting until you ask to cuddle. Just the feeling of you so close to him, both so comfortable, it’s just amazing. It reminds him that you’re still with him, not going anywhere. If there’s days where you’re more cuddly or clingy, he will probably act all like "my my, you’re really clingy today huh? I guess we can cuddle" but trust me, he loves those days. To be honest the two of you could cuddle almost anywhere (with varying degrees of closeness, in school you can’t really get comfy). His favorite place is probably in bed, because you can just wrap the blanket around yourselves and just snuggle real close and just enjoy. If you, while cuddling, play with his hair or something, chances are he’ll get really sleepy, so you use that to your advantage more often than not.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I can imagine the two of you moving in together probably as soon as you can, be that before or after graduation. Both away from your parents, together 24/7 and you can do and decorate however you want. For some reason I can’t decide between Simon being the type who cannot even make a microwave meal properly, or being an absolute 5star chef in the kitchen xD.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He wants to marry you, 100%. If you want to, of course. If you’re the kind of person who wouldn’t want to get married, he’d be totally accepting. He just feels, after a while, that there’s nothing that could be better, nothing and noone that could replace you. You two definitely have a promise ring situation, and the actual wedding would not be that far away.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Big spoon every time. He holds you as if any moment you could disappear, but at the same time also like you’re the most fragile thing on earth, perfectly in the middle of the two. If he’s had a bad day, he’ll most likely hold you while burying his head in your neck and just stay like that for a bit. In public, like at school, he’ll put an arm around you or stand behind you, hands resting lightly on your waist.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take him quite a bit, because of his past hurts. He will most likely not be the first one to say it, because he wants to wait until he’s 100% sure you love him too, be that you telling him or if he feels like you do, he’s gotten pretty good at reading people in that sense. After the first one, you won’t hear it often, mostly when you’re both in bed and he thinks you’re asleep. He’s the type to look at your 'sleeping' form and say a few praises and things, as well as 'I love you' almost every single time :,)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
This very much depends. Some random kid he’s never met? It’s his nemesis. Hates it. Looks at it with a weird face until it looks away or cries. Family members/cousins? He’s the one playing video games with them at every family gathering, but also 100% the one who teaches them swear words. Your own children? He’s much more relaxed than his own parents, much kess pressure or control. As long as what they do isn’t a crime or too stupid, he lets them do basically whatever they want. He can however definitely get more stern with them if needed, but everyone prefers it not to come to that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
My mans remembers EVERYTHING that you tell him about yourself. EVERYTHING. He's really good at remembering stuff, and you are no exception whatsoever.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
How weird it may seem, it’s the day he almost died. Until then, there was a constant nagging thought that you didn’t actually like him, and that you just go out with him to get info on others or to be spared from AT. But when he saw your genuine concern for him, your beaming, happy face, covered in tears, when he came home, he realized that you genuinely cared for and loved him. He alre looks back fondly on any moments when you're just cuddling and enjoying your time together
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I mean there’s the 'exposing of other people’s dark secrets' thing...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Very. You are the one who gives him the self-confidence he's missing without you, you make him feel better. When you're not around he's much more irritable and everybody hates it, but he hates it the most.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He absolutely hates admitting it, but over the time you two have been together and have regularly shared a bed, it has happened that some nights, when he isn’t with you, he finds himself unable to sleep. He’s gotten so used to having you next to him, in his arms, that it just feels like there’s something missing (there is). If he’s away in an out of town sense, it’s even worse, because you can’t just go to eachothers places. In times like these, you two will go on call with eachother. It does actually help him knowing that you’re 'there' and to hear your voice, but the best way to fall asleep is with you in his arms <3
Any suggestions for a SFW or even NSFW alphabet?
Thinking about for quite a bit and now I'm taking genshin impact character suggestions! So if you want to see a complete ( I try it at least) alphabet of those two (either SFW or NSFW) of a special character just drop it in my ask box!
Lincoln Clay SFW A-Z
- written with a chubby reader in mind, but that’s not the main focus at all.
!: possible suggestive themes. nothing too serious tho

A= activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
When Lincoln does have time to spend with you [ Aside from any missions he takes you on] he likes to take you out to do things. He will take you to areas and districts he has already claimed so that it’s safe for the two of you. And then he leaves it up to you. You want dinner? You got it. You wanna go to a show? You got it. You wanna have a night in with just you and him? You can have that too. But he wants to show you off.
B=beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Lincoln enjoys his s/o’s shoulders/chest. He thinks that your collar bones are beautiful, and he enjoys a sweetheart neckline. When he sees you during the day, his arms always find their way around your shoulders. And at night in the bed, he wraps his arms around your shoulders and crushes you against his side. His face finds its way to your neck and chest by the end of the night
C=comfort- How would they help their s/o during hard times or when they need it most?
When you come to him with an issue, and it so happens that you ended up getting hurt or threatened. Then he handles the issue right away, he may have other things to do but you are at the top of his list. He will make sure you never have to deal with this issue again. If the issue happened to be more emotional, he may not be as much help. But he will hold you until you pull yourself together and assure you that he has your back.
D= dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
All Lincoln knows is that he wants you for as long as he can keep you. He will continue to fight to keep you, but he knows some day soon his story will come to an end. The thought that his life is not guaranteed is the only reason why your future is iffy.
E= equal- are they the dominant one or are they more passive in your relationship?
As much as my switch ass hates to admit it, he ends up being the more dominant one in the relationship. He leads the way day in and out. Let you know when to go and where. Stands in front of you when you go places, and nudges you behind him a little for most conversations. Checks in on you all the damn time, and does most of the stuff for you when at home, even when you insist you can handle it.
F= Flirting- how often do they flirt or tease their s/o? How smooth are they?
He is flirting with you every chance he gets. Sly little things whisper into your ear when you try making breakfast. Lingering touches when you begin getting dressed for the day. Filthy things said over the dinner table, just to startle you a little. Smoother than he should be. Every move he makes has the ability to lead into a quickie somewhere. A dangerous man indeed.
G= Gratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o does for them?
Lincoln is very grateful for you. He knows he can be considered scary, he hears it enough from the people on the street. But his heart swells every time he returns to your shared Apartment and all of you are still there. He Doesn't know how he would patch himself up if you were there as well, you keep him clean and healthy after a long day.
H=Honesty- do they have any secret that they keep from their s/o or do they share everything
Lincoln doesn’t talk about the things he did during the war, he will talk about his time, and about the activities he did with donovan. But he leaves out the gross gorey details, he doesn't want to come off as a monster
I=Inspiration- did their s/o change something about them or is it the other way around? (it could be personal issues or just trying new day to day things)
You have reminded him that there is still a little heart within him. When he comes home, he tries to remind himself that this is you. And that you love him. And he tries to put that hardcore, Sal killing mindset away, and just tries to relax
J=jealousy- do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don't think that he is given many chances to get jealous. I think he knows that the two of you are in a relationship, and I think that he would have trust for you. If he ever does get jealous, he will bring it up and maybe ask a question. But he really just wants peace of mind not to create problems for the two of you.
K=kiss- how do they kiss? What was the first kiss like?
Well for starters Lincoln alway kisses you when he sees you, and when he's saying goodbye. These kisses are short and chaste, just enough to give a taste of you for good measure. His other kisses are always more intense, his hand squeezing your waist or thread through the hair on the back of your neck, just to hold you in place while he kisses you. Breathes in the scent of you deeply and doesn't let you go until he’s done kissing you
L=Love confession- How did it go down?
He was hurt pretty badly after a mission. It seems like all the adrenaline shots in the world couldn't help his case. He was hurting real bad, but all he could think about was coming to you, and making you the last thing he sees, before his time is up. But your home appeared closer than he thought it would, and before collapsing on your doorstep he knocked on the door. [Ever the gentleman] And After hearing your concerned gaps and the watering of your eyes and felt safe enough to sleep. And when he woke up, the first thing he saw was your form right next to him. He had to let you know how felt, before he never got the chance again
M=Marriage- do they want to get married? How do they propose? Wedding day description?
Marriage may seem like a far off dream for Lincoln. The only thing he sees set in stone for his future is Sal Marcono’s death. I think Under different circumstances, with Sammy still alive, he would be a married man for sure.
N=nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
O=Obsessed- how protective are they of their s/o? How much are they worried about them?
Lincoln is as protective as one can be. When at your home, he is alway in the same room as you. He may be doing something like reading a file, or fixing his guns but his glance always finds its way back to you. When he is out with you he is your shadow, right behind you or almost flanking you. He worries about you sometimes, when he has to leave the area of your home, he finds himself calling you, or asking Donovan to check up on you.
P=PDA- are they obvious about the relationship? Do they talk a lot about his s/o? Are they okay with affection in front of others?
Lincoln does not just go running around yelling about you. That being said his immediate crew does know about you, sometimes with you coming with him on missions you run into them. Cassandra and Vito are favorable to you, And Burke is.. well.. Burke. PDA in front of the other is rare as when you two are out together there is rarely time for that.
Q= Quirk- some random ability they have in a relationship
Lincoln is just a little touch starved, the human contact he receives is associated with pain and lies. So i think he won't ever need any space, sit next him, on his lap, look over his shoulder when he reads. Just touch him he loves it
R=Romance- how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o smile? Are their ideas rather original or creative?
Lincoln takes any chance he has to be romantic.When he isn’t trying to get things done, he likes to spend his time with you. Dates outside of your home are not a common occurrence, he just doesn’t feel like he can really keep you safe. His romance has more of a catering feel. He shadows you a lot so you find yourself not needing to grab things or reach on your own, he’s already one step ahead of you. He likes to make you laugh by being his cute butterbean self.
S=support- do they push their s/o to do better? Do they believe in them?
lincoln isn't the type of person to get to involved in his S/o’s personal life, i mean we all know he is a busy man. If he does push his S/o to do better it's because he knows it's something his S/o is passionate about. He wants the best for you and believes in you as well, he just isn't overbearing about it and may need to be reminded to express that verbally sometimes.
T=thrill- are they okay with a certain routine or do they need some spice every once in a while?
Lincoln needs routine in his life. He has spent most of it away at war where nothing is ever the same. And when he attempted to rebuild his life the first time, everything went sideways. Knowing exactly what going to happen when he comes to see you is something that make him feel stable, and it is something that he craves
Understanding- how well do they know you? Are they sensitive to your emotions?
If Lincoln has committed to being your S/o then he knows you like the back of his hand. He knows when you have good days and bad ones and is always ready to step in and lend a hand
V=Value- how important is your relationship compared to other things in their life?
This question is a little tricky for Lincoln because he has a job to do . He loves you but he also knows that this is a thing he needs to get done. And in order to do that sometimes his job may have to come before you. In the names of people on his list, you are at the top. If you are not his first thought then you are the second.
W=Wild card-Random Fluff bomb!!
Lincoln finds great pleasure in being helpful towards you any time he can get involved in something you’re doing, he wants to be the one who helped you finish.
X=XOXO- how affectionate are they? Are they a cuddle bug or do they like their space?
Because he can always see you, he tends to be very affectionate with you. In his day to day life he doesn't get much healthy skin to skin contact, so any chance he has to get some love from you he takes it. He is a cuddle bug, when you take a seat on the couch he sits next to you but much closer than he should be. When out in public his arm finds its way around your waist and shoulders on its own.
Yearning- what happenes when they miss you
When he misses you he finds anyway he can to reach out to you and tell you that he loves you. He most likely has a memento that you've given him in the past that he keeps on him for moments like this. Other than that he gets really solemn, he punches a little harder so he can have a reason for you to clean him up.
Zzz- how do you both fall asleep/nap
When sleeping you both are engulfed in each other. His arms wrapped around you pressing you to him as tight a possible. One leg thrown over his side and your arms around his neck keeping him close to your chest. ITs hot and sticky and gross but you can hear his heartbeat and the sound of his breathing and decide that it's worth it.
I'm gonna be honest, when I first heard about headcanon alphabets, I genuinely thought there would be a hc alphabet specifically for the characters personality. When I found out that was only 3 (romantic sfw, nsfw and agere) I was baffled, cuz like, how could y'all think of a sexual headcanon alphabet and none for our characters themselves? What?? *Asexual indignation.*
So, I decided to coin this alphabet. Because we need it. But please, read the warnings and disclaimers after this alphabet, they might be important (90% of chances it will /hj).
Beware, under the cut:
The General Headcanons Alphabet
A- Amused (How does their sense of humour look like? Is it broken?):
B- Brave (How brave are they? How sensitive are they to graphic scenes, also?):
C- Creative (How creative are they? Are they creative to the point of being able to create entire worlds, or they can't come up with the most basic gambiarra?):
D- Disability, Disorder or Divergence (Does this character has a disorder of any kind? A disability or a neurodivergence?):
E- Emotional (Are they emotional and sensitive, or a stone-hearted person? What are their levels of empathy?):
F- Fearful (What are their deepest fears?):
G- Gender (Self explanatory):
H- Hate (What do they dislike with a burning passion?):
I- Inside Angel (How strong is their sense of justice? What are their morals?)
J- Jelly Jam (What makes them nostalgic? What was their favourite thing as a kid?):
K- Kisser (What is their orientation? Lesbian, gay, straight, etc.?):
L- Love (What do they like, what are their interests?):
M- Mornings (How are they like, waking up? Are they a morning person?):
N- Nights (How are they like, when they're going to sleep? Do they sleep easily, or are there nights where they can't even close their eyes?):
O- Object (Comfort object that they have, or an object that has a big emotional importance to them, if they got any.):
P- Positive (How optimistic are they?):
Q- Questioner (How curious are they?):
R- R.E.N (What is their race? Do they have an ethnic background of any kind? And what is their nationality, by the way?):
S- Self (Is their self-steem low or high? What do they see when they look in the mirror and what do they think about themselves?):
T- Trauma (Do they have trauma of any kind? What is it, and/or how did it affect them?):
U- Unbiased (From the Brazilian popular saying “oblems, oblems, oblems, each one with their own problems” to tiktok conservatives, how much do they care or have an option on what other people are doing, as long as they aren't hurting themselves and others?):
V- Vigilant (How trusting are they?):
W- Wild Card (The most random headcanon you have about them!):
X- X, the treasure marker (How persistent are they when searching for their goals and dreams?):
Y- Yappa, Yappa, Yappa (Are they talkative? Or do they listen more?):
Z- Zen (How far will their patience go? And what drives them into rage?):
This alphabet was made with both headcanons and ocs in mind, so, if something seems off, it might be because of it.
When going for the r.e.n. part, PLEASE know how to differentiate ethnicity, race and nationality. Ethnicity has no impact on race now with nationality, because it is about what cultural group you are apart of.
If you are using this for headcanons and you don't headcanon an specific piece differently from canonic (i.e.: “A- Amused”: Character canonically laughed at the wind and you don't headcanon anything different from that.), you can mention that it's not different from canon.
Btw, latinoamerican and Judaism are ethnicities (+ethno religion, in the case of the Jews), and not races. I need to say this for the 10th billionth time, because most of you are white and United Stadian or European, and most of y'all don't understand this basic piece of information! /Light hearted, but very disappointed.
The R.E.N. section was also made with original characters in mind, mostly. So if you're using it for fandom character hcs, avoid whitewashing non white characters, because I'm also a person of colour.
Someone already did something like this before me, but when I saw it, this post was already under production. But I'd like to give credits to @tranzfalgar for having the original idea.
For all, these are all the warnings needed. Enjoy this template!

If anyone's interested in taking requests. I am open for writing SFW alphabet right now.
My Masterlist of everything: Masterlist
Tokyo Revengers SFW Alphabet: Mikey.

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Mikey may not show his affection in a traditional way, but he is incredibly loyal and caring towards his significant other. He shows his affection through his actions rather than words, always putting their needs above his own and making sure they feel safe and protected. Mikey is always there to support his partner, whether it's through tough times or just being a listening ear. He may not be the most outwardly affectionate person, but his love runs deep and true. Mikey shows his affection by being a constant presence in their life, always making sure they know they are loved and valued. Whether it's a small gesture like bringing them their favorite snack or a grand gesture like going out of his way to defend them, Mikey's love for his significant other is unwavering. He may have a tough exterior, but when it comes to his partner, Mikey's heart is full of love and devotion.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Mikey would be an incredibly loyal and protective best friend. The friendship would start in the midst of a gang fight, where you find yourself trying to defend yourself against a group of attackers. Mikey would step in just in time, effortlessly taking down your assailants and ensuring your safety. From that moment on, he would become your constant protector and confidante, always by your side through thick and thin. Despite his tough exterior, Mikey would show his softer side to you, always making sure you feel safe and supported. He would go out of his way to make you laugh and smile, using his playful nature to lift your spirits during tough times. His carefree attitude would be infectious, allowing you to let go of your worries and just enjoy the moment with him. Mikey's loyalty would know no bounds, as he would do anything to ensure your happiness and well-being. He would be the first person you turn to in times of need, knowing that he would drop everything to come to your aid. With Mikey as your best friend, you would never have to face life's challenges alone, as he would always have your back no matter what.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Mikey may not seem like the cuddling type on the surface, but deep down, he craves the warmth and comfort of physical affection just like anyone else. When he's with his significant other, he would cuddle them in a protective and reassuring manner. He would wrap his arms securely around them, holding them close to his chest, creating a safe and intimate space where they can feel his strength and love. Mikey would bury his face in their hair, breathing in their scent and feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He would gently stroke their back or run his fingers through their hair, showing his affection in a quiet and tender way. Despite his tough exterior, when he's cuddling with his s/o, Mikey would let his guard down and allow himself to be vulnerable, letting them see a softer side of him that he rarely shows to others. In those moments, all that matters to Mikey is the person in his arms, and he would hold onto them tightly, never wanting to let go.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Mikey, despite his tough exterior and imposing presence as the leader of Toman, actually harbors a desire to settle down and live a peaceful life. He longs for a sense of normalcy and stability, away from the violence and chaos that surrounds him. However, his past and the darkness within him make it difficult for him to fully embrace this desire. When it comes to cooking and cleaning, Mikey is surprisingly adept at keeping things tidy. He values cleanliness and order, and takes pride in maintaining a clean living space. However, when it comes to cooking, Mikey is a complete disaster. He struggles to even boil water without burning it, and his attempts at cooking always end in a culinary catastrophe. Despite his best efforts, Mikey simply cannot master the art of cooking. In a relationship, Mikey would rely on his partner to handle the cooking duties, while he takes care of the cleaning and other household chores. He may not be a master chef, but he is more than willing to pitch in and help out in any way he can. His partner would need to have a lot of patience and understanding when it comes to Mikey's lack of culinary skills, but they would also be rewarded with his unwavering loyalty and devotion.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Mikey would struggle with the decision to break up with his partner, knowing that it would hurt them deeply. He would carefully plan out how to approach the situation, wanting to minimize the pain as much as possible. Mikey would sit down with his partner in a quiet and private setting, looking them in the eyes with a mix of sadness and determination. He would explain to them that he cares for them deeply, but that circumstances have changed and he believes it would be best for them to part ways. Mikey would emphasize that it is not because he no longer loves them, but rather to protect them from the dangers that come with being involved with him. He would assure them that it is for their own safety and well-being. Mikey would listen to his partner's feelings and offer comfort and support during this difficult time. He would make it clear that he values their time together and the memories they have shared, but that he must prioritize their safety above all else. Mikey would end the conversation by expressing his hope that they can remain friends and that he will always care for them deeply. After the breakup, Mikey would carry the weight of his decision heavily, feeling a sense of loss and sadness. However, he would find solace in knowing that he made the right choice for his partner's sake, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Mikey has a complicated relationship with commitment. On one hand, he values loyalty and dedication to those he cares about, as evidenced by his fierce protection of his friends and gang members. On the other hand, his fear of losing loved ones and the darkness that resides within him make him hesitant to fully commit to a romantic relationship. Despite this internal struggle, if Mikey were to find someone who truly understands and accepts him for who he is, he would be willing to take the leap and commit to a serious relationship. However, he would likely take his time to build trust and ensure that the relationship is solid before considering marriage. Mikey is not one to rush into things, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. He would want to make sure that he and his significant other are on the same page, emotionally and mentally, before even thinking about marriage. Once he feels confident in the relationship and sees a future with his partner, he would be open to the idea of getting married, but only when the time feels right and both parties are fully ready to take that next step together.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Mikey, despite his tough exterior and imposing presence as the leader of Toman, is actually incredibly gentle both physically and emotionally with his significant other. Physically, he is always careful and tender, making sure not to hurt them in any way and always making sure they feel safe and protected in his arms. He enjoys holding them close and showing his affection through small gestures like gentle touches and sweet kisses. Emotionally, Mikey is a pillar of support for his darling. He listens to their concerns, comforts them in times of need, and always puts their well-being above all else. He is patient and understanding, never raising his voice or showing any signs of anger towards them. Mikey values their happiness above everything else, and will go to great lengths to ensure they are always loved and cared for.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Mikey is not really a hugger, as he tends to keep his emotions and vulnerabilities hidden beneath his tough exterior. However, when he does give hugs, they are surprisingly warm and comforting, like a giant teddy bear squeezing you tightly. It's a rare occurrence, but when Mikey does decide to hug someone, it's usually because he cares deeply for them and wants to show his support in a physical way. His hugs are strong and reassuring, almost like he's trying to protect you from the world with his embrace. When Mikey's significant other asks for a hug, it usually takes some convincing and a bit of teasing on their part. They might playfully pout or give puppy dog eyes until Mikey finally gives in and wraps them in a bear hug that lifts them off the ground. It's a funny sight to see the tough and stoic Mikey being coerced into giving hugs, but it just goes to show how much he cares for his loved ones, even if he doesn't always express it in the most conventional ways.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Mikey, the fearless leader of Toman, may be known for his imposing presence and dark past, but when it comes to saying the L-word in a relationship, he surprisingly doesn't waste any time at all. In fact, he blurts it out with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop. Picture this: Mikey and his significant other are having a casual conversation, maybe discussing the latest gang activity or what to have for dinner, when suddenly Mikey's eyes widen and he blurts out "I love you!" in a way that catches both him and his partner off guard. His face turns a bright shade of red as he tries to play it off cool, but his awkward charm only adds to the hilarity of the moment. His partner can't help but burst out laughing at his unexpected declaration, and Mikey sheepishly grins, realizing that maybe he could've been a bit smoother with his delivery. But hey, at least his heart was in the right place, even if his words came out a bit clumsily. And from that moment on, Mikey's partner knows that despite his tough exterior, he's a big softie at heart.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Mikey doesn't get jealous very often, but when he does, it's a sight to behold. If his significant other is talking to another guy, Mikey's eyes narrow and his jaw clenches as he watches the interaction like a hawk. He may even start cracking his knuckles, a sure sign that he's feeling possessive and protective. When Mikey gets jealous, he tends to act in a funny and over-the-top manner. He might puff out his chest and try to show off his muscles, or he could start telling exaggerated stories about his own heroic deeds to try and impress his s/o. In extreme cases, he might even challenge the other guy to some kind of ridiculous competition to prove his worth. If his s/o is talking to their friends instead of paying attention to him, Mikey might sulk a bit before resorting to some playful teasing or gentle nudging to get their attention back on him. He might even try to show off his own friends in an attempt to make his s/o jealous in return. Overall, Mikey's jealousy is more cute and endearing than anything else. It's a reminder that even the tough and stoic leader of Toman has a soft spot when it comes to matters of the heart. And in the end, his s/o knows that they are the most important person in his life, regardless of any silly jealous antics.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Mikey's kisses are passionate and full of emotion. When he kisses his significant other, he does so with a tenderness that belies his tough exterior. His kisses are a way for him to express his love and affection, and he puts his whole heart into each one. Mikey likes to kiss his significant other on the forehead, as a gesture of protection and comfort. He wants them to know that he will always be there for them, no matter what. He also enjoys kissing them on the lips, savoring the connection between them and the intimacy that comes with it. As for where Mikey likes to be kissed, he enjoys it when his significant other kisses his cheek or his neck. These areas are sensitive and when they place their lips there, it sends a shiver down his spine. He also appreciates kisses on his hands, as a sign of respect and admiration.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mikey is surprisingly gentle and caring around children, especially when it comes to his little half-sister, Emma. Despite his tough exterior and leadership role in Toman, Mikey has a soft spot for kids and enjoys spending time with them. When he is with Emma, he becomes playful and protective, always making sure she is safe and happy. As Mikey watches Emma grow up, he starts to envision a future where he has kids of his own. He sees how much joy and fulfillment Emma brings into his life and can't help but imagine having a family of his own one day. He dreams of being a loving and supportive father, just like he is with Emma. Mikey's desire to have kids in the future is fueled by his longing for a sense of normalcy and stability. He knows the dangers and chaos that come with being a part of Toman, and having a family of his own represents a chance for him to create a peaceful and loving environment away from the violence and turmoil of his gang life. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, Mikey is determined to create a better future for himself and his loved ones. With Emma by his side and the possibility of starting a family of his own, Mikey finds hope and motivation to continue fighting for a brighter tomorrow.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Mikey are always a bit chaotic, but filled with love and warmth. As the sun begins to rise, Mikey can be found still half-asleep, his messy bed hair sticking out in all directions. His eyes slowly flutter open, revealing a sleepy yet content expression. As his s/o, it's your job to gently brush out the tangles and fix his hair, all the while exchanging soft morning greetings and sharing a few tender kisses. Despite his initial grogginess, Mikey's face lights up with a bright smile as he feels the gentle touch of your hands running through his hair. He leans into your touch, savoring the moment of intimacy before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. As you work to tame his unruly locks, Mikey lets out a content sigh, reveling in the feeling of being cared for and loved. Once his hair is finally in place, Mikey pulls you into a warm embrace, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. In that moment, surrounded by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, you both find peace and solace in each other's arms. Mornings with Mikey may be a bit messy and disorganized, but they are always filled with love, tenderness, and a sense of belonging that makes every day brighter and more beautiful.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights spent with Mikey are filled with excitement and adventure. He loves taking his motorcycle out for a ride under the moonlight, with his s/o holding onto him tightly as they speed through the empty streets. The wind in their hair, the roar of the engine, and the thrill of the ride create a sense of freedom and exhilaration that is unmatched. After a thrilling ride, Mikey loves to cuddle with his s/o, wrapping his arms around them protectively and holding them close. His carefree demeanor melts away in these quiet moments, replaced by a sense of warmth and affection. He cherishes these intimate moments, feeling at peace and content in the arms of his loved one. As they lay together, Mikey whispers sweet nothings and shares his deepest thoughts and feelings. He opens up in ways he rarely does with others, showing vulnerability and trust in his s/o. Their connection deepens as they share their hopes, dreams, and fears, forging a bond that is unbreakable. Nights with Mikey are a perfect blend of adrenaline-fueled excitement and tender intimacy. Whether they're racing through the night on his motorcycle or snuggled up together in bed, every moment is filled with love, passion, and a sense of belonging. In those quiet moments, under the stars, Mikey and his s/o find solace and comfort in each other's arms, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Mikey is the type of person who would wait a while to reveal things about himself to his significant other. He tends to keep his emotions and personal struggles bottled up, putting on a strong front for those around him. However, as he grows closer to his s/o and begins to trust them more, he may start slowly opening up about his past and the darkness that lurks within him. Mikey would likely reveal things about himself in bits and pieces, choosing to share small glimpses of his inner turmoil at first. He may start by mentioning his troubled past or the loss of loved ones, testing the waters to see how his s/o reacts. As their relationship deepens and he feels more comfortable, he may start divulging more intimate details about his struggles with violence and the darkness that haunts him. It would take patience and understanding on the part of his s/o to truly get to know the depths of Mikey's inner turmoil. As he gradually reveals more about himself, his s/o would need to be there to support him and help him navigate through his emotional struggles. Ultimately, Mikey's s/o would play a crucial role in helping him confront his demons and find peace within himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Mikey is easily angered when it comes to protecting his friends and the honor of Toman. He has a short fuse when he feels that someone is disrespecting or threatening those he cares about. His impulsiveness can lead him to lash out without thinking, especially when he perceives a direct challenge to his authority or the safety of his gang members. Mikey's anger is like a raging fire, consuming everything in its path until he feels that justice has been served or the threat has been neutralized. Despite his carefree and playful nature, Mikey's anger is a force to be reckoned with. It can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as betrayal, injustice, or harm coming to his loved ones. When he is in a fit of rage, Mikey's demeanor changes drastically, becoming intense and intimidating. His eyes narrow, his muscles tense, and his voice takes on a steely edge that commands attention and respect. Those who witness Mikey's anger firsthand know to tread carefully around him, as his wrath is swift and merciless. However, beneath the surface of his anger lies a deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards his friends. Mikey's impulsive nature may lead him to act before thinking, but it is always driven by a desire to keep those he loves safe and uphold the values of Toman. In conclusion, Mikey's anger is a double-edged sword – a powerful force that can be both destructive and protective, depending on the situation. It is a testament to his strong sense of justice and unwavering dedication to those who matter most to him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Mikey's memory of his significant other would depend on the depth of his feelings for them. If he truly cares for and loves his s/o, he would likely remember every little detail they mention in passing. Mikey's caring nature would make him attentive to their needs and interests, wanting to make them happy in any way he can. He would pay close attention to their words and actions, storing them in his memory to show his thoughtfulness and consideration towards them. However, if Mikey's feelings for his s/o are not as strong, he might forget some things they mention in passing. His carefree and sometimes reckless nature may cause him to overlook certain details or not pay as much attention as he should. In this case, Mikey may need reminders or prompts from his s/o to remember important information or events. Overall, Mikey's memory of his s/o would be influenced by the depth of his feelings and his level of attentiveness. If he truly cherishes his s/o, he would make an effort to remember everything they share with him, showing his love and dedication in the relationship.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in the relationship?)
Mikey's favorite moment with his significant other is when they went on a spontaneous date to the beach. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the two of them spent hours walking along the shore, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Mikey loved watching the way the sunlight danced in their eyes, making them sparkle with happiness. They built sandcastles, chased each other in the waves, and shared deep conversations about their hopes and dreams. As the sun began to set, Mikey wrapped his arms around them, pulling them close as they watched the colors of the sky change from blue to pink to gold. In that moment, with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the feeling of their warmth against his chest, Mikey felt an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment. He knew that no matter what challenges they faced in the future, as long as they were together, they could overcome anything. As they walked back to his motorcycle, hand in hand, Mikey couldn't help but smile as he looked at the person he cared for deeply. In that moment, he realized just how much they meant to him and how grateful he was to have them by his side. It was a simple yet profound moment that he would cherish forever, a memory of love and happiness that would always bring a smile to his face.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mikey is extremely protective of those he cares about, especially his significant other. He would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, willing to put himself in harm's way if it means keeping them out of danger. Mikey's protective nature stems from his strong sense of loyalty and love for his S/o, wanting to shield them from any harm or hardship that may come their way. When it comes to protecting his S/o, Mikey would use his influence and power within Toman to make sure they are safe and secure. He would assign trusted members of the gang to watch over them and keep them out of harm's reach. Mikey would also personally accompany his S/o whenever possible, acting as a constant presence of protection and support. In terms of how Mikey would like to be protected by his S/o, he would appreciate their unwavering loyalty and support. Mikey would want his S/o to stand by his side through thick and thin, offering comfort and understanding during times of struggle. He would also value their honesty and willingness to communicate openly with him, as trust is a key component of their relationship. Overall, Mikey's protective nature towards his S/o is a reflection of his deep love and devotion towards them. He would do whatever it takes to keep them safe and happy, and in return, he would expect the same level of care and protection from his significant other.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Mikey would put a surprising amount of effort into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks for his significant other. Despite his tough exterior and dark past, Mikey is actually a very caring and thoughtful partner. He would remember important dates like anniversaries and birthdays, and would go out of his way to plan special dates or surprises for his s/o. Whether it's a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant or a fun day out at an amusement park, Mikey would make sure to create memorable experiences for his loved one. When it comes to gifts, Mikey would put a lot of thought into finding the perfect present for his s/o. He would pay attention to their likes and interests, and would choose something meaningful that shows how much he cares. Whether it's a piece of jewelry, a special book, or a personalized gift, Mikey would make sure it's something that his partner would truly appreciate. In everyday tasks, Mikey would also show his love and affection in small ways. He would help out around the house, help do things for his s/o, or simply be there to support them when they need it. Mikey may not be the most expressive when it comes to his feelings, but his actions speak volumes about how much he values his relationship and the person he's with.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit that Mikey has is his tendency to sleep after every meal. This habit often leads to him napping at random times throughout the day, which can be inconvenient for those around him. Additionally, Mikey can sometimes be a jerk due to his mischievous nature. For example, there was a time when he and Draken made fun of Takemichi for having dog poop on his hair, showing a lack of empathy and consideration for others. Mikey's playful and carefree attitude can sometimes cross the line into being hurtful or insensitive, causing tension within the group. Despite his good intentions and loyalty to his friends, Mikey's bad habits can occasionally create conflicts and misunderstandings. It is important for him to be mindful of his actions and how they can affect those around him in order to maintain strong relationships with his peers.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Mikey is not particularly concerned with his looks. As the leader of Toman, his focus is on protecting and leading his gang rather than on his appearance. He is often seen wearing his signature Toman jacket and has a carefree attitude that doesn't lend itself to worrying about his physical appearance. Mikey's priorities lie in maintaining the strength and unity of his gang, rather than in his own personal grooming. That being said, Mikey does have a certain sense of style that is unique to him. He is often seen with his hair slick back and has a cool, laid-back vibe that adds to his charismatic leadership. While he may not spend hours in front of the mirror perfecting his look, Mikey's style is a reflection of his personality and adds to his overall presence as the leader of Toman. Overall, Mikey's focus on his looks is minimal compared to his dedication to his gang and his sense of duty as their leader. His carefree attitude and unique sense of style make him stand out, but ultimately his appearance is not a top priority for him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Mikey would definitely feel incomplete without his s/o. Despite his tough exterior and leadership role in Toman, his s/o plays a crucial role in his life. They provide him with love, support, and a sense of comfort that he doesn't get from anyone else. His s/o understands him on a deep level, knowing when he needs to be strong and when he needs to let his guard down. They are his rock, his confidante, and his partner in crime. Without his s/o by his side, Mikey would feel lost and vulnerable. They bring out the best in him, helping him to navigate the complexities of his emotions and past trauma. Their presence softens his rough edges and reminds him that there is more to life than just being a gang leader. Mikey values his s/o immensely, cherishing the bond they share and the love they have for each other. They are his safe haven in a world filled with chaos and violence. Their absence would create a void in his heart that he wouldn't know how to fill. In the end, Mikey's s/o is his anchor, keeping him grounded and reminding him of the goodness in the world. They are his light in the darkness, his reason to keep fighting and striving for a better future. Without them, Mikey would be incomplete, a shadow of the man he is with his s/o by his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Mikey has a secret obsession with collecting rubber duckies. Yes, you read that right. Whenever he sees a cute rubber ducky, he just can't resist buying it and adding it to his ever-growing collection. His room is filled with shelves of rubber duckies in all shapes and sizes, from classic yellow ones to ones dressed up in silly costumes. One time, Draken walked in on Mikey having a tea party with his rubber duckies, complete with tiny hats and little cups of tea. Draken couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of the tough and intimidating Mikey playing pretend with his rubber duckies. Mikey just shrugged it off, saying that everyone needs a little bit of whimsy in their lives. Despite his tough exterior, Mikey's love for rubber duckies is something he holds near and dear to his heart. He even has a special rubber ducky that he takes with him on important missions for good luck. And if anyone dares to make fun of his rubber duckies, they better watch out because Mikey's protective instincts kick in faster than you can say "quack." So remember, never underestimate the power of a rubber ducky in the hands of Mikey from Toman!😂🦆
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Mikey wouldn't like dishonesty or betrayal, especially from someone he considers a friend or partner. He values loyalty and trust above all else, so anyone who goes behind his back or deceives him in any way would quickly earn his disapproval. Mikey also wouldn't like cowardice or weakness, as he believes in standing up for oneself and facing challenges head-on. He respects strength, both physical and emotional, and would not tolerate someone who constantly shies away from difficult situations. In a partner, Mikey wouldn't like someone who is overly dependent on him for validation or support. While he cares deeply for those close to him, he also values independence and self-sufficiency. He would want a partner who can stand on their own two feet and be a strong individual in their own right. Mikey also wouldn't like someone who tries to control or manipulate him, as he values his freedom and autonomy greatly. He would want a partner who respects his choices and allows him to be himself without trying to change him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Mikey's habit of falling asleep randomly anywhere after eating is a well-known quirk among his friends and gang members. Whether it's at the park, in the middle of a conversation, or even during a meeting, Mikey has a tendency to doze off shortly after having a meal. It doesn't matter how loud or chaotic the surroundings may be, once his stomach is full, he can't help but succumb to the urge to take a quick nap. His friends find it endearing, often joking about how they never know when Mikey will suddenly doze off next. They've learned to carry on with their activities without waking him, knowing that he'll eventually wake up on his own. Mikey's habit has become a source of amusement and a way for his friends to bond over the shared experience of witnessing his impromptu naps. Despite his tough exterior and leadership role in Toman, Mikey's habit of falling asleep randomly showcases a more vulnerable and relatable side to him. It humanizes him in the eyes of his friends, reminding them that even the strongest and most fearless leaders need moments of rest and relaxation. And for Mikey, those moments often come in the form of unexpected naps after a satisfying meal.
Inuyasha SFW Alphabet: Sesshōmaru

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
While Sesshōmaru is not one for grand displays or declarations of love, he shows affection to his partner in subtle yet meaningful ways. A gentle caress of their face, a warm embrace when they are alone, or simply staying close by their side - these are how Sesshōmaru expresses his deep feelings without words. He is fiercely loyal and protective, always putting his lover's safety and happiness first. Sesshōmaru may appear cold and aloof to others, but in private moments he allows his softer, more caring side to emerge. A low whisper of "I love you", a rare smile reserved only for them, a tender kiss pressed to their forehead - through these small gestures, his partner can feel the profound love and devotion Sesshōmaru holds in his heart for them alone. He loves deeply and completely, even if he struggles to express it openly.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Though aloof and stoic by nature, Sesshōmaru's friendship, once earned, would be unwaveringly loyal and protective. The friendship would likely start in an unexpected way - perhaps Sesshōmaru is begrudgingly impressed by a human's bravery, resourcefulness and lack of fear in his presence, much like his initial encounters with Rin. Over time, through shared experiences and challenges overcome together, Sesshōmaru would come to respect and value this friend's strength of character, though he would rarely express such sentiments aloud. He would become fiercely defensive of this friend, just as he is with Rin and Jaken, while still maintaining his pride and dignity. Sesshōmaru would offer counsel and aid to this friend when needed, but in his own indirect, oblique manner, and would appreciate a friend who understands and accepts his aristocratic demon nature. Any friend of Sesshōmaru's would have truly earned the daiyōkai's esteem and loyalty - a rare privilege, and a bond not easily broken.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Although he would never admit it, the stoic and aloof Sesshōmaru secretly enjoys cuddling with his partner in private moments. His cuddling style reflects his personality - protective yet not overly affectionate. He would wrap an arm around them and hold them close to his side, allowing them to rest their head on his shoulder or chest. Sesshōmaru is not one for overt displays of affection, but this simple intimate gesture, usually accompanied by companionable silence or perhaps a clawed hand gently stroking his partner's hair, speaks volumes about the deep feelings and bond between them that he prefers to keep shielded from the outside world. These quiet cuddles are his way of showing vulnerability and tenderness to the one who holds his guarded heart.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
While it may seem out of character at first, after falling deeply in love, Sesshōmaru would eventually wish to settle down with his partner. His cold exterior would melt away in private moments together. He would struggle with domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning, having never had to bother with such things before. But out of devotion to his beloved, Sesshōmaru would earnestly try his best, even if the results were often humorously clumsy. In time, with patient guidance from his partner, he would gain competence in household matters. Above all else, Sesshōmaru would be fiercely protective and loyal, using his immense power to create a safe haven for the one who finally taught him how to love.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Sesshōmaru would likely end a relationship in a cold but dignified manner, in keeping with his aloof and prideful demeanor. He would seek out his partner privately and inform them bluntly that he no longer wished to continue their relationship. His reasons would be stated matter-of-factly, without unnecessary details or emotional displays. Sesshōmaru would make it clear that his decision was final and not open for debate. He would then take his leave, considering the matter resolved, and would prefer not to dwell on it or hash things out further. While he would avoid cruelty, he also would not go out of his way to spare his former partner's feelings or offer false consolation. In Sesshōmaru's mind, a clean break is best, his sense of honor is satisfied by being forthright, and he sees no need to drag things out or engage in messy human-like emotions. He would then continue on his path unencumbered.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sesshōmaru, having grown emotionally through his encounters with Rin and others, would likely take commitment very seriously. As a proud and dignified demon, he would not enter into a relationship or marriage lightly. He would want to ensure that his partner is someone he deeply respects and trusts, and who understands and accepts his nature. Once committed, Sesshōmaru would be fiercely loyal and protective of his significant other. However, given his reserved personality, he would probably prefer to take his time before making such a significant decision as marriage. He would want to be certain of his feelings and his partner's compatibility. When he does choose to marry, it would be a profound and meaningful bond, not something rushed into on impulse. Sesshōmaru's commitment would be a serious, lifelong vow.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Despite his aloof and sometimes cold exterior, Sesshōmaru has a surprisingly gentle side that emerges around those he truly cares for, like a significant other. Physically, his touch would be exceedingly tender and careful, always mindful of his immense strength. He would brush a stray lock of hair from their face with the lightest caress, hold them close with strong arms that nevertheless cradle them like something infinitely precious and fragile. Emotionally, Sesshōmaru struggles more to express himself, but his actions speak volumes - the way he quietly listens to his partner's troubles, the silent support and protection he offers, the softness in his eyes that is reserved only for them. He may rarely say "I love you", but he shows it in a million tiny ways each day through his gentle attentiveness and devotion. With patience and understanding from his significant other, Sesshōmaru slowly learns to let his walls down, revealing a deep capacity for gentleness and love beneath his proud exterior.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Although Sesshōmaru is not typically one for physical displays of affection due to his reserved personality, he does enjoy the occasional hug from his s/o in private moments. These hugs are rare - perhaps once every few weeks when they are alone together. When he does hug his s/o, his embrace is gentle yet firm, enveloping them protectively in his arms and mokomoko. He savors the feeling of holding his loved one close to him, breathing in their scent. The hug lingers for a long, peaceful moment before he slowly releases them, gazing at them with soft golden eyes that reveal the depth of his love and devotion, even if he does not express it in words. For Sesshōmaru, a single heartfelt hug speaks volumes.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Given Sesshōmaru's reserved and proud nature, it would likely take a very long time before he openly expressed his love verbally. Even as his compassion and care for others grew, especially Rin, he still struggled to show it outwardly. Sesshōmaru is not the type to freely express his emotions, so hearing an explicit "I love you" from him would be exceedingly rare. He would more likely show his love through his actions - protecting them fiercely, always being there when they need him, making sure they are safe and cared for. But he would probably only say the words after years of slowly learning to be more open and direct in expressing affection, and even then, only to someone he truly trusted and cared for deeply. It would be a momentous occasion if and when he finally said "I love you" out loud.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Sesshōmaru rarely shows jealousy outwardly due to his calm and aloof demeanor. However, if someone were to seriously vie for the affections and attention of his partner, subtle signs of jealousy would emerge. He would never admit to the emotion, but he would become more territorial and protective of his significant other. Sesshōmaru would find reasons to pull his partner away for private time together, using small gestures and looks to remind them of his devotion. He may make a show of his strength and power in front of the potential rival as an unspoken warning. While he trusts his partner, Sesshōmaru's pride would require him to clearly, if indirectly, demonstrate his claim on the relationship. Behind closed doors, he would need physical and verbal reassurance of his partner's loyalty and commitment to him alone. Sesshōmaru's jealousy would manifest in a desire to reinforce the bond with his significant other.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Given Sesshōmaru's aloof and dignified demeanor, his kisses with a significant other would likely start off restrained and gentle. He would tenderly kiss their forehead, cheeks, and the back of their hand as a sign of his deep affection and respect for them. As he grows more comfortable expressing his feelings, his kisses would become warmer and more lingering, though still not overly passionate. He would enjoy kissing his love's temple and hair, cherishing their closeness. Sesshōmaru would probably most appreciate receiving soft kisses on his cheek, jaw, and the crescent moon mark on his forehead, as these would feel intimate and loving without being too forward. Over time, he would learn to convey his true devotion through his kisses, transforming his once cold exterior into a means of showing heartfelt adoration for his significant other.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Despite his initially cold demeanor, Sesshōmaru's interactions with Rin suggest he has a soft spot for children, especially those who have experienced hardship. While he may not openly display affection, he is protective of young ones in his care and provides for their needs. Sesshōmaru likely feels a sense of responsibility towards children, seeing them as innocent beings deserving of safety and support. As a father, he would be a stern but caring protector, patiently guiding his child and ensuring they grow up strong and capable. Though not prone to overt displays of love, his actions would demonstrate his deep devotion to his family.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Sesshōmaru are calm and peaceful, matching his stoic and dignified demeanor. He rises early, often before the sun, and spends time in quiet contemplation as the world slowly awakens around him. You join him, sitting silently by his side and enjoying his steady, reassuring presence. Few words are exchanged, but none are needed - just being near him fills you with a sense of contentment and security. As the first rays of sunlight filter through the trees, Sesshōmaru rises gracefully to his feet, ready to begin the day's journey. His hand gently brushes your cheek, a small gesture of affection, before he departs to patrol the area and ensure no threats are near. You watch him go with a soft smile, treasuring these tranquil morning moments spent in the company of your stoic but deeply caring daiyōkai love.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights spent with Sesshōmaru are peaceful yet meaningful. After Rin has fallen asleep, you sit together in comfortable silence under the stars, enjoying the stillness and beauty of the night. Sesshōmaru is not one for idle chatter, but the two of you share a deep bond that does not always require words. On occasion, he will tell you stories of his past adventures or share rare insights into his thoughts, allowing you a precious glimpse beneath his typically stoic exterior. You treasure these quiet moments of connection and vulnerability. Sometimes you simply rest your head on his shoulder as he watches over you protectively, making you feel completely safe and at ease. Being with him fills you with a profound sense of belonging, partnership and unshakable trust. And so the night passes serenely in the calming presence of your demon lord, until you drift off to sleep by his side, enveloped in his warmth.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Despite his usually calm and impassive demeanor, Sesshōmaru has a surprisingly short fuse when it comes to his mate. He is fiercely protective and easily riled by any perceived slight or threat to his beloved. The daiyōkai reacts with cold fury whenever enemies foolishly attempt to use his mate as leverage. Even minor annoyances, like his mate playfully teasing him, can sometimes provoke an irritated growl or flash of red in his eyes. However, Sesshōmaru's anger quickly cools in the face of his mate's soothing presence. A gentle touch or softly spoken word from them never fails to settle his temper. His mate is the only one who can pierce through his emotionless facade and stir the passionate heart that beats beneath. While Sesshōmaru may be slow to show affection, his feelings run deep and strong, especially his instinct to protect what is his. Woe betide any who dare to truly enrage the great Lord of the West when it comes to his most cherished person.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Despite his aloof and stoic demeanor, Sesshōmaru would likely remember many details about his significant other, even small things mentioned in passing. His acute senses and keen mind allow him to pick up on subtle cues and commit them to memory. Though he may not outwardly express it, Sesshōmaru pays close attention when his partner speaks, making mental notes about their preferences, fears, and aspirations. However, he probably wouldn't dwell on trivial matters or things he deems unimportant. Sesshōmaru's memory would primarily focus on information that helps him understand, protect, and support his significant other, showcasing his hidden compassion. While he might occasionally forget minor details, his overall attentiveness demonstrates the depth of his feelings, even if he rarely verbalizes them.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Sesshōmaru deeply cherishes a quiet moment shared with his s/o while watching the sunset together. As they sit side by side in comfortable silence, Sesshōmaru reflects on how this human has managed to touch his heart in ways he never thought possible. The simple act of being in their presence brings him a sense of contentment and peace that he has rarely known. He glances over at his s/o, admiring the way the fading light illuminates their features, and feels a swell of affection. In this moment, Sesshōmaru realizes that he has found someone who accepts and loves him unconditionally, just as he is. This tranquil, intimate moment of connection becomes one of Sesshōmaru's most treasured memories in their relationship, a testament to the profound impact his s/o has had on his life.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sesshōmaru is extremely protective of his s/o, treating their safety and wellbeing as his utmost priority, even above his own pride. Although he usually maintains an aloof demeanor, he would not hesitate to unleash his full demonic power to annihilate any threat or enemy that dared to harm his beloved. Sesshōmaru shows his protectiveness through actions more than words - always remaining vigilant of danger, swiftly dispatching foes before they can strike, and keeping his s/o close by his side. While his s/o may wish to protect him in return, Sesshōmaru would initially be resistant, believing it is his duty alone to serve as the protector in the relationship due to his immense strength. However, he would come to deeply appreciate gestures of loyalty, devotion and emotional support from his s/o. Knowing that he has a caring partner who will stand by him no matter what touches his guarded heart and makes him fall even deeper in love. Ultimately, they protect each other in their own ways.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Although Sesshōmaru is not one for grand romantic gestures, he would quietly put thought and effort into special occasions with a partner he truly cared for. He would seek out meaningful gifts that reflected his understanding of his s/o, even if he wouldn't make a big fuss about presenting them. For anniversaries and dates, he would plan private outings to places of beauty and significance to them both. And in everyday life together, Sesshōmaru would show his love through small acts of attentiveness, protection and provision for his s/o's needs. Cooking meals, mending clothes, keeping their home in order - Sesshōmaru would do these things without complaint when he knew it would make his partner happy. His devotion would be understated yet unmistakable to one who knew him well. He might not say "I love you" often, but his actions would consistently send that message loud and clear to a cherished s/o.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Despite Sesshōmaru's dignified demeanor, his s/o would likely have to put up with a few irksome habits stemming from his aloof personality and sense of superiority. He would frequently leave for long periods without much explanation, expecting his s/o to simply await his return. Sesshōmaru would also be quite dismissive of his s/o's human customs, seeing many of them as frivolous. He would hate to be kept waiting and would become impatient if his s/o took too long to get ready or complete tasks. Sesshōmaru would have little tolerance for weakness, so his s/o would need to project strength and capability, even when struggling. His pride would make apologies and admissions of fault rare. However, Sesshōmaru's s/o would learn that subtle gestures, like gifting them fine kimonos or rare demonic items, are his way of showing affection and making amends after an argument.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
While Sesshōmaru would never admit it out loud, he is quite particular about his looks. His long, silver hair is always immaculately kept, and his clothes are of the finest silk, pristine and free of any blemishes. He takes pride in his regal appearance, believing that it reflects his strength and status as a powerful demon lord. Although he may appear indifferent on the surface, Sesshōmaru secretly enjoys the admiration and envy his striking looks inspire in others. In quiet moments, he can sometimes be caught ensuring not a hair is out of place. After all, maintaining an impeccable appearance is just another way for Sesshōmaru to demonstrate his superiority over those around him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Over time, Sesshōmaru's usually aloof and indifferent demeanor would soften around his s/o, just as it did with Rin. While still proud on the surface, he would grow to care for them deeply, feeling protective of their wellbeing. His s/o's steadfast presence would become an integral part of his life - a missing piece he hadn't realized he needed. When apart, he would feel a subtle but persistent tug in his heart, an incompleteness only remedied by reuniting with his s/o. Their bond would be unspoken but profound - his s/o filling his life with warmth, affection and understanding in a way no one else could. Without them by his side, the powerful daiyōkai would feel adrift, his victories and empire hollow. Only with his s/o would Sesshōmaru finally feel truly whole, two souls entwined as one.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sesshōmaru sat quietly beneath a blossoming cherry tree, his s/o resting peacefully with their head on his lap. He gazed down at their serene face, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from their forehead with his clawed hand, careful not to disturb their slumber. A soft breeze carried sweet floral notes and stirred the delicate pink petals above. In that tranquil moment, Sesshōmaru felt a profound sense of contentment wash over him, so different from the restless drive that had defined his life for centuries. His s/o had a way of quieting the turmoil within him, their mere presence a soothing balm to his once cold heart. He knew that he would face any threat, travel any distance, to keep them safe by his side. Sesshōmaru allowed himself the slightest smile, a rare expression of the deep affection and peace he felt in the comforting refuge of his love's company under the ephemeral beauty of spring's blooms. In a life of battle and strife, this tender intimacy was a precious gift.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Disrespect and impudence. As a powerful daiyōkai lord, Sesshōmaru demands respect and deference from those around him. He would not tolerate a partner who spoke to him rudely, defied him, mocked him, or did not show him proper respect.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Given Sesshōmaru's aloof and dignified nature, he likely does not require much sleep as a powerful dog demon. However, when traveling with his human s/o, Sesshōmaru would make sure they had time to properly rest each night. He would sit up against a tree, remaining alert to protect them as they slept. Sesshōmaru would rarely sleep himself, but on occasion, he would allow his s/o to lay their head in his lap as he dozed lightly, one hand gently resting on their hair. These quiet, intimate moments at night were some of the only times Sesshōmaru would let his guard down, a sign of his deep trust in and affection for his s/o, even if he didn't express it openly. Despite his usual cold demeanor, he found a certain peaceful comfort in watching over them as they slept soundly under his protection.

If anyone's interested in taking requests. I am open for writing SFW alphabet right now.
My Masterlist of everything: Masterlist
SFW Alphabet - SCP 096

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He shows affection ... By cuddles . Yep . He's touch starved . He can come to you and look at you with puppy eyes . If you let him hug you , you and him will stuck there for sometime . If you need to go somewhere he will just hug your thigh and you could just walk with him hugging your leg .
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Well ... His name is SHY Guy . So it's explain everything . But he will play some videogames with you if you want . But firstly explain to him about game . And he will hug you . As I said his touch starved . So please hug him at least one time a day .
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He will adore to cuddle you . But he will be really shy to hug you by him self without your permission .
His favorite position is : Spoon . Probably he will be little spoon , he will feel loved . So please ... Hug him ! D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Well he needed about 2 weeks for him to live with you He can't cook . Don't let him cook when you don't know . He can set kitchen on fire . It was an incident . But he can clean . So if you ask he can do that . E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you break up with him ... He will ... cry more than usual . And he will be just broken by that ... He won't hide that he's sad about it . If he will break up with you . He's sorry ! If you will be sad . He will feel REALLY guilty about making you sad .
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He want to make sure that you're ready to marry him . Ohh and ... tell him about what marriage is . Because he don't remember about it . It was a long time then he was a human . He remember some things about human life , but not so much .
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
H will be really gentle with you . He understands that he can kill you easily . So he will be really gentle with you . He really try to understand you emotionally . He TRY . It's a little bit hard for him . And he will try to not make you uncomfortable .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I already said about he like to hug you . Soooo . He would honestly give the best hugs . So you will feel loved .
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Tooo shy to say it . He said it then you were 'asleep' . But then you said that you love him too/hug him . He will be in shock . But you were sleeping !
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) Well not jealousy . He's afraid that you will leave him for someone . He's insecure . For everyone else he's heartless monster .
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Not really good kisser . His favorite place to kiss you ... he don't care . He want to show you that he loves you . He likes you to kiss his forehead or cheek . But he will brush . Always ... No matter how long you are together .
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Neutral . Sometimes he likes them . He likes more around 2-10 . He find them adorable and cute , especially after he met Abbie (SCP 053). If you need to babysit one of your family member who's really smol . He will enjoy their company . But he need a disguise first .
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He can sleep .(Well then Foundation personal won't bother him . He's sleeping .) He can wake up early . If he need something . He just poke your side or cheek . Or just lay down and hug you till you're awake .
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If you fell asleep . He may wake you up , because he want to spend time with you . Oh and ... If you are ready to sleep . He will just wrap his long limbs around you . You aren't leaving until it's morning and you wake up or he woke you . O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He need sometime for him to tell you his backstory . Even if he does not remember everything . He's tooooooo insecure about himself . Soooo he needs around 2-3 month to tell about his past .
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! He don't want to hurt you . He won't get angry at you . He only get's angry at someone who saw his face . AND ONLY . DON'T ASK QUESTIONS LIKE : " Are you gonna hurt me someday ?"
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remember most what you said . Welp he try to remember more . He would feel awful if he forgot simple thing you said . He would begin to note things you like . Well with his handwriting ... that he can only understand . Don't mind that some of papers and pens/pencils will go missing . And maybe finding them with some sort of scribbles and pens/pencils near them .
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Well ... First date . Well it was not in public and you know why . And he likes that moment then you tell him that you love/like him . He just melted at that moments . Well basically he melts then you give him ANY affection .
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Second of what he's scared is YOU BEING IN DANGER . Well you know what he do to someone who looks at his face . So that how he protect you . Well if you pull him into a hug . And say to someone(maybe your friend that know about him and said joke about 096) that it's not true/funny . He will hide his his face in his hands and become blushing mess .
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Welp ... Uhhhhhhhhhhhh . He will bring you gifts . Like flowers , jewelry and some plushies . Jewelry and plushies will or won't have blood on them cause he took them from person that looked at his face somehow .
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I- Is killing everybody who saw his face a bad habit of him? Maybe ?
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Uhhhhhh ... I don't know what should I say .
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Ohhhhh . Welp ... He would value his partner(YOU) over most things in his life .
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you managed to befriend SCPs that he's friend with ... HE WILL BE SO FUCKEN HAPPY . They won't hurt you or try to kill you . Soooooooooo that will make him happy and that you're friends with his friends that he know for very long .
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hate bullies ... Really bad . And won't like that his s/o is bulling other .
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He might sob sometime in his sleep . And he hug you or pillow/blanket . It's reflex of his . He can't do something with that . Don't be surprised when you suddenly wake up at night and you will be trapped in hug .
Hope you liked it ! And I'll leave ship dynamic pictures that can be compared to them .
Btw I found it in internet . Like any future picture that I'll add to other Alphabets

SFW Alphabet - SCP 049

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate . If you're near him he will hug you/hold your hand . He can't help himself . But in public he will only hold your hand . And only ... Oh you like him to hug you in public too ? No problem my dear !
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's uhhhhhh ... I don't know how should I call type of friend . Well he basically a listener . You can tell him any secret/insecurities . He won't tell anybody . And he will die with this secrets , sooooooooo don't worry about telling him anything .
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Ohhhhhh he likes that . He WILL put his head on your neck and wrap his arms around you . Like 'Honeymoon hug' . It look's like this :

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He need sometime for him to settle down with you . And he CAN cook , but ... firstly he need to learn how to cook . Expect to see cooking books in kitchen . And he will clean house . If you ask him . He'll do it . But not every time .
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
... Well . He will say it straight . But he'll try not to upset you . He don't like to see you cry/get angry/just stare at him with cold expression . Oh and he will give you something .
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He will be commitment with you . But he need sometime for his to marry you . He need to warm up to you , and wants you to warm up to him and Lexie . Soooo ... Lexie will be like :
"Then you will be my actual parent Y/n ? I mean then daddy gonna marry you ! Uhhhh what's wrong ?"
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's softie . Giant softie . All the time people didn't want to be around him . He had only Lexie . One of his family member . And Jay ... He didn't see him for sooooo long time .(He's in Site 19 and 049-j is in Site 17). He will be really gentle with you . And will listen to any problem you have and even try to make you happy and stop being insecure about it .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He LOVES hugs . No matter what ... he won't hurt you . You want hug ? Get ready for long hug in your life . If you want to go in any room in home . You will be just like this :

I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Very soon . When you start dating expect to hear it next day . What's the pint of waiting to say it ? If he gets a chance , he will do what he needs to .
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Oh god . If someone is flirting with you and making you uncomfortable ... He will 'talk' with that person . And then lead him/her away from you aaaaaaannnnnnddddd ... You will never see them again . NEVER EVER AGAIN .
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Welp : they are soft and sweet . He likes to ... let you know that you're loved . No matter what situation is .
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Well . He's good father . Cause he's like ... from 16th century . And he lives with Lexie ... Uhhhhh ... 5 centuries . And he's good with other kids . It's not the first time he see other kids . He saw Abbie , Stella , Victoria , Evolution and Sigurrós (Abbie - 053 , Stella - 134 , Victoria - 191 , Evolution - 040 , Sigurrós - 239 . Welp 040's real name for me is unknown so I named her : Evolution .)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He can wake up early to cure new patients . And he will leave note so you won't panic (WHERE THE F- DID HE GO- Ohhhh . He left a note- ) Or Lexie say to you that Doc left for curing people .
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Ohhhhh . He will read Lexie a book (Maybe you will sit there listening to him). Then she fell asleep he will just cuddle with you . He don't care .
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Well he need sometime for telling his secrets . And he needed 2 days for telling his name . And some of his past .
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not easily angered . And don't want to hurt you ... So he just leave home for a walk so he won't accidently hurt you .
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remember everything you said . EVERY SINGLE little detail you mentioned to him .
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
First kiss . It's his favorite moment and he loves that you met Lexie and she liked you ! Happy Doc .
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's extremely protective . Someone hurt you ? Don't worry he will deal with them . And you won't see them anymore !
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He try his best . Welp . He will take victi- I mean patients things for you ...
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
... Ahem ahem ... ✨CURING PEOPLE✨
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
UHHHHH . Not really concerned . He mostly wears black clothes . And I mean he almost every time wears his robe and mask . He doesn't really wear his mask at home .
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He almost every time write in his diary or read books . It was thig that he did before foundation captured him . And even Foundation don't know about Lexie . Cause he know what Foundation staff can start doing . EXPERIMENTS...
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hurting other people . (I think in his mind he DO NOT kill or hurt people . In his mind he help people . He CURE them from pestilence . Disease that he can only see/feel .) He don't understand why people say that he's a murderer . He helps them !
Z= Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Hug you before you two are going to bed . No really . Nothing can stop him from doing it . Even if you already asleep . He will hug you and wish you a goodnight .

SFW Alphabet - SCP 076 .

Requested by : Charle_Sharlotte in Wattpad
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Not really affectionate . But still he show affection to you .
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He will be the one that will some time tease you or prank you . But not so much . He likes to see your reaction . Oh and he will never tell anybody your secrets . He's loyal friend .
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He like to cuddle . He don't care how to cuddle . No really he don't care .
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He need to adjust to your company . Oh cooking ? Don't let him . Or you won't have kitchen . No really don't let him cook ... First he need to learn how to do it . And he some time come home with blood on him (Victim's blood) . But he will wash it off .
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'll try not to break your heart . It depends on how you break up . Sooo ... He won't show that he's mad about it to you . He will kill more if he's not in right mood .
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Well he need about year of dating for him . And if you pass that time . He maybe propose to you after 1,2/1,6 year .
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Tries his best to be physically gentle, he know how strong he is . At first he could grip too hard . He is VERY unused to being with somebody .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He pulls you into his arms , gives you a long hug that’s warm and almost too tight. Sometime he will rest his head on your shoulder
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He say it often . No really ... He almost everyday . And he firstly said it after a week .
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
He doesn’t get jealous, exactly . His protective instinct takes over first. If someone is fliting with you, he perceives them as a danger first, not a rival .
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
He loves any kiss you give him . He just lights up when you kiss his rough palms or place a kiss on his cheek.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Ohhhh ... He don't really hate them . He is neutral around them . He can chat with them . But he don't really know what he should say to them .
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Abel would wake up just before dawn. He’d give you a kiss on the cheek while you slept before going off to his morning chores . Training with swords and other weapons he have . Maybe killing some people . By the time you’re awake, he made coffee and washes up before joining you for breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It’s so much better when he’s got you wrapped in a blanket on his lap. It helps him to fall asleep faster .
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Well if you know almost everything about him . He will tell something you didn't know . And if you don't know he needs sometime(Almost a month )
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?
Not really easily . 50% for him to get angry . But don't worry you won't get hurt . He will leave home to go kill somebody .
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
He tried ... He really tried to remember everything . But he ends up remembering thing you like and etc. Simple things you like .
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory, even years after you both are together, is the first time he got to hold you in his arms.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Incredibly protective . That's all I need to say ... Someone bothering and flirting with you? STAB THEM WITH SWORD .
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He is so thoughtful when it comes to gifts and dates! He’s like...really into gift giving as a love language. He’d give you so many gifts you’d feel like he spends so much on you constantly. Don't ask how he got them.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He hates his own emotions. He will constantly shut them down when he gets too emotional.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Like...rarely? He doesn’t really care for how he looks but he still looks so good anyways.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You’re like one of the only people he’d feel incomplete without. He loves you really much, like REALLY FUCKEN much.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
In his past he was shepherd . Someday then you will come home you see this picture :
Abel is holding a little lamb in his hands and petting it and in other hand he have mug with tea or coffee .
It doesn't anger him , like then he see his brother (SCP 073). It, on the contrary, brings nostalgia and calmness .
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He dislikes when his partners are kind of affection to others , especially to his big brother ...
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Abel can sleep anywhere . He can sleep sitting up or standing, on the hard ground or covered in a cloth under the snow . He’s become so accustomed to rough sleeping conditions that if ever given a chance to have a soft, clean bed, it would be a little disarming . The sheer softness would make it difficult to sleep . Like he was going to fall through the fluff , and he’d probably accidentally rip any sheets . Ops...

SFW Alphabet - SCP 049-j

Requested by XxSilverbarxX in wattpad
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very fucken affectionate to you . You're his family now . And don't ask any other questions . He didn't see his brother for so long time . And now he's with you . He will always hug you . And this hug will be for 30 minutes or even a hour .
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Ohhhhh . He'll try to teach you . No he WILL teach you how to cure people . What ? Don't look at me like that . You need to take r/o (Random object) aaaaaaaaaand- Hey ! Where are you going y/n ? Wait for me ! He's like a child near you . He's child like person .
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh my ... He just loves to hold you or you holding him . He really like to spoon with you . And love half-spooning ... Wait . He don't really care how to hug you .
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He really want to live with you . After few days he will try to follow you home . Not secretly . He'll be JUST RIGHT BEHIND you . And you'll be like : Stop it ! I- You could just be secretly follow me ! Not breath on back of my head ! He can accidently trash all your home . But he can cook ! He's really good at cooking .
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It's probably because he sensed disease in you . And he know that people can die because of sickness or after they have been cured . So he'll just disappear . Yes , it could hurt you . But he can sometimes sense disease , but people aren't sick . So ... yeah .
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He likely thought about it a lot when he was younger. Maybe marriage to her ideal person would let him be more calm and happy !
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very fucken gentle . Doesn't care physically or emotionally . He really like nuzzling up to you and loving on you . Btw he knows you’re feeling down or if you ask for him to be more affectionate .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He ADORES to hug you . You're just so sweet and huggable . No matter what . No matter where . He WILL hug you .
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He probably says it in passing one day after a you started dating . He'll always say it . Every single day . 25 hours per 8 day a week (WAIT WHAT-)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He trust you with all his life .(That he took from his 'patients ') Please . Don't cheat ... Please?
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He will 'kiss' you everywhere . And he will tweak on your cheek . It's his way of kissing . And he will love any affection you're giving him . He don't care where you kiss him .
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Really good with children, he actually enjoys teaching how to cur- NO . JAY NO- . He's like a over grown child himself sometimes .
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's lazy . He don't want to get out of bed . No way he do it on his own will . He'll probably wrap himself around you . It's his way to trap you to stay with him .
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddling close and watching movies until both of you or just one . It's you . He won't sleep before you fall asleep . Then you're asleep . It will take . Uhhhhhhh , around 10 sec for him to sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He will open to you after a week . Or at day you become friends/couple . He tells you its the best way to tell you about himself .
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s got the patience of a 7-10 years kid .
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’d remember important things you’ve said or mentioned but he has a horrid memory . But he remembers his brother . And how his family looks and their names . But he'll try to remember every single thing you say .
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Then he made you laugh for first time . Your laugh made his heart melt .
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Protective as hell . He’s your bird like guardian and he’ll make sure you’re protected . He don't want you to be sick from others .
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He is so thoughtful when it comes to gifts and dates ! He’s like really into gift giving as a love language .
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Killing people with his shoe ...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He ... don't care . He wear his doctor's costume . And only .
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Omg you're his half . Half of his life . That's why he's so close to you .
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He really want to make his brother proud of him ... No . He's not really proud . They had . Mom , dad , 2 little sisters , 1 little brother , Estienne had wife and he have daughter . And that means that Jay have niece ! Oh ... Then Jay was human . He didn't have romantic partner . You're his first ! Lucky him ! And you too .
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He don't care about your habit and etc. Well he do hate to see you sick . He really hates it .
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sometimes ... Talk in his sleep . In French . And he can talk in English in his sleep . And it can scary you . Imagine just sleeping and hearing someone talking pretty loudly and it's 2 am .

SFW Alphabet - SCP 035

(Art is not mine . Found it in Pinterest.)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It depends on the mood . Sometimes too clingy . They show affection by words of affirmation , touch and quality time . Even if you are friends .They're just being themselves .
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) A ... friend that most of a time joke around . And use dark humor too . He's just a comedic friend and will try to make you laugh/giggle/smile or just to see your reaction. I personally think that you'll become friends only if they decides to . If he eventually become friendly , there will be a higher chance that she'll be your friend in future .
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
They do like to cuddle . As I said they show affection by touch . So he likes it . And I think that you will rarely cuddle if you both are just friends , only if you are really frustrated/really sad . But if you are dating she'll gladly trap you in a hug .
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
They really do . But for a good reason they couldn't . But if he ever did live with you he would be good at cooking , like come on he had many hosts , and at least some of them knew how to cook . So she probably will be good at cooking , at least a little bit . As for cleaning , he'll help you . And will be in a middle . Won't clean really much for home to be super clean . But still clean enough for him .
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
They'll either start ghosting you or be straight forward and say that it's over . Won't kill you don't worry . You didn't give him a reason to , don't you ? So you'll be fine .
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If they got a chance they would probably propose after maybe like 4-5 years of being together . You know you can't get truly married , even if they escape Foundation . She's not a human . And his body(host) will decompose so it can be hard if he don't know where the host's passport . But even if they had , they'll always need a new one .
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sometime they can get too dark with their joke . And you'll probably think if they'll really do some weird things . But other than that he can be gentle around you in both ways . He'll let herself be way too vulnerable with you if they find that you really do trust them and love them .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Of course they do . Even if you're just a friend to him . He'll always appreciate the hug from you . They would literally hug as many times as they could . And their hugs are ... quiet . Suffocating . To say the least . But if it hurts don't be scared/shy or whatever keeps you from social interaction to say that it hurts , just don't be too aggressive or mean to them . They will get upset and you'll need to apologize .
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
After few days of your relationship , something around 5-6 days . And won't hesitate to say it few times .
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Well at first(if your relationship is new . Like few days/weeks) they'll be a little conscious , because you can betray her if you break up . He don't want to kill you yet . He likes you . So he'll be a protective when jealous . If you're dating for months/years she'll still be protective , but little less . Still will worry about you . And btw will read your mind so they will know if it's some one you know/family member/friend or whatever . But if they get really jealous he'll be pouting and upset .
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Can't exactly kiss you . Just press his mouth to yours . That's all . It can leave some dark substance/goo on place he 'kissed' you . Their most liked places to kiss you are : hand , lips , forehead . And their fav place to be kissed , if not to count the host body , is literally anywhere and on host body too . They just didn't get many affection , well no affection in years of imprisonment in Foundation .
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
They like a company of kids . Not always , only if kids are not too mean , aggressive or etc.. He likes a few of kid SCP objects . She tolerates 053 and 191 the most . But let's talk about how they're around other children , they're friendly with them . They hope that kids won't fear them . They are just being lonely that they will spend time with kids too .
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Since you can't live together , it will be pretty hard to see each other in the morning . But if you have something on your mind . Then , I'll leave it to you .
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
I'll leave it to you too . Cause there isn't many way you can freely interact w/ each other .
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It will take like a year to reveal some more information about themselves .
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It's 50/50 . But if he get angry she'll try not to hurt you . And will try to get away from you if it's possible , so they 100 won't hurt you .
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
YES . Just yes . They even remember memories of his past host . So yeah , they always will remember you said .
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When they confessed to you . It's their favorite moment .
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He sometimes can be protected if he sense/read someone's mind and discovers that this person wants to hurt you or kill . So they become protective of you .
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
They'll try pretty much . Dates aren't great and anniversaries too , but he can get gifts for you . Like get some jewelry from dead scientists and etc.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
They're kind of narcistic and sometimes short tempered . That's it .
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
They are concerned . They really want to look good for you ... and for themselves . But , they don't have much clothes and accessories choice .
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It depends on your stage of relationship . If you know each other for a long time then there is way more chance that they'll feel really incomplete .
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
They kind of adopted 847 , since they though that both of them are pretty similar to each other . And they became friends after few 'meetings' with each other , only then 035 didn't have a female host . Since 847 just killed them instantly .
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
People who hate certain races , homophobic and well if people who don't like/hate 035 . Like seriously they hate this kind of people . And sexist . Even if they are really old and we're used to female wearing dressed and male pants/costumes , but after sometime they didn't care anymore .
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Ha , nice joke) .
May I have an SFW Alphabet for SCP-073/Cain? Please and thank you for considering my request!
& bwalker0399(Wattpad) requested: DO LIKE A SCP 073 (Cain) alphabet head cannons please!💗(W)
No problem! I'm always glad to take request . Since I don't really know what to write :') But keep in mind that my imaginations is dead-
And I'll probably rewrite old Alphabets(and ofc it will take a looong time

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Pretty affectionate . There isn't many people who show him affection . So he'll be pretty clingy in the beginning of your relationship . Even if you both are best/close friends(But won't be too clingy if that makes you uncomfortable) And his way of showing his affection is quality time and well ... Physical touch ,if that's okay if not then words of affirmation .
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Well he's a nice friend , he'll listen if you rant or just felling down and want to talk about it . And he's good at keeping secrets(not really , but he'll try to keep a secret that you told him , especially if it's really serious . Not that he would tell someone if that is not serious .)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
At first he'll be unused to cuddles and as I said will be clingy . After a while , he will be really happy to cuddle with you and will be a little less clingy . And Cain don't have a fav position , just happy to be near you .
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yeah , he would want to live together with you . But, it will be a problem if you got something made of plants/plant related things/plants or flowers in your home .
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It's a little bit hard for him ... Okay , no it's hard for him . He's scared that you'll be really mad at him just like his brother . And he don't want to hurt your feelings too . But maybe some day , he will thinks that Foundation won't really appreciate that you are dating an anomaly , maybe they'll hurt you , so he thinks that it will be safer for you .
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I mean . He's a little old timey and would want to marry you ... If that was possible . But he still has some thoughts about both of you getting married and maybe start a family . And he knows that the chances are low.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's pretty gentle , both physically and emotionally . He knows that if he fucks up he'll hurt your feelings or you try to attack him and you'll get hurt . So he won't be too pushy about some things and etc.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yup . Ofc he do . And I don't need to say more I already wrote about cuddles/hugs .
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
When he's just admiring you(where there isn't many people) and they he'll say that he loves you . Then realizes and panics a little .
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's not the type to get jealous of people you talk to . But if he sees someone flirt with you/cat call you or something then his protection mode goes up and will warn this person that you're taken and wouldn't want puch them or anything . But if they get aggressive and try to attack him . Well you know what would happen .
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gentle and loving . That's one of the ways he show his affection
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He can tolerate them and thinks that some of them are cute(but doesn't like then they scream . Like all/most of us). But because he didn't see and interact them for a while.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I mean if you have a chance to sleep with him at least for one day . Then he will want to cuddle for a little longer . You can only get out if you convince him . And it's not that hard . He can help you with something from your routine(if you have one). No really he'll gladly help you , just ask .
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Once again, if you have a chance to spend the night . Then ... Well . He's touch starved , so cuddle with him . Also he can listen to your rambling about problems/passion or just your talking . He's a good listener.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Even though he's affectionate with you he'll still need some time to open about all things , well secrets . He'll tell you them once he know that you're truth worthy.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not really . He's usually irritated or just nervous, not angry . It takes some time to anger him . But if he is , he'll try to get away from people . Mostly keep the distance from you , he doesn't trust himself when angry . Since he still feel guilty about that ... Incident.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh for sure . His memory is really good . So he'll bring some of your favorite things in conversation with you . And will try to study more about those(if he can convenience scientists) . Well ,he can forget about few details, but hey . He's trying his best.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The confession. And when you hugged him for the first time . Just a simple wholesome memories.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's not overprotective, but not under protective((?)idk if it is a word) . But will be protective of you when his brother's near and will try to make it look like he's protecting just another person. 'Cus he doesn't want Able to know that he's with you or he'll try to kill you as a revenge about his own death. Usually he'll stand in front or close to you if person is trying to attack you physically, if they try to be mean to you , he'll take you away from them . Maybe he'll insult them back if they're too annoying . Even if he can't get hurt physically(he still can feel pain even if he reverse the attack), he still can get upset . So he'll be really grateful if you stand up for him .
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Ohhhh . It's a really tricky one . He would want to be able to put more effort than he already can . But he's in Foundation, so it's not much . He's still trying.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has 3 of them . Fidgeting(Foot tapping to be exact.), day dreaming and pen/pencil chewing(if you give him one).
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Eh . Not so concerned. He's usually don't care . Well even if someone points it out , he'll still don't care . Already got used to how he looks .
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yeah . He'll feel like his half is missing. But he is used to being alone. But if you're together for a long time . He'll feel like literally his half of soul is straight up missing.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If he ever tried to bring you flowers, they'll be fake . You know those fake ones that looks pretty real, until you look closely and/or touch them . Yeah , pretty much he would do that . And hey! At least they won't rot after a day/few days, so that's a plus . However if you prefer plants over/like them more than flowers, he'll try to convince(once again) some scientist to get him some(That are fake ofc). Many convincing . Like a lot
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Rude, noisy people . And that are narcistic . And who likes kids romantically .
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Honestly he'll just go to sleep whenever he feel really tired . And the time he goes to sleep always change .