She/herI try to make fun and spicy character AI prompts but requests are always welcome
47 posts
Hank (ShredForce) Head Cannons
Hank (ShredForce) head cannons

Due to Hank and Ronny being teens in the show, I’m not gonna make NSFW head cannons for them, only little oneshots and SFW ones :)
Affection: In public I imagine he wouldn’t show it too much, maybe hand holding or side hugging, but at home he’ll be a big cuddle bug :)
Best friend: Apart from Ronny and Lucas (Maxmagic’s name for Locust from the pilot), it’s assumed that Hank doesn’t have many friends, so with you being one of his only ones, he’d tease you a ton but would always be searching for validation
Cuddles: Again, public is a no-no. Gotta keep up that punk persona 😤 alone is a whoooole other world. Clingy. That’s the best way to describe it. I’m picturing him needing to be in the same room otherwise he’s super bored and lonely 😭
Domestic: NO. Cleaning? Cooking? Nuh uh. If you really wanted him to he’d try, but it probably wouldn’t be very good :( but he wouldn’t care as long as you still say you’re proud. Gotta feed his ego
Ending: Hank most likely would break up through text due to him -being a chicken- deciding it’ll soften the blow
Family (Changed Fiancé to Family cus he’s a minor. This is also not a couple head canon. This one is purely just you being a family member): Hank would tease and pick on ya non stop. Doesn’t matter if you’re older. He’s defend you too
Gentle: Two different worlds. Publicly and with the gang? He’s kinda rough (play fighting/name calling) but alone? Oh he’s a softie. Always seeking validation from you and trying not to hurt you. I imagine it even took him like a month to even cuddle you because he didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable by laying on you 😭😭
Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but out of prying eyes, he’s all for bear hugs and hugs while he’s doing something. Like on his guitar? Yeah he wants you sitting behind him and wrapping your arms around his neck lol
I Love You: It’d probably take him like a month max to say he loves you. He’s scared you won’t say it back :( he also doesn’t wanna let his friends know he’s soft on you
Jealousy: BIG TIME. Phil comes in Rockin Ricky’s for pizza and starts being somewhat nice to you since you’re new? Yeah. No. He’s annoyed the second Phil or anyone else touches you anywhere or even stands near ya. Not even Ronny is safe lol I feel like Hank would move Ronny away from you and be like “dude you’ve already got a chick bug off mine”
Kisses: At first nothing. Always checking that his breath is okay and starting to actually brush every day. Takes a few weeks then he’ll probably spring a little peck to your cheek or the back of your hand when he’s holding it. After that, when you’re alone, he’s jokingly peppering kisses on your face and shoulders. I imagine he was scared to actually have his first kiss with you, but after that? Definitely gonna want to make out every other day lmao-
Limitations (Changed Little Ones bc he’s once again- a Minor): Hank would definitely put limits on stuff you shouldn’t do in public. Not that he doesn’t want to, he’s just worried you’ll be picked on by Phil or your friends will try to convince you to dump him
Morning (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): Sleeps late so there’s not many ‘mornings’ per say, but when you wake up together, he’s all cuddly and tries to get you to stay in bed with him
Night (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): I honestly don’t think he sleeps very much but when he does, he’s OUT. Like you get a goodnight then you look over and he’s snoring instantly. If not, then he’d be up watching tv with you and eating sooo much junk food
Open: I actually head canon that he’s got slight separation anxiety and ADHD (I tried to look for evidence in the pilot and found some but that’s just what I gathered 🤷♀️ plus it’s for fun) so when Hank gets with you, he kinda tries to beat around the bush but eventually tells you. He doesn’t at first cus he doesn’t want you to think he’s too weird :(
Patience: The ADHD head canon comes into play with this so I assume he would try to be, but after a little he’d try to focus on something else, or if you’re telling him something he’ll ask you to hurry up (he’s not being mean he’s just anxious)
Quizzes: Oh boy. He tries to know about you and your likes, but honestly he kiiiinnndaaa…forgets most stuff. Not his fault he also forgets his own important things 😬 Ronny is his calendar 🤦♀️
Remember: Again, not the best with this area, but he really does try lol-
Security: Yep. Protective. Only when Phil is around and if he’s saving the world with Ronny in their hero forms. Otherwise he knows you can handle yourself. You got with him anyway lol
Try: Hank definitely puts effort into the relationship even if you don’t see it. He wouldn’t get with you for no reason (I also head canon him as a Pan Demisexual)
Ugly: He wouldn’t tell you about being a part of Shred Force until you randomly find out, then he tells you EVERYTHING
Vanity: Honestly…I doubt he cares much for his appearance apart from his -clearly dyed- hair, so he wouldn’t care what you look like either
Whole: If you and him dated for at least three months then broke up? Oh he’s devastated. That poor boy wouldn’t even wanna save the -leveled- city :( you are his world. Or at least a big chunk of it
Xtra: His little sister Harmony (OC by Minareee3) LOVES but also doesn’t understand how you got with her weirdo brother, but she’s super jazzed that she might get a big sister someday :)
Yuck: He would hate if you liked Phil or Nordic Bunny and would lead to fights :(
Zzz: Out like a light when he hits the pillow lmao-
maxmagic liked this · 6 months ago
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More Posts from Howlingchampion

So gorgeous!
Hey all! :)
Thank you for the support of my drawings! I want you all to know I will be planning on making HC and ‘Oneshots’ of various characters I adore. At the first post I will not be taking requests—however that is very likely going to change in the future!—so don’t panic if I do not get to your requests (if any) when they’re posted. I’ll try to be motivated but sometimes it’s hard lol. Peace!

^ credit to my friend for giving me permission to post ✨✨✨
How you joined Onslaught
Funny story actually, you were watching one of your favorite shows, Young Justice, when all of a sudden you just…were there. And in the middle of a fight no less! You hid until the fighting was over, since you’re just a normal person, how would you help? Suddenly-
“I know you’re there. Better to come out now before I force it.”
Uh oh. You knew that voice. Psimon. A dangerous psychic with the power to bend anyone’s mind in horrible ways. You decided you didn’t want to die here so you slowly walked into the open.
“There you are…hmm…peculiar…you don’t seem to be part of that team of brats…in fact, you don’t look to be from here at all. How strange…but fascinating. Where are you from, little one?”
Little one? Okay, annoying, but doable.
“Um…yeah I’m…not from here…I’m from a different…dimension…?”
“Oh please. Don’t lie, I’ll figure it out on my own soon enough.”
“I-I’m not lying! Please I know you can kill me and do you really think I’m stupid enough to lie and have you figure it out?”
“Hmph. You’re smarter than you look. How can I be sure you’re not a spy? If you truly do not wish for me to poke around in that empty cavity you call a skull.”
“Just…please…I hate Young Justice too…a-and I know information about them that could help you guys!”
“So what? You’re trying to bargain your way into Onslaught through information we may gather ourselves?”
“No! No I didn’t mean to insult you I just-“
You sigh and look up at him.
“I just don’t want to see you comatose again..”
That made him freeze. How’d you know about that? Maybe you weren’t lying about being in another dimension…
“…do you know what happens next? Is that what you’re trying to get across?”
“Sorta…I know some details and I have intel about those guys. If…if you let me join you then I’ll give you that. And…if somehow the missions go wrong, I’ll…I’ll take care of you. And anyone else hurt. Please Psimon…please trust me.”
…okay that made him suspicious. You knew he was injured before, and you knew his name. He didn’t tell you any of that. He decides to believe you and take you to Queen Bee for both questioning and clearance to join. Thankfully she agrees.
Ever since then, you’ve been a member of onslaught, staying at base and caring for injured. Icicle Junior is annoying but he always means well. Mammoth and Shimmer are quiet but get along with you. The Terror Twins are…loud, but they’re just excited. Devastation is a bit miffed that you spend time around Psimon, but she sees you as a little sibling now. And Psimon…well, you two get closer every day. Not necessarily ’besties’ but as close as he lets others.
As much as you miss your old home, you know that this is where you belong.
what would it like to be Psimon’s sister and dating icicle junior? also I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Thank you and you too! :)

Being Psimon’s sister you are most likely constantly being made sure you’re safe
Even if he knows you can handle yourself he’s still making sure you’re alright
When you start dating Junior? Oh boy
Psimon is happy that you’re happy, buuuut….you’re still his sister and now you’re dating someone who gets on his nerves every other day
He’d definitely try to find subtle ways to break you guys up, but after a while of you and Junior dating he’ll realize that maybe it’s okay to let you do this
However- if junior and you fight or even break up he is 100% sending migraines and dizzy spells Juniors way
Psimon might not always show it but he loves you and even if you’re older than him he’ll do his best to protect and provide for you
You’re the only family he has left. Why would he give that up?
OKAY! I know this one was short but I hope this is still with enough info!
Being Psimon’s little sister
Okay. For starters, you don’t deal with anyone’s shit
Second off, he may be older but that never stopped you from being overprotective
Being Psimon’s sister was one thing, but being a sister who won’t let anyone hurt him is another-
Every battle he gets knocked down in? Yeah you’re there as his shadow and ready to murder whoever did it
When he was comatose? Oh gods. The rest of Onslaught had to hold you back from charging the Justice League themselves
Doesn’t help that you’re short too-
Being 5 foot 2, you’re a bit shorter than him but not by much
He’s the brains and you’re the brawn
When he dates Devastation it’s a bit to get used to, but eventually you do feel happy for him
But if she breaks his heart you’ll break her face
You don’t need the strength of Wonder Woman to take her down. If your big brother is hurt you’re 100% on the case
He finds it both adorable and extremely annoying, so as long as you don’t push too much he pretty much ignores it
Overall, he loves you, but not always too keen on your methods