More To Come - Tumblr Posts
Main. Verse i
Follows canon.
Traitor AU. Verse ii
Eijiro Kirishima is a victim of circumstance. He grew up in close quarters with criminals, but still spent his childhood revering Crimson Riot and wanting to become a hero himself. The experience he has with low class criminals and villains contributes to his hesitation when it comes to villains before he enters UA, he knows what they’re capable of. But this hesitation not only makes him feel weak and cowardly as we see in his arc, it also makes him doubt that he’ll be able to leave the crowd he’s surrounded by. This is a part of his life that he keeps secret, and it is also the reason behind the level of empathy he has shown with villains he has fought. His run-in with the villain in middle school and seeing Mina step up along with the interview with Crimson Riot still inspired him to pursue his dream of becoming a hero and entering UA. But it wasn’t long after his acceptance that Kirishima’s uncle used his nephews unique position as leverage to raise himself up in the villain ranks. This is where Kirishima’s involvement with the League of Villains begins.
It is quickly decided that Eijiro’s uncle is not needed as an intermediary, and he is killed in front of Eijiro. After this, he gives the League information solely out of fear, telling them about the USJ assignment as well as the location of the camp. However, while he knew the League was interested in Bakugou, he did not expect them to take him during camp. His guilt leads to his adamancy about saving Bakugou, and after the dorms are put in place, he tries to distance himself from the League and tries to give as little information as possible. They can tell he’s pulling away, and continue to string him along with threats of harm to his classmates or himself. But Kirishima is beginning to wonder if there is a way out of this for him, and if he’d rather die than continue betraying UA and his friends.

I haven’t posted in a hot minute, so in return have this design. I spent a fair bit of time brainstorming the final look, and I think it’s pretty cool, so yeah.
Posted on 25th April, 2020.
This is the first time I've ever posted fanfiction! Read the summary for "Ladybug and the Bee" below!
After seeing it with her own eyes, Chloé comes to the crushing realization that her idol and hero Ladybug has been none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng. How will Chloé confront the unsettling fact that she'd been unknowingly bullying the very person who had been repeatedly saving her? This story explores what a redemption arc for Chloé could've looked liked as she seeks to turn over a new leaf and slowly become friends with Marinette.
This story is set before the season 3 finale as I believe Marinette and the gang had much more goodwill for Chloé around that time. Above is the first chapter of three with the second coming out very soon. Hope you check it out and enjoy!
Chapter 2 of "Ladybug and the Bee" is out now! Read the entire summary below!
After seeing it with her own eyes, Chloé comes to the crushing realization that her idol and hero Ladybug has been none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng. How will Chloé confront the unsettling fact that she'd been unknowingly bullying the very person who had been repeatedly saving her? This story explores what a redemption arc for Chloé could've looked liked as she seeks to turn over a new leaf and slowly become friends with Marinette.
I feel really good about this chapter and hope you guys like it!
Jonathan Rook SFW alphabet (NSFW coming soon lol)

Affection: In public- Not afraid to be handsy (hand holding, staying close by your side) At home- Surprisingly touchy and willing to be affectionate
Best friend: Rook is an outgoing business man, and that plays into how he treats you. As a friend. He’s not scared to embarrass you in public, but he is considerate..doesn’t mean he tells you everything
Cuddles: Since Jonathan’s mothers passing, almost no one has been allowed near enough to even touch him without his security taking them down, so saying ‘touch starved’ is a tad understatement
Domestic: Rook isn’t the worst at cooking or cleaning, but trust me, it isn’t too great. He’s used to others doing it for him in recent times. Settling down is something he doesn’t really think about, but if he found his person, he’d want them to 100% stay in Rook Tower with him
Ending: Most likely breaking up over text (he doesn’t always have time or motivation)
Fiancé: With Rook, he wouldn’t be too upset if his significant other would suggest marriage, however, the wedding would most likely be secret, considering his publicity
Gentle: As someone who isn’t one for trusting, when he finally finds his other half, he’s being as gentle as he can to just keep them around. He can get slightly aggressive when upset however :(
Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but when alone with you, he sometimes just lays his head in your lap and hugs your torso like a pillow
I Love You: After a few months, he’ll probably come up to you and ask you if you love him. Say yes, and he’ll immediately say it back. Say no, and you’re probably sent away
Jealousy: Outwardly, not as showy. He’s got the public to show off for. Inwardly, ready to turn into Stretch Monster and wreck them
Kisses: Usually just little pecks around your face from him in public, however, he prefers slow kissing when out of prying eyes. He’s handsy when his lips are on yours, and sometimes opens his eyes just to make sure you’re enjoying it
Little Ones: While not usually around young children, he tends to get along with them. Having any of his own, and he’s spoils them rotten
Morning: He’s an early bird, but likes to stick around just to watch you wake up. He finds it cute how messed up you look
Night: Due to him secretly being Stretch Monster, he’s not always around most of the night. When he does come back, he just wants to cuddle and love you
Open: Rook would honestly never willingly tell you about his secret, but once you find out, he’d make sure you keep it. If you kept his secret and maybe even helped him go against the Flex Fighters, he would be overjoyed. If not, he might just have to lock you away. Or kill you :((
Patience: Rook is very patient, but once angered enough, he’s like a fuse. Explosive
Quizzes: Jonathan is a genius. He remembers everything about you and everything you like
Remember: His favorite moment about you would most likely be when he realized you liked him
Security: Rook would be extremely protective of you, especially if you were pregnant. Sending most of his security to make sure you’re safe
Try: Jonathan would go above and beyond for you, no matter the circumstances
Ugly: He doesn’t always tell you everything…like his monster secret or true plans for humanity
Vanity: Due to the public, his looks are one of his main features. With you, he still tries to look his best, but knows you don’t always mind
Whole: Rook loves you through and through, but I wouldn’t say he’d be ‘incomplete’ without you, just…upset. Badly
Xtra: Jonathan likes that you remind him of his mother, that’s one of the main reasons he fell in love
Yuck: Jonathan would hate if you were a fan of the Flex Fighters, and would definitely show it
Zzz: Even though his looks betray it, he really does not get much sleep…
Hank (ShredForce) head cannons

Due to Hank and Ronny being teens in the show, I’m not gonna make NSFW head cannons for them, only little oneshots and SFW ones :)
Affection: In public I imagine he wouldn’t show it too much, maybe hand holding or side hugging, but at home he’ll be a big cuddle bug :)
Best friend: Apart from Ronny and Lucas (Maxmagic’s name for Locust from the pilot), it’s assumed that Hank doesn’t have many friends, so with you being one of his only ones, he’d tease you a ton but would always be searching for validation
Cuddles: Again, public is a no-no. Gotta keep up that punk persona 😤 alone is a whoooole other world. Clingy. That’s the best way to describe it. I’m picturing him needing to be in the same room otherwise he’s super bored and lonely 😭
Domestic: NO. Cleaning? Cooking? Nuh uh. If you really wanted him to he’d try, but it probably wouldn’t be very good :( but he wouldn’t care as long as you still say you’re proud. Gotta feed his ego
Ending: Hank most likely would break up through text due to him -being a chicken- deciding it’ll soften the blow
Family (Changed Fiancé to Family cus he’s a minor. This is also not a couple head canon. This one is purely just you being a family member): Hank would tease and pick on ya non stop. Doesn’t matter if you’re older. He’s defend you too
Gentle: Two different worlds. Publicly and with the gang? He’s kinda rough (play fighting/name calling) but alone? Oh he’s a softie. Always seeking validation from you and trying not to hurt you. I imagine it even took him like a month to even cuddle you because he didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable by laying on you 😭😭
Hugs: Side hugs are preferable, but out of prying eyes, he’s all for bear hugs and hugs while he’s doing something. Like on his guitar? Yeah he wants you sitting behind him and wrapping your arms around his neck lol
I Love You: It’d probably take him like a month max to say he loves you. He’s scared you won’t say it back :( he also doesn’t wanna let his friends know he’s soft on you
Jealousy: BIG TIME. Phil comes in Rockin Ricky’s for pizza and starts being somewhat nice to you since you’re new? Yeah. No. He’s annoyed the second Phil or anyone else touches you anywhere or even stands near ya. Not even Ronny is safe lol I feel like Hank would move Ronny away from you and be like “dude you’ve already got a chick bug off mine”
Kisses: At first nothing. Always checking that his breath is okay and starting to actually brush every day. Takes a few weeks then he’ll probably spring a little peck to your cheek or the back of your hand when he’s holding it. After that, when you’re alone, he’s jokingly peppering kisses on your face and shoulders. I imagine he was scared to actually have his first kiss with you, but after that? Definitely gonna want to make out every other day lmao-
Limitations (Changed Little Ones bc he’s once again- a Minor): Hank would definitely put limits on stuff you shouldn’t do in public. Not that he doesn’t want to, he’s just worried you’ll be picked on by Phil or your friends will try to convince you to dump him
Morning (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): Sleeps late so there’s not many ‘mornings’ per say, but when you wake up together, he’s all cuddly and tries to get you to stay in bed with him
Night (Sleepovers nothing NSFW): I honestly don’t think he sleeps very much but when he does, he’s OUT. Like you get a goodnight then you look over and he’s snoring instantly. If not, then he’d be up watching tv with you and eating sooo much junk food
Open: I actually head canon that he’s got slight separation anxiety and ADHD (I tried to look for evidence in the pilot and found some but that’s just what I gathered 🤷♀️ plus it’s for fun) so when Hank gets with you, he kinda tries to beat around the bush but eventually tells you. He doesn’t at first cus he doesn’t want you to think he’s too weird :(
Patience: The ADHD head canon comes into play with this so I assume he would try to be, but after a little he’d try to focus on something else, or if you’re telling him something he’ll ask you to hurry up (he’s not being mean he’s just anxious)
Quizzes: Oh boy. He tries to know about you and your likes, but honestly he kiiiinnndaaa…forgets most stuff. Not his fault he also forgets his own important things 😬 Ronny is his calendar 🤦♀️
Remember: Again, not the best with this area, but he really does try lol-
Security: Yep. Protective. Only when Phil is around and if he’s saving the world with Ronny in their hero forms. Otherwise he knows you can handle yourself. You got with him anyway lol
Try: Hank definitely puts effort into the relationship even if you don’t see it. He wouldn’t get with you for no reason (I also head canon him as a Pan Demisexual)
Ugly: He wouldn’t tell you about being a part of Shred Force until you randomly find out, then he tells you EVERYTHING
Vanity: Honestly…I doubt he cares much for his appearance apart from his -clearly dyed- hair, so he wouldn’t care what you look like either
Whole: If you and him dated for at least three months then broke up? Oh he’s devastated. That poor boy wouldn’t even wanna save the -leveled- city :( you are his world. Or at least a big chunk of it
Xtra: His little sister Harmony (OC by Minareee3) LOVES but also doesn’t understand how you got with her weirdo brother, but she’s super jazzed that she might get a big sister someday :)
Yuck: He would hate if you liked Phil or Nordic Bunny and would lead to fights :(
Zzz: Out like a light when he hits the pillow lmao-

I wish I could tell u I love you...
A/N: Hello people, this is my first time trying to write something and I got three more One Shots I am currently working on, different than this one. The ‘Truth or Drink’ game belongs to the YouTube Channel ‘CUT’ but the dialogue is completely made up by yours truly :p. I had so much fun writing this and Osamu’s child story is actually based on a real story my husband once told me about.
genre: fluff
warnings: drinking, cursing, the miya twins being the miya twins, mentions of sex
words: 1776 (the year when the Independence in US was signed, what a coincidence)
Truth or drink with my twin (Atsumu Miya xf!Reader)
Soft orchestral music plays in the background as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Osamu Miya each take a seat at the table that’s been set up with Tequila and two shot glasses. Between the both of them is a stack of cards which they have to read out.
Director: Who are you guys and what are you doing here today?
You both look at the camera and introduce yourselves.
Y/N: ,,My name is (Y/N).’’
Osamu: ,,Name’s Osamu Miya.’’
Y/N: ,,I am here because my boyfriend’’- you point towards Atsumu sitting on the couch, watching the both of you with a smirk on his face -,,invited me here today to meet his twin’’.
Osamu: ,,And I am here cuz my brother was almost begging me to come here to participate in this game.’’
Atsumu yells in the background ‘That is SO not true!’ making the crew members laugh.
Cameraman: Is this your guys’ first time meeting each other?
Both: ,,Yup.’’
Crew Member: All right let’s get this started!
You turn back towards Osamu to face him.
Y/N: ,,You wanna start off with a shot?’’
Osamu: ,,Yeah, let’s do this.’’
You both clink your shot glasses together as you down the shots.
Director: Let’s start with the first question.
You grab the first card from the deck.
Y/N: ,,What were your first thoughts, when you heard that your brother was dating me?’’
Osamu sends a mischievous look towards Atsumu and quickly looks back at you.
Osamu: ,,Well to be honest, at first I pitied you for dating such a scrub like him but after seeing his lovesick smile on his face and talking about you nonstop, almost making my ears bleed, I was happy for him. Yer seem to make him really happy and I am glad ya can deal with his antics. You have a lot of patience. Hell, I’d even say yer tolerance towards him is a lot bigger than mine.’’
You laugh a little and a quiet ‘Awww’ comes out of your mouth.
Osamu grabs the next card from the deck.
Osamu: ,,How often-Oh God. Ya might wanna take a shot on this one.’’ You give him a weird look and tilt your head a little bit.
Director: What’s it say?
Osamu inhales deeply through his nose and rubs his hand over his face.
Osamu: ,,How often do you guys have sex?’’ After hearing that question, your face turns red with embarrassment. You hide your face behind your hands and groan loudly, making the crewmembers and Atsumu laugh.
Atsumu: ,,More than ya know! I’d say at least 5-6 times a week! That’s a lot more than ya will ever get in yer life!’’
Y/N: ,,I swear y'all trying to get me drunk.’’ You grab the Tequila bottle and pour yourself a shot, dumping it down quickly.
Osamu grabs the next card and reads the first words and gives the camera a deadpan look.
Osamu: ,,On a scale of one to ten-Who the hell comes up with these questions?! How good is my brother in bed? Give details.’’
You stare wide eyed at Osamu and you feel yourself choking on your words.
Osamu: ,,Please take the shot, I really don’t want to know.’’
You’re about to grab the bottle when one of the crew members halts your movements.
Crew member: C’mon this game is no fun if Y/N doesn’t answer that.
Atsumu: ,,Yeah c’mon babe, don’t be shy. Spill the details.’’ You just give him a pissed look.
Atsumu laughs at your annoyed expression.
Y/N: ,,Alright, ehm.. I guess I have to say he never leaves me unsatisfied. And he always has the energy for like 2-3 sounds. That’s all I am gonna say.’’
Osamu has his elbow on the table and rests his head on his hand while giving you a winced expression.
Osamu: ,,Gosh you guys are fucking up my life right now. I hope yer happy.’’ Osamu fills his shot glass with Tequila and drinks it down, hoping to forget this whole day.
You grab the next card and read it out.
Y/N: ,,What’s the most embarrassing story that you remember of Atsumu as a child?’’
Osamu tilts his head and his gaze wanders to the ceiling, looking deep in thought.
Osamu: ,,I remember this one time our family went out for dinner one night. Tsumu and I were about 9 years old. Tsum was falling asleep at the table and I told him just to lay down if he is so tired. So that idiot actually fell asleep underneath the table. As we were getting ready to leave, I just looked at Tsum and said to our parents that he would already be waiting in the car. I think mum was a little bit drunk, so she was just going along with what I said. All of us left the restaurant and we drove back for a little bit. All of sudden mum’s phone rang and it was the restaurant. They said that Tsum was underneath the table when they were cleaning up. I swear Ma had a heart attack and she just looked back in her seat and she saw that only I was in the back. In the end, I got grounded and Tsumu didn’t talk to me for a whole week.’’
You just stare at Osamu with an open mouth as you process his words. The crewmembers are laughing hysterically before you burst out laughing as well.
Atsumu looks at Osamu with a frown and pouts.
Atsumu: ,,Yeah and I am still pissed about that with ya. How can ya do that? Especially to ya own flesh n’ blood?’’ While putting a hand on his chest to give off a dramatic gesture.
Osamu and you both look at Atsumu, while Osamu gives him a disinterested look and you are still trying to contain your laughter, almost tearing up.
Osamu: ,,Yer had it coming, ya ate all of my candy that I hid in one of my drawers from ya.’’
Atsumu: ,,Because ya never share anything with me in the first place!’’
Osamu: ,,Excuse me? I had to share a bedroom AND a bathroom with you for 19 freaking years! As if that isn’t punishment enough.’’
The twins continue to bicker back and forth and you just watch with an amused smile. You look into the camera with a sheepish smile and breathe out a small sigh.
Y/N: ,,This could take a while. Sorry about that.’’
Director: Oh don’t worry about it.
The director claps his hands a few times to gain the twins’ attention back to the game. They stop bickering and stick out their tongues towards each other. Osamu turns back to you and combs his hand through his hair and breathes deeply to calm himself down.
Osamu: ,,Sorry ‘bout that.’’
Y/N: ,,Oh don’t worry about it, it was very entertaining.’’ You give him a smile that he returns.
Crew member: Alright movin’ on. Read the next card, Osamu.
Osamu grabs a new card from the deck and drinks a little bit from the orange juice glass that is placed next to him. He clears his throat and reads it out.
Osamu: ,,Who do you think is better looking? Me or Tsum-Tsum?’’ He gives you a flirty smile and poses a little bit in his seat.
Y/N: ,,Well I mean considering you two are twins I’d say both of you look good the same amount. But I am a loyal soul so I am gonna stick with Tsumie.’’
Osamu nods in understanding and gestures for you to take a new card.
You read over it and slam it down on the table startling Osamu. You immediately reach for Osamu’s shot glass and pour him some Tequila.
Osamu: ,,Ya haven’t even read the question out loud. Go on, can’t be worse than knowing now how long Tsumu lasts in bed.’’ Osamu still takes the shot glass from your hand and starts drinking it just as you read out the next question.
Y/N: ,,Would you ever have a threesome with me and your brother?’’
Osamu spits out the drink and starts coughing violently. You stand up and pat him on his back, trying to get him out of his coughing fit.
Osamu: ,,Goodness no fucking way! I mean, don’t get me wrong you’re very pretty but hell no!’’ Osamu exclaims loudly while trying to breathe.
The crew members are laughing at Osamu’s outburst.
Atsumu doesn’t look too thrilled with his twin brother’s response in calling you very pretty but he doesn’t want to start another fiasco. Then again, he really couldn’t care less since it’s his name you scream almost every night.
Crew member: Osamu would you ever consider dating Y/N if Atsumu wasn’t?
Osamu turns to the camera and then looks Atsumu dead in the eye. Atsumu is mouthing to him ‘Don’t’ while shaking his head. But Osamu is not scared of Atsumu. You tense up and pray to the Gods that Osamu chooses the right answer. What you hear next though, is not what you expected.
Osamu: ,,I’d say yeah, she is my type but I wouldn’t interfere in their relationship cuz she makes him happy and if he makes her happy too, that’s all I care about. If you do ever break up though, ya know where to find me.’’ Osamu winks at you making you blush a little bit at his flirtatious attempts.
Atsumu sends a death glare into his brother’s direction.
Atsumu: ,,Watch it.’’
Osamu: ,,Relax bro, I'm just kiddin’ ‘’
Director: Alright guys last question.
You grab the last card and read it out.
Y/N: ,,Do you think I am good enough for you brother?’’
Osamu pours himself another shot before answering.
Osamu: ,,To be honest, I think you’re TOO good for him. You’re very nice, smart and you seem like a good person. Unlike him cuz he’s a rude asshole. If he ever does treat you like shit though call me or Ma, we’ll beat him up for ya.‘’
You giggle at his comment and thank him for the offer.
Atsumu: ,,Babe don’t gang up on me! I thought ya loved me!’’
You glance at him and send a kiss towards his direction while giving him a wink, that always makes his heart beat faster.
Y/N: ,,Don’t worry baby, you know I’ll always love ya no matter what. You and me forever right?’’
Atsumu gives you a lovesick smile while Osamu almost gags at the sight.
Atsumu: ,,I love ya too baby and yup it’s me and you forever.’’
The whole crew awws at your loving exchange.
No Kisses | KTH

Pairing: Captain of the Football Team fuckboi Taehyung x Class President goody two shoes Reader
Genre: FWB AU-ish, enemies to frienemies? with benefits to lovers, smut, fluff, angst?? I guess
Summary: It's championship week! The most anticipated week of the school year; however, leading up to the events, you and your council must collaborate with the football team to promote school spirit and pride. Unfortunately, you're forced to work with your number one enemy, Football team captain and fuck boy, Kim Taehyung, known for having a mysterious "no kisses" rule.
Warning: AIGHT LETS GO Dom Taehyung/Sub Reader, semi Switch Taehyung/Switch Reader, big-dick Tae (like super huge), virgin reader, first time sex, dry humping, orgasm denial, fingering, exhibition (semi-public~ poor school areas), oral (m and f receiving), GALLONS of squirting, corruption/innocent kink, sir/daddy kink LMAOOOO, A LOT of dirty talk (tae tae has a filthy mouth), praising, pet names, degradation, blindfold (brief), rope bunny/rigor, multiple sex scenes??? (insanely a lot for someone who doesn't write smut and it's been a while), light anal play, possessive/jealous tae, multiple orgasms, multiple sex scenes, overstimulation, unprotected sex (like all the time but be sure to wrap it up bc this is a fanfic not real life), cream pies, there's also alcohol consumption, ditzy/ahegao reader (gets dicknotized but in a good way), tae being an asshole flirt but in a good way kinda, smol revenge, they're idiots who have been pining but they have a shit way of expressing it
Word count: 56.8 K :D
A/N: I like to point out that this was intended to be a one-shot WGEGHIWEHGI but things happened. I divided them into chapters to make it easier but yeah, I like to consider it as a one-shot. It took me months writing and editing this. I was on the verge of cracking. But next time, it's not gonna be this extensive. Okay bye. Enjoy!
I've also cross-posted this originally on AO3 as well! Enjoy~~~
Chapter List
I: Captain vs. President
II: Let Me Remind You
III: Uncalled Punishment
IV: Agreements
V: Hush, Hush, Okay?
VI: Boo Found Her Kitty
VII: Let's Confess!??
VIII: Idiots at the Pre-Party
IX: Kiss and Make Up
Epilogue: No Kisses
Slight (?) spoilers for the Our Flag Means Death finale below, so be warned!
Based off the finale when Ed tells Lucius the lyrics he’d made up. Lucious CANNOT handle this.

“Pines, Pines, Pines!”
To make up for the angsty lil comic I made, here’s a much happier drawing of Stan being the bestest sailor (and sporting a lovely Mabel-made sweater to show off the fact!)
I’m in a Stan’O-War-II kind of mood, so there will probably be more art of our two favorite Sailors adventuring on the high seas. Keep your eyes peeled!

My Art Fight characters so far! Are there any of my OCs you guys would like to see me add?
Trying to figure out cute couples ideas. Any suggestions? Poll for what I have so far:

Illustration for the final episode of the season
Highlights from my current story
1. “Apologize for stabbing Nico,”
“I didn’t stab him,”
“Where did he get the stab wound?”
“It’s rude to ask a guy where he got his stab wound.”
“Not doing it”
“You can’t make me”
“I’ll burn your cape”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” Cass turned to Nico
2. “At least Cass had the good sense to keep himself hidden,” Cholena thanked the deities.
Cassius, unfortunately, did not have the good sense to keep himself hidden.
Highlights from my current story
1. “Apologize for stabbing Nico,”
“I didn’t stab him,”
“Where did he get the stab wound?”
“It’s rude to ask a guy where he got his stab wound.”
“Not doing it”
“You can’t make me”
“I’ll burn your cape”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” Cass turned to Nico