She / Her

277 posts

I Dont Quite Understand How You Can Ship Peter With Wade Which, Yeah Is Cute When Done Correctly Because

I don’t quite understand how you can ship Peter with Wade which, yeah is cute when done correctly because some people really can’t write Wade properly, but you don’t ship Peter with Matt Murdock. Like cute blind lawyer and cute nerdy science geek? I love that shit. Plus I think they’d be more likely to meet being as they both live and work in New York where as Wade is busy being a mercenary and whatever. I dunno I just ship Peter and Matt more than I ship Wade and Peter.

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More Posts from Human-that-exists

3 years ago

The Death of Peter Parker

My AO3: Anonymous_Random_Potato

Summery: Peter Parker dies. Matt using a time travel machine and has 12 hours to save the one person he can't live without. Happy ending don't worry. Fluffy and and little bit of angst.

Wrote this for my birthday (May 18th). Kinda bad but there's more spideydevil in the world so it's not all too bad.

Matthew Murdock Apartment, Hell's Kitchen.Friday, September 23rd 2016"Crime rates have risen up 48 percent especially in the two weeks since the hero Spiderman has died. The avengers were able to take down sinister 6 members Doctor Octopus, Mister Negative, Electro, Vulture, Rhino and Scorpion that teamed up with both the Green Goblin and Beetle but while Spiderman fought as hard as he could his death was one of the many casualties of the night. Which leaves the question 'Who can protect New York City-" The news anchor voice being killed by the silence as the man shuts off the TV the only sounds are footsteps and the tv remote hitting the ground."I'm sorry Peter. I'm so sorry. You were right the fight was going to be big. I- I never should have let you fight them alone, I- Maybe- maybe you would still be here." Matt says to the window unseeing eyes watering. "I'm going to make this right I promise."

Peter Parker's lab in his Apartment, Queens

Monday, April 4th, 2016

"Matthew, you are one of the people I trust most in the world I need you to do something for me. Once I tell you about this you can't tell anyone about this. Not Foggy, not Karen, not Claire, not even Father Lantom, No one outside this room can know about this. Can you promise me this. Please." Peter Pleads his friend.

"Nothing said in here will leave this room if that what you want." Matt Promises Peter somewhat willing to break his promise if peter was in huge Trouble. "Just Please tell me your not in Serious Danger."

"No- no, oh no it's nothing like that. I- just- kinda- MadeamachinethatwouldallowmetotravelbackintimeforhalfdayandIcouldsavemyuncle."  Peter finishes too quick even for the devil enhanced hearing to pick up on.

"My hearing good but you're going to have to slow down" Matt tells the spider. "What did you make?"

"A machine that could let me travel to the past for 12 hours that I could use to save my uncle. Which is why I need you to protected it from everyone even me it's too dangerous and could have crazy side affects to the timeline." The younger man explains and gives him a piece of paper with braille on it. "It can be voice activated if something happens and you need to destroy it. the paper has everything needed to know about how to destroy it. So please promise me that it will never be used."

Friday, September 23rd 2016

"I'm sorry I need to break our promise but the world lost a bit of it's soul the day you died. New York did. Your Aunt did. Your Friends. And Me. The world Needs you. Not just as Spider-Man but as Peter Parker too. I know I messed up but I'll fix it."

New York City

Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

"Step 1. Find myself. Shit what was I doing today. It's Saturday. So no church and I'm not at work and claire is out of town. So my apartment, Peter's or Fog's? I'll go to Foggy he will at least have some common sense and Peter is going to be mad at me for breaking our promise so Foggy seems like the save bet." Matt tells himself. "It will fine Matt it's not like he'll know that I traveled back in time."


Peter looked at his watch confused. He put a tracker on the Time-Traveler (not his best work but oh well) if it was to ever get in the wrong and and ever was used to change the timeline he could track where or when in time the person went to but the date the person who used the Time-Traveler was today? so that means that something happens either now or in the close future someone maybe Matt or May dies and future him trying to prevent that from happening. Matt Promised he wouldn't let anyone use it and so for Future Peter to get Matthew Murdock must have died. Which Matt was always the person who Peter knew would have his back, would believe in Peter even when Peter didn't feel like he could win the fight. Without Matthew Murdock, The Devil of Hell's Kitchen, Magoo, the world would lose one of the most kind-hearted, caring, protective, noble, humble, talented men that even when it all seems lost will fight to protect what he loves, The places he loves, Who he loves. Which is one of the things I love about. I just could imagine life without him it would feel like the world stopped spinning and there wasn't any love on the planet.




Ok. Ok. Calm down. Breath, freaking out is not helping you. You only realized you are IN LOVE WITH ONE OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS! I am screwed. So very screwed out of all the holes I got myself in how the hell do you get yourself out of this one Peter! Ok stop freaking out we need to figure out how to save Matt. How to tell Matt your feeling for him and how to not be disappointed when he rejects you because there are so many stunning flawless people out there who matt would want to date instead of some lame nerd who he works with from time to time. Ok stop getting off track and I don't know actually track myself for god sakes."Ding!"Ok, future me is at Foggy apartment..? I guess he would be able to convince Matt to not do whatever kills him. Lets go!

At Foggy Place, HK

"So you're telling me that you are from the future. And if I don't give this letter to present you than you will lose the one person who makes your world spin and stop new york from ending up in a state worse than Hell." Foggy Sighs somewhat done with his partner/friend's dramatics.

"The World Foggy. Please I have 2 hours left before I am brought back home just please I know I am not the easiest to deal with but please, I try harder to make your live easy not get hurt as much just please." Matt Pleads, Having little time left and not willing to go back to a future without Peter in it."

Matt? What? how? Wait are you the one from the future does that mean that what Foggy dies? Karen? Claire?" The Spider asks as he comes in through the window. "I told you not to let anyone use it. The timeline could be in great danger Matthew!"

"I don't have much time but I need to stop waiting for the right moment because you could die before that and I can't lose you at least not before telling you that I love you!" Matt says. "It's fine if you don't feel the same way but I can't lose you at least not without telling you how I feel."

"Matt I-"

BEEP BEEP BEEP 8 o' clock BEEP BEEP BEEP 8 o' clock

Matt wakes to find himself in bed besides him is the person who makes his world turn, his angel, his hero. Turning off his alarm clock when Peter wakes up. "Morning. I love you. but if you ever do something that stupid again I swear to god-" Peter's lecture is interrupted by Matt kissing him. "Hey! I'm trying to lecture you here!""I'm going to protect you. Keep you safe. And love you. Now let's eat breakfast we need to go to work soon." Matt tells his lover.

Crossposted in Wattpad and AO3. Read on there it's easy to read.

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3 years ago is facing a lawsuit


tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.

DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)



On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !

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3 years ago

Ngl I was not prepared for where this was going

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3 years ago

Me looking for everything and anything to fuel my Spideydevil brain worms.

His Strength Is Astounding!! Its Many Times That Of A Normal Man! I Cant Possibly Match His Own Superhuman
His Strength Is Astounding!! Its Many Times That Of A Normal Man! I Cant Possibly Match His Own Superhuman

His strength is astounding!! It’s many times that of a normal man! I can’t possibly match his own superhuman strength! My only chance is to outthink him!!

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 16: “Duel with Daredevil”

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3 years ago

Me a white girl: I think that Peter and Zendaya MJ are really cute but I just can't ship them when MJ x Shuri exists it's just so cute!!!! Can I just have them as the main couple of the Movie, I'm not a big fan of Parley?? (Harley Keener x Peter Parker whatever their ship name is), Spideytorch is ok I wouldn't hate it but also wouldn't be too into it, Spideypool is ok with more of a comics or older peter but never been much of a fan of spideypool. Spideydevil is cute with an comics or older peter parker but this peter's like 14-15 so NO!!! Maybe it could show a hint of skip westcott (google him if you don't know who he is he's a pedo tho) and make spidey an Ace Aro trans boy with ASD (Autism) . But I just want to see MJ X SHURI. just just look.

Me A White Girl: I Think That Peter And Zendaya MJ Are Really Cute But I Just Can't Ship Them When MJ
Me A White Girl: I Think That Peter And Zendaya MJ Are Really Cute But I Just Can't Ship Them When MJ
Me A White Girl: I Think That Peter And Zendaya MJ Are Really Cute But I Just Can't Ship Them When MJ
Me A White Girl: I Think That Peter And Zendaya MJ Are Really Cute But I Just Can't Ship Them When MJ

Also I also like spider Gwen and Zendaya MJ

Me A White Girl: I Think That Peter And Zendaya MJ Are Really Cute But I Just Can't Ship Them When MJ

I think it's less I want peter to date someone and more of I want MJ to have a badass girlfriend. And I just want to see MJ, Ned and Peter having a 3-way friendship without 2 of the people needing to be in a relationship.

Imagine all the white girls whose heads are exploding because there aren’t any white women Peter’s age in the main cast to ship him with. Imagine all the white girls who are gonna go out of their way to ship Peter with the 19th billed white dude just so they don’t have to ship Peter and Mary Jane now that she’s black 😂😂. I’m living today. I’m living forever. 

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