She / Her

277 posts

I Know The Spider That Bit Peter Parker Is Generally Portrayed As Having Been Made Radioactive Or Whatever

I know the spider that bit Peter Parker is generally portrayed as having been made radioactive or whatever in a lab and isn't even always radioactive, but I think it would be hilarious if it was mutated by the same goo that mutated Matt Murdock (and the Ninja Turtles). They're (all) cosmically-connected mutation-cousins. Matt's super-senses are a different variation of Peter's Spidey-sense; they tend to pick up on the same things, they just present differently because a) Matt is blind and Peter isn't and b) Matt was drenched and Peter was bitten (by a spider that was drenched?). Whether this is a spider that was just chilling on the same street where Matt had his accident which Peter later stumbled across (maybe in his role as newspaper photographer?) or whether the chemicals used to experiment on the spider were later accidentally spilled during transport, I don't know.

Matt and Peter do not know why they have these weird similarities, if they even recognize them. Sure would be interesting if they found out though.

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More Posts from Human-that-exists

3 years ago

What's the trope name for when someone finds out they're the Chosen One(tm) and is like "No, thank you" and goes and does something else

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2 years ago

Overhead while walking to the parking lot, on campus: an actual real-life college-student + sugar daddy AU in the making:

Male College Student: so I think my roommate’s older brother is, like, hitting on me.

Female College Student: really??

Male Student: yeah, well…like, he’s like helping us out with rent and stuff? And he, like, wants to hang out a lot…like, even with just me, like, Roommate isn’t even there…and then he bought Roommate’s books for next semester, except he asked if I wanted to come to the bookstore, and then he bought my books. Like, I didn’t let him buy all of them ‘cause I felt weird. But then he bought me dinner. So, like…

Female Student: (half-joking) is he hot?

Male Student: uhhh…I guess? Yeah. Maybe. I mean, I dunno.

Female Student: wait, though, is this like a creepy thing? Is he creepy?

Male Student: no! No, dude, he’s not like–like he’s actually a pretty cool guy, like he’s paying for Roommate to go to college and helping us out, and he’s all smart, like he’s a lawyer and shit, and he’s, like, chill, y'know, and–

Female Student: oh my god you like, LIKE him.

Male Student: (loudly enough that heads turn) I’M NOT GAY.

Female Student: you totally like him!

Male Student: BUT I’M NOT GAY.

Female Student: you’re, like, gay FOR HIM.

Male Student: (stops walking) BUT–FUCK.

Female Student: you could, like, be dating a lawyer!

…at which point, because they’d stopped walking, I had to maneuver around them and pretend I’d not been eavesdropping, and find my car.

We may never know the outcome, but I like to think that Sudden Epiphany College Student and Roommate’s Hot Lawyer Older Brother are now happily dating. (I also wonder what Roommate thinks of this–as a friend I imagine he is pleased–and whether he was secretly hoping for this outcome.)

Anyway, though: imagine your OTP. :D

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2 years ago

thinking about the time i was struggling to open my water bottle in class, and a girl that i had spoken to maybe 3 times came up to me and went

"let me help you baby"

and then proceeded to struggle to open the bottle

2 years ago

I am dying it's sooooooo good!!!! AhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! MJ Peter friendship lovely!!! Matt and Peter angst amazing!!!!!! I am jumping with joy from this it's so good. Why are there no spideydevil HP au(s)???? Fantastic work amazing I love it thank you.

Send me fluffy and/or romantic drabble requests?

Well you tagged spideydevil in it. Which is basically my calling card at this point so. Spideydevil. (who's surprised?) also btw did you ever finish the harry potter au when their adults? Thank you if you do the drabble. Have a splendid good friday and rest of week.

So, I've been avoiding harry potter stuff and honestly completely forgot about this AU!! I'm really sorry ^^; I only had an outline, so I wrote out the first scene real quick when I got home :) Not exactly fluffy or romantic yet, but it tickles my need for angst

"Parker." Matt didn't bother knocking, instead strolling confidently into the Potion Master's office with a swish of his dark robes.

Peter lazily looked up from his stacks of notes for a few seconds. "Professor Murdock," he greeted the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor in the least annoyed voice he could muster at the moment. 

The students would arrive the day after next and he had lots of preparations left: lesson plans to finalize, ingredients to organize, and a litany of other tasks. Peter didn’t have time for distractions, especially ones which came from Matthew Murdock. When he accepted the position at the last minute, he expected to come into a somewhat organized office and classroom. Instead, he found everything utterly empty. Not even a lesson plan from any of the previous professors. 

Thinking back to his time as a student, he knew he shouldn’t be surprised. Back then he often thought the professors just made up their lectures the night before- and Mary Jane had laughed openly at him, calling the very idea foolish. Now, he wasn't so sure he was far off. 

The previous potions professor was, however, kind enough to leave a copy of her debut romance novel. It currently was filling most of the rubbish bin next to his desk, the sultry cover mocking him every time he caught a glimpse. A reminder of his utter lack of romance in his life.

As if in cue, his meandering thoughts were interrupted by Matt tapping his knuckles against one of the few bare spots on his desk. "Did you get the list of potions I left?" 

Matt leaned on his cane, the action drawing Peter's focus to the purple gem at its top. Peter desperately wanted to ask about it, study it like he had so many relics before. "Oh, the list you slid under my door last night?" Peter grit his teeth to keep his annoyance from bubbling over. His morning began with finding the length of parchment on his floor, complete with a scribbled list of potions and a demand to have them ready by certain dates. 

"That's the one. I adjusted my lecture order and need to change the date I'll need the polyjuice by."

"Oh, well let me get right on that," Peter said flatly, not looking up. “Did the last professor do all of this for you?"

"I never asked the last two. Professor Figh was an incompetent fool who nearly blew his own arm off by adding the wrong ingredient in the middle of a lecture, and Professor Lovely was too focused on… other matters. She only took the position as a favor to the headmaster, brilliant at potions but had no passion for it."

"So, why ask me?” Peter leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms defensively. By accepting the position Peter knew there would be times he would need to interact with the other professors– Matt included. Civil, polite, but never personal. That was his plan. Avoid unnecessary interactions, keep his distance– apparently Matt had other ideas. A rare bubble of anger began to surge within him, and Peter was slow to soothe the emotion, allowing it to fester for a moment as a reminder of the past. Was Matt so unaffected by the past that he could so casually demand favors, did he truly believe Peter would just go on pretending like nothing happened between them? Like his heart hadn’t been utterly crushed? 

Matt was silent for a few breaths before shifting his weight and saying, “You’re brilliant at potions and my lessons benefit greatly from practical demonstrations.” He breathed deeply before adding, “And we made a good team last time we were both here.” 

“Out.” Peter stood, slamming his open palms against the desk as his anger surged. When Matt didn’t so much as flinch, Peter forced himself to continue. “You and I remember that differently. I’ll make the potions for you, because it benefits the students.”

With a stiff nod of acknowledgment, Matt quickly turned on his heel and quickly retreated from Peter’s office. The moment his robes swished around the corner, Peter sagged down to his chair, dreading the year to come. 


Thanks for reading :)

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