Peter X MJ - Tumblr Posts

at dawn

I left my family without looking back. Lockwood’s lost all of his. We are not losing you, Georgie.
This is Peter and MJ:

"You're gonna grow into them" -Aunt May

I’ve been seeing quite a few posts about ship dynamics lately, and I was wondering which dynamics I gravitate towards, so let me give a few examples;
Hawks / Dabi
Satoru / Suguru
Wei Ying / Lan Zhan (teenage years)
Which ok, up til this point, fits the Sunshine/ Calm dynamic (adding onto the fact that I generally only read healthy and/or fluffy relationships). But then you’ve got…
MCU Peter / MJ (post-NWH)
Kaori / Kousei
Reo / Nagi (weirdly specifically, Nagi tw. major chara death au)
In other words, I think my base dynamic is Romeo/ Juliet, right-person-wrong-time, star crossed lovers type romantic tragedies 💀
Michelle: any particular reason your hair is on fire?
Peter: puberty.
Michelle: ah, alright
Trick or Treating adventures
Tony and Steve take little Peter our for Halloween
Words: 1.7k
A petite Peter awoke from his slumber. His mission: annoy his father.
The small bean wandered around the tower, searching for Tony. He passed by Natasha, Wanda, and Bruce on his way over.
" Hey мой маленький паук, where 'you going?" Peter looked up towards his aunt and his eyes instantly widened. " Uncle Clint?!" Natasha laughed at the small boy's confusion. " No Глупый паук, it's still me, Aunt Tasha." He gave her another confused look. " I'm dressed up as uncle Clint! It's Halloween, Детеныш паука!" Peter made an 'O' face as he looked towards the others.
" Brother Vision and uncle Thor," he stated, pointing at Wanda then Bruce. Wanda lifted the small child and set him on her lap. " We're dressed up as our boyfriends," Peter perked up and many ideas ran through his head of who he wants to be. " I wanna be Daddy!" He jumped up and down in Wanda's lap.
" I wanna surprise Daddy and be Iron Man!" Bruce chuckled at how happy Peter was. " Why don't we see if Pepper and Happy could design you an Iron man costume?" Peter nodded his head enthusiastically before his smile faltered. " Uncle Bruce, where's your hammer?" The scientist laughed yet again then sighed. "I can't lift that hammer, only Thor can."
Peter ran to his room in excitement.
"Miss Friday, may you call Ned, please? I gotta tell him about my Halloween costume!" The bean jumped up on his bed and lifted the pillows in search of something. "Hey, Pete! What'cha looking for?" Ned's face came up on the hologram, really, really close up. "I'm looking for my Iron man gloves, the ones Pepper made me!" Ned backed away from the camera and watched Peter flip over yet another Black widow plush. "Why would you look under your stuffies?"
Peter huffed in defeat, spreading his body out in a T-pose across the bed. "I keep them there at night for when I watch Daddy's fights," he mumbled a little something about pretending to be him but no one caught on. "Oooohhh…" there was a small silence before Peter took a deep breath, letting it out in a loud scream like groan before his voice cracked. He soon sat up and looked at Ned through the hologram. "I'm all good now." He gave a smile. "What are you going as?"
Ned quickly ran out of the frame view and came back two seconds later holding a brown furry costume. "I'm going as chewy! I already got the impression spot on,"
"Little Peter, Pepper would like you to meet her in the living room." Peter looked up from his colouring book. "Loki Doki, thank you Miss Friday!" He abandoned his pregnancy test blue Crayola crayon.
He skipped his way through the halls and soon made his way to the living room. "Hiya, Miss Pepper!" He ran up to her and gave her a tiny leg hug of excitement. "Hiya, bean!" She crouched down to his height, "I finished that Iron man costume for tonight," Pep smirked as she felt Peter's arms wrap around her once more. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The small boy jumped up and down in her grasp.
Pepper pulled out a little Iron man mask to fit the tiny boy's head, along with an Iron man onesie. Peter quickly snatched the costume out of her hand and put it on, with Pep's help of course. After she helped Peter with the suit, he tugged the mask on his face and looked up smiling, even if no one could see. Pepper laughed at his antics. "Someone's excited, you ready for tonight?" Peter took his mask off, leaving his curls ungroomed and nodded his head over and over.
“What’s daddy going as?” Pepper sighed, “Your dad doesn’t like to dress up for Halloween,” Peter frowned. “But everyone else dressed up!” Pepper remembered seeing Thor dressed up as Bruce trying to convince Loki to dress up as something. “Oh yeah, and what did they dress up as?” She stood up and went to sit on the couch. “They went as their boyfriends. Auntie Nat was dressed as uncle Clint, sister Wanda was dressed as brother Vision and uncle Bruce was dressed as uncle Thor!” He exclaimed, trying to get up to Pepper’s lap. Pepper hummed and helped the boy sit in her lap.
“What if daddy went as his husband, papa?”
“Hey, Tony, would you be so kind as to take the younger boys out trick or treating?” Steve walked into his husband’s lab, mingling around a bit. “Sure thing,” He sighed, “I can’t believe that Harley doesn’t want to go with us this year…” Steve put a hand on the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist’s back. “Hey, he’s getting older, he just wants to go to a Halloween party with his friends,” Tony looked up. “I didn’t even know he had friends!” There was an awkward silence.
“What are you wearing?”
Steve looked at his outfit. A black tank top with a blue circle in the middle, resembling the Arc reactor in Tony's chest. A pair of red sunglasses resting on his forehead, a fake beard and some light blue jeans.
“I’m you!” Tony sighed again. “You could’ve just asked for the suit, that would’ve been easier,” Tony gave his husband an unimpressed look. “But then I would be Iron man,” He whined. “ don’t get me wrong, I love Iron man. I would just much rather be my Tony Stark!” Tony rolled his eyes,” Why did you dress up as me anyway?” As if his excitement could get worse. “Everyone else is dressed up as their significant other, I wanted to join!” By now it was clear Tony was extremely annoyed at Steve’s antics. “Whatever,”
Peter waddled into his father’s lab, one question mingling in his mind: who are you going as?
“Daddy, daddy!” He cheered in his little Iron Man costume. Tony turned around to face his son. “Oh. My. God! You’re dressed as a little me!” He squealed at his son’s adorableness. The question that was on Pete’s mind was soon forgotten because of his father’s excitement.
“Yeah!” He mimicked the hand reupholsters while making sound effects with his mouth, even if he didn’t have the gloves.
“Bud, where’d the Iron Man mittens Pepper gave you go?” Peter flushed in embarrassment, he was hoping Tony wouldn’t find out they were missing. “I might have lost them…”
Tony sighed. “Aw man, guess we’ll have to get you new ones then, huh?” The frown on the spider's face turned upwards into a giddy smile again.
“I had something to ask you…”
“Oh yeah? And what was that?”
“I forgot…” He pondered for a moment. “Oh! I remember, who are you going as?”
Tony chuckled. “Daddy doesn’t dress up for Halloween, sorry Pal,” He picked up the once again frowning Peter and propped him on his shoulders. “But I’ll be taking you and your friend Ted Trick or Treating tonight!” He tried to hype up the little tike again.
“His name is Ned, daddy!” Peter hugged his father’s head. “Is it? Darn, I could’ve sworn it was Ted,” Peter laughed at what he thought was one of his dad’s jokes, when in reality it wasn’t.
“Common please, daddy… you gotta dress up its Halloween!”
“I betcha no one else in the tower is wearing something, other than your Papa,” Tony tried to spar himself from the embarrassment of dressing up.
“Nope! Auntie Tasha was dressed up as Uncle Clint!” Peter leaned forward so he was blocking Tony’s view with his hair. “Everyone’s dressing up as their Boyfriends.” He said Matter-Of-Factly.
Tony sighed, knowing there was no way he’d get out from dressing up as his boyfriend… Captain America. Not to mention he always thought Cap had the cringiest suit. Ever. Like, why little wings on his helmet? With the giant ‘A’ on the top too? And don’t even get him started on the bright stripes.
“You want me to dress as Papa, don’t you?”
So here the three were, Son, Papa and Dad. Peter and Steve dressed as Tony and Tony dressed as the one and only first avenger: Captain America. In the old fashion suit.
“This is stupid, lets just get Ted-”
“Ned and go.”
Steve chuckled. “Common, babe, can’t be that bad…” Tony turned to his loving husband. “Your suit looks like a three-year-olds Treehouse Superhero special.”
“Alright, someones not in the mood for Trick or Treating,” Steve picked up his son, him and Peter both blowing Tony a little raspberry before buckling the smaller Tony in his car seat.
Once they got Ned, the four were going door to door. Tony stealing some of Peter’s candy while he wasn’t looking.
It wasn’t till later, when they got to the Thomson’s house, that Tony was visibly tired.
Peter rang the doorbell, Star Wars theme pillowcase in hand. A man in a fancy suit opened the door, a little boy in an Iron Man costume like Peter behind him.
“We don’t give out candy.” The man in the suit said with a cold expression. Steve’s happy-go-lucky stare turned into a glare within seconds, this dude didn’t have to be so disrespectful about it. Peter’s still a child for crying out loud.
Before either of the super parents got to say anything, the other little boy dressed as Iron Man spoke up. “Hey! Puny Parker, is that you?” The boy, now Peter knew named Flash, teased.
This time the Peters parents didn’t even speak, they were just in shock at how ignorant this child was.
“That’s a stupid costume. You don't look anything like Iron Man nor have the gloves to go with it,”
That was where Tony lost it.
Tony was getting pulled back by his husband as Peter and Ned watched in awe. Meanwhile, Flash ran back into his house.
“Tony, you don’t threaten little children.” Steve took off his fake glasses, scolding the billionaire. “He made fun of our kid, our kid, Steve. Weren’t you upset?” Steve sighed.
“Of course I am, child’s a brat. But that doesn’t mean you can almost kill him,”
“Whatever, we don’t need to go Trick or Treating next year. I’ll just buy Pete candy.”
Mj wouldn't wear a garter belt at her wedding... It'd be a black strip with a knife strapped to it.
Spideychelle WIP
She was on her feet, yelling, the controlled, polite speech lost in her bursting anguish for freedom. "Everything is for my own good. Everything! But you aren't telling me the truth. You know why you don't want me to go on this trip? Because of Peter, you just don't like him."
She sucked In her breath, almost sobbing, shocked at herself and yet glad. Her mother had a disapproving look, the Jones family were a happy family, but these days a strange restlessness had come into it.
"No," Michelle's mother admitted. "I don't think Peter is good for you. I don't like your association with him."
Michelle took a breath, all her heart and soul pouring into the next words, "I love Peter, he's my best friend!" And possibly more than that to her.
"His parents are dead," her mother said quietly. "And he lives with his aunt, doesn't he? His uncle is dead as well-"
"His past has nothing to do with how amazing he is!" Michelle cried, pain laced in her voice. "He had nothing to do with the death of his parents, it isn't like he killed them! Why can't you see there isn't anything wrong with-"
"We won't discuss it further." Her mother's voice was now like steel. She stood up. She hesitated, pitying her daughter, and tried to soften it with logic. "Remember, Michelle, every time we've disagreed, it turned out I knew what I was talking about."
But she didn't listen any longer. Michelle turned towards the door and blindly ran to Peter's house, she didn't care what her mother thought, Peter and Ned were her only friends and she wasn't leaving them.
Michelle Jones and 9 for the art meme thing?

Michelle Jones, three different expressions art request
Feel free to request something ⬆
Spideychelle WIP

Peter wiped his bleeding nose, the blood dripping past his lips down his chin and onto the broken ground. Looking up, he mentally winced at the blade tip pointing in his detection.
He tried backing up, but his fragile legs couldn't handle holding the rest of his aching body.
It was cold. Everything was being enclosed in black spots. It felt as if he was underwater.
"NO!" Happy held back tears as well as a struggling Michelle. "No! No, no, no, NO!" Harold grasped Mj by the waist and attempted to pull her back. Failing, Michelle and her sobs ran up towards Peter, the entity that previously stabbed him disappearing.
Michelle threw herself onto Peter, cradling his cold, bloodied face.
"Please, please, please, no… Peter? Peter, please… c'mon," She sniffed, watching her tears hit his face.
Watching her tears diluting his blood.
She refused to let go. She wasn't losing Peter too. She wasn't losing anyone. She couldn't.
It was unfair. Peter was a sixteen year old, he's been through everything. He hasn't even gotten to live out his teenage years.
Spideychelle Valentines Day Special

Gif not by me
"C'mon dude, just suck it up, walk over to her, and give her the flowers." Ned pestered a flushed Peter. There was no way he could walk over to the most beautiful girl in the world and give her some lame flowers.
First off, he was nowhere near her cool factor. Secondly, does Mj even like flowers? And third, he was just stalling…
"That's hard, Ned!" He looked between Mj's locker and the exit behind him. "I know… This is just my payback for pushing me to ask Betty out on a date last week," Ned smiled at the thought of his new girlfriend. "That's completely different. Betty likes you, and it's painfully obvious that she'd say yes,"
Ned sighed for what felt like the trillionth time today. "And how was I supposed to know she'd say yes?" Peter stayed quiet for a second before realizing Ned was right.
"See. Now take your chances, it's Friday and most likely the last time you'll see her before Valentine's day,"
Before Peter was given the chance to reply, the bell saved him from being the next drawing in Michelle's crisis sketchbook.
"Welp, looks like fate said no." Ned protested at Peter's runaway, but he knew that his buddy had spiderman things to do.
No one would suspect the one and only Spiderman to have girl troubles. But when you're a huge dork underneath the spandex that-not to mention-has to stay a secret, well, then you're sorta screwed.
Leave it up to Flash to make Peter believe no one could love his geeky side.
Stumbling on his feet as he swiftly landed on a roof, Peter noticed an oddly familiar figure sitting in the side. He attempted to regain his balance while he made his way over to the entity.
"Hey," he softly greeted, feet kicking off the edge and looking out at the horizon in front of him. "Hey…, Spidey," It was Michelle. Why would Michelle be here?
"I- uhh...are you alright?" he asked timidly, still stunned at the sight of Michelle. “No, but that doesn’t matter at the moment,” Sceptical, Peter prepped his next question. “Sure it does, I mean, it should,” Mj just sighed, to her knowledge, spiderman didn’t know her, neither did he care for her feelings.
“Since when did ‘Spiderman’ care about a teenage girl’s boy troubles,” Well, the answer was never… But he was extremely interested in this particular teenage girl’s love life. “I’ll have you know I’m a teenager myself,” Bad move.
Michelle looked up at him, unbelievingly. “What?” Damn it, Parker, you idiot. “I said… “I’ll have you know I”-” She interrupted his customary ramble. “Woah, woah, woah. Don’t try to cover it up, you said you are a teenager,”
“Were. I was.” Narrowing her eyes and raising an eyebrow, Mj finally turned to face him. That’s when Peter noticed a bouquet of flowers in her hands. “Flowers?” I guess it was a good thing I didn’t ask her… “You want ‘em?” She motioned the Lillies toward him, mentally begging for him to take them because she had no idea what to do with the flowers later. Probably throw them off the side of this building and cry over how stupid she was to allow herself to even remotely like someone.
Might as well accept them from her then give them to her…
Taking the flowers, Peter examined them closely, noticing how perfect they looked, he felt bad. “They were for this boy I’ve liked since eighth grade, but,” her pitch changed to something intriguing, “I saw him around the corner with his best friend holding flowers, pretty certain they were for someone else…” She pressed her lips together into a tight, exaggerated smile.
“How do you know they weren’t for you?” His heart ached at the fact that Michelle liked someone else, but he wasn’t Peter right now. He was your supporting, Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman. “I’m not sure why they would be for me…” Now, it hurt him that Michelle liked someone else, but what hurt him even more was the fact that she thought there was no reason for someone to like her back.
His masked eyes narrowed into slits. “There’s plenty of reasons!” Michelle raised another eyebrow at the spider. “You barely know me?” Spiderman doesn't but Peter does. “I know enough by just talking on this roof that there’s a massive list of amazing things about you hidden somewhere in someone’s pocket,” Stifling a laugh, Mj regained herself to quip back at Peter. “If so, then that’s creepy,”
Peter didn’t fail to notice how he already made her laugh, at least he could make her happy. It was silent for a moment before Michelle said something that instantly stuck with him.
“His name is Peter,” Peter… Like, me Peter, or a different Peter? “I- What?” To his dismay, Peter’s voice just kept getting higher, it was bound for something he didn’t mean to say to come out. “Like, Peter…?” “Parker…?” She finished his sentence in the same stupid pitch as he started it, clearly mocking him. “What? Do you know him?” That’s when her panic started to settle in. “If you do, don’t tell him! God, that would be so embarrassing…”
Inside the suit, there were alarms going off in his flushed pink head. She liked him, him. Peter had to clear his throat before he answered, he was so thankful Michelle couldn’t see his face right now. “I don’t know… a Peter,” Michelle hummed.
“What makes you think he wouldn’t like you though…?” I thought it was painfully obvious… “I don’t think there’s much to like about me… I’m a huge dick to everyone, especially him. Which sucks, because whenever I try to have a normal conversation with him I end up acting like a Jerk. it’s not like I try to, I don’t wanna hurt him,” She rambled, her hands flailing around. “Maybe… He likes it,” I do, and I think it’s even cuter because you’re trying to be nice. “Highly doubt it,”
He wanted to hug her close. To be able to let her know that he loves everything about her. From her frizzy brown hair to her jerky insights, everything Michelle did made his heart flutter and it certainly is one of the best feelings out there. (One of the first being the butterflies she gives him)
“Do you ever plan on telling him?” Mj took a deep breath, the many thoughts of what his reaction would be running through her head. “No… I don’t think I will,”
“Well, then you’d never know,”
“I do know, and the answer would be no,”
Her answer was so confident it pained him. “I oughta get going now,” The spider looked up to see Michelle picking herself up off the ground. “Thanks again, give the flowers to someone nice, or keep ‘em, I couldn’t care less,” She gave a small wave and opened the door from the roof to the inside of the building.
“Bye, Spidey,”
Spideychelle Valentines day WIP #2
This one's really short

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!" Peter ran up to Michelle on the sidewalk. She was currently walking to school, today had been an occasion of shitty events... It was only 7:20.
First, she wakes up late to an empty house, no clean T-shirts and no butter left. Because she woke up late, she was then late for the bus which was supposed to take her to the drug store to get Peter something. But now, Mj had no time and had to get to school.
I guess the Spiderman drawing she made him would have to do justice till she got to the store.
So, with the painfully uneventful day, that one little hug from behind lit up her path and she was so glad.
Peter kissed her cheek hesitantly. It was their first valentines day after dating for a couple of months, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
Soon they were walking on the same path. "Happy Valentine's day," Michelle took his hand in hers gently, her thumb running over his knuckles impulsively. That always gave him little butterflies.
"I got you something," he smiled at her as they walked. Gosh, Peter's such a sap it sweetly sickened her. "I got you something too... Well, made something, really," Michelle was scared he'd like something that he could use... Or, I guess, eat...
"You made me something?" Peter jumped up in excitement, definitely not the reaction Michelle was expecting but it made all her worries about the gift go away.
"Uh- yeah, it's just a drawing," She shrugged, not thinking it was that big of a deal. "It's of you, well, as spiderman but your mask is off," Peter gripped her hand tighter. "Why is my mask off?" His soft voice soft arrows through Mj's heart. "I like your face better," She just smiled awkwardly at him.
Neither of them have been with someone for Valentine's day, so, it was cute watching Peter blush at her sudden comments.
"I was going to get you something else, but I missed the bus this morning..." They inched closer together instinctively. "I think it's better when you make me something," Peter looked down, attempting to hide his bright cheeks. Michelle simply hummed, acknowledging that what she did was a good idea but not trying to make the celebration of making Peter happy in her head come out.
It was only 7:40, but this had definitely been the best day with him yet.
AU where Peter and Michelle get married but they don't get married and Michelle throws avocados at everyone.
Spideychelle WIP

Snuggling into his side, Michelle let out a light sigh of contentment. Peter was safe, he wasn't hurt, and he was by her side… that's all Mj needed, reassurance.
Nothing could even come close to being better than these nights. Wrapped up in each other's arms, warm and relaxed. Nothing was bothering Peter, not even Michelle's little stray hairs that tickled his neck.
It was cliche, soft and sappy, Michelle would never admit it. She never wanted to be one of those clingy couples you see eating each other's faces off in public. Of course, they were still new to the whole PDA thing, especially in public. But her heart couldn't go a full day without seeing his face and that made her worry.
Peter: Don't you care?
Mj: I can't afford to.
Credit: @write-it-motherfuckers