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His Genes Are Always A Production To Paint...SOOOO Many Layers...Anyways, Ill Have Something Pretty Nice

His genes are always a production to paint...SOOOO many layers...Anyways, I’ll have something pretty nice for you all shortly! I’m thinking the day after tomorrow should do it.
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More Posts from Hypergryph

Okira and the Pearl-Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
(Previous Comic-Okira and the Wanderer)
Full Song
Yeah Click on this one, it’s way better

Oh yeah, it’s all coming together. One of these days I’ll get down to making an animatic with the egg eaters. I found the prime candidate for it, holy hell.
Just imagine: a young Matthias, just exiled from his clan, and realizing that he’s essentially been freed into a world that’s his for the taking, and relishing the feeling. Oh I need to make some plans now! I’m so glad his personality has gone in this direction, it feels...good.
So how are the egg eaters doing in the Onyx Prison? Are they grouped together or have they been separated to avoid any attempts of escaping? What's their reaction to being caught? What do members of Lord Talos' elite council think of them? Will they receive punishment for their crimes? Also who was caught first, and were they injured during the capture? Sorry for a lot of questions, I just want to know the answers ': D
Heheh, you want answers? I’ve got answers!! In a seriously long-ass post. I promise I haven’t forgotten this, I had to take a visit to the Talosian Mountain and contact my favorite informant. The whole process is a bit involved, but thankfully the information has been declassified and opened for other clans to read. Let’s jump right in shall we? Let’s start with the Council...

The Elite Council has cold-feet at the moment due to the indecision on just what the Egg Eaters’ punishment should be. After all, the last time a band of dragons had gone after their young, the Talosians had reacted in a horrendously shameful display of vengeance, and who wants that guilt and shame hanging over them? No, the Elite council want a more organized, honorable course of action...That being said, putting them to death is not off the table, while exile absolutely is(that would endanger other clans, being negligent at best!) So what to do, what to do?
The Sorcerers and Scientists on the council( more specifically: Ravensent, Orishigami, and Phantorime) are pushing to study the Egg Eaters psyches and the effects of their unfortunate diets. They’re working with the Council philosophers( Khalos, Riven, and Cyaega) to push a case for a joint effort of study and rehabilitation. They have a mix of morbid fascination, pity, and ambition when considering the Egg Eaters, seeing them as a project, a case study, or(more empathetically) sick dragons in dire need of help.
However, the warriors, strategists, and informants(SonLux, Phyyric, Mismallo, and the Prince of Hares) are pushing for a more...permanent solution. They see it as abhorrent to even consider studying something so heinous as egg eating. And even so, bypassing their own personal disgust, they also feel that this ‘study/rehab’ would be both impractical AND a threat to Talosian security. I mean...they have a point. That’s ALOT of aggressive dragons who love munchin’ on eggs and hatchies, why keep them in your home of all places?
Then of course, there are the undecided. This includes the newest members of the council(Virtue, Vice, the Veils,), the Obsidian Specialists (Black Chalice and Deviigrin), and one Hero(Todosmodeus). The younger members have been hit with the WTF-stick and are still processing everything. The specialists, while not necessarily shocked, tend to be very slow and deliberate in decision making. Todosmodeus, however, is still haunted with guilt from the last he acted rashly, so he’s being extra careful to be rational.
Now as for the Egg Eaters themselves, they’ve been having quite a tough time being locked up! They’re held in separate cells for the time being to make transport more manageable, and of course to keep them from riling each other up. They can get together during meals and daily exercise, but they’re also under extremely heavy guard in a hidden, labyrinthian prison made of polished stone. Let’s just say chances of escape would be one in a million, though that won’t stop them from trying. (also it gives me an excuse to have them interact with my main clan haha)
Individually they’re doing...poorly...Only Okira was injured in the capture, but it was minor and his body heals in hours anyways.
Khoga is doing the best out of all of them. Her research instruments and notes are all back at their makeshift camp, so she’s resorted to memorization and little ‘interviews’ during meals. She’s got the mind for it, so this isn’t too much of an issue. She’ll just have to adapt to this change in variables. On this front not much has changed in lieu of her imprisonment, although she is still very much irritated that her research has been interrupted and her notes left unguarded.
Exuviate, who’s main motivation is trying to cure her scalelessness problem, is feeling a fiery case of indignation. She feels betrayed by Matthias, for her loyalty didn’t guarantee protection as he’d promised. Her dependence on the group has blossomed, so she’ll crawl right back to them when she’s done pouting.
Rannoch...Ok, let’s be clear on one thing. Rannoch is a FERAL BASTARD. Getting caught has only given her an excuse to fight anyone and everyone that irks her without restraint. She’s already been thrown in solitary for fighting several times, though her aggressions have mostly been taken out on Okira, who she blames for their capture.
Okira. This poor guy. The Egg Eaters had only risked such a daring heist because he had been suffering worrying withdrawal symptoms. The Talosian Mountain was simply their closest option, given the vast uninhabited forest they were traversing through. However, the Egg-Eaters were caught and the blame had, in varying degrees, been shifted onto Okira. He’s still suffering from these symptoms, prompting the Prison Physicians to attempt treatments to keep them at bay...they aren’t working... Depression has set in and he’s becoming unresponsive, opting to simply curl up in the corner of his cell. I feel bad for him.
Matthias has adapted to the capture rather quickly. He doesn’t consider their capture as a defeat or a setback, instead thinking of it as a challenge. The shift in mental state and social hierarchy of his group is something he’s ruminating on. Just how he’ll act towards them depends on what kind of escape plan he has in mind.
Anyways, that’s all they gave me regarding info. Hope this is enough, and happy NOTN!
Are any of your dragons family dragons? Like, do they like having and raising little ones? Sending them off, getting letters and such?
Oof, when I say this one made me step back, I mean it. There are several "power-couples" in my lair, and there are many dragons whose relationship to their family is vital to their lore( See Ambassador Khalos and Aurazane), but I realized that there aren't any dragons whose lore focuses solely on family.
Being a mother or father, a good son or daughter, and dealing with those relationships...It's unexplored territory, but thanks to this question I'm pretty curious as to what kind of families would spring from this type of thinking. Especially when infused with Talosian lore. ^^ You might be responsible for inspiring some changes in the kingdom!
In fact, the changes have already started. Though the lore is still brewing and isn't on paper yet(and also because of me lazing about on new years watching Soul with my own family) the first two family dragons have already been chosen for the role.
Here are Theosaang and Moonriser ^^

Thank you for the lovely ask, it was inspiring!
Allorema is stunning and wife material. Lord Talos is a lucky lucky dragon (Your lair and lore is BEAUTIFUL by the way <3 )
Damn right he’s lucky! ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!
also thank you so much, I’m working on another comic atm so there’s more on its way!