Wildclaw - Tumblr Posts

White Riven lurks in the surrounding forests of the Talosian Mountain. Riven’s mind is less that of a sane dragon, and more that of an animal. He communicates with the forest birds, allying himself with the fauna to track down stray and unwary intruders, bits of whom he likes to craft into haunting apparel...

Rannoch’s warrior spirit leaves little room for compassion, especially for the weak and passive. Combat is her mother tongue

Beneath all the fear and anguish, past the desperation to find a cure, Exuviate is truly, unabashedly, and unmistakably kind.
As the sole child of a little family of three, Exuviate’s life had been brimming with the deep, unconditional love that bonded her to her family. Her mother would write, her father would tinker in his personal shop, and Exuviate had time to spare. They wanted for nothing in their little corner of the world, and she grew to deeply appreciate the love she’d been blessed with.
In their sudden absence Exuviate is left with an aching void in her heart. Fear and loss have chipped away her defenses, but the kind and loving core of her being still remains.

Okira was the first to be recruited into the Egg Eater Clan, joining at the young age of 17. The consumption of dragon eggs always has unpredictable results, given the raw elemental energies swirling within their living shells. In Okira’s case, his body developed regenerative immortality...and a powerful addiction to egg eating.
Been practicing with Procreate, and boy am I loving these results! Expect more animatics/ paintings in the near future!

The way Okira clasps his little hands together when he's nervous!! I figured I'd post the image of the previous video so as to see the detail more easily. It's extremely satisfying finding voices that fit these characters.

Official design for Phyyric the wildclaw! Doesn’t baby Phyyric have the cutest little feather floofs? Makes me just want to ruffle them!
{Also been testing out different formats for character design pages. This style in particular is very CRISP. I may mess around a bit more with it, but for now I have to pack for my trip to Magrathea.}
I’ve finally done it...I’ve become...an aNiMa-Tor...
This is my first real animation, I’m so proud! Here’s the sketch phase for comparison, I hope you all enjoy!
Another Flight Rising Animation! This time it's a small clip of Phyyric before his illness was sealed away within his markings.
Here he is all grown up for reference!

Rannoch and an Old Flame
Rannoch seemingly got stronger from egg consumption what would happen if they suddenly stopped eating eggs

Fasting might dull that fierce edge of Rannoch's, and her body's base 'age' would increase by a very small amount. Beyond that, the effects of her first egg are permanent. There's no reliance on egg eating for Rannoch.
She's instead bound by a vow of loyalty(only to Matthias, mind you!) made upon receiving her powers. That seemed like a fair trade she was all too eager to make, especially for a battle-ready, never-ageing body. Thankfully she takes 'keeping her word' very seriously, so she's not going to up and leave anytime soon.
a high five for Okira you're doing amazing sweetie i'm proud of you

*Serotonin wobble noises*

My ArtFight attack for @palaeophis-fr

Another finished commission. I honestly love design of this dragon, had a lot of fun drawing her

Intruders unwelcome in the foxfire bramble