i-bee-stressed - crying

"I have been crying for 25 years? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?" any pronouns, 20, sapphic, ravenclaw you can call me Sky or Elle 👀🍂

662 posts

I-bee-stressed - Crying - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

I'm still on season 5 so I'm not on the Trevor part yet, but from my perspective, Ian and Mickey are both insane but they fit together. From what I've seen, Trevor was a sweetie and Ian was happy, but they didn't grow up together and didn't share the same values. Mickey was so in love with Ian when Ian got his diagnosis that all he wanted was to get him better and that just shows how much he cared and that he didn't care if Ian was sick, as long as he could be with him. I don't know if this makes any sense but I'm sick so I'll blame that

I'm Still On Season 5 So I'm Not On The Trevor Part Yet, But From My Perspective, Ian And Mickey Are

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1 year ago

I like how Patroclus and Thersites cursing each other repeatedly while Achilles just chillin

Troilus and Cressida - William Shakespeare

THERSITES : Prithee, be silent, boy; you are thought to be Achilles' male varlet.

PATROCLUS : Male varlet, you rogue! what's that?

THERSITES : Why, his masculine whore.

PATROCLUS : Out, gall!

THERSITES : Finch-egg!

ACHILLES : My sweet Patroclus, I am thwarted quit from my great purpose in to-morrow's battle.

PATROCLUS : No more words, Thersites; peace!

THERSITES : I will hold my peace when Achilles' bitch bids me,shall I?

ACHILLES : There's for you, Patroclus.

1 year ago

Irony at its best is Ron DeSantis illegally using images of Brad Pitt’s Achilles as a pop-culture example of hypermasculine straightdude machismo. Like my brother in christ have you ever read a book? Oh wait you made that illegal in Florida so I guess not

1 year ago

Please reblog and add your nationality in the tags along with what you answered! I'm very curious about this; and it's not to shame anybody, so don't be rude!

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1 year ago

5 Drinks To Get To Know Me

1. A hot chai latte or a hot hazelnut mocha latte on a cold day. Depends on if I'm feeling like coffee or notđŸ€­

2. Coke Zero. I'm definitely not addicted...

3. Idk if I'm supposed to add alcohol ones but rum & coke. Especially the captain's special rum is just *chef's kiss*

4. Tea. More or less any kind. Very dependant on mood. Green tea is always nice though.

5. I guess I'll have to say juice. Any juice, really, but apple juice is probs my fave.

Anygay, thanks to @xandiland for tagging me.

I guess I'll tag @lgbtallerduo , @austinbenyo & @skorlate

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1 year ago
i-bee-stressed - crying


1 year ago

“why does that character have to be queer?”

why not?

“why does that character have to be trans?”

why not?

“why does that character have to be a poc?”

why not?

2 years ago

Wave: *about Pang* he could order you around and make you do anything he wanted. But he wouldn't. He's too nice. But I'm not. Now listen here, you little shit, if you don't do-

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2 years ago
The Deceased

The Deceased

2 years ago
On Todays Episode Of Elon Vs. The Internet, Misha Collins Enters The Chat

on today’s episode of “Elon vs. the Internet”, Misha Collins enters the chat

2 years ago

I'm bored đŸ˜© it's not even 10 am, I should just go back to sleep pah

2 years ago

i’ve been inspired by the person who said if they got 666k notes they would practice self care. so ya know what? i’ve been in a spiral of depression for months so if this post gets 1 MILLION notes by the end of 2023, i will start taking care of myself and actually try to battle my depression and live my life. (this is never going to get 1m notes yall HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA)

2 years ago

Heyyyy! I know its a bit out of the blue but Im reaching in hopes if you could possibly help boost/share the post i pinned for my cat? We desperately need some of your help right now, im so sorry if I did bother you especially in this difficult times. Please consider answering this ask privately or msg me if its okay. Wish you good health and peace!!!

Lmao me boosting? I have like 50 followers my dude😎

2 years ago
Halloween Dark Headers !
Halloween Dark Headers !

halloween dark headers !

✩ like or reblog if you use‎ or save

✩ © @yinszutara on twitter

2 years ago
Fave New Twitter Thread
Fave New Twitter Thread
Fave New Twitter Thread
Fave New Twitter Thread

Fave new twitter thread

2 years ago

My dear lgbt+ kids, 

Here’s a hug for the asexuals who do not want to have any sex at all whatsoever. 

For the ones who feel like they might as well just carry a business card saying “No” in big letters to throw at show people who just don’t get it. (“No, not even to make my partner happy. No, not even with my soulmate. No, not even to have a baby. No, not even on my wedding night. No, in none of your made-up scenarios, please stop asking.”) 

For the ones who’d rather stay solo forever than to be with someone who expects them to “compromise”. For the ones who’d break up if their partner ever asked for sex.

For the ones who tried sex and thought “Okay, never doing that again” and for the ones who never tried it and never will. 

For the ones who get told that not wanting sex means they are prude or mentally ill or selfish or cruel or anti-feminist or pitiful or liars
 and for the ones who hide their asexuality because of these reactions. 

For the ones who feel like outcasts even in asexual spaces. For the ones who hear “You make asexuals look bad” or “If you hate sex, it’s not asexuality, it’s just sex-negativity” or “You are not a real asexual, you are just a celibate straight person/you are just repressing your homosexuality”.  

You are allowed to never want to have sex. You are allowed to hate sex. You are allowed to want nothing to do with it whatsoever. You deserve to have your boundaries respected.

With all my love, 

Your Tumblr Dad 

2 years ago

Rb if you want all the hcs people have about you in your inbox

2 years ago

if u are reading this, i’m sending u lots and lots of love, stay safe

2 years ago

Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better

2 years ago

The Pacific Ocean is wider than the Moon. Anyway how’s your day going?

2 years ago

reblog and put in the tags the weirdest thing your cat has ever done

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2 years ago

out of all the cc's, technoblade was consistently someone who tried to include as many people in his lore as possible. i will never forget how niki talked about feeling left out and techno carving out a place for her character in his lore, making sure she was heard on his birthday stream. or how he immediately made conner part of the syndicate or letting eret take the lead on so much of the revengers' stream.

techno had so much passion for storytelling and so much love for the other members, he truly was one of the best.

2 years ago

Actual dsmp lore bits that I don't think we talk about much

- Sally was never retconned, it's been two years and STILL it is canon that c!Wilbur fucked a fish and somehow Fundy was born

- c!Sapnap is c!BBH's son

- c!Dream has a hidden bunker under c!Tommy's old hillside base (which is honestly creepy as fuck–)

- It is also apparently canon that c!Wilbur reproduces asexually and birthed c!Fundy from his toe (don't ask–)

- c!Tommy just wanted the Egg to tell c!BBH to swear

- c!Tommy made his own therapy business once and I don't remember how it went tbh but I'm guessing not well

- c!Fundy is canonically trans (although that might've been retconned idk– I hope not though–) (update: yes it was retconned)

- cc!Purpled was late to the L'Manburg duel stream because he was out eating a burrito and everyone started streaming "War!" but traffic caused him and his (brother? sibling? Idk whoever drove Purpled to the burrito place) to get home late

- people in cc!Jack's chat called him Jack L'Manifold in his first dsmp or first L'manburg stream which is an epic pun

- mexican dream's ghost is just in a cursed class by himself. I remember watching that stream after a driver's ed zoom meeting at my aunt's house and being like "what the fuck what is going on"

- c!Puffy sued c!Jack for hotel ownership (Puffy being on Tommy's side, but of course now the hotel got fUCKING BLOWN UP– WHY MUST EVERYTHING ON THIS SERVER GET BLOWN UP HHHH)

– c!Sapnap was addicted to blaze powder and was actually one of the drug van's best customers

- DreamXD is a huge c!George simp

- apparently the warrior cats books exist in lore like HOW DOES THAT WORK?? if it's referring to c!Antfrost or cc!Antfrost then I get it but STILL WHAT

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