i-choose-you-cyndaquil - Don't Look at Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes
Don't Look at Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes

here for a little bit but gone even longer (side note: I'm 21+, bi, and have no preference on what you gender me)

582 posts

Guess What You Guys

guess what you guys

I went to the store, intending to buy a donut to snack on...and I left with a girl's number Plus my favorite effing donut! If this isn't some trimberly fanfiction shite than call me Carl

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More Posts from I-choose-you-cyndaquil

this is kimberly anytime trini asks herself if any of the rangers would like to hangout

kim would just burst through the wall like the kool-aid man and be like “i volunteer as tribute!”

This Is Kimberly Anytime Trini Asks Herself If Any Of The Rangers Would Like To Hangout

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so we have plenty of people protayed as trini's cousin but think about this... santana lopez as her cousin this is where trini got her resting bitch face this is why trini knows how to deal with douchebag football players, bitchy cheerleaders and asshole people santana taught her how to sing, how to fight back, and eventually how to accept herself santana also gets quinn to help her intimidate trini's girlfriend and ask about their intentions with her baby cousin

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confession time dudes and dudettes; it's a bit personal

Okay, so I love Zack. I really do, but I don't always like the way people characterize his relationship with Trini. Like, I get that they'd have a close friendship and basically be brother/sister but... That doesn't mean he's got to tease her about every single thing, or constantly point out she's gay and "can you be more obvious about it" type of deal or basically pressure Trini to so things she's unsure of even of he has good intentions Like, I read fics where (in my opinion) he needlessly pokes fun at her for being herself and "wow, that's was really gay of you to do" Fuck, when my friends did that when I was going through the whole ordeal of figuring out my sexuality I would get so damn sad and angry at myself. Cuz, at the time, I was denying myself of who I really was and when they'd start doing what Zack does it would just fuck with my whole day. I'd become withdrawn from my friends and snap at them because I didn't want to admit I liked girls even when I knew my friends would still love me. I just, I'm sorry but I don't like Zack overly hyping the fact that she's gay when she's still trying to figure herself out or endlessly pushing her to do things she isn't 100% comfortable with.

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so this ended up being a really rough story type of deal

trini is the android who is assigned to kim to protect her or whatever ‘cause her, zack and billy are working on a way to take down rita

rita, being the head of a corporation for androids, is being investigated for suspected tampering and illegally weaponizing the androids

she’s trying to start her own army to fight against those who oppose her

also world domination

 jason is assigned to the two boys to keep them out of trouble and help kim along the way

he was designed by zordon

zordon, retired head of rita’s company, provides cryptic clues to help them along without outright joining them

kim doesn’t really like trini at first because she’s suspects the tiny latina could turn on her any minute since she was manufactured by unknown company

trini just kind of wandered into the group at one point when a sketchy lead turned dangerous

trini took what would typically be a fatal wound to a human and shrugged it off before slugging the guy who tried to off kim

everyone panicked and thought she would die before jason did a quick scan and told them she was an android

everyone is kind of on their guard around her since she showed up out of nowhere before slowly relaxing after she showed no ill-will

she kind of become their body guard

trini is actually one of rita’s personal ‘droids and was ordered to derail any progress the group makes and, if she has to, eliminate them

overtime she starts to bond with them and actually see what rita was doing is wrong

she doesn’t want to tell the team who her manufacturer actually is because she’s scared they’ll abandon her

she kind of has a Pinocchio ‘i want to be a real boy’ moment because she grew the closest to kim and wants to be with her

she scared of kim’s opinion most of all because she doesn’t want to prove the taller girl’s original theory right and betray her

trini eventually gets outed by zack because he was looking into whatever background he could find on the short ‘droid and saw her standing by rita in many pictures, stating that’s she’s one of her most prized creations

a fight breaks out between the boys and the girls with kim trying the protect her and the boys demanding answers

the boys eventually detain the small android and ask her questions. they don’t get any answers from her but when kim tries...trini can’t look her in the eyes

trini has never really lied to her, omitted the truth yes but never really lied to kim

she eventually breaks and spills her mission to kim, taking in everyone’s betrayed looks and anger filled faces

unfortunately for the group, rita gets impatient with how long it’s taking trini to sabotage them and activates a previously unknown program called Oliver to speed up the mission

trini goes berserk and destroys most of the work the others have done, wrecking the place before making her way to the terrified group, intending to put them out of commission permanently

trini tries to fight off the program

she momentarily succeeds and downloads a quick history of everything rita has done and was planning to do on billy’s computer before doing a forced shutdown

this severely damages both her software and hardware and basically does a complete wipe of her systems happens, which the other won’t know about ‘til later

kim is the first to come out of her shock and runs over to trini

high-key worried

still lowkey pissed and hurt

jason comes over next and does a thorough scan on her to get a full analysis of the damage

billy is too distracted by what’s on his computer to really pay attention to what’s happening before realizing what the info could do to help them

zack asks what to do with the down ‘droid before darkly saying they could dump her in the lake

kim freaks out on him and physically fights him before billy breaks it up and directs their attention to his screen, where all of the information they would’ve needed to take down rita is there and than some

the happy moment is broken up by jason who says they need to get trini to zordon fast if they want a chance to save her

billy and kim are on board with the idea but zack is still skeptical of the downed ‘droid and therefore reject the idea and argues that they don’t need to do anything for her since she was leading them on from the beginning

this time it’s billy who snaps and says they would’ve been much worse off if trini actually tried to do their mission instead of befriending them and helping them by giving them the much needed info

zack reluctantly concedes and they follow jason to zordon’s place

zordon greets them as if he knew what was wrong and direct them to his lab

zordon spends days trying and failing to get trini to power on

kim’s been fluctuating between moods over what’s happened and can’t deal

zack’s being a pessimist about the whole thing but is secretly worried

billy is trying hard to go through all the files and history trini has left him

jason is trying to help zordon in anyway he can but also isn’t succeding

eventually zordon’s assistant, alpha five, figures out what’s going on and informs his master

zordon solemnly tells the group what has happened and what it means for the android

basically while trini is physically fine, everything that made up her is gone

she’ll heal, but she won’t remember 

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