i-choose-you-cyndaquil - Don't Look at Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes
Don't Look at Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes

here for a little bit but gone even longer (side note: I'm 21+, bi, and have no preference on what you gender me)

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I-choose-you-cyndaquil - Don't Look At Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes

i-choose-you-cyndaquil - Don't Look at Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes

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y’all are gonna hate me for this but it has to be done

 i’m gonna be blunt here

the fact that we exclude billy from the “we’re all screw-ups” thing, but not zack or trini kinda ticks me off

like, majorly

kimberly is on the list because she was a stereotypical cheerleader: (formerly) self-centered and mean with a slight superiority due to said status, impulsive, jealousy issues


she sent a nude pic of her (ex)friend (why she has it in the first place is up in the air) to her (ex)boyfriend which later got leaked(?). This is child pornography, which could also make her a registered sex offender in some states

jason, well he used to be the big-man-on-campus. football star with a lot of potential. not much is given on his “before” character, maybe a bit of arrogance and cockiness, teenage angst and a rebellious stage(?)

anyway, his crime?

the prank after school hours, this isn’t exactly high on the list of no-no’s but breaking and entering is. a lot of schools have taken up on locking their doors during school and after hours due to school shooting. strike one - breaking and entering. he also attempted to evade arrest when the police showed up which can either be seen as a misdemeanor or a felony. in some cases, jason could have even been charged with reckless driving  when he was going Fast and Furious, causing him to crash and bust his knee. hence the ankle bracelet = probation strike two. later, with billy’s help, he had his ankle bracelet deactivated <-- very much illegal!!! like possible jail time and a fine illegal

billy is autistic and seems to have most of his bullying stem from that alone. he’s shown to be very intelligent (like o.p. levels of intelligent) and a handyman. but because of this, we are all forgetting something so freaking important!

billy’s crime?

he brought mothafucking explosives to school. a bomb and an unstable one at that since it just went BOOM. one, explosives are very much illegal unless special requirements are met. he made his own, brought it to school and left it unsupervised. two, he caused extensive property damage to the school and could have fatally harmed those around ground zero. he’s lucky he wasn’t expelled, charged with homegrown terrorism (despite not meaning for the bomb to  go off or actually harm anyone) or fined extensively. he was, no, is dangerously negligent. three, he DEACTIVATED jason’s ankle bracelet!! AGAIN THAT’S ILLEGAL AND HE COULD FACE A FINE OR JAIL TIME FOR TAMPERING!!!! ALSO HE HAS EVEN MORE EXPLOSIVES!! LIKE IM VERY SURE YOU NEED A LICENCE AND HAVE TO BE OF AGE!!!! almost forgot he totaled his mom’s van

these three kind of deserve the label “screw ups” when jason was giving his speech, but zack and trini? well let’s see...

trini? perpetual new girl. doesnt really talk much, kind of a grump, likes yoga and death metal. closed off and has family problems. mysterious and invisible, people dont really know her name

crazy girl, crazy crime?

closed of from family, specifically her mother. doesn’t open up much. not into labels. no friends (at first). listens to metal at a high volume that could cause damage to her eardrums, does yoga right next to a CLIFF SIDE. minor damage to school property i.e ripping locker off hinges and potentially breaking something fragile sounding in another room. riding on top of bus. later gets detention for unknown reasons.

zackary martin taylor. man-without-a-plan, impulsive, adrenaline-junky caring, lonely, happy-go-lucky


skips school, sits on broken train car and stares at trini, implied crush in trini, takes mastodon zord out for a joyride despite not having morphed, takes care of mother, clashes with jason, later gets detention for unknown reasons

i know i made kim’s super short compared to jason and billy’s (who i sorta put in a bad light) but i couldn’t word it any more than that really. jason and billy did a lot of stupid things that could’ve gotten them in a lot of trouble, kim too, and breaking it down just makes it seem worse. trini and zack’s were kinda short too but they weren’t really fleshed out as much. also i’m not trying to say that trini and zack are complete angels i just wanted to say that they’re less deserving of the title “screw-ups” than the other three.

i’m not trying to make this a pissing contest either, i really just made this post because it was bugging me that people see billy as a “can do no wrong angel”

by the way, they all get an extra crime for trespassing and running away from the police

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