icecreamchick45 - I Am Bad At Titles
I Am Bad At Titles

She/Her 24đź–¤ Having most of the same interests as when i was 14 is cool, right? Right!?!

766 posts

Campaign 1 Of Naddpod Is Like You And Your Second Most Irresponsible Friend (because You Are The Most

Campaign 1 of naddpod is like you and your second most irresponsible friend (because you are the most irresponsible friend) suddenly have joint custody of a theater kid

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More Posts from Icecreamchick45

4 years ago

Slightly Obscure D&D Character Questions!!

dedicated to those who can’t stop thinking about their own characters ♡

What does your character typically keep in their pockets?

Do they consider themselves an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? What are they like in actuality?

How do they carry themselves around strangers? Friends/Lovers? Family?

If your character was a work of art, how would you describe them?

How does your character express they’re comfortable?

How does your character express that they’re uncomfortable?

How impulsive is your character?

What is something they cannot resist?

What is their favorite scent?

If they were in a rock band, what role would they play?

How does your character blow off steam? 

Physically, does your character feel warm or do they always feel cold?

If they were a body of water, what would they be?

Does your character value promises? Are they good at keeping them?

Describe their ideal date. 

What keeps them going?

Does your character swear? What’s their favorite phrase/word?

How does your character act when they want to seem inviting?

How does your character act when they want to seem threatening?

Can your character flirt? Are they aware they’re flirting? How do they do it?

If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.)

What kind of person would they never side with?

Would your character want to be famous? Why or why not?

What’s a controversial food opinion they would have?

How does your character feel about spending money?

What would they want for their funeral? 

If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife? 

Why do they keep secrets?

What does your character have too much of?

What never gets old for your character? Something your character can’t get enough of?

Can your character visualize actual concepts in their head? Or are they just vague thoughts? 

Does your character daydream? What do they usually keep their mind occupied with?

How do they feel about the unknown?

How do they respond to condescension? 

Do they consider themselves childish/mature for their age?

What makes them blush?

What are some ways your character acts silly?

What fairytale/myth suits your character the best?

What does your character believe their party lacks?

Describe a corruption/redemption arc version of your character.

What’s a texture/sound your character cannot stand?

Is there something your character isn’t very good at, but enjoys doing nonetheless?

Is your character good at apologizing? Why or why not?

How do they hold onto people?

What would they never forgive themselves for? 

How does your character feel about growing old?

Do they consider themselves funny? How do they use humor?

What do they want to leave behind?

Do they talk to themselves?

What is their native language? If they know multiple languages, how do they speak/act differently?

What makes them a hypocrite?

If your character was under quarantine, what type of quarantine person would they be? (Productive? Hobbyist? Lazy?)

What does freedom mean to them?

What is something they currently look forward to? What is something they dread?

How has your character’s mental health been recently?

If your character had wings what would they look like?

How does the way they act seemingly contradict their ability scores?

What’s a habit that needs to be broken?

What’s something your character has realized?

Who do they go to when they need to bounce ideas off of someone?

Who do they go to when they’ve had a nightmare?

Who does your character think is the most put together in the party? 

Which party member would they pull a prank on? Who would they plan a prank with? 

What is one thing they want each party member to know?

Which do they value more?

65. Adoration or Intimidation?

66. Outward Passion or Quiet Rebellion?

67. Selflessness or Self-Preservation?

68. Objective or Subjective?

69. Journey or Destination? 

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3 years ago

Okay, but the fact that Leo and Percy are considered the “stupid ones” by the fandom, usually for their ADHD traits.

Okay, BUT THIS?! Though I don’t think it’s just the ADHD, but the ADHD was part of it.

And the fact that Leo was written as a very intelligent character in the books, but he gets written off by the fandom as dumb because he makes stupid jokes and doesn’t interact well with other people? The not interacting well is a neurodivergent thing, by the way.

Also the Percy thing pisses me off, because when people do this, they do it by comparing him to Annabeth. They call him stupid for not knowing things in the first couple of books, which, I mean, of course he wouldn’t know things, or he would know less than Annabeth? Annabeth has been doing this shit since she was a little kid... Percy has not. Annabeth is going to be more educated on this stuff than Percy is.

The same thing happened with Leo to an extent in TLH. He was the one asking a lot of questions, because Jason had been doing this shit for years, even if he didn’t know and Piper had done research on it long before camp. Leo really doesn’t know as much as the other two about Greek Mythology, but that’s okay!

Nobody is stupid for not being the expert on one area, and it’s not like Leo’s expertise in other areas didn’t come in handy, or that Percy didn’t get more educated the longer he was involved in the world. It’s not like their lack of expertise in Greek Mythology made them completely incompetent.

Also, moving onto the ADHD things, starting with Percy.

Percy’s ADHD and dyslexia made him struggle in school a lot, and people tend to use this in justifying how “stupid” he is. Now, this isn’t just ableist towards people with ADHD, but equating grades to intelligence is really harmful to all neurodivergent people who struggle in school because of their neurotype, and ignores how ableist the school system is.

Notice how the one teacher Percy felt believed in him was not only a magical centaur, but a magical centaur who literally ran a summer camp full of neurodivergent kids, and most likely knows how their brains work? That’s because teachers aren’t equipped to handle anyone other than NT kids, and oftentimes blames the child on their struggles, rather than help them not to struggle.

Percy not doing well in school because of his neurodivergence isn’t reflective of his own intelligence- it’s reflective on ableism in the school system, and tbh, as much as Rick Riordan got wrong, he got that part right.

Then it’s the fact that Percy and Leo are impulsive... which, impulsivity is a classic ADHD trait... even people I know who seem to have a stereotypical or basic understanding of ADHD knows that...

And again, this doesn’t make them incompetent. In fact, their impulsivity is a lot of times their biggest strength, because a lot of times, especially in times of war, you don’t have time to make a plan. You have to just be able to react to your surroundings. This is what Percy does, and it is shown as a foil to Annabeth, who is a planner.

Percy’s impulsivity and Annabeth’s careful planning are two different strengths that are useful in different situations.

As for Leo, I don’t even really see him as impulsive? Because he does typically plan things out before doing them, but he does so quickly. He isn’t a careful planner, but he is an efficient planner, and this has come in handy several times. He does take risks, but they’re calculated risks, they are usually risks he’s put some thought into.

I wouldn’t say Percy and Leo’s ability to take risks makes them stupid, in fact, I’d say their ability to take risks and come out unharmed actually makes them pretty fucking intelligence.

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4 years ago

"my child is completely fine" your child has been reading fanfiction since they were ten years old.

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