Eris Darkwater - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

anyway wandering isles brain is just thinking about the eris and nyx + ari and tâm parallels in the making of "bunk beds" by sawing a bed in half and stacking it vs moving a bed into a room that can only comfortably fit one bed so they can share a room but not a bed bc the vibes are complicated anyway

Anyway Wandering Isles Brain Is Just Thinking About The Eris And Nyx + Ari And Tm Parallels In The Making

id: the "it's about the cones" meme from parks and recreation edited to say "it's about the beds" /end id

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3 years ago
I Took The High Way / I Faltered And I Fell
I Took The High Way / I Faltered And I Fell

I took the high way / I faltered and I fell

a wildfire druid and her paladin sister who became an oathbreaker is something that can be SO personal

[ID: Two digital paintings. The first one is rectangular, with a figure silhouetted against a red background and huge, bright flames. Their eyes glow orange. Black lettering right over their head reads “he came for my sister”

The second image is the silhouette of a woman with one hand resting on a huge sea serpent coiled around her. The background is dark blue, with slight bubbles illuminating the area behind the serpent. Light green text at the bottom of the painting reads “but he did not come for me.” END ID]

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work, Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game), Wandering Isles Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Character & Original Character, Original Female Character & Original Female Character, Eris Darkwater & Nyx Darkwater Characters: Original Characters, Eris Darkwater, Nyx Darkwater Additional Tags: Pirates, Sky Pirates, Sisters, Children, vague violence, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Comfort, Fluff, Hints at Other Wandering Isles Characters, But no, Siblings, Protective Siblings, Magic, Dungeons & Dragons Campaign, Childhood, Childhood Memories Summary:

what it says on the tin, aka Eris and Nyx had a wild childhood

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3 years ago
Bitch, Im Still Up!

bitch, i’m still up!

[ID: a digital collage-like edit of Eris. Eris is a triumphantly smirking red tiefling with tall, spiraling horns, shown from the neck up with a blur of her hand in the corner flipping a middle finger. The background is a blue-toned photo of a cathedral, with light filtering through dust clouds. Eris is framed by a white shadow of her own silhouette and by two torn halves of an illustrated nine of hearts playing card. Behind her is a block of repeating text that says in all caps, “Penance Allsentry, you dumbass bitch, I’m still up!”]

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3 years ago

a series of events. eris and nyx are twins. eris and nyx are inseparable. eris has a dream, and she is alone. eris has a dream. nyx does not. prophetic dreams don't mean anything anyway. eris and nyx have always been alone. eris and nyx have never been alone. eris is having dreams again. eris is having dreams again. the dreams don't matter. the dreams can't matter. lian is back. fuck lian. memories are missing. the memories don't matter. the memories don't matter. the memories don't matter. eris knows who you are, penance allsentry. eris can bring the memories back. eris does. (eris and nyx are dimira and semeira and they were never alone. dimira and semeira westhaven had parents. dimira and semeira westhaven are five years old and watching penance allsentry prynne castellane walk into their home. watching their parents walk out. modify memory. eris and nyx have always been alone. nyx has always wanted to be a painter. nyx is scared her hands are shaking too much. nyx wants revenge, and answers. oath of vengeance. vow of enmity. eris darkwater's name is eris. fuck these people that left them alone. left them alone for prynne castellane, that fucking bitch. we're running. castellane is here. we meet again, semeira westhaven. power word kill. the descent. eris, you are in a room. i can save her. the being is going to kill my sister. the being is going to kill my sister. hold my hand, i can save her. do it! nyx is gone. nyx is alive. semeira westhaven. does the name westhaven mean anything to you? a direction, and a safe haven. no? take off your mask. if it's required-? take off your mask. i can give the wraith her memories back. you should lie down. undead are not able to cry. but. let her go. you couldn't spare a counterspell for your fucking daughter? she wanted you to hurt her. i leave, because i'm about to do something nyx wouldn't want me to.

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3 years ago

Slightly Obscure D&D Character Questions!!

dedicated to those who can’t stop thinking about their own characters ♡

What does your character typically keep in their pockets?

Do they consider themselves an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? What are they like in actuality?

How do they carry themselves around strangers? Friends/Lovers? Family?

If your character was a work of art, how would you describe them?

How does your character express they’re comfortable?

How does your character express that they’re uncomfortable?

How impulsive is your character?

What is something they cannot resist?

What is their favorite scent?

If they were in a rock band, what role would they play?

How does your character blow off steam? 

Physically, does your character feel warm or do they always feel cold?

If they were a body of water, what would they be?

Does your character value promises? Are they good at keeping them?

Describe their ideal date. 

What keeps them going?

Does your character swear? What’s their favorite phrase/word?

How does your character act when they want to seem inviting?

How does your character act when they want to seem threatening?

Can your character flirt? Are they aware they’re flirting? How do they do it?

If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.)

What kind of person would they never side with?

Would your character want to be famous? Why or why not?

What’s a controversial food opinion they would have?

How does your character feel about spending money?

What would they want for their funeral? 

If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife? 

Why do they keep secrets?

What does your character have too much of?

What never gets old for your character? Something your character can’t get enough of?

Can your character visualize actual concepts in their head? Or are they just vague thoughts? 

Does your character daydream? What do they usually keep their mind occupied with?

How do they feel about the unknown?

How do they respond to condescension? 

Do they consider themselves childish/mature for their age?

What makes them blush?

What are some ways your character acts silly?

What fairytale/myth suits your character the best?

What does your character believe their party lacks?

Describe a corruption/redemption arc version of your character.

What’s a texture/sound your character cannot stand?

Is there something your character isn’t very good at, but enjoys doing nonetheless?

Is your character good at apologizing? Why or why not?

How do they hold onto people?

What would they never forgive themselves for? 

How does your character feel about growing old?

Do they consider themselves funny? How do they use humor?

What do they want to leave behind?

Do they talk to themselves?

What is their native language? If they know multiple languages, how do they speak/act differently?

What makes them a hypocrite?

If your character was under quarantine, what type of quarantine person would they be? (Productive? Hobbyist? Lazy?)

What does freedom mean to them?

What is something they currently look forward to? What is something they dread?

How has your character’s mental health been recently?

If your character had wings what would they look like?

How does the way they act seemingly contradict their ability scores?

What’s a habit that needs to be broken?

What’s something your character has realized?

Who do they go to when they need to bounce ideas off of someone?

Who do they go to when they’ve had a nightmare?

Who does your character think is the most put together in the party? 

Which party member would they pull a prank on? Who would they plan a prank with? 

What is one thing they want each party member to know?

Which do they value more?

65. Adoration or Intimidation?

66. Outward Passion or Quiet Rebellion?

67. Selflessness or Self-Preservation?

68. Objective or Subjective?

69. Journey or Destination? 

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3 years ago

48, 39, and 31 for eris + 1, 33, and 21 (if you want!) for your campaign 2 character? <3


Okie, let's start with Eris:

48: What do they want to leave behind? She wants to leave behind a story to be remembered. In her life, stories were how she processed and felt the world. She doesn't particularly care about the truth, but she'd love to have a way for the story to carry on.

39: What does your character believe their party lacks? Mental stability lol. We are a bunch of hot mess expresses.

31: Can your character visualize actual concepts in their head? Or are they just vague thoughts? In my mind, Eris has two modes in her head. The first is exclusively vague concepts and thoughts about how the world works on a story level. Like, in my head, Eris at level 20 is just her being at a level to realize that her life is a storytelling game come to life with friends over Zoom. The second mode in her head is "lol what if I went feral and did some crazy shit haha." It is very little in between and it has been so fun to play. (I realized after I wrote this out that maybe I misinterpreted the question so here's this extension statement. Eris thinks in words and thoughts that are words of visualization, this is both because I like that for a storyteller and that's how I think and so I'm being consistent.

Oh yeah, you wanna hear about... HER as well. Well, this might be a struggle but here we go. (Hope these are all vague and confusing enough so I can keep my secrets :) )

1: What does your character typically keep in their pockets? Not much. She has maybe a pen and a weapon in her pockets at all times but that's probably about it.

33: How do they feel about the unknown? She's getting very tired of the concept.

21: If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.) In a shot glass, but only slightly alcoholic. Musty smell, black color, maybe it does something interesting but you're gonna need to take the shot to find out.

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3 years ago

1, 14, 33, 53 for campaign 2 pc or eris


I'm gonna try and do all of the questions for both characters. (Can't promise an answer for champaign 2 pc though)

Eris first,

1: What does your character typically keep in their pockets? I think I've answered this already on a different ask meme, but I'll put the answer here. "So many random stolen knickknacks. She has like some gold coins, a random piece of cool glass, a couple rocks, popcorn, lipgloss (if that exists), a dagger, and lots of things to fidget with. Also, a venti cup filled with espresso and pumpkin syrup as well as the complete discography of VeggieTales"

14: Does your character value promises? Are they good at keeping them? In a very annoying way, I think it truly depends. She's willing to break a stupid promise real quick or even forget she made it. She doesn't hold people to joke promises or trust when enemies make them. However, in the right instances, with someone that she truly trusts, she would go to the end of the world for a promise.

33: How do they feel about the unknown? She finds the unknown gloriously overrated in the best way. The unknown remains better and more exciting as that mystery than the discovery ever is, or at least, she thinks that in theory. In reality, she's desperate for answers and likes being in control. (Control is a very complicated topic in Eris's mind and doesn't necessarily mean it in the most traditional sense or over other people.) ((Now it just sounds like I'm trying to be pretentious.))

53: What does freedom mean to them? Freedom is WEIRD in Eris's mind. In some sense freedom and open air are all she's ever known and the only true home she had before the Delrose alongside her sister. In another way, she is coming to realize that perhaps freedom could be its own trap. There are lots of things you can be free to do or free from. Sometimes the circumstances that stop you from absolute freedom are the things that you truly care about.

Now time for HER!

1: What does your character typically keep in their pockets? This was just answered but this was my answer. "What does your character typically keep in their pockets? Not much. She has maybe a pen and a weapon in her pockets at all times but that's probably about it."

14: Does your character value promises? Are they good at keeping them? She does and she is, although a lot of the time she wishes she didn't value them.

33: How do they feel about the unknown? Also just answered, but here is the answer. "She's getting very tired of the concept."

53: What does freedom mean to them?

1, 14, 33, 53 For Campaign 2 Pc Or Eris

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3 years ago

4, 5 and 51 for eris + c2 character!

HELL YAH MORE QUESTIONS! I LOVE YOU AND EVERYONE WHO HAS ASKED QUESTIONS SO MUCH! I LOVE FEELING IMPORTANT AND COOL ANSWERING QUESTIONS! (also it makes me feel less lonely alone in an empty apartment in a city where i know no one so thanks everyone that asked questions :))

Enough pre-note, here's Eris!

4: If your character was a work of art, how would you describe them? I think I answered this a while ago in a different ask meme and I'll put the answer here. "It would be a brightly colored Jackson Pollock piece with a dark background (my friend helped with this one, i don’t know art." I feel like I stand by that (again I don't know anything about art), but I think just absurdist art in general really fits Eris's vibes.

5: How does your character express they’re comfortable? I answered this in a previous answer meme and the answer is here. "With the ability to be toned down and quiet. She performs a lot of her personality to control the narrative of how she is perceived and while she enjoys doing it, it’s when she quieter that she’s more content." I still think I agree with this, but would also add that she does enjoy the ability to ramble and be immature (and basically be the kid she never got to fully be.)

51: What makes them a hypocrite? Eris is a VERY hypocritical character. She complains about not being treated seriously in the same session she did some TRULY stupid things and proved why she shouldn't be treated like an adult. Part of that is her being young, when you're 17/18 you're often being a dumbass at the same time you're trying to be perceived as an adult. (This is a character inspired by my irl sisters, so here is me saying that Eris can be an IDIOT and I love her so much. Part of it is also the environment she grew up in. For most of her life she was only focused on surviving and how to keep both her and her sister safe from ship to ship and only ever relying on Nyx. She's very proficient in the areas that she had to grow up too fast to fill and wildly underdeveloped in the areas that she never had to deal with. That disparity of skill is often what makes her not understand how dumb and hypocritical she is being at times. Eris is also just a very petty character who often doesn't care that she's a hypocrite even when she realizes it.

Oh god, these will be hard to answer for HER, and I can't promise I will.

4: If your character was a work of art, how would you describe them? She's a minimalist art with black canvas, white paint, and a splash of red. (This is so much less specific than the Eris one specifically because I don't have Maddie with me at the moment to help with descriptions.)

5: How does your character express they’re comfortable? This is hard to do without spoilers, so I will just say with a specific other person/people.

51: What makes them a hypocrite? I can't use the same gif twice so I'll just say

4, 5 And 51 For Eris + C2 Character!

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3 years ago

okay couldnt help myself, asking more if that's cool: 8, 16, 27, 44, 54, 68 for eris and She™️


Eris first because her answers seem to be longer lol

8: What is something they cannot resist? This might feel obvious, but Eris can't resist a good story.

16: What keeps them going? The knowledge that her sister isn't gone forever. Fuck destiny and fuck fate, nothing is keeping Eris from doing what needs to be done to get her sister a chance at a happy life. Also, from a different angle, the fear that if she does nothing the wolf inside her will consume her and everyone she loves.

27: If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife? Petty as fuck. She will do everything to just fuck with people and do things that just mildly convenience people throughout the day. She would have no shame and nobody would be immune to her wrath lol.

44: How do they hold onto people? With everything she has once she realizes that she can, usually after they made the first move.

54: What is something they currently look forward to? What is something they dread? She's looking forward to the day she will get her sister out of the demi-plane she's in. She dreads the day she loses control and someone gets hurt. She knows it is inevitable, she's just scared for the when.

68: Objective or Subjective? Subjective, objectivity doesn't actually exist.

You know who SHE is (of course you don't)

8: What is something they cannot resist? [so fucking redacted my guy]

16: What keeps them going? their [beeeeeeeeeeeeep]

27: If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife? Trying to keep safe those she left behind.

44: How do they hold onto people? Tentatively, not knowing how to do it.

54: What is something they currently look forward to? What is something they dread? Oh you know [yeah this is redacted] is what they're looking forward to and [of course, this is redacted, why wouldn't it be] is what they're dreading.

68: Objective or Subjective? Objective

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3 years ago

It’s almost 3 am where I am but I’m too wired after our finale to sleep. I keep thinking of a million little things I wish I had time to add to the epilogue. (Such as Eris getting into a serious relationship in her 30s, the adventures she has with the crew of the Delrose, her being the mentor/mother figure to a couple kids that find their way in the crew, etc.) But I’m also scared if I stop thinking about it then the story is truly over. Although, I guess I know that’s not the case because the story lives on as long as we choose to tell it. I guess I’ve just never been that great at endings.

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3 years ago

It’s like a month later but fuck it, I’m still thinking about Wondering Isles and specifically my girl Eris Darkwater (what a queen and what a wreck). Here’s all the headcanons i have for her epilogue times.

-She gets really good at hustling people in bars (to the point she gets banned from doing it at Xarus’s bar)

-All the drinks she orders are incredibly sweet and incredibly cursed

-She uses teleportation necklace almost exclusively to fuck with people or visit her sister

-When Ari moves in with Nyx those two things combine

-There’s a period of 5-10 years after Nyx leaves the Delrose where she visits but not as frequently as she does at other points in her life. She doesn’t know for a while what role she’s allowed or should have in her sister’s life. On one hand, despite having love in other places and finding romantic love later in her life, Nyx is her greatest love and soulmate. She doesn’t know what kind of person she would have become without her sister and she really hates thinking about the time her sister was dead. (When she has to refer to this time she just says that Nyx took a break and it’s one of the biggest deviations from what happened from reality in her book.) On the other hand, she knows what kind of life she lives and how for all their childhood they were all each other had, shouldn’t Nyx get to find a world where she’s able to find herself without Eris. A particularly insecure part of herself wonders if the real reason Nyx left the Delrose is because she just couldn’t handle Eris anymore and figured it wasn’t worth it. (That part usually silenced by reason and knowing that isn’t true, but it takes a while before it goes anyway entirely.)

-Eris does enjoy seeing lots of different planes and has gotten kicked out of about 6. (Only three of them were permanent)

-When asked what her position is on the Delrose, she remains that it’s the gunner despite the fact the Delrose doesn’t have canons

-Eris is pan or as she refers to it: “I’m just into really REALLY hot people.”

-Eris ends up having a great romantic love in her life. It starts out as a rivalry with the first mate on a different ship. The rivalry isn’t technically her fault, but she definitely made it worse. The rivalry starts when she’s about 25 and they don’t end up getting together for another decade because they’re both stubborn motherfuckers. It takes another 5 years before they’re even on the same ship. (Her girlfriend is a half-orc multiclassed assassin rogue/trickery cleric.)

-Her name is Tyche (named after Greek goddess of luck)

-She eventually as an insanely extravagant wedding in her forties with practically everyone she ever met invited

-She asks about 5 years after the big fight, if Eva would want to contact her husband/twins dad (Nicole can’t remember name)

-The teen zone is established and continues for the entirety of Eris’s life. Much past the age she’s technically allowed to be in it per her own rules.

-While no biological children, she ends up taking in any children/teens who are in similar situations that the twins were in. There’s about three of them that she considers truly hers (one of which does refer to her as mom)

-Eris is the type of adult who likes for kids to think they’re being really tough and scary while she’s behind them actually being threatened to stop anyone from giving the kids shit

-Slowly realizing that Eris is just slowly becoming a mix Adam and Keith from CaffeinatedFlumadiddle’s Voltron is (Basically) a Disaster series in her epilogue (to be fair this is a great fanfic)

-Has and will kill people for trying to use mind control magic on her

-For a period of about two to three months in her mid thirties, she was mind controlled to basically become a killing machine for some wannabe Castellane. The party came together to save her (along with her “rival”). The man who kidnapped her got perhaps the most gruesome death anyone there had ever seen when Eris was done with him.

-While they don’t get together directly afterwards, this does mark a turning point in the “rivalry”

-Eris spends a solid two months living with Nyx and not adventuring after this

-With a mix of her rival, Nyx, Thalia, and the rest of her friends and crew she’s able to get out of her own head

-She has an obnoxious wedding where she forces Ari and Lian to a kids table

-She briefly marries the prince to make Tyche jealous

-She dies in her early 70’s, it’s not so much a fight but a sacrifice for some child who she felt deserved it. Her last words are commenting on how the narrative difference of dying in a fight vs dying via sacrifice makes a difference to her. (Someone who always thought she would die via pirate fight)

-She spends her afterlife in the plane she did seances in, in essentially an endless seance

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3 years ago

is it weird that im scared to watch the forbidden ttrpg? the video starts with me and my character and even though i know i could watch it as many times as i want, watching it seems like the end...the last step. how do i get myself to do it? how to i get myself to watch and actually say goodbye to a character that means so much to me? 

this character represents a lot of my own characteristics and a lot of my own insecurities. she is chaotic and makes bad decisions and does petty things and spends a lot of the campaign believing in the back of her head that she’ll always just be seen by her worst characteristics. these are all things i both fear and know are traits that i share. the first time i really broke down in a game was when eris and nyx were having a conversation where nyx finally snapped at her twin for acting without thinking, she could really have hurt ari for what amounted to petty bullshit. eris in that moment just kept thinking about how she will always ruin things for both her and her sister. i ended up crying because i fear this a lot too. i made a character who at the beginning was just “what if i had no anxiety and no attachments besides one person,” along the way i realized that my own character pitch was wrong. eris does have anxiety and her lack of many attachments just makes her more protective about the ones that she has. this is a character that let me be chaotic and stupid as well as make meaningful relationships in and out of the game. 

in addition to this character representing a lot of my own traits, eris is a love letter to my sisters. both younger and both reflected heavily in my character. eris started the game at age 17 because at the time that was the age of my younger sister. she started the game in a outfit that i believe i described as looking like “a semi-slutty pirate costume” because that is how i imagine my sister (and honestly both my sisters) would dress in a fantasy setting. eris’s biggest and greatest love is the bond she has with her sister nyx. the game where nyx dies will stick in my mind forever because it just brought to my mind the thought of my irl sisters being in the same position. i consider my self in general to be someone who has little impulse control, but truly my sisters were MUCH more of the inspiration for eris’s bad decision making skills and lack of foresight. 

eris darkwater, a character made with a half thought out pitch that even me and arlowe were not completely on the same page on in terms of what i had meant for some aspects of the original character creation, is someone who a year later feels incredibly real and incredibly alive. she embodies my love of storytelling and my own sense of loyalty. she is reckless and chaotic and is very likely to do something just because she thinks it’ll be funny. she has a good heart but is not necessarily a good person. she feels like a real person to me but also i know thats my overthinking. hell, i listen to the stupid spotify playlist i made for her practically everyday. (it’s a very fun playlist)

how do i say goodbye to someone who is both not real and in my head? how do i allow myself to allow the story to end?

maybe i’ll try again tomorrow

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3 years ago

thinking about the twins growing up on the tiny island, taken in by pirates as children, living ship to ship, sleeping on loose boards in small corners, bunking together below decks of a life they had no choice in, curled up in one broken bed in a safehouse on linde (”what do you want to do?” “we could go” “eris. i like these people, and that scares me. but if you want to go let’s go.” “i think i like them too.”) choosing the crew of the delrose (in the same bed, on the same night: “i had a dream, and you weren’t in it. i don’t want to lose you.” “i promise i’m not going anywhere” they lock pinkies and fall asleep.) so they stay. for once, they stay. 

castellane finds them on the docks, the crew of the delrose, surrounded by ships that aren’t their own. nyx is wrent from the deck of a ship that is not her home and dropped dead into the cloudsea. eris can’t do anything to stop it.

but the dream. nyx wasn’t there, but someone else was, someone who can stop her descent, for a price. when they try to remove eris’ curse in the aftermath, the wolf remains.

they have followed castellane to a moment before the end of the world, scattered through the planes of the nexus. lying suspended on the middle of yet another ship, that of kytick, goddex of crossroads and the cloudsea, nyx is there. dead.

she wakes up in the arms of her sister and her quartermaster, brother in the light of the stormlord, the rest of her crew standing over her. she must decide again to go with them in what may be their last battle.

she does. they win.

“i’ve always wanted to be a painter, but i’m afraid my hands shake too much now.” she whispered once. a secret to offer the feywild. she is not a painter. she is a fighter and a paladin. (”i hate that lian is alive.” her sister, elsewhere, whispers. for if lian is alive, the dreams mean something after all.)

nyx stays a year longer, after castellane, aboard the delrose with her family before leaving for linde to find other work (read: to slow down. to paint. the wind of the cloudsea is coarse and harsh and grows too much now that she has a choice to move on.)

eris stays as long as she can, helping kids get off of the cloudsea and into stable homes, telling the stories of anyone who passes through, becoming the first mate of the delrose. (she dies on this ship.)

when they’re 17, nyx suggests for once that they stay, and eris never leaves.

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3 years ago
So I Got This Art Done Of Eris And It Is So Sick And Cool That I Needed To Share It! Credit To @samanthahenze

So i got this art done of Eris and it is so sick and cool that i needed to share it! Credit to @samanthahenze for the artwork, it’s exactly what I wanted and couldn’t be happier. Highly HIGHLY recommend their work.

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3 years ago

DnD asks

I feel like this world needs more DnD character here’s a new ask meme! Player Character Development style

1) What would they consider to be their biggest failure?

2) What’s the story behind their name?

3) What’s their relationship with their family?

4) What’s one song that describes them or is them?

5) Who is their best friend?

6) Why are they their class?

7) What do they think of their party members?

8) In what ways are they similar to you?

9) In what ways are they different from you?

10) What do they look for in a romantic partner, if they have a romantic orientation?

11) If they had a patronus or animagus form, what would it be?

12) What do they smell like?

13) What is their secret skill?

14) What is their relationship to spirituality?

15) If they were to be remembered for something, what would they want to be remembered for?

16) Why did they become an adventurer?

17) What’s one thing about their backstory that came to you after you already started playing the campaign?

18) Do you have any headcanons for them that haven’t come up in game? Or headcanons for other party members?

19) Any ships with your character? If a PC or NPC, what interaction launched it?

20) What would your character consider their biggest success? Or what is your favorite success your character has had so far?

Fun bonus asks:

A) Rank your characters from most attractive to least attractive, smartest to dumbest, or other.

B) Group them by a YA novel system (eg: Divergent factions, Harry Potter houses, etc)

C) Creator’s choice!

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3 years ago

D&D OC Ask Meme

For extra fun, roll a d20 for your question

IDK man I just want to ask my party questions and I'm too lazy to look for the right ask memes to do it subtley

1. Describe what your character would be if they were the exact opposite of what they are now. This can mean personality, class, alignment, whatever.

2. When you were creating this character, what was their original draft? Are they the same character you intended to make?

3. If you were to redo the campaign this character is/was in, what would you change about the character you created? Race? Class? Blood Type? Any/all of the above?

4. Of the other members of the party, which of them would you have chosen to play if all the options were premade and laid out in front of you?

5. What was the first time you really connected to this character, if ever? Why do you think this moment made the character special to you?

6. What NPC did you think was going to be more important than they were? Are there any NPCs that were more important than you expected?

7. Did you ever rewrite/revise their backstory during the campaign? How much of a change was it? How much do you think the DM cried, and how sorry do you feel for their tears?

8. What's one weird personal headcanon you have for the character that's not addressed or that you haven't found a way to share yet?

9. What are your character's relationships like with every member of their party? Bonus, if you want to write a short blurb on your character's opinion of them.

10. Write up a short summary of your character. What makes them tick, their basic psychology. How do they appear from your perspective? Bonus: show it to your party, and ask how the character comes across to them. I just think it's fun to do stuff like that :P

11. Who or what was your inspiration when creating this character? How does it show? This can be visual, backstory, personality, anything.

12. How has your character changed in response to their party members? Are these changes significant or small?

13. Take the Meyers-Brigg personality test for your character, if you dare. If you daren't, take your vest guess at what their type is.

14. Have you made any aus for this character? If so, what? Which is your favorite? Which is most developed? Which deserves more development and attention?

15. What aesthetic do you think your character would fit best? This can mean anything from decade of choice to clothing style to [insert word]-core.

16. What jokes/memes do you have about your character? Are there any jokes that accidentally became canon in the universe?

17. Who is your favorite NPC? Least favorite? What about your character's favorite and least favorite? Explain why!

18. Have you made any fanchildren between your character and an NPC or PC? Is their relationship canon? Tell us about the kids if you want or have them! Tell us about the characters' lives together!

19. What bit of character development are you proudest of? What bit so you wish hasn't happened? Is there any development you're still waiting for?

20. How did you think your character would die when you started the campaign? How do you think they'll die now? If they're already dead, substitute that in for the second answer.

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