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8 years ago

Whoops. Sorry! ^ ^ “”” But! I could help with ideas! ; D If-if you want. ^ /// ^

Also, is there a Davekat fic titled Cuss Cuss Fall In Flush???

Because if there isn’t then there should be.

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8 years ago

Aw, thanks. < 3

Okay, but what about Succubi and Incubi that feed off of platonic interactions/affections/attractions/etc. instead of sexual?

“I’m so fucking hungry! I need a hug!” “How about three hugs and a fist bump?” “See, this is why I love you dude.”

“Do you wanna cuddle and watch TV together?” “Hell yes, a dinner and a movie!”

“Eskimo kisses are so delicious…” 

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8 years ago

Your welcome! I’m so glad to have helped! : D (I’m ace too, which is mainly what inspired it. X 3 * gives a high five to your oc * : 3)

Okay, but what about Succubi and Incubi that feed off of platonic interactions/affections/attractions/etc. instead of sexual?

“I’m so fucking hungry! I need a hug!” “How about three hugs and a fist bump?” “See, this is why I love you dude.”

“Do you wanna cuddle and watch TV together?” “Hell yes, a dinner and a movie!”

“Eskimo kisses are so delicious…” 

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8 years ago

@ la-vallett1 Sorry about that! ^ ^ “”” I’m glad you still know what I meant and hope that you still like my generator, though! ; 3

Your magical boy team consists of:

I made a magical boy team generator over at Generatorland! So anyone who likes magical boys, please check it out! ^ u ^

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8 years ago

In the U.S there’s a school in between elementary/pre-school/primary school and high school(/secondary school?) called middle school. 

Is that what you weren’t sure about? Did this help??? ^ ^ “””

Also, I’m glad you liked it! ^ u ^

Your magical boy team consists of:

I made a magical boy team generator over at Generatorland! So anyone who likes magical boys, please check it out! ^ u ^

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8 years ago

Oh my god, I’m so sorry! O o O Someone else reblogged from a different country/area so I just...ugh! D X I’m an idiot!!! T n T Please just forget what I said.

Your magical boy team consists of:

I made a magical boy team generator over at Generatorland! So anyone who likes magical boys, please check it out! ^ u ^

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10 years ago

73 degrees F here in Dallas, TX & overcast.  I do so understand feeling super hot, because, Texas.  OMG I LOVE THAT YOU HAVE A TORTOISE!  Sorry, I just get uncontrollably excited about some things. ;)  Have you read Roald Dahl's children's book Esio Trot?  If not, you must.  I insist & you will love it.  Find the one with the illustrations by Quentin Blake - classic!  These things (garden tortoises & Roald Dahl) are two of my British loves, I'm sure you can guess at least one other.

At the moment I'm writing this post, which has interrupted  Day 2 of Project: Untangle the Not-Thin But Not-Thick Black Thread That Used to Edge the Green Blanket That Is Now My Son's Hooded Cloak (My son, henceforth known as Bugbear, is too tall to be a Dwarf or a Hobbit [and he's only 7!] but too short to be a Ranger or Elf, but the "cloak" is a soft Hunter Green throw, and he looks like a true adventurer, so bold.  I love my kid! [Hehehehe - kid means "baby goat" :P - appropro or nothin'. ]), so I sit by the window listening to Yiruma & I focus on a piece of minutiae. 

I found one end of the thread yesterday & started the detangle process, winding the thread around a folded toilet paper roll.  I only came across two true knots - the rest is mostly just kinks & tangles.  Today I found the other end & tied it with a slipknot around a bead, so I can work from that end, back to where a knot has trapped the thread.

Why?  'Cause I want to.  Makes me feel good.

Why? Mental health reasons. I'm having a frenetic state of being at the moment.  Something that takes a focus, like untangling this thread does, will tether my brain so it doesn't fly off, get lost, & not come home for weeks.  Listening to Yiruma helps foster a sense of calm & serenity that keeps my brain from straining at it's tether, letting the brain just float like a helium-filled balloon. 

Oh my goodness, this post is starting to sound coherent.  I hope this post helps someone make sense of what it may take for a person to cope with being in a manic state (for example, when someone has a bipolar diagnosis and is on one of their "ups" or "highs" - the "manic" part of the obsolete term "manic-depressive").  I'll talk about depression some other time.

I am boldly inspired by Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess and many other fine folk; the "stigma" part of the mental health discourse simply must be Dalek-focus EXTERMINATEd!  So I'm doing my part to talk about it - in my way, with my POV, my first-hand experience, my second-hand experience, my educated knowledge, my similes & metaphors abounding, and my sense of humor.  

"Life is like a simile, but metaphor IS life" -  words of Lisa L. Swanson.

And, as Mindy from Animaniacs used to say, "Okay, I love you, buh-bye!"

Hello lovelies! I’m aware the temperature here in England is nothing compared to the temperature in a lot of places, but it feels super hot to me and my pathetic English skin. I’m enjoying it while I can, sitting on my back step with my tortoise, although she seems to be hiding from the sun at the moment. What’s everyone else doing this fine day?

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2 years ago


hello. hope you are having a good day today.


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7 years ago

 It was a specific topic. I must have gone in some flow and you in another. It was was my fault for not being clear enough, my apologies.

 And thank you for taking the time to rethink the game critically and give you a worked-out answer. I’m happy to be able to discuss relevant reviews of topics of common interest, such as RPG Maker games.

 Speaking of Uri, I don’t believe that everyone necessarily has a pattern of disorders, but it is inevitable to suspect an inclined tendency to these problems that border the worsening.

 Being one of the first games I played, I wasn’t so restricted with the permanence of a genre. It was something new, a little silly sometimes, but with a message.

(Sorry for the physiological typo) Something that has confused you even more. I didn’t want to run away from the topic.

 I come to agree with your remarks about William, in fact, of all the characters who were surrounded by something strange I was more frightened by his companions. Even the mouse.

And the fact that he had this since he was little, which would be years, is something to worry about. Having a logical sequence of references to traces of his personality as lack of confidence, anger, loneliness and fear.

 It also reminds me of a gate that he thought was locked, but when accompanied by Sophie, the two of them could open.

 Being a defense mechanism, I believe he can’t differentiate from reality and the surreal, however obvious it may be, for a few times.

  In dealing with the serious tone, THM was the final game of the series, and being Will a new character, he wouldn’t appear in another one, that made the end, the end of Will.

 This influences the idea of ​​the doubt of his near future. 

 Even David being present in every game, it is seen that he has improved, Sophie, too, Keith, in his own way, I believe so. And Will?

 This feeling leads me to think that maybe The Boogie Man could be the last, having a meeting of all the characters to a human and caricature enemy. But I’m not against how it was to be.

 And about Mermaid Swamp, I’m not done with it yet, but sure enough it’s Uri’s concentrated terror / mystery, so far. 


In relation to this post: (-Link-)

I’m not that familiar with the games. (So if I get some details wrong, please correct me!)

Continuar lendo

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