igotthis2 - Nevermindigotthis‘ Side blog
Nevermindigotthis‘ Side blog

This is a side blog for reblogging, so my main can remain „clean“. My main is @nevermindigotthis and I will continue to post my art there.

19 posts

As A Kid I Played Lego Games To Experience Movies I Hadnt Watched Yet And To Play Through Stories I Already

As a kid I played Lego Games to experience movies I hadn‘t watched yet and to play through stories I already knew.

As an adult the levels are alright, but I mostly enjoy the challenge of collecting all the hidden collectibles and walking around as my favorite characters.

More Posts from Igotthis2

6 months ago

after eight years, I finally updated my huge Historical Fashion Reference & Resources Doc! Now in the form of a MUCH more easily updated Google Doc with better organization, refreshed links, and five more pages of books and online resources.

I know tumblr hates links, but it’s worth it for a doc that I can now update with far more regularity going forward! RIP to the original, you did your duty for far longer than you should have. 😔🙏🏼

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6 months ago

Most incredible SP art I‘ve ever seen

Teaser For A Concept Art Project I'll Post Tomorrow!Just A Dapper Spooky Skeleton Named Skulduggery Pleasant
Teaser For A Concept Art Project I'll Post Tomorrow!Just A Dapper Spooky Skeleton Named Skulduggery Pleasant
Teaser For A Concept Art Project I'll Post Tomorrow!Just A Dapper Spooky Skeleton Named Skulduggery Pleasant

Teaser for a concept art project I'll post tomorrow! Just a dapper spooky skeleton named Skulduggery Pleasant 💀⌚🔥

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5 months ago

I‘m LOVING all the discussions, please keep it coming with the opinions. I agree with many people‘s (differing) opinions, which does not make choosing any easier.

Let me share some of my thoughts and why I‘m still conflicted. My criteria are

1) Maedhros must be falling, or be about to fall. I want it to be clear that there is no turning back, his center of mass is already over the edge.

2) Clutching the silmaril to the chest seems right somehow. Just holding it at the side is not dramatic enough, it must be a focal point.

3) I want to show is face, so I can better portray the DESPAIR that led to this.

That being said, I am aware sketch 3 is the most dynamic, I think it‘s pretty obvious that that’s the only one I used a reference for. And in general, I prefer Maedhros falling backwards. I do think that he‘s a „eyes wide open“ kind of person who would not hesitate to stare death in the eye, but the idea that at the bottom he would just faceplant into lava is just somewhat undignified. And falling backwards has more feeling, both because I can draw his face and because then it‘s more like a fall and less of a jump/dive, if you know what I mean? Going forward is active, falling backwards is letting go.

Edit: Accidentally reblogged with my side blog, too tired to fix that rn.

Maedhros WIP: Help me chose which sketch!

I want to draw Maedhros falling into the abyss. I would like to make it an image which could be the tapestry from Chapter 6 of The Harrowing by @chthonion, with the description: „On the final wall, a jagged crack cuts across the earth, blazing with molten stone, and a figure silhouetted black against that light, with rainbow fires still spilling out between the fingers of his only remaining hand, steps out into the air, captured in the very instant before he fell into the fire below.“

I have four sketches. Which one do you think fits that description best (and would look coolest and most tragic):

Maedhros WIP: Help Me Chose Which Sketch!
Maedhros WIP: Help Me Chose Which Sketch!
Maedhros WIP: Help Me Chose Which Sketch!
Maedhros WIP: Help Me Chose Which Sketch!

Let me know your thoughts in comments and reblogs, and/or vote here: