illicthearts - Khushi

464 posts

Scythe Thoughts

Scythe Thoughts

Chapter 19 - Chapter 26

I know I’m being mean to the Scythes and the characters but I can’t help it, it’s the jobs they do. Also I don’t hate the characters I’m just being petty

Is splatting like drugs to these people? Cuz apparently Rowan’s friend isn’t the only one who does it

Finally something on their families. I can’t believe they don’t miss their old life

Citra is so smart omg, love how she figured out how to get into the back brain of the Thunderhead

Goddard is fucking crazy,


I mean I’m supporting the corruption arc but like it’s sad to see especially since I don’t agree with the villain 😭

Finally something about space and its exploration.

Now, do they know everything that’s below the ocean? Cuz more than half of it is unexplored


Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
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1 year ago

yeah i like horror but it’s horror as a way to explore loss and grief and love and death and fear and loneliness and religion and human connection and time and desperation and goodness and greed and corruption and addiction and memory and self and change and beauty and control and peace and life and god and eternity and guilt and forgiveness and i could go on but yeah, yeah i do like horror

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1 year ago

Scythe Thoughts

Chapter 8 - Chapter 13

Idk how Citra and Rowan aren’t shaking and crying rn, they’re stronger than me fr. If Someone asked me to leave my life to kill people everyday, I’d kill myself. Not only that’s such a morbid and sad way to live a long life and while I do hate my life, I have things I love about it and I wouldn’t leave it behind for that at all. Like I wanna go to parties, eat ice cream, find a boyfriend. Not spend the rest of my life attending funerals I caused. Idk how they don’t think about all this. I’d be crying myself to sleep every night

So if religion is no more how do wedding works? Are there even holidays or festivals? Like Christmas or Diwali or Ramadan?

Are there even different languages?

I still don’t get why exactly Citra and Rowan agreed to being apprentices, I know Citra has her brother but what about Rowan. And Citra’s brother isn’t a strong enough motivation imo. Like they barley mention their family, I think Citra mentioned him once after becoming an apprentice

So let me get the straight they don’t feel as strongly as we do? Their emotions are dulled by those nanites? So they’re basically on drugs or something?

Honestly I can’t imagine feeling dulled emotions, I’m numb half the time but once a month it’s feels good to let it out, to feel something


Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts
Scythe Thoughts

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