ilovefanfics2019 - Multi-fandoms

My name is Joy, 21 years old, 📍🇬🇧. bubbly, fun and I like to cheer people up. This page is a safe space. Fun fact: I'm weirdly obsessed over lemon meringue pie

30 posts

*Covid-19 Has Entered The Chat*

*Covid-19 has entered the chat*

Covid-19: Fear me humans, no mortals shall defeat me!

*Levi aka the god of cleaning has entered the chat*

Levi: I can bitch!

Covid-19: You cannot defeat me teeny-tiny shorty mortal!


*Levi whips out all his cleaning supply*

Covid-19: Shit!

*Covid-19 has left the chat to go hide*

Levi: You wuss come back here and fight me!

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More Posts from Ilovefanfics2019

4 years ago

Her own path

Part one: The intro and secrets.

Warnings: Some angst. A death. Mention of tortured, kidnapping and some forms of abuse. Mention of mum Kurogiri.

Characters: Shigaraki, Kurogiri, All for one and league of villains mentioned. The readers mum who my own character is mentioned. The reader Y/n =your name.

Description: Getring to know a bit about the reader and her past.

This is my first ever fanfiction I have written I hope you enjoy it.

Everyone had secrets. Heroes. Villains. Yes even villains. Especially the league of villains. Want to know what their secret is. Of course you do.

Hidden away in the league of villains base is a teenage girl who is battered and bruised with long messy blue hair with pink streaks who crys herself to sleep everynight. You may be think this girl has been kidnapped and tortured by the league of villains. Well your sort of right. Kidnapped well sort of. Tortured only by two certain league members.

Let me explain by going back to the past.


One clear moonlit night a four year old girl was playing dolls with her mother when a loud bang came from the front door being busted open by a pale crusty blue haired male who kept his eyes focus on child who he had come for. The mother activated her quirk to protect the young girl telling her to run and get help. The younger girl reluctantly to leave her mother behind ran when her mother urged her again. Whilst the young girl made a beeline for the backdoor her mother shot vines, rocks, fire and whirlwind at the blue hair male who just dodged and disintegrated everything. Meanwhile the young girl who was almost to the back gate was swoop up by a mist like person with glowing yellow eyes. The child being as frightened as she was tried to get away but after the mist man step back into her house she stops frightened eyes widening seeing her mother being held by her sides by the blue haired male with his pinkys not touching her.

"You really thought you could keep her from me" grinned the male.

"You should known wherever you go I would find you" continued the male.

"I moved to protect her from you and your awful plans to use her for evil" the girl mother spat out.

"Well what a terrible mistake you made for not giving me the child in the first place" grinned the male.

The male then made eye contact with the frightened girl. Red eyes meeting with green eyes.

"Say goodbye to your mother little one" the male chuckled as his pinkys coming down into contact with the mother sides.

"Noooooo" the little girl screeched with tears leaking out of her eyes.

"Y/n you will never be like him, make your own choices and fight never back down" the mother whezzed out to the girl whilst holding her sides.

"Shut up" the male screeched enclosing his hand around the womens throat.

"Y/n rember ... I love" the mother croaked out before crumbling to the floor in a pile of dust. The young girl let out a wail and tears bursted out of her eyes.

"Why did you do that ... and who are you" the young girl cried out.

"You'll find out soon enough" the male grinned "and as to who I am ... your father". The young girl fell silent with shock as the two males disappeared into the night with her.

End of flashback.

If you haven't figured out yet the young girls father is none other than Tomura Shigaraki. Her name is Y/n Shigaraki. Her mother was a pro hero know as Mother Earth before quit to raise Y/n. Y/n was the result of a one night stand between Shigaraki and Mother Earth who had at the time didn't know who each other were untill meeting in the battle field one day. When Mother Earth had Y/n she keep the father a secret from everyone including from the father himself. One day when 3 year old Y/n was being looked after by her many claimed aunts and uncles. Shigaraki fount out about his child and ran into Mother Earth and told her to hand the child over to him for a plan in a secret meeting place the next day. Knowing the plan was something not good she moved away with Y/n in order to protect her but it didn't work as a year later Shigaraki fount them and well you know the rest.

Y/n for years has been tortured by her father and All For One by training her and trying to push pass her limits. The reason for this is so that she can defeat All Might by using her unique powerful quirk she was born with which is Mother Nature Decay. Y/n gets her mother nature quirk from her mother which is the ability to summon all different elements, natural disasters and animals so basically she has the whole earth at her fingertips. The Decay comes for her father but unlike her father she doesn't need to be touching people physically. She can emit it from her hands or by making the elements touch people but in order to activate it by elements she has to touch her pinky to her thumb. Her drawbacks for over using her mother nature quirk side is that her hair starts to turn green and becomes moss like she also becomes dizzy and faints. If she uses Decay too much her hands start to become dust like and she become dizzy. If she uses the both together too much she starts to glow green whilst producing a dust like tornado which swirls around her hair and she will pass out for a week with vines covering her body. Her weakness is she must stay hydrated, she has to get at least one hour of sunlight a day and have special cream on stand by to use on her hands that get crusty after she uses her Decay quirk or eles her hand will be crusty and in pain for the rest of the day until she uses the cream.

Y/n hates her father for killing her mother but she also hates him and All For One as she gets trained by her father nearly every single day and some times by All For One and if she does not comply with their orders she gets tortured. She most of the time ends up battered and bruised as she refuse to use her father quirk most of the time as she doesn't want to be like him.The rest of the league feel sorry for the poor girl but don't really say anything due to not wanting to get on the bad side of their boss and leader. The only one who ends up caring for the girl is Kurogiri who is like another mum to the girl and feels guilty for helping Shigaraki that night. Kurogiri always trys to help the girl in anyway he can from helping clean up her wounds after training/tortured sessions with her father, feeding the girl nice and nutritious meals, chatting to cheer her up, getting her a blanket that she wears like a cloak for a comfort item and he even suggest multiple time to her that he would try and help her get away for the league but Y/n refuse as she doesn't want to get her new mother figure in trouble or hurt. But one day an opportunity arises for the girl to have a new chance of life.

The question is will she takes the chance or is she too scared to stand up to her father to do so. Join her on her adventure where she proves even if your born or class as evil you can choose and follow your own paths to become someone who you want to be.

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3 years ago
Intoducing Sisterhood Group Chat:

Intoducing Sisterhood group chat:

Intoducing Sisterhood Group Chat:
Intoducing Sisterhood Group Chat:

Fun facts:

The girls especially Y/n have an addiction to cute stationary stuff.

The girls buy new outfits nearly ever season.

The favourite place is small cat cafe located near Origiri Miya that they accidentally stumble upon one day and kept going there ever since then. The cafe owners made them official gold whiskers members.

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3 years ago

I'm Back

So I'm back. I can see I've gain a few followers so hi👋 I took a really long break from posting stuff because of life. But I'm going to make an effort to post on here again even though life still a bit rough. I don't know if I'm going to be continuing Her New Path, well at leat not for a while. But I am going to be starting a new series. A Haikyuu one. Haikyuu has been an important part of my life recently as it help through some tough times lately. This new series is going to be a smau series with Kuroo x reader (kuroo is my fav haikyuu character), there will be some writen parts but i will let you know which chapters contain them. I will be posting the introductions shortly and update it when i can. So hope you enjoy it and talk to you guys again soon bye-bye.

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4 years ago

🥳It's my birthday🥳

It's My Birthday