Aot Levi - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Firm Believer That Levi Would Leave You Little Notes On The Kitchen Counter Before Heading To Work Early

firm believer that levi would leave you little notes on the kitchen counter before heading to work early in the morning while your still sound asleep in bed, telling you to have a good day & how much he loves you & how he can’t wait to see you when he gets home

artist: unknown x

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3 years ago


I'm in love with your blog! QWQ

I was wondering if I could request a fic about Levi, where his s/o doesn't get back from a simple supply mission but everyone else did, and Levi has a break down at front of his cadets or the veterans or both (whatever you prefer) because he thinks it was his fault or this is his life where he gonna lost everyone but after few days his s/o get back to the headquarters with cuts and bruises after those hard days outside of the wall and Levi can't believe it is real and not some daydream about his love. Long story short I need an angst fic with happy ending! QwQ

Thank you so much, feel free to ignore this if you don't like it or if you don't want to. You're amazing and I hope you have an amazing day!

the castle

levi x reader


a/n: i took some liberties with this one, hope you enjoy

tags: angst // fluff // curse words // violence // blood //


“i won’t let you do this.” a stern voice sounded off in the night air as you mounted your horse. you sighed, looking at the stars that peaked out behind the tree tops above you. not bothering to turn around, you knew who that voice belonged to, you were intimately familiar with it.

“it’s not your decision to make, i have to do this with or without your blessing. this is bigger than both of us.” you said, grimacing at your own words. you wished you could choose to be selfish, and stay behind with levi. part of you thought that all of humanity could be shot straight to hell for all you cared, as long as you and levi could be here together in the sanctity of the wooded fortress, but you couldn’t afford to think that way. you had a job to do.

levi made his way around your horse yanking you down in the process, thankfully he caught you on the way down. levi’s strong arms pinned your form to his chest, so tightly that you felt as if your lungs could collapse under the pressure.

“fuck whoever’s decision it is, it’s my decision that i can’t let you go.”

your heart melted at the sight of Levi being so worried over you. his hand held a firm grip on the small of your back, while the other held the base of your head. his strong hold made your body turn to putty in his embrace.

your voice came almost as a whisper, “it’s a stealth mission levi, you heard the commanders orders.” your tone faltered when his gaze intensified. you reached a hand up to cup his face in an attempt to ease him, “it’s for the good of humanity.”

he nodded your hand away, “i don’t give a fuck about humanity. you are what matters to me, and i need you to stay alive. this mission only puts your life in jeopardy.”

you ignored his protest and cupped his face anyways as a frown formed on your face.

levi wasn’t really mad.. you knew that. he was scared, and so were you but you knew that if you followed the commanders instructions correctly, you should be back to the fortress by dawn, back in levi’s arms once more.

“you know i love you right?” levi’s face finally softened at your words, a smile formed on your face at the sight. “the sooner i can do this, the sooner i’ll be back here with you. it’s a simple in and out mission, i just have to sneak into the MP’s base, snag the supplies, and get out of there. simple as that.”

levi rolled his eyes at your oversimplification.

“yeah, and you could get caught and killed in the process.” you leaned in closer, your lips were just a hair’s length distance away from levi’s, “you trust me don’t you? am i not capable, captain?”

his jaw clenched, “goddamn it, you're not going to let me win this one are you?”

you winked at your boyfriend playfully, “i’ll be back before you know it.”

levi’s grip tightened on your neck, as he closed the distance between your lips. the kiss was much more passionate than usual, your tongues danced around each other frantically in an attempt to quell the fear that was rising in both of your stomachs. levi’s hands caressed your figure desperately, trying to memorize every plain and curve that made up your body. he knew that he had to let you go, there was no stopping you when your mind was made up, but he couldn’t shake the bad feeling his intuition was giving him about this mission. if the MP’s didn’t catch you, there would still be a chance that you could run into any number of titans while you were traveling.

levi finally broke the kiss, looking upon your face with that same stoic expression that you have grown to love, “don’t get caught, and don’t you dare get killed by a fucking titan either.”

you chuckled at his words as your bodies finally separated. levi was never great with words but you knew what he was trying to say, “yeah, i love you too.” you climbed back on top of your horse. levi reached up to place a hand on your thigh,

“remember-“ you covered his hand with your own giving a tender squeeze, “don’t die, yes i remember.”


you were grateful for the cover that the night gave you, no titans would be active at this hour.

this will be a simple in and out mission just like the commander said. you thought.

you were feeling very optimistic, you were able to sneak into the MP’s base with no issue but now it was a matter of finding the supplies. all you knew to look for was a wooden crate with ‘fragile’ stamped on the front, that is all the commander would divulge about the supplies you were seeking out.

you snuck into the facility’s basement and made your way through the maze-like corridors, not finding anything that fit the commander's description. you knew that dawn would come soon, which meant that the possibility of getting caught, or eaten by a titan on your way back grew greater.

time wandered on as you diligently searched through the labyrinth that was the cold, dark basement. you inspected every dusty room with no luck. adrenaline and anxiety pumped through your veins, you knew that you had spent too much time in the basement. a key part of the mission was to be back to the castle by dawn.

you had almost given up your search when an object in the corner caught your eye. you hastily brushed the dust off the large box, revealing the words ‘fragile’ printed on.

this better be the right box, cause i gotta get the fuck out of here.


levi knew he wouldn’t sleep until you made it back safely. he tried to occupy his mind with the mountain of paperwork that desperately needed tending to on his desk, but he found himself watching the clock, counting the minutes until you were back to the castle.

dawn was approaching. many members of the scout regiment were already getting an early start to their day, some getting ready for training, while others tended to the horses. levi decided that he was much too anxious to stay confined in his quarters. the captain marched out to the front of the castle and busied himself with cleaning his already spotless ODM gear just so he could keep an eye out for your approach.


shit, the suns coming up. you thought as you finally tied the supply box to the side of your horse’s saddle bag. titan’s would be active soon. you made sure to stay hyper vigilant once you lead your horse galloping through the forest.

your anxiety rose along with the sun that was beginning to peak over the treetops. you still had a good way to go before you could reach the castle, you knew that some sort of interaction with a titan was inevitable at this point. you tried to ease your fearful mind, your thoughts were racing. you knew that you would have an advantage over a titan in this environment if you initiated your ODM gear, but you had to make sure the supplies made it back to the castle safely. your gear was virtually useless in this situation.

time passed slowly and the distance ahead seemed never ending. the sun continued its ascension, now beaming directly upon you.

the sound of your horse’s feet pounding the terrain below filled your ears. your ears perked when you picked up on the loud thunderous steps in the distance. steps that could only belong to a titan. judging by the sounds that continued to grow louder, you knew that you had mere seconds before it would be on top of you.


levi paced in front of the castle, “she should have been back by now. the sun is almost at its midday mark, what if she was intercepted by a titan on the way back?”

“oh! i’m sure she’s fine! hopefully she killed one so i can run some tests on it!” hange said enthusiastically.

“please shut the fuck up hange.”


well i really am shit out of luck. you thought as a 17 meter titans gained on you. you really didn’t know how you were going to get out of this one, the mission comes first and you couldn’t leave the supplies or your horse behind. you couldn’t live with yourself if you did.

you unsheathed your swords, gripping the sides of the horse tight with your thighs praying to the gods that you don’t fall off.

the titan gained on you on your right side, attempting to pull you from your horse. you noticed that this particular titan had long, sharp nails. you knew that you definitely didn’t want to get sliced by those things.

you aggressively swung and jabbed at the titan with both swords, but you didn’t make contact.

shit shit shit.

the beastly looking creature swung wide with its giant hand, cutting you deep across your back.

you shrieked out in burning pain. the cuts were so deep your clothing was ripped and already soaked in blood.

you knew you couldn’t falter, not now. you took the opening and sliced through the thick flesh of the titans fore arm, completely removing the limb causing it to fall back.

your vision became dark and splotchy, you knew you were close to losing consciousness from the loss of blood. you roused up every ounce of willpower to guide your horse on.

just a little bit farther..i’m almost there levi. you thought as your vision went black.


levi was trying his best to conceal his emotions, he felt like a ball of nerves right now, you were supposed to be back hours ago. levi still stood in front of the castle, now joined by his squad. he was about to order a search party for you, he was so anxious.

“uh.. captain..” uruo pointed into the distance at your lifeless body being carried by your horse.

without a second thought levi sprinted in your direction, a woeful expression painted his face as he saw your body lurched over your horse's back, covered in blood.

levi tried to pull you off the horse as quickly and as gently as possible, being very aware of your wounded back. levi felt even more alarmed when you didn’t yell out in pain, he cradled your unanimated form on the ground while all the bystanders were stunned at the scene playing out in front of them.

the trees swayed in the wind while levi looked down on your pale face, “no! no!” levi’s body shook as he pulled you to his chest, propping your head up in his hands, “wake up! don’t you dare die on me!” his chest heaved up and down as tears streamed down his face. levi turned to look at his squad, “what the fuck are you doing? go get a fucking medic!”

half of the crowd turned, running into the castle to retrieve help. levi removed his hand from the small of your back, analyzing all of the blood that covered his hand. ice ran through his veins when the smell of iron entered his nose.

levi continued to shake your body. his tears dripped down on to your face as he cried, “i’m sorry i didn’t say it back! fuck, i love you too damn it! please wake up! you can’t die on me over this fucking mission!”

the medics finally arrived, levi reluctantly let them take you out of his arms. the captain tried to regain his composure, having never shown this much emotion in front of anyone. ever. much less shedding full blown tears in front of half of the scout regiment.

levi followed the medics that carried your unconscious body into the castle, “is she okay? will she make it?”

“she’s lost a lot of blood but she hasn’t left us yet.”

levi felt hope bloom in his chest at the medics words.


you were stirred from your peace at the sound of china-ware clinging together. you didn’t even have to open your eyes to know exactly where that sound was coming from, you knew it was levi stirring what was probably his third cup of tea.

as soon as you opened your eyes you felt pain. you groaned at the stinging feeling that came from your back muscles. levi jumped at the sound of your voice, moving closer to your side from where he was sitting.

levi observed your features with a careful expression as he craned his neck over your still pale face.

you felt emotion well up from deep inside of you at the sight of the sable haired man, “levi.” you groaned.

you were taken back by how horse your voice sounded.

levi tried to conceal the overwhelming emotions he felt from hearing your sweet voice, “shh. it’s okay, i’m here. i’m here.” you drew in a short breath when you saw tears begin to prick your lovers eyes. you reached up to cup levi’s face, to your surprise levi actually leaned into your touch.

“it’s okay levi, i’m okay.”

“yes but you almost weren’t.” he said in a gruff tone.

he had you there, though you were grateful to have made it out of your titan debacle in one piece, you knew it was a close call with all of the blood you lost.

“well, was the commander pleased that he got his super secret supplies?” you asked playfully in an attempt to lighten the mood.

levi’s usual unamused expression returned to his face, “fuck those supplies.” he deadpanned as he pulled you into a fierce kiss. levi's tongue broke past your lips and immediately intertwined with your own. levi felt desperate, he deeply missed the feeling of your lips on his.

warmth washed over your whole body when levi pulled away, cupping your face with both hands.

you were at a loss of words, you had never seen levi actively show so much emotion in such a short span of time.

“i don’t want to lose you, so please keep that in mind the next time you accept a task from the commander.”

you laughed at levi’s words, “i love you.”

“i love you too. so much, so fucking much.”

levi’s held the back of your head, raking his hands through your hair as he initiated a long and languid kiss on your lips.

you wrapped your arms around levi’s neck, feeling perfectly safe in his arms.



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1 year ago


a/n: this popped into my head literally two seconds ago and I HAD to write this


you open tiktok, seeing another AI filter that’s gone viral on your feed. strangely excited, you open the camera to see if you’ve become a mermaid or an alien.

your boyfriend, laying behind you, becomes bored of watching you drown yourself in social media, & decides to take your mind off it for a while.

he presses behind you, one arm holding himself up to loom over you while his other curls around your waist, slightly massaging the area.

heart racing, you continue to record, now tilting your head left or right on what types of food you liked the best. only to pause when you feel his wet lips on your cheek, moving down towards your neck, softly sucking on your skin.

his hand moves from your waist to your tummy, rubbing just under your breasts, teasing you.

your breathing becomes heavy, and eyes droop as you shudder.

“are you gonna keep recording? or be in the moment with me?” he whispers, breath warm.

your choice was fairly easy.


TOJI, GOJO, WAKASA, erwin, levi, EREN.


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4 years ago

*Covid-19 has entered the chat*

Covid-19: Fear me humans, no mortals shall defeat me!

*Levi aka the god of cleaning has entered the chat*

Levi: I can bitch!

Covid-19: You cannot defeat me teeny-tiny shorty mortal!


*Levi whips out all his cleaning supply*

Covid-19: Shit!

*Covid-19 has left the chat to go hide*

Levi: You wuss come back here and fight me!

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2 years ago

Left Behind Pt. 3

<<< Part Two

Part Four >>>

Levi x FemReader

Established Relationship

Concept: You're gravely injured during an expedition that goes wrong, and in the confusion you're abandoned in Titan territory.

Pt. 3 Summary: There are nights it's so cold your skin burns and blisters, other nights the quiet gets to you so much you scream to the clouds just to hear something that isn't your own heartbeat. The silver frozen to your thumb keeps you alive more than the meager morsels of food you ration or the warmth you savor from your titan's flesh. But hey, at least Preston's got jokes.

Warnings (PLEASE BE AWARE): Angst, a lot of cursing, blood, injuries, gore, burns, body horror, infection, fever, hallucinations, mania, dehydration, starvation, mentions of dead animal, dead bodies, Titans, using a Titan to survive, self harm, suicidal ideations (If I missed anything, please let me know)

A/N: This chapter gets pretty rough so please read the warnings above before starting below. I'm absolutely blown away by the support I've gotten for this story, so I want to thank all of my readers, everyone who's liked and reblogged my work, and everyone who has sent me such kind words! I've reached more than 100 followers in only a few days, so thank you to everyone who is sticking around for this story! For those who wanted to be tagged, the taglist is at the bottom. Let me know if you want to be added!


It takes nearly two days to cook, dry, and preserve what you've collected so far of Bully's meat as jerky. The pieces are small for rationing purposes, about the length of your palm but only half as wide. They take longer to dry in the damp and chill of the storm's wake, but you manage under the cover of the trees. You're lucky the inevitable follow-up blizzards haven't rolled in quite yet, but they will, and the wait has the marrow of your teeth on edge.

What's left of Benny's cloak becomes food storage, though sacrificing the extra warmth of a thick cloak unsettles the two pieces of jerky you'd indulged in to curb the stomach cramps. But you can't just let your only food source freeze solid, even when the wind picks up and your skin starts to prickle unpleasantly.

Or maybe that's just the weight of Preston's stare heavy between your shoulders.

Turning your head, you scrunch your nose at Preston's sunken eyes, only now realizing they're a shiny yellow color that you just know Levi would compare to piss. "I'd offer you a piece," you say, waving around a slice of jerky, "but you don't actually need to eat and I don't want to starve. Besides, you didn't help."

His tongue just lolls out of his gaping mouth, lower jaw completely removed and steaming. The upper row of his teeth are deceptively sharp and straight. All pearly white and even. Your own teeth feel fuzzy in your mouth.

Preston still doesn't move, though a guttural growl bursts from his exposed throat that sprays molten blood into the white snow. You scoff with a shake of your head, and low under your breath you mutter a simple, "Drama queen."

In the time it takes you to finish tying off the sack you made from the cloak, you realize three things.

One, Preston graduated from being an 'it' to a 'him' and you're not quite sure when that happened or how to feel about it. You suppose he's sort of a pet at this point, although instead of feeding and watering and walking him, you make sure to sever his joints every few hours and use the heat of his innards to survive the chill. He doesn't seem to mind, just blinks every now and then and stares like he's expecting you to willingly waltz down his throat.

You wonder if he resents you or if he feels anything at all.

Second, you think as you flex your fingers to get feeling back in the tips, you somehow need to find the strength to swing back up to your perch in the trees to protect your food. Besides, your extra gas canisters are still up there. Which brings you to number three and why number two poses a challenge.

You're pretty sure your calf is infected.

It's not really a surprise, you didn't exactly have the supplies to properly sterilize the chain you threaded through your wound so you wouldn't bleed out, not to mention the bandages you fashioned from your cloak were hardly the cleanest. And, to be fair, you haven't confirmed if the gash is infected, so maybe the wound is fine and healing and you're overreacting. You're too scared to look.

But the deep throbbing pain you feel without even moving can't possibly be a good sign. The green of the cloak bandages have long since turned a murky brown color which means you never really stopped bleeding, just slowed down. An experimental flex of your calf has you almost doubling over. You really really can't afford to lose your leg right now, not that you can afford to rot from sepsis either.

Eyeing the fire you've been using to cook your food, you come to a very good and very painful conclusion.

It'll take several minutes for the metal of one of your blades to heat up enough to cauterize your wound. You place two blades over the fire because the gash stretches the whole length of your calf and you'd rather get the burning part finished as quickly as possible. In the mean time, you need to look at it. You need to remove the bandages and the chain and use your knife to cut out the infected flesh because otherwise the sick will spread and you'd die from the inside out without antibiotics.

You're really starting to hate the ideas you come up with.

You take a deep breath and hesitantly begin peeling away the makeshift bandages. They stick unpleasantly and sting like lemon juice in a paper cut, but for the most part the pieces of fabric come off easy. Blood runs anew down your skin when the scabs are lifted, but you're about to bleed a lot more so you don't blink twice at the thick trails of it on your leg.

If anger was a color, you're pretty sure it'd be the pulsing red of infection, something spiteful and entirely unwanted. Or maybe it'd be the blistering green of the puss leaking between your metal sutures. Or the black of your rotting skin and muscles under the dried flakes of blood. Maybe anger is a smell that reminds you of disease and filth and decay. Maybe it's not anger but fear that festers in your skin. Regardless, you know your wound is angry, furious even. You hope your knife is sharp enough to cut the anger out.

You don't have any leather to bite into because your only belt is still wrapped tight around your thigh to stabilize the break in your femur, and you're not about to risk disturbing that healing process for a little pain. Instead, you stuff your mouth with one of the cloths you'd been using for glove wrappings. It tastes like sweat and the blood from your burns that Preston's insides caused, but it'll protect your tongue from your teeth just fine.

Before you can cut away the infected pieces of your calf, you need to remove the chain. You stall as long as possible by deciding if it'd be better to rip the metal out quickly or to gingerly unthread it from your skin. Doing it fast sounds nice in theory, but you're not willing to risk the possible irreparable damage to your leg. Slow and steady and painful works in your favor.

Your muffled curses throughout the process would make even Levi blush, or proud considering you learned most of them from him.

Without pausing to dwell too much on the agony searing through your body, you grab your knife that you cleansed as much as possible in the snow and start cutting. The task is slipperier than you imagined, but the mess definitely reaches your expectations. Blood of course, and the rivulets of green that grossly mix with the red. When you cut away the last of the rot in the wound, you quickly reach for one of the glowing heated blades and press it to your flesh.

The scream you let out even has Preston shifting behind you, garbled as the sound may be behind your gag. You spare a brief glance at your titan to make sure he isn't rearing up to eat you while your back is turned. He's not, but for the first time he's moved to curve his bulbous head down to watch you at the base of his gut. You play with the idea that he's concerned about you for half a second before deeming that thought Hange levels of ridiculous and making a mental note to slice into his spine later as an extra precaution.

Not wanting to bask in the wake of burning your own flesh for long, you reach for the second heated blade and press it onto the lower half on your wound. Your scream this time around cracks in your throat like broken glass and you nearly weep at how much you crave a cup of Levi's tea with a spoonful of honey, as much for the relief as the comfort his tea always brings you.

You probably would cut off your leg if it meant a cup of tea.

You're familiar with the stench of burning flesh, every scout learns the smell early on in their military career. That burnt crispiness of your comrades' bodies, or what could be recovered of them. It's a terrifying reality of your career. But you never thought you'd be smelling your own sizzling flesh, it's enough to make you gag.

Breath stuttering through your nose, you choke on the rag, a disgusting amount of saliva and tears dripping off the sharp curve of your chin. You spit out the cloth and cough through a dozen or so inhales and exhales that have your ribs jostling in a way that reminds you they're still bruised.

"That hurt like a bitch," you mutter, pain now a throbbing ache instead of the initial sharp agony it had been. Your bones feel flimsy now that you're not quite as tense, and your head lolls in the direction of your faithful companion. "Thanks for the moral support, couldn't have done it without you, Pressy."

Your nose scrunches at the name and the weird way it rolls across your tongue. "Pressy? Tony? Esty? No, you're not one for nicknames are you?" Not a twitch from the titan in question, but you expected as much. "Thought not, you're too classy. Right, Sir Preston it is."

Clearly, it's counterintuitive to rebandage your calf in the soiled strips of cloak you had used before, so you decide to let the burns breathe rather than waste more of your blanket supply. In a motion that you imagine is comically fawn-like, you stumble into a standing position with your sack of jerky clutched between your teeth and your hands moving into position on the ODM gear triggers. Nearly all your weight settles on your left leg, but you still have full mobility of your hips, so once you're in the air it becomes second nature to maneuver yourself to your perch of spare supplies. The stack of gas canisters and spare blades are untouched. Despite there not really being anything around to reach your supplies, unless Preston snuck a quick tree climb when you weren't looking, the relief you feel at seeing them unbothered is palpable.

You check your gas and deem them full enough that you don't need to replace them, though you do add two blades to your arsenal before making your way back to the ground. Before you forget, you cut into Preston's joints again.

"This is going to be a long fucking winter," you huff, frowning at the sight of your breath puffing out in front of you. You look to the south, already feeling the exhaustion of the two kilometer trek, but you need the food. Bully's meat won't stay salvageable much longer and your current supply will only last you a month if you're stingy with the rations.

You limp, one of your blades keeping you balanced like a crutch, and throw a last second farewell over your shoulder. "Hold down the fort, Preston! I'll be back tomorrow!"


On the way to Bully, you spot a bloody hand peeking out of the snow that you know belongs to Daryl. Your hearts twists in your chest, and you feel guilt settle heavy in your stomach when your eyes linger on the cuff of his sleeve.

"They'd want you to survive," you mutter, lip quivering despite yourself. "You know they would, that they'd understand." You swallow the lump of guilt in your throat and wonder how long it will take you to dig them up from beneath the snow.

You start with Daryl because he's already close to the surface, and you quickly feel the chill of ice creep into your fingertips through the makeshift gloves you tailored. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry," you repeat as you dig, the words heavy in your throat. "I'll make sure she knows, that little Annabelle knows her big brother was kind and strong and helped me survive." You pause, shoulders trembling through your quiet sobs. "I'll make sure she knows you're at peace now."

You wonder if that would be a lie, but decide it doesn't matter. You need to believe it as much as his family does. After all, funerals are for the living.

His skin has gone as pale as parchment, solid like a rock and marred by splotches of frozen black rot. A selfish and sickened part of you is relieved you can't see his deadened eyes because of the snap of his neck. You gingerly recover his jacket and sweater even though both are missing a sleeve, the fabric soaking in some titan's belly somewhere along with Daryl's arm and leg. You decide to leave his pants, but what's left of his belts could be helpful, so you carefully go through the process of unbuckling what you can salvage. When you finish, you use your blade crutch to soften the packed dirt as much as possible and spend the following hour burying Daryl's body.

You can almost remember where Hailey and Benny are in relation to Daryl, a few paces away and tucked deeper into the snow than Daryl had been. You find Hailey first.

Nothing about her uniform can be recovered, other than the cloak you had already taken, because so much of her body had been eaten or otherwise mangled. But she did have a habit of wearing goggles on her head for an extra barrier of precaution from the wind when horseback riding. You carefully untangle the goggles from the brittle curls of her dark hair and stretch them over your forehead.

"I'm sorry," you whisper again, gently placing your palm against her frozen cheek. The chill of her death seeps into your fingertips. "I'll tell your mother how brave you were." You try to close her eyes, but they're stuck frozen in that same haunting expression of terror.

It doesn't take you long to bury what's left of her body, but your shoulders feel heavier than they ever have before.

Benny poses a challenge because of his size. The man is tall and bulky, he'd always been a bit slow on the ODM gear because of it but he made up for it with his strength and accuracy with the blades. You spend a long time staring at the bite taken out of your friend's skull, feeling your spine shiver with guilt and sorrow. His jacket and shirt aren't useable, punctured by the points of his caved in ribs as they are. Like Daryl, Benny's belts are salvageable and miraculously, despite a few blood and dirt stains, his pants, boots, and socks are intact.

"Thank you for saving me, Benny." You dare to touch your forehead to what's left of his. It's stiff and frozen and pulls a sob from your aching chest. "For this time, and every time you've saved me before. You deserve to rest now."

Benny doesn't have any family, except you. Burying his body deep beneath the earth is the hardest thing you've ever done. You pretend it's because you're tired and injured and cold rather than the truth of your own grief. You feel more alone than you have this entire nightmare, and suddenly you're desperate to remember why you're still alive, why you keep going, why you don't just dig a hole for yourself.

Air pulls from your lungs as you try to remember, as you tear at the wrappings around your left hand to see the silver ring on your thumb. Your fingers are a violent red and puffy with swollen blisters, but you only care to focus on the ring.

"I'm trying, Levi, I'm trying so hard," you stammer through the snot and tears of your sobs. "I'm doing everything I can, everything I fucking - " you choke, sucking in air through your hissing teeth. It's not enough, never enough, and you feel a strange haze settle over your eyes.

"I'll come back to you, my love, I promise."


You put Daryl's sweater on backwards over the top of your uniform, and then his scout jacket goes on properly overtop of the sweater so each of your arms has a sleeve. The arms of his clothes are much longer than yours, so you can curl the fabric over your fingers to preserve some extra warmth. You tighten his belts around your wrists, waist, and collar to hopefully curb any cold draft.

It takes you only a few painful minutes to remove your own functional ODM gear belts so you can start layering your legs. Benny's socks go on next, both on your right leg to simultaneously bandage and warm your calf. You use one of the extra belts to seal the cuff of the socks just above your knee. You only need one of his boots, and there's enough room in them that your still swollen ankle, thick layered socks, and throbbing calf are cushioned comfortably inside.

His massive pants work in your favor as they easily go over your boots and the splint on your thigh, though you do have to roll the bottoms up several times for practicality's sake. You use the last of Benny's extra belts to cinch his pants around your waist and each ankle. You can already feel a new and refreshing warmth settling into your sore joints.

You swaddle your head, neck, and shoulders with the cloak you brought with you. It's either Daryl's or Hailey's, but you're not sure which. You leave your eyes uncovered, obviously, but you can insulate the opening in the cloth with Hailey's goggles and still see relatively well.

Fighting the repulsive feeling that hovers behind your eyes at using the demise of your friends for your survival, you reattach your ODM gear with foggy eyes. Lifting yourself to unsteady feet, you look down at the three graves you've now spent hours digging.

You sniff, saluting with a hard fist over your heart and your back as straight as your lopsided gate can allow. "Thank you for your service, your trust, and your companionship. I couldn't have asked for a better squad, better friends. I only wish we had more time together. I'm sorry...I'm sorry we don't get that time. Humanity will honor your sacrifices, I'll make sure of it."

Turning away from their graves towards Bully has you stumbling a few steps, but you right yourself with the help of your crutch and keep going.

Moving forward is the only thing you can do now.


The rest of the way to Bully is uneventful, though it does take you through the night. You manage to recover the rest of her meat without incident. Hiking back to camp the next morning, however, isn't quite so kind. You're attacked by two titans during your trek.

The first surprises you from beneath the snow. It's small compared to most titans you've encountered, just around three meters, and more head than body. It moves quicker than you expect in the cold, and your thigh screams at you when you crash into the snow to dodge its swiping hand. You feel like your win here is almost entirely luck because it seems the beast has used the last of its reserved energy for that desperate grab for your body. Your blades slice through its nape like butter and you take advantage of the steam its death billows in your direction.

You actually see the second one coming, a taller five meter titan that struts chest first and doesn't swing its arms. It's easier to kill than the first just because you had the time to prepare, but you can feel your body strain with every step you take. You need to sleep, but sleeping here is a death sentence.

You take a handful of snow and pull away the bottom of your head covering so you can hydrate. The cold of it makes you shiver, but it's also strangely refreshing on your aching throat.

When you finally stumble your way back into camp, Preston is still waiting despite the cuts you made now almost entirely regenerated. You take the time to cut into those joints again, remembering to sever his spine as well, and pat his head as a small thank you for sticking around. He actually blinks at you, which you take as a gesture of friendship, and you move back to the base of his gut where your fire supplies are.

Before you can sleep, you have to get the meat at least cooked and starting to dry. It takes longer than you'd like, but you're slow from your exhaustion and lingering grief. Preston is warm at your back, and you can't help but feel comforted by the strangely supportive weight he poses behind you. That comfort is dangerous, that comfort could get you killed.

As soon as your final pieces of meat are cooked and set out to dry, you swing back up into the trees and cuddle into your last spare cloak.

Sleep doesn't come easy despite your exhaustion.


A week later, the first of the many blizzards you're expecting this winter rolls in. You wait it out in the nook you fashioned in Preston's stomach, your bag of food cradled close to your chest to keep the pieces from freezing solid. It lasts long enough that you have to keep cutting into the hole you made in Preston's torso otherwise it'll heal over and, even if you could just slice your way out again, you don't particularly like the idea of your only quick exit disappearing.

He doesn't seem to mind, because you know by now the chunks of his joints you removed would have regenerated by now, but he lays motionless. You decide not to dwell on the fact that you're the parasite in this weird relationship you've found yourself relying on.

Despite all of your precautions, you tremble at the cold that sweeps into your warm haven. You groan at the strain in your muscles, but you keep reminding yourself you're still shivering. Shivering is good, shivering means your body hasn't given up yet, shivering means you're alive.

Your teeth clack together. "T-this is g-g-gon-na be a long-g f-f-fuck-fu-fucking w-winter-ter." You wonder if your blood will freeze in your veins.


Two more blizzards hit your camp, lasting far longer than the short days of calm in between. You pass most of your time huddled somewhere close to Preston because you have no doubt he's the only reason you're still alive.

In many ways, your reliance on the very creature threatening to completely wipe out humanity makes disgust bubble in your blood, but in many other ways, he's a much better conversationalist than you expected.

It's during a lapse in another storm that you find yourself sitting in the fresh snow in front of Preston's unwavering yellow gaze. You blink and he actually blinks back. The action has you curious, the kind of curious that would have Hange vibrating in their seat from excitement. You blink again, twice this time, and he blinks once, but that's still a response.


You tilt your head, Preston blinks again. You can't decide if you actually see any intelligence in his eyes or if you're just fishing for something that isn't there.

"Is there anyone waiting for you, Preston?" You sigh, feeling ridiculous, but the world around you is so fucking quiet. "I bet you have a brother out there somewhere. Someone who taught you all the tips and tricks of hunting down humanity." You laugh under your breath, eyes dragging across the divots you've repeatedly made along his joints. "He didn't teach you very well."

Realizing what you're doing, you scoff and shake away the fuzziness in your head. "Walls, I'm losing my mind." You move to press your palms to your eyes, regardless of the goggles in the way, but something in your left hand feels unnaturally numb and wrong. "Shit, what now?"

You pull back the cuff of Daryl's sweater and start unwrapping the scrap of cloak that has been working well as a glove. Or, at least, you thought it had. The burns you'd gotten from Preston have long since faded, leaving behind the barest of silvery scars. They aren't the problem.

Staring down at the blackened dead tips of your index and middle finger, you think you may have been wrong about your gloves. The frostbite has spread down to the ridge just before your second knuckle on each finger. You have no feeling in those two fingers. You almost want to ignore the implications of your frozen charred digits, but you can't let the frostbite creep any further. Losing your entire hand is unacceptable; finger though, fingers are manageable.

Using your gear is about to get a lot harder, but it won't be impossible. At least, you don't think it will be.

You take a deep breath through your nose and reach for the blade at your hip that you've been using for a crutch. At this point, it's sharper and far cleaner than the smaller hunting knife you've been using for your food. You place your hand flat on a nearby rock and spare a glance at Preston, who is, of course, just watching you.

"This is a cruel fucking world, Preston," you spit between clenched teeth. You don't even bother with a gag this time around. "But, you already knew that, didn't you?"

The blade cuts through your fingers as easily as a carrot, completely severed just above your second knuckle. With a few curses, you press the fresh wounds directly onto Preston's exposed muscle from your most recent disabling of his limbs. You pull back your hand when you think it's been sufficiently cauterized and cradle the limb close to your chest.

Survival is fucking hard, but you've learned a few shortcuts along the way.

Eyes locking on the silver ring on your thumb, you smile sadly and start wrapping your new stumps in the discarded cloth. "Looks like I'll have to learn to fight like you Levi, all backwards and efficient." You grip the handle of your ODM gear, repositioning it in the exact opposite way you were trained. The new position is a little awkward, but it still settles nicely in your palm. Your pinky and ring finger can operate the triggers and you still have enough of your index and middle fingers, not to mention the bracing of your thumb, to keep a solid grip on the handle. You'll have to practice, but you think it's doable. "Maybe you've always had the right idea, I'm not even surprised."

You can practically picture his smug smirk at that kind of admittance. You miss it.

You don't even notice the familiar prickling of tears behind your eyes. You can't remember a time when that feeling wasn't there.


Waking some number of mornings later, you feel uncomfortably warm under your skin and your head is foggy with sleep and dizziness. You stopped counting the days sometime during one of the many blizzards when it exceeded seventy-two hours, but you know enough about how long it's been that winter isn't over yet. Not quite, not...right?

A sharp pain in your stomach has you scrambling to your knees, only vaguely aware of the agony that rips through your right thigh, the sharp cramp in your belly not from hunger but rather nausea. Ripping off your head covering, sending the goggles flying, you retch into the snow with nothing but stomach acid and a half-digested piece of jerky to show for your efforts. You only kind of realize you fell asleep pressed to Preston's side the night before, but you have no time to dwell on that mistake. A wave of vertigo crashes over you and it takes everything in you not to collapse into the measly pile of sick.

The cold snow seeps into your heated skin, soothing the initial ache of what you think is probably a fever. You gag your way through another bout of nausea but there's nothing left in your stomach to throw up, and even if there was, you couldn't afford to lose it. Your eyes seem to pulse in your skull to the rhythm of your heartbeat, which you're pretty sure is too fast. Sweat is freezing to your cheeks and neck in little glass droplets as your body is simultaneously far too hot and far too cold.

The world tilts strangely in your vision, clouds drifting beneath your feet and trees winding unnaturally. You claw your way to your feet only to lose whatever balance you'd scrounged up, stumbling into Preston's arm to steady yourself. Your eyes roll in their sockets and a headache pierces your temples like twisting knives.

You lose consciousness somewhere between your joints locking up and falling onto the padding of Preston's regenerating palm, his yellow sunken eyes doing what they always do. Just watching.



The sky is still spinning when you manage to crack your eyes open, crusty at the corners and straining against the light of the dancing sun. You don't understand, but you're pretty sure you just heard -

"You should move." That voice, that - no, wait wait wait, that's impossible, that's - "You should move unless you want to become titan shit."

Wait, just stop, just just hold on - something's pinning you down, trapping your arms at your sides. Your body is burning from the inside out, you choke on the heat, and you just want whatever is gripping you to let go.

"Actually, titans don't have digestive organs so technically you can't - " And that voice is just as impossible as the first, just as mental and wrong and why won't they help you if they're just watching -

"Oh shut up, doesn't change the fact she's gotten all buddy buddy with a fucking titan and it's going to get her killed."

"Sure, I suppose, but you know titans may be capable of more than -"

"Stop stop stop STOP!" Your voice cracks through the air, wide eyes straining to find the voices, to see them, to scream at them to help you, to get you out and take you home. You just want to go home. But you can't see them, only hear them, except now not even that, and nothing makes any sense -

Your rolling eyes connect with Preston's steady gaze and you realize you're trapped in his grip, long fingers curling around your body in a way that's almost...gentle? Your lungs shrivel as you try to take in air, ribs aching, throat clogged, and you don't understand. "Let me go, let me go, let me go, please let me go, Preston please!" You babble, tongue feeling swollen and dry in your mouth. "Please, please, Preston please let me - "

His grip is actually loosening, each finger slowly releasing their hold on your body. As soon as you have the room to move, you scramble off his palm and skid across the snow to put enough distance between you two so he can't reach for you from his reclined position. Your chest rises and falls rapidly with your breaths, right hand desperately grasping for your blade to hold it in front of you as some form of miniscule protection. It rattles in your fearful grasp.

You look for the voices, arms and throat and soul trembling as you scan your surroundings. "L-Levi? Are you - where did - Levi? Ha-Hange?" But you see nothing, nothing but Preston, and you hear nothing. You focus back on your titan, teeth grinding so roughly your jaw has started to ache. Preston's full grin glares back at you, shiny and white and healed. "You...y-you were holding me, keeping me warm. You - I don't understand, why did you...what the fuck? What the FUCK?!"

Fingers tangling into your knotted greasy hair, you pull and pull and pull. You pound a trembling fist against your temple. You're dreaming, you have to be, you're unconscious or sleeping or dying because there's no way...or maybe you're just fucking crazy -

"Not dreaming, jury's still out on the crazy part though."

Your neck cracks as you whip towards the voice, blinking at the flash of green cloak and black hair that has your heart stalling in your chest. On your feet before you can register any kind of pain, you're already ambling toward the tree he ducked behind, confused and scared and losing your mind.

"Levi! LEVI!" You hear a cackle from the opposite direction and spot a wayward brown ponytail. "Hange?! Please, what's going on?!" Something blonde flashes in your periphery. "Mike? Or - or Erwin?! Anyone?!" You're panting like a fucking dog, unable to get air passed the words caught in your throat. Right leg buckling under the strain of your panic, you trip into the snow and cry out at the way your broken femur jostles.

You curl up on your side, arms winding protectively around your middle. Tears paint trails through the grime on your cheeks, and your agonized cries are muffled by the snow.

"You left me." The whisper isn't real, it can't be real. It isn't him. It isn't him. It isn't him.

You curl up tighter. "I didn't mean to go away, my love. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."


You still hear them when you shouldn't, still see little teasing glimpses of them in the corner of your eye. It's Levi and Hange bickering back and forth. It's Erwin giving you orders or Mike sniffing behind your ear. It's Hailey screaming and Daryl begging for help and Benny blaming you for all of their deaths. It's Cadet O turning her back on you and running away without so much as a sorry.

It's Levi pleading for you to come back to him.

It's Levi cursing you for breaking your promise.

It's Levi telling you he hates you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, calling you names, spitting venomous words at your back, saying he loves you.

It's Levi who always sounds close enough to touch but is never actually there.

You rewrap the cloak around your head as much for the warmth as to try to muffle the voices. It doesn't work, but you pretend it does and position the goggles over your eyes to protect from the blistering wind.

You've been giving Preston the cold shoulder, unsure how exactly to approach whatever happened with the titan days ago now. He doesn't move, doesn't make a sound, doesn't try to fucking eat you like his nature wills him to.

Even so, you haven't severed his joints since that day, lost in the pounding of very real not real voices in and around your head. Your skin still feels sticky and hot, and your stomach never quite settles.

You sleep up in your tree with the last of your supplies. Only a handful of jerky pieces are left. Rationing what remains of your gas, you take the few minutes here and there where dizziness doesn't curb your balance and practice using your gear with the adjusted handhold you'll have to use from now on. You make sure one canister stays full. Every part of your body is aching and exhausted and withered from the strength it used to have.

Now, in a moment of rest and thirst, you chew on ice and sit several meters away from your titan. You tilt your head, staring directly into the unwavering yellow you've come to know so well. And then Preston does something you haven't seen him do since the day you crashed into him in the snow all that time ago.

He looks away from you.

Following the path of his gaze, you see it. Small and new and blooming from the depths of the snow. A daisy.

Your breath stutters in your chest when you see the flower, a new hope boiling with the fever under your skin. The first sign of spring. You stand and limp towards the flower, kneeling down to caress its velvety soft petals despite the wrappings on your hands.

"Time to go home," you whisper over the cacophony of voices in your ear. You focus on the feeling of the cool silver encircling your thumb. You smile. "Home."

Glancing over your shoulder, you feel something strange settle in your heart. You think you might just miss those yellow eyes. A good soldier would kill it, but he's not an 'it' anymore, and you're not sure if you can still be the good soldier you used to be.

"Goodbye," you offer a small wave, staring into those eyes that have been watching you for months now, "and, thanks for...well you know."

With your handy crutch still steady by your side, you start walking north. You tuck the daisy into the front pocket of Daryl's jacket for safe keeping.


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@leviackermanmyhero245 @everything-is-hollow @ashbash2403 @purplecandygerl @roseelilly @barnesbabyy @pissbabybitchboy @ekaymnslvs @dazzling-roaring-20s @iloveinej @gojosbucket @logibearhockey1 @beefcakebarnes

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3 years ago

dating levi ackerman headcanons

dude i shamelessly had a huge phase for him but it’s okay bc now i have tumblr content

implied commander/higher up reader;

CW: spoiler from levi’s ova (no regrets), hits of trauma and death (in levi’s life).

enjoyyyy gn! reader

Dating Levi Ackerman Headcanons

before dating, he fell in love very gradually. he probably didn’t notice at first.

he was probably in denial about his feelings too

hange teased him about his crush, and he told them to shut up bc “he doesn’t know what they’re talking about”

hange def made a bet with erwin on how long it’d take you two to date

OKAY NOW TO THE NITTY GRITTY 😩 (what even is nitty gritty???)

hange is literally your guys’ biggest shipper. they go around yelling MY SHIP FINALLY SAILED while hugging you two for the first two weeks they find out.

they always ask, “when will i get mini levis and y/ns??”

levi: *hits them*

BUT if you guys did want to keep it on the down low, i feel like they’d keep it to themselves + moblit/erwin. and then let it slip one day by accident 💀

you guys are the cadets’ parents pls.

some of them accidentally called you their parent once

is not a pda person. he loves you, but he does hold a reputation and also thinks affection is more of a “behind the doors” things. but he does give occasional head pats and a forehead kiss when no one is looking.

in private he’ll give into your touches and kisses tho bc let’s be honest, he’s touch starved af.

he’ll be stiff with the affection and not be the one to initiate at first, but over time he’ll warm up to it and start initiating.

he loves when you play with his hair tho. it’s super relaxing to him. AND MASSAGES OMG PLS MASSAGE HIM WHILE HE DOES WORK HE’LL TELEPATHICALLY THANK YOU SM.

loudly “tchs” if you stop as a hint to keep doing what you’re doing.

he isn’t very vocal so you gotta read the man real well. ie: he doesn’t say when he wants attention or directly ask for something.

work “sleepovers”. you guys will do work in each other’s offices and end up falling asleep on the desk.

you’re the only one who can make tea the way he likes 😛😛

you guys eat lunch together/have lunch dates :,)

temple kisser 🤚🏼🤚🏼

holding you extra close when either of you get nightmares to remind each other you two are together.

speaking of nightmares, you comfort each other during the early hours of the morning.

he’s not a big sharer and he’d open up once in a while. not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just v personal.

if you’re a messy person he’d help you clean your room/office and reprimand you for being messy.

if you’re a clean/tidy person, he’ll compliment your cleaning every now and then.

often thinks about how farlan and isabel would’ve loved you :,(

ofc he’s overprotective, considering the amount of people he’d lost and the childhood he went through. he doesn’t want you to leave him like everyone else in his life did.

he’d make sure you’re near him during missions and watch you v closely.

he needs assurance at times esp with everything that has happened to him.

shows love through acts of service

he cares for you sm will do anything to make sure you’re okay and healthy (but is so tsundere about it)

like he’ll be super aggressive with it but it’s just how he is. it’s all out of love and care 😌

aot masterlist

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3 years ago

* Levi Ackerman Headcannons *

He isn’t into PDA but he will give you head pats or just ruffle your hair when around other people.

His Love language is acts of service, I feel like he isn’t great with words, so he would express his feelings by bringing you tea, cleaning your office, checking your odm gear is working properly, things like that.

Since he has insomnia he would probably watch you sleep on a sofa next to his desk while he works.

If your sleeping in the bed he would peek his head through the door every few minutes just to make sure you’re ok.

He absolutely adores when you stroke his hair and scratch his undercut with your nails.

He loves going on walks with you.

I feel like he’d be scared of thunderstorms (because of what happened with Isabel and Farlan) so when one happens he would be curled up under a blanket and you would just have to hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay.

Every time he goes into town he would bring you home a little trinket that reminds him of you.

If he did finally have some time to sleep and rest he would probably lay his head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair.

Or if he’s not laying his head on your chest, he is holding onto your arm with his face nuzzled into your shoulder.

One of his favourite pastimes is Sitting in front of the fire, reading a book, with you curled up beside him sleeping.

Or Him laying his head on your lap while you read outloud to him.

He likes when you hug him from behind.

He’s Actually Hilarious, like I don’t think he realises how funny he actually is.

He will just randomly poke your cheek.

He has really fluffy and silky hair.

He smells like Mint and Vanilla with the occasional scent of bleach.

He gets flustered really easily.

Most likely would fall asleep on your shoulder

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3 years ago

Hear me out ~

⚠️ Season 3 Spoilers ⚠️

when Levi was younger, his mother would always hum a certain song to him, he can’t remember the words,but he can remember the tune perfectly.

He often finds himself humming it when he’s stressed or upset about something.

One day after a very tough expedition, Commander Erwin called him to his office, they were talking about casualties and things of the sort.

The conversation died down and Levi was about to leave when he heard Erwin humming the same tune that always comforted him.

He turned around and looked at him, memories of Kuchel filling his mind.

He felt relaxed, he hadn’t even realised how tense he was.

It became a normal thing for Them to hum to each other when either was stressed or upset.


When Erwin Died, Levi went back to his body and hummed the song to him for one final time.

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Cinnamon, Chamomile and Cedar Part 1

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

word count: 2,483 words (i got kind of carried away, whoops)

warnings: mentions of smut, cursing, and some cute shit so enjoy <3

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

Azalea Albrecht.

She was everything that Erwin Smith couldn't be.

She was sweet.

Too sweet.

Her smile was so-

So genuine and it made everyone around them smile along.

The way her eyes could barely be seen from how wide her smile was, and her laugh... god

Her laugh could be on repeat and he would never tire of hearing it over.

And over again.

Azalea joined the Scout Regiment alongside Levi all those years ago. At first glance, he assumed that the brunette was Furlan's youngest sister, but whenever he brought it up they had gone into a fit of laughter. It took him a while to come around to the idea that she wasn't as young she looked.

Unfortunately for Erwin, shortly after that he started to gain some sort of feelings for the girl. The moment he realized he had some interest in her was the second he had seen her red faced from running laps without a sense of remorse in her eyes.

She had just finished sticking up for some of her fellow comrades, who she knew in her heart had done nothing wrong but she wouldn’t allow them to go punished. His respect for her only grew from that point on.

She never put herself first.

It was always everyone else, even if she hadn't gotten a chance to gotten close to them.

In her eyes, they were always first. Which he admired, considering that was something that he could relate to as well.

Erwin didn't want to make a move because he's convinced that she was head over heels for the short raven haired boy. The one whose stoic expression was something that everyone had grown familiar with. Well, everyone but her. Which he could understand. Who in their right mind could ever get mad at that sweet girl?

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

A big part of Azalea couldn't figure out why she had the impulsive idea to throw the Scouts a party, but here she is, surrounded by herd of rowdy people who have had way too much to drink.

She brought it upon herself to make some of her favorite 'juice' which was just several, several bottles of vodka and a couples jugs of juice to hide the rancid taste. 

Not one of her brightest ideas, considering they were drinking it as if it were water but it seemed to be doing its job quite well. Everyone was currently playing limbo with a broom Connie had magically found.  

I don't remember there being a broom in this room...

The brunette laughed loudly, shaking her head at the way Sasha couldn't quite figure out how to make her way around the broom, in turn bringing tears to the auburn haired girl. Mikasa had to console the sobbing girl, moving her out of the way so they could let other people through.

Azalea let out a cheer as the group of drunk Scouts had somehow managed to convince Commander Erwin to go under the broom at least once, his stern facade washing away a smile tugging at his lips.

Even Captain Levi seemed amused to see the Commander absolutely killing it at bending his back backwards that low. Azalea and Hange both let out a couple of cat call whistles to the Commander his cheeks flushing pink.

A round of applause came from everyone as he made it all the way through, to which he bowed earning an animalistic howl from Hange. 

Azalea shook her head at how quickly they moved from doing limbo to dancing to their own makeshift song, the sight of Reiner doing some weird dance move with his hips caught her off guard making her burst into a fit of laughter.

"This was rather nice of you to do, Lieutenant."

A soft husky voice spoke into her ear making her jump, leaning her head back to face Commander Erwin with a cheesy grin covering her face.

He shook his head at the girls antics, pushing her head forwards gently sitting down next to her, taking a sip from his glass.

"Thank you Commander. I figured they might need a night to just let loose a little. They've been through a couple hard things as of late." Azalea sipped on her drink humming at the fruity taste, eyeing Eren who was once more was turning red in the face, which was a sign someone else had made him angry again. Judging by the smug look etched on Jeans face, she quickly put two and two together. "Eren, not so much..."

Commander Erwin let a small chuckle slip past his lips his eyes never leaving the brunette, the sound of the two boys arm wrestling catching his attention forcing him to look away from her. "That boy truly is something," Her sweet laugh reached his ears, his smile widening fiddling with the cold glass in his hands.

"You've got that right," 

"I haven't been able to see you in a while." Erwin muttered under his breath, his hand managing to find its way to her knee sending chills down her back. Azalea shot him a cheeky smile, trying to make sure none of the other scouts were looking over in their general direction. "I assumed you were having second thoughts know- the other night,"

"After what you did to me that night, phew- I would never." Erwin flashed a bright shade of pink, trying to cover his face with his glass holding back a smirk. Azalea winked at the blonde, scooting an inch closer to him, the warmth radiating off of her made him nervous. His thoughts flickering back to that night during the summer, his heartbeat skipping lightly. After a long night of drinking, he had accidentally let it slip that he had feelings for the brunette who he left stammering for her words. 

"Erwin, I-"

"Shit, I know I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let that slip. I know that you and Levi have something going on, I guess I was just hoping that it wasn't-"

"Wait, what? Levi? Commander, respectfully, you're kind of daft at times." She scoffed, standing up from her seat making her way over to the blonde whose eyes were glossed over. Azalea didn't know what came over her, maybe it was the alcohol talking, but she just needed her lips on that man and as fast as possible. "Levi and I don't have anything going on. He's my best friend... nothing more."

"Then- but what about- I swear-"

"You're talking too much, Erwin." She breathed out, grasping his tie and pulling him close to her crashing their lips together. Erwin felt his eyes flutter close, not hesitating to wrap his arms around her waist pulling her onto his lap. A soft moan left her lips as she pressed up against his firm chest, running her nimble fingers into his hair tugging softly.

"Don't you dare hold back on me... I want to feel what I've been missing out on, Commander."

Erwin practically pounced on her after that, making sure he showed her exactly how he felt about her. They spent all night screaming each others names without a second thought, not wanting to stop. He covered every last inch of her in love marks. From her neck, her chest all they way to the smallest birthmark on her thighs. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't forget about that night for as long as possible.

Throwing back the rest of her drink, enjoying the small burn it left in her throat. Scanning the room noticing that Levi was swirling his drink around, his silvery eyes assuming their usual form. He was currently sitting on a bench in the corner, with one of his knees propped up leaning his arm on his slender leg. Judging by the lack of pink coating his cheeks she assumed the raven haired boy was drinking water, a small smile tugged at her lips knowing how Levi is around alcohol, moving to stand up to grab another drink were it not for the hand holding you down.

"Commander? Did you need another drink?"

The glossy look in his eyes told her that he might have already had enough, a small hint of red coating his cheeks. "No actually... I was gonna ask you a small question. It's kinda silly, so you can say no if you would like." 

"Of course I wouldn't, Erwin-"

"You're so beautiful you know that," Erwin stuttered over his words, removing his hand from her sleeve and shakily placing it over her dainty hand. The brunette just about stumbled over her feet at his sudden comment. Maybe there was a little too much vodka. Her once tiny flutter turned into a giant stampede in her chest as he tightened his hold on her hand, feeling her heart beat pick up a little more with every passing second. "I was actually wondering if you possibly wanted to relive that night,"

A flash of heat made its way to her face, a smile lining her pouty lips. "You're gonna regret this, Commander. I promise to make sure you don't end up begging too much," She trailed her fingers up his arms a small shiver making its way down his back.

The tension between the two of them grew, as she made her way over to Levi to go accompany him for a couple minutes, until Commander Erwin made his way outside feeling the tiny flutter make its way down.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking but his baby blues had never looked any better.

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 1

"What do you mean you can't? " Azalea spat, whispering into Reiners ear from behind the tall man who had halted his movements the second he heard her speak, swiveling around on his heels coming face to face with the brunette who was looking up at him.

She was making direct eye contact with Reiner, glaring at the boy her body boiling with rage.

His face was frozen in shock, having not expected Captain Azalea to overhear his conversation with Bertholdt.  

"I-I... I didn't mean anything by that Captain."

"Oh really? Cause to me it sounded like you couldn't be bother to train with Sasha, because she was quote on quote a girl."

"Ma'am with all due respect-"

"If the words coming out of your mouth are anything other than an apology to half of your comrades and myself, then I'm going to have to have you run double the laps you're receiving."

"I'm sorry for the words that came out of my mouth, I didn't mean to offend anyone or yourself, Captain." Reiner spoke, with his hand over his chest a small hint of pink coating his cheeks.

Azalea eyed the blonde, the anger radiating off of her a small sound of disapproval leaving her mouth. She didn't mean to gather the attention of every Scout but they had all managed to overhear the altercation, their eyes wide.

"And just to think that you had finally gained my respect, Braun... your laps start now. Don't stop until every last one of us are off the training ground. Go." Reiner broke out into a sprint, making his way towards the hills managing to make his way up the steepness even with the ground being slightly muddy. She wasn't sure why, but that pissed her off even more. Azalea clapped her hands to snap everyone out of their trance, a smile gracing her lips. "Alrighty everyone! Back to training. And if we could all split up into even groups of 3 and try practicing taking on two people. Break!"

The Scouts all scrambled to form groups of 3, being quick to start taking each other down. Azalea let out a loud sigh as she eyed Bertholdt who hadn't made a move from beside her, his eyes frozen as they stared down at the floor. "Bertholdt. Hey, you okay?"

"I-I'm sorry, Captain. I promise, I wasn't agreeing with Reiner in any way, shape or form. I don't know where in the world that comment came from. I think he's just mad because he got his ass handed to him by Annie the other day-" Azalea eyed the blabbering boy, a small smile creeping onto her face. She let out a small giggle, which made Bertholdt stop his rant.

"Bertholdt, I promise. You're okay. There's no need to worry. As long as you're keeping him in check, I'm not gonna punish you for his actions just cause you two are friends."  Bertholdt let out a sigh of relief, allowing his shoulders to relax. She nodded her head to the right, pointing towards Connie and Sasha who were lacking a third to which Bertholdt immediately went over and joined them. 

"I never thought you were capable of scaring anyone,  but judging by the look on Bertholdt's face, he just about shit his pants."

A soft voice uttered, recognizing the cold tone of his voice right away rolling her eyes at Levi's comment. Azalea kicked his foot jokingly, her eyes flickering over to the boy on her right a playful glint evident in his silvery gaze. "It's probably cause you're like the size of his leg,"

A gasp left her lips at the joke he had made about her height, punching his shoulder hard a huff leaving her lips. Everyone judged Levi for his height, that made her even more susceptible to it considering he was four inches taller than her. So whenever they would tease him he would turn it towards Azalea which made her wanna drop kick the boy. 

Jokingly of course.

"You know that's not true, you and Furlan were scared shitless the day that you guys had scared off my date. I was absolutely livid. "

"It's not my fault that guy was a prick-"

"He was late by 2 minutes! It was pouring out, which I think is a perfectly reasonable excuse as to why anybody would be late-"

"Well, if it was 'pouring out' what were your plans for the evening going to be? Cause it sure as hell wasn't going to be a stroll in the town," Levi retorted back, brushing some stray hairs out of his face as he turned to face her as he awaited for an answer. A small pink tint coated her face, knowing full well her answer was not appropriate whatsoever. She tried distracting herself by shouting some words of encouragement to Armin who was currently being pinned by Mikasa, his face a bright red. "You're disgusting,"

"Don't be rude. It wasn't our first time either-"

"Azalea. You're the worst."

A look of disgust had been itched into his face, shaking his head at the thought of one of his closest friends doing that sort of thing.

"Now I'm glad I scared that little bitch off... he didn't even bring any flowers. Which let me know it wouldn't have lasted." Azalea scoffed, crossing her arms against her chest.

"You don't know that,"

"Maybe not, but I know you, Azalea. You're a diehard romantic. He was anything but that... and he wasn't even good looking."

authors note: ah! i’m so excited to be starting this series, please let me know if y’all have any concerns or comments! thank you lovelies 🤍

Tags :

Cinnamon, Chamomile and Cedar Part 2

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 2

word count: 3,129 words (i got carried away again)

warnings: smut!!, fluff, mentions of death

part 1 here!

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 2

A small moan left Erwin's lips as he felt the brunette bite down on the exposed skin on his neck, his body flushed against the alley wall his hands holding Azaleas waist as close to his body as he could. Licking a stripe over the bruises she left on the Commanders exposed skin, feeling a surge of pride wash over her at the sight of her marks coating him.

"Holy- you feel so good."

Erwin breathed out, cupping her cheeks in his calloused hands crashing their lips together. Moaning into his mouth at the sensation of his tongue taking complete control over the trembling girl, subconsciously grinding her hips against his growing member. Erwin groaned, pushing his tongue deeper into her mouth feeling a heat growing in between his legs. 

The pair couldn’t resist the urge to keep their hands off of one another, their bodies on fire from their fingers exploring familiar places. Erwin couldn’t see straight as he mouthed at any sliver of skin he could get his mouth on.

"What I would give to be on my knees right now." 

An almost animalistic growl left his lips, his hands pushing her hips against him in the hopes of creating more friction. Her hands found themselves tangled in his hair tugging at his locks, earning herself another moan from the blonde.

The sound of people nearing made him halt, his glossy eyes trying to see if the people walking by would be able to see him.

Much to his dismay, Azalea hadn't made any advance on stopping her actions a soft moan leaving his mouth at the thought of them being spotted. The sight of their Commander whimpering under their Lieutenants touch sent chills down his spine.


"Erwin, if you think I'm stopping now. You're mistaken."

Grabbing ahold of his cloak pulling it over his head, easing his fears a bit knowing people wouldn't see his face at first glance. Allowing her trembling hands to wander down grabbing ahold of the tent in his pants, a gasp leaving his lips.

"When's the last time you were touched, honey?" She breathed into his ear planting kisses anywhere she possibly could on his skin, a mumbled mess leaving his lips. Grinning to herself as she eased yourself onto her knees looking up at Erwin's rising chest.

He had a hand tangled into her curly hair and another one lifting his shirt exposing that sculpted body he was hiding. Leaving wet kisses anywhere she could on his torso, enjoying the small noises leaving his parted lips. Erwin groaned as she nipped at his v-line, his hand tightening his hold on her hair earning a whimper in return.

Cinnamon, Chamomile And Cedar Part 2

"Azalea! Oh my god, you're alive!"

Connie gasped, dramatically falling to her feet wrapping his arms around her calves nearly making her trip over him, smacking him over his head.

It was too early in the morning for her to be jostled around like this. “Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"You almost killed me! Also, I was just working out with Hange. For like an hour, tops. Stop being overdramatic, Springer." She shook her head at the buzzed boy who just gave her a bland look as she kicked him off of her. He grumbled under his breath crossing his arms as he allowed everyone else to catch up to the two of them. Jean was snickering at the sulking boy, earning a smack over the head from Connie. The boy returned the favor almost right away, hitting Jean a little harder earning a wince from the tall boy.

"Alright, alright. No more hitting each other. Y'all cant afford to lose brain cells y'all don't have," Azalea teased, brushing her hair away from her face. Jean and Connie both gasped loudly at her words, a shocked expression etched onto their faces.


"That's all Connie-"

"-shut it, Jean boy! I'm not the one built like a beanstalk-"


Azalea rolled her eyes at how quickly they turned it onto each other smacking them both upside the head. They both yelped, rubbing their new sore spot from being hit back to back. "The next person who says anything remotely sarcastic will get the workout of their life, understood?"

"Oh really-" Jean started to say before his Captain shot him a death glare, a small hint of pink coated her cheeks.

"You don't want to lose another fight, now do you, Jean." Eren smirked, eyeing the boy who snapped his head towards him. Mikasa pinched the raven haired boy rolling her eyes at his smart mouth, "OW! Mikasa, that fucking hurt,"

"You deserved it," Mikasa scolded, a snort leaving Azalea her eyes leaving the group of kids as she noted a certain Captain making his way over to the bunch. She flashed him a huge grin receiving a small tug of his lips, halting his movement as he had reached them. At the sight of Captain Levi, all of the scouts immediately straightened themselves out, well everyone except Eren.

"Captain. How can I help you this evening?"

"I was wondering if I could steal you, Captain. I have some paper work that I need your opinion on." Levi mused, blowing a puff of air moving his hair out of his face rather expertly. Azalea nodded, excusing herself from the Scouts finding a space next to Levi making their way towards his office. A comforting silence overtook them, enjoying the sounds of the gravel under their shoes. "Hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything important, was I?"

"No! Not at all. Just Connie attaching himself to my feet and crying-"

"-excuse me?-"

"-I'm not really sure, I tend to ignore him whenever I can. I think he has a small girl crush," She chuckled, brushing her curls away from her face feeling her nose tickle from her long strands of hair, " that boy concerns me at times."

"Only at times?" Levi questioned, looking down at the brunette. She laughed at his comment, nudging the boy playfully. He let a small smile grace his lips, eyeing her curls bouncing around as she practically skipped down the street.

Azalea went into a spiel of how she noticed that Levi hadn't drank at the party, wanting to know if her drink wasn't up to his standards. Levi was caught off guard by her question, considering the party had been 2 nights ago, and due to the fact that everyone was pretty trashed he assumed no one was paying attention to him as per usual.

"Look, I'm not saying you had to like the drink. But, I wanted to know if you tried it all. If you did, don't tell me if you hated it, you don't understand how long it took me to make that shit," She winced thinking about the hours she had spent on wringing out all the fruits, shivering at the thought of doing that again. Levi let out a small laugh, catching the attention of the brunette whose eyes gleamed at the noise that left his lips. "You've always had such a pretty laugh.. I just wish I heard it more often," 

Levi froze at the words that left her lips, feeling a warmth wash over his face knowing his cheeks must be blazing red. He was still really bad at hiding his emotions from the brunette, having not heard a compliment from anyone like that in a while.

"Tch, you're full of it," He quickened his pace as he neared his office door, struggling to open the door yanking it open a small hint of red coating his fair skin. Azalea rolled her eyes at his smart remark nudging an elbow playfully at his lean frame, ruffling his hair as she made her way inside plopping down in her usual seat. The raven haired boy let out a small grunt as he sat down on the opposite side of his seat which was right next to her. 

The pair had always had a really close relationship, ever since before their rookie years. They both had grown up in The Underground, where she had taken him under his wing, as much as he likes to argue that statement. She had been there with him through every single loss, including those of their closest friends. After that night, they became even more inseparable than before. Levi at first tried to push her away in fear of getting his heartbroken, but she wouldn't let him, not even for one second.

"Levi, you can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" He spat, his eyes ablaze. Azalea ran her hands through her hair, sending the raven haired boy a look. 

 Azalea was tired of the boy avoiding her, so she went and sought him out and found him out on the training grounds. He had been taking all of his frustrations on a training pad they had that was meant to only handle a couple hits at a time, but she figured from the tearing on the pad that he had been punching it for quite awhile. Levi's hair was sticking to his forehead, glowering at her from where she stood.

"You know exactly what. I know it's not just a coincidence that you shut me out the second we had their funeral.-"

"Do not bring them up."

"I have and I will," She took a step towards the boy, grasping his shoulders and turned him to face her. Levi did so angrily, his hand clenched at his sides as she bore her eyes into his the tension between the pair only thickened, "We promised, Levi. You promised me... after we lost both of our parents, you told me that you would be by my side no matter what."

Her comment made the boy shut his eyes, physically trembling under her touch as he reminisced on all of their memories together. He remembered making that promise to her like it was yesterday. 

And just like that, by letting that one memory slip, they all came flooding in. 

All of the inside jokes between him and Furlan, someone who he considered to be a brother.

Spending countless nights listening to Isabel complain about how she wanted to go back to only worrying about boys.

And Azalea.

The girl who never let her smile fade even through all of their hardships and made sure a smile was always on Levi's lips. The one who kept him going, his only reason for being.

A rack of sobs made their way out of his parted lips, feeling the brunette wrap her arms fully around him hugging her back as tightly as he could. He slowly slid down the wall behind him, the pair of them finding a spot on the ground,

"I-I'm sorry... I can't lose you. You're the last thing I have,"

"I know, honey. I know." She mumbled into his hair, rubbing his back comfortingly. Levi nuzzled into her neck, his tears managing to soak through her thin shirt. For the next several hours, they spent laying down on the ground hand in hand as they discussed any other fears they had for the future.

"I wanted to know what your thoughts were on this formation. Erwin told me he had a lot on his plate, so of course he decided to throw even more on mine."

He huffed, motioning with his head at the neat stack of folders on his desk. Azalea's eyes refocused on the boys moving lips in front of her shaking off the heavy memory, just now taking notice of the arrange of papers by her hands , not only that but how neatly scattered everything was. It was as if Levi had taken time out of his day to organize each file as he came across it. There were about 2 other filing cabinets in the room, which she assumed were also full of things Levi had to be in charge of for Erwin. Im going to kill that boy, she thought to herself before taking a peek down at the pieces of papers he was holding in front of him. 

After getting a couple issues out of the way, the slender boy offered to make her some tea. Azalea couldn't possibly say no to the boy, who already had the tea bags in his hand, his cape bellowing behind him as he made a move to set it on the back of his office chair. She couldn't help herself, allowing her eyes to stare at him knowing this was one of his favorite things to do. 

Azalea couldn't deny that the Captain was absolutely breathtaking, with his steely eyes and that silky raven hair that framed his face beautifully. His hair was getting quite long, wanting nothing more than to play with his hair. She used to watch Levi cut his own hair, but once after injuring himself he allowed her to cut his hair. But just once, he told her. She brushed it off, happily spending most of that time playing with his hair.

She definitely didn't let the fact that the workouts they had been doing were paying off, especially on Levi. The brunette knew he was fit, but it wasn't until recently when she saw the boy shirtless, that she truly took notice of how strong that boy actually was. She'd seen him shirtless countless times before, but the definition now was definitely more evident. Every inch of that boy looked like it was sculpted by a god above, his back was absolutely shredded, making all of those god forsaken button ups fit him tight.

After a couple minutes of a comfortable silence, more like a couple minutes of Azalea sitting there with her fist in her mouth as she thought about her actions with the Commander and the boy in front of her. Levi had finally turned back around locking eyes with Azaleas big brown eyes which were absolutely locked down on his. She flashed him a small smile snapping out of her trance, waving at the boy as if she hadn't been eyeing him this whole time. He handed her a cup of his favorite tea his eyebrow slightly raised, allowing his fingers to slightly ghost over hers as she grabbed her cup a small thanks leaving her lips. A brief thought came to mind as he watched her lips come in contact with his tea cup blowing softly to cool it down, chewing on his bottom lip in thought. Levi, get your shit together.

"I remember you practically throwing up a tea that I made so I went and bought some sweeteners since you don't appreciate real tea-"

"Oh, shut up. That is so not true-"

"-but here you go. Please don't spit this out. I just cleaned." Levi teased, ruffling her hair as she just pouted and sulked. The boy chuckled, taking a sip of his tea enjoying the slight burn it left as it ran down his throat letting out a satisfied hum. 

"Thank you, honey."

"It's nothing, Lea. Just a little peach syrup. Your favorite," He flushed pink as she kissed his cheek taking a seat attempting to hide his reddening cheeks with his cup, nearly spilling it down his shirt as he awaited her response. Get ahold of yourself, you little bitch.

"Oh wow... I think I just drooled a little," Azalea wiped the corner of her mouth, earning a chuckle from the boy across from her. "This tastes absolutely lovely Levi. I swear, they get better every time you make them. And I truly am sorry, I don't mean to be a priss I just can't handle bitter things. At least I don't like coffee right?"

"Tch, I wouldn't be in the same room as you if you liked coffee. Coffee breath is absolutely awful."

Azalea giggled, taking a sip of the tea humming happily as she motioned for the boy to sit next to her. She shivered lightly at the temperature in the room, wanting nothing more than to wrap herself up in her bed.

"You cold?"

"Yes. Your room is fucking freezing,"

Azalea shivered even harder, clutching the cup of tea closer to her chest. Levi chuckled to himself at how fast she grew cold shaking his head at her, reaching over to grab his cloak off of his desk chair draping it over her shoulders gingerly. Azalea thanked him nudging his arm softly, feeling the warmth of the cloak warming her up.

His familiar scent infiltrated her nostrils, taking a second longer to embrace the scent of chamomile and soap. She loved how soft his scent was compared to his harsh demeanor, eyeing the raven haired boy as he smiled at her all cozy.

He scooted his chair over slightly, so their knees were brushing to see if she would scoot any closer to warm up. And she did. Practically entwining their legs together, sighing contently at his warm legs. She leaned against his shoulder, sipping from her drink happily.

"This gesture is almost as sweet as that one time you let me use your hood due to the rain, back when we had no clue what the hell we were doing. You were absolutely drenched."

"It was nothing... and by the way, there was never a point where I never knew what I was doing. " He brushed it off, eyeing her as her hand found his rubbing it with her thumb a soft silence overcome them. He sipped generously on his hot drink, eyeing her face contort into a look of amusement a soft chuckle leaving both of their lips.

It had been a couple months since they had been able to fully relax and let their guard down around each other, so to be in her comforting embrace was nice. Levi felt his worries falter for a little bit, as he stared at the girl who was swirling her drink around.

"Of course it is! You were sick for weeks!"

"I don't remember that. Are you sure that was me?"

"Oh, don't even start that bull, Levi." She scoffed, punching his leg playfully. Levi chuckled into her hair, allowing himself to wrap an arm around the back of her chair who nuzzled into his shoulder. "You're in a good mood today. Any special occasion?"

"You ruined it," He rolled his eyes, quick to remove his arm, which made her groan throwing her head back as a breeze found her. Azalea knew better than to point it out whenever Levi was being touchy or being nice, or else it'll make him snap out of it and immediately retract himself. "I just- I missed you. I hadn't been able to properly hangout with you, so I just feel really nice right now. It's kind of weird to describe,"

"I know what you mean," She mumbled, brushing a small droplet of tea off of her shirt. "What if we make it a routine?"

"A routine?"

"Yes, Levi, a routine. We can do this as many time as you'd like. Once a month, once a week. Twice a month, twice a week-"

"How does twice a week sound? We can do Monday and Sunday, Saturday and Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday? " Levi cut her off before she continued her rant, eyeing her curiously. She looked up at him a small smile on her lips, contemplating his offer. "Or if that's too many times-"

"Oh no, no, not at all. If anything I'm surprised you didn't say every day. You scared you're gonna get tired of me, sweet cheeks?" She teased reaching up and pinching Levi's cheeks, to which he slapped her hands away a pink coating his cheeks a small frown etched on his face. "Aw, poor baby-"

A small pause followed her statement, a small smile making its way onto her lips as she eyed the tea leaves in her cup waiting for the huffing boy to say something.

"Azalea, I'm gonna throw up on you."

"No you won't."

"You're not wrong."

Tags :

chance | l. ackerman x reader

Chance | L. Ackerman X Reader

everything about her seemed to attract every type of person.

people younger.

people older.

people of the same sex.

people of the opposite.

but she paid no mind.

her only mission in life was to kill these titans and to get your life back to normal. and until she did that, she would push every person aside.

or so she thought.

she had never understood how people could do stupid things like putting themselves at risk for love, it wasn't until that someone came into her life and showed her how to fix that part of her that she finally understood. that the feeling of loving someone was too good to let go. and she was gonna make sure that no one would ever hurt her or her loved one until she died.

word count: 1,151 words

warnings: gore, cursing

part 2 here!

—————————— ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ——————————

 A loud grunt left her lips as she flung her whole body towards the titan coming her way, twirling mid air until she was face to face with the nape of its neck. The wind slapped her face harshly, digging her blades into its neck feeling every inch of it as she sliced his skin, swiping as hard as she could to her left. The sight of its chunk of skin flinging off merely satisfied her, jerking back as her ODM gear latched itself into a wall behind her. The 10 meter titan collapsed on the floor almost as quickly as it had appeared. Without letting her guard down she proceeded to go on foot landing on a nearby roof, running as quickly as she could from rooftop to rooftop in search of any other titan. 

The scouts were trying to make sure no titans came anywhere close to Eren who was a bit preoccupied with a boulder on his back. Suri wasn't entirely sure how this all came to be, but she was choosing to ignore it until after they had plugged up the wall.

She knew Eren.

She knew that boy would never do anything to harm any of them, so she wasn’t worried. 

“Hey! What’s got your head in the clouds, pumpkin?” Jean shouted, landing not so effortlessly beside the girl. She rolled her eyes, not letting her stride falter.

“Don’t worry about it, Kirstein. Also- what?”

“I thought it was cute,”

“Well, you thought wrong.” She huffed, brushing her hair out of her face, her eyes scanning her surroundings. Jean smirked at the stern look in her face, facing forward. The pair of you broke into a sprint, the hissing of her gear was all that was heard as she sped in the direction of a 7 meter titan making his way towards Connie. 

“Hyah!” She screamed, allowing her body to put as much of her frustration into that hit making the titan fall down a gush of steam slapping her face. Connie spun on his heel, a shocked expression etched on his lips. Without halting her movements feeling the burning sensation of titan blood on her face, “You have to be more careful, Springer!” 

The wind was twirling her hair, making it almost impossible to see. She angrily huffed, coming to a stop on a stone pillar. Hurriedly throwing her hair up into a tight bun so it couldn’t get in her line of vision. 

“Watch out!” The sound of someone screaming near her made her freeze, jumping up into the air. She looked down at her feet, noticing that a titan hand had narrowly missed her by less than an inch. Shaking her head at her recklessness, latching her hook onto a nearby building, arching her body backwards as she flung yourself into a ready position. Twirling her blades in her hands, effortlessly hitting its nape sending the smiling freak tumbling face first. Bits of rubble found their way flying towards her cheek, leaving small cuts as she sped off towards the remaining scouts. 

“What happened to being more careful-”

“Connie, respectfully, I will shove my foot up your ass if you finish that sentence of yours.”

“How do you know he isn’t into that?” Jean retorted, a playful glint in his eyes. A small smile made its way onto her lips as she eyed the buzzed boy whose mouth was wide open. Suri leaned over and shut it for him, ruffling the small strands of hair he had on his head. 

“He’s only jokin’”

“No I wasn’t-”

“Kirstein, I swear to god.” She rolled her eyes at the sandy haired boy, who chuckled at her threat. At this point she had managed to wipe out all the titans nearby, her hands dropping slightly as she adjusted her grip on them. “I wonder how many more titans there are left…”

“I mean if we’re not counting the 50 over by where Armin is, then I’d say 0.” Connie sighed, eyeing her frame as she turned your head to see where Armin had led all the titans. A small wince left her lips at the sight of all of their clamoring hands pawing at the wall.

“I wouldn’t say 0 quite yet, Springer.” Jean interjected, tapping his sword against hers gaining her attention. She turned to face him, who was nodding in the direction of Eren. 

“Fuck me…” The three of you had caught sight of five 10 meter titans that had just marched in through the entrance. Throwing her head back a groan leaving her lips, readying herself to take off.  “Don’t get yourselves killed. If you die, I’m reincarnating you just to kill you myself.”

“You be safe too, Suri!”

A bubble of laughter left her lips, throwing herself off the rooftop, her ODM gear latching onto a concrete wall sending her body flying towards the titans.

The familiar sensation of the wind slapping her calmed her in a way, keeping her attentive to her actions, eyes never once leaving the approaching limbs.

One thing that Suri bragged about when it came to being a cadet, was how agile she was while flying.

She was one of the fastest, along with Mikasa. The two girls had never failed to impress. Her swiftness and ability to kill titans like she was sleeping was a god given gift. Every ounce of her strength went into every strike, while making it look effortless. 

“Why don’t you assholes fucking die?” She growled under her breath, her blades down by your knees. 

The sound of her gas hissing caught the attention of 3 of them, their huge eyes eyeing her like a carcass of meat. Smiling at the sight of them, swinging herself around them as a way of taunting them. 

They all had the same fucking look in their eyes. Hunger. She didn’t know why, but seeing those 3 helpless titans swing their limbs in every attempt to grab her filled her with so much rage. Swiping her tongue across her bottom lip, wetting it as she hovered above them.

Suri shot her hook straight across them, flinging up into the air a loud laugh leaving her lips. I hope you assholes rot in hell.  

Leaving her swords to her right as she sped by them, the sound of her blades cutting through their flesh was like music to her ears as each one dropped right after the other.

Their blood coated her head to toe the stinging sensation from their boiling blood made her wince, wiping it off the corner of her mouth in disgust discarding the chipped swords.

The sound of Eren howling to her right made her tense up, watching as he flung the boulder into the entrance, a humongous gust of dirt and rubble flying towards her. The sound of people cheering sent a wave of relief over her, locking her swords back in place proceeding to fly down to where Levi was currently standing over a titans dead body.

“-tell me what the hell I’m looking at."

authors note: hey lovelies! im starting a new series about aot, and i really hope y'all enjoy it. i've been kinda experimenting with a bunch of new things and new ways of writing so hopefully all goes good! feedback and requests are always welcome!

Tags :

chance pt. 2 | l. ackerman 

Chance Pt. 2 | L. Ackerman

word count: 2,175 words

warnings: cursing, mentions of death (slightly)

part 1 here!

—————————— ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ——————————


“It’s Eren’s titan form, Captain.” Suri spoke up from your position, taking short strides towards them making sure she avoided any rubble. Levi snapped his head towards her, his eyes widening slightly proceeding to jump off of the titan circling the trio. Flickering her gaze to the pair of friends who were holding Eren quite protectively, feeling her face soften.

“Excuse me?”

“We’re not too sure how this happened either, Captain. We just know that we found him fighting off titans, and after we discovered that he found no interest in us, we used him to lead us to HQ. He defeated every single titan in his way. It didn’t take us too long after that to find out. He sort of came out of the titans body after it collapsed,” Mikasa explained to the Captain who she could tell was still trying to wrap his head around it. 

“So you mean to tell me that Eren can transform into a titan… At will?”

“Yes, Captain. But we promise, he would never harm any of us-” Armin started his eyes wide, clinging onto Eren.

“It’s not up to me to decide that, kiddos. This matter is up to the military police.”

Eren tightened his grip on his friends, his eyes never once faltering. Suri felt bad for the young boy, knowing that none of this was his fault. The attention of everyone's eyes on them made them squirm, their eyes growing a little frantic.

“Alright everyone, don’t you guys have other things to be doing right now?” She scoffed, straightening her posture as she glared at everyone who was side eyeing them. At the sound of her voice they snapped out of their trance, scurrying to clean up as best they could.

Letting out a loud sigh, excusing herself from the trio making her way over to Jean who was standing there waiting for her. A hand flung in front of the girl halting her movements.

“Suri. Do you have a moment?”

The girl froze at the sight of Levi’s porcelain skin, her eyes raking up his arm to his tilted head.

“Always, Captain. What can I do for you?”

“Do you mind helping keep these 3 here, until the military police arrive?” His soft voice questioned, his eyes narrowing at her unresponsive face. She nodded curtly, swiveling on her heel making her way back over to the 3 with a sheepish look in her eyes.

“Hey guys… long time no see.”

“Levi sent you over here to babysit?”

“I wouldn’t say babysit, Yeager. I’m not really sure why either, but I won't question his judgment. Maybe it’s a trust thing,” She shrugged, her hands finding a position on the hilts of her swords. “Don’t worry your little head about it, Eren. You have lots of witnesses that saw what you did today. Even though you may get on their nerves every once in a while, you saved their lives… and gained their trust.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that no matter what in the hell you are, you would never hurt them. You proved yourself, and if they can’t see that then they must be dumber than Connie over here.”

“What the hell did I do?” The boy whined, making his way over to her a slight red hue on his cheeks. She chuckled, offering her friend a small smile. Eren chuckled at her slight dig towards Connie, knowing full well Connie always got the short end of the stick.

“I’m just kiddin’ you know this, Connie. You just happened to be the unfortunate soul who was nearby,”

“I deserve some type of compensation for all of this bullying,” She rolled her eyes at his dramatics, nudging him with her shoulder making him sulk. “That’s the opposite of what I asked for.”

“How about I let you have a piece of my chocolate whenever this is over?” At the mention of her infamous chocolate the boy practically gleamed. Connie began to thank her repeatedly, his grip on her never ceasing. Nudging her knee against his to try to get him off of you. The trio eyed the boy with a curious look in their eyes, the girl mouthing that she also had no idea what was going on.

“Alright, that’s enough, Springer. Back to work,” He immediately let go, running in the opposite direction of her a blush on his face. Levi scowled at his retreating figure, sliding his eyes over to the girl who just shrugged sheepishly.

“I’m not entirely sure what happened either, sir.”

“I’m glad it wasn’t just me then.” 

—————————— ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ——————————

Small pants left her lips as she had finally made it onto a rooftop away from everyone, trying to catch her breath. Suri had just finished listening to Eren’s court case, rage filling her body as she recalled back to the bleeding boy.

They had no fucking right. Without Eren, these bastards would all be dead right now.

Angrily throwing a brick she had found down towards some trees. She had gotten out of there as quickly as she could, absolutely seething. Jean had tried to follow her, but she managed to lose him several blocks from where she was.

“This is fucking stupid,” Suri huffed, blowing her hair out of her eyes as she rested her head down on the rooftop laying down on her back. The sun was currently being hidden by some clouds, her eyes fluttering close as she basked in the warmth.

“I s’pose you can say that,”

The sound of a velvety voice made her eyes snap open, springing up from her position, locking eyes with a pair of steely gray ones. Levi was currently leaning against a stone pillar, his arms crossed across his chest, his demeanor relaxed.

“Captain! I- how-”

“I found Jean practically gasping for air back there, so I questioned him, and he ratted you out.” She reminded herself to yell at Jean whenever she made it back, shoving her hands into her jacket. “Now, where were you planning on going all riled up?”

“Nowhere. I just- needed some time to cool down- I know it’s stupid. But I couldn’t stand seeing Eren like that.” Running her fingers through her hair as she made eye contact with Levi, whose expression remained motionless. 

“It’s not stupid. Irrational, yes. But, understandable.” He eyed her heavily breathing form, moving from his position against the pillar making his way towards her. “I had been wondering how someone as ruthless as you was managing, but I’m glad to see that you aren’t made of stone.”

“I wish I was… having this many emotions isn’t good. I mean, thankfully it doesn’t affect me while out on the field but the aftermath, now that is what gets me.” Levi took all her words in a small nod of understanding coming from the short man, uncrossing his arms. She felt silly expressing her emotions to her Captain knowing that he probably had more important things to be doing. 

“Have you tried talking to anyone about this? Like Kirstein?”

“Jean? I mean, him and I are best friends but that boy, I think he’s going through a couple things mentally. I wouldn’t want to bombard him.”

“Not that I know much about this… but if I had a friend who was struggling, I would still help them no matter how much I was going through.” She allowed the Captain's words to sink in, knowing she would do the exact same thing. Damn you and being so damn smart. Levi eyed the young girl, his eyes not in their usual stern gaze.

“Sorry Captain. I promise this won’t happen again.”

“No need. You do know we have the training ground for this very reason, right? To make sure you guys have a safe spot to let out any anger or frustrations you guys might experience… you can come back whenever you think you’re ready.”

“Thank you Captain.” He hummed in response, his hands brushing his hair out of his face, making his way to the edge of the roof before jumping off. Suri slumped her shoulders, crouching down so she could get into a more comfortable position on the ground. Leaning her head where the Captain was just seconds prior, nibbling on her bottom lip in a train of thought.

You got this… Erens got this. We just need to overcome this small hiccup.

Rubbing her hand across her forehead, trying to get rid of the forming headache. 

She hadn't taken notice of how long she had stayed up there, her fingers messing with any stray branch and any piece of garbage that she found on the shingles of the roof. The sun had drastically gone down, small stars starting to make their way seen. She was trying to clear her mind before she made her way back down but no matter how close she thought she was to getting to a blank state of mind, she would think of something else that would bring her right back to where she started.

Everything was going good in her life.

Up until the fall of Trost.

Where she had to be thrown into this madness she had to call her life. While Suri knew that she would be witnessing death when she signed up, she never expected it before she had even made the decision on where she wanted to be. She had made the top 11 cadets, it was supposed to be the top 10 but they thought that each of them were too valuable so they made an exception. They had a hard time choosing between the 3 of the girls, who were all tied for first, but she knew that deep down Mikasa was above her and Annie. The way she moved was unlike anyone you guys had ever seen.

“You are impossible to find…” Jean panted from her right, his hair a little disheveled. She snapped out of your trance giggling at the sandy haired boy. She motioned to an open spot beside her, where he happily plopped himself down. “I almost sent out a search party.”

“No need. The captain actually found me about an hour ago,”

“What?! He told me he hadn’t!” Suri hid a smile, wrapping her arms around her knees, hugging them as close to her chest as she could. Jean rested his head on the cool pillar, his eyes closed.

“I’m glad he didn’t give away my whereabouts. Unlike someone else,” Suri coughed under her breath, sending a glare at Jean who was smirking at her statement. “Do you know how embarrassing that was for me, Jean? He found me throwing bricks. Bricks! He caught me throwing a tantrum, like a fuckin' child.”

“He probably thought it was cute,” Jean mused, opening his eyes just to send a wink at you. She scoffed, kicking him playfully. He chuckled, patting her leg comfortingly. “You can deny it as much as you want. But to see one of the scariest girls in the Cadet Corps, throwing a brick with a pout-”

“I was not pouting-”

“-with your arms crossed. What I would have paid to see that,” She gave the boy a side eye, who was just eyeing her with a playful glint in his eyes. 

“I mean if you pay me well, you can see it again.”


“Mhmm. I can’t guarantee that the brick won’t directly make contact with your face though,”

“Okay now that’s a little far-”

“I can always aim lower-”

“Okay! I get it!” She giggled at the boy whose face was contorted in pain, thinking about the brick landing on his precious ‘jewels’, his hands holding his legs up towards his chest to keep them away from her touch. 

The two of you spent another hour up on the roof telling jokes back and forth, well it was more like Jean trying to cheer her up.

She wouldn't admit it but her mood lightened significantly. Jean had been one of her closest friends even since before the two of them had joined, but it wasn’t until they had finally joined when they had gotten even closer. She wasn't sure if it was because of the possible risk factor of not possibly being there the next day, but she didn't want to take that chance.

The golden eyed boy knew exactly how to unpress the buttons everyone had pushed, knowing how to get her laughing. Jean had just finished telling her about a funny comment that Connie had made, that Captain Levi had overheard making the poor boy run laps and clean the stables for the evening, halting his laughter as he took notice of her change of demeanor. The air had gotten a little colder, making her shiver at the cold gusts of air.

“Here,” Jean had barely given her any time to think before he threw his jacket over her shoulders, a warmth enveloping the girl. She began to protest but he just pretended like he couldn’t hear her, his lips turning up in a smile. “What’s that? Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.”

“Jean…” She threatened, tugging his jacket closer to her enjoying the warmth. His smell invaded her nose, the scent of coffee. Not too strong, like he had added a lot of milk and sweetener to it. It smelled delicious. “I’m only accepting this because I’m cold.”

“That’s what they all say,”

“I’m not afraid to shove my foot up your coffee loving ass, Kirstein.”

“You smell that?! Oh god, maybe I do drink it too much-”

“Oh it’s not a bad smell at all! I promise. It smells really good actually ,” At her compliment the boy halted, turning his head down to see if she was lying leaning in closely.

His eyes scanned her doe eyes feeling his breath flicker slightly, once he caught no sign of her lying, humming happily to himself. Jean shuffled slightly to the left, his knee brushing against hers a small smirk making its way onto her lips.

“Oh really? Hmm.. remind me to go out and buy more.”

“Aye, aye, Captain.” She rolled her eyes at him, nuzzling further into the warm fabric her eyes fluttering close. Unbeknownst to the girl, the sandy haired boy never once took his eyes off of her.

Tracing over her eyelashes resting on her cheeks with his eyes, his lips parting as he tried to take in every single one of her features.

Every single freckle.

Every little scar.

He knew that trying to get with her was a long shot, but he was within an arms reach and he wasn't going to let it slide.

authors note: hey lovelies! i would appreciate any and all feedback if you guys have any. i love hearing you guys and knowing y’all like my work &lt;3

Tags :

chance pt.3 | l. ackerman

word count: 1,345 words

warnings: kissing, cursing (nothing major)

part 2 here!

Chance Pt.3 | L. Ackerman

“I don’t understand how in the hell you made this,” Connie practically moaned over the mouthful of chocolate in his mouth. Suri chuckled at the boy, popping another piece in her mouth allowing the treat to melt on her tongue. Connie had cornered her in her room a little over an hour ago while she was getting ready for the night in nothing but her embarrassing pajamas, demanding his treat with his eyes wide.

Suri was just talking about how her day had gone, his arms splayed behind his head as he watched her talk, his legs thrown across her lap. She tried kicking them off several times but he kept throwing them back on so she gave up.

“You’ve said this 15 times already, Springer,”

“I haven’t received a proper answer yet-”

“And you won’t. This is top secret-”

“Oh whatever-” He started, shifting from his position on her bed with a smile on his lips. A knock on her door interrupted him, the pair of them eyeing each other as she jumped down from her bed making her way over to her door, swinging it open. Jean's golden eyes met hers, his fist still raised as if she had stopped him from getting another knock in. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she eyed the boy, his cheeks turning a slight pink.

“Oh hey, Jean! How are you this evening?”

“I’m actually doing quite well, thanks for asking. Did you have a good late night workout?”

“How did you-”

“I didn’t see you at dinner.” Jean stuttered over his words at that, knowing he had been caught looking for her.

“Smart boy. I actually did. My legs are shaking though. I think I might have gone a little too hard,” She tried to cover up her flustered state by babbling, tucking a strand of her hair behind her head as she peered up at the tall boy. “You should join me one of these days. You know, hopefully that’ll stop you from trash talking.”

“Oh I do not-”

“Yes you do. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.” Jean let out a small laugh leaning his head down to look at his shuffling feet, shoving his hands into his front pockets. Something about the way he was standing there made her heart skip a beat, wrapping her arms around herself as she took in the tall boy.

“So…” She wrung her hands out nervously as she rocked her feet. “What brings you here? I’m not saying that I don’t want you here! I was just curious,”

“I was actually wondering if I could talk to you- like, in private.” His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink, his demeanor shifting to a more nervous one. She offered him a warm smile, fiddling with the hem of her pajama shirt.

“Of course! Let me just kick out Springer first-”

“Oh come on!”

The sound of Connie's muffled voice made her turn around, noting he was no longer on her bed. She groaned crouching down on her knees making direct eye contact with the shorter boy. He had his hands underneath his chin, a disappointed look on his face.

“Get out from under my bed, Connie.”

“Just pretend I’m not here,” She rolled her eyes, reaching underneath her bed and taking a hold of his arms. Using little strength to start dragging him out despite his protests. “Wait- no, please! Suri!”

“Connie- what the hell are you doing here?” Jean choked out having made his way into her room to witness the commotion, his eyes having narrowed slightly. Connie just kept his arms in hers, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Suri sent a little kick to the boy, who just yelped rubbing his ribs giving her a death glare. The girl just flashed him a smile, a playful glint in her eyes.

“Okay, okay I’m leaving. Don’t forget we have that thing tomorrow,”

“Wouldn’t dare dream of forgetting it, Springer. Now, do you mind taking your filthy shoes out of my room? Please.” He grumbled under his breath shuffling out of her room, closing the door behind him. Suri let out a small laugh, shaking her slightly damp hair.

“What was Connie doing under your bed?”

“Well, he was on my bed. But I guess he saw you and scrambled under my bed to eavesdrop on what you were gonna say.” Jean gnawed on his bottom lip nervously, leaning against the foot of her bed eyeing her as she walked around trying to tidy up the mess from the chocolate. “Damn it, that bitch took another piece of chocolate. Anyways, sorry about that. You can join me on my bed if you want, I don’t bite I swear… except Connie. That bitch gets on my nerves, ”

She hopped on her bed grabbing one of her pillows and throwing it over her lap. Jean swiftly kicked off his shoes making his way onto her bed, sitting on the end of her bed with his hands sitting idly on his lap. “What did you wanna talk about?”

“I- well… okay. I have wanted to tell you this for a while now, but I haven’t really worked up the courage to until just now. Please, don’t let this mess up our friendship. If you’d like I can always just drop off the face of the earth and pretend this never happened-” She cut off the rambling boy by pressing a hand on his, his words getting stuck in his throat. She squeezed his rough hand softly, rubbing her thumb across his knuckles, his breath hitching.

“You know… for a boy who talks a lot of shit, you’re quite a nervous guy aren’t you?” His face went bright red right away, his eyes locking with hers a playful smile gracing her lips. “I promise you, nothing you can say will change our friendship, Jean. Unless you’re telling me that you killed someone. That’s a whole other story,”

“No, no. I would never. Um… but- here goes nothing I guess.”


“I really like you. Like… a lot. When I saw you out there during the mission, I was so stressed. I didn’t want to admit it, but I got scared that I was going to lose you… which is why I’m taking my chance. I’d rather have died trying than to lose you and know that I could have had a chance.” Her hands tightened their grip around Jean’s hand, feeling her heart just about jump out of her chest.

His words had her heart melting. But the other half of her mind on was racing, wanting nothing more than to leave her room and run as far as she possibly could. It wasn’t because she didn’t like him. In fact, that was the opposite. Suri did like him. And that was absolutely horrifying.

“Jean… I-”

“Fuck, I knew it. Look, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to fuck anything up. I just needed to get that off my chest- look I’m leaving but I-I’ll see you-” She grabbed onto the front of his t-shirt, yanking the boy back onto your bed his feet stumbling over one another. Without a second thought she pressed her lips against his, hoping that would be enough for him to catch on to what she was trying to say.

Jean’s eyes were wide open as he peered down at her closed ones, scrambling to kiss her back. Their lips moved sporadically against one another her hands making their way into his sandy locks. His hands grabbed a hold of her hips tugging her as close to him as he could. There’s no way that this is happening right now…

His breath hitched as her lips pulled away from his, taking that moment to try to catch her breath resting her forehead against his. Jean licked his lips trying to steady himself, his heart fluttering rapidly in his chest.

“So- I- Um… does that mean-”

“Yes, Jean… I like you too.” At the sight of her smile he practically gleamed, wrapping his arms tightly around her squeezing her close to his chest. She giggled, allowing the boy to lift her out of her bed and swing her around. Jean swiftly set her down, smiling ear to ear as he eyed her flushed form. Suri offered to hang out for the remainder of the night before he had to go to bed, his tall body finding its way next to hers as he wanted to get to know her on a different level. God damn his beautiful brown eyes.

Chance Pt.3 | L. Ackerman

Tags :
1 year ago
Just Became Obsessed With AOT, Hange And Levi Are My Babies. I Still Need To Draw Erwin To Complete The
Just Became Obsessed With AOT, Hange And Levi Are My Babies. I Still Need To Draw Erwin To Complete The

Just became obsessed with AOT, Hange and Levi are my babies. I still need to draw Erwin to complete the trio

I am back!! (for now) I need to get back into making art, so being obsessed with a new show is good

Tags :
5 months ago
This Panel Hurts Me. Yes, It's Part Of Levi Having Abandonment Issues, But It Also Suggests That Levi

This panel hurts me. Yes, it's part of Levi having abandonment issues, but it also suggests that Levi thinks he is forgettable, and that makes me so sad. He doesn't think of himself as someone who people will remember or put first despite him always putting others before himself.

Tags :
2 years ago


Ok but sex with postwar!Levi is so soft and so passionate, he wants to feel every part of you. His hands are gentle, he would caress every single inch of your skin. Levi likes to be able to see you when his cock is buried in your wet pussy, he loves the expression of pure pleasure on your face. "Cum for me darling, please." His kisses would be long and full of emotion.

Not to mention how sensitive he is, your mouth makes him feel like he is on cloud nine. "Fuck. F-fuck. Baby I'm gonna-" And he whines while cumming because it just feels so so good for him.

Tags :
4 years ago

hi i love your writings so much and your style is brilliant! uhm can i request a levi x reader fake dating au? if thats possible..♡ have a great day♡♡

Hi! Thank you so much for requesting and for the encouragement, being a new blog 😊💕 It always makes my day getting sweet messages like this. I’m not really sure about this one, as I made it surprisingly angsty but I still hope you like it!

Genre: Angst, unrequited love

Rating: SFW

Word Count: 1.4k

Slight trigger for sexual assault


The ballroom’s glow settled down onto the occupants of the ball. Dots of shiny lights ricocheted from the chandelier, creating an effect like stars in the sky across the roof and walls.

           A tight corset bound your waist, crushing the bottom of your lungs and making it difficult to draw in breath. The strong sting of the alcoholic scent wafting from the bar and Wall Sina slobs, who were considered nobles. They couldn’t just slap fancy clothing on an overweight middle-aged alcoholic man and call him a noble.

           Your status in the Survey Corps was what had lobbed you into this mess. Many times you have had to dress in prissy clothing with frills and bows, pulling your hair into a bun that was slightly too tight to be comfortable.

           If talking to naive, selfish, and arrogant men wasn’t bad enough, the rule that you had to bring a date made your skin crawl.

           Being a Squad Leader meant that you knew plenty of men, as the vast majority of the Scouting Regiment contained male soldiers. However, choosing a date was impossible. If the men weren’t immature boys, they were perverted men in their thirties.

           The first time you were placed in this situation, Hanji hooked you up with Levi Ackerman, back when you couldn’t stand the short male. You found him irritating; he had no human emotions. Not to mention his insufferable obsession with cleaning. The two of you struggled to stay the entire time, swarmed by sweaty old men and each other. Levi certainly struggled with the attitude you gave him.

           When the night was over, the two of you swore that he never had to hold your waist for a slow dance again.

           You wished it was that simple.

           Erwin announced the invitation to another ball. Both you and Levi hoped you wouldn’t have to power through another dance together, managing to find another date. You had asked Erwin, but was turned down as he had someone to go with.

           The two of you had to go again, dragging your feet through every dance with Levi’s hand hovering awkwardly on the frills of your gown.

           Rumours that you and Captain Levi were dating spread through the immature Survey Corps in a heartbeat. The rumours leaked onto the streets, the civilians thinking that Humanity’s Strongest Soldier had a girlfriend was incredibly chivalrous. Erwin’s need to please the people resulted in him ordering you to keep up an act of dating Levi.

           From then on, you and Levi put on a fake show for the people. Luckily, holding hands was as far as Levi would go.

           You wished it would end. Your existence was almost like a trophy that was polished in a cabinet to brag about. You had the looks for it and everyone constantly reminded the two of you.

           Secretly, you wished that Levi would return the compliment someday, the time you have had to spend together rubbing off on you. You hoped Levi would come to feel the same.

           The air in the ballroom became stuffy as the men around you pushed you towards the centre of the room. You had lost Levi a while ago now, him claiming he wanted to get the two of you drinks. However, you didn’t believe him.

           He would never drink anything that wasn’t tea, you thought.

           An old man approached you, his eyes bloodshot from the alcohol consumption. They raked up and down your body, causing you to shrink in on yourself to protect your figure from the prying eyes. You scowled as he was pushed further towards me with a stumble.

           “Hey, pretty lady,” he slurred, “You got a date?”

           “Yes, it was compulsory in order to be let through the doors,” you replied calmly.

           Frowning at him down the bridge of your nose, you etched towards the knife hidden in the layers of your dress. It was originally Levi’s idea to hold a knife with me, as the chances of getting into a situation where you need self-defence is too high.

           “Where is he now?” The man approached you further, “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

           “Mind what? He’s coming back in a moment.”

           “What is he gonna do to me? Kill me?”

           You pursed your lips and widened your eyes, nodding.

           The man ignored you, almost stumbling forward onto you. Your hand slipped under the layer of your dress, fingers curling around the handle. Taking steps back, the man continued toward you. You were about to whip the knife out from behind your back when you backed into a firm chest.

           “Sorry--” you began, but paused when you saw who stood behind you.

           Levi lingered there with a scowl, flickering his eyes from you to the man. His grey eyes bared into the man, who straightened his posture.

           “Would you like a dance?” Levi learned forward to whisper into my ear.

           “Gladly,” you nodded, not batting another eyelash at the creep who stood stunned in silence.

           Levi’s calloused hand slipped yours off the knife and into his feathery hold. Guiding you around to the side of the room, he sat you in the corner on a nearby chair. Honestly, you were hoping for a dance, your mood shifting into a confused malice as to why he pulled you aside.

           “I thought we were dancing,” you whispered, folding your hands in your lap as he lingered above you.

           “Tch. Of course not,” Levi rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest, “I was only getting you away from that slobby drunk.”

           “You know we’re actually supposed to look like we are dating, right?” You snapped, copying his composure by crossing your arms, also.

           Levi frowned harder, “I don’t know what else you want me to do. Aren’t men supposed to keep other men away from their significant others? That’s what I did, brat.”

           “I’m not a brat, first of all,” you sighed, “Second of all, couples are supposed to be more affectionate than this.”

            The huff that Levi let from his lungs caused a pang of hurt to strike you. For too long have you had him groan, grumble, and frown at you instead of providing you with proper answers. By now, you could tell exactly what every single one meant. This one was very direct, a simple “I don’t care.”

           The time you spent with him you had come to realise he was not the completely mindless titan killing machine that the rest of mankind believed that his was. Behind his cold and passive demeanour, he genuinely cared about his squad, fellow captains and commanders. Having witnessed his true nature, you began to grow soft towards him. However, you quickly realised that you weren’t special.

           “Levi….” you sighed, biting your lip. Your heart thumped in your chest at the words that formed in your head.

           Maybe if he knew how you felt he would change?

           Maybe if you followed your heart he could take advantage of the opportunity?

           “What is it,” Levi’s words expelled from his mouth more like a groan of annoyance than a question.

           You took another deep breath and averted your eyes, “I actually like you, and I want to make this relationship real. I know that you think that fake dating for the people is stupid, but we wouldn’t feel that way if it is real. It’s real to me.”

           Cautiously, you lifted your eyes back up to find his. The way his mouth hung open ever so slightly and his eyebrows raised an extra inch caused your heart to lodge into your throat.

           When he didn’t reply, you held your breath, “I don’t know if you feel the same or not, and it’s okay if you don’t. But I can’t keep faking something with you when I want it to be real.”

           Timidly, you watched as he cast his eyes to the floor. You couldn’t tell if he was going to reply, never having witnessed the silence that he spoke at that moment. Growing impatient, you stood.

           “Say something,” you ordered, “Please answer, Levi.”

           “What do you want me to say?” Levi looked into your eyes, the intensity of the stare causing guilt to bubble within you. “My answer isn’t going to satisfy you, I can tell.”

           “I’d prefer if you say it.”

           “I don’t feel the same. I never have and I never will. I’m sick of everyone I care about dying; I don’t want it happening again.”

           Your breath caught in your throat. On one hand, you respected his feelings and reasoning, being something that hit close to home for yourself. On the other, his tone stung, the words pierced you, the unrequited love ached your heart.

           “One day, you’ll find someone, Y/N,” Levi reached out to pat your head, your breath frozen in your lungs, “But what we have is fake.”

           “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

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