Teen Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Beyond Borders [Supernatural Au x teen demon reader] PT 2


Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last name

H/c = hair color


Recap - Y/n got up quickly and went to look out a small window that outlooked the front of the old house. there was a moving truck and two men were arguing one was tall and wore a gray shirt that was covered in sweat with some blue jeans, the other wore a long tan trench coat that covered his whole body and he had a pair of black ......... wings? The one with wings suddenly stopped talking and turned to the house. He looked up toward the window y/n was looking out of. Y/n and the mystery wingman made eye contact.

oh no. oh no

3rd pov :

{November 26, 2019}

The Man with wings sped walks into the house. Y/n panicked at the sight of this. Pulling away from the small window y/n quickly ran over to the bed in the attic the grabbed their backpack that laid down on the floor next to the bed. Y/n shoved the bag of chips and their book into the backpack. Y/n pulled their hood over their head and stood up. They practically ran to the latch on the floor, swinging it open making the latter fall with it y/n hurried down the latter and ran out of the room, the house had boxes everywhere. Y/n ran down the stairs and saw that there were boxes everywhere and that the winged man from earlier was standing in the doorway " HEY YOU ! "

The mystery man yelled. The young teen started to panic even more and began to quickly think. They couldn't go upstairs that would be a dead-end, they also couldn't go through the front door, there was no back door but there was a big window in the kitchen. Y/n turned to face the kitchen doorway and bolted in. "HEY! WAIT !" the winged man yelled again. The teen bolted and hopped up onto the kitchen counter and tried to open the window but it didn't budge "Crap! It's jammed, Dang this old house " Y/n quietly said to themself. Y/n tried and tried to open the window quickly after a couple of seconds of doing this y/n heard a noise. Click "Yes finally !" y/n said a little louder this time ."Nope, no you don't " a voice spoke as y/n was picked up and placed on the floor and turned around " hey, caught ya " it was the winged man

'Oh, crap ' is all y/n thought as they looked up at the winged man. "HEY CAS, Dude you can't walk off like that we were ..............." A new voice came into the room the winged man turned slightly so y/n only caught a glimpse of who it was but couldn't see enough to see who it was. " Dean looks, I caught a thing " 'cas' said proudly. y/n finally put a name to a face the winged man's name was cas and whoever was in the room's name was Dean. " what the hell ?????" Dean said as Cas turned fully as he grasped y/n arm so they couldn't escape. "Why do you have a kid ????" Dean sent a questioned look to Cas. " I saw them, in the window and thought It was weird so I went and they tried to escape ou the window, " Cas said as he looked down at y/n who was currently looking back at the window, the hood they wore covered their face so Cas couldn't see what y/n looked like. " Great this house have squatters " Dean complained as he rubbed his temples

"HEY I'M NOT A SQUATTER!!! and this isn't your house I live here! " Y/n whipped their head around to look at Dean "Ha your house listen to her kid we bought this house so it's ours. " Dean walked up to y/n and bent down to their level. Dean was able to see y/n face now but only a little bit due to their face being shadowed by h/c bangs and hair. "Now how bought we start by taking off the hood, " Dean said as he pulled of y/ns hood. Cas gasped let go of y/ns arm, now grabbing the sides of y/ns " why do you have horns ?" Cas asked y/n "its no ya business " y/n squirmed trying to get out of Cas's grip falling due to Cas having a strong grip of their head "Well your our business now so talk, "the dean said now returning to standing. "NO!" Y/n said loudly squirming more "Talk or we'll take you to the police station to talk! " Dean demanded. " Fine! I have horns because I'm a .....hmmm " y/n finally squirmed enough to get out of Cas's grip and mumbling the last part. " Speak up please, " Cas asked the young teen " A DEMON, I'm a demon " Y/n said but those words alarmed Dean and Cas as they both got into fighting positions

"Guys chill I'm half demon so I can't really do anything except start little fires " y/n spoke as the two grown men calmed down and relaxed . " so this is a lot to take in " Cas said as he crossed his arms "so why are you even here shouldn't you be at home or something ?" Dean rudely asked y/n "I'm homeless I've lived here for a year now " y/n stood there awkwardly not really wanting to talk about the reason they're here "oh" Dean and Cas both said at the same time "So what's your name kid? " Dean asked "Y/n, Y/n l/n" y/n said back " Well I'm Castiel and this is Dean Winchester. " Cas said motion to himself and Dean " Winchester ? Like the gun ?" y/n said as they titled their head "yep just like the gun " Dean smiled a bit now not worrying as much about the situation.

Silence soon filled the room along with awkwardness. "welp I'm gonna call sam soo ill be right back." Dean said as he finally broke the silence and walked out of the room. The level of awkwardness increases leaving the two none mortal being alone. "Sooo Mr wingman what happen to me now ?" Y/n asked as they looked at Cas. " Well I would say we could let you stay but I honestly don't know it's up to Sam and Dean " Cas answered and shrugged "Who's sam ?" Y/n asked (again) "Sam's Dean's little brother" Cas said "oh mm" Y/n hummed and looked back at the floor.

"Well Sams is out on a hunt for the next week or so, what happens to you is up to me " Dean walks back into the room "Are you gonna take me to the police? " Y/n asked hoping that the answer wouldn't be yes . "nope you're staying here " Dean said "Really ?! " Y/n asked dut this time they said a bit louder "Yep" Dean concluded. Y/n had stars in their eyes "but you have to show us where you've been hiding out at " dean put a finger up to add pizzazz " Ok Deal" y/n agreed

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3 years ago

Beyond Borders [Supernatural Au x teen demon reader] PT 4


Key 🗝-

Y/n = Your Name

H/C  = hair Color

H/L = hair Length  


{November 26, 2019}

Y/ns pov:

We all walked out of the house and got into an old pickup truck. Dean complained, something about sam and a baby. He mumbled most of it so I didn't hear him clearly. Dean and Castiel sat up front, Dean being in the driver's seat and Cas being the passenger. I hopped in the back and buckled myself in.

The ride to the store wasn't long, it only took about 20 minutes. No one talked the whole way there, the only sound was the radio as it played old rock hits. The ride was quite awkward I wish someone would've talked but what were we supposed to talk about? My parent? I'm the only one that could see Castiels wings or why he had wings? and I just stayed quiet

Once we got to the store we got out of the car and walked into the store. the store had big letters on the side that said ' WAILMARTS'. When we walked in the store was busy, people walked through the isles.

dean went to go find a cart leaving me with Castiel . " Why do you have wings ?" I asked castiel "you can see them ? " Castiel asked sounding supriesd " sometimes " i said as i shrug " cant everybody" i asked "No " Cas said " so are you like a bird or something? " I asked again as i tilted my head in slight confusion "no I'm a angel of the lord " Castiel answered " WAIT AN ANGEL" i said very loud , some people turned their head to look at us . Are you gonna kill me ?" i asked and took a step back . I only met angels a few time and every time i met them they tried to kill me . They all usually had the same reason why to , all because i washalf demon and the fact of me actually existing is very dangerous .

i began to shake a little , i was actually scared . " no I'm not " Castiel said he took a step towards and put his hand on my shoulder , but i slapped it off and went into fight or flight mode and ran off into the store , Castiel didn't follow me but i kept running . i then found my self in the middle of the women clothing section . I frantically around for a place to hide just incase Castiel or Dean came to look for me . I then spotted the changing rooms . I then sprited to them and saw their was 5 doors , i tried to open the doors but only one of them opened them opened . I pulled on the door so hard to open it i almost fell back . i scrambled into the cahnig room and noticed the door had a lock so i most obviously locked it .

I fell onto my knees, to be honest i was scared out of my wits and to be honest i was scared angels and as i stated earlier I've met angels and none of them were good . so i had every reason to be scared of angels , I almost died to an angel once but i made it . for some background years ago when i was like  12 and I was hunted by an angels and boy did that angel not like me . It stabbed me in my leg and almost cut my throat , if that random dude on the street didn't call 911 sooner I would have been dead  and since then I've always been angels and angels always scared of me .

(fast forward 20 minutes )

Castiels pov :

Dean had came back with the shopping cart and asked where the y/n had gone and I had to explain what had happened , of course he was as confused as i was of why y/n had ran off . Now we were wondering the store in hopes of finding y/n . "do you think they left the store ?" dean asked "no their here " i told him " well how do you know " dean looked at me with doubt " angel sense " i said as i walk faster ahead .

(fast forward 1 hour)

"Cas i don't think their here " dean said angerly as we walked through the  front of the store " well then i don't know dean " i angrily said back " why don't you use your angel powers to teleport yourself to where they are , use your angelm powers or some shit ! " dean said even angry this time " MY POWERS DONT WORK LIKE THAT DEAN ! " i yelled at him . this caught the attention of a worker as sghe walked up to us " excuse me sir , but is their an issue?" the worker said as she nervously stood and asked "umm yes actually we lost our umm ...." dean drifted off "kid" i said " ah ! yeah we lost our teenage kid and we cant seem to find them anywhere " dean said looking down at the quite short worker " well we could make an anocument ion the speakers would that help " she said " yes ! that would be great thank you " dean said " no problem just follow me " she began to walk away and motion for ius to follow her .

we followed the worker as she bring us to a desk in the front of the store . The worker went behind the desk and stood behind what looked like a mic on a stick . " Now ok sir , whats the name of your child and what do they look like ? " the worker asked dean "their names y/n , and well their this tall they have h/l h/c hair and redish eyes and uhh was wearing a black hoodie and jeans " dean said and the worker nodded and then pressed a button on the bottom of the mic "Attetion shoppers ,please look out for a teen with h/l hair and h/c hair with red eyes and was last seen wearing a black hoodie and jeans , and they go by the name y/n so please if you see them please go to tell a worker and if y/n your hearing this there your dads are looking for you so please make your way the the front desk , please and thank you " the work said into the mic then letr go of the button and looked back up us " well your welcome to stay here but i must go i have to finish restocking " the worker then walkwede off into the store

"god i hope that works dean mutters as he rubs his eyes   " me too " said and nodded

y/ns pov:

As i sat in the changing room i heard an announcement on the speaker . "...... if y/n your hearing this there your dads are looking for you so please make your way the the front desk , please and thank you " the lady on announcement said . my dads ? is she talking about Dean and Castiel . well now i sorta bad , should i just go to the front . i then decide to just leave the changing room . i then stood up and took a deep breath . i put hand on the door handle and unlocked it . i slowly opened the door and then slowly stepped out . the part of the store i was in was empty so that was good  . i walked around the store , i was basically stalling of going to the front desk . i had finally made it half way to the front desk from where i was standing i was basically out in the open anyone could see me . i could see dean and cas standing in front of the front desk . they were talking , i think . i felt my stomach twist , i felt nervous , i began to shake and swat a bit , I've never felt like this . why do i feel like this . why am i so scared .

3rd pov :

dean turned to look behind him as he did he looked to see y/n standing in the middle of the store . they were shaking and looked scared . " Cas look!" dean said as he hit cas arm gently , Castiel  turned too and made eye contact with y/n , making y/n shake even more . y/n began panicking they felt scarred , more scared then they had ever felt , they were now a lot . dean and cas basically ran too y/n . y/n didn't move all they did was look at the ground and continue to shake .

"KID! where the hell did you run off to " dean asked y/n , y/n only continued to look down at the floor "kid are you ok ? your kinda .. uh shaking ?" dean said as he put a hand on y/ns shoulder and felt y/n violently shaking " is it because I'm an angel ?" castiel asked , y/n they shook more . "so it is about cas " dean concluded . "he's not going to hurt you " dean said " he's a .... good angel , do you have i bad experience with angels or smt ?" dean asked , y/n nodded their a little bit " i would never you , i have nio reason to " cas said " why don't you go sit in the car for a bit and we can get grocery " dean asked y/n , y/n nodded "ok well ill take you to the car and cas can stay her e, lets go " dean said . y/n nodded and grabbed onto deans sleeve as they left

Dean and y/n walked through the parking lot "I'm sorry " y/n said quietly as they tightened the grip on dean sleeve as they looked away  "its ok , kid " dean said . " you wanna tell me why you ran way ?" dean asked y/n " i got scared " y/n answered "of cas ? " dean asked "yeah , he told me he was an angel and i kinda freaked out " y/n looked back at the store before looking at dean " i don't really have the best experience with angels " y/n said "why?" dean asked "a while back one tried to kill me and angels don't really like me , most come to earth to hunt me down , due to me being half demon in all " y/n told dean .

they both had made it to the car . y/n opened the back seat door and sat down "well I'm gonna go back into thwe storwe you gonna be ok outh here by yourself ?" dean asked " ill be fine " y/n aansered "well ok have fun in the car " dean close y/ns door and walked back into the store ." i will " y/n said to themself . y/n laid won in the back and closed their eyes . they curled into the fetal position and tried to fall alseep . caus maybe if they were sleeping when cas came bAck it wouldn't be awkward . y/n soon fell asleep .

cas and dean contained to shop for groceys and when they came back to car to see y/n asleep they couldn't help but smile . maybe taking in a homeless kid wouldn't be so bad .


1999 words

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3 years ago

Beyond Borders [Supernatural Au x teen demon reader] PT 5

Key 🗝-

Y/n = Your Name


{ December 3, 2019}

10 : 43 am

Y/ns pov-

Itsa been about a week since the grocey store incedent . Things with Cas have been uhhhhhh akward , we havent talked about , or we havent talked at all it just been akward silence and Castiel making horriable small talk and me not anwsering . Now i was currently sitting in my room reading a book I found laying around down stairs in a box  .

the book was called 'Anna Kaerina' . It was a great book , it was sad but it had great details to make up for it . anyways It was complete silence until a knock came to the hatch-door thing then a voice spoke"hey kid can i come up ?" it was dean . " uhh sure " i sat up as dean open the door-hatch

When dean enter my room he then began to awkward stand in the middle net the the hatch hole . " Soo I have some news " Dean said . " is it good or bad news " I asked " depends on of you take it " Dean said. Their was some silence before dean decided to speak again  " so my brother sam is coming home today , and I want you to meet him " . " ok " was all i said .

I had heard about sam but nobody really explain or really told who he was . i heard that he was a good hunter and that apparently he had really good hair . " ok so hell be here in umm - " dean look at his watch then continued talking " - 2 hours , so be ready " dean said and then he left , he climbed down the hatches latter and left withnofurther explanation . Be ready for what ?

i wasn't nervous i was mostly curios all i couldthink about was what dean said ' be ready ' . Those 2 words ' be ready ' , 'be ready' , ' be ready ' , ' be ready ' , 'be ready ' , ' be ready ' . My mind kept reapting those words . God why wont my mind shut up . ' be ready ' shut up  ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up ,' be ready ' shut up  ' Be Ready ' ...... SHUT UP !!!! .


the wall cracked . I could see the walls insaltion (think like when syd from ' I'm not ok with this ' broke the wall) . did i do that ? could i even do that ? i looked down at my hands , they were sweaty and shaking

what the hell is wrong with me ?


601 words

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2 years ago

Gonna update 'BEYOND BORDERS' very soon ! please be patient !!!! But if you don't want to wait you can read the new chapters on wattpad under @onedumbboy aka my account :) thxs y'all for reading

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2 years ago

Would you maybe write for a little reader

Little as in young? Or small? If it’s a young reader or teen reader, yes as long as it’s strictly platonic but if it’s a small reader I don’t think it would be my type of thing

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2 years ago

Do you write teen or platonic readers?

Yes, I do! Thank you for asking. As a teen myself, I'd be weird not to write teen readers and also platonic readers are completely valid!!! Just specify it in your request <3

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Hey!, im just wanted to say that, the request are open and i gonna share the masterlist.



Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 911 (Abc series)



━━Steve Rogers/Captain America

━━Bucky Barnes/ The winter soldier

━━Tony Stark/ Iron man

━━Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow

━━Bruce Banner/Hulk

━━Clint Barton/ Hawkaye-

━━Thor Odinson

━━Loki Laufeyson

━━Peter Parker/Spiderman (Tom holland, Andrew Garfield, Toby Macquire)



━━Avengers cast.

━━Chris evans.

━━Sebastian Stan

━━Robert Downey jr

━━Chris hemsworth



━━Evan "Buck" Buckley

━━Eddie DIaz



Soon I will be adding more characters, actors and fandoms to this list. Don't forget that if you want to be tagged in my next stories, you must let me know.

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5 years ago

SPN Angels x teen reader

Hello wonderful person reading this. I really hope you will be enjoying this and maybe I even manage to make you smile. It would be my honor. As always I do not own Supernatrual or its characters and I have no intention to earn money with this. i just want to make people smile. Please support the great series and the people who have worked for it.

Trigger warinings: Bullied reader

This topic is important for me so I need to say a few things beforehand.

Please do never believe people when they say nasty things to you or believe it is right when they hurt you. They have no right to do so. Everyone is unique and absolutly wonderful in their own why, this includes you! Smile and never give up. One day you will meet the people you have been looking for and believe me it is worth waiting for them. It is okay to ask for help. Everyone needs help at some point of their life and never ever believe you are not freaking perfect the way you are. Never give up. There are so many poeple feeling like they do not belong, or do not fitt in. You are not alone and you will find your place.

Please never bully anyone, you would not believe how much damage you can do and trust me if you knew, if you would ever feel it, you would deeply regret it. You are not just making fun or giving someone a bad day. You hurt them, your words and actions can influence their whole life. That is nothing you want to be responsible for. Think about it. How would you feel?

If anyone wants to read this for a male reader or any other gender ask and give me advise, I gladly write a second version =) I Just always get confused with both reader types in one version ^^’‘ and was not sure if anyone even likes this story.

So it was three days before Christmas and one thing was clear this year Christmas was already and would continue to be a nightmare. You were the younger half-sister of Dean and Sam Winchester. You loved your brothers dearly and you loved how they always tried to celebrate a normal Christmas with you to give you all some happy hours together since you had been brought to them. You were ten years old at that time. Your mum and dad had just met for one night and you had never met your dad, but your mum loved you dearly. She also had been a hunter before she left. She died protecting you from a witch, which was chasing after young girls. She had stopped hunting when you were born but still taught you the basics. You never got to know why the witch had chosen to hunt you down but she did. How you survived? By the strangest sort of luck. Your mother had heard of your brothers and connected them thinking you should meet them. The date they were supposed to visit was the day your mother died. They arrived just before the witch could get to you and thankfully reacted fast enough. They took you in and took care of you from that day on. You loved your brothers dearly and would do anything for them. A few years had gone by and you were in high school now. The boys wanted you to have a normal life, well as normal as possible. Also, they do not like you going on hunts with them. They are really protective of you. Especially because the death of your mother was still hunting you. It was near Christmas and you missed your brothers, a lot. They were away since a week and to make matters worse that week had been awful. There still had been lessons and for some reason the popular kids had decided that you were their main interest of bullying for the days before Christmas. Today you had come back to the bunker holding back your tears. You had to be stronger than that. They were not supposed to get to you, still it hurt, it hurt so much, and you just wanted to see your brothers. You had not told them about the bullying afraid they would get worried or thought of you as weak even when you knew that was unlikely but you could not help feeling insecure about the matter just like about so many other subjects and the bullying was making it worse and worse. All you wanted was someone to hug you.

You sighed and went to the kitchen you did not feel like eating but you knew you had to. You wanted to cut a few carrots to eat them with a bit of meat, yes you had adapted both Sam and Deans way to eat. But the knife slipped out of your trembling hands, and you cut yourself. You cursed and pushed the knife away from you but knocked over a glass in the process which shattered to pieces on the floor. With the glass also a full glass bottle bier fell. Now you were surrounded by shards. You were at the bridge of tears as you tried to step over the shards yet there were so many you could not avoid all and felt some smaller once cutting your feet. You hissed in pain and sat down when you finally were at the end of all the shards. Tears were now flowing without a stop. That had been the last straw. You could not take it anymore. Your last thought before dark thoughts and sobs gained full control of your body was to call for one of the angles your bothers were In some way friends with or at least began to tolerate them. You, yourself loved them dearly. Castiel seemed to always calm you down und Gabriel would always find a way to cheer you up, while Balthazar always was so kind to you and Lucifer, yes you liked him too, he was really caring towards you and quiet protective. The other angels, at least the ones you knew seemed to be quite nice too, but this four actually took the effort to get closer to you. To everyone else you were just the little sister of the Winchester brothers but to them, you always seemed to be (y/n). Castiel was the first to warm up to you and soon after Gabriel followed and so things went on until even Lucifer seemed to somehow like you. In a way it was like you had four more brothers. But should you really call them? What would be if they were disappointed or had more important things to do or were just annoyed by you. Your thoughts got darker by every second until…”Princess~ What is that with you and such harmful thoughts” You shakenly looked up and to your great surprise Lucifer was sitting at the kitchen counter only a few steps away from you. “Luci..” a whimper escaped you making the archangel give you a small calming smile. “What happened? Little one, who did dare to hurt you?” Balthazar walked in the room his eyes immediately on you. Then there was a warm hand on your cheek “Oh, (y/n) what has happened?” “Cas?” You looked in his blue calming eyes and had trouble to not cry even more and just hide at his chest. “Please stop crying cupcake, everything is going to be just fine.” Gabriel had appeared next to you and was now stroking your hair. “We all sensed you were in pain and felt you thinking about us. We became concerned and came to check on you, Cupcake” Gabriel explained for you. “I honestly was not expecting a war field in your kitchen, what happened, princess?” Lucifer wondered. “Don’t you think we should first take care of the important things, brothers?” Balthazar spoke up. “Of course” Cas muttered and took you on his arms gently carrying you away from the kitchen to your room. He gently set you down on your bed and soon Lucifer followed with a bowl of water. “I am sorry angel, but we need to get the remaining shards out of your feet, before we can heal you. That will hurt a bit, but I try to be gentle okay?” You nodded whipping away some of the tears still finding their way down your cheeks. You did not even want them to waste their mojo on you, but you knew there was no way arguing with the four angels on this matter “Don’t you ever think that again, cupcake.” Gabriel had come to your room and now set down next to you and made you look in his eyes: “You are worth everything we ever do for you and even more, okay?” As Lucifer began to clean the wounds at your feet Cas und Gabe tried to distract you with jokes and stories, while they both held your hands and had a protective arm around your shoulder and waist. Finally, Lucifer finished his work and you felt his grace heal your feet and your hand. He stood up and placed a gently kiss on your forehead “Such a good and strong girl.” You felt Gabe stroke away some of your last tears and suddenly you were in more comfy clothes. Then Balthazar came in with a tablet and you smelled your favorite dish. “I figured you would be hungry. Oh, and I took care of the mess in the kitchen, so do not worry about a thing.” “Thank-you, thank-you all so much.” They all smiled warmly at you. They all told you stories and joked around while you ate, making you smile.

When you had finished Gabe took the plate from you and Cas scouted closer to you putting an arm around your shoulders at first you were confused, but then you saw their serious faces. You realized, they knew, they knew about the bullying and the feelings you held for yourself and they wanted to talk about it. Castiel was the one of them with the most calming aura so he might sure to be close to you. Suddenly you wanted to run away, you did not want to talk about it, you could not…”Hey, hey hey (y/n) calm down, everything is fine, hey it’s okay, you are fine. It’s okay” Cas calmly spoke to you and then a wave of calm was washing over you, that was surely his doing. You felt safe, more than safe and your breathing that had started to speed up slowed down again. Your eyes began to get heavy and you had trouble to not fall asleep. “Hey little brother, that is quiet enough we still want to be able to talk to her. You can help her sleep a bit later.” Gabriel chuckled. “Cas, I know you want to keep her from harm, but it is not a good thing when she never talks about this stuff” Lucifer added. Cas grip on you got a bit stronger, but was still comfortable for you: “Our brother always so protective” Balthazar snickered. The other three angels sat down in front of you. Your bed was pretty large, because Gabe found it fitting one day when he found both of your brothers sleeping at the ground next to you, just to make sure you felt save after a nightmare. You looked down unsure of what to do, what to say… how were you supposed to talk about this. You knew, they only wanted to help, but just the thought about the whole thing made you scared. They threatened you not to tell anyone…what would they do…also when you told the angels what they said, might they realize it is true and that you are not worth their attention, anyone’s attention… a broken sob escaped you and a tear fell from your cheeks “(y/n)…” you heard Castiel mutter and the overwhelming feeling got a bit better. “Cupcake, look at me…sweetheart just look in my eyes and take a deep breath, okay?” Gabe gently lifted your chin, making you look at him. “There, that is our girl. Keep breathing dear.” “Angel, you can tell us, no matter what it is, it will not change what we think or feel towards you okay?” Balthazar spoke. You nodded weakly, making Gabe losing his grip a bit. “They told you not to tell anyone, did they not? Bullies are always such cowards. Little one, we would never let them hurt you. If one of them even tries to come near you again we will be there protection you, okay?” Lucifer gently stroke your head. With the way he was caring for you, people sometimes find it hard to believe that he is really THE Lucifer. You took another deep breath and slowly began to tell them, first the easier things but once you started talking you found yourself not able to stop anymore and so you told the angels everything. From the girl who always made fun of you in front of everyone, to the boys, that decided to punch you until you had a hard time to get up anymore, or the group who tied you up, so that you got locked in for  a few hours until the janitor found you, to your great luck and how the bulling got even worse, the punches were okay, you could live with that, but the things they said got worse and worse and you started to believe them. Not your while class was like this, but all the others were too afraid to stand up for you. Just today they had stolen your sketchbook and had thrown it out of the window, so it got all wet from the rain and all your little works ruined. When you finally finished you realized it had gotten warmer and something soft was stroking against your arms, legs, hands and feet. You needed a moment to realize that they had put their wings around you, to shelter you from this world and just materialized them enough for you to feel them but not to see, cause that would hurt your eyes. The angels were all looking at you in warm, yet sad way but in the same time kind of proud. “We are sorry cupcake, we should have noticed sooner, something was wrong, should have watched more over you” “N-no you all have more than enough to do” you stammered. “Still from now on, we will watch over you little one, in a way we already are your guardian angels, I think we should start to doing this the right way.” Balthazar decided. “You are right brother, what better way to make sure our little angel is always alright.” “You have to decide princess, if you want, we all become your guardians?” Lucifer spoke softly, caressing your hair. You looked a bit puzzled at him, what exactly did that mean or what would come with it? Was there really something like guardian angels you always thought it was a matter of speech. “Sometimes” Cas explained “certain people, people who have an important task to do in the future get to be watched over by an angel. The angel mixes a really tiny portion of his grace with the soul of this person. That way he can always find him or her even when she is out of radar for every other angel, but that is not the only thing it also makes it easier to tune in your thoughts, you know we can read them when we are near you or when we concentrate on you, but once we become a guardian it gets really easy for us no matter how far away and your praises would be louder for us, then the praises of others, also we would be always able to know how you feel and would immediately notice when you would be in pain or scared. Actually mind reading how you call it, gets a lot easier even from a far distance and if we wanted to we could even see and hear everything you do. Of course, we would always respect your how did Dean put it personal space?” That made you laugh “Cas, you do not even know the word, how do you want to respect it then?” “It is nice to hear you laugh again” Gabe smiled at you. “You do not have to answer us now (y/n) and it would be more than okay, to say no, we just want to protect you” Balthazartold you.

A yawn escaped your lips: “I think you should sleep a bit” Castiel suggested but you shook your head frankly, when you slept they would go and at the moment you really did not want to be alone, were scared to be alone. “Princess, no one said we are leaving” Lucifer gently stroke your cheek “My little brother is right, your mind and body a screaming for a good night’s sleep and it is already pretty late” He spoke softly. You took a firm hold of his hand as if to make sure he would not go. You did not even realize your action you were too tired already, but it made the archangels heart feel warm. He scooted a bit closer and began to stroke your hair with his other hand. Gently making you lay back into Castiels embrace who shifted a bit so that you could lay down completely while your head was on his chest. Gabe just shrugged and laid down next to you putting his arm around you and laid one of his wings over you take make sure you would stay warm and comfy. While Balthazar grabbed your other hand and set down in a way that he could stroke your cheek from time to time. “Sleep (y/n), I promise we keep you safe, you won’t be alone. We will meet you in your dreams. Relax and let me guide you “Castiel whispered Gabe added “Smile little one, we will have lots of fun.” He was also speaking in calming voice lulling you in further and then Lucifer began to sing a calming song, you did not understand a word, but it sounded beautiful and old. Cas looked surprised at Lucifer that was the same song Gabe had sang to him as he was just a fledgling. Gabe spoke softly too low for you to even notice “Cas where do you think I knew this song from. The first time you heard it by the way was not from me, it was when you were just a new born and you would not stop crying until Lucifer got you in his arms and started to sing this song. He had sang the same thing to me when I was young and since we both loved it I continued to sing it for you” With the end of his words Gabriel began to sing with Lucifer and soon the other two angels joined in. You fell asleep at their watch and had the most beautiful dreams. When you woke up again all four were smiling at you, they had kept their word and stayed. In their eyes was so much protectiveness and love that you forgot that what you were thinking “Guys…if…if you still want to I would love for you to be my guardian angels” you looked down shyly making all four laugh. “Then you just need to grant us the permission to do so” Gabe spoke warmly “Permission granted? “ he asked you with a loving smile looking deeply in your eyes making it impossible for you to look away, just if he had to see in your eyes that you answer was the truth and nothing but the truth “Permission granted” you nodded. Gabriel smiled and softly kissed your forehead. “Would the beautiful young lady also give me the same permission? “ Balthazar asked you, also looking directly in your eyes. “Yes” you spoke softly, and he kissed you hand. “(y/n) would you be so kind to also allow me access and to become your guardian?” Castiel questioned you in warm tone , his eyes to were looking directly at your soul. “Of course Castiel” you smiled. “Now then princess “Lucifer spoke and to your surprise he seemed a bit nervous “would you grant me the same permission?” “Yes, definitely, permission granted” you spoke softly while smiling at him. His blue eyes got a kind look and he smiled back at you “then so it will be” he spoke while kissing your forehead “Sleep little one, sleep and do not worry about a thing” he gently touched your forehead with two of his fingers and before you could even quite understand your eyes closed and you fell in a deep sleep. As you woke up again you were alone in the room but strangely you did not feel alone. You felt like the four angels were still with you in a way. Before you could really understand the situation there was a knock on the door and Gabriel came in shortly after “Good morning cupcake. You should stand up or you’ll be late to school and I really do not want to answer your brothers’ questions why you missed two days of school in a row. “ “Two days?” you asked confused. “Yes Lucifer made you sleep through one since we realized you had not slept enough in a long time. Come stand up there is breakfast.” You really did not want to go to school because of the bullying and thought about simply staying in bed but Gabriel picked you up and throwed you over his shoulder “Nope~ You are not going to stay in bed. You always wanted to go to school and learn you will not stop it because of some brats” “Gabe “you squeaked but it was no use. You both went into the kitchen and he put you down on a chair.

There was already breakfast waiting for you. Balthazar put it down in front of you “Eat up Sweetheart. You must be hungry.” Castiel was standing at the kitchen counter and was packing your schoolbag. You could not help but smile as you saw him packing a cupcake as an extra to your normal lunch. “They teach you about religion at school?” he asked a bit confused about your books . “Yes, well they try but honestly they are messing up, but they are not to blame, they simply do not know better.” “Let me guess” Lucifer shipped in “I am the all bad monster responsible for everything?” “Sorry Lucifer, yes they blame you a lot” you sweet dropped.

You sighed “guys do I reeeeally of to go to school?” you whined. “Yes.” Came from all four. You looked down. You did not want to go back there. Honestly you were scared. Suddenly there were two strong arms around you. Gabriel was hugging you and you had to be honest that calmed you more than you would admit. “Princess, we will not let anyone, and I mean anyone hurt you, okay?” Lucifer comforted you. “You are not alone anymore (y/n)” Castiel noted “and you will never again be “ Balthazar assured. You could not help it tears were flowing down your cheeks making Gabriel hug you more. “Thank-you guys, Thank-you so much” you sobbed “Hey, it’s okay. Everything is perfectly alright” Gabe whispered in your ear lightly rocking you back and forth.

After a while you calmed down a bit and started to eat your breakfast, which was delicious.

After that you got ready for school and to your great surprise Lucifer decided to bring you. He took you just a street away from school since just zapping in front of the school would get you unwanted attention. You just were about to go after thanking him ,when he pulled you in a hug and kissed your hair. Then he kneeled down a bit so that you were at eye Level “Do not be scared little one. I promise we watch over you.”

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4 years ago

Her own path

Part one: The intro and secrets.

Warnings: Some angst. A death. Mention of tortured, kidnapping and some forms of abuse. Mention of mum Kurogiri.

Characters: Shigaraki, Kurogiri, All for one and league of villains mentioned. The readers mum who my own character is mentioned. The reader Y/n =your name.

Description: Getring to know a bit about the reader and her past.

This is my first ever fanfiction I have written I hope you enjoy it.

Everyone had secrets. Heroes. Villains. Yes even villains. Especially the league of villains. Want to know what their secret is. Of course you do.

Hidden away in the league of villains base is a teenage girl who is battered and bruised with long messy blue hair with pink streaks who crys herself to sleep everynight. You may be think this girl has been kidnapped and tortured by the league of villains. Well your sort of right. Kidnapped well sort of. Tortured only by two certain league members.

Let me explain by going back to the past.


One clear moonlit night a four year old girl was playing dolls with her mother when a loud bang came from the front door being busted open by a pale crusty blue haired male who kept his eyes focus on child who he had come for. The mother activated her quirk to protect the young girl telling her to run and get help. The younger girl reluctantly to leave her mother behind ran when her mother urged her again. Whilst the young girl made a beeline for the backdoor her mother shot vines, rocks, fire and whirlwind at the blue hair male who just dodged and disintegrated everything. Meanwhile the young girl who was almost to the back gate was swoop up by a mist like person with glowing yellow eyes. The child being as frightened as she was tried to get away but after the mist man step back into her house she stops frightened eyes widening seeing her mother being held by her sides by the blue haired male with his pinkys not touching her.

"You really thought you could keep her from me" grinned the male.

"You should known wherever you go I would find you" continued the male.

"I moved to protect her from you and your awful plans to use her for evil" the girl mother spat out.

"Well what a terrible mistake you made for not giving me the child in the first place" grinned the male.

The male then made eye contact with the frightened girl. Red eyes meeting with green eyes.

"Say goodbye to your mother little one" the male chuckled as his pinkys coming down into contact with the mother sides.

"Noooooo" the little girl screeched with tears leaking out of her eyes.

"Y/n you will never be like him, make your own choices and fight never back down" the mother whezzed out to the girl whilst holding her sides.

"Shut up" the male screeched enclosing his hand around the womens throat.

"Y/n rember ... I love ...you..." the mother croaked out before crumbling to the floor in a pile of dust. The young girl let out a wail and tears bursted out of her eyes.

"Why did you do that ... and who are you" the young girl cried out.

"You'll find out soon enough" the male grinned "and as to who I am ... your father". The young girl fell silent with shock as the two males disappeared into the night with her.

End of flashback.

If you haven't figured out yet the young girls father is none other than Tomura Shigaraki. Her name is Y/n Shigaraki. Her mother was a pro hero know as Mother Earth before quit to raise Y/n. Y/n was the result of a one night stand between Shigaraki and Mother Earth who had at the time didn't know who each other were untill meeting in the battle field one day. When Mother Earth had Y/n she keep the father a secret from everyone including from the father himself. One day when 3 year old Y/n was being looked after by her many claimed aunts and uncles. Shigaraki fount out about his child and ran into Mother Earth and told her to hand the child over to him for a plan in a secret meeting place the next day. Knowing the plan was something not good she moved away with Y/n in order to protect her but it didn't work as a year later Shigaraki fount them and well you know the rest.

Y/n for years has been tortured by her father and All For One by training her and trying to push pass her limits. The reason for this is so that she can defeat All Might by using her unique powerful quirk she was born with which is Mother Nature Decay. Y/n gets her mother nature quirk from her mother which is the ability to summon all different elements, natural disasters and animals so basically she has the whole earth at her fingertips. The Decay comes for her father but unlike her father she doesn't need to be touching people physically. She can emit it from her hands or by making the elements touch people but in order to activate it by elements she has to touch her pinky to her thumb. Her drawbacks for over using her mother nature quirk side is that her hair starts to turn green and becomes moss like she also becomes dizzy and faints. If she uses Decay too much her hands start to become dust like and she become dizzy. If she uses the both together too much she starts to glow green whilst producing a dust like tornado which swirls around her hair and she will pass out for a week with vines covering her body. Her weakness is she must stay hydrated, she has to get at least one hour of sunlight a day and have special cream on stand by to use on her hands that get crusty after she uses her Decay quirk or eles her hand will be crusty and in pain for the rest of the day until she uses the cream.

Y/n hates her father for killing her mother but she also hates him and All For One as she gets trained by her father nearly every single day and some times by All For One and if she does not comply with their orders she gets tortured. She most of the time ends up battered and bruised as she refuse to use her father quirk most of the time as she doesn't want to be like him.The rest of the league feel sorry for the poor girl but don't really say anything due to not wanting to get on the bad side of their boss and leader. The only one who ends up caring for the girl is Kurogiri who is like another mum to the girl and feels guilty for helping Shigaraki that night. Kurogiri always trys to help the girl in anyway he can from helping clean up her wounds after training/tortured sessions with her father, feeding the girl nice and nutritious meals, chatting to cheer her up, getting her a blanket that she wears like a cloak for a comfort item and he even suggest multiple time to her that he would try and help her get away for the league but Y/n refuse as she doesn't want to get her new mother figure in trouble or hurt. But one day an opportunity arises for the girl to have a new chance of life.

The question is will she takes the chance or is she too scared to stand up to her father to do so. Join her on her adventure where she proves even if your born or class as evil you can choose and follow your own paths to become someone who you want to be.

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5 months ago

Nobody Died!


Pairing: Peter B. Parker x Teen! GN! Adopted! Reader

Pronouns: they/them

Warnings: police, breaking the law?? Limited consequences, not a real depiction of the law, fears about being returned to the orphanage

Word Count: 0.7k

A/N: re-Posted from my old account.

The door slamming open interrupted the snore that had been about to escape the man’s mouth. His eyes shot open and he spun around, standing to come face-to-face with his sixteen year old with an anxious face. 

“What? What happened? What did you do?” Peter asked hurriedly, concern lacing his voice.

The teen stared at him with wide eyes, breathing heavily as they pressed their back against the door. “Nobody died!”

Peter’s mouth fell open for a moment, “What kind of answer is that?! What did you do?”

“Don’t freak out!” As they said that, someone pounded on the door.

He stared at them incredulously, “Don’t freak out? What the- Who is that?!”

They gave a small sheepish smile, “Uh, probably the police?”

“WHAT-” He shouted, getting cut off by them shushing him. “What do you mean the police? What did you do?!”

“Not much! I only-” Their voice dropped, mumbling their crimes. 

“What? Speak up.”

“I may have-” Their voice dropped again. He gave them a pointed glare. “Okay, fine, I may have stolen something.”

He groaned into his hand, pinching the bridge of his hand, “What did you steal? From who?” He realized that the door was still being held, “What the- let the police in! You’re gonna get charged with resisting arrest!” 

After a moment, they released the door. Peter sighed, walking over and opening the door. “Morning, officers. How may I help you?”

The officers glared at him, “Is that your child?” Peter nodded. “They have six accounts of theft against them. Did you know about this?”

He spun around, “Six?!” He whisper-yelled before turning back with a cough, “No, sir, I did not know that.” 

“We’ll have to detain them, sir.”

Peter groaned, “Is that the only way? Nothing else we could do?”

The officers looked at each other, “How old are they?” One of them asked.


They talked for a moment before turning back, “Well, if they return the stolen products to their owners, then we may be swayed to let this one go.”

Peter turned back to his kid, “Well? What did you take?”

They paused for a minute before reaching into their pocket and pulling out a few little trinkets. “A couple rings and necklaces.”

“You don’t even wear jewelry, why did you take those?”

They sighed, “I heard you on the phone the other day. You were talking about how you couldn’t really afford a teen right now. I didn’t want to go back to the orphanage. I really like hanging out with you. You're my dad, y’know? I don’t want you to be upset either. I figured if I took a few things and sold them, then I’d be able to help you and I wouldn’t be such a burden.”

Peter stared at them for a moment before frowning, “Kiddo, I wouldn’t take you back to the orphanage. I would never. Yes, I may be a little short on cash right now, but that’s not for you to worry about. Especially if you’re going to steal. I can handle this.” 

“But you shouldn’t do that alone!” He chuckled slightly, “Kid, that’s my job as a parent. My job is to take care of you. I don’t need you taking care of me.” They nodded, their head drooping slightly. Peter sighed, “Look, I appreciate the sentiment, but stealing is never okay.” He turned back to the officers, “Sorry about this. I’ll make sure they return all of the jewelry.”

One of the officers shook his head, “That’ll be no problem. We can do that ourselves. You guys seem like you need each other for a little.” Peter nodded, taking the jewelry and passing it back to the cops. The officers nodded gruffly before heading out, closing the door on their way.

Peter walked over to the teen. He noticed tears falling down their face, “Hey, hey, kiddo, I’m not mad.” He said, trying to soothe them. “I’m sorry if it sounded that way.”

They glanced up, “Are you disappointed in me? I’m sorry.” They managed to say between choked hiccups, falling to the floor. 

“Not at all.” He said, calmly. “While I think you could have taken another method, maybe a legal one, I understand you were just trying to help.” He leaned down, sitting on his knees, “But I was serious. I wouldn’t toss you to the dogs unless there was nothing I could do. I really do love you, kid.” 

Without a second thought, they pounced on him. He quickly steadied himself, feeling them wrap their arms around his shoulders and sob into his chest. Peter smiled slightly, stroking their hair.

“I love you, dad.” They muttered between sobs.

A warm feeling enveloped Peter’s chest. “I love you too, kiddo.”

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