im00flynn - Flynn


21 posts

Hero Of The Day

Hero of the day

Summary: You attempted to stop Miles from causing more anomalies in other dimensions by preventing his Canon event. while you do so, you get sent to another dimension and learn some things you didn't know before.

Warnings: Sort of Yandere, Angst, maybe some fluff. Red text = Earth 42 Miles

Hero Of The Day

You knew as soon as Miles stepped into the machine to send him home, it was a bad sign.

All the spidermen came after him, preventing him from causing more anomalies.

"Miles Stop!" You yell out to him as you manage to end up inside with him.

before you could say anything else to back him out of his plan, you get sent to another dimension.

you hit the roof of an apartment building alongside Miles. As you get up from your spot, you realize something is wrong.

this place is different from your original dimension.

"[Name], Why did you follow me?" Miles questions you.

"I wanted to stop you from making a mistake you'd regret." You tell him while still wondering whether or not this place is your dimension.

"It's fine, let's just go to my place and protect my dad." He says as he takes your hand and swings away.


After a while, you make it to his apartment. As you make your way into his room, you notice his room looks off.

'something is definitely wrong.' You think to yourself.

as you look around his room, Miles tells you that nobody else is home and that it's alright to look around the rest of the apartment.

Just as you're about to enter the kitchen, the front door opens, and in comes someone who you thought was dead.

Uncle Aaron.

"[Name], long time no see." He says to you while pulling you into a hug.

"Hey, it's um.. good to see you too.." You respond with an awkward smile.

you both separate from the hug, and he asks you, "Where's Miles?"

as soon as he said that Miles came in and freezes right in his tracks.

"Uncle Aaron," he says to himself in disbelief.

"Miles, when did you take out your braids?" he questions while holding out his hand for him to shake.

Miles shakes his hand but then pulls him into a hug.

it was a nice moment to see, but you were still on edge about all of this.

"C'mon, he gotta go. we got business to take care of," Uncle Aaron tells him while walking towards the front door.

"What about -" Miles asks before getting suddenly cut off by his uncle, "her too."

you both follow him to the roof of the apartment complex, while up there, you look around, and something catches your eye.

it's a mural of you. You're dead in this dimension.

"Miles.." You call out while still looking at the mural.

he comes over to you and looks to where you're looking and gasps, "Does this mean we're -" Before he can respond, he glitches.

Uncle Aaron looks over at the two of you, then to the mural with a stone cold, dead expression.

Before you could question anything else you feel a prick in your neck and suddenly you feel weak and tired, before you lose consciousness you see a somewhat familiar mask staring at you while holding your body in a loving matter. then you're unconscious.


You later wake up, and you notice you're no longer on the roof but on a couch in what looks like a living room.

you look around to see Miles tied to a punching bag in the center of the room, with Uncle Aaron working on something in the corner of the room

you try to go over to Miles to untie him, but you don't get that far as you look down to see that you're chained to the couch.

The chain moving must have caught his uncle's attention because, when you look back up, he's staring right at you.

"What the hell is this? why am I chained to the couch?" You question him, but while you do so, you feel eyes staring at you from behind you.

you look behind you, look up the ceiling beams, and see the mask you saw before you lost consciousness.

the figure jumps down and slowly makes its ways to you, your eyes stare in shock, and you start to feel anxious.

The figure stops right in front of you and slowly rests its hand on your cheek.

"You're really here." The masked figure says to you while he begins stroking your cheek with his thumb.

"Who...who are you?" You question while your heart starts to race.

Before he answers, his mask retracts to reveal his face to you, leaving your eyes to go wide and stare at him with disbelief.

"I'm Miles Morales, I'm glad to see you again, amor." He tells you before he goes to plant a kiss on your forehead

"Miles, please just let me go. I don't belong here and I need to go home." You tell him with pleading eyes.

he shakes his head and tisks, "Mami, don't you understand? you're not safe without me being there for you, I already lost my [Name], and I'm not going to lose another." He explains to you.

You look into his eyes with tears threatening to spill out, Miles takes note of this and pulls you into a hug.

"Don't worry princesa, If you stay here I'll protect you from any harm, okay mami?" he tells you.

you don't know what overcomes you, but you nod and accept his offer, and you hug him tighter

he's pleased when you accept his offer, and he places a kiss on the top of your head and then rests his forehead against yours.

"I'll protect you from any harm, mi amor."

A/N: I apologize if this was cringe or poorly written. if you have something you'd like me to write, feel free to request me to write it!

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More Posts from Im00flynn

2 years ago

bby, we're gonna need more yandere kang. that man is so underrated and it's painful. i'd die for more of your yandere kang.

I'll be more than happy to make more yandere kang stories! I have some writing in the works that I hope to get out soon!

1 year ago

I need your opinion, I've been thinking about writing fanfiction based on horror movies characters, and I want to write about Scream characters (1-6) and Midsommar, I have a couple of ideas for fics, I will still write for marvle and for other horror movies. Should I do it?

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1 year ago

I know I said that I would only write for Hobie Brown and Miguel O'Hara, but I wrote a fanfic about Miles Morales from Earth 42, and it will be coming soon.. πŸ‘€πŸ˜ˆ

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2 years ago


My Name is Flynn

I'm 20


I am apart of many Fandoms

Fandoms I'm apart of:


The Umbrella Academy

Bullet Train


Stranger Things

Brooklyn 99

I'm a writer but I'm not great at it. If you're under the age of 18 I ask you kindly not to interact with my writing unless it's labeled SFW.

What I will write for:



Moon Knight

Miles Morales


Miguel O'hara

Hobie Brown

Arthur Harrow

Peter Parker

Yelena Belova

Natasha Romanoff

Scott Lang

Our Flag Means Death

Izzy Hands


Umbrella Academy

Diego Hargreaves

Klaus Hargreaves

Bullet Train




Stranger things

Peter Ballard

Brooklyn 99

Jake Peralta

Rosa Diaz


Billy Loomis

Stu Macher

Ethan Landry

Mickey Altieri

One Piece

Buggy The Clown


Five Nights at Freddy's

William Afton

Mike Schmidt






What I will not write for:

Cheating Tropes

Age Regression

When it comes to my writing:

I will take any requests to write about characters that are not on the list as long as I'm comfortable with writing about them. (If you don't know just ask me) My writing takes about 5-7 days to finish so if I don't write something you requested right away give me time. I ask again that people under 18 stay off my page because there will be dark content and foul language used on my posts so please don't interact.

That's all about me and what to expect on here!

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2 years ago

Can you make a fic of maybe the reader being with Janet or Scott and when they see Kang he recognizes her maybe because they were lovers in another life? πŸ‘‰πŸ½πŸ‘ˆπŸ½

In another life: Kang x Reader

Summary: The Request

Warnings: A bit of Angst but mostly Fluff

Can You Make A Fic Of Maybe The Reader Being With Janet Or Scott And When They See Kang He Recognizes

Well, this was a disaster. You've been sucked into the quantum due to a mishap with Cassie's invention.

Luckily for you, you weren't alone, Scott and Cassie were with you but no sign of Hank, Janet, and Hope.

"Where are we?" Cassie asked while looking at the realm.

"It looks like one of the world's beyond the void." Scott responds.

"We should start walking to try and find the others." You tell them.

They agree, and you start walking, hopefully able to find your other friends so you can go home.


After what feels like forever we arrive at a small village like place.

"Who are you? what are you doing here?" A woman approaching us asks.

"I'm Scott, that's Cassie, and that's [Name]. We're looking for Janet Van Dyne." Scott tells the women.

"If you're looking for Janet, then he's looking for you. If he's looking for you, then you need to leave this place." She tells us with a worried expression on her face.

"Why? What's going to happen?" You ask, but before she can respond, an explosion erupts, and it knocks you out cold


You wake up and realize you're no longer in the village but in a cell.

"[Name], are you okay? Scott asks you who is also in a cell a long with Cassie in the next cell over.

"I'm fine, where are we?" You ask them confused.

Before Scott or Cassie can respond, guards come to the cells and stop in front of yours.

"He has requested to see you." One of the robot guards tells you.

They open the door to your cell and grab your arms, taking you away to wherever it is. You're going.


you enter a big room that has a great view overlooking the realm, Standing on a platform in the middle of the room is a man.

The man turns around and smiles at you.

"[Name], It's been so long since I last saw you." He tells you, leaving you confused.

"I know what you're thinking, Who is this guy? how does he know me? Well, I'm here to answer all your questions." He says, taking a step closer to you.

You look at him confused and a worried feeling forming in your stomach, "What do you want from me?" You ask him with a somewhat shaky voice, which you hope he doesn't notice. He did.

"Don't worry [Name], I will explain everything to you." He says with a soft smile, while he moves his had to cup your cheek.

You close your eyes and lean into his touch.

"Have a seat so we can discuss what you're here for." He tells you, removing his hand and holding it out for you to take.

You take his hand, and he leads you to the big throne like chair and offers you to sit down.

You sit down still holding his hand, and he sits down next to you.

"Where should I begin?" He asks you.


"An introduction would be nice." You told him, still scared to speak.

He smiles at your response, "Of course, I'm Kang, the ruler of the quantum realm." He tells you.

"What's your name?" He asks rhetorically, but you respond anyway.

"I'm [Name]." You respond, and he still smiles at you.

"Well [Name], I won't waste anymore time to explain why you're here." He states before clearing his throat getting ready to tell this story.


"Many years ago, before I first came down to this realm, I was a scientist, I worked on many inventions and gadgets and gizmos, etcetera. Along the way, I met someone who was very special to me in many ways. Over time we got to know each other and we fell in love, unfortunately by the time our relationship was getting serious and I was ready to propose to them we got separated. One of my inventions malfunctioned, and it caused me to be trapped here and away from my partner forever, and that person was you." He tells you with a somber tone and a sad smile.

You squeezed his hand reassuringly, causing him to look at you and give you a small smile.

"I may not be the [Name] you knew, But I'll be glad to be the [Name] you know now." You tell him.

You lean up to kiss his soft lips, and he kisses back, deepening the kiss.

You both pull away, and you rest your head on his shoulder while he rests his on top of yours.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this fic! more Kang stories are on the way, so get ready for that! and thank you so much for all the love and support on my writing! ILYSM!!

tag list:

@lol-im-done @nicolewithanee @princessknight005 @namor-is-the-way @altheadq

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