Amber Freeman X Reader - Tumblr Posts

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☆ ❝ Sidney Prescott x fem!reader ❞
☆ ❝ Tela de bloqueio Sidney ❞
☆ ❝ Curando Corações ❞
☆ ❝ Literary Constellations ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Amber's love language ❞
☆ ❝ Toxic relationship ❞
☆ ❝ Young and Beautiful ❞
☆ ❝ Argument with Amber ❞
☆ ❝ Echoes, Shadows and Resolutions ❞
☆ ❝ Samantha Carpenter x short!reader ❞
☆ ❝ A linguagem do amor de Sam ❞
☆ ❝ Unspoken Comfort ❞
☆ ❝ Tara Cupid ❞
☆ ❝ Jill's love language ❞
☆ ❝ Provocação Charmosa ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
hii i saw ur account in the amber x reader tag, could u do amber’s love language w her s/o?
Thank you for requesting sweet! I hope you enjoy it ^^
❝Amber's love language❞
feel free to request any headcanon here 🠒 headcanons list

★ physical touch: Amber and you thrive on physical affection. Whether it's holding hands, cuddling on the couch, or stealing sweet kisses, physical touch is a vital part of expressing your love for each other. Your bodies naturally gravitate towards each other, and the warmth of Amber's touch instantly makes you feel secure and loved;
★ words of affirmation: both Amber and you value words of affirmation as a way to express your love. You often find yourselves exchanging heartfelt compliments, praising each other's strengths, and reminding one another of your deep affection. From "I love you" to detailed appreciations and encouragements;
★ quality time: quality time is the foundation of your relationship. You both cherish the moments spent together, immersing yourselves in each other's company. Whether it's going on romantic dates, watching movies together, or simply enjoying each other's presence, you find solace and joy in the shared experiences that deepen your bond;
★ surprise gestures: Amber understands your love language and often surprises you with gestures that speak directly to it. It could be a gentle caress when passing by, a loving note tucked into your bag, or a heartfelt text message in the middle of the day. These small acts of affection make you feel seen and loved in a way that's unique to you;
★ intimate closeness: whether you're curled up together on the couch, snuggling in bed, or dancing cheek to cheek, you find solace and deep connection in the closeness of your bodies. Physical touch is a powerful language for you both, and the warmth and intimacy it brings nurtures your bond and strengthens your love;
★ sensory experiences: Amber loves finding ways to indulge your love language through sensory experiences. Whether it's giving you a gentle massage, cooking a delicious meal together, or planning a surprise picnic, she knows how to create environments that stimulate your senses and enhance your connection.
❝ Toxic relationship❞
feel free to request any headcanon here 🠒 headcanons list TW: toxic and abusive relationship, violent and degrading behavior

★ possessive and jealous: she doesn't like it when you talk to other people, especially if they're of the opposite sex. She gets mad easily and accuses you of cheating on her even if there's no evidence to support it. She doesn't trust you and often interrogates you about your whereabouts and who you were with. She may even go as far as stalking you on social media or in person;
★ control of the relationship: she makes all the decisions and doesn't care about your feelings or opinions. If you disagree with her, she gets angry and starts an argument. She doesn't compromise or try to find a middle ground. She wants things to go her way or no way at all;
★ emotionally manipulative: she knows how to play with your emotions and uses them to get what she wants. She often threatens to break up with you or harm herself if you don't do what she wants. She may also use guilt-tripping or emotional blackmail to get her way. You feel like you're walking on eggshells around her, always afraid of upsetting her;
★ constantly putting you down: she criticizes your appearance, intelligence, and abilities. She makes you feel like you're not good enough for her and that you should be grateful to be with her. She may even compare you to others, making you feel inadequate and insecure;
★ doesn't respect your boundaries: she invades your privacy, reads your messages, and shows up unannounced. She doesn't care about your personal space and expects you to always be available for her. She may even force you to give up your hobbies, friends, or family to spend more time with her;
★ belittles your interests and hobbies: Amber belittles your interests and hobbies, and tries to make you feel guilty for spending time on them instead of with her. She often insists that you prioritize her over everything else. She doesn't want you to have a life outside of the relationship and may even try to isolate you from your support system;
★ verbal abuse: Amber is quick to anger and uses verbal abuse to control you. She insults and demeans you, and may even escalate to physical violence. She may hit, slap, push, or kick you, leaving you with bruises and scars. She may also use objects or weapons to hurt you;
★ sexual behavior: Amber is manipulative in her sexual behavior. She may use sex as a bargaining tool or withhold it to punish you. She may also pressure you into sexual acts you're uncomfortable with, or force you to have sex when you don't want to. She doesn't care about your pleasure or consent;
★ volatile and unpredictable: her moods can swing rapidly and drastically, making it hard for you to know how to act around her. She may be sweet and loving one moment, and then turn into a raging monster the next. You never know what to expect from her and are always on edge.
(I still want to write a one-shot about this, but I don't know where to start yet :( Thank you for asking, I promise to do it in a few days)
helloo, can you do one where Amber is like a really toxic girlfriend "oh if you like _ so much then go be w her" that kind of shit and then reader snaps at amber and leaves
Thank you so much for requesting, sweetheart! I hope you enjoy it, even though it's a little different from the original order ^^
❝ Young and Beautiful ❞
feel free to request any headcanon here 🠒 headcanons list

Your relationship with Amber was perfect, beautiful, and youthful. So perfect that it seemed destined for eternity, something like "Dear Lord, when I get to Heaven, please let me bring my woman." Love flowed as smoothly as a calm river when it came to the two of you, but of course, it is more dangerous to swim in a river than in the sea. You can't predict when a current will suddenly drag you into the depths; there's no way to foresee it. Just like you couldn't predict that your relationship with Amber would become what it is, that over time, cracks would appear and the promises made would be slowly corroded by bitter reality. Your relationship was far from perfect, very far.
"Why do you always have to spend time with your friends? I'm the only person who matters!"
"You can't just talk to other people without betraying me? Do you only think of yourself?"
"If you truly loved me, you would spend all your time with me, not with your nonsense"
She was possessive and jealous. It was incredible how someone so beautiful and charming like her could be so cruel, after all, "the more beautiful something is, the greater the chances of danger."
She would get angry and accuse you of betraying her if you talked to someone else;
She would often interrogate you about where you were and who you were with;
And if you didn't give her the answers she wanted, she would get furious and start an argument.
"If you're not going to tell me everything, then we don't have a real relationship!"
"I'm so insecure because you don't give me reasons to trust you."
"You always disappoint me. I can never trust your words."
"You don't have a life beyond me. I don't understand why you need other people."
Exhausting. It was exhausting to constantly walk on eggshells around her, simply avoiding poking the bear and respecting the tide so as not to be dragged deeper, deeper where the golden light of the sun can no longer reach. But of course, everyone who is drowning tries to fight their way back to the surface. It's basic instinct, even knowing that it's too deep, they still try to survive and resist exhaustion. You did the same, even knowing that you couldn't save something in ruins, you still tried. You loved her and believed you could make the mistake work.
"I just want to protect you. I don't understand why you resent that."
"I miss the person you were when we met. Now you've changed so much."
"You don't understand me. No one else will understand you like I do."
Although she loved you, or that was the lie she told a million times, being treated as inferior by someone who should love you as the moon loves the sun was draining. Having your interests and hobbies constantly criticized was tiring. She would beg you to stop your activities and spend all your time, free or not, with her, as if she didn't want you to live a life beyond the relationship, and that was suffocating.
Why do you always have to spend time with your friends? It seems like you prioritize them over me Amber, it's important for me to have a social life and maintain contact with my friends. It doesn't mean I don't care about your feelings But I should be your priority. I need you to be there for me all the time. It's like you don't care about my feelings I do care about your feelings, but I also need some personal space and time for myself. It's not healthy to be so dependent on each other Personal space? Time for yourself? It seems like you're trying to distance yourself from me. Are you hiding something? No, I'm not hiding anything. It's important for individuals in a relationship to have their own lives and interests outside of it. It doesn't mean I love you any less I don't believe you. You're always hiding things from me. I can't trust you anymore Amber, trust is a two-way street. If you constantly doubt and accuse me without reason, it creates a toxic environment. We need to work together to build trust I have my reasons. You've given me plenty of doubts with your behavior. Maybe I should start doubting everything about us Doubting everything will only push us further apart. Instead, we should communicate openly and address any concerns or insecurities we have. We can't let doubt consume our relationship Communication? We've talked about these things before, but nothing changes. It feels like I'm talking to a wall I understand that you're frustrated, but we both need to take responsibility for our actions and work on improving ourselves. We can't expect instant changes, but with patience and effort, we can make progress I'm tired of waiting for change. I want someone who prioritizes me and makes me feel secure It's not fair to put all the responsibility on me. A healthy relationship requires effort from both sides. I don't know if I can continue like this. Maybe we shouldn't be together
And finally, the breaking point. It's obvious that a poorly constructed building will collapse. It's logical, tragic, devastating. It's like a storm on a hot summer day, everything is fine one minute, and the next, the wind sweeps everything away, the sea becomes rough, and the storms become louder…
"I can't believe you're leaving me. You're abandoning everything we had!"
"You're making a big mistake. No one will ever love you like I do."
"I'll make sure you regret leaving me."
"You'll never find someone who understands you like I do. You'll be lost without me."
"I hope you enjoy being alone for the rest of your life. No one else will put up with you."
"You'll come crawling back to me. You'll see how much you need me."
"You think you can find someone better? Good luck with that."
"Without me, you're nothing. You'll never find someone who will take care of you like I did."
"You'll regret leaving me when you realize how much I did for you."
"You're just like everyone else. No one stays when things get tough."
"I gave you everything, and this is how you repay me? You're heartless."
"You'll never find someone who will fight for you like I did. You're throwing away true love."
"I hope you always regret leaving me. You'll realize the mistake you made."
"You'll never find someone who will tolerate your flaws like I did. You'll be alone forever."
"No one will ever understand you like I do. You're making a big mistake by leaving."
"I hope you find someone who hurts you just like you hurt me. You deserve to suffer."
Sometimes our own demons don't go away. Time heals all wounds is a lie. For some of us, time is torture, a nagging reminder that tomorrow brings another day and with it the same pains and anxieties, inequations. After all, the world continues to be the world, and it doesn't care if you don't fit in or can't handle the consequences of your own actions.
❝Argument with Amber❞

★ when Amber is upset, she tends to withdraw inward, either becoming very quiet or completely shutting down. It can be frustrating because it feels like she's not communicating, but in reality, she's just processing her feelings and trying to come up with the right words to express herself. As her partner, it's important to give her space during these times, but also to let her know that you're there for her when she's ready to talk;
★ Amber can be very stubborn when she's upset, and it can be difficult to get through to her. She tends to fixate on one point of view and can't see any other perspective. When this happens, it's important to stay calm and patient, and to try to approach the situation from a different angle. Sometimes it takes a little creativity to help her see things in a new light, but it's always worth it in the end;
★ when Amber is angry, she can be very sharp-tongued and critical. It can be hard not to take her words personally, but it's important to remember that she's not attacking you as a person, but rather expressing her frustration with the situation. It's important to acknowledge her feelings and validate them, while also setting boundaries around what kind of language is acceptable in a disagreement;
★ during the argument, Amber and You struggle to convey their emotions clearly, leading to misunderstandings. Amber's passionate nature might be misinterpreted as aggression, while You, feeling hurt, may become defensive. The clash escalates as they both find it challenging to comprehend each other's true intentions;
★ amid the conflict, past unresolved issues resurface, adding more weight to the argument. Both Amber and You inadvertently bring up old wounds, making the situation even more complex and emotionally charged;
★ in the aftermath of the quarrel, both Amber and You resort to giving each other the silent treatment. This prolongs the tension between them, making it difficult for either of them to find a way to resolve the situation.
a little different from usual, but I was really lazy, and my creativity is low, I'm sorry :(
Please send me ideas, loves. I'm out of creativity. All remnants of creativity are gone due to the horror trilogy I'm writing for college :( Sending you kisses of light.
❝Echoes, Shadows and Resolutions❞
feel free to request any headcanon here 🠒 headcanons list ★ forgive any mistakes, English is not my native language, and this is so metaphorical, I'm not sure if you'll like or understand the meaning, but still, enjoy, my loves ♡

Amber was bombarding her phone with messages once again, probably for the hundredth time in half an hour. You had ignored her calls and messages all day long; you were hurt and needed some space for yourself. But of course, she didn't like that at all – she never did. You knew you should reply to her, provide explanations, or perhaps thousands of apologies. After all, the blame was all yours, always had been and always would be, or at least that's what she made it seem like. But dealing with her now was tiresome, like wasting words that would fall into the abyss of her mind without even being thought through and rationalized. It was like playing a soft melody in a noisy environment, where the tune gets lost in the chaotic noise – what's the point if, when carried by inertia, it loses its purpose of being appreciated? You immersed yourself in your work, desperately seeking temporary salvation, an escape from the shadows that threatened to engulf you. Each typed key was a blow against your own pain, an attempt to overpower the emotional cacophony surrounding you. Yet, even in the refuge of concentration, her memory lingered, hovering like an invisible ghost, a presence refusing to completely fade away.
The guilt, always finding shelter in the darkest corners of your heart, weighed like an anchor dragging you to the depths of the ocean of sadness. The words you should have said, the actions you should have taken, all turned into ghosts that now danced around you, whispering endless laments and questions. The pain of knowing that the disconnect between you was growing like an irreparable crack in the glass of what once was love had transformed into a silent whisper echoing within the walls of your being.
"To argue; to dispute; to quarrel; to misunderstand" – different words with similar meanings that, in a general context, describe the act of defending an opinion contrary to another, often associated with feelings of revolt. So simple, words that students occasionally encounter in the dictionary, words we frequently use when reading news or when nosy old ladies tell you about a scandal involving your neighbors while you're not at home – such simple words, words that are also actions and attitudes. When our actions are not thought through with humanity, they hurt like a silver dagger to others. Any action can become torturous, even a small one. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that you and Amber argued. Of course not, it was persistent, like removing a sticker from a jar or, more poetically, like the moth that dances around the light – your soul is drawn to it but also burned by the intensities of persistence. But at some point, in a split second between the narrow hands of the clock, you grew weary, how could you not?
Amber was paranoid, suspicious, perhaps confused…
She was also a star, bright and fiery, your star obscured by thick mist, clarity fading into the confusion of suspicion, leaving the mind at the mercy of shadows, but perfect, so perfect. And you were imperfect, not enough, like an unfinished painting where flawed strokes reveal the beauty of imperfection – that's why she constantly accused you of major "mistakes."
And you, being imperfect, in your tormented mind, it was more than logical that you were betraying her, even though she loved you. You didn't deserve her trust, and that's why in the darkness of the night, while tired bodies rested and melancholic minds surrendered to the flow of memories, darkness provided a space for words as sharp as a silver dagger to be thrown at you, freely and harshly piercing the labyrinth of your heart.
"I can't believe this! Do you really think you can fool me? I saw the messages, saw the evidence. You're cheating on me!"
"Amber, stop acting like everything is true. There's no cheating happening here."
"How dare you deny it? I read the words, saw the proof. You're deceiving me behind my back!"
"This is a misunderstanding, Amber. Things aren't what they seem."
"Don't give me your flimsy excuses. I never thought you were capable of this. You're a liar and a traitor."
"I'm not a traitor. I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but you're completely wrong."
"Wrong? There's no mistake here. You're cheating on me, and you thought you could get away with it."
"I'm trying to be honest here, but you're being irrational and don't want to hear the truth."
"The truth? The truth is, you're stabbing me in the back and trying to manipulate me now."
"Manipulate? You're acting impulsively and not willing to consider the possibility that there's more to this."
"I don't want to hear anything else coming from your lying mouth. You've destroyed everything."
"I won't accept this false accusation. I refuse to be vilified for something I didn't do."
"Save me from your theatrics. You're a traitor, and there's nothing you can say or do to change that."
"I won't keep trying to explain to someone who's so closed off in her distorted view. I really need time, and so do you."
"Get out! Get out of my life and never talk to me again. You're not worthy of my time."
You knew when you left for the library, walking hastily and light-footed through the damp streets, surrounded by the scent of freshly ground coffee, that she would still come after you, calling and being like a pebble in your shoe. Even as you tried to ignore and continue walking, at some point, she became painful and distressing, making you stop to remove her. As exhausting as it was, you still cared for her; after all, she was your girlfriend, your love, your golden light at the end of the day. And she loved you; think about all she had done for you. Why leave her alone and even more desperate? Yes, she said terrible things, did terrible things, she was completely unstable. But now, you had restored your peace and tranquility with the completion of your work, at least for now. So why not stop being a selfish, petty person and explain things to her? After all, it was your fault. Why didn't you listen to her? Why didn't you apologize and resolve this? Just wait an hour, wait for the hands of the clock to roll again, for your mind to sort itself out once more.
The clock of circumstances advanced with heavy steps, like a meticulous clockmaker etching marks on the fabric of time. An hour passed like a calm river, its waters carrying away the waves of indecision and doubt that filled the space between you and Amber. The echo of your thoughts resonated within the walls of your mind, like a chorus of restless voices.
Then, like a lone star twinkling in the darkness of the night sky, you felt the urgency to try once more. The phone became a magical artifact, a portal to a realm of possibilities. With trembling fingers, as if tracing a seal that could unlock the doors to the depths of the unknown, you dialed the numbers.
And then, the waiting ended. The sound of the ringing phone echoed like a call through the mists of uncertainty. Each ring was like a drumbeat in time with your anxiety, a prelude to the imminent encounter with destiny. The tension in the air was palpable, like a thread of electricity connecting
you and Amber, each vibration amplifying the anticipation that filled the room.
Finally, her voice emerged from the other end of the line, like an echo from a hidden place deep within the forest. It was a sound that carried with it shared memories, the good and the bad moments that now seemed to teeter on the balance of uncertainty. Her words were a distant echo resonating in the cavern of your emotions, creating a painfully beautiful symphony.
"Amber," you said. "I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to ignore you."
"Yeah, right," she said. "You're just sorry you got caught."
"No, I'm serious," you said. "I just needed some time to think."
"Well, you had your time," she said. "Now come back home."
In the twilight of reconciliation, like two stars emerging from the veil of night, you and Amber finally agreed to return to the abode of tranquility. Home became a symbol of refuge, an oasis where emotional storms could rest and calm down. It was as if you were about to embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the hidden caves of the human heart.
The hours slid by like sand flowing through an hourglass, each moment a grain of possibility. The conversation that unfolded was a symphony of words and silences, like an intricate dance of intertwining souls. The unspoken words were like rays of sunlight filtering through the cracks in the curtains, revealing truths that had been hidden in the shadows.
Apologies were like keys that unlocked the doors to your hearts, releasing the guilt and anguish that had accumulated. Each word of remorse was a raindrop falling onto the dry soil of the relationship, nurturing the seed of mutual understanding. You were like lost travelers who had finally found their way back home, guided by the beacon of reconciliation.
The promise to improve communication was like a gentle breeze sweeping through the dry leaves of autumn, carrying away the remnants of the past and preparing the ground for new growth. It was like a sacred vow etched in the stars, to be more truthful with yourselves and each other. You were mapping emotional territories, where vulnerability and authenticity would be the compasses guiding you.
It wasn't an easy journey, but you and Amber navigated the treacherous waters of resolution. The road to reconciliation was strewn with sharp stones and treacherous currents, but you moved forward hand in hand, like fearless adventurers exploring the depths of the human heart. The winds of change whispered promises of renewal, yet also warned of the fragility of the achieved balance.
And yet, even as the anchors of harmony were being secured, there was a shadow, a dark cloud of uncertainty on the horizon. You felt it, like an unwavering clock, reminding you that the path to redemption was paved with unexpected challenges. The past "mistakes" were not isolated incidents; they were question marks lingering above you, waiting for the right moment to trigger a new cycle of turmoil.
Thus, even as the light of reconciliation shone, you couldn't ignore the shadows dancing in the corners of the future. It was as if reconciliation itself were a fragile shell, surrounded by the tumultuous ocean of uncertain destiny. The commitment to be more honest with each other was there, but you knew that the challenge of keeping that promise would be an ongoing battle against the tides of time and circumstances.
Just enemies?
mikey madison x gn reader enemies to lovers

synopsis- mikey madison is a person who everyone wants to be friends with well almost everyone no one knows why mikey and y/n hated each other so much it was probably because y/n decided to join a play for the main role only to find out mikey was doing the same thing
Genre: enemies to lovers/angst to fluff
Status: will post chapters when I have time to
Taglist: open

1. Signing up
2. I can't have anything
3. She can't be fr
4. Let's take a vote
5. It was mine first
6. Could it be?
7. Since when were you friends?
8. It has to be mine
9. Running low on patience
10. I have a confession
11. Sounds like you're crushing
12. bitter taste of jealousy
13. Can't talk leave a message!
14. They aren't answering
15. Maybe I am crushing
16. Everything is going wrong
17. This can't be happening
18. Not your fault
19. Getting asked out
20. Our first date
21. It's official
22. You're the second choice
23. Congratulations on the part
24. Tba
25. Tba
(I'm gonna wait awhile before I start writing for jack again)
01 just enemies?- sighing up
mikey madison x gn reader enemies to lovers

Just enemies?
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Taglist open: @nowitsmissing
synopsis- mikey madison is a person who everyone wants to be friends with well almost everyone no one knows why mikey and y/n hated each other so much it was probably because y/n decided to join a play for the main role only to find out mikey was doing the same thing
02 just enemies?- I can't have anything
mikey madison x gn reader enemies to lovers

You got on stage with a nervous look on your face as you turned to look at everyone who was auditioning for the main role of the play you saw the same brunette girl who sits next to Mikey well I guess you could call her Jenna since that is what sonia told you her name was they were sitting down next to each other while looking at you
You took a deep breath as you got in position but for some reason you were getting really sweaty since you were getting nervous maybe this was a bad idea after all you wouldn't be doing this if you didn't need the extra credit "you could start when you are ready" said the teacher looking at you with her clipboard in her hands probably writing down how well you do
"okay" you said as you started acting ignoring the looks you were getting from the other people the only thing you wanted to do right now was walk out the door and just go home you just hope you weren't making a fool of yourself in front of everyone or worse you just hope that someone wasn't recording you and planning on posting it on social media and just completely embarrassed you in front of hundreds of people
"thank you have a seat" said the teacher as you nodded and sat down where you heard Mikey laughing you turned your head to look at her only to see her laughing with Jenna with her phone out which was pointed at you, you quickly looked away you really didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone "jenna ortega your next" said the teacher "okay" said Jenna as she gets up
Just enemies?
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Taglist open: @nowitsmissing @n-jilburhant
synopsis- mikey madison is a person who everyone wants to be friends with well almost everyone no one knows why mikey and y/n hated each other so much it was probably because y/n decided to join a play for the main role only to find out mikey was doing the same thing

Guys I think I'm going through it rn 🥲 so I ask that you be patient with me and wait for new characters to be posted

Me bc I'm also done with "is it just acting?"
And yet I still have "unknown YouTuber" and "just enemies?" To do 🥲
Although I'm so glad that I'm almost finished with the "is it just acting?" Series it was a lot of hard work to do
But you guys keep me motivated to keep going and I'm thankful for that since I didn't think I'll get this far I thought I was going to make a few chapters but that wasn't the case
But it's up to you guys if you guys still want me to continue making these series I'll go with whatever you guys go with and I won't argue about that
I'm more than happy to keep writing I don't have a problem with that although the chapters would take a bit more time being published
03 just enemies?- she can't be fr
mikey madison x gn reader enemies to lovers

Just enemies?
Back masterlist next
Taglist open: @nowitsmissing @n-jilburhant
synopsis- mikey madison is a person who everyone wants to be friends with well almost everyone no one knows why mikey and y/n hated each other so much it was probably because y/n decided to join a play for the main role only to find out mikey was doing the same thing
stab - amber freeman

Summary: amber and reader watch stab.
a/n: i just saw scream yesterday and i am more obsessed with mikey/amber than i was when the movie was announced, i’m so in love with her😞😞 also thx for almost 100 followers💁🏽♀️
“So you’re telling me you’ve never seen the first Stab before?” You shake your head no, making Amber roll her eyes. “How long have you known me?” She asks, making you look at her. “Over a decade?”
“Exactly, that means we should be bonding on a molecular level. Meaning…Stab marathon!” Amber opens her laptop she had grabbed before, pulling up Netflix. “There’s like 7 movies, usually meaning the first one is the only good one.” You mumbled. “Who told you this?” Amber asks while looking in your eyes.
“Halloween? Friday the 13th? Jaws. Alien. Final Destination.” The brunette’s jaw drops. “You can’t be serious.”
“What? You’re gonna sit here and tell me that Stab is any different?”
“It is! You just have bad taste.”
“I have bad taste?” Amber nods, turning on the movie. “The quality is so bad, looks like a fan film.” Amber groans, pointing out that it was made in the 90s, so of course it looked like that.
You had become so engrossed in the movie, you hadn’t noticed focus on your face. She barely blinked as her eyes tore a hole into you. It’s not like she needed to pay attention she’d watched this movie a million times.
“Okay, that was good. Am I gonna be disappointed next movie?”
“No, I promise.”
i’ve been writing a LOT lately and i’m kind of writing an OC for amber😁👆
insane - amber freeman

Summary: amber and reader want to make the requel all by themselves.
a/n: double post! also, i’m gonna start writing for other scream characters (sam, tara, mindy, tatum, jill, sid) eventually💁🏽♀️❤️
When Richie had begun his monologue you were already outside. Amber had attacked Chad, and you covered her tracks where you could, but she eventually killed Liv and revealed herself.
You remembered when she pitched this idea to you.
She’d brought up some random guy on video chat as you stared at her with your eyebrows raised. “Ok…I know you don’t want to this, but let me convince you.” She coos. You’re sat in her bed, jaw clenched and eyebrows scrunched.
She grabs your hands, kissing them softly. “You’d do anything for me, right?” You subconsciously nod, making her smile sweetly at you. “I want you to help us. I would do anything to repay you.” She promised.
Of course you trusted that, it was Amber for christ’s sake. “Really?” Nodding once more, she looks back at Richie and back at you. “Of course. I love you, Y/N.” Richie didn’t have to see your expression to know Amber had you hooked.
When they’d discussed it in private, he planned to frame you and Sam. Sam was the blood-crazy daughter of Billy Loomis, and you were her Stu Macher, following her out of blind loyalty. Amber didn’t want that, but she never told him she didn’t.
She told you, and you both let him act as though he was the mastermind. That was until you were now outside, and acting as though you looked to help Gale Weathers to her feet. “I’m okay! Just take the gun.” You nod, taking the gun as you find another way into the house from the back, sliding into the basement from one of the windows.
You climb up the stairs slowly, circling through the living room until you round it, now behind where Richie sits with Sam.
You could register what he was saying, but in the middle of his speech, you pulled the trigger, his brains splattering all over Sam. “Shit!” You whisper to yourself. Turning towards Amber, you aim the gun at Amber.
“Baby…” This wasn’t apart of the plan. You weren’t supposed to kill him. You start to laugh maniacally, everyone in the room, looking at you weird.
You turn towards Sam, shooting her in the leg, making her scream in pain. “Oh. That was so hot.” Amber mutters, making you look at her with a hunger in your eyes. “Really?” She nods. “Really.”
“I wanna kiss you so bad.” You mutter. “Not yet, we’re gonna take them…in the kitchen. Final act, baby!”
Nightmare’s Manifesto
About Me

I’m Saffron, I’m twenty, and I have always loved horror movies, like it’s a bit of an obsession <3 I’m also quite slow at updating fics lol sorry xD I have terrible motivation
BTS [Beneath Still Waters]
The Hunger Games Masterlist
Scream Masterlist
send in requests for anything, there’s a chance I might not do the request but I’ll try my best,
I personally feel more comfortable writing in a Fem or GN perspective, I will be writing in the (y/n) style or without any name or characteristics inserted into the story
If sending in a request for a fic, you’d prefer a GN!Reader, just add in just GN! as Fem!Reader is my personal preference :) Also just a quick disclaimer for you horny freaks (aka also me) I am unable to write smut, i physically can’t do it. I might try my hand at it one day but that’s definitely not the type of thing I write, (but it’s almost all i read)
I always love getting fic ideas so send away any thoughts you have on your mind
If your homophobic, transphobic, racist, don’t like x readers, or my content, if you don’t like it just don’t read it simple as

I have just finished writing the most tooth rotting Amber freeman fluff and I can’t wait to post it but something wrong with the draft and I can’t add any photos :( it’ll have to wait til tomorrow
Heads, Hearts, and Hangovers

☆〜Pairing: Amber Freeman x Fem!Reader
☆〜Genre: Fluff
☆〜Word Count: 1.7k
☆〜Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, suggestive language, underage drinking

(Y/n) shuffled through the bursting halls of the Freeman residence, weaving her way through the swaying bodies as if she were swimming amidst a school of intoxicated fish. Scouring towards the kitchen, desperately seeking her girlfriend amidst the chaotic party scene. It was no secret that Amber had indulged in a few too many drinks-not that she hadn't herself-and now she stumbled around clumsily, attempting to lend a hand to fellow partygoers.
A door creaked to her left, a familiar denim jacket caught her eye as she stumbled to the side, eyes meeting her flushed lover as she fought with the stubborn door, juggling a cascade of beers in her arms like delicate newborns, her face glowed spotting her girlfriend through the crowd.
"Jesus Amber, what the fuck- here let me carry some," (Y/n) exclaimed, voice filled with concern and surprise as she reached out to take a few beers from Amber's overwhelmed grip.
Amber, however, shook her head stubbornly, a determined glint in her eyes. "Don't worry (N/n), I've trying to show off for my girlfriend,"
(Y/n) chuckled, her worry mingling with amusement, as she threw her hands up. "Alright, Hercules. But if you drop them, I'm not helping you to clean it up!"
Amber threw her head back in hysterics, stumbling in her tipsy state, bottles clinking together as she reached the kitchen counter, as the bottles tumbled and scattered across the counter, one rogue bottle dared to defy gravity, teetering precariously on the edge. (Y/n) stumbled forwards, grasping the neck before it plummeted to its demise on the sticky, rustic wooden floor, (Y/n) sent her most intimidating glare—which wasn't very intimidating due to her inebriated state—Ambers eyes widened in shock, her mouth gaping like a fish.
Amber regained her composure, grasping the beer bottle from her hands and popping the cap in between her teeth before deftly leveraging her jaw as a makeshift bottle opener. With a determined twist, the cap relinquished its grip, releasing a faint hiss of escaping carbonation. (Y/n) stood there, eyes wide with astonishment, momentarily frozen in a state of disbelief.
"I didn't know you could do that," she whispered, In the cacophony of the crowd, (Y/n)'s voice barely carried, but Amber still heard her. She handed her the beer, as her she opened her own.
Ambers arms snaked around her waist pulling her to her body. Lost in a moment of intimacy, she gazed into (Y/n)'s eyes, discovering a universe of stars twinkling within them. Amber leaned in closer to (Y/n)’s eyes dipping to her glistening lips.
"Yeah? If you think my mouth is impressive at opening bottles, you should see what else it can do."
(Y/n)'s fingers instinctively found the delicate silver heart pendant that adorned Amber's neck, using it as a tether to draw her closer. With a desperate pull, she closed the remaining distance, their lips meeting in a ravenous, passionate kiss. (Y/n)'s fingers found their way into Ambers's hair, gripping with fervent need. Ambers's hand lay on her cheek, her gentle hands caressing her softly, as her right hand rested on (Y/n)'s waist, the ice-cold beer sending shivers up her spine.
A whistle sounded from behind them, Amber pulled away, glancing over her shoulder into the living room, where Chad and Mindy sat watching a Stab movie.
"Get a room, you two!” Mindy shouted in a hazy state, hands cupped around her mouth, to be heard from across the house. Chad was chuckling beside her. (Y/n) whipped her head around, flipping the two off as they made their up to her room. (Y/n) giggled like the love sick teen she was, clutching Ambers hand tightly in her grasp, as they clambered the stairs.
Surprisingly, no horny houseguests had escaped to Ambers bedroom to have sex. Quietly shutting the door behind them, creeping into the room as if they were attempting to be discreet. The muffled sound of music entered the room through the drywall. It’s melodic rhythm and pulsating beats reduced to a muffled haze as it traversed through the walls. Faint vibrations tingled in the air, an auditory tapestry that whispered tales of distant celebration and drew her thoughts towards the lively atmosphere beyond her sanctuary. (Y/n) could feel the floor softly vibrating beneath her.
Amber held her hand softly leading her to the bed to lay down on the bed, the burgundy bedsheets welcomed her like a cloud as she sunk into the mattress. Amber switched off the room lights and lay down next to her, adjusting so (Y/n) could rest her head on her chest, lovingly stroking her hair. She let out a big sigh content with her lover in her arms, gazing up at the glow-in-the-dark ceiling star she had scattered throughout. She used to be terrified of the dark when she was younger, afraid the monsters would come for her, but (Y/n) gave her an extra packet she had for her room. Ever since that moment, no matter where they were, the star would keep them linked, they were written in the constellations.
“I can’t believe we still have these up,” (Y/n) sighed caressing her waist, letting out a delicate giggle she uttered, “Who knew our thing would be luminous ceiling stars!”
Not receiving a response, (Y/n) broke her gaze from the ceiling to connect with Ambers affectionate gaze. No words were exchanged, but the emotions were palpable in their shared gaze. Their eyes spoke volumes, communicating a depth of emotion without uttering a single word. Silent but expressive, their gazes conveyed a tapestry of emotions: love, longing, understanding.
Both of them lay in a state of peaceful contentment, the stars softly illuminating the room, broken by a car's headlights shining in the driveway.
Everything was as it should have been.
Ambers's body tensed up, arms leaving (Y/n)’s huddled body and slamming them flat onto the sheets—startling poor (Y/n) who began to fall asleep—Amber sat straight up, straining her ears, head tilted towards the door, suddenly her head whipped round to face a concerned, confused (Y/n). She could tell by the look on her face, that whatever she was going to say was going to be something stupid, by the shit-eating grin plastered on her flushed cheeks.
“List- (N/n)Listen, it’s our song!” She exclaimed grasping her hands tightly.
“Amber, it’s Pitbull”
“I love this song,” she muttered to herself, she attempted to pull (Y/n) to her feet to dance with her, “Amber it’s Fireball by Pitbull, this isn’t our song?” (Y/n) burst out laughing tugging Amber back to her arms, she resisted.
“It can be!”
“I am not letting Mr fucking Worldwide be the song for my first dance,” Amber paused, arms going limp to her side, “first dance? You want to have your first dance with me?”
(Y/n) looked at her lovingly, eyes scanning her shell-shocked frame, her eyes wide, her eyes welling up slightly.
“though you’ll have to propose first-“Ambers's entire body moved at a lightning pace, hands grasping (Y/n)’s face pulling her in for a passionate kiss—which failed miserably—the two girls recoiled in pain as their heads collided, holding their foreheads in a mix of shock and pain.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry— I didn’t mean to, babe, I’m so sorry,” Ambers's eye remained screwed shut, attempting to comfort her girlfriend by caressing her knee—which she now knelt beside in pain—in attempt to apologise for the erratic rush of affection she tried to display when her emotions overwhelmed her.
(Y/n) peeled open her eyes, more concerned for her girlfriend than herself, “It’s ok, baby, you didn’t mean to, I know,” she lightly touched her wrist moving it delicately away from her face, the area on the centre of her forehead being to explode in an aggressive red.
“Come on, I think it’s time for bed, we still have to clean the house tomorrow,” Amber groaned at the thought of having to clean up after the party, letting (Y/n) pull her into the bed beside her, both of them stripping themselves of their clothes to get more comfortable.
“Just so you know, I’d love to marry you someday (N/n),” Amber said while looking intently into her eyes, she placed a soft kiss on her red lips before closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around (Y/n)’s chest to sleep. Placing a peck to the top of her head, (Y/n) surrendered to her slumber.

A loud knock startled the two girls out of their deep rest. The morning sun streamed harshly through the curtains, casting its bright light in stark juxtaposition to the lingering glow of the ceiling stars that had illuminated the room the night before.
(Y/n) sat straight up, her head was pounding and the sunshine wasn’t doing her head much justice, reaching over Amber—who turned around burying her face into (Y/n)’s side, refusing to wake— to get some Tylenol for herself and her clingy girlfriend.
Tara peeked her head in through the small gap in the door, “You guys aren’t naked are you?” Her eyes were screwed shut in case she saw something she couldn’t erase from her mind if she tried.
Amber groaned into (Y/n)’s waist, sending a tickling sensation up her side, “completely nude,”
“Haha, seriously guys, Wes is down there attempting to make breakfast, I’d seriously get down there before he-“ Tara paused, examining both (Y/n)’s and Amber’s faces, “I expected hickeys, but Jesus Christ—what the fuck did you two do last night!”
Amber and (Y/n) both turned to face each other in confusion, the aftermath of their accidental collision present itself, as both Amber and (Y/n) were left with a visible mark etched upon their foreheads. A gentle, purplish-blue bruise adorned the skin, a tender reminder of their drunken mishap from the night before. Its presence, now in daylight, seemed to amplify the slight discomfort they felt.
“Shit!” Amber exclaimed, assuming hers didn’t look any better, (Y/n)’s hand gently felt around her forehead, the feel the extent of the pain. “We hit our heads against each other last night, when I tried to kiss her,”
At the explanation, Tara clutched her side, grabbing the door handle to stop herself from collapsing to the floor, “good luck trying to explain that to everyone!” She scurried off as quickly as she came, leaving the two girls alone once again. Amber shrugged laying back down to sleep, pulling (Y/n) down with her.
“I guess we have another thing that ties us together now,”

Please send in some requests for Scream <3
I fucking love Amber so much, and it was surprisingly easier to write for fxf than mxf, my sapphic side is really slaying today,.
Got my first request
Hurt/Comfort Tara x Reader coming soon
Sneak peak for solace

I didn’t intend for this fic to be almost 6k words, I was literally aiming for 2k :P it won’t be posted tonight as it’s 4am but when I wake up I’ll edit it and post it before work so <3