"We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams." ~Arthur O Shaughnessy ~ Hi, I am Fae. Welcome to Faeland! I am here to share a song or two. I also love discovering new music. If you have a great song you think I would like it, please send it my way. I also love dressing up & sharing photos of my silly whimsical outfits. 🤪 It's just my inner exhibitionist child trying to wiggle free. I am not interested in a romantic relationship with anyone. Please respect my boundaries & I will respect yours in kind. Let's play nicely in the sandbox!
152 posts
There Is Nothing Better Than Disney & Teddy Snuggles!

There is nothing better than Disney & Teddy snuggles!
Oh boy, let me tell you, today I’ve got this song stuck in my fluffy little head, you know the one: Let It Go from Frozen! I’ve been humming it all day, and it’s kind of perfect because it’s making me think about how awesome it is to just be yourself. My buddy Percy, the unicorn with the sparkliest mane ever, and Lilly Leap, the coolest frog around, are jamming out with me. We’re all swaying to the music and feeling the magic of it!
What really gets to me about this song is how it’s all about embracing your own quirks, your own individuality, no matter what anyone else thinks. It reminds me so much of my human, who's got this amazing balance of being both little and submissive. They shine by being exactly who they are, and it’s just wow. I see the same thing in all my friends, too, whether they’re plushies or humans. Every one of us has our own sparkle, our own way of being that just lights up the world in a different way. And isn’t that what makes everything so interesting?
So, tell me, what song makes you feel like the most empowered, unique version of yourself?
Let’s get that playlist going!
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Isn't this super duper adorbs.
Well, hello there, peoples and fluff-filled friends! It’s Teds the Teddy Bear, and today, I’m here to introduce a song that always makes my stuffing feel extra cozy: Return to Pooh Corner by the wonderful Kenny Loggins. Now, if you haven’t heard this magical tune, you’re in for a treat, it’s like getting tucked in with a favorite blanket while being serenaded by the sweetest lullaby.
But first, I’ve got to tell you about the epic tea party I was invited to at Pooh Corner! Picture it: me, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, and the whole gang gathered around the coziest table, surrounded by honey pots, mismatched tea cups, and a whole lot of laughter. I even brought my own tiny teacup, because let’s face it, you don’t show up to Pooh’s place without being prepared for a proper tea party.
We had scones (lots of honey, obviously), shared some grand adventures, and Pooh even let me borrow one of his extra scarves when the breeze picked up. It was the perfect blend of warm nostalgia and the feeling that, no matter how much time passes, there’s always room for a little more wonder.
And that’s exactly what "Return to Pooh Corner" feels like, a gentle reminder that it’s okay to return to those soft, sweet moments that make us feel safe and loved. Whether you’re a little, middle, or just a lover of beautiful melodies, this song will wrap you up in a big bear hug of comfort.
So, grab a cup of tea (or honey), snuggle up with your favorite stuffed friend, and enjoy "Return to Pooh Corner". I promise, it’s a musical journey you won’t want to miss.
Lesser Spring
Autumn, Is a lesser Spring A most fragile awkward bloom Falling memories of momentary splendor Dripping rusted color It's lush verdure fades Forcing tender verdant blades to bleed inward The blustery blow of blighted breath Dries out insipid skies Fleshy pigments crushed haphazardly Into crackled dust, A seedling's Birthright & sacrament to lesser Spring
I want to say thank you to everyone for supporting my music posts & pics. You make a gurl feel really good. I hope you are having an awesome Sunday. Sending love & light.
Check out Paramore's "Still into you." It will make you wiggle your booty too!

When Teddy 🧸 ♥️ talks, I listen. He always has brilliant stuff to say!

Hey there, fuzzy friends! I am Teds, a life-size teddy bear with a penchant for tea parties, Lifetime movies, and the occasional glass of wine. While I might not be as wild as Ted from the movies, my adventures are no less intriguing. As a bear who can come to life for those who believe in such wonders, I get to see and experience a lot of what goes on behind closed doors, especially in the world of kink and BDSM.
You might be wondering what a teddy bear like me has to say about such things. Well, it turns out, I have quite a bit to share. My human, a wonderful submissive who also is a little and middle, involves me in many delightful escapades. When I say involves me, that normally means I get moved off the bed but I still like to watch. It is not always easy, though. Sometimes I see and hear things that would make most stuffies hide under a squeaking bed. But not me, I am here to help and support my human in all their adventures even the kinktastic ones.
Recently, while I was quietly perusing the internet during my human’s time at work, I came across something quite troubling. Many submissives and especially littles, just like my human, were grumbling and mumbling about the amount of and the kind of aftercare they get. So, here I am, ready to address these issues in what I am calling a Teds' Talk!
First and foremost, communication is essential. Before anything becomes intense, it is crucial to discuss what everyone needs for aftercare. Just as every part of playtime must be carefully discussed and agreed upon, aftercare requires the same level of attention. My human, for example, absolutely needs chocolate after playtime. Chocolate provides sweetness, comfort, and exactly what is needed to feel better. On the other hand, broccoli is not welcome, ever. It is important to remember that before things become intense, there must be open discussions about what will help everyone feel cared for afterward.
Aftercare is equally important when playing with a friend as it is with a super special partner. Even if the scene is casual, aftercare must be included in the plan. A quick spanking and banging session might be enjoyable, but without discussing aftercare, things can fall short. This is where clear communication becomes essential, ensuring that everyone receives the care they need once the scene concludes. Properly addressing aftercare is not only considerate but necessary for everyone involved.
Now, I am excited to introduce my brilliant solution: Teds’ Tackle Box. This box was created to address the issue of unfulfilling aftercare. But before we explore the contents of the Tackle Box, there is an important matter that must be addressed: the wet spot. Whenever my human engages in kinky activities, there is always a wet spot on the bed. The wet spot is for the dashing dominant who caused it, not for subbies or stuffies. Now that this is clear, it is time to explore what makes my Tackle Box so special.
The Teds’ Tackle Box is designed to be kept on the nightstand, making it handy, pretty, and filled with everything needed for aftercare. The first essential item is hydration. My human always has water or a favorite non-alcoholic beverage in the box. Hydration is important because, as previously mentioned, there is always a wet spot, and hydration helps replace what was lost. Remember there is a rule, no subbies or stuffies should ever end up in the wet spot!
Next, we have snacks. After an intense session, it is necessary to have a little fuel, so the box is stocked with dark chocolate and salt and vinegar chips. These are the perfect pick-me-ups for round two. I may not always make the healthiest food choices, so granola bars are not included. However, the important thing is to have something comforting. As a rule, no vegetables are allowed in the Tackle Box. It is one thing if my human’s dominant insists they have them at dinner, but vegetables are never part of aftercare!
In addition to hydration and snacks, I always include a few soft towels in the Tackle Box. Towels help with getting comfortable and dry after kinky and cummie playtimes. A warm, comfy blanket is also essential. Make sure the blanket is perfect for snuggles.
Another essential item in the box is soothing lotion. My human has a love-hate relationship with something called a cane. They claim not to enjoy it, and yell that it hurts, but then they begin making those moaning sounds and end up creating gianormous puddles on the bed. Humans are unique like that, so keeping soothing lotion in the box is important, especially if your human has a similar relationship with things that go whack, smack, or crack.
There is one more crucial item in the Tackle Box that does not always need to be used but must always be ready: the boo-boo kit. Sometimes, things become a little too intense, and humans end up with a few ouchies. A first aid kit is essential because no matter how careful everyone is, mistakes happen. Having the boo-boo kit handy is important to address any unexpected injuries that might occur during play.
The final item in my Tackle Box is my human’s second favorite stuffie. It is no secret that I am the favorite and the leader of the stuffies, but when my human’s dashing dominant is in bed, there is not always room for me. This is fine because I do not want to accidentally end up in the wet spot. Instead, I keep Lil Lilly Leap, my human’s second favorite stuffie, in the box. Lil Lilly is small, snuggly, and perfect for those times when my human needs a little extra comfort without me getting in the way.
The Teds’ Tackle Box is also great for those who enjoy playing kinky parlor games with friends. Sometimes, when the play is casual, aftercare can be overlooked. But with a Tackle Box right by your bed, or wherever you are, all the important recovery supplies are within reach to help smooth things over. When I talk to other stuffies about aftercare following casual play, they often tell me they end up doing most of the work. So, if you plan to play with just a friend, make sure your Tackle Box has a stuffie in it, perhaps even a couple.
Before shouting “That’s a wrap” and getting back to my Lifetime movie about Sugar Daddies, there is one more point that is very important. Aftercare is not only for subbies and stuffies, those dashing dominants need aftercare too. Sometimes, my human’s dominant feels as though they were too harsh or that they did something wrong. They worry because people have told them that good humans should not enjoy certain things. It is my job to remind them that what they did was exactly what my human needed, and now my human is sleeping peacefully. Dominants should not feel odd for getting aroused, it is part of the experience. And remember, who ends up in the wet spot? Not subbies or stuffies.
So bear in mind, that a Teds’ Tackle Box is an excellent way to ensure everyone receives the aftercare they need. It is practical, thoughtful, and can be tailored to fit anyone’s needs. Whether it is hydration, snacks, comfort items, or even a small stuffie, having everything in one place makes aftercare smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. And do not forget to add a few favorite items for the dominant too, they deserve care just as much as the subbies and stuffies.
That is all for this Teds' Talk. I hope it was both helpful and enjoyable. Until next time, remember to take care of each other and never forget the most important rule we talked about today: no subbies or stuffies in the wet spot!
Teds’ Tag-Along Thoughts
Hi again, friends! This is where I share a few last snuggly thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this Teds’ Talk on aftercare. Did you find my tips helpful? Do you have any brilliant ideas for what I should talk about next? I am always up for learning new things and sharing them with you.
So, what do you think? I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks for sticking around with me today, and I cannot wait to see what fun topics we explore in our next Teds’ Talk!
The Velvet Season
You masquerade as Autumn
Sneaking kisses into the mild
Damp air
Fondling the fine hairs on fading
Farmer's tanned arms
You are the Velvet Season
A silk wrapping
of intricate design
You are the time
When leaves don finer vestments
Gilded in gold & flushed crimson
You are a sweet concoction of burning cedar
& gooey marshmallows during bonfire nights
While cold toes find refuge in the clumpy sand
I have harvested your ripened fruit
Bit deep into its fleshy goodness
Lapped up the sticky juice
Dribbling down my chin
I wave my blue & red stained fingertips
Proudly in the air
in honor of your sumptuous gifts
Hoping you will stay forever in season
Please stop by @aplushperspective and read some of his beartastic posts! If not he will put me in the corner.