Leverage - Kakashi Hatake
Leverage - Kakashi Hatake

Request: could you write a kakashi x reader where the reader is kidnapped/tortured and kakashi is flippin his shit trying to find her and once he does it’s extremely fluffy like “i thought i lost you”? thank you!
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Requests are CLOSED!
The enemy was standing between Kakashi and him getting to you. He had to get to you.
At this point, Kakashi didn’t even know if you were breathing. Your body laid crumbled on the ground, limp and still. You didn’t move a muscle and Kakashi was too far gone to think clearly and just use his damn senses and see if you were breathing. He was shaking with anger, the urge to just punch his way to you was damn tempting. But if it wasn’t the man standing before him, it was the other standing next to you, ready to hurt you, kill you, anything if Kakashi made one wrong move.
He didn’t dare move a muscle.
“Ah,” the man before him sighed. Kakashi, reluctantly, let his eyes fall before him in order to assess the situation. The interruption actually seemed to benefit Kakashi, as the realization that he was not alone in the room allowed Kakashi to take a moment to breath and find the best course of action. In that moment, he also tried to find a chakra signal from you.
And while it was faint, Kakashi caught it. This was good. That meant he wasn’t too late and you were alive.
“So the hero comes to save the girl.” Gen, Kakashi believed, spoke, hoping to further taunt Kakashi.
You’d been sent on a infiltration mission, along side Kakashi. Kakashi kept guard, gathered information from the sidelines and protected you while you infiltrated inside. Your job was to play the role of a waitress, and slowly grow close to the leader of a enemy organization. They had vital information on Konoha, Gen and his lacky, the one standing next to you. Kakashi believed his name was Hiroki.
Somehow, and Kakashi was still unsure, they’d found out your true identity. Kakashi hadn’t known until a day later because of his assigned role, and by then, as it was clear now, you were in more danger than Kakashi would’ve liked.
At first, he thought they’d kill you right away - but apparently, they believed you offered some sort of leverage for them.
“More importantly,” Hiroki leered from beside you, “Kakashi Hatake comes to save the girl.”
Ah. So that’s what they wanted. Kakashi figured they wanted the bounty on his head, and probably yours - since you were both in the bingo book. But it was a well-known fact that you and Kakashi were close to one another. You were bait for him.
Therefore, Kakashi had walked directly into their trap.
“It really is stupid for you to make your weakness so well known,” Gen taunted.
“Makes it easy to get to you.” Hiroki finished and Kakashi watched with barely concealed anger as you were roughly kicked in the side, and your body rolled over. Your head lolled to the left, and it was then that Kakashi realized you were awake, not unconscious and you were now staring directly at Kakashi.
“Kaka-…” His name died on your lips, and with one quick assessment, Kakashi realized you’d been drugged.
Normally, Kakashi concealed his emotions well in battle. He’d been trained to make every move with thought behind them. Unlike Naruto, he didn’t not rush into battle and use his emotions to his benefit. But now, at the sight of you, Kakashi knew he had no hope of fighting like he usually did.
“Didn’t even put up a good fight.” Hiroki kicked at you again, mercilessly and a cry left your lips. But it was quiet - weak. Kakashi felt his heart break.
Shifting into battle stance, Kakashi reached for his pouch and gripped the kunai, ready to lunge.
“Show me what you’ve got Sharingan Kakashi.”
Hiroki left your side, joining his boss in the fight. Hiroki was pathetically easy to knock down, it barely took Kakashi any effort before he was knocked out unconscious. He moved to kill the man, wanting to burn the man alive for ever hurting you but stupidly, he’d let his guard down on Gen and there was suddenly a cry. A very familiar cry.
Snapping his head up, Kakashi found you in the arms of Gen, a kunai pressed against your neck so tightly that a small trace of blood slipped down the expanse of your neck. Your eyes were stilled lulled with exhaustion, but Kakashi saw a trace of fear in your gaze.
“Take one step,” Gen threatened, pressing the kunai tighter against your throat. “And i’ll slice her neck.”
It seemed Gen and his lacky had underestimated Kakashi’s skills, despite the fact that they lured him here by reading the bingo book. And now, Gen was resorting to you, his bait, once again to get what he wanted.
“It’s pathetic,” Gen continued. “Emotions. Look at you know. One of the most feared ninjas in the world, turned into a mess by one measly girl.”
Despite your drugged state, you were not oblivious to the words spoken about you. Your eyes narrowed, catching sight of Kakashi’s tense form. You realized he was afraid to move, for fear of your life. You hated being a damn damsel in distress. It was already bad enough Kakashi had to abandon the mission to come save your sorry ass. If you didn’t play this carefully, not only would you die, but possibly Kakashi.
Knowing Kakashi for almost your whole life, you depended on him just like he depended on you. Even more so now because of your recent development in your relationship with the man. If you died, Kakashi would attack without reason or thought and possibly be killed as well.
Gen was also an idiot. He was a seriously pathetic ninja and neither him nor his lacky had noticed the kunai you’d swiped during your travel with them. You gripped it behind your back, where your hands were tied, hidden within your shirt. Gen, unknowingly, had placed a vital spot directly to your advantage.
When he was too busy taunting Kakashi, you slipped the kunai from beneath your sleeve, and angled it perfectly so it punctured his left hip. His disgusting words fell dead on his lips, blood splattering from his lips as he gagged. With your last burst of energy, you slipped from beneath his loosened grip and spun, raising your foot to kick at him. Gen stumbled back.
A flash of grey zoomed past you, and a attack of chidori was delivered directly to Gen’s heart.
It was only when the man was confirmed dead did you let your strength fall. Stumbling back, a whimper left your lips as you felt your body falling back. You never did hit the ground because Kakashi’s arms caught you and you were pulled tightly into his embrace.
He was silent for a moment, cradling your tortured and weakened body against himself. His head buried into your neck, a sense of vulnerability Kakashi rarely ever let anyone see.
“I thought I lost you…”
His fingers traced the light scar now adorning your neck, eyes, sharingan activated, scanning your body and finding the many injuries that had been inflicted upon you during your day stuck as captive. You were too exhausted to say anything, and opted for letting your hand fall on the one of your neck, nodding lightly.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
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More Posts from Indyuhhhhh

Wing-Dog? - Kiba Inuzuka

( @chaostheoryy ) Request: Alright, time to climb aboard the anime train. 👀 How about a Kiba X Reader where Akamaru serves as Kiba’s “wingman”? Maybe Kiba is crushing on the reader from afar so Akamaru runs away, leading him to the reader and forcing Kiba to talk to them? (I totally had the hots for Kiba so I had to cave and send a request…)
Notes: okay, so like HONESTLY, Kiba is fucking hot, dude. I completely agree with you and love you for sending in this request.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
ALL MASTERLIST’S Requests are OPEN!! See what’s acceptable here!
His white little ball of fur was next to him one moment and gone the next. Kiba watched with wide eyes as Akamaru begun running, lips parted in a wide dog-like grin and panting as he put one paw in front of the other in a determined mission to lead Kiba off.
Huffing, Kiba could only yield to his dog’s wishes, running off in an attempt to catch his crazy dog. He didn’t understand what was happening - normally, Akamaru was so well-behaved. Always listening to Kiba’s orders without defiance and doing anything his best-friend asked him off. It was expected, since they’d been by each other’s sides since they were both infants.
So, it was obvious that Kiba was a bit baffled by Akamaru’s behaviour.
“Slow down, boy!” Kiba shouted, catching the attention of a few civilians as he ran desperately after his dog. The civilians hastily scrambled out of the way of the two ninja’s, narrowly missing being smack by both a dog and a full-grown teen. “Just what is it that has your damned attention!”
Akamaru only barked in response and thus begun the long path Akamaru led his owner through. Kiba was sure they’d travelled to the other side of the village by the time the dog finally yielded to a stop. Kiba, despite being a ninja, was left panting desperately to catch his breath, bending over to steady himself.
It was then that Kiba heard your voice.
“Akamaru?” Your soft voice pulled Kiba’s attention away from his dangerously raising heart beat to you. Peering up from his crouched position, Kiba watched as Akamaru nestled up against your side, mewling appreciatively as you scratched at his ear. “What are you doing here, buddy!”
When the dog glanced back at his owner, Kiba was suddenly all too aware of the dog’s intent.
That sly dog.
Grumbling to himself, Kiba did best to collect himself, straightening his back out and making his way over to you. Your bright eyes glanced up at him the moment you recognized his chakra, your gentle smile nearly pulling Kiba into a daze as you regarded the slightly taller man. “Kiba!” You exclaimed, “I was wondering where you were, considering Akamaru just arrived.” Upon mentioning the dog’s name, you crouched down to better situate yourself and allow both hands to fall on the dog’s fluffy ears.
“Yeah,” Kiba breathed. “I’m not sure why, but Akamaru seemed pretty set on someone. Nice to find out it was you.”
You chuckled softly, eyes not leaving Akamaru’s cute little conniving face. “Well, I certainly don’t mind. I love seeing Akamaru,” smirking, you glanced over at Kiba. “And you too, Kiba, of course.”
Kiba chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with a small red-hue dancing across his cheeks.
Akamaru suddenly shifted, moving around so he was behind your legs. Kiba watched on in puzzlement, not noticing you as you stood back up until your body came tumbling towards him. Kiba easily caught you, arms darting around your waist as a small little squeal left your lips in bafflement.
Akamaru barked joyfully.
Flushing heavily, you leaned back in Kiba’s arms. “Sorry,” you mumbled, avoiding eye contact. “I’m not sure what happe-”
“It isn’t your fault,” Kiba grinned down at you, before sending a glare in Akamaru’s direction. The dog only wagged his tail in response.
Helping you back to your feet, Kiba smiled; “you good?”
Brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, you nodded. “Yeah,” you giggled lightly. “Thanks for catching me.”
Kiba chuckled; “it’s no problem.”
A moment of silence as the both of you, with red cheeks, smiled shyly down at the ground beneath you. Akamaru, noticing this, moved gently against your legs once again. Not hard enough to send you tumbling forward again, but enough to push you closer to Kiba.
You giggled shyly, looking up at Kiba. “I think you’ve got yourself a wing-man, Kiba.”
Kiba flushed - well, you knew now.
“Or,” you smirked, “should I say wing-dog?”
Akamaru barked appreciatively.
Kiba shook his head, taking a tentative step towards you. “I think wing-dog works,” he whispered, just so you could hear. Peering up at him through your lashes, you smiled, leaning forward.
Another little bump from Akamaru sent your lips falling against Kiba’s in a messy, awkward but unforgettable kiss.
“You know,” Kiba said, a little bit later, when it was just him and Akamaru. “You didn’t have to have me run across the entire village just to set me up with Y/N, Akamaru.”
Akamaru paused, halting Kiba’s movements as the dog sat down, before rolling over. With another wide grin, Akamaru looked expectantly up at his owner. Kiba sighed - damn dog.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!

WARNINGS: morning fluff, nsfw! under the cut :)

so our boy kakashi is a busy busy man
as for waking up in the morning, I feel as being one of the best shinobi in the village and a sensai, out of habit he tends to wake up early
Im talking early but not toooo early, like around 7 ish, pushing 6:30 maybe
if we’re really pushing it, the earliest being 4:30 but since you two have gotten together he’s able to sleep a little longer and easier
but he really can’t help it, his body clock has just become so accustomed to it
despite him being late all the damn time…..we’ll get into that later…..
one of the downsides to it tho is that once he’s awake, it’s hard for him to fall asleep, a very rare occurrence if u will
usually he just lays in bed, either beside you or just holding you, taking sometime to himself to appreciate you and all ur glory
one of the reasons he’s also so late for everything…..
he seriously can’t believe that ur a part of his life, his future, and he doesn’t ever want that to change
he’ll even brush ur hair out of her face, give you forehead kisses every now and then
if he has to leave for training or something important, he most definitely feels a little guilty leaving you in bed by yourself
despite laying with you in bed waaayyyy longer than he should’ve if he wanted to get where he was supposed to be on time
so to make up for he makes you some breakfast and makes it look all cute n shiiii
omg AND he leaves a cute little note with it
“good morning beautiful ♡︎ made u some of ur favorite breakfast. maybe we could go for a walk today once training is over? enjoy ur day my love :)”
listen this man loves u, ok? deal with it
Keep reading

RACHEL MCADAMS in SOUTHPAW (2015) dir. Antoine Fuqua
kakashi and y/n just started dating and ino and sakura take y/n to the beach to help her relax and shes CURVY so everyone is looking at her
We Stan bad bitch (Y/N) 🙄
- kakashi already knows how bad a bitch you are, and he’s actually not concerned about other men staring at you for one reason:
-To rub it in there faces that he got the baddest bitch in the leaf, and they can’t do ANYTHING about it.
- ino and Sakura are more concerned that boys are oogling at you then Kakashi. They got your back. I see them just drop kicking and punching a BUNCH of men