Shippuden - Tumblr Posts
cant believe the entirety of naruto wouldn’t exist if madara didnt fucking suck at skipping rocks
Naruto: [Is loosing a battle] Hey Kurama, its ya boi
![Naruto: [Is Loosing A Battle] Hey Kurama, Its Ya Boi](

A warm up Itachi Uchiha sketch because I have slowly been making my way through Shippuden and he’s just funny to me for absolutely no reason

In this picture I drew what I think they (and we) deserved to see at the end of naruto. A Inuzuka family. Why is Kiba in Boruto so stupid and unsuccessful ? I hate the way he was so underrated. Bad Kishimoto! And imagine a Inuzuka+Hyuuga shinobi…all the senses super strong! Hope you like it…maybe one day I’ll color it?
Staying in the Shadows. (A Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 1 - New Mission.
She was walking through the forest, her left arm injured. A kunai had struck it when she ran into some bandits on her way. She was never really good at fighting, but she knew enough to protect herself. Luckily she couldn't feel the pain her body was in or else she would have collapsed already from it. The bandits had done a good number on her. The sun started setting and she decided to rest under a tree. Her body gave up as soon as she was under the long shade of a tree caused by the setting sun. She removed her lunch box from her bag. The old lady of the inn was kind enough to pack her lunch for her long journey. "You helped my family, it's the least I could do," she had said. She opened the box thanking the lady in her thoughts for her generosity and dug into the curry and rice. Forgetting her manners, she gulped the food down her throat. She couldn't help it though, she was hungry and the state she was in made her even more so. She needed energy to heal. After finishing with a burp, a look of content spread across her features. She packed her stuff and laid her head on her bag, looking at the starry sky above her. Amongst the star she saw a face of little boy no more than the age of eight smiling down at her. His laugh played in her ears. She smiled slightly thinking she would meet him soon. Her eyes began drooping and she slept with thoughts of the boy who she thinks as her son.
She woke up as soon as the sun hit her eyes and started her journey again. Not a few hours later, she reached the place she now called home. It wasn't a home to her before, it was a mere house she could stay in and learn. That was until he was born and she felt like her life had meaning again. She smiled for the first time after many years when she first held him in her arms. He was no bigger than her forearms when he opened his eyes and looked at her the very first time. His eyed held resemblance to his father, only his were filled with emotions and his father's were cold.
She reached the door and started walking down the stairs further into the house. The house was silent. No one came to greet her. I wonder what happened, she thought. He always rushed to greet her whenever she cane back from her missions, wondering what bought him this time. She walked into a room which was filled with chemicals and computers attached to machines which were further attached to humans. She saw the black haired man near a "specimen" as he likes to call it and walked to him. "Lord Orochimaru," she bowed.
Orochimaru was her sensei, kind of. He had been training her in medical jutsu for years now. However this took a lot of begging of course. She didn't like the man per se, but he had helped her when no one else had. He gave her hope in her times of despair. He was helping her do the impossible and she was desperate enough for any sliver of hope. Sure, it came with a price but the price brought even more joy in her life. She didn't mind.
"Hn, did you bring what I asked you to?" his calm, pompous voice asked. "Yes, my lord."
"Good," he said turning around to face her and raising his palm towards her. She placed the herb she brought from the Land of Tea on his palm. He turned back and continued his work. "How did you gather it, my dear, hm?" he asked knowingly. "I, uh, bought it my lord. From a lady living in an inn near the mountains," she said looking down, ashamed of herself that she didn't carry out the mission as it was instructed to her. He had asked her to steal it as the herb was expensive and the use of it was forbidden. He didn't want any one looking into the matter as to who would buy such herb, especially not the sixth Hokage and his students. "You are as weak as ever. You paid her off with the travel money didn't you?" he looked back at her. She didn't reply, her head still down. "I keep telling you Jinko, you need to train more. You need to get stronger. Remember last time when you couldn't protect yourself?" She didn't reply still, the memory floating in her eyes. Her jaw clenched as she tried hard not to cry, not in front of him. "You cost the man's life," he continued. He saw her body tense, he knew she would cry as soon as she left his presence. He sighed, "You need to learn to fight, Jinko. You have the capability. What you know isn't enough to save your life let alone some one else's. I would have Log train you but I can't. You have another mission."
She looked him in the eye now. "Mitsuki, he ran away, to Konoha," he said simply. "Why?" she exclaimed. He shrugged.
"And you didn't stop him?"
"He became too powerful."
"This was bound to happen! After all the things you put him through!"
"He became stronger didn't he?" he sighed. "That's what I wanted."
"Do you want me to follow him?" she asked. Orochimaru shook his head.
"No, I want you to be with him."
Jinko's eyes widened. "B-but what about him?" she asked, looking at the body beside them.
"I'll take care of him. You look after Mitsuki and I will help you, that was the deal wasn't it?"
Jinko looked at her feet. She wasn't sure if she should trust this man. She wanted to go after Mitsuki but she wanted to stay here too. What if he does something wrong to him? She looked at the body again. The body of her love. Tears filled her eyes. She was torn between going after Mitsuki, who was like her son or staying here with the man she loved the most, instead. Orochimaru saw the unsureness in her eyes.
"Jinko." He chastised her. "I told you I'll hold my end of the bargain if you hold yours. Nothing will happen to your beloved. You could come every week if you want to."
"But won't you need my assistance?" she knew she was kidding herself when she asked him. He wouldn't need her.
"Do you think I need to depend on someone?" he asked harshly. "Besides, you won't be of any use to me now that the next step has begun. It is beyond your scope now. As far as your training goes, you could do it your self. Take the scrolls with you if you want, but remember to guard them with your life. No one should lay a hand on it."
She had no choice but to leave it at the hands of fate. If it was in her destiny that she could see the love of her life again, she would. Reluctantly, she agreed. She walked towards his body, seeing him for the last time. His hair that she loved so much looked dead. His skin pale, and his breathing shallow. "Good bye, my love," she said as a tear slipped down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and nodded towards her sensei. She went to her room and grabbed her stuff and some of Mitsuki's too, she knew he would need them.
She walked out of the compound of the hideout, and started in the opposite direction she came in not an hour ago, in the direction of the village hidden in the leaves. Konoha.
"I'm coming Mitsuki."
Staying in the Shadows (A Naruto fanfic). Chapter 2 - A Promise Made.
Jumping through the trees, Jinko hoped to catch up with Mitsuki as soon as possible. What if he gets into some trouble? She hurried, making her legs work beyond their capacity to increase her speed. All those years of running away had paid her off. Even though her legs where cramping and her lungs were straining for oxygen, she couldn’t stop. Not only because she didn’t want to but to her this pain was nothing. She was used to this. Years of being hunted down and fearing for her life, this pain was nothing compared to the dread of being caught. Jinko could feel his chakra getting stronger and soon she sighed in relief as she saw a grey haired boy sitting under a tree eating some berries. “Mitsuki!” she called.
Jinko landed in front of him, gracefully. “What are you doing here?” Mitsuki asked her incredulously. “You think I could let you go alone?” she smiled. Mitsuki’s eyes widened, “You’re not here to bring me back?”
Jinko shook her head and gave him a smile. Mitsuki visibly relaxed after hearing the words leaving her mouth. He was expecting someone to follow him and take him back. He expected it to be Log but he was glad that it was only Jinko, who wasn’t there bring him back to Orochimaru but to be with him. If Mitsuki was to be honest, he would admit that he was worried of moving to a new place. Would they accept him for being Orochimaru’s son? Will he meet Boruto ? These questions plagued him. Being away from the lab for the first time was nerve wracking. Sure, he enjoyed the freedom but he didn’t how to act among people. The only people he held a conversation was with Orochimaru, Log and Jinko. What if the people think he is weird?
Jinko knew Mitsuki was worried. It was evident on his face. She couldn’t think of anything to say to make him feel better. Not when she was worried herself. The thought of stepping into that village again and see those people she once knew, made her palms sweat. To see them moved on where as she was still stuck in her life, since the day she left the village. To see them happy while she was a miserable mess, just like before. Jinko let out an audible sigh. She shouldn’t be thinking of herself right now, Mitsuki needed her more. She sat beside him, placing her hands on her raised knees. “Why Konoha?” she asked looking at him.
Mitsuki looked up at the sky. “I want to meet him. The son of the Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Boruto Uzumaki,” he said wishfully. Jinko remembered the conversation she had with Orochimaru before she left.
“Jinko.” Orochimaru stopped her before she stepped out the doorway. She turned around and bowed her head. “Make sure he meets Boruto Uzumaki.”
Jinko looked confused. Orochimaru smirked before explaining, “I want him to forge his own path in life. I hope I don’t have to erase his memories for the seventh time. I want him to be a light in the darkness. I didn’t think it would be possible. After all, both him and Log are my children.”
Jinko’s eyes widened when a realization hit her. “You intended him to leave. This was all your plan?”
“If he can find a Yang who will always be at his side and illuminate his path, then just maybe..” Orochimaru paused, his eyes glowing with the glimpses of his past. “And with the Yin at his side, that child will become the Yang and surely illuminate the darkness. He is no longer a cracked vessel of earth, but a brilliant moon who illuminates the bright sky,” he smirked. “That sounds about right.” Jinko saw a ghost of a smile across his face. Though only for a moment.
“I want you to look after him and help him find his Yang, Jinko. I can’t ask anyone better than you for this job. I believe in you.” Jinko’s eyes widened at his words. Her lips trembled, as she heard words that never left even her lips let alone someone else’s. His words touched her heart and fueled determination in her. That moment she promised herself that she will make sure that Mitsuki find his Sun, no matter what.
Jinko smiled at Mitsuki fondly while he explained how he will be a great ninja and he will be better than Orochimaru. ’Oh, how he have grown,’ she thought to herself. It seemed not very long ago that he was throwing a tantrum because she didn’t bring anything for him from her mission.
“Okay, enough resting!” Mitsuki stood up suddenly. “We have to get to Konoha as soon as possible. I can’t wait to meet him.”
Leverage - Kakashi Hatake

Request: could you write a kakashi x reader where the reader is kidnapped/tortured and kakashi is flippin his shit trying to find her and once he does it’s extremely fluffy like “i thought i lost you”? thank you!
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Requests are CLOSED!
The enemy was standing between Kakashi and him getting to you. He had to get to you.
At this point, Kakashi didn’t even know if you were breathing. Your body laid crumbled on the ground, limp and still. You didn’t move a muscle and Kakashi was too far gone to think clearly and just use his damn senses and see if you were breathing. He was shaking with anger, the urge to just punch his way to you was damn tempting. But if it wasn’t the man standing before him, it was the other standing next to you, ready to hurt you, kill you, anything if Kakashi made one wrong move.
He didn’t dare move a muscle.
“Ah,” the man before him sighed. Kakashi, reluctantly, let his eyes fall before him in order to assess the situation. The interruption actually seemed to benefit Kakashi, as the realization that he was not alone in the room allowed Kakashi to take a moment to breath and find the best course of action. In that moment, he also tried to find a chakra signal from you.
And while it was faint, Kakashi caught it. This was good. That meant he wasn’t too late and you were alive.
“So the hero comes to save the girl.” Gen, Kakashi believed, spoke, hoping to further taunt Kakashi.
You’d been sent on a infiltration mission, along side Kakashi. Kakashi kept guard, gathered information from the sidelines and protected you while you infiltrated inside. Your job was to play the role of a waitress, and slowly grow close to the leader of a enemy organization. They had vital information on Konoha, Gen and his lacky, the one standing next to you. Kakashi believed his name was Hiroki.
Somehow, and Kakashi was still unsure, they’d found out your true identity. Kakashi hadn’t known until a day later because of his assigned role, and by then, as it was clear now, you were in more danger than Kakashi would’ve liked.
At first, he thought they’d kill you right away - but apparently, they believed you offered some sort of leverage for them.
“More importantly,” Hiroki leered from beside you, “Kakashi Hatake comes to save the girl.”
Ah. So that’s what they wanted. Kakashi figured they wanted the bounty on his head, and probably yours - since you were both in the bingo book. But it was a well-known fact that you and Kakashi were close to one another. You were bait for him.
Therefore, Kakashi had walked directly into their trap.
“It really is stupid for you to make your weakness so well known,” Gen taunted.
“Makes it easy to get to you.” Hiroki finished and Kakashi watched with barely concealed anger as you were roughly kicked in the side, and your body rolled over. Your head lolled to the left, and it was then that Kakashi realized you were awake, not unconscious and you were now staring directly at Kakashi.
“Kaka-…” His name died on your lips, and with one quick assessment, Kakashi realized you’d been drugged.
Normally, Kakashi concealed his emotions well in battle. He’d been trained to make every move with thought behind them. Unlike Naruto, he didn’t not rush into battle and use his emotions to his benefit. But now, at the sight of you, Kakashi knew he had no hope of fighting like he usually did.
“Didn’t even put up a good fight.” Hiroki kicked at you again, mercilessly and a cry left your lips. But it was quiet - weak. Kakashi felt his heart break.
Shifting into battle stance, Kakashi reached for his pouch and gripped the kunai, ready to lunge.
“Show me what you’ve got Sharingan Kakashi.”
Hiroki left your side, joining his boss in the fight. Hiroki was pathetically easy to knock down, it barely took Kakashi any effort before he was knocked out unconscious. He moved to kill the man, wanting to burn the man alive for ever hurting you but stupidly, he’d let his guard down on Gen and there was suddenly a cry. A very familiar cry.
Snapping his head up, Kakashi found you in the arms of Gen, a kunai pressed against your neck so tightly that a small trace of blood slipped down the expanse of your neck. Your eyes were stilled lulled with exhaustion, but Kakashi saw a trace of fear in your gaze.
“Take one step,” Gen threatened, pressing the kunai tighter against your throat. “And i’ll slice her neck.”
It seemed Gen and his lacky had underestimated Kakashi’s skills, despite the fact that they lured him here by reading the bingo book. And now, Gen was resorting to you, his bait, once again to get what he wanted.
“It’s pathetic,” Gen continued. “Emotions. Look at you know. One of the most feared ninjas in the world, turned into a mess by one measly girl.”
Despite your drugged state, you were not oblivious to the words spoken about you. Your eyes narrowed, catching sight of Kakashi’s tense form. You realized he was afraid to move, for fear of your life. You hated being a damn damsel in distress. It was already bad enough Kakashi had to abandon the mission to come save your sorry ass. If you didn’t play this carefully, not only would you die, but possibly Kakashi.
Knowing Kakashi for almost your whole life, you depended on him just like he depended on you. Even more so now because of your recent development in your relationship with the man. If you died, Kakashi would attack without reason or thought and possibly be killed as well.
Gen was also an idiot. He was a seriously pathetic ninja and neither him nor his lacky had noticed the kunai you’d swiped during your travel with them. You gripped it behind your back, where your hands were tied, hidden within your shirt. Gen, unknowingly, had placed a vital spot directly to your advantage.
When he was too busy taunting Kakashi, you slipped the kunai from beneath your sleeve, and angled it perfectly so it punctured his left hip. His disgusting words fell dead on his lips, blood splattering from his lips as he gagged. With your last burst of energy, you slipped from beneath his loosened grip and spun, raising your foot to kick at him. Gen stumbled back.
A flash of grey zoomed past you, and a attack of chidori was delivered directly to Gen’s heart.
It was only when the man was confirmed dead did you let your strength fall. Stumbling back, a whimper left your lips as you felt your body falling back. You never did hit the ground because Kakashi’s arms caught you and you were pulled tightly into his embrace.
He was silent for a moment, cradling your tortured and weakened body against himself. His head buried into your neck, a sense of vulnerability Kakashi rarely ever let anyone see.
“I thought I lost you…”
His fingers traced the light scar now adorning your neck, eyes, sharingan activated, scanning your body and finding the many injuries that had been inflicted upon you during your day stuck as captive. You were too exhausted to say anything, and opted for letting your hand fall on the one of your neck, nodding lightly.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
Leverage - Kakashi Hatake

Request: could you write a kakashi x reader where the reader is kidnapped/tortured and kakashi is flippin his shit trying to find her and once he does it’s extremely fluffy like “i thought i lost you”? thank you!
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Requests are CLOSED!
The enemy was standing between Kakashi and him getting to you. He had to get to you.
At this point, Kakashi didn’t even know if you were breathing. Your body laid crumbled on the ground, limp and still. You didn’t move a muscle and Kakashi was too far gone to think clearly and just use his damn senses and see if you were breathing. He was shaking with anger, the urge to just punch his way to you was damn tempting. But if it wasn’t the man standing before him, it was the other standing next to you, ready to hurt you, kill you, anything if Kakashi made one wrong move.
He didn’t dare move a muscle.
“Ah,” the man before him sighed. Kakashi, reluctantly, let his eyes fall before him in order to assess the situation. The interruption actually seemed to benefit Kakashi, as the realization that he was not alone in the room allowed Kakashi to take a moment to breath and find the best course of action. In that moment, he also tried to find a chakra signal from you.
And while it was faint, Kakashi caught it. This was good. That meant he wasn’t too late and you were alive.
“So the hero comes to save the girl.” Gen, Kakashi believed, spoke, hoping to further taunt Kakashi.
You’d been sent on a infiltration mission, along side Kakashi. Kakashi kept guard, gathered information from the sidelines and protected you while you infiltrated inside. Your job was to play the role of a waitress, and slowly grow close to the leader of a enemy organization. They had vital information on Konoha, Gen and his lacky, the one standing next to you. Kakashi believed his name was Hiroki.
Somehow, and Kakashi was still unsure, they’d found out your true identity. Kakashi hadn’t known until a day later because of his assigned role, and by then, as it was clear now, you were in more danger than Kakashi would’ve liked.
At first, he thought they’d kill you right away - but apparently, they believed you offered some sort of leverage for them.
“More importantly,” Hiroki leered from beside you, “Kakashi Hatake comes to save the girl.”
Ah. So that’s what they wanted. Kakashi figured they wanted the bounty on his head, and probably yours - since you were both in the bingo book. But it was a well-known fact that you and Kakashi were close to one another. You were bait for him.
Therefore, Kakashi had walked directly into their trap.
“It really is stupid for you to make your weakness so well known,” Gen taunted.
“Makes it easy to get to you.” Hiroki finished and Kakashi watched with barely concealed anger as you were roughly kicked in the side, and your body rolled over. Your head lolled to the left, and it was then that Kakashi realized you were awake, not unconscious and you were now staring directly at Kakashi.
“Kaka-…” His name died on your lips, and with one quick assessment, Kakashi realized you’d been drugged.
Normally, Kakashi concealed his emotions well in battle. He’d been trained to make every move with thought behind them. Unlike Naruto, he didn’t not rush into battle and use his emotions to his benefit. But now, at the sight of you, Kakashi knew he had no hope of fighting like he usually did.
“Didn’t even put up a good fight.” Hiroki kicked at you again, mercilessly and a cry left your lips. But it was quiet - weak. Kakashi felt his heart break.
Shifting into battle stance, Kakashi reached for his pouch and gripped the kunai, ready to lunge.
“Show me what you’ve got Sharingan Kakashi.”
Hiroki left your side, joining his boss in the fight. Hiroki was pathetically easy to knock down, it barely took Kakashi any effort before he was knocked out unconscious. He moved to kill the man, wanting to burn the man alive for ever hurting you but stupidly, he’d let his guard down on Gen and there was suddenly a cry. A very familiar cry.
Snapping his head up, Kakashi found you in the arms of Gen, a kunai pressed against your neck so tightly that a small trace of blood slipped down the expanse of your neck. Your eyes were stilled lulled with exhaustion, but Kakashi saw a trace of fear in your gaze.
“Take one step,” Gen threatened, pressing the kunai tighter against your throat. “And i’ll slice her neck.”
It seemed Gen and his lacky had underestimated Kakashi’s skills, despite the fact that they lured him here by reading the bingo book. And now, Gen was resorting to you, his bait, once again to get what he wanted.
“It’s pathetic,” Gen continued. “Emotions. Look at you know. One of the most feared ninjas in the world, turned into a mess by one measly girl.”
Despite your drugged state, you were not oblivious to the words spoken about you. Your eyes narrowed, catching sight of Kakashi’s tense form. You realized he was afraid to move, for fear of your life. You hated being a damn damsel in distress. It was already bad enough Kakashi had to abandon the mission to come save your sorry ass. If you didn’t play this carefully, not only would you die, but possibly Kakashi.
Knowing Kakashi for almost your whole life, you depended on him just like he depended on you. Even more so now because of your recent development in your relationship with the man. If you died, Kakashi would attack without reason or thought and possibly be killed as well.
Gen was also an idiot. He was a seriously pathetic ninja and neither him nor his lacky had noticed the kunai you’d swiped during your travel with them. You gripped it behind your back, where your hands were tied, hidden within your shirt. Gen, unknowingly, had placed a vital spot directly to your advantage.
When he was too busy taunting Kakashi, you slipped the kunai from beneath your sleeve, and angled it perfectly so it punctured his left hip. His disgusting words fell dead on his lips, blood splattering from his lips as he gagged. With your last burst of energy, you slipped from beneath his loosened grip and spun, raising your foot to kick at him. Gen stumbled back.
A flash of grey zoomed past you, and a attack of chidori was delivered directly to Gen’s heart.
It was only when the man was confirmed dead did you let your strength fall. Stumbling back, a whimper left your lips as you felt your body falling back. You never did hit the ground because Kakashi’s arms caught you and you were pulled tightly into his embrace.
He was silent for a moment, cradling your tortured and weakened body against himself. His head buried into your neck, a sense of vulnerability Kakashi rarely ever let anyone see.
“I thought I lost you…”
His fingers traced the light scar now adorning your neck, eyes, sharingan activated, scanning your body and finding the many injuries that had been inflicted upon you during your day stuck as captive. You were too exhausted to say anything, and opted for letting your hand fall on the one of your neck, nodding lightly.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
Save Kakashi🤣

“I’d like it if you’d come to the wedding as my dad.” - Naruto to Iruka Credits to cacatuasulphureacitrinocristata for translating Konoha Hiden

By @ninja_ezang on twitter
Source :

I decided that someone needed to typset with the translation of it so…
Original by: 里美 Translation: Anon Typsetting: Moi.
this video is cursed.
please watch this edit that i made 👉🏽👈🏽

I just think hes neat