infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts

So I Need All Of Your Guys Opinion On Something. (For Story Purposes)

So I need all of your guys opinion on something. (For story Purposes)

(apologies for my terrible humor)

So I'm a guy who likes jaune-



Ok. It's also was saying before the voices of the void interrupted me, I'm a guy who likes jaune, he's my second favorite character behind yang. And I'm also the same guy who's writing RWBY: fate (my reinterpretation of rwby)

And I have a really really bad idea when it comes to this man.... I wanna kill him off. No not in place of Pyrrha I still have full intentions of her dying early. I plan on killing jaune off at the end of what I'm calling "the fall" arc. Which is basically volume nine but its not actually going to be volume nine (hell no I have full intention of writing this story at its proper length of time needed for the story to go).

And basically what I intend to do is before the ark begins Jaune would sustain a mortal wound from cinder and while he's in the ever after he's not dying but the wound is still slowly killing him. So after the whole adventure jaune knows he doesn't have long and hands Ruby crocea mors and decides to stay in the ever after (and no he would not be reverted back to being young I have no intention of doing that) and live out his life before the wound kills him when he gets home.

It's a dumb idea but I want to avoid Jaune feeling like he's the protagonist because I do want to focus on team RWBY.

(Of course this technically would go against the rule of any characters who did die in the show dying in the rewrite which would also technically apply to characters who still live but fuck it I kept adam alive so I could majorly change his character. Might as well make up for that)

What are y'alls thoughts?

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Are you good my G?

Jaune: and now a word from our sponsors!

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Ruby: Uh...who?

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Ruby: Uh Jaune...?

Jaune: Hold on, Ruby *continues staring* I can see you, and I know what you are~

Ruby: Uh guys... Is Jaune gonna be okay?

WBY: *stumped*

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