infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts

Thoughts On Jaune X OC Ships? After He Kept His Memories From The Ever After And Stayed Canonically 29-39,

Thoughts on Jaune x OC ships? After he kept his memories from the Ever After and stayed canonically 29-39, it ruined any ship with his peers for me, so I made an OC, but I'm a bit worried it's cringe...

I mean. He got de-aged but alright. (And it's not like most of the jaune ships became questionable considering most of the cast and side characters are consenting adults and it's not like they aren't allowed to date someone who's older since they, you know aren't children anymore.)

But I feel like answering the rest of your ask instead of getting on my soap box and glazing most jaune ships.

I'm rather neutral. They can be good but you also would want to make sure there's more to their character. But id say for your idea, go for it. Aslong as they aren't boring and a piece of cardboard (cough cough pyrrha cough cough) people aren't gonna have any real problems.. as long as they aren't fuckin stupid and understand an opinion.

So overall. Meh.

However I will get some more qualified people to give their own take. (Apologies in advance)

@spahhzy @epic-arc @philosophicalpug and @howlingday if y'all feel like giving your own take go right on ahead.

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More Posts from Infoglitch

5 months ago

Hello again, Jaune x OC anon here!

I know about the de-aged point. That's why I clarified it ruined ships for *me*. I already have gone through the "Adam is 25 so he's a groomer" debacle so I just try to avoid age gaps altogether, and as Jaune is like 30 mentally, it counts as an age gap. To *ME*. I didn't mean to come off as policing ships—if I did, I apologize.

Thank you all for your answers! We are cringe and we are free... One last question: anything you'd like to see more of in Jaune fics?

I apologize as well, I did not mean to seem like I took you stating your opinion as you policing ships. But regardless I understand your opinion (I may not agree with it fully but I get it.)

As for the thing I wish there was more of? It's rather strange but-

Jaune not being a fuckin sex god.

Istg this one thing drives me up the damn fuckin wall because all I can ask is "WHY?!"

Just let the noodle man be a fuckin loser I know he canonically has a magnum dong but for fucks sake that doesn't mean make him a completely different FUCKING CHARACTER! I SWEAR I'LL FIND WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THAT AND IM GONNA SHOVE A WOODEN DILDO UP THEIR ASS UNTIL THEY HAVE FUCKING SPLINTERS IN THEIR ASSHO-

..ok maybe I went overboard.. BUT STILL.

I get it, I get it, we all have interpretations of this fuckin noodle but God damnit do certain fics just piss me off.

Then again I've already stated this a year ago.. I think. Along with 100 other trash opinions on this noodle man. Gimme a sec I'll grab a link

Ah here we go

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5 months ago

no because wishfulfillment isekai webnovel writer Jaune + raging antifan Weiss that criticizes his every choice but still reads every single one of his chapters and is always the first to comment is the only way i will consume whiteknight (i had thought about a fic like this but most likely wont write it)

bonus points if the MC is actually Jaune's self-insert and Weiss actually likes that character and writes super long rant posts because he had potential but was wasted for dumb isekai fanservice

neither of them knows each other irl but when Jaune is unable to post chapters bc he has gone into uni debt Weiss secretly pays it all off

No Because Wishfulfillment Isekai Webnovel Writer Jaune + Raging Antifan Weiss That Criticizes His Every

My brother in Christ if this shit is not the most comedic and perfectly ridiculous thing I've ever read then I don't know what is.

For a moment I thought you were pug but I'm surprised I've received another ask that isn't someone being a piece of shit.

And in all honesty,

I fuck with this idea

It's funny as all hell and could definitely work as a whiteknight fic. So overall

You can fuckin cook!

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5 months ago

Rwby character tag game ladies and gents.

Here I will lay out the rules

Obviously you need to tag your mutuals, someone you follow or someone who follows you.

Then you need to link a scene that got you to like one of your favorite RWBY characters. (If you can't find it, just say the scene, either is totally fine)

I'll begin and obviously mines going to be jaune and it was due to-

This fucking scene where pulls up in a dress. I tell you all this scene made me like jaune.

As for the people I'm tagging (i apologize in advance)

@epic-arc @spahhzy @philosophicalpug @howlingday and @reashot

All y'all mfs get your ass over here, right now.

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5 months ago

Ladies, gentlemen. Today Marks the day that will go down in shipper history.

Three rwby shippers, @epic-arc, @spahhzy and yours truly @infoglitch have gone head to head, throwing angst fic after angst fic.

But today on Sept 14th. I make my declaration.

Within my hands I hold tragedy, no jaune ship is ever going to be safe.

For my macanations of sorrow shall prick and prode until your all weeping.

For this..




Ladies, Gentlemen. Today Marks The Day That Will Go Down In Shipper History.

So to anyone, to EVERYONE who wishes to challenge me. Step right up. And welcome

To the final boss.

Info glitch, the thespian.


Ladies, Gentlemen. Today Marks The Day That Will Go Down In Shipper History.

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5 months ago

Haha... Ha..haaaa..


Like I swear to God why the hell does my brain gotta open its mouth like-

"oh hey look at this really good book/fic we found, and all the world building it has, we just can't compare"

And I wanna rip my fuckin HAIR OUT!


And even when I write some just gourmet type of shit that has all this logic and fluidity that makes sense instead of feeling like a giant cluster fuck


infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

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