Adopting The Habit Of Earlier First And Last Meals With A Longer Period Of Night-time Fasting May Prevent
Adopting the habit of earlier first and last meals with a longer period of night-time fasting may prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.
(via The Chrononutrition Effect: The Easy Way To Reduce Cardiovascular Risk)
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In a new paper, a team of philosophers and psychologists at Johns Hopkins University claims to have finally settled an ancient debate: whether you can actually hear the sound of silence.
In a mind-bending conclusion, they found that you absolutely can.
(via Scientists Discover That You Can Hear Silence)
An e-bike rider has found a way to keep their pollution-free vehicle charged while at work, without needing a charging station.
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New Technique to Extract Gold From Old Electronics Could Make a Fortune, Scientists Say
A team of researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland has made a discovery that they say could turn recycling e-waste into a literal goldmine.
Why metalheads are happier people
Music has an undeniable power to uplift our spirits, a sentiment echoed by millions worldwide. Yet, what about heavy metal? Often characterized as raucous and confrontational, how could it possibly contribute to happiness? Do the passionate headbanging, beer-swilling, and dark-clad enthusiasts of metal find greater joy than others? It seems unlikely. However, psychologist Nico Rose offers a different perspective. In his book "Hard, Heavy and Happy," he delves into the impact of heavy metal on the body, mind, and soul. Contrary to common belief, Rose argues that what critics dismiss as "noise" can serve as a powerful tool for managing anxiety and depression.
A beekeeper in Turkiye reluctantly hired some bears as taste testers for his honey.
via jenn 💜 daily happy content 🥰 (@thatgoodnewsgirl)