Avengers Endgame - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
"We're A Long Way From Budapest"

"We're A Long Way From Budapest"


The way this scene played out caught me completely off guard. I didn't even know how to process it at the time. The performances we're amazing nonetheless.


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5 years ago
"I Am Iron Man"

"I Am Iron Man"



Did some touch ups to simplify the background and make it look nicer.


If you like my work be sure to follow!

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5 years ago

Not really Endgame spoilers, but if you dont want to hear anything scroll on

Me, watching Endgame trying to be lighthearted and not think about what might happen as the movie continues: R.I.P Scott's Taco, you were the worst death of all

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5 years ago

Major Endgame spoilers

So I dont necessarily want to completely bash on Endgame, because I think overall it was an amazing movie. But we need to talk about the ending, and I'm finding that I'm no where close to being alone in the fact that I was supremely unsatisfied with the ending of what was supposed to be the culmination of an era that had 22 movies. Especially with how they ended the original six avengers, this was not the ending that we wanted or deserved.

First off Thor and Hulk, these characters were thrown away the entire movie, and were tossed aside as nothing more than comic relief. These two characters have been around since the very beginning of Marvel, and to have them reduced to characters that didnt actually do too much for the plot/could have easily been erased or replaced. The only even small saving grace here is that we will probably see Thor again in guardians of the galaxy's third movie.

Then we have Nat and Clint, and the fact that these two characters are the ones that got the closest to a satisfying ending says something. And I say satisfying loosely because Nat lost her life and Clint lost the person he loved the most in the world outside of his biological family(and even though they aren't related they were family)

Now onto Tony. There was no reason for him to die. The only motive behind his death was that Marvel wanted to hurt the audience. It completely went against his arc because all he wanted to do was settle down and raise a family. The fact that Marvel gave that to him only to rip it away was a major injustice to the character of Tony Stark. Yes, I have some emotional reasons behind this, but who doesn't. Tony Stark has been around since the very very beginning, and is one of the most loved characters in the mcu, to kill him has no purpose other than to hurt the audience. TONY STARK DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE.

Now where do I even start on cap. I've seen a lot of people that are satisfied with his ending and that he deserves to be happy, and I completely agree, but what he did was entirely out of character. This is the same man that said that he couldn't stand by while injustices were done, to say that he left everyone to clean the emotional and physical mess up on their own would is an insult to the name of Steve Rodgers. Not only that but marvel almost completely erased Steve and Buckys relationship. Whether you ship stucky or not you can not deny that they loved each other.

Bucky and Steve have been best friends pretty much since they were born, and for so long they were the only ones the other person had. Marvel decided to ignore this fact and have Steve leave, not only without truly saying goodbye to Bucky, but also not warning him either. Then when we see him back as an old man, not only does Bucky not go to him first, Steve doesn't even look at Bucky. Then he passes the mantle of Cap down to-still someone who will be a great Captain America-someone who he has not known for anywhere near as long, and could not possibly know anywhere near as well. Also Steve gives the shield to bucky in th comics so it would make more sense anyways, and would have erased when he was the winter soldier, officially solidifying him as a hero. I would have been more ok with Steve's ending had they not co.pleatly erased Steve and Buckys friendship.

But even then they still treated Peggy as nothing more than Steve's love interest. Marvel already established that Peggy has a husband and kids. Having g Steve go back to be with her that would erase her life. Peggy founded S.H.I.E.L.D, and did so many amazing things, and created a life for herself. Steve being with her reduces her to nothing more than an blank love interest.

I dont want to completely hate on Endgame because I did think it was a good movie. But considering it was supposed to be our goodbye to these characters that we love so much I am extremely disappointed, and I dont really want to watch endgame again(and I watched infinity war five times).

Endgame wasnt the ending/goodbye that we and the characters that we wanted to deserved. And will cause audiences to leave feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with the end of an era.

Sorry for any typos, I made this quickly

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5 years ago

So I was on the irondad tag on ao3, and o came across this fix that sounded really interesting--now bc I know that some disgusting people ship tony stark and a child, I was making sure that I carefully read the tags--so I almost clicked on this fic, before I (thankfully) read in the summary that it was st*rker. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SEEING A PEDOPHELIC RELATIONSHIP WHEN I JUST WANT A FATHER/SON FIC.

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5 years ago

Captain Hypocrisy

Captain America: We don’t trade lives, vision

Also Captain America: I don’t feel guilty about civilians dying cause the good from it outweighs the bad.


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5 years ago

Consider the following

Okay so I was rewatching the scene where Thanos rains fire on the battlefield and Peter is all curled up and scared before Captain Marvel gets there. I consider it a cardinal sin that that scene did not involve Tony flying over to Peter and shielding him from the blasts. Damn it Russos, come on, that would have been perfect.

Then again they removed like 2 bits of irondad so why am I not surprised?

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5 years ago

Me: I think I’m finally able to move past Endgame

What’s sitting on the counter waiting for me after work:

Me: I Think Im Finally Able To Move Past Endgame


Me: I Think Im Finally Able To Move Past Endgame

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5 years ago

Endgame...broke me. Everytime I see something Marvel related, I die a little inside. I'm pretty sure I'm using the Young Avengers as a coping mechanism l m a o

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1 year ago
Read 𝐎𝐍𝐄 from the story 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 by xxCocoiixx with 1 reads. mayparker, mj, blackoc. 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄 𝟗𝟑...

𝐌𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 🎉🎉

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1 year ago

Exploring explosions ~

Bucky x reader *no use of Y/N*

Part 1 part 2 series

:⚠️warnings: use of russain throught google translate as your gurl aint russain, SHARON, 1 naughty word ⚠️:

【This is probably bad, but I've changed it already, so oops】

Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky. On his journey to recovery, he fines something he wants more than life.

Exploring Explosions ~
Exploring Explosions ~

You've been by buckys bed like you promised steve almost 24/7, it's not so bad as you get to catch up on paper work you've been ignoring like the plague and its also helped you de-stress, somehow. The only issue is Sharon... FUCKING SHARON, she keeps trying to get in here but for what? She said because she misses him but everyone knows he didn't like her, but you were able to get her on a mission saying Nat still wasn't fit for the job due to explosion but since Sharon used to tell everyone she was better than her you volunteered her.

Your sitting at the your desk you moved into the room, you've been avoiding buckys paper work for the failed mission, but as Steve didn't see why the building explosioned it makes the report almost impossible. You scoff and throw the papers on your table and lean back in your chair. You rub your eyes with your finger and thum, groaning while doing so. You slowly looked up at the clock on the other wall, sighing you, looking over to James hospital bed. You were shocked to see him laying there, staring right back at you.

Grabbing your chart, you write down the time and all his vitals on the machine he's hooked up to, slowly pushing your chair closer. You analyse his features like his cheekbones, eyebrows, and his eyes.. you couldn't admit that you found bucky slightly - okay, maybe more than slightly attractive, but how could you not with that arm and his hair and those muscles... what? You think to yourself as you stare at him in disbelief that you caught yourself even thinking like that. You looked at him properly this time, and he just looked blank with a smidge on confused, barely noticeable. "Hello Barnes, im the head of medical.. can you tell me where you are?"

He doesn't reply, just hyper focused on you and nothing else, but then he slowly shakes his head, maybe to himself, but you think you saw it. "Barnes, do you know where you are?" You say more firmly, hoping you will get some sort of answer but just stares. Your mind is going blank on what to do. For a first in a while, you're stuck. You got an idea and slowly took out your phone, turning it on you sent a text to Steve asking if you could try the winter soldier way, doing this extra slowly so you didn't startle him. You just kinda stared at him, breaking into a soft smile once or twice, but his face was set in stone.

Your phone vibrating twice before you look at it, again slowly bringing it up and checking to see Steve's reaction giving you the go ahead, you didn't need his approval or didn't really care but you wanted to keep him in the loop, so you thought of a game play while he's secretly look round the room, here goes nothing. "солдат, ты знаешь, где ты?" You tried speaking with authority.

"меня поймали" he mumbled not look at you but the ground. You're not proud of this, but you took off your coat and showed him your collar bone with: SC-837-152 tattooed into your flesh. He looked up at you and straightened his back at the new knowledge, "это не база ГИДРЫ.. где я? почему ты на них работаешь.. " He scoffed at you slightly before he looked at the door as the door handle rattled and shook. You smiled as you just thought of a great way to welcome him.

"женщина не знает личного пространства, тебе нравится личное пространство, не так ли? самое лучшее, что она не знает русский язык." She snickered as you added the built-in restraints walking to the door. You saw him thrash around and try to get his arms out, but they were built for him. "они были созданы специально для вас, получайте удовольствие" you unlocked the door and opened in swiftly to see Sharon on her knees with a lock picking tool, "hes all your" you say walking away to get lunch, which is now upgraded from 39 mins to 2 hours, which were your normal lunch hours.

@unaxv @sapphirebarnes (just lemme know if yall want added (don't think the first one worked)

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1 year ago

Exploring explosions ~

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Series

Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky. On his journey to recovery, he finds something he wants more than life.

:⚠️warnings: talk of unconscious people, talks of torture and violence ⚠️:

Bucky x reader (no use of Y/N)

Exploring Explosions ~
Exploring Explosions ~
Exploring Explosions ~

(Idk if this makes sense.. it makes sense to meee)

You watch from the back of the room, as 4-6 shield agents continue their 'interaction' it was torture not only to look at, but probably also to go throught, it was disturbing to watch, so you got up trying to make a little scene as your chair loudly scraps along the floor and to pick up your books, looking up and seeing mostly everyone even a couple agents in the room with him staring at you, so you left to head to your room, you slept in the compound most nights even thought you had a apartment. You threw your books on your desk as you walk towards the large window covering the whole back wall.

You fell backwards on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You were in your own world and didn't realise your phone was blowing up, you came back to reality when you heard a frantic knock at your door, getting up you unlocked it and a red headed assassin barged through before slamming he door shut and using all your 4 locks making sure she used them all. She was leaning on the door with her ear to it, listening. She swallowed dramatically. "I'm never gonna make fun of you for all your locks again." She said while sounding out of breath. You tried to listen to what she was running.. from?

"I don't hear anything.. what's going on?" You whispered as she slowly made her way to your bed, sitting at the foot of it.

"He just appeared like right there and.." she tried speaking but also trying to catch her breath." I walked in, trying to remind them you left, so it's over, but.. he was out. They were all dead or unconscious in his.. room.. he was just watching them..." she looked at you like she wouldn't believe herself, but she saw it, so she had to.

"And you ran here? To me, to the woman who hates, HATES violence, " you gave her a look on confusion. "OK, wasn't me best move, but I thought with your past.." she tried reasoning but gave up pretty quickly, you give a slow nod as you walked to your desk and relieved you grabbed some of the wrong papers. You turned your head, giving her a lovely smirk. "Guess what?" You choked out, but you were met with a defeated look. You just hum picking up the right papers and make piles before grabbing the wrong ones and heading towards the door with Nat praying behind you.


You giggle as tried defending herself - "So you're one of the more deadly assassins the red room even made.. but you're scared when he looked at you, and you just ran, not knowing if he was also running.. Hahaha, cmon Nat, it's funny, " you giggled as you reached for your badge as the bay was on lockout. Before you could swipe it, you got a weird feeling when you realised you weren't afraid of the wintersolider and weren't scared when Nat almost took out the door and told you her lovely story. You were going to say something but didn't and just swiped your badge with a beep. You shrugged as it took a while for the door to open. As it slowly opened, you went to take a step inside, and you stopped looking around.

You saw the room a mess desks and tables tipped papers everywhere, glass shards covering the floor, what looks like ripped clothing scattered through out the room, without thinking or even looking you slowly slip your hand towards a big red button "you believe me now?" You hear the shake in nats' voices before hitting the panic button. The room starts spinning as what you think is classical music plays in your head, your own world turned into a record player, and you were the record.

@sapphirebarnes @cjand10 @unaxv @scott-loki-barnes

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1 year ago

The 10 highest-grossing movies in the world without re-releases (The Avengers 4, Avatar 1, Avatar 2, Star Wars 7, The Avengers 3, Spider-Man No Way Home, Titanic, Jurassic Park 4, The Lion King and The Avengers 1)

1 - The Avengers 4 (2019) - $2.797 billion
2 - Avatar 1 (2009) - $2.743 billion
3 - Avatar 2 (2022) - $2.320 billion
4 - Star Wars 7 (2015) - $2.068 billion
5 - The Avengers 3 (2018) - $2.048 billion
6 - Spider-Man No Way Home (2021) - $1.912 billion
7 - Titanic (1997) - $1.843 billion
8 - Jurassic Park 4 (2015) - $1.670 billion
9 - The Lion King (2019) - $1.656 billion
10 - The Avengers 1 (2012) - $1.518 billion

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8 months ago

Scarlett Johansson. The 10th actress with the best legs ever in my opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley Cuoco, Melissa Rauch, Emma Watson, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot and Emma Stone)

Scarlett Johansson. The 10th Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley
Scarlett Johansson. The 10th Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley
Scarlett Johansson. The 10th Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley
Scarlett Johansson. The 10th Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley
Scarlett Johansson. The 10th Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley
Scarlett Johansson. The 10th Actress With The Best Legs Ever In My Opinion (behind Mayim Bialik, Kaley

I really wish I could touch her legs

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5 years ago
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The Battle Of Earth In Avengers: Endgame (2019)

The Battle of Earth in Avengers: Endgame (2019)

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