jacksoneblackburn - Jackson Edenborough Blackburn
Jackson Edenborough Blackburn

Honorary Child of Aphrodite (Actual Child of Apollo)

53 posts

Muehehe Nothing Can Stop Me (I'm Like Already Halfway Through The Third Chapter)

muehehe nothing can stop me (I'm like already halfway through the third chapter)

Hey? Wassup?

You know what would be cool?

Chapter two of the Demigod With Many Names >:]

Chapter 2:


I don't usually cry (which is a lie). But when I did, I accidentally envelope my entire surroundings in a five foot radius of pure darkness (courtesy of my literal, primordial grandpa, Erebus).

'Jacks... are you okay? You've been crying for a good ten minutes,' My wonderful -but terrible at consoling people- boyfriend from the Demeter cabin, Tyler said softly. 'Lou Ellen, and Connor are starting to get worried...' He said as he poked the edge of the darkness.

I created a small window in the Crying Void, patent pending, so I can look at him. 'Why aren't they hanging out with Will?- Or Nico. Whichever. Take a pick.'

'Funny you say that actually.' He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I poke my head through the hole and look around the Demeter cabin. Sure enough, Nico, Lou Ellen, Connor, and Tyler are standing around me. Nico was playing with the shadows -which, of course he was- while Tyler was trying to hide Connor and Lou Ellen's current argument.

'No! I'm not disguising you in the Mist so that way you can trick the Poseidon cabin into thinking a Siren broke in.' Lou Ellen said sternly.

'Come on! It'll be fun! Think about it, Percy's gonna freak out, then he's gonna be all super soaker mode and stuff!' Connor pleaded on the floor, slowly crawling to Lou Ellen's leg and grabbing onto it. 'Ple-e-e-e-ase?'

Nico hits him on the head. 'Enough Connor. Stop messing around. We're here for Jacks, remember?'

'Fine!' Connor sighs, holding the spot where Nico bonked him. 'But this isn't over "Louie." And you didn't need to hit me on the head so hard! For a scrawny, emo boy, you're freakishly strong.'

'Thank you.'

'That wasn't a compliment.'

Nico shrugs.

'Ahem!?' Tyler cleared his throat loudly to get their attention. 'Focusing on the wrong emo!'

'Rude,' I add in. 'But not far off. Nice job, honey.'

'Thank you.'

I sniffled, wiping my eyes and my nose with a tissue I had in my pocket. Why did I have a tissue in my pocket? Not sure. When did I get it? Again, not sure. Was it clean and unused? Surprisingly yes.

'Anyways. What are you three doing here?' I wasn't sure how I said it, but it was probably harsher than I meant it to be. 'I get Tyler being here, but not you guys.'

'Well..." Connor started.

'We heard you got suspended for not being able to deal with a patient that wasn't there,' Nico continued for him. 'I'm not entirely sure why Will would do that though...'

'He's a cool guy and all, but he's been acting strange recently.' Lou Ellen added.

'All the immortals, and some of the Half-Bloods are also acting strange.' Tyler said worriedly. 'Especially Chiron and Mr. D.'

My heart dropped, and skipped a worried beat. The shadows around me faltered, turning into a dark mist and falling to the top of my knee, not coming back up. Nico raised and eyebrow, but I think he decided not to comment on it. 'What do you mean?' I finally managed.

'Well, Chiron has been showing more... Romanic centaur behavior.' Nico replied quickly. As much as the kid (we're technically the same age) freaked me out, he was surprisingly chill. Probably because he mostly didn't care most situations, or because he wasn't sure what to do in most situations. Either way, I'm not inviting him to my funeral if I die.

'Meaning he's becoming a ruthless killing machine and eats meat?' I asked, condescending in tone.

'Shut up.' Nico glared at me, which wasn't very fun. 'But technically yes. He's becoming more erratic, sending untrained kids on extremely dangerous quests. More and more kids are disappearing due to the Harpies-'

'Wait- What?!-'

'Not important,' Nico continued as he started fidgeting with his skull ring, pacing back and forth as the plants around him started dying and took on a more brownish color. 'What's important is what's happening to Mr. D.'

'Well what's happening to Mr. D?' I asked with my hand raised.

'I will tell you how long it will be until you die. Then make it much shorter,' He threatened me calmly. 'Sorry, I didn't mean that... entirely. Just stop interrupting me.'

I put my hand down slowly.

'Anyways,' He continued. 'Mr. D has gone completely off the rails. He's turning kids into animals, mostly dolphins. He's created a camp wide mania surge that's making almost everyone paranoid and on the verge of doing a literal killer mosh pit, all while sending shipments, upon shipments of leopards and releasing them into the forest.'

'Courtesy of the amazing, wonderful Amazon workers,' Connor added, followed to a swift, loud slap to the back of the head by Lou Ellen.

'That's for calling me "Louie", dill hole.' She sneered.

I'm not sure if it was payback for earlier, and she found the perfect time to do ot, or it just registered Connor called her Louie.

'Anyways,' I say while scooting away from Connor and Lou Ellen. 'What should I do about it? There's no way I can help a missing camper, let alone a god and a horse person.'

Nico shifted uncomfortably. 'How about something smaller... Like... Will?' He said in a small voice.

I rolled my eyes, feeling my anger that I subsided for Will slowly rising up as Nico suggested that. 'And why should I?! Will fired me, took away my license, and kicked me out of my own cabin!' My eyes stung. I could feel the tears start to come up again. The shadows at my knees began to stir, becoming spikey waves in a sea of shadows. 'He was my brother! The first person I knew that would understand that I came from a different time, and would need guidance.'

Nico reached out towards me, stepping into the shadows and grabbing my arm. 'Jacks, you know what I-' He winced and pulled away, noticing my eyes were glowing. Their usual two-toned light orange and brown, replaced by a soft, glowing neon green. He got distracted by my eyes that he forgot my skin was literally ice cold to the touch.

You know when you wet your fingers and touch an ice cube you just pulled out of the freezer, and it freezes the liquid on you hand and sticks to your skin? If you haven't, try it, and come back to this chapter. Anyways, that's what it reminded Nico of.

The floor cracked open, and a hand sprung out from the ground. Not even I was expecting that. The shadows sunk into the ground, making the green glow coming from it to dim down. My eyes stopped glowing.

Unfortunately, though, the now golden glowing image of a Lyre above my head, didn't. The zombie kept crawling out of the ground, as the strings to the lyre broke. The lyre broke, the wood turning back into tree. An image of a pomegranate falls from one of the branches, hitting the "ground." A three headed dog eats the pomegranate, sitting down like a guard dog would.

Nico's eyes widen, his whole body faltering. 'You- How-' He takes a few steps back, tripping over the zombie and almost falling into the hole in the floor. Luckily, Tyler managed to make a flower with Lou Ellen making the flower as big and strong as possible using magic, and Connor bending it down so Nico could land safely on it.

'Jacks...' Nico said after complete silence. 'You just got reclaimed by- by-' He stuttered.

'Hades...' I finish his sentence.

A knock is heard on the door, and we all look over. Leo walks in holding two cartons of ice cream and two spoons. 'Hey Jacks, I heard you got fi-' Leo drops the ice cream on the ground as he looks around the cabin in shock, finally noticing what happened. 'Sorry, is this a bad time?'

'Really Leo?' The five of us say in unison. 'Does it look like a bad time?'

Leo looks at the glowing image of Cerberus above my head. 'There's a story here... not sure if I wanna know it, but darn rootin' tootin' I'm staying for it.' He says with a big grin.

And thus ends Chapter 2.

I really hope you guys like it, these are always so fun to make, and I get to deal with my mind gremlins that bug me all the time 'bout this stuff


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More Posts from Jacksoneblackburn

6 months ago

Hello kind person, I am Mike Blaire, son of Britomartis. *insert spooky, mysterious noise here*

(also, high guys, this is another OC account, bc I'm bored :/ )

Hey Mike!

You should check out his stuff tbh (wink wink)


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6 months ago
Ironic, No?

Ironic, no?

@sun13koi @jklovu and open tagss

mutuals do this

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7 months ago

Gonna use Tyler for this (bc I used my real oc's name in the other one)

Tyler: Chaotic, Carefree, Loving

Gonna Use Tyler For This (bc I Used My Real Oc's Name In The Other One)
Gonna Use Tyler For This (bc I Used My Real Oc's Name In The Other One)
Gonna Use Tyler For This (bc I Used My Real Oc's Name In The Other One)
Gonna Use Tyler For This (bc I Used My Real Oc's Name In The Other One)
Gonna Use Tyler For This (bc I Used My Real Oc's Name In The Other One)
Gonna Use Tyler For This (bc I Used My Real Oc's Name In The Other One)


(Tyler is a child of Demeter, descended from Aphrodite, and dressed up as a ghost for Halloween (his favorite holiday))

Tagging: @microwave-the-moon @wine-cooper @sun13koi (if wanna)

name+core on pinterest: oc edition from this post

Hilal: calm, warm, aloof

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Name+core On Pinterest: Oc Edition From This Post
Name+core On Pinterest: Oc Edition From This Post

@sunshines-child @jacksoneblackburn @wordsofwizdumb and open tags >:D

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7 months ago

hey jacks, its me hilal.

i, uh, may have slightly burnt myself baking biscuits.

help :')


(ooc: Sorry for the late replies and stuff, I was at my dad's house 😔)

Please don't put ice on it immediately, it could cause shock depending on how bad the burn is. Submerge it into warm water, and slowly progress to lower and lower temperatures. After that, don't cover it. Covering it is bad or something (idk, it's been a while since I had to deal with a burn).

Hope this helps!

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7 months ago

something something all the apollo kids are seen as the performers of the camp which feeds into their need to mask their emotions so they can keep up the act for the others something something