Mrs O'leary - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Have some sketches :)

Have Some Sketches :)
Have Some Sketches :)
Have Some Sketches :)
Have Some Sketches :)
Have Some Sketches :)
Have Some Sketches :)

I had a headache for the first sketch so.

Also, the third one is not upside down, he's just vibing.

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1 year ago
aina-otsuki - Aina Ōtsuki
aina-otsuki - Aina Ōtsuki
aina-otsuki - Aina Ōtsuki

I was experiencing some rain and thunder within my neighborhood today. Which fun fact I have a huge fear of so, to get my mind off of it I started drawing of how I think the coco puffs would look. I don’t remember how they were described (or if they were) but yk it was fun. Anyways I need some help naming them or renaming them. I also did Mrs O’Leary which has Nico on top because of TLO. Also Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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2 years ago

It'ss the fact that Annabeth Loves dogs but ahe and Mrs O'Leary had seemingly no interaction when this daughter of Athena trained Cerebus with nothing but her words and a red rubber ball on her first try when she saw the huge three headed hellhound for me.

Don't deny to my face that Annabeth would coddle the big woof with skills and pets unconditionally and Percy would be like "Wise girl no, you'll spoil her" and both dog and girl are incredibly protective of each other.

•Imagine post the battle of Manhattan, it's sunset and Percy promised Annabeth to take her to the bottom of the ocean for their date where they can get peace and quiet from the campers and their peeking (coz its been five years and Percabeth finally got together baby my ship sailed) and Annabeth was in awe of the scenic underwater view. So it's sundown and he is searching for his girlfriend who is nowhere to be found. And he stumbles into his Hellhound in the forests and he goes over to pet her but she growls at him warning him to keep quiet. Mrs O'Leary bends down to reveal Annabeth sprawled over the soft cuddly mass of black fur with her sketchbook and pencils, taking a nap and Percy being the hormonal teenage simp he is, melts at the sight.

•Couple years down the road where Mrs O'Leary is visited by the couple at camp goes nuts sniffing Annabeth's abdomen with her snout and trying to get a closer listen becauseee in her doggy mind "OMYFLOOF LADY HOOMAN HAS BABY HOOMAN INSIDE. HOOMAN DO YOU SEE THIS. BABY HOOMAN IS HERE" Annabeth understands and Percy is confused until Annabeth asks him "Seaweed Brain, how do you feel about being a dad?" And the most goofiest and biggest grin forms on his face as he picks her up and spins her around.

*Cue the doggo being the world's most protective aunt and bodyguard. Like this percabeth kid might as well grow up with a silver spoon because their parents are unpaid celebrities. Mom is the rich founder of the famous Architecture firm and was Architect of Olympus. Fucking Olympus, while the dad is the hero of Olympus twice and is a well known Marine Biologist and Son of Poseidon and had the best Grandma in the world. Oh yeah they also have a hell hound chaffeur who doubles as a bodyguard and cuddle toy. *

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7 years ago

Pest-Control Percy

Percy: So, you need my help with Ratatosk?

Magnus: Yeah, that squirrel's been making it hard for me to travel between realms.

Percy:...I have an idea.

*An hour later, Ratatosk is about to attack Magnus when something pops out in front of the squirrel.*

Mrs. O'Leary: BARK!!

Ratatosk: Eep! *Runs off*

Magnus: Good girl!

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7 years ago



Carter: My pet is a basketball-playing baboon.

Percy: ...

Jason: ...

Carter: ...And a clay crocodile.

Percy: ...

Carter: And a giant griffin.

Jason: ...I-

Carter: And a literal cat-lady.

Percy & Jason: You win.

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7 months ago


This is a certified out-of-character post (also, small irl update)

Jacks was born in the 1700s, specifically 1789, October 31. Jacks is one of the time displaced kids at Camp Half-Blood, and is still getting used to how to use devices. They were kinda confused when Leo [Valdez] handed them a talking brick that made beeps and music.

After one day, after getting claimed by Apollo, they ended up becoming a medical assistant in their village. They were amazing at healing people. Some called them a "healer." Other said they were a witch that immediately needed to be executed by cutting off their head.

They (they being the village, not Jacks) ended up deciding to go down the witchery path when Jacks healed someone's arm, which was mauled by a Lycaon disguised as a regular wolf, and reattaching the dude's arm back onto his body without stitches. Not the smartest move, but then again, the person who got mauled was Jacks's first (secret) boyfriend.

(Quick b-t-dubs, Jacks is descended from Erebus and Hephaestus)

So, when they strapped them to a log, surrounded by spears and tinder, Jacks wasn't sure what to do. They could control small amounts of fire due to being a descendant of Hephaestus, shadow travel because of Erebus, and heal themself if they needed a way to fake dying (somehow).

They decided the safest option was hiding in the Underworld, shadow travelling down there. When they shadow travelled into the underworld, they were immediately met with good news, and bad news.

Good News? There was no longer a bloodthirsty mob after them with flaming torches.

Bad News? They were stuck in Erebus's pocket dimension in the underworld.

Now, I'm not sure if you have been stuck in utter, and complete darkness from 1802 to 2021 (~219 years), stuck at 13 and not being able to think properly, going insane due to isolation for what felt like eternity. But for Jacks? They mentally and physically stayed the same age for years.

They never grew up, they were alone and afraid, forgotten by everyone else until they were able to escape (somehow, idk, I'm working out the details on that as we speak).

When they managed to get out, Nyx and Erebus decided to have Mercy on Jacks, giving them a bracelet that transformed into a small, beaded bracelet, where if you snapped off a bead, the bracelet would transform into a Stygian Iron sickle, kinda like those farmer ones where you can hold it in one hand.

Not that it helped Jacks's situation, but at least they had a weapon to protect themself from everything around them.

Fast forward a few months, specifically a month (and a day) before their birthday, they make it to the rumored Camp Half-Blood. They've heard of it during school at some point through myths and rumors. Also, supposedly George Washington was a demigod, but they never taught that in their school (the teachers were so uncool for that tbh).

When they got there, a teen, around the same age as them, with vitiligo and pink hair. He introduced Jacks to Chiron, and showed Jacks around camp, then introduced himself as Tyler (if you followed my blog for a bit, you know where this is going ;] ).

Tyler was a cool, awesome son of Demeter, descended from Aphrodite (his grandma's side). Jacks was from Pennsylvania and Tyler was from Canada. The two weren't too different either. Jacks, inevitably, started developing feelings for Tyler. Though the feelings were small, and sometimes went away completely, Jacks really wanted to date Tyler.

Tyler ended up asking Jacks out two years after they met, and have been happily dating ever since.

Jacks was afraid of the dark, because of the shadow dimension in the underworld, so Tyler made Jacks a candle that would never go out or melt so Jacks would never be in the dark ever again.

Present day, Jacks spend their time with their friends Nico, Percy, Thalia, Jason, Hazel, Annabeth, Magnus, Toast n' Donut (yes, they're frogs, again, idc), Koi, Xea, Tyson, Ella, Mrs. O'Leary (dogs count, idc), Leo, Will, Hilal Khalil, Tyler, and his adoptive parents Davey M[atten]. Red and John H[arriet]. Red

If you read this far, holy crabs do you have a large attentions span. Either that or you're a nerd like me :) (or you're one of my mooties)

I love y'all (platonically), be safe, and I'll try to upload more often every other weekend. I have school stuff and I'll try to post around 6-7 A.M. EST. Also, thank you for tagging me in stuff on both of my accounts ( @ghostkingdiangelo) and this account. I'll catch up on all mah schtuff soon.

Thanks for reading again!


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11 months ago

the way Percy's friend group is literally -

4 monsters:

half-goat who's technically twice his age

one-eyed brother who's technically half his age

surprisingly lovely giant dog from hell

strangely devoted flying horse who can talk

and an odd assortment of people:

his mama

immortal lesbian who was a tree for a few years

scary buff girl who bullied him a little

autistic kid who radiates death and had a crush on him

nicest demigod ever whom he had a crush on before he... died

allegedly normal girl who now randomly tells the future

autistic girl who tried her absolute hardest to hate him then promptly fell in love with him. now they're soulmates

goddess of hearth

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