Had a dream last night I had to bring a full barbequed pig across a field to a party
It was warm, heavy, slung over my shoulder
I remember my steps were shaky and I could not get over the fact that it was as warm as it had been alive
The meat was warm and it felt like it was alive
And I panicked, I dropped it and fled and I just. Remember the fear
Anyway I think The Flesh visited me last night
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More Posts from Jaisaac-cosplay
*covered in blood* i will.... *trembling* CHOOSE TO BE KIND... *in pain* i will be... NICE to others... *wanting to kill* i will see good in EVERYONE *yelding a knife* i will NOT be like those who hurt me... *screaming* i will be BETTER than who i was...
Hogwarts Legacy update!
We've confirmed the plot: there's an uprising among the race of hook-nosed bankers who control the economy. (Note that the more evil they are, the bigger their noses are. There's a good one who has a big nose but he used to be evil when he was younger.) They're "rebelling" because they want their stolen cultural artefacts to be returned to them and want to not be oppressed anymore, which for some reason means they also want to massacre their oppressors' entire race, because of course marginalised people asking for liberation actually secretly want to kill you. As part of this sinister cabal's nefarious plot for white—I mean, wizard—extinction, they want to kidnap a child, because that's what hook-nosed bankers like to do, right? And their leader is willing to do anything for material gain, up to and including teaming up with fascists who hate his race.
You guys know that conspiracy theorists think Jews funded the Holocaust, right? They claim we did it so we could milk it for reparation money afterwards. And did you know they think we kidnap children? Or that we actually want supremacy rather than equality, and plan to subjugate the rest of the world for our own gain? Presumably you've at least heard the claim that we control the banks. And you know this is all very popular with the alt right, don't you? Have you also heard that this game's original head developer was an alt right YouTuber?
Don't act like this is a fucking coincidence.
No, JKR wasn't involved in the game, and it's actively intended to be trans-positive. Yes, she gets money from it, and will likely donate some of that to anti-trans causes. But even if you pirate the game so she doesn't make any money off of it, you're still going to be be playing the fucking Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts.
What I've Learned As An Archival Assistant
So I've been volunteering at this museum and archives for almost a month now and I've just noticed Some TMA Things
- Our archivist is a short chipper woman who wears glasses, silver rings and a cat charm necklace as well as the same black or grey cardigan every week -- she's thrilled by knowledge and hyperfixates on it
- Jack on the computer system digitizing files is ancient and will not let anybody help him he's been doing the job for almost 20 years I have no clue truly how old he is
- Some of my photographs go missing weekly and I just kinda. Shrug and work on another project
- We have tea time in the afternoon where us and the museum staff gather at the table and have tea and cookies
- I truly am the Martin Blackwood of this group but instead of tea I bring baked goods
- There's a spider sitting in the same damn spot by the front door that I always say hi to and he's constantly working on a web
- Randy's attire is Horrid he dresses like a hiker and his eyes are scarily blue
TMA in a nutshell
Jon, finishing a statement: I love my bug husband. He is slimy and kind and the only man I have ever loved, and, I will never be parted from him now. Not when we share the same body. *heavy sigh* What is... love? Who are we to decide if we deserve love, companionship? Are we even in a world where that matters anymore? *heavy sigh* I don't know. I'm... I'm going to go lie down. End recording.
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