Tma Fears - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

The gangs all here!

A screenshot of a discord group chat where the members are nicknamed "The Corruption", "The Lonely", "The Spiral" and "The Vast" after The Magnus Archive Fear Entities.

(Ceaseless Watcher dni)

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2 years ago

POV: my number one hyperfixation fandoms involving all powerful godly beings over different very specific umbrella fears and their desires to overtake the world and be the one to have the apocalypse be them-core

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I want to connect each Fear with a type of music...

Slaughter would be war marches, like the Piper's.

Maybe Corruption is the 'song' of the worms? Although that's not really a music type... Maybe the glut of love songs?

I feel like Baroque music belongs to the Vast. Maybe that's because I'm partial towards both baroque and Vast, but it can sound so... big

The Web would definitely be company jingles, with how they are used to manipulate peoples' decisions and how you might hum along without meaning to.

Stranger would be easily given circus music.

The End would be funeral hymns, that's pretty simple.

Maybe the Extinction could be those new protest songs about climate change and the state of the world, specifically the ones which point to the problem but never have a call to action. It ends up just raising awareness without hope to change anything.

Any thoughts on Flesh, Hunt, Dark, Eye, Spiral, Buried, Desolation or Lonely?

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3 years ago


So everybody was sharing ways in which they were "marked" by different fears and I have like three stories!

The Hunt: When I was a kid I was playing in the woods with my friend, then three guys started chasing us through the trees -- they were yelling and crashing through the foliage and I remember scrambling over logs and trying not to cry

The Vast: When I was maybe seven I went kneeboarding (sort of like wakeboarding but you're kneeling instead) and I flipped over because I lost my balance -- the strap was stuck so I couldn't resurface and I remember hanging there upside down underwater staring at the nothingness around me and earnestly thinking I was gonna like,, drown there

The Stranger(?): Not sure which one this would be classified as but I was alone in a dark theatre and just standing on stage, looking out to the audience -- and I saw a dark shadowy figure waving at me from a couple rows away. I just stared in mute silence and did not wave back

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2 years ago


Had a dream last night I had to bring a full barbequed pig across a field to a party

It was warm, heavy, slung over my shoulder

I remember my steps were shaky and I could not get over the fact that it was as warm as it had been alive

The meat was warm and it felt like it was alive

And I panicked, I dropped it and fled and I just. Remember the fear

Anyway I think The Flesh visited me last night

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1 year ago


everyone is hearing TMAGP 8 wrong is it Lonely is it Flesh is it Vast NO



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10 months ago

would anyone care to read a TMA-sona statement fic if I wrote it?

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10 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

would anyone care to read a TMA-sona statement fic if I wrote it?

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11 months ago

Mothership Movie: Event Horizon

I've been watching movies recommended in the Warden's Operations Manual for Mothership, and figured this was as good a place as any to record my thoughts on them. Most recent: Event Horizon

Acting: Awesome. The only thing holding the movie together, tbh.

Visual Effects: Very good. There was a bit in the opening sequence that screamed "CG", but overall it was quite well done. Though… I do have to wonder about the design of the titular ship: It looks like it was intentionally made for the horror genre? Why are there spikes on everything, for instance? Looking for the Watsonian explanation, as the Doylist one is obvious.

Writing & Editing: So, apparently the original cut was 40 or 50 minutes longer, and they cut out a lot of gorn (new-to-me portmanteau of "gore" and "porn"). There are several places in the cut version where it feels like there's an unexplained jump in logic, time, character progression, and so forth. I don't know that the longer version works better, but it is plausible that it would? [And, no, I have no interest in seeing a version with more gorn in it, whether or not it fixes some of the holes.]

One thing that a longer cut is not going to fix is the illogic of making a decoupling system that relies on explosives. I mean, seriously. Train cars can connect and disconnect without resorting to explosives. This is existing technology. Sure, sealing against the vacuum of space makes it trickier, but, it's also REVERSIBLE. So go and find some other less nonsensical reason for there to be a bunch of explosives on board, mmmkay?

Mothership Themes: Haunted derelict Came back wrong Space Madness

Magnus Fears: You can argue for most of them, so I decided to go with the top three. I suspect "Flesh" would be in there for the full cut. The Vast - Space The Spiral - Hallucinations and general Space Madness The Desolation - Wanting to burn everything and everyone

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1 year ago

Ok I just got hit with ENLIGHTENMENT.

So I was doing what I was doing when I’m bored, thinking of the Magnus archive. So my mind went from how underrated The Dark is then to what the difference of between The Stranger and The Dark. This quickly turned into other underrated entities.

So obviously I realized how ABSOLUTELY UNDERRATED the extinction is. I mean they don’t even have an avatar. So I was like, ‘I should make an oc extinction avatar”.

So I made criteria’s of what the extinction is and how it would reflect in a human. So The Extinction is the fear of change. Which means a human would have portray some part of change. My mind immediately thought of Michael, who also seemed to be ever-changing, VERY inconsistent UNTIL I thought a bit longer.

Michael is not inconsistent, he is actually VERY consistent. While he is inconsistent in the sense of our perception he’s not actually inconsistent. He’s been consistently odd. No matter what you can expect him to be weird, fueled by rage at everything and madness. He is consistent wearing the lie of inconsistency to act like he’s much more complicated than he is.

So the extinction avatar can’t always be weird and shouldn’t be normal which brought me to a new issue, each character has a personality. Which is a HUGE issue for a character like this. We have to balance being weird as hell as well as not being weird as hell but he can’t be just those 2 cause that’s consistent. It would have to be new each time. Which is bad cause we don’t know what type of personality he would have. Is he chill, philosophical, gets high off barbecue sauce???? We won’t know. So now my mind shifts gear, I can’t make an oc so maybe I can find a template character of sorts? A character with big extinction vibes who I could change enough to act like a extinction avatar.

That’s when it hits me. THE BEST CHARACTER. And someone that I absolutely hate. I hate that This CHARACTER FITS SO WELL INTO THE ROLE. Drumroll please

Junko Enoshima

That’s right Junko Enoshima is the best extinction avatar. Think abt it. She’s always inconsistent but also consistent, she has a personality that people can understand. She turns from smart professor to crazy high schooler. Also the cherry on the top is that she ACTUALLY CAUSES GREAT CHANGE. LIKE APOCALYPTIC LEVEL CHANGE. SHE TOOK OVER THE WORLD.

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10 months ago

Do you guys think that the statements would taste different for whatever fear it is. I feel like they would, so I made a list of what I think they would taste like.

Spiral: sour rainbow belts

End: green grapes

Eye: mint

Lonely: tomato soup

Vast: cotton candy

Corruption: apple that’s slightly gone bad

Flesh: beef

Hunt: chicken

Slaughter: that one red sour jelly thingy that you put on sour candies frkm like juicy drops

Desolation: spicy chicken

Dark: dark chocolate

Burried: potatoes

Extinction: green apple

Web: purple grapes

Stranger: bubble gum

so imagine being jon after the coma and reading a statement and it’s like BAM!! BUBBLE GUM. !

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5 months ago





Me and my friend made a horrid creation called a fear sandwich, each ingredient is based of a tma fear.

1. The end: the bread, specifically the butt end of the bread that had been slightly burnt by the manufacturer.

2. The fleash: some kind of mystery meat. A horrid combination of a bunch of different meats.

3. The slaughter: a nother meat, but it has metal shavings in it.

4. The hunt: a mixed greens but it's poison ivy and grass. (With a bit of blood on it)

5. The desolation: a REALLY hot sauce, like inhumanely spicy.

6. The buried: an entire truffle. Dirt and all.

7. The dark: just squid ink. Way more than is necessary.

8. The lonely: a single very sweet pickle that does not go well with the rest of the sandwich.

9. The vast: a thousand island dressing that is actually just salt water. It's also really cold.

10. The corruption: very moldy cheese, it's just all mold, with maggots in the senter, as a suprise.

11. The eye: one of those toothpicks that goes through the sandwich holding it together. It also has a little olive with the capsicum in the middle of it on top. (The olive is uncomfortably moist)

12. The spiral: a very strangely cut onion that doesn't even really taste like onion, but you can't tell exactly what it tastes like, so you just sit there in mild confusion and terror of what you just ate.

13. The stranger: a sausage that you think is normal meat but is actually a vegan sausage.

14. The extinction: a very rare very endangered animal filled with micro plastics.

15. The web: what looks to be sesame seeds on the bread, but are actually very small spider eggs. (It's a delicacy in some places, it would be rude not to have it)

A million notes and I will attempt to make it. (Please don't I don't want to make this. I don't even know where to get half of these ingredients)

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1 year ago

Avatars of different tma fears reactions when being faced with the question “would you still love me if I was a worm?”:

The Eye: “I’d put you in a little enclosure for safe keeping. Probably take notes on you.”

The Lonely: “absolutely not.”

The Web: “why of course I would!.” [lying]

The Spiral: “but you are a worm? You always have been one. How could you have forgotten? You are so silly!”

The Spiral: “but you are a worm? You always have been one. How could you have forgotten? You are so silly! No I’m sure I haven’t said that before...”

The Corruption: “if you were a worm I would marry you on the spot!”

The Buried: “yes, but I’d probably put you back in the dirt where you belong.”

The Hunt: “no, I’d use you as bait.”

The Slaughter: “I’d put you in a blender just to watch as you get ripped into tiny worm shreds.”

The Flesh: “well with how ugly you are you might as well already be a worm.”

The Vast: “I’d probably step on you on by accident, woops lol.”

The Dark: “as long as I don’t have to look at you then sure.”

The Stranger: “why of course! You would be so much easier to dissect at that size!”

The Desolation: “nahhh I’d probably use a magnifying glass to set you on fire to be honest.”

The End: “sure why not, you’ll die eventually anyway. You being a worm would just hasten that fact.”

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3 years ago

Is MAG19-20 just a fears team building exercise? Did they just team up to traumatize a priest just because?

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6 months ago

I fear I may have cooked on this 🕷️

I Fear I May Have Cooked On This

(i’ve been trying to post this for so long I have no idea why it keeps not working. please let me know if something weird happens to it!!)

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7 months ago

You are. Absolutely right omg.

As a former AVID Harry Potter fan, I have no clue. Like I guess Dumbledore and Hermione could be the eye?? But that feels so lame. The Weasleys could totally be a spidery webby family though [?]

I was thinking about the lack of character development in the Harry Potter (as one does) and how bc of that it would be really hard to assign fears to these characters

Cuz like any other media you think of a character and you're like oh (insert fear or two) vibes

Even thinking in fanon standards it's kinda hard. Like you get an idea of what they would be but it feels forced dosen't it?

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8 months ago

you need that fully-developed brain for that fully-developed fear.

definitely some fears go after kids (wooooah, problematic), especially the dark, but i think a lot of them just aren’t very commonly understood enough by kids for them to be afraid

could be survivor bias but i find it very funny that the entities usually wait until you're at least college aged before completely ruining your life or killing u

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8 months ago

been thinking about what a successful ritual would look like for the other fears, if they figured out things like Jonah and the Eye did. like… Eyepocalypse but with different fears “in charge” of it.

somewhat obvious, but spoilers for tma season 5 below the cut

The Web… well, the Web was technically in charge of the Eyepocalypse. but i think if the Web was the “primary fear,” things would be a little more muted in terms of domains and everybody’s fears. it would focus a lot on choice, and how every choice made just drags you closer and closer to the thing you’re dreading and fearing with your whole being.

The Spiral would change the world the least, I think. All of the fears and domain shenanigans would happen during sleep, and in brief, flickering visions. The constant questioning of whether something horrible has happened and the inability to determine whether normalcy or horror is reality would feed the Spiral nicely.

The Dark wouldn’t be super great at being in charge, i feel. Some of the fears are fed much better through sight, and the Dark would want none of that. i think it would be rather similar to the Eye’s, with its domains and such… just, someone turned out the lights, and they will never turn back on.

The Lonely is one of my favourites to think about. No domains with the lonely, no no. Every person is trapped in their own, personal nightmare. The fears are all deeply personal, striking the most primal chords of terror while being utterly unrelatable with any other person’s experience.

The End would be what Jon tried to do in episode 200. Quite like the Eyepocalypse, but you can and will die. There are no repeated deaths or loops of endless fear. Once you die, that’s it.

The Stranger would be… well, strange. I think it would be sort of like the Eye’s, with domains filled with other people experiencing the same thing. But I think it would also shuffle people around after every “death,” every time a fear gets its fill from one person. Different bodies, different names, different fears. A carousel of spinning, whirling, changing terror.

The Vast would be very much like the Eye, I think. Just everything is impossibly big. The domains? Bigger. The sources of fear? Bigger. The amount of people being harvested for fear? So much bigger. The sheer scale of the operation is impressed upon those being harvested at all times, the fact that they are only a single drop of blood in the impossibly huge waterfall of dread.

The Slaughter would make things more visceral. Fear would mix with anger freely. Tensions between fellow sufferers would run high, and there might even be a brief reprieve from the dread awaiting through violence. It might even be possible to do violence unto the entities presiding over each domain—though that would allow them to do the same back to you.

The Flesh would make the process of fear being extracted feel like being devoured. A gnawing on your brain and in the deepest pit of your gut that never ends. Also, hunger would still exist. No need to eat, but forever hungry.

The Desolation would make everything more painful. A small stub of a toe would escalate into a screaming, burning agony throughout the body. Additionally, there would be a constant awareness of what everyone you care about is going through. How gruesomely they die again and again and again.

The Hunt would give you the option to flee. Constant fight or flight, but flight is really your only option. It won’t succeed. You’ll never escape. But the fear of being chased will pervade every other fear, and that’s enough.

The Buried would not let you see the sky. Every domain is small and shrivelled, built specifically to oppress you and give the fear coming for you a sense of crushing, choking weight. It would be far harder to breathe—simultaneously underground and in the sort of atmosphere found on the peaks of the highest mountains.

The Corruption is selfish, I think. The bugs and the rot and the cloying, putrid love of that which wants to consume you would spread everywhere. There is so much filth, so much disease that you cannot die from. You must fear that as you fear the things truly meant to terrify you. Give the Corruption its due while being harvested by the others.

The Extinction is probably somewhere between the End and the Web, in terms of how things would go. It is your choices that bring the terror upon you, your ambitions and your greed. And the consequences of your actions snuff out your very existence. One incandescent burst of terror before your lights dim forever

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