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Welcome to Bowuigi

I'm actually really proud of these! And this is my first time posting art that I'm super proud of.
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Dream Vent
(prior to the dream I was learning tarot where I got v accurate things and practiced for a good 12 hours)
My boyfriend and I went to the bars where the stools were super tall and I left to find chaos outside. There were cultists that were in varying states of decomposition. The one in front of me was gangrenous and had half his face bandaged to keep from sliding off while a half translucent being was on his shoulders peeling and eating off the flesh. It looked like Saturn from the painting Saturn Devouring his Son painting. They worshiped Saturn and we're giving their bodies to bring him back while the world burned. I said nope that's disgusting and woke myself up.
(I did a tarot reading to see if it was a real being and the consensus was yes, I asked if it would happen again and it said if I continued down this path. I haven't touched the cards since. I decided to burn them but have been too busy to do so so I forgot. Until recently.)
I dreamt I worked at Target but it was secretly a cult the government used to spy and gather people's information and I was about to blow the information because I learned I was the only human being left working there everyone else was Not human anymore because for a "raise" they got transformed into a half mutated human just human experimentations. And I still had to work with them and act like it was normal and everyone shopping there just acted like it was because we were working on a Monday night. Then things started going ape shit outside but everyone inside was just shopping like normal. I looked at my partner and it was Saturn eating a person again. He looked and cocked his head and asked if I remembered him. I said yup so I made myself wake up.
I've never been more disturbed or scared of dreaming again.
That we committed or got murked?
Thank you for speaking up about these issues in the Pedro fandom. I keep seeing people defending the whole daddy thing and saying Pedro wouldn’t care, but like I assure you Pedro does not want fucking 18-year old girls calling him that and being public about how they want to be his controversially young girlfriend or whatever, which is just sick to joke about in general. He was almost 30 when you people were born get a grip. Like you can find him attractive without being a major creep or fetishing him being Latino. Maybe Pedro wouldn’t care, but that doesn’t make it right to talk about a person like their a sex object and sexualize their heritage. It’s already blended over into his actual life with stalking and interviews. It’s getting so annoying, so I really appreciate you bringing this up. Thank god Pedro isn’t on TikTok.
No problem, it's actually my pleasure to complain about this😂
Also I wanna emphasize (bc I've had someone tell me this) that this is not me projecting my dislikes onto Pedro. Why the hell would I do that lmao I don't know him and odds are I never will. And this isn't me just talking for the sake of talking, I am simply someone pointing out AN ISSUE. Because this has become an issue.
Objectifying someone to the point of being unable to say anything else about them except sexual comments is beyond disturbing. It's one thing to admit a person is attractive and gushing over them with your friends. But crossing these lines of decency and oversexualizing someone's heritage is a whole other thing.
This was funny at first, and it's been fun watching Pedro himself embrace the whole daddy thing, but it's beyond overused now and I'm pretty sure he's gotten uncomfortable with it too. As you said, I highly doubt he'd enjoy having 18 year olds running around with the "daddy's little girl" shirts calling him daddy and whatnot. That screams therapy and restraining order to me. Not to mention this is also kind of sexual harassment too.
Chances are he does see some edits since he's admitted to watching fancams on Instagram when he's feeling down, but TikTok just needs to be banned at this point. People be saying the most out of pocket and grotesque things, and this man deserves so much better.
I love the no thoughts look and how it's working he's an Italian bird
Ancient italian mating ritual