Mario And Luigi - Tumblr Posts

my favourite characters from nintendo, except from villains. one day i draw my favourite villains to. but i am to lazy. something weird happened whit the colours

Been on a Super Mario kick lately, and decided to make my own spin on the characters. Obviously, the brothers were up first. More to come, probably.
Surpriseeeee! I've risen from the grave for a bit to tell anyone that wants to listen....
...About some Stardew Valley mods I'm making! I'll be posting some wips starting... In a few hours? (It's really late here... Ishouldsleep.) But anyways! These TWO mods are:
Playable Gooigi (dont question it.) And a two for one Mario and Luigi NPC mod! Yes! You can marry them! Cuz in my current opinion, if you wanna add an NPC to stardew valley, you JUST have to make them into a bachelor/bachelorette!
... so anyways! Notes.. the playable gooigi mod miiiight stay private, but! If anyone wants me to release it, i can do that!
Oh, and the M&L mod? It's still in verrrry early stages. But if you are interested in it, you can give me some ideas on what to add!
Not all of the ideas will make it in, but if it's a really good one, i'll try my best!
Already planned ideas for the Mario and Luigi NPC Mod:
There's a high chance luigi will use a dress in one of the events.
Mario might get plot-induced amnesia. Maybe not?
Custom text for "hardcoded strings" using some cool mods! (I'll search tomorr-later for the mods' names.
and extra text on top of that!
So! I hope you guys like the mods i'm making!
Good night!

Dream Team ponies !!

Black n white Black n white with some very cool characters

gifs i made of the new mario and luigi announcement!!!! im so excited RAAH

Princess Peach 🍑

Working on a crossbow
OMGSH I LOVE THESE SM, can I add some of my own?? 🥺🥺
Clapping his hands and whistling (this one's actually from dark moon!)
Fiddling with his mustache
Ecolalia, I see him as scripting a lot too
Calling for Mario, because you can do that in the game even when you already know where he is. I think saying Mario's name is comforting to him like he's less alone
Toe walking ( jus like meee) 🥺
Humming constantly to himself, especially when he's scared
He makes little nervous babbles a lot
Sometimes in dark moon he'll chew on his fingers
Also I could totally see dogs being a special interest of his, or even just animals in general
Looking around, because his idle animation is just his head turning back and forth and it makes me so happy bc i do that a lot too
Saying wahoo is an audio stim and you can't tell me otherwise
When he's not wahooing his face has a very flat expression that sometimes make him look kinda grumpy, I could see him having trouble monitoring facial expressions, and when he does emote, sometimes he overdoes it
Running, he loves to nyoom all over the place
Also I just love how he falls asleep if you stay idle for too long, like the moment there's nothing to stimulate him he's just DONE
I could also see him being pretty sensory seeking with food whereas Luigi has a few safe foods and rarely eats much else
mario bros stimming headcanons

Keep reading

Hi everyone!!
So, here's a little something. I saw some little stuff about the Mario Movie, but since I didn't wanted to get spoiled, I let it aside.
Then 2 weeks ago I finnaly saw the movie and that was all.
I told my bestfriend that I saw the movied and she immediatly told me about Bowuigi.
I discovered Bowuigi.. we sent each other lots of Bowuigi.. and now I just created Luna and have lots and lots of ideas .. like, rarely had this many ideas about something this quick.
So blame @_._clik_._ (on instagram) for the Bowuigi coming!
Yeah plus it kind of makes sense that she'd be better at doing things than Mario and Luigi counting on the whole fact that they literally just got there she'd know more about her place of origin than any of them and her actually teaching Mario how to get around and fight in this new world he's been placed into is actually a really cool concept for the relationship instead of it just being him saving her dental in distress style. Plus I think the whole thing about Luigi being in the damsel in distress position is that a kind of fits his personality of being cowardice Plus like op said the more of a reason for Mario to actually try and help instead of just saving some random woman. Honestly I love the trailer if I had to say one bad thing it's the obvious: crisp rat. But other than that I'm actually really excited for this and I've even set up a plan for me in a couple of my friends go watch the movie and maybe even cosplay.
Discourse on Twitter over Princess Peach’s being a GirlBoss or portrayed as capable in the trailers while Mario is a fish-out-of-water and Luigi is the damsel-in-distress was not the reaction I thought we’d be getting…..”Peach Skywalker” I’m not even a Star Wars fan and I already know what this means. I can already feel the “Mary Sue” discourse coming, I figured people would be ecstatic over the inversion of Mario wanting to save his blood brother over some random princess and a female character being her own protector of her kingdom rather than needing to be saved by some guy and play the role of a trophy female character….
Well I know that 1986 Mario anime movie is not a movie anyone takes seriously nor does anyone actually think much about, hell I have not finished it yet cuz it's that wild. I did realize one thing, for the main characters being Italian there is a lot of references to I think Mexican culture don't call me on that though. ( I'm going to be honest I don't really know a lot about the different categorization of different Hispanic cultures. I'd actually really appreciate if someone could explain it a little bit to me I don't want to seem stupid.)
Either way, this is kind of making me want to head Canon both Luigi and Mario as Hispanic Italians. Something along the lines of their mother being Italian and their father being Hispanic, or vice versa.
And also while there is no evidence of it or even anything to prompt me to think this other than him almost never wanting to take his hat off, I also headcanon Luigi as a ginger. Now is it because I'm a ginger and I'm self projecting? That is a question we'll probably never have an answer to. Is it because I think Luigi will look absolutely adorable with bright red hair? Yes. Also as a kid, because of constant bullying over my hair color, whenever I saw Luigi like reluctant to take off his hat my little brain in my young skull was like that's because he's a redhead too he hates himself just as much as you hate yourself. But again I'm pretty sure that's just projection lol.
Tdlr, Mario and Luigi are Hispanic Italians and Luigi's a ginger. I know I'm miyamoto's second cousin removed 3rd from the left of the family tree.

Various designs for the 1995 AU. (In order) Princess Peach, Mario, Luigi, Detective Allie, Wet-Dry-World-Ghost, Daisy Floret, Aylin the Moon Lady, King Olly. Though the AU is mainly Mario 64 based, I added the elements of SPM and SMG to it because of my dreams, a lot of this AU's content comes from wacky dreams I've had about it.
New brother obsession:

This whole interaction was so adorable, the hand placement, the forehead touch,

The little kick in the air!

They're both just so overjoyed, one is almost in tears and the other can't stop laughing
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Final boss theme leaked. It’s so good aaaaaaaaaaa
*chef's kiss*
HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY FAFF!!!! thank you for always being a great friend, through my ups and downs you've always been there for me and i'll always appreciate it :)
wb drawing, yipe

I rlly love this au , I should draw it more