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Okay, I Have The Board, And Some Paper. Lets Start. Gordon Announced As He Had Everyone In The Tidmouth
“Okay, I have the board, and some paper. Lets start.” Gordon announced as he had everyone in the Tidmouth household currently sitting at the kitchen table with a whiteboard in front of them like a lecture. “So, I have asked you all here to discuss the important affliction that has been plaguing our island as of late, the concept of fusion.” “Okay this must be a big deal now if Gordon’s concerned.” James commented as he leaned back in his chair.
“This isn’t so much as a concern James as it is more of a topic worth studying, me and Thomas have actually been discussing this in private up until now, and we realised we needed to address some ideas with the rest of you.” Gordon articulated. Thomas nodded then walked up, taking a marker from the small shelf and began drawing. “Yeah, like Gordon said we’ve been talking and a few topics of concern have come up especially with what Edward has been telling us regarding Bill and Ben, and recently Gordon and Flying Scotsman.” Thomas drew a line with marks on it like a ruler, on one end was an uppercase ‘D’ and on the other an ‘E’.
“Okay, this is the “easy” end, and the other is the “difficult”. From easiest to hardest, me and Gordon have noticed a pattern. Going from hardest down, this is the difficulty of how easy it is to unfuse. Take Gordon and Flying Scotsman for example, unlike me and Gordon, they were very hard to split apart, and it took their body getting physically badly injured for them to defuse. They nearly had it on a few attempts but would always end up snapping back together like magnets. This wasn’t the issue with me and Gordon, once we figured out how to unfuse it became relatively easy. So we thought of a hypothesis that maybe fusions between biological relatives are harder to split apart than those who aren’t, an example being Bill and Ben. Those two are identical twins, so genetically they’d be the same person, so it’d make sense as to why they can’t unfused easily, because their already the same person on a blood test.” “And there would be nothing to unfuse in the first place!” Edward concluded.
“Yep, so identical siblings are the hardest to defuse, average siblings are under that, then under that I and Thomas have been theorizing something like cousins or half siblings would be next, and after that are obviously those who aren’t related.” Gordon indicated. “So that would mean a fusion between me and Gordon wouldn’t be a good idea, or with Spencer or Ryan.” Henry pointed out. “So then that would mean everybody here could potentially fuse with someone, just minus Henry and Gordon having a fusion.” James opined.
“It’s not that me and Henry couldn’t, it just wouldn’t be advised since we’d have a harder time defusing than fusing.” Gordon stated. “Which brings me up to a topic I wanted to mention.” Thomas piped up. “I couldn’t help but notice that compared to me and you Gordon, you seemed to have a far easier time fusing with your brother than me. I had a thought that it was because your related, so its easier for you to come together. For us we needed to dance and even then it took several attempts when we tried to make Sapheron, where as you and Scott just had to tumble into each other.” “Bill and Ben had the same experience, all they did was high-five the other and then their fusion was there.” Edward notified. “This sort of moves on to the next subject I wanted to address.” Gordon said as he drew a crude picture of him, Thomas, and their fusion Sapheron.
“The topic of these fusions gaining a personality. It’s no secret that Sapheron is a character quite unlike myself and Thomas, and while I was fused with my brother I could sense the formation of another personality in our head before he actually even spoke to us, he had this almost suffocating air of glee that instantly made me feel like it was ego, and it was so intense that it honestly put mine and Scotsman’s to shame. But we defused before I could find out more.” “This! This has been on my mind for ages now and has practically been my every waking thought! I have a few ideas and theories for this.” Thomas said as he drew a mind map on the board.
“Okay, so we know what Sapheron is like; He’s a cheery big goofball who is really likable. I wanted to start off with me and Gordon then move in to Sapheron, so- starting with Gordon we know very well what he’s like: Prideful, proud, stubborn, and loyal. Then you have me: Cheeky, a little bit of a trickster, and we all know I can get catty. So take some of those traits and give them to Sapheron, starting with his positive ones. Me and Gordon do have our mature moments especially since we’ve been getting older, and Sapheron has displayed this on multiple occasions, stopping others from going to far, and a few other minor instances. Then take mine and Gordon’s pride, we find much joy in our work but we’re each often single minded about it. Gordon with the express, me with my branch line. But this is where Sapheron gets caught between two worlds, he is technically mixed traffic and is capable of doing multiple jobs at once, he finds joy in just a job done well, especially when he excels. Because Saph doesn’t have a designated job to do, he takes joy from doing anything and everything, also giving him that ego.”
Thomas scribbles some more on the mind map. “Those are the traits that can obviously be tied to both me and Gordon, but then we get into the ones that seem unique to him. I think Sapheron takes traits of me and Gordon, but moulds them into something else, like how Henry used to be sad when he was younger but it turned into maturity and empathy, I think Saph has done the same thing. I think he’s taken my cheekiness, and turned it into humour, less act, more words like a comedian. Then we’ve got something of Gordon’s, I think he takes Gordon’s loyalty and turns it into kindness. Then from both of us, he takes our cockiness but is humble enough for it to come across as confidence. For him, those are his main personality traits that he's only been building on since he’s discovered them.” Thomas circled off a portion of the mind map to write in.
“Then we’ve got his actions, his physical ones opposed to his mental ones. He’s rather loud, and mixed with his humour makes him come off as jolly. His confidence and humour let him come off as silly, he’s strong and he knows it so he’ll fool around on some occasions. It makes sense when you think about it, he hasn’t cherry picked traits of ours to inherit, he’s been building his own since he’s his own person, and that’s why he’s a third personality in our fusion headspace to begin with.” Gordon nodded in approval at these observations, seeing Thomas’s points. “But then the issue comes of his bad traits. Unlike what you’ve spotted out about his positive traits Thomas, Sapheron seems to equal our bad habits together.”
Gordon then drew his own smaller mind map on the board. “If mine and Thomas’s negative traits were to be numbers, Sapheron seems to make a math equation out of them and whatever number is the answer seems to be his. Both you and I Thomas can be spiteful when we want to be, but Sapheron seems to take that dial and turn it up on the setting of actually being mean or outright cruel. He also has very little tolerance for others being rude, and he’ll throw that right back at them with a booster of damage. We all recall when Spencer visited, and the choice words that flew out of our fusions mouth when he insulted Percy’s mail train.” “That was terrifying to see, it honestly really then hammered home to me then that Sapheron wasn’t just a mash of Gordon and Thomas, but his own person that just seemed to happen be related to you two.” Percy murmured. The others nodding in agreement.
“Which kind of moves on to my next hypothesis that sort of has the same weight as the fusing with relatives discussion. We need to be very aware of who we’re fusing with.” Thomas then drew a grid chart with everyone’s first letter above a column to the left and top. “When I honestly got to thinking about potential fusions that the rest of us could make, I had a few shocking ideas. What would you all say a fusion with James and Gordon would be like?” Everybody instantly cringed. “A straight up narcissist.” Henry asserted with everyone firmly in agreement. “Okay, so then that would also make a Gordon and James fusion not a smart idea like a Henry and Gordon fusion.” Thomas drew in a red marker an ‘X’ in a box that Gordon and James shared. “Anyone else have any thoughts if they were to fuse with somebody at this table?” Thomas asked.
Percy raised his hand. “I can’t honestly be sure since I’d want to give you and me Thomas a little more credit than this, but; I feel like the both of our cheekiness would turn us into being full on pranksters like Bill and Ben.” Thomas raised his hand in a shimmy of so-so. “I think we could give ourselves a little more credit there Percy, if we were younger I could see it. But I think our other personality traits would balance us out, so maybe we should do a test run just to be sure.” Thomas put a ‘?’ in his and Percy’s shared box.
“I think anybody fusing with Edward would be a good fusion.” Henry commented looking to the old engine. “Huh?” Edward squeaked. “Ooh! Good point Henry! Edward’s personality traits would cancel a lot of our bad ones out and boost our positive ones, I can almost see an Edward and Gordon fusion, a big friendly giant almost like Murdoch but possibly older.” “Well… I don’t know about-” “Age!” Percy suddenly interrupted, running up to the board and taking a marker. “We haven’t talked about more of the physical stuff with fusion bodies, like: how does age work? Gordon and Thomas are only five years apart so I can see Sapheron being maybe in his early 110s? But we all know none of us look our real ages, so, how old does Sapheron look?” Percy questioned.
The others seemed to get equally as sidetracked, it being a good point. “Well… I like to look in my late teens or early twenties, what about you Gordon?” Thomas asked. “I like my 40s.” “So maybe to even it out we’d say Sapheron is in his 30s?” Edward guessed. “Hold up.” It was then James’s turn to come up to the board and he was given the marker off of Gordon.
“What about fusing with the opposite gender? What would that do?” That suddenly got everyone’s minds thinking, what would a fusion of two genders be? Thomas then wrote next to James’s writing on the board. “Now that would be one to test out and see what’d happen, but I have a feeling we would need to bring Emily into this discussion and repeat it with her.” Thomas said. “But then what about diesels? What would our engine selves look like then?” Edward recalled.
“Right, right, Sapheron’s engine was also a fusion of mine and Thomas’s. So… I don’t know.” Gordon gave in after thinking to hard on it. “Okay, so we need to ask a diesel.” Percy wrote on the board. “Then what about gauge? What if one of us were to fuse with a narrow gauge engine or minimum gauge?” Henry brought up. “I wouldn’t mind testing that out with Skarloey or Rheneas, they’ve both told me they find the idea intriguing.” Edward offered.
“Okay, so to recap on what we need to test: a fusion with a girl, a fusion with a diesel, and a fusion with a different gauge. …Should we head out tomorrow and start asking? Maybe we could bring our phones or ask someone to record us while we’re fused.” Thomas suggested. “I have an idea about maybe asking Rebecca, I get along well enough with her and I have a bit of experience by this point.” Gordon mentioned. “I could try fusing with Diesel 10 or any of the other diesels, I get along well with them still.” Percy added in. “I can go to the Skarloey.” Edward chipped in. “Okay, so we’ve got some ideas, lets see what the others say.” Thomas announced.
I've been thinking more on my fusion au, and I've just had this headcanon about the Tidmouth Team sitting down and discussing fusion like a class brainstorming session. So I'm gonna make a one-shot fic of it!
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More Posts from Jayde-jots
Now that Emily is done, I'll get onto that Gord piece then the fnaf bs I've been on.

After the rush of mythos suddenly losing jobs and finding new careers in new places, some of the more older mythos from decades past came out of hiding. One of which being the Sterling's, the Sterling family either escaped and went into hiding, were unfortunately found and killed, or some of the girls in the family went into raising their replacements. Emily was one of them. A female dullahan with a colt pixy as a steed, Emily was pushed into the role of raising the GNR's next newest prize, the one to take up the name of the railway- Great Northern Greasley. Or who his father nicknamed, Gordon. Emily had been a prominent maternity figure in Gordon's life for his whole childhood, the one whom he happily called mother. When Gordon crashed and lost his wings, Emily was deemed unneeded, but instead of being killed she was given freedom by Sir Nigel personally, he guided her out to a place to hide, where Emily ran off into the night never to be seen again until the passing of the law. Emily wanted to get back into working for a railway again, and she was in luck as Sodor had begun to become a hot spot of mythos still looking to work on a railway. She was accepted almost on the spot when she mentioned she was a Sterling, the Hatt's needed someone who had extensive experience so she was brought on. So then imagine to both Emily and Gordon's surprise when they saw each other at Knapford, and to the other's surprise as well when Gordon informed them that this beautiful lady was his mum.

Guess who's on their transformers bs again... have a Tom.
All the heavage! tagging @crows-tugs-and-ttte-aus because I think they'd like this. All ur train/tug bois are kings owning the heavage!

please no one disturb me I am doing important research on wikipedia dot com today
Sorry for taking awhile with these drawings I keep promising, so far I've been drawing them while my switch has been charging from playing Pokemon.