Ttte Edward - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

My Thomas AU I suppose? (Headcannons and what not)


In this AU, everyone has the ability to become a human. Engines live for a significantly longer amount of time than an average human being does. Despite the fact that they can get older, their physical appearance doesn’t change. They’re kinda just eternally young. Engine years are much different from human years. An example being that my oc Pamelle is only around 30 in engine years even though she was built in 1920.

Speed + Strength

The engines (when in human form) are significantly faster and stronger. Their speed and strength in human form depends on the speed and strength of themselves in engine form (E.g. Percy can move at a speed of about 35 mph, meaning that he can go this fast in his human form)


The engines can really be any gender they want, if they use enough energy then they can possibly make their human for the desired gender. Or they can just use an identity. Whatever floats their boat.

Shifting Form

It can feel uncomfortable at first, as their bodies are quite literally reforming into something they generally aren’t used to. It can be awkward to walk at first, but after some time it does eventually become easier.

(In case you, or anyone else is asking, no. They can not reproduce)

The main 6 in my au

(Please be respectful about what headcannons I might have)


💙 Adopted by Edward 💙

💙 Can go at a speed of about 30 - 70 mph 💙

💙 All of his siblings were scrapped, causing him to have depression for quite a long time 💙

💙 He’s #1 because he was actually the first to be officially purchased to work on the NWR 💙

💙 He stayed at Edward’s home until he was confident enough that he knew just enough to start working on the lines 💙

💙 Based off an LBS&CR E2 class tank engine 💙

💙 Very cheeky and loves playing jokes on others (especially the big engines) but knows when to act mature and serious 💙

💙 Can get very salty if he feels like he’s going to be replaced 💙


🩵 Adopted Thomas and kept him at home until he felt ready to let him work on the mainline 🩵

🩵 He’s #2 on the NWR because he was the 2nd to be bought 🩵

🩵 Has a speed of about 70 - 80 mph 🩵

🩵 Very wise and kind 🩵

🩵 He currently has feelings for James, but is very subtle about it 🩵

🩵 Overall just very relaxed 🩵

🩵 Eldest of the main 6 🩵

🩵 Based on a Stewart and co “Larger Seagull" K2 Class 🩵


💚 He had helped Edward take care of Thomas if he ever had to leave for work 💚

💚 #3 on the railway because (you guessed it) he was the 3rd to be bought 💚

💚 The plans for his construction were failed plans and were accidentally stolen, therefore causing him to be a failed prototype and thus leading to his extensive rebuild 💚

💚 He’s probably a tree hugger 💚

💚 Has a huge garden 💚

💚 He also probably names his plants too 💚

💚 He’s kind of like a father or big brother to Percy 💚

💚 Has Ombrophobia 💚

💚 Can go at a speed of about 96 mph 💚


💙 Obviously very moody and grumpy 💙


💙 Doesn’t like most animals but will tolerate cats 💙

💙 He loves all his friends. He just doesn’t show it 💙

💙 THRIVES when it come to certain interests 💙

💙 4th to be bought 💙

💙 Can go at a speed of about 100 - 105 mph 💙

💙 Likes reading the Sodor newsletter 💙

💙 Fiercely loyal to his controller, friends, and railway 💙

💙 HAS TOO MANY SIBLINGS AND COUSINS (lots of which sadly were scrapped) 💙

💙 Based of an LNER A1 Pacific Express Engine 💙


❤️ HE THE LIVING DEFINITION OF PRIDE (Both the self-conscious emotion and the 🏳️‍🌈 kind) ❤️

❤️ He most likely tries to kiss himself when looking in a mirror ❤️

❤️ He prefers to take passengers coaches rather than cars ❤️

❤️ HATES dirty stuff ❤️

❤️ Short tempered ❤️

❤️ Seems like the guy who only cares about himself. Most of his room actually has pictures of everyone he cares about ❤️

❤️ Can go at a speed of about 70-80 mph ❤️

❤️ He’s easy to humble, most people don’t try though. They think he’s too selfish to even try to humble ❤️

❤️ Based off a LYR class 28 engine ❤️


💚 He’s just as cheeky as Thomas. That’s why they’re so close 💚

💚 Very selfless 💚

💚 Often seen as a not-so-bright person, but this is only because he’s easy to put upon 💚

💚 He’s a baby. Protect him at all costs. 💚

💚 He’s a child at heart 💚

💚 He still treats his plushies like real people 💚

💚 Has trouble paying attention 💚

💚 Smallest and youngest of the main 6 💚

💚 Based off an Avonside 0-4-0ST and can go up to speeds of about 35-45 mph 💚

💚 LOVES mail runs 💚

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1 year ago

What are the relationships between the characters of my au? Part 1 💙1️⃣=Thomas

🩵2️⃣= Edward

💚3️⃣= Henry

💙4️⃣= Gordon

❤️5️⃣= James

💚6️⃣= Percy

💙1️⃣ Thomas:

💚6️⃣Has a kinda Bromance relationship with Percy. They aren’t in love, but they are definitely more than just best friends. They do get into arguments, but not ones that give potential to ruin their relationship with each other

2️⃣🩵 He has a father-and-son relationship with Edward. When he first came to the island, Edward took care of him and loved him like a son. Thomas appreciates Edward and has the most respect for him

💙4️⃣ Didn’t exactly have the best bond with him when first meeting him especially after that trick that was pulled. Amends were made and now they’re closer. Thomas sees Gordon as someone to rely on. Like an older brother. 💚3️⃣ Much like Gordon, he wasn’t exactly the closest to Henry, as he seemed as arrogant as Gordon. He did also help take care of Thomas, so he can’t complain too much (if at all). Things did get better after Thomas helped Henry (somewhat) conquer his fear of the rain. These were some cannon events in TAB (The Adventure Begins). He’s always had a neutral, but not super close relationship.

❤️5️⃣ He was skeptical about liking James at first. James seemed so prideful and arrogant, he wasn’t quite sure how much he would like him, but after helping James when his brakes caught fire, they gained respect for each other and eventually became good friends.

Part 2

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1 year ago

What are the relationships between the characters of my au?

Part 2

🩵2️⃣ Edward:

💙1️⃣He views Thomas as the son he’d always wanted but could never biologically have (because my au doesn’t have engines that can reproduce) but even so, Edward views Thomas as one of the most valuable people in his life.

3️⃣💚He quite close with Henry, as he (along with Gordon) were some of the first engines to help develop the NWR, so they had created quite a bond with each other over that amount of years.

💙4️⃣Much like with Henry, he mostly bonded with Gordon whilst helping build the NWR. Their bond has been weakened a bit through Gordon’s disrespect and teasing towards Edward, mostly about his old age and smaller stature

❤️5️⃣When Edward first met James, he thought James was a prideful snob. They didn’t really have a bond with each other until the events of the episode “Old Iron” took place. Edward gradually started liking James more and even started developing feelings for him.

💚6️⃣He mentored Percy for a bit when he first came to Sodor and over that time, they both bonded. He’s not as close to Percy as Thomas, but still cares about him a lot.

Part 3

Part 1

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1 year ago

I complain about insignificant gripes

I am very particular about alternative classes for Edward. Personally, I think the K2 is fine, but I do understand why other people like to find an alternative basis. However, I made up a list of criteria which I believe an Edward basis needs to fulfill to look right.

Flat Running Board

I Complain About Insignificant Gripes

This is undoubtedly my biggest issue with D16 Edward. Edward has always consistently had a flat running board in the RWS and TVS. The D16 does not. Neither does the D49, which is one of the reasons Hornby Edward looks so bad. But everyone already knows that. This is also one of the issues with Awdry's model of Edward.

There is a variant of the D16 with a flat running board, but that has a Belpaire firebox. Which brings us neatly on to my next criterion.

2. Round Top Firebox

I Complain About Insignificant Gripes

This is the other 'big' requirement for an Edward basis. Edward has always had a round top firebox, so again, if the basis has a Belpaire firebox, it just looks off. This is the main issue with Awdry's model of Edward.

3. Size

Edward is a small engine. This has always been consistent. My other issue with the D16 is that for a 4-4-0, it's quite tall. This point isn't as important, and most alternative basis's I've seen for Edward have been small anyway.

And those are my three main criteria for an Edward basis. A NER style cab would be preferable obviously, but since the K2's didn't have that and it was fine for Awdry, it's not really essential.

Side note: I only recently realised why D49 looks so off. Look at the funnel on a regular D49. Then at Edward's funnel. See the difference?

I Complain About Insignificant Gripes
I Complain About Insignificant Gripes

The issue is that his funnel is suddenly much higher than cab, which just looks wrong.

Anyway, I've rambled long enough. Time to end this post.

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2 years ago
Edward Is The Only One Concerned/confused About The Gator Suddenly There

Edward is the only one concerned/confused about the gator suddenly there

(Just realized I spelled Diesel wrong😶)

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2 years ago

James x Edward Sleeping Headcanons

Edward has to take sleeping gummies/pills before going to bed. He has trouble sleeping otherwise.

James sleeps without a shirt.

James has a habit of mumbling in his sleep. Edward finds it funny...unless James is having a nightmare.

James claims that he doesn't talk in his sleep.

They have their own blankets. James kept taking it when they shared one.

Edward is a very light sleeper. Sneeze in another room, he'll most likely wake up.

Edward is always up first. When James refuses to get up, Edward yanks the blankets off of the bed.

Edward sometimes falls out of bed. How he hasn't hit his head every time, neither of them know.

Edward drinks tea with sugar and milk in the morning.

James has coffee with extra sugar and milk.

Edward is awake and ready for the in 20 mins.

James is awake and ready for the day in an hour ("Looking this splendid takes time!")

James X Edward Sleeping Headcanons
James X Edward Sleeping Headcanons

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2 years ago

Edward: God, give me patience.

James: I think you mean 'give me strength'.

Edward: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.

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2 years ago

Edward, talking to James on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?

James: You bet!

Edward: At what temperature?

James: 535.

Edward: That's the clock.



James: 536.

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2 years ago

James: I'm incredibly fast at math.

Edward: Alright, what's 30x17?

James: 47

Edward: That's not even close.

James: But it was fast

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2 years ago

James: I turned out perfectly fine!

Edward: James, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast


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1 year ago

I love how Dowager Hatt says that the nickname of Duck is too degrading, but proceeds to call Mussolini and bird train instead 😭

Also Oliver being called Olivia is too good in my opinion

List of names dowager Hatt Called the Engines

Thomas: Theodore, Timmy, thibault, Tabitha, Tyler, Tyus, tucker, Thaddeus, Tobias, Tony, Tommy.

Edward: Edwin, Erwin, Ezekiel, Ethan, Egbert, Everett, Emmett, Eric, Elliot, that train that once pushed that other train up a hill.

Gordon: Gregory, Geoffrey, George, Grayson, Godfrey, Gustav, Giuseppe, Graig, big train. Flying Scott’s brother cousin or something.

Henry: Harry, Hudson, Hitler, Hunter, green fat engine, hector, Hendricks, Hayden, Hyde, Hans, Hansel, Holmes.

James: Jon, Joe, Amos, Alma, Jesus, Jacob, bee sting train, Jerry, Judas. Jeff.

Percy: Paul, pasta, pea, Pedro, Perry, Pete, Pablo, diablo.

Toby: Troy, tony, Tobias, Tyler, Otis

Duck: Montgomery, Mona, Monty, Mussolini, bird train, Duke, Drake, (refused to call Duck as Duck because she thought it was too degrading)

Donald: Douglas

Douglas: Donald

Oliver: …. Which one are you again? Who are you again? Ozzy, Oscar, Otto, Octavius. Olivia,

Emily: Eleanore, Esmeralda, Esme, Erica, Emma, Evangelina, emerald, Ellen, Eva, Eve,

Diesel: Doris, Dennis, Daniel, Dan, David, you, who named you? The Deisel with no name.

Bill: Prince Buddy bear Xxavier Dijonny Nevah cash cash III (Bill told Dowager Hatt that was his full name when they met)

Ben: Sir Jermastesty Brexicalishrika Llallañalamopolisistyck Billy Bob Robert jones brother son XXVIII (also told Dowager hatt that was his name.)

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9 months ago


Hi Everyone! Been A While. You Guys Like Thomas, Right?
Hi Everyone! Been A While. You Guys Like Thomas, Right?
Hi Everyone! Been A While. You Guys Like Thomas, Right?
Hi Everyone! Been A While. You Guys Like Thomas, Right?

Hi everyone! Been a while. You guys like Thomas, right?

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7 months ago

Poor Ollie, man. Douglas better save him again 😭😭😭

Look! A branchline!

Thomas: Where?!

an engine in need of some grandfatherly advice!

Edward: Where!?

a few drops of rain!

Henry: Where?!

an engine that’s faster than you!

Gordon: Where!?

another red engine


A few mean engines bullying a shunter!

Percy: Where!?

A young engine that’s about to get into some serious trouble!

Toby: Where!? :D

An engine from the Great Western Railway!

Duck: Where!?


Donald: Where!?

Thomas’s special Coach!

Douglas: Where!?

A Deisel engine who wants to scrap you!

Oliver: *screams in PTSD*

A very angry Thomas about to beat you up because you took his coaches!

Emily: oh come on Thomas! They’re just coaches!!

A steam engine to bully!

Diesel: Where!?

Two twins about to cause confusion and delay!


A new engine to tease!

Bill and Ben: Where!?

A mermaid!

Skiff: where!?

Engines causing Confusion and Delay!

The Fat controller: >:O Where!?

A plant pot that is slightly out of place!

Millie: Where!?

An engine that needs therapy!

Victor: Where!?

A train to derail!


The lost engine!

Splodge: Where!?

A Chupacabra!

Casey: Where!?

A duck Thirst Trap!

@asktrio516 : 😍 Where!?

A bunny!

Lord Bunny: WHERE!?

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7 months ago

Oh look, it’s gotten worse


ofromtheunderworld - Just Fandom Shenanigans

ofromtheunderworld - Just Fandom Shenanigans
ofromtheunderworld - Just Fandom Shenanigans
ofromtheunderworld - Just Fandom Shenanigans
ofromtheunderworld - Just Fandom Shenanigans

I keep seeing this filter be used on TV shows and wondered how it would look on engines

The results are... Questionable 😭

It didn't like Gordon's face either

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