jayde-jots - Jayde Jots!
Jayde Jots!

1622 posts

Now That Emily Is Done, I'll Get Onto That Gord Piece Then The Fnaf Bs I've Been On.

Now that Emily is done, I'll get onto that Gord piece then the fnaf bs I've been on.

After The Rush Of Mythos Suddenly Losing Jobs And Finding New Careers In New Places, Some Of The More

After the rush of mythos suddenly losing jobs and finding new careers in new places, some of the more older mythos from decades past came out of hiding. One of which being the Sterling's, the Sterling family either escaped and went into hiding, were unfortunately found and killed, or some of the girls in the family went into raising their replacements. Emily was one of them. A female dullahan with a colt pixy as a steed, Emily was pushed into the role of raising the GNR's next newest prize, the one to take up the name of the railway- Great Northern Greasley. Or who his father nicknamed, Gordon. Emily had been a prominent maternity figure in Gordon's life for his whole childhood, the one whom he happily called mother. When Gordon crashed and lost his wings, Emily was deemed unneeded, but instead of being killed she was given freedom by Sir Nigel personally, he guided her out to a place to hide, where Emily ran off into the night never to be seen again until the passing of the law. Emily wanted to get back into working for a railway again, and she was in luck as Sodor had begun to become a hot spot of mythos still looking to work on a railway. She was accepted almost on the spot when she mentioned she was a Sterling, the Hatt's needed someone who had extensive experience so she was brought on. So then imagine to both Emily and Gordon's surprise when they saw each other at Knapford, and to the other's surprise as well when Gordon informed them that this beautiful lady was his mum.

After The Rush Of Mythos Suddenly Losing Jobs And Finding New Careers In New Places, Some Of The More
After The Rush Of Mythos Suddenly Losing Jobs And Finding New Careers In New Places, Some Of The More
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More Posts from Jayde-jots

1 year ago

People seemed to like chubby Gordon, I think I'll draw him again since I'm on holiday break now.

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1 year ago
After Coming Back Home With Scott, The A3 Has Been Taken In By The Tidmouth Shed Team. Scott Feels Very

After coming back home with Scott, the A3 has been taken in by the Tidmouth shed team. Scott feels very comfortable surrounded by people who understand his condition and have experience, among other things. This type of familiarity is foreign to him but not unwelcome, he's made very fast friends with Thomas and can see why Gordon takes a liking to him, he's gained a new brother in Henry after he was told of the no.3 origins, and Edward is the mentor he never had.

Since arriving, he's gained some weight and has gotten the strength to start learning how to walk, Thomas has been coaching him through a lot of his physical health while Gordon has been providing the mental. Scott can see why Gordon has been used as a bed often, his brother is gianormous in comparison to the others and is incredibly soft.

The museum hasn't been in contact with him and seems to not be too interested for the time being, he hopes it lasts for a while because he doesn't feel like leaving Sodor anytime soon. He's got his brother, and a found family. If the legalities regarding his existence are confirmed, he hopes he has the option to stay.

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1 year ago
"Um... Surprise? I Don't Know How This Happened..."

"Um... surprise? I don't know how this happened..."

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1 year ago
After James's Visit To His Mother And Meeting His Father, When He Got Home To Sodor He Got Straight To

After James's visit to his mother and meeting his father, when he got home to Sodor he got straight to work on a gift that would take until Christmas to finish.

Up until then Gordon's magic prosthetic wings and tail had been abysmal failures to what Gordon should have been able to perform. The poor man couldn't even reach 150mph before the wings broke apart on him mid-flight and he'd end up crashing into a lake again. On top of that, the prosthetics couldn't even have any glamor on them because they already sucked up too much power trying to make him air born. But James fixed that.

James was a powerful natural at ore magic, and was a Merlin grade worth alchemist, although not recognized by the government.

But that didn't stop him from giving his friend the wings he wanted. Not only did James make the wings able to withstand speeds close to 600mph, he also made them have a glamour and be able to transfigurate into a necklace that hid under Gordon's chest fluff when he needed them off.

To say Gordon was flabbergasted would have been an understatement. The big stallion spent the next days until the new year at James's beck and whim, anything to show his immense gratitude to the crystal unicorn.

But once the new year came, James asked Gordon to deliver the other prosthetics he made for Gadwall and Truro. Gordon couldn't have said yes fast enough and was proud to say he flew to London under his own wing power.

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1 year ago
Guess Who's On Their Transformers Bs Again... Have A Tom.

Guess who's on their transformers bs again... have a Tom.

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