jedi-lothwolf - Jedi_lothwolf


221 posts

Whumpril Day 27: Stepped On

Whumpril Day 27: Stepped On

Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars

Warnings: Violence and major character death

Summary: Cody had a run in with General Grievous.

    When Commander Cody saw General Grievous he knew things were about to go down hill and fast. His general hasn't been there and the clones by themselves couldn't really do much against him. He ordered a retreat. What else could he really do?

    This didn't spare his men. One by one the small group was killed off. With Cody the last one standing he backed himself into a corner. He shot at the Separatist but of course it couldn't help him.

    Grievous grabbed him and forced him to the ground. Helplessly Cody looked up at the cyborg. He stepped on the clone, tightening his foot around his body. Cody couldn't breathe. The metal started penetrating his armor then skin. He felt something breaking. Tears welled in his eyes from the pain.

    Obi-wan entered the hallway. His heart felt like it stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. He retched his arm out and stopped the attack with the force.

    As gently as he could he pulled Grievous from his commander. He pushed him into a nearby wall and ran to the clones side. "Cody. Hold on, okay?"

    The Jedi removed the chest plate from the other tenderly. Then he grabbed his cape and pressed it into the injuries. He grabbed Cody's arms and pressed them against the wounds. "Try to hold that for me dear."

    Kenobi stood. He ignited his lightsaber and walked towards Grievous. The two engaged in a duel and before long Grievous would retreat.

    Cody struggled to stay awake. He was in pain and still couldn't breathe well. The force from the man felt like it would be the end of him.

    After the dual Obi-wan quickly moved back to Cody. He gently picked him up and took him to Wooly. "He needs help." The Jedi's voice was shaky.

    Wooly grabbed him. He set him down quickly. He pressed two fingers to the commander's neck. Nothing. That can't be right.

    Wooly checked again. Nothing. He felt colder than normal. The clone looked up to his general. He had tears in his eyes. "How is he?"

    "Sir. He's gone." Wooly motioned to Cody's body and two soldiers came to move him.

    "That can't be right. He's gonna be fine." Obi-wan spoke.

    "General, I'm sorry." Wooly knew that the two were close but he didn't expect denial.

     "Are they going to help him?" Obi-wan asked when the two soldiers took Cody away.

    "Yeah, they will help him." Should Wooly have lied, no. But they needed their general. It wasn't ideal but if Wooly kept on pushing then he would crush the jedi. Huh ironic.

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More Posts from Jedi-lothwolf

1 year ago

Two Weeks of Whump Day 2: Needles

Fandom: Across the Spider-verse

Summary: Miguel is scared of needles after he gets sober.

  Rapture was a highly addictive drug that binds to your cells. Miguel remembered it well. After being drugged by someone who turned out to be his biological father he needed it. He remembered hunting it down and sticking himself with long needles so he wouldn't be in pain for the withdrawal.

    When he became Spider-Man the spider DNA replaced the rapture and he was safe. But he wasn't safe from the memories. The feeling of being so helpless, to succumb to the need for the drug.

    When Miguel was told that he would need to get a few shots he was nervous to go. Peter insisted he come with him. Knowing Miguel's history with addiction he knew he'd be spooked.

    Despite Miguel consistently telling Peter he didn't need anyone to go with him to see Spidey Doc he still came. Even if hr wouldn't admit it he actually appreciated Peter looking out for him.

    "Hey Miguel, how are you today?" Spidey Doc said as he walked in. "Oh, you got a friend with you?"

    "Nope, I'm actually his nemesis" Peter joked. The two laughed and Miguel snarled. "But seriously, Miggy gets nervous about needles."

    "Peter" Miguel scowled.

    "Hey don't worry! I'll be quick" he looked at Miguel, "and don't be embarrassed." He grabbed one of the three needles he had prepared, "shoulder please."

    Miguel moved his sleeve and looked over to Peter. His facial expression was soft. "Here" Peter held out his hand. He reluctantly took it.

    As the needle pierced his skin memories flood his mind. The feeling of not having control, sobbing telling his brother what had happened, staying with Alchemax to find a way to get rid of it, taking the doses so that withdrawal didn't kill him, everything.

    Miguel grabbed at the syringe and pulled it out of his arm. He moved to attack Spidey Doc but Peter stepped in. He placed his hands on Miggy's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

Miguel wrapped his arms around Peter and dug his claws into his back.

    "It's okay. Miggy it's okay" he soothed. "Look at me, hey look" he removed one of his hands to gently cuff his face, "I'm not gonna let him hurt you."

    Looking Peter in the eyes Miguel calmed down a little. He realized what happened and let the other pull him into a hug. Without realizing he started to cry mumbling how he couldn't do it again.

    "It's okay Migs." Peter ran his hand over his back. Once Miguel calmed down he released him and retracted his claws.

    "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked.

    "Nope! I'm alright. Let's finish getting your shots." Peter walked in a way to make sure he didn't see his back.

    Spidey Doc moved from the floor back to standing, dazed. "Peter I thought-"

    "Bup bup bup, let's get this done, okay?"

    "Alright." The Doc got what Peter was avoiding. Telling Miguel might be worse than letting him believe everything was okay.

    Spidey Doc placed a bandage on Miguel's arm from where he pulled the needle out. "Can I borrow your other arm? I'll give it back don't worry."

    Miguel silently extended his arm to the doc. Peter grabbed the other and looked him in the eyes. His were soft and Miguel's were scared. "I promise, you'll be okay."

    The second needle went into Miguel's arm. The fear intensified but Peter calmed him down, "I'm right here. You're safe. Okay?" Then the third.

    "Alright! You are done! You can go."

    "Thank you." He walked towards the door, "Peter?"

    "Oh, I had an appointment right after you so I'm gonna do that now. Mayday's with Jess if you want to hang out with her! Maybe she'll help you feel better."

    "Alright." He wasn't so sure but decided not to question it. It was strange that he hadn't mentioned the appointment before.

    As the door closed Peter leaned into the table. "Ah, that kinda hurts."

    "Makes sense." Spidey Doc walked over to a cabinet and grabbed stitches. "Miguel could have handled it."

    "He's fragile. I worry a lot about him. I know he could handle it but honestly he doesn't need it."

    Spidey Doc just sighed and shook his head. He had Peter lay down and sowed his back up. Peter left and never told Miguel what happened that day.


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1 year ago

Codywan Week Day 3: Only One Bed

Summary: While going to aid a senator when he is threatened with assassination they run into a 'problem', there's one bed.

    Obi-wan and Cody had been sent to assist a senator after they got word that a assassination attempt was suspended to happen in a few days. When they arrived the senator greeted them kindly and thanked them for coming. He led them to a room they could stay in.

    "I'm sorry it's not bigger" he said, "it's just the room closest to mine which I thought would be safer."

    "No worries, we'll make do." Obi-wan joked.

    The senator smiled. "I'll let you settle in."

    "Thank you senator." Cody said. Then the man closed the door. He looked at the room. There was a small window, a bathroom attached to the room, and a nightstand. As well as one twin sized bed.

    Obi-wan walked over to it. He sat down at the end of the bed. "Have you ever slept on a real bed commander?"

    Cody thought about it, "no, I don't think I have."

    "Come here."

    Cody complicated. He sat down expecting the bed to be hard. The softness of the mattress surprised him.

    "You can lay down if you'd like." Obi-wan smiled.

     Cody didn't hesitate. He laid right down. He grinned.

    "It will be more comfortable without your armor. We can settle in for the night."

    "Are you sure?" Cody asked.

    "I'm sure." Cody took off his armor and laid back down. 

    "Comfortable?" Obi-wan asked.


    Obi-wan took off his shoes and sat on the other side of the bed. "Want the blanket?" he laughed as he got it off the end of the bed and unfolded it.

    It was softer than Cody expected. All the blankets the clones get feel like thin towels. He laid back down and Obi-wan watched him as he fiddled with the fabric.

    He smiled and laid down next to him. Looking over at Cody he looked so calm. He seemed quite content. It sent butterflies into Obi-wan's stomach. He looked at Cody's hand. It was very close to his own.

    Without the time to really think about it, he placed his own on Cody's hand. Cody shifted to his side and looked at Obi-wan. Well sort of. The darkness wouldn't let the secret of Cody's smile be revealed.

    As Obi-wan went to remove his hand, not wanting Cody to be uncomfortable he felt Cody's grip tighten. His face felt hot and he moved a little bit closer to the clone.

    The two fell asleep not long after. When they awoke they didn't talk about it. They didn't talk about the next night when Cody ended up spooning Obi-wan. They didn't talk about how close their bodies were or how much they wanted to be closer.

The assassination attempt was stopped and their mission was over even though either of them really wanted it to be. All good things come to an end.

Cody had gone to get the ship ready as Obi-wan talked to the senator. "I have a question, and I'm sorry if it's out of line."

"Oh, what is it?" The senator looked confused.

"Would you happen to have a really soft blanket you would be willing to part with? The commander was quite fond of the one we had." Obi-wan asked. He sounded hesitant.

"Of course! That's not a problem." He asked one of his droids to go and get the one from the room the two had occupied.

She brought it back quickly and Obi-wan smiled as he thanked the senator. The senator was more than happy to be able to do something for the two.

Obi-wan was so excited to give the blanket to Cody. He knew it would mean so much to him. As he walked up to the ship he put the blanket behind his back and smiled. This would be fun.


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1 year ago

Two Weeks of Whump Day 7: Blindfold/cyanide

Fandom: Across the Spider-verse

Warnings: Major character death and violence

Summary: Hobie battles a new villain and gets captured.

  It was another day for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man until it wasn't. Hobie swung from one building to another before reaching his destination.

    A fairly new villain stood in front of him, destroying everything that he could. "Spider-Man! Finally you arrive!" He said. The Prowler stood at about 5'8 and sounded strangely familiar when he spoke.

    "Ello, Prowler." Hobie started his attack. At first Hobie had the upper hand as he always did, and things started to shift.

    It didn't take much longer for Hobie to end up being thrown off the building  down into the alley. He attempted to stand but was shoved into the ground. Then a swift kick to the head knocked him unconscious.

    When Hobie woke he was in a dark room, or at least he thought so. The fabric over his eyes made it difficult to tell. The air was chilly and damp; the set of mold and chemicals hung in the air.

    Cold metal wrapped his wrist tightly. Struggling he tried to move from against the wall.

    "You won't be leaving" The Prowler informed him. "Actually you won't be leaving ever again."

    "I don't listen to you."

    ""News flash, I don't care!" The villain carelessly screamed.

    As unsettling as it was villains did stuff like this all the time. The spiders even did things like that sometimes. Hobie kept trying to free his hands from the chains.

    "Stop trying, don't want your last acts to be tiring do you?" He teased.

    "I'll fight until I'm dead." Hobie continued to pull against the chains. "So, where are we?"

    "Wouldn't you like to know."

    "Actually I would."

    "Too bad." Across the room Hobie heard a cabinet open and some glasses clinking against each other. The cabinet door closed and something was knocked off a table. A glass shatter on the ground.

    "Shit" the villain whispered to himself.

    "I think you dropped something." It was Hobie's turn to tease.

    The Prowler picked up the largest piece of the glass that had broken and threw it at him. The glass cut into Hobie's skin but it wasn't enough to really hurt. "You won't be laughing soon."

    "Haha" Hobie said sarcastically. He shifted his legs to see if me could tell that the floor was. The coolness and texture said concrete so he was likely in a basement. "Is this a basement? How original."

    Prowler sighed, "keep talking. It's entertaining." The room fell silent. Prowler's footsteps echoed in the room as Hobie's spider sense rang.

    "Wear heels, do you now?"

    As Prowler went in to kick Hobie he moved his body so that his arm would take the hit not his stomach. He moved back further against the wall and pulled his legs out in front of him. Sweeping his leg, he tripped Prowler making him fall to the floor.

    "Ow" he said sarcastically. Again Hobie went to kick but this time claws met his right shin. Hissing, he tried to pull it back to him to attack once more.

    Prowler had other plans. Using his other hand he clawed Hobie in his left thigh. After that he pulled himself into Hobie's lap and put one arm against the others chest. Grabbing a wet cloth from the floor Prowler shoved it over Hobie's nose and mouth.

    It burned when it touched his skin. The smell of almonds lingered in the cloth. Hobie pulled his head away. Prowler grabbed it quickly and held him in place. The rag went right back over his lower face.

    Hobie didn't breath for what felt like an eternity. However he had to at some point. The irritation on his skin was getting worse, becoming painful.

    Air flooded his lungs, taking an unknown chemical into his body. "Fucking finally. I was wondering if you were ever going to breathe."

    As much as Hobie wished to give Prowler some snarky remark, he would save it for later.

    "Do you want to know what's in the rag?"

    Hobie, holding his breath again tried to nood.


    'Fuck' Hobie thought. Fear shot through his body, his spine feeling strange. He tried to use his legs to get Prowler off of him. No luck. He could feel the headache approaching. Sickness started to kick in.

   Again Hobie tried to move his head. Claws dug into the side of his face and neck. He squirmed trying to escape.

    "This ends here, Hobie Brown."

    "Uh uh" Hobie vocalized.

    Breathing felt dangerous, it was dangerous. He felt dizzy. Time passed so slowly it was like it didn't move. Hobie's condition got worse as he stopped being able to fight.

    As the rag was finally removed from his face The Prowler stood. Without saying a word he walked away, footsteps making the only noise in the room. The heels clicked on the concrete floor menacingly.

    Hobie breathing was shallow as he tried to make himself comfortable. He chuckled to himself, what a way to die. Alone, by some guy who sounds just like one of his best friends, never completing his goal of saving his world from the corruption it suffered from.


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1 year ago

Two Weeks of Whump Day 1: Ashes

Fandom: Across The Spider-Verse

Summary: Hobie Brown was about 15 at the time of his first canon event. Though he had been spiderman for a few months now.

Note: (I have not read his comics so this is just a fan thing. I don't think this is how it went down or anything all just for fun.)

Warning: Character Death.

    Hobie walked down the street. The street lights reflected off of the water on the ground. It had recently rained and the air smelled nicer then it normally did.

    Smoke rose from a nearby building. Hobie didn't intend to pay any attention to it. Then he saw what building it had been. His destination was on fire.

    It was a gay bar. Though he wasn't old enough his buddy Peter worked there. He used to snuck him in. He never served him alcohol and Hobie never asked. He just liked to be around Peter and his community.

    Hobie ran over to the back door that Peter used to sneak him in. A wave of heat hit him as he opened the door.

    Ashes fell around him. They caught in his hair. He breathed them in and they landed on his clothes. The smoke was thick. Helping people out the back door became his job.

    His lungs burned. Hobie ran over to the bar and looked around. Where was he? "Peter!" He yelled out. Jumping over the bar he stumbled upon landing.

    There he was. "Hobie?" Peter questioned.

    Rushing over Hobie grabbed his friend. "Yeah bud, I'm here."

    Hobie picked Peter up and took him to the back door. Sirens ran through the air. Finally someone had arrived. Of course it took so long.

    In the alley behind the bar Hobie set Peter in front of him on the ground. "You're gonna be alright." He grabbed Peter's hand.

    "Keep fighting for them, okay." Peter eyed the burning building. "Fight for what you believe in." He went lip.

    "No, no, no." Hobie pulled him close.

    Ash fell around them like snow. It wouldn't be long before Hobie had to leave. A firefighter was about to turn the corner. He scaled the building and went home.

    The world stopped moving and time slowed for a while. Hobie continued living his life. He fought for what he believed in like Peter said. For the longest time when he saw cigarette ashes or fire place ashes he had to distance himself.

    The teen wasn't sure why the ashes stuck out the most. Sure he thought about that day when he smelled wood smoke or when he saw fire but ashes were the biggest trigger. Maybe it was the memory of scrubbing the ash off his skin and trying to get it out of his hair while he was practically manic. Maybe it was being the only person who was left for Peter's remains to go to.

    The urn still sat on a shelf he took from Peters apartment. It wasn't fancy or anything just there.

    As the world began to spin again fire stopped being something Hobie feared. Instead he would run straight into it.

    He took what Peter said to heart and now as he stood in front of Miles Morales he knew what to do. Raising his hands, he attempted to remind him of what he had told him. 'use your palm not just your fingers.' and when Miles broke out he knew Peter would be proud.


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1 year ago

Whumpril Day 30: Hand Holding

Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars

Warning: violence

Summary: Obi-wan and Cody really like holding hands. Also be careful of the shady guy in the trees.

  Obi-wan stood with his commander. The two liked being close. As they explained their mission plan they held hands; the table being high enough to hid it.

    The warmth of their hands together felt nice. It was gentle and loving. Both men found it comforting. It was risky but something they were willing to do.

    The Jedi's sin was on display when they stood so close together or held hands. Nither was big on pda but they liked being close; it made them feel safe.

    The meeting would end and the lovers walked to get ready for the mission. Everything had been going to plan; for once. Most of the droids had been defeated. Some escaped into the woods.

    After the scouts split off from the rest of its company they attempted to find some remaining droids. The trees stood tall, around 320 feet. The trunks were wide. The bark was a dark brown and the leaves where a variety of colors, mostly black and red.

    Something felt eerie about the forest.

Maybe it was just the trees looming over them. The scouts split off in groups of two and were instructed to go no further then half of a mile and to meet back in around 30 minutes.

    Obi-wan went with Cody. Wooly and Boil pushed for it. The group of people all seemed to push for it. Even though the two where suspicious of the reasoning they decided it was fine.

    Everyone split up. Obi-wan and Cody talked while they walked. When they got as far out as they were ment to go something cought the Jedi's eye. Someone was moving in the trees.

    The figure was tall. They seemed to fit in with the tree leaves. Then Kenobi realized who it was. His chest tightened and he grabbed Cody's hand and quickly pulled him behind the closet tree.

    He placed his back against the tree. He raised his other arm up and put a finger over Cody's mouth when he started to ask what was going on.   

   Obi-wan tighter his grip on Cody's hand. They stood only inches apart. The Jedi leaned over to the soldier; slightly on his tippy toes, to whisper something.  "Maul."

    Cody looked shocked. He pulled Obi-wan closer. He didn't need the force to know he was scared.

   "Go find the others. Get them far away from here" Obi-wan whispered.

    "Okay. Are you going to be okay?"

    The general didn't get a chance to answer. Maul turned the corner of the tree, "found you."

    Obi-wan turned quickly and grabbed at his lightsaber. He missed. Cody saw and pulled him back as Maul swung his own at the two. He swung again and Cody cought the blade. He yelped and stumbled back. However Obi-wan was still holding his hand.

    Not registering anything other than that Cody was hurt the Jedi moved in front of him, actually grabbing his lightsaber this time. He looked back at Cody and realized something. There was no way for him to still be holding his with as far as he was.

    Maul stood back to let the horrifying truth set in. Obi-wan lifted his right arm in front of him and screamed, dropping the hand that he had been holding on to. He looked back at Cody.

    Trying to shake that off the man turned his attention back to the sith, lightsaber now resting in both of his hands.

    "Commander, are you alright?"

    "Yes sir."

    "If you can, stay with what I told you."

    "Yes sir."

    Cody stood carefully. He held the area above where his hand had been severed.

    Maul started fighting Obi-wan; taunting him as he did. "Who's your friend Kenobi" he hissed.

    "That's my commander." Obi-wan feared losing him. He had already lost so much because of Maul. Qui-gon, Satine, innocent people, parts of himself all burned or laid to rest because of him. Cody wouldn't be added to that list, he couldn't.

    The commander made his way to the meeting place. Maul tried to kill him but Kenobi was able to stop him. Cody felt weak and sort of stumbled into the tiny clearing, still surrounded by trees.

    "Took you long enough, we were about to come" Wooly tone changed from joking to confused, "find you."

    "Commander." One of the soldiers ran up to him, helping him sit down. "I think you're missing something." He gestured to the other's arm.

    "I know."

    "Where is the general?" One of the other men asked.

    "There's a sith" he stated weakling.

    "We can't just stand here! We have to help him!"

    "We can't. He'll be okay."

    And he was. The match ended with Maul having to make a quick escape do to a problem with his lightsaber. Obi-wan didn't chase after him because of injuries. He looked down at where Cody's hand still lay. Debating if he should take it back to the ship he decided not to; it was too late to reattach it anyway.

    Obi-wan limped back to the Negotiator. The others were waiting. It might have been the first time that the Jedi went straight to the medical bay conscious. He always insisted there was something he could help with.

    When Obi-wan saw Cody he felt the relief wash over him. He walked over to his bed despite Wooly trying to get him to lay down. He was asleep or unconscious; he wasn't sure. The man smiled and allowed Wooly to help him over to a bed of his own.

    After both of them were released from the med bay the couple would talk. "You and Anakin match."

    "Ha, I guess we do."

    Cody took Obi-wan's hand and led him down the mall. The two walked to the generals quarters and went inside. They laid down; Cody morphing his body around Kenobi. He grabbed his hand and snuggled in. Everything would be just fine.

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