jitteri - The Arc
The Arc

Commissions: Open.It's Time to Draw! Alwyas willing to talk bout/Them Always available (most of the time) Plays Master Duel and rl . Unhealthy obsession with Transformers and Yugioh

71 posts

Jitteri - The Arc - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago


(Available for prints and merch on RedBubble!)

10 months ago
10 months ago
A Friend On Twitter Suggested I Drew Yugi To Reduce The Sad And She Was Right It's The Only Cure So Here's
A Friend On Twitter Suggested I Drew Yugi To Reduce The Sad And She Was Right It's The Only Cure So Here's
A Friend On Twitter Suggested I Drew Yugi To Reduce The Sad And She Was Right It's The Only Cure So Here's

a friend on twitter suggested I drew Yugi to reduce The Sad and she was Right it's the only Cure so here's the Yoogs

can u tell i love drawing (anime) eyes the most

take care and stay safe. if u feel sad remember you are never alone

10 months ago

My impression of Seto Kaiba's voice acting for Yugioh the Dark Side of Dimensions (DSoD) compared:

My Impression Of Seto Kaiba's Voice Acting For Yugioh The Dark Side Of Dimensions (DSoD) Compared:

My Impression Of Seto Kaiba's Voice Acting For Yugioh The Dark Side Of Dimensions (DSoD) Compared:

Ngl the Korean dub has heavily influenced my character analysis of DSoD Kaiba ;-)

My Impression Of Seto Kaiba's Voice Acting For Yugioh The Dark Side Of Dimensions (DSoD) Compared:
10 months ago
It's A Little Late But Happy Year Of The Dragon~
It's A Little Late But Happy Year Of The Dragon~
It's A Little Late But Happy Year Of The Dragon~

it's a little late but happy year of the dragon~

11 months ago
Happy Birthday @2-eeillustration

Happy Birthday @2-eeillustration

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1 year ago
Some Old Drawing I Found Thats For A Manga I Wanted To Make

Some old drawing I found that’s for a manga I wanted to make…

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1 year ago

@shinayashipper made me remember Yugi on the back of a motorcycle with his determined eyes and—look at that collar line. He’s so grown up 🤩

@shinayashipper Made Me Remember Yugi On The Back Of A Motorcycle With His Determined Eyes Andlook At

Atem while watching over him: ☠️☠️☠️

1 year ago
God. This Bit Of The Season 5 Opening Kills Me. The Posing, The Motion, The Surprise In His Face, Everything

god. this bit of the season 5 opening kills me. the posing, the motion, the surprise in his face, everything flying past him. like the memories are flooding through him in a tidal wave, consuming his perception of who he is, what he was. His burdens, his destiny literally pulling him backwards and forcing him to confront the enormity of his existence and his life and what it means for him to exist as a separate person from 'yami yugi' into 'pharaoh atem'. he is a paradox. a ghost toeing the line between oblivion, past, present, and future. a child forced to play the role of king. a contradiction of a human being. The universe tearing him into shreds and forcing him to face the fact that he isn't yugi and must construct an identity separate from it or doom the world- no, himself - into complete and total annihilation.

1 year ago

Can I be selfish for a second?

All I want is to see artists feeling happy about their art, enjoying their time working on an art piece, sharing experiences with each others, feeling proud of their art, not caring what others artists do or how good others are.

Talent is bullshit to me, it's not a gift, it's hardwork, it's time, it's passion, it's love.

And all I want to see and feel is that.

That's why I want yall to know that I'm always open to talk about art, I'd love to see ya coming to my DMs and ask things! I love talking about what I'm passion about and if I can share a glimpse of what makes me happy, please come to me.

I'm not an expert, I don't know how I do the things that I do (like, really, I feel it's just impulse) but the same way you can come to me for help, you're helping me to express it too.

Let's help each others love what we do.

1 year ago
Seto Kaiba Joins Twitter Solely To Laugh At Elons Floudering
Seto Kaiba Joins Twitter Solely To Laugh At Elons Floudering
Seto Kaiba Joins Twitter Solely To Laugh At Elons Floudering
Seto Kaiba Joins Twitter Solely To Laugh At Elons Floudering
Seto Kaiba Joins Twitter Solely To Laugh At Elons Floudering
Seto Kaiba Joins Twitter Solely To Laugh At Elons Floudering

Seto Kaiba joins Twitter solely to laugh at Elon’s floudering

1 year ago

A bit of rant:

So weird that many people who were interested in my commissions would go with the 'I'll buy one when you open colored digital ones" but any time I ever open those I never got them sold.

I know colored it's more attractive, specially if it's digital, but ugh... Why people ignores pencil and black and white art so much?

It's because looks easier? Cheaper? Unfinished? I used to call my art 'sketch' too, because back in the days I wasn't giving the value it deserved it... That I deserved. So I stopped calling them that way and gosh it felt good.

Now I feel more confident and I can see other's art with more respect.

Even my art has improved in so many ways!!!! I'm so happy! Like LOOK!😭💕💕💕

A Bit Of Rant:

There's something so beautiful about pencil art. It's so expressive and sensitive, the way the white of the sheet shows up under the black of the lines. The stain it leaves once you touch it. The play between white and gray values.

I wouldn't change it for anything.

But it feels like people is asking me to. And it's sad. Makes me deeply sad.

I don't feel comfortable with digital. I use it a lot, don't take me wrong, but I don't get the same genuine value that traditional art always gives me.

Anytime I do digital I feel I'm trying to be someone else.

With pencil I feel genuine. I feel free. It's something that comes right from the heart. Like writing a letter to someone you deeply love.

And that's what I want to keep doing. I want my art to focus on the pencil. Create my own way to express emotions.

I'd love to express more of how to appreciate pencil art, like from other artists, because well we're so little. But I think that'll be for another occasion.

1 year ago

My participation in the DTIYS of eLBy on instagram

My Participation In The DTIYS Of ELBy On Instagram


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1 year ago
1 year ago

Optimus Prime.

I haven’t drawn him in a long time ..this is like a huge redesign of me drawing him. Ima try to draw more Transformers in the future and post them

Optimus Prime.

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1 year ago
Hey Everyone! To Celebrate Completing All My YGO Bag Designs, Ill Be Hosting A Giveaway For My Sample

hey everyone! to celebrate completing all my YGO bag designs, i’ll be hosting a giveaway for my sample bags on each of my social media sites!!

firstly, you can purchase your own bag here! if you win the giveaway after purchasing, i will refund you the bag’s value.

i am trying to raise funds to produce the other character bags (yugi, marik, bakura) through my store, so any purchase helps! how to enter:

reblog this post to enter

tag or reply with which bag you’d like

please be following me!


only ONE reblog will count. no giveaway blogs come on bro!!!!

1 winner = 1 bag

winner will be chosen june 11th

you must have your DMs open

you must be in a country where you can receive USA mail

the winner will be chosen via random reblog picker! this is again, a global giveaway so anyone can enter 🥰❤️ please feel free to enter on my instagram and twitter! thank you and good luck everyone!

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