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No Regrets

No Regrets

Hunter x reader

No Regrets

So I made this today while doing alot of driving with my grandma so I hope you all enjoy alot of shit has gone down today so I put alot of how I'm feeling into writing this fanfic so enjoy.


The bad batch had been on Ord Mantell for a while now working for Cid. That's how you had meet the odd band of clone men. Cid had you working as a bar tender for who knows how long.

She had taken you in when you were young. As much as Cid puts up the bad guy act she cares alot and that transfered over to her looking after you as one of her own.

Meeting all the boys and Omega had been an experience and a half. Five roudy clones which had turned your world upside down. Echo is a kind soul who looks out for his batch and tries to keep the peace very much the mom of the group.

Wrecker was the crazy explosive uncle kind of figure who always spoke his mind even if it offered people. Tech seemed like the older bother kind of guy. He used his smarts to get everyone in and out of trouble constantly and always had something to talk about.

Omega the youngest of the batch was a riot to be around she had dragged you into quite a few of her plans when being left on Ord Mantell. And you had taken to her quite alot making sure she stayed out of as much trouble as you could.

And then there was Hunter. The leader of the bad batch and the self appointed father of Omega. Your first opinion of him was he was broody but you had seen how he interacted with Omega. He always seemed to have a smile on his face. And watching him now as he went up against Omega in a game was quite adorable.

It had been a busy night tonight and now it had slowed down thanks to the batch coming back. Wiping down the benches is where you now find yourself as you watch them both plan out their next move in their strategy.

Echo has himself seat at the bar sipping on a dirty wastelander while he chats with Tech. You hum along lightly to the music playing thought the holotape.

You hear Omega shout in joy while Hunter laughs along "Yes! I knew I could do it!" You laugh out and clap your hands. "Congratulations Omega" you call out. Hunter moves over to pick Omega up and spin her around.

"Can we get a drink for the running champion here" Hunter calls out to you as he hold Omega. " sure can Sarge! One Quantum soda coming up, can I get you anything?" You call out as you turn around to prep the young girls drink. "I'll have what ever you recommend" Hunter calls back. You smile to yourself as you lean down to grab two glasses.

Unknown to you the new figure who enters the bar. "I lost all my credits to you kid and your gonna pay" a voice calls as a blaster is pulled to Hunter's head. Everyone goes still in the bar. Your eyes go wide as kneel behind the bar bench hidden from view.

"Easy, easy let's all talk this out live civil people" Cid calls out walking slowly with her hands raise. Hunter holds deadly still Omega still in his arms. "My problem isn't with anyone but the kid, so stay out of this" the twi'lek calls. Your eyes look down towards the slug thrower hidden behind the many glasses and cups.

"If your deal is with my daughter your deal is with all of us" Hunter calls only to have the blaster shoved into the back of his head. "Shut up, shut up, I want my credits back"

You move slowly reaching in to grab the slug thrower. Your hand wraps around the grip before you slowly pull it towards yourself. You look towards Cid who can see you. She shakes her head a no. Before speaking up.

"Listen, listen I can sort this out If you put the blaster away, the kid works for me" Cid says while taking a few steps forward only to now have the twi'lek pointing the blaster at her. "I told you not to move!" At this you take it as your sign to stand up and point the slug thrower at the intruder.

"This is your warning put the blaster down before I turn you into mantell mix, and I promise I'm a quicker draw then you are." You say while point the weapon at the twi'lek's head. He quickly turns to face you fear in his eyes. The rest of the boys are quick to draw their weapons.

"You come into My club and threaten my employees, you have some balls kid" Cid says walking up towards you. "Give me the word Cid and I'll have clean up ready, no one threatens a kid here" you call almost deadly serious. "I...I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

the twi'lek stutters as he looks around to see he's out numbered. Hunter let's out a sigh of relief as Omega quickly jumps out of his arms and moves to hide behind the bar beside you. She looks over and watches as Hunter gets a punch in on the intruder before Wrecker grabs the man by his shirt and walks him to the door.

"And don't you dare come back here and threaten a child!" You call out as you follow Wrecker. Gun still pointed at the man as he is thrown on the street. "If I see you here again your body won't ever be found" you calls as you fire a warning shoot.

The man is out of sight almost instantly and bystanders watch in horror and shock. "What are you all looking at" Wrecker says before everyone goes back to minding their own business.

You walk back in to see Hunter checking Omega and Cid sitting down shaking her head. "I think you might have over done it (Y/n)" she calls which makes you shake your head.

"Isn't this kind of situation exactly what you trained me to deal with. And if i remember correctly you did something very similar when I was younger" you say with a smile on your face as you walk over to Hunter and Omega.

"Are you two alright" you ask while doing a quick check of them. "Yea, it's not the first fire fight we have been in I think Omega is a little shaken up" Hunter says as the young girl moves quickly to hug you.

"Thank you, thank you!" She says hugging you tightly. Leaning down you smile to the young girl. "Are you alright honey" she nods before pushing her head into your chest and shaking. You wrap your arms around her and rub her back. "It's ok, it's ok sweetie your safe, no one got hurt your alright" you say softly trying to calm her down.

"You were really brave Omega, hoe about we get you that drink, ok" she nods as you walk back over to the bar and placing the slug thrower on the bench. Your quick to wip up the drink for Omega.

After that the rest of the night until closing is quite Omega disappears with Echo before closing. Tech and Wrecker and now no where to be seen. Hunter is sat at a table with his head in his hands. You smile lightly while walking over with two drinks. "Order for tall, dark and broody." You say jokingly which makes him look up and take the drink with a small smile.

"Thanks" he says before taking a sip and cringing at the amount of alcohol. "What in the galaxy is this" he ask while coughing. "It's calls a 'no regrets', talk to be Sarge you have been sitting over here brooding since Omega went to bed, so talk get it off your chest it will make you feel better" you says while also taking a mouthful of your own drink.

"I should have sensed him, I.." you cut him off before he can continue. "Hunter, you were preoccupied with a little girl who had just won against you in a game and were excited for her. Your not going to always be able to sense things. It's called over stimulation and having to many things happen at once can do it. What happened was a chance accident. It happens" you says which makes him slouch in his seat. "It nearly cost both Cid and Omega" he says while taking another mouthful.

"It wouldn't have happened Cid knew I needed a distraction, and she provided. Hunter I've been in this exact situation many times Cid taught me how to shoot slugs because her first time having to save my ass was when I was about Omegas age. Had a bunch of angry drunks out for me for pick pocketing. And that's how she took me in. Taught me how to shoot and I've had to pull that gun out alot it's a bar there's always a chance of some angry person coming in wanting to rob, or hold the place up. I did what was instinct and what I was trained to do." You reply with a smile. "Omega reminds me alot of myself when I was a kid, it's reason I try and look out for her when you guys are off on missions" you reply.

"Thank you (Y/n) I don't know what we would have done" Hunter says lightly. You take his hands hd them. "Any time Hunter, I'd recommend you get some sleep, you will need it" you reply as you down the rest of your drink.

Standing up you go to walk back to the bar when Hunter grabs your arm quickly. "No regrets" he says which makes you tilt your head before he stand up and pulls you closer and presses his lips to yours. Your eyes go wide before Hunter pulls away. "Sorry, good night" he says before beginning to walk way. "Hunter!" You call only for him to turn back and look at you.

"Kiss me again, please" you call out which makes him stop in his place. He turns to you, you quickly make your way over to him and wrap your arms around him and kiss him again. He melts into your touch his arms wrap around you as he pulls you in closer.

"Took your sweet time Hunter" a voice calls out which makes you both look to see Echo and Cid walk out of the shadows for you both to see. Echo leans against the wall with a smile while Cid walks towards you both.

"You hurt my kid Broody and it will be war, do I make myself clear" she says which makes Hunter nod. "Understand ma'am" it's quite before Cid speaks up. "Get out of here you lot, I'll finish cleaning up"

With that you grab Hunter's arm and pull him towards the back doors. "Let's get out of here sarge "

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More Posts from Jt-artsandfics

3 years ago

I had to share thing gorgeous art since I'm a clone based page Fives out here living his best like like the frat boy he is

5s :)

5s :)

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3 years ago

hello!! i love reading your bad batch matchups and was wondering if you could write me one!

i’m 5’7-5’8, with straight blonde hair(ends around my collarbone bones) and blue eyes. i have an athletic build from dancing. i have a pretty pale complexion.

as i said before i love to dance and during majority of the year i spend most days after school in my dance classes. i’m super passionate about dancing as it does take up most of my life. i would consider myself an introvert but love to hang out with my friends whether it be online or in person. i’m also a huge fan of the marvel cinematic universe, especially bucky barnes in particular. i am pretty private about my emotions, i don’t usually show them in front of people. for hobbies, i love to draw and paint, most recently i have painted the bad batch’s symbol on my converse.

I match you with... Echo

Hello!! I Love Reading Your Bad Batch Matchups And Was Wondering If You Could Write Me One!

Echo when he first sees you doesn't think he is even in the chance of talking with you. So when you come over and sit right beside him.

Echo nearly has to do a double take at you. And Omega comes over and introduced you to Echo and the rest of the batch.

Over time your relationship with Echo grows every time they stop planet side he visits with different gifts for you, from flowers to little trinkers and odds and ends.

Sometimes he watches you dance, he loves watching how your muscles move and bend as you dance. Sometimes he wishes he could dance with you. If he was the man he was before he would have taken your hand and offered to dance with you.

It's one of his favourite things is to watch you perform. He could watch you for hours on end.

He loves running his fingers thought your hair and playing with it. Something that feels so intimate for him.

He's half tempted to try and grow his hair back so that you can return the favour and play with his hair.

He loves paintings and drawing and if it's something you have made he would love it even more wanting to savour it and keep it safe.

Loves to see you with the bad batch insignia on your shoes and finds it quite adorable how much you have taken to the batch.

You and Echo are both curled up on your sofa watching movies for the night. You're sprawled out across his chest with hair fanning out all over the place. His inacted hand runs thought your hair and gently massages your scalp.

Echo hums happily as you both move onto the next holo in your holovid marathon. It's moments like this which makes him feel alive again. Just the peaceful times curled up watch holos with someone who means the galaxy to him.

"Echo what are you thinking about?" You ask quietly eyes flickering up to his. "Just how I'm the luckiest clone in the who known Galaxy cyare" he says proudly. You giggle lightly and place gentle kisses against his cheeks before pressing one to his lips. "Whatever you say sweet talker" you reply before zoning back into your holo. It's a favourite of yours something from another time but it's still a classic to you.

Echo gets interest peaks as he sees alot of himself in one of the characters of the holo. "Sunshine I have a falling you have a thing for men with metal arms, I don't have competition do I?" He ask which makes you blush.

"Echo! How could you say that, Bucky Barnes is the man of my dreams" you say which makes him laugh before he rolls you over to be pinned against the couch. "Is that so mesh'la well I might just have to try a little harder to keep your attention" he chuckles before kissing you. "Echo! We are missing the best part of the holo" you cry out.

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