The Bad Batch Echo - Tumblr Posts

Echo with a laser canon arm capable of causing mass destruction??? Don’t mind if I do… (I rewatched young justice a while ago and mercy’s arm really inspired me lmao)
Where is Echo? Is he alright?

I'm pretty happy that we get more of the boys in January, but why no Echo, again. This makes the announcement a bit bittersweet for me.
I want to see the whole squad together, because this is so rare. Echo or Crosshair are always missing, but I think, these two would be too powerful together. Anyway, I want to see them interact more.
Starhawk Speeder Bike

He can pick me up anytime…

Taglist: @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @littlefeatherr @the-bad-batch-baroness @antoinettesb @neyswxrld @elephantwoman4 @goblininawig @sevdidntdie @proteatook

Acc really happy with this so far !!!

A semi finished echo :)
Love this especially the Crosshair one
How the Bad Batch react to Omega being upset (HC’s)
Hello there!
I have written more Headcanons! I do so enjoy writing these.
This one is a sort of continuation of the last one I did, that you can find right here.
So, as the title stipulates, this one is about the Bad Batch reacting to Omega being upset. It’s gonna be slightly AU, as I will be including Crosshair. Our boys aren’t really shown to be processing their emotions as they are constantly on the move (and are apparently built to withstand stress), so I thought I’d write a little something about how I think they would help Omega process her emotions.
Warnings: Fluff galore! Lots and lots of it. There will be quite a bit of angst and minor mentions of violence. Slightly AU. Some swearing (both English and Mando’a – forgive me if the Mando’a isn’t right. I relied heavily on the internet for the translations). Also, I never got it proof read so sorry in advance if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes!
Happy reading!
· We all know Hunter is stoic and acts like a tough, no-nonsense leader, but under that dark and broody façade is a sweet man who loves Omega with all his heart. She is very precious to him and he’s very glad that they took her with them when they escaped from Kamino.
· She managed to push past his tough exterior and unlock emotions within him that he didn’t even know he had. Watching her grow as a person and experience the galaxy brings him so much happiness and he’s glad that he gets to experience it with her.
· So, when Omega is hurting, he hurts too, and not just because he can sense when she is upset by the way her breathing changes or the sounds of her very quiet sobs that anyone else would struggle to hear.
· He doesn’t like seeing her sad but, in the beginning, he doesn’t quite know what to do when she’s upset, as he’s never really had to deal with an upset child before.
· He doesn’t really go for physical contact with anyone because of his enhanced senses, and at first, he is reluctant to hug her back when she hugs him – usually he would just put his hands on her shoulders and try to talk to her.
· But Omega is too sweet and pure and deserves all the love in the world, so the resolute walls he built up from being a soldier came crashing down and he finally hugged her one day when she was particularly sad and exhausted.
· He just held her close and gently rubbed her shoulders, telling her that everything would be okay, and promised her that he would always be there to look after her. He would never leave her, and he would never let anyone hurt her.
· The hug also puts him at ease too and after a while even his senses become used to it and it doesn’t bother him. He also needs this as much as she does, even if he doesn’t realise it at first. (Tech was right all those months ago when he was rambling about the benefits of a hug).
· He will never push for her to tell him what’s wrong, but will let her know that when she’s ready to talk he will be there to listen and offer support.
· Omega will often fall asleep, safe, and warm, in Hunter’s arms. He sometimes falls asleep too, relieved that he could be there for her and that she was safe in his arms, protected from harm.
· A lot of people think that Wrecker is just big and loud, so how could he possibly be a comforting presence when someone is upset?
· Well, for one, he is the best hugger out of the Bad Batch and when people are upset, particularly Omega, he is usually the first to notice (after Hunter and his enhanced senses).
· He took to Omega basically straight away when the Bad Batch escaped Kamino with her. They have the same excitable energy and constantly hype each other up.
· They have a very special bond, and he hates seeing her upset and will do anything to see her smile again. Seeing her sad makes him upset and angry. He just wants her to be happy.
· He will scoop her up in his arms and hold her until she calms down, humming a random tune to soothe her.
· He will try to make her laugh by telling awful dad jokes and he will let her hold Lula because Lula helps him when he’s upset. He will also grab the Tooka doll he made her, called AZ, because double the tooka, double the happiness.
· When Omega does finally smile, Wrecker’s heart will soar. He feels that sometimes people judge him and fear him because of his appearance, but when Omega seeks him out when she is upset and he can make her smile again, it makes him realise that maybe people are wrong about him and that he’s wrong about himself - maybe he’s not so scary after all. He does in fact understand the need for subtlety and softness when it comes to comforting someone, despite what appearances suggest.
· When she has calmed down and is ready to talk about what’s wrong, he will be like “Who made you upset? Was it Crosshair? Because I’ll kick his shebs!”
· Once any ass-kickings have been given (if needed), they will seek out some food together (Mantell Mix is a favourite, of course).
· They will laugh and joke and have the biggest grins on their faces, happy to be in each other’s presence.
· Tech, the clever clogs that he is, knew how special Omega was from the beginning when he analysed her DNA.
· However, he was still a little awkward around her at first because he, like the rest of his brothers, wasn’t used to having a child around, but they ended up bonding over their mutual love of knowledge and Omega hanging on his every word, especially when it came to teaching her about the Marauder. He likes that she doesn’t brush him off when he tells her facts, and actually asks him more questions and genuinely likes learning what she can from him.
· Now, Tech is a very smart man and has gathered knowledge about what to do if someone is upset, you know, just in case he ever needed to comfort someone.
· In theory, comforting someone seems pretty straightforward, but putting it into practise? Not as straightforward as it seems!
· Omega was upset one day, and usually she would seek out Hunter or Wrecker, but they weren’t there. He knew he had to do something, as he didn’t like to see her upset. But the thought of trying to console her made him slightly uncomfortable. What if he made her feel worse rather than better?
· He pushed his anxiety to the side anyway and asked her what was wrong, but she just sniffed and shook her head, leaving Tech to search his brain for what he should do next. He internally berated himself for being slow in providing comfort, because the longer he took to think of something, the longer Omega was upset.
· After a few long, slightly uncomfortable moments he said “You know, I have read that hugs have been proven to reduce stress and they also release oxytocin- “
· Before he could even finish his sentence, Omega threw her arms around him and held tight. He awkwardly patted her back at first, but then relaxed and hugged her properly. He held her tight and sat quietly for a few moments, letting her get her breathing back under control.
· He also started to feel the benefits of the hug and finished telling Omega why hugs are healthy. She looked up at him and smiled, thanking him for making her feel better. Seeing her smile at him like that made his heart melt and he was so relieved that he could help her feel better. He knew that information about hugs would come in handy one day!
· Omega would then tell the rest of the batchers this and try to get all of them to hug regularly, for the sake of their health! This idea was met with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
· Echo wasn’t so sure about having Omega aboard the Marauder at first, mostly because he didn’t think she would be safe travelling with them.
· But then he saw how well she fit in, and he realised that she belonged with them.
· During his time as an ARC trooper, Echo saw some pretty messed up shit on the dangerous missions he was sent on (often with Fives). Some of these missions gave him terrible nightmares, and he would wake up shouting and terrified. Fives would calm him down and hug him, saying “It’s okay, vod, you’re safe”. He would also do the same for Fives if he ever had nightmares. He still has nightmares from when he was imprisoned at Skako Minor.
· One night, Hunter, Wrecker and Tech were out getting supplies, leaving Echo on the ship with Omega and Crosshair. Omega had retired to her room at his request to get some sleep a few hours before.
· He then heard small, quiet whimpers coming from Omega’s little room and immediately went to see if she was ok. By the time he climbed up the ladder, she was awake and looked terrified, and the scared look on her face reminded him of himself and Fives, when they would awaken in the dead of night, from dreams plagued with war and darkness.
· He asked her if she had a nightmare and she nodded her head, so he helped her down the ladder, and took her to sit down in one of the chairs in the cockpit, stopping to get a blanket along the way.
· He put the blanket around her, and she immediately leaned into him, searching for comfort, and he hesitantly put his arms around her, worried that his cybernetics would hurt her.
· However, she didn’t make any sign that his cybernetics bothered her, so he held her more firmly and let her cry, while he whispered, “It’s ok, vod’ika, you’re safe”, just like Fives would whisper to him.
· He let silent tears of his own fall, thinking about how unfair it was that Fives wasn’t there with him, about the war that had taken so many of his brothers. He hated that Omega was going through this, she was too young! He composed himself, putting on the mask of a tough soldier, and asked Omega what her nightmare was about.
· He vowed that night that he would always be there for Omega, no matter what.
· Crosshair was very against having Omega aboard the Marauder. She was a child, had no combat experience, and would be a liability.
· He found her irritating at first, she and Wrecker were always doing something and were too energetic for his tastes. He tried to avoid her as much he could, which was difficult to do on the Marauder. He was even sarcastic and downright rude to her a few times, which the rest of his brothers reprimanded him for.
· Yet, no matter how sarcastic or unpleasant he was, Omega would still try to talk to him. She always made an effort to ask how he was, to engage him in conversation. And she always made sure he was included in every discussion the group had. She even came to him for advice about shooting her bow on a few occasions.
· She started to grow on him, and after a while he got used to her presence and even started to enjoy it, and he stopped trying to avoid her and actually held conversations with her. She was a little ray of sunlight in their ragtag group. But there was no way in hell he would ever admit that to anyone, he even had trouble admitting that to himself!
· One day, he was asked to stay behind with Omega because she needed a break, whilst the other batchers went to do an easy job for Cid. Apparently Hunter had decided that Wrecker’s, Tech’s and Echo’s skills would be needed more than Crosshair’s for that job.
· He heard Omega crying, and he froze. What the kriff was he supposed to do with a crying child? That was usually Hunter or Wrecker’s territory. Kriff, even Tech and Echo would be a better choice than him.
· But they weren’t there, and he couldn’t very well leave Omega to sit and cry on her own, could he? Even he wasn’t that cold.
· He approached her slowly, and knelt in front of her, intent on asking her what was wrong and trying to fix it as fast as possible. Before he opened his mouth, she threw her arms around him. He sat frozen for what felt like hours, arms limp at his side whilst Omega held him and cried. He brought his arms up and patted her on the back a few times before drawing her slowly away from him and looking at her.
· “Come with me,” he said, and he took her to a little makeshift target practise range he had made for himself to let off some steam when he needed to, making sure she brought her bow with her. They stood side by side like that for a while, Omega shooting her bow and Crosshair occasionally giving her advice on how to shoot more accurately.
· From that point on, Crosshair and Omega became closer and would use the practise range together when everything got a little too much for them. And Crosshair vowed quietly to himself that he would never let anyone harm their little ray of sunshine.
Tag list: @eyecandyeoz @itsjml @kratosfan6632466 @radbatch
(if you wanna be tagged in any of my future stuff just let me know via message!)
if you saw the og upload with the tiktok watermark no you didnt
massive fucking shout out to @cloned-eyes for this piece that inspired this edit and subsequently has not left my brain folds since they uploaded it.

This is so canon omg xD
Atlantis x tbb: 1 2 3 4
@techwrecker @lonewolflupe @ithillia @mythical-illustrator @profettshonalfettfettishist
"The Bad Batch" Timeline: Explained

I've had some interesting conversations with folks on Twitter over the last few weeks about the timeline of "The Bad Batch" show: How much time passes between any given episodes? How old is Omega during S1 or S3? etc.
The short answer is that the entire show takes place over 18-24 months*
(*NOTE: All timeline discussion excludes the TBB epilogue at the end of episode 3.15 "The Cavalary Has Arrived.")
(EDIT: I’m also calculating time based on Earth days/weeks/months. I recognize that time in the Star Wars universe likely varies from planet to planet, so I just want to clarify we’re going off IRL time calculations: 7 days to a week, ~30 days to a month, 12 months to a year. I’m also not referring to any external sources (except Wookieepedia, but that’s more to confirm the timeline, not to create it), so I don’t care what some guidebook says. I’m going based on what happens in the show itself.)
Wookieepedia lists Hemlock's death as 18 BBY, so at least 12-24 months pass between 1.01 "Aftermath" in 19 BBY and Hemlock's death in the series finale.
However, the two biggest and clearest indications of how much time passes during the show is Mayday's comments in 2.12 "The Outpost" and Omega's tally marks in 3.01 "Confined."
In 2.12, Mayday says he's been posted on Barton IV for over a year, and based on his comments, he wasn't posted on Barton IV until after The Clone Wars ended. So, it's been at least a year -- but probably more like 14-15 months because Mayday says "over a year" -- since the events of 1.01 "Aftermath."
Then after the time-jump during 3.01, Omega has about 5.5 months of tally marks. Rounding up from when Crosshair was arrested and taken to Tantiss, about 6 months have passed since 2.12.
So, between those two indicators, at least 18 months have passed between 1.01 "Aftermath" and the end of 3.01 "Confined." But, realistically, it's probably been more like 20-21 months.
Then, the rest of S3 takes place over a pretty compressed timeframe, as no more than a few days seem to pass between episodes. I'll get into this more later, but I'm guessing that the end of 3.01 "Confined" to the big showdown on Tantiss in 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" takes place over the course of 1-2 months.
Again, it's confirmed that 18-24 months pass between the series premiere and the series finale.
But, my best guess is that the entire show takes place over 22-23 months based on in-universe clues.

Overall, I'm guessing that Season 1 takes place over the course of 4-6 months. I think this is much shorter than some people think, but it makes sense to me based on context clues.
1.01 "Aftermath" takes place over the course of a few days, and then 1.02 "Cut & Run" to 1.06 "Decommissioned" all seem to take place in a very compressed timeframe. No more than a day or two seems to pass between episodes, and no more than a day or two passes within each episode.
So, I'm thinking the end of 1.06 is takes place about a month after 1.01.
Then we get our first notable time-jump between 1.06 and 1.07.
1.07 "Battle Scars" opens with the Bad Batch having done at least 10 more jobs for Cid since we last saw them in 1.06. (FYI: this is based on Omega and Wrecker's order of 20 cartons of Mantell Mix).
However Cid talks about the Corellia job like it wasn't too long ago, and if we average 2-3 days per job (which seems realistic based on what we see in the show), then about a month has passed between 1.06 and 1.07.

So, at the beginning of 1.07, I'm saying about two months have passed since 1.01 "Aftermath."
Then 1.08 "Reunion" and 1.09 "Bounty Lost" take place immediately after 1.07.
Skipping over 1.10, we get another notable time-jump between 1.09 "Bounty Lost" and 1.11 "Devil's Deal." The biggest indicator is Crosshair's recovery from his injuries on Bracca.
Assuming at least a month for him to recover and be stationed on Ryloth with Rampart & co., that means at least three months have passed between 1.01 "Aftermath" and 1.11 "Devil's Deal."
Even though we don't have any firm timeline, I don't think more than 2 months passed between 1.09 and 1.11, because everyone on Ryloth talks like it hasn't been that long since the Clone Wars ended.
Anyway, then 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth" takes place immediately after 1.11.
Now, we know that 1.14-1.16 all take place over the course of a few days. So that just leaves us with how much time passes between 1.12 "Rescue on Ryloth" and 1.14 "War-Mantle."
Given that Rampart gave Crosshair permission to hunt down his brothers at the end of 1.12, I'm going to assume he wasn't looking for them that long. Rampart never complains that Crosshair's manhunt is wasting time, or that it's taking so long that they should abandon the effort. Plus, they were also busy decommissioning Tipoca City and the other Kaminoan facilities, so I imagine that took some time.
So, maybe 3-5 weeks (or another month) in all.

To recap, we have:
A month from 1.01 to 1.06
A month between 1.06 and 1.07
A month between 1.07-1.09 and 1.11/1.12
A month between 1.11/1.12 and 1.14-1.16
Overall, 4 months for sure, but 5-6 months seems a good estimate.
This would also account for how much time passes during the Bracca and Ryloth arcs, and gives more wiggle room on how long Crosshair's recovery process was. Maybe it took him two months to recover from Bracca and be assigned to Ryloth. Or maybe Crosshair was searching for his brothers for more than a month after Ryloth. Who knows?
But, overall, I'm estimating the events of 1.16 "Kamino Lost" take place 5-6 months after 1.01 "Aftermath."

I'll tell you now: early Season 2 is where a lot of my guesses go out the window, because we get far fewer clues as to how much time passes between episodes.
Let's start with the time-jump between the end of Season 1 and the beginning of S2.
Based on Rampart and Crosshair's conversation in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone," Crosshair was stranded on Kamino for a month.
Given that he didn't have any food or water on him when his brothers left him on the platform, he must've been emaciated and dehydrated AF, even if he found some way to collect rainwater and/or catch fish. And Rampart said he needed to be "medically cleared" for active duty.
At least two months seems a good estimate. One month for Crosshair to be stranded; another month for him to recover. It's possible it was longer, though, I admit.
So, at the beginning of 2.03 "The Solitary Clone," we're at least 7 months removed from 1.01 "Aftermath."

Now, I actually think 2.03 takes place before 2.01/2.02. Story for another time, but it boils down to:
1) The creators would want to kick off Season 2 with a Bad Batch-centric episode not a Crosshair-centric episode, even if Crosshair’s episode takes place first chronologically; and
2) Rampart learns the Bad Batch is alive in 2.02, but never has Crosshair arrested or monitored as a potential spy or anything -- this only makes sense if Rampart finds out TBB is alive after Crosshair is cleared for duty and has proven his loyalty.
But, ultimately it doesn't matter:
Based on Mayday's comments in 2.12 "The Outpost," early Season 2 has to cover at least 7 more months. That means that months are passing between episodes in early S2.
In 2.12, Mayday says he's been stationed at the Outpost for over a year, and that he wasn't stationed there until after the war ended. So, assuming at least a month after the war for him to be reassigned, and then 13 months for him to be on Barton IV ... 2.12 has to take place at least 14 months after 1.01 "Aftermath."

So, ultimately, I think 2.01/2.02 might take place 3-4 months after the Fall of Kamino in 1.16 "Kamino Lost." It would allow enough time for the Bad Batch to get new clothes, repaint their old armor, and for Omega to start all of her studies while the Bad Batch continues to do jobs for Cid.
Then we probably have another month between 2.02 "Ruins of War" and 2.04 "Faster." Then another month to 2.05 "Entombed." And then another month to 2.06 "Tribe." And then another month to the beginning of 2.07 “The Clone Conspiracy.”
Because of how compressed the back-half of Season 2 is, I think 2.07/2.08 takes place about 13 months after the war ends in 1.01 "Aftermath" and, thus, about 7-8 months after the Fall of Kamino in 1.16 "Kamino Lost."
Now, once we get to 2.07, that's when the timeline starts compressing again based on in-universe clues.
We know 2.08 "Truth and Consequences" takes place almost immediately after 2.07. So, no more than a week seems to pass between the beginning of 2.07 and the end of 2.08.
Then, 2.09 "The Crossing" takes place a few days after 2.08, as Omega is still adjusting to Echo's absence. Then 2.10 "Retrieval" is immediately after 2.09, and 2.11 "Metamorphosis" takes place maybe a day after 2.10.

So, from the beginning of 2.07 to the end of 2.11, maybe two weeks have passed in-universe.
Then, at the beginning of 2.13 "Pabu," Cid remarks that it's been 20 rotations since she last talked to the Bad Batch in 2.11.
From 2.13 to 2.14, I'm guessing 1-2 weeks have passed based on how much of Pabu has been rebuilt since the sea surge and other context clues (like Shep and Hunter's conversation about the Bad Batch staying on Pabu).
Now, we're not exactly sure where 2.12 "The Outpost" falls in the S2 timeline. I'm guessing it's simultaneous with 2.13 "Pabu" for thematic and dramatic reasons, but we see all our various plot threads align in 2.14 "Tipping Point." Everything Echo, Crosshair and Hunter & co. do happens within 2-3 days.
Then, based on Echo's comments, we know 2.15 "The Summit" takes place two days after the Bad Batch's conversation at the end of 2.14 "Tipping Point." And then 2.16 "Plan 99" takes place immediately after 2.15.
So, while I can't speculate much on early S2, I can tell you that 2.07-2.16 spans about two months.

To recap:
2 months between 1.16 "Kamino Lost" and 2.03 "The Solitary Clone"
Several months between 2.01/2.02 and 2.07
A week during 2.07 and 2.08
A few days between 2.08 and 2.09
Another week during 2.09 to 2.11
Three weeks between 2.11 and 2.13
Two weeks between 2.13 and 2.14
A week during 2.14 to 2.16
But, overall, I'm estimating the events of 2.16 "Plan 99" take place 15-16 months after 1.01 "Aftermath."

Unlike the previous two seasons, Season 3 is very compressed. Outside of the time-jump within 3.01 "Confined," the entire season takes place over the course of 5-6 weeks. Not months. Weeks.
Now, again, I actually think 3.02 "Paths Unknown" takes place during the five-month time-jump within 3.01. But that doesn't really matter.
As we see from Omega's tally marks, the end of 3.01 takes place about 5.5 months after 2.16 "Plan 99." So, we have our between-seasons time-jump spelled out for us this time.
This means the end of 3.01 "Confined" takes place 21-22 months after 1.01 "Aftermath."
Skipping over 3.02, episode 3.03 "Shadows of Tantiss" seems to take place within a few days of the end of 3.01. We see that Omega is still being monitored closely after her outburst in the lurca kennels; and Hemlock told Nala Se in 3.01 that the Emperor would be arriving soon to check on their progress, which he does in 3.03. Heck, maybe 3.03 takes place the day after 3.01, but I’ll give a little wiggle room and say it’s been a few days.
Then, we know that the beginning of 3.03 to the end of 3.05 all takes place in a very short amount of time. Maybe a week.
3.04 "A Different Approach" takes place immediately after 3.03, and no more than a day or two passes between the end of 3.04 and the beginning of 3.05 "The Return."
So, from the end of 3.01 to the end of 3.05, two weeks have passed at most.

The gap between 3.05 and 3.06 is the only span of time in S3 we don't have any solid indicators about. It clearly wasn't too long, as Howzer talks about Crosshair escaping Tantiss like it happened fairly recently. Overall, I'd guess it's been maybe a week or two since Crosshair and Omega escaped Tantiss.
Then, 3.07 takes place immediately after 3.06.
Excluding 3.10 "Identity Crisis," we know that 3.08-3.11 all take place within a short amount of time. No more than 2-3 days seem to pass between episodes, and no more than 2-3 days passes within each episode. In total, I'd say these three episodes take place over the course of two weeks.
Thus, I'm guessing 4-5 weeks, or about a month, passes from the end of 3.01 "Confined" to the beginning of 3.11 "Point of No Return."
Then, we know the timeline 3.11 between 3.15 is very short because all the episodes take place almost immediately after each other. The only exception is between 3.12 and 3.13, when maybe 12-24 hours passes based on Omega's movements in the Vault and her brothers' plans to infiltrate the orbital station.
You can round up and say a week, but that almost seems generous to me. Maybe a work week. Like the Empire invaded Pabu Monday night and Omega & co. were back on Pabu Friday morning.
Overall, I think the beginning of 3.11 "Point of No Return" to the end of 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" spans 3-5 days.

To recap:
5.5 months from the end of 2.16 "Plan 99" to the end of 3.01 "Confined"
A week from the end of 3.01 to the end of 3.05
A week between 3.05 and 3.06/3.07
Three weeks during 3.06/3.07 to 3.11
A week during 3.11 to 3.15
Again, outside of the time-jump within 3.01, the entirety of Season 3 takes place over 1-2 months if we're looking at the larger post-"Aftermath" timeframe.
Overall, I'm estimating the showdown on Tantiss and Hemlock's death in 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" takes place about 22-23 months after 1.01 "Aftermath."
We know it's not more than 24 months after the war ends, because Wookieepedia would list Hemlock's death in 17 BBY instead of 18 BBY. So no more than 24 calendar months can pass between "The Bad Batch" series premiere and series finale.
But, accounting for things that happen within the show, 22-23 months seems about right. Like, it's been almost two calendar years, but not quite.
So, to give a real-world example, if Palpatine gave his "Revenge of the Sith" speech to reorganize into the Galactic Empire on Jan. 1, 2022, then the big showdown on Tantiss takes place in October or November 2023.

That means:
If Omega was 12 years old when her brothers met her on Kamino, she was 13-14 during the showdown on Tantiss.
After his inhibitor chip activated, Crosshair was separated from his brothers for more than 18 months before finally reconciling with them in 3.05 "The Return."
The Bad Batch worked for Cid for over a year, and she still betrayed them.
Phee and Tech's ~situationship~ might've lasted half-a-year between their first meeting in 2.01 "Spoils of War" and his death in 2.16 "Plan 99."
When Crosshair sent the Plan 88 message, the Bad Batch hadn't seen or heard from him in 8-9 months (since the Fall of Kamino).
Omega only got to spend 15-16 months with Tech before his death in 2.16 “Plan 99.” 😭
Crosshair hadn't seen his brothers for over a year between the Fall of Kamino and him escaping Tantiss with Omega.
Omega and Crosshair only spent about 7 months together during the show (5.5 on Tantiss and 1.5 after their escape), and most of that was off-screen. 🙁
Apparently, more time passed between S1 and S2 than during S3 (excluding the time jump and epilogue). Seriously. From the end of 3.01 to the final showdown on Tantiss, the Bad Batch had a very insane and stressful 5-6 weeks. They all looked like they could use a nap in that final group shot under the tree, and I don't blame them!
All the clones (except Omega) aged 3-4 biological years over the course of the show. So, if Hunter & co. were biologically 22 when they met Omega on Kamino, they'd be about 24-25 when they finally settle down on Pabu.

Not sure how this will help people, but I wanted to share it because I've been thinking about how insane this show's timeline -- how loosey-goosey it is in some places while being super-rigid in others.
So, enjoy!

WIP Who can guess the frame?
Oh my god!!!! I love this!!!!
Happy Halloween, here's my favorite spoopy time movie

So what is this!? 🤷🏽♀️ What is this, me and Wrecker and his soul-soothing and back-cracking hugs, drawing and talking about 😂 So today you get one of my favorite Wrecker hugs and my first drawing of the one and only Captain Rex and finally… TECH 😎
Sorry, but not sorry – you have to deal with my interpretation of his hair, because I love to draw wavy hair ☺️
Have a look on the portait details! I really like to know, what Echo, Hunter and Tech are thinking in this moment. Let me know, what do you guess?

In my opinion, Echo smirks because this is maybe the first time his captain looks small 😂

Poor Rex 😁 Never gets used to hugs and maybe bone-crashing is a hurting thing too… 😀

This frame might be my favorite in this piece 😄🙏🏼 Hunter looks nearly shocked while Tech shows one of his rare little smiles!
In this artwork it’s the first time, I experimented with light on dark inverted shading and with the color pecker in Procreate, but only for the background colors ☺️ Hope you enjoy 🫶🏼

While I wait for Tumblr to fix itself, I'll pull this from the reblog for your entertainment. I think it's funny.

Bad Batch Sketch Page #1
I filled a whole canvas with sketches because my brain won’t stop thinking up stuff
Tech and Crosshair content because I’m SAD ABOUT THEM
RIP Hunter and his concussion and probably a stab wound
ProTECHtive Tech
Brother Drama™️
Echo’s near death experience and zinger number 132425226
Echo and Cross Sass
Big bro Wrecker who has my whole heart
Bandana-less Hunter because I said so + Baby Omegaaaaaaa
Bonus full unedited page+ B&W version :

Omg omg. Your awesome. Can I make a request? Can I request either hunter or echo with a winged S/O? I absolutely fell in love with what you wrote for tech. (Bonus points if you could also write hunter/echo when S/O asks their help in cleaning their wings/straightening some feathers)
Aww, thank you darling! I’m gonna do Echo cause he’s my second favourite after Tech, and I’m gonna make a Drabble since I’ve been writing a lot of head canons
Ruffled Feathers
Echo x GN! Reader
Type: Drabble
Warnings: None, just tooth rotting fluff. This can be seen as platonic or romantic

"Echo, could you come here for a minute?" You called from your bunk, looking down to the cockpit to where Echo sat.
“Coming.” He replied, standing up from his seat and walking over, a soft smile on his face. You smiled back as he approached, shifting your wings so that the tops were visible. His eyebrow rose questioningly, and you moved your wings again. Some of the feathers were rumpled and out of place, and they were in spots where it was hard to reach without twisting the wings in painful ways.
“Could you please help me with the feathers? They’re pretty uncomfortable and I can’t reach them.” You explained. He smiled softly, coming over to sit behind you. "Of course, meshla." He said, reaching out with his hand to carefully smooth out the feathers and put them back into their usual positions. You sighed softly, patiently waiting as he fixed your feathers. It was quiet moments like these between you that brought you closer together. He worked carefully for a while, his hand carefully smoothing out the feathers. “Echo?”
“Thanks for doing this.”
He smiled softly. “It’s okay, meshla.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”

Woow, I finally got this done. To the poor soul who requested it, I am so sorry that this took so long to get done. I hope you enjoy it.
If u had to choose to bring one fictional character to the real world who would you chose?
Hmmmm…. Good question. My first thought was one of the Mercs from TF2, but I was also thinking maybe Deadpool? Or maybe one of the dragonets from WoF…. I’m not sure to be honest, but if it includes my OCs, I might do one of them. Thanks for asking though
This had no business being this funny 😂😂
The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly
On AO3

an absolute fuckin nightmare
this man has known how he was going to win before the game even started
Tech is ruthless with the properties he takes
The game is over within 30 minutes

the only time he takes no prisoners
Tech has the data advantage, but Hunter is a skilled tactician and he'll do what he can to counter Tech
he's almost as ruthless
Omega has never seen this side of him
He has hotels on his properties in 5 minutes, purposely boxing everyone in
Omega takes note to never get in a real estate battle with him

Normally he'd be the ruthless strategist, used to going up against Rex
but when he sees Tech and Hunter's intensity, he goes into protector mode
trying what he can to give Omega a chance
he's trying to snag easy properties and make easy trades with her
but it's no use
he's bankrupt within 10 mins thanks to his bad trades with Omega and Tech having the entire boardwalk

the poor smol bean
she innocently suggested the activity to pass the time while in hyperspace
it was her first time playing and she just liked all the colors on the board
next thing she knew, Hunter was asking her for $500 for landing on his space
she's never seen his eyes so cold
latched onto Echo's attempts to help her
she was out soon after Echo, choosing to leave Hunter and Tech to their real estate blood bath

knew exactly how this was going to go having played with the batch before Echo joined
he remembered them making a deal to never play again but no one could resist Omega's pleading
he sat back and watched the war play out between Hunter and Tech
he finds his brothers' antics more entertaining then the game itself
the third one out, chuckling at Hunter's attempt to bargain with Tech
he leans back with his hands behind his head watching the drama unfold

he was the first one out
observed Tech's energy when he sat down and knew there was no chance
Hunter has the senses, but Crosshair was the observer
he saw Hunter just as ready for blood and knew better than to get involved
he cashed out on his first turn, popped a toothpick in, and smirked as the two got more and more riled up
he only told them to cut it once when he saw Omega becoming visibly upset
when she was out, he made a spot next to him offering snide commentary as the game continued
Omega had to quickly stifle her giggles when Hunter and Tech gave them both a quick glare
Welp since I've done a Tech Piece planning to do one based off the scene with the wall becuase that man makes me feel shit.
But hey any other Bad batch/clone wars fic ideas you wanna see send them to my ask or reblog with it so I can see it. And I'll go from there.
But yea I wanna write some more fics when I get the time. Plus I'm a simp so...
But now for me to work on some more Mortal kombat stuff becuase I've kinda neglected it for