Just your causal Newt fangirl with anxiety and a British accent to rival the man himself.
116 posts
Its All My Fault

It’s all my fault
It’s all my fault (Newt x Reader)
Word Count: 1074 words
Warnings: kissing, violence, injury, mentions of Newt’s incident, blood
Summary: when you break your ankle in the maze, you notice something in Newt’s eyes
the clicking of a griever sounds from behind you and you run as fast as you can away from it. glancing over your shoulder you see the creature crawling after you. you know you can’t run away from it forever.
taking a deep breath you look towards the wall of ivy. you grip a particularly thick one, pull on it and then begin to climb.
the clicking keeps sounding as you climb higher and higher. you climb and climb. that is until your arm slips out of the grip of a string of ivy. you let out a small gasp as you feel your feet slip and tangle in the leaves.
and then you’re falling. you swing on the vines, attached by your ankle before hitting your head hard on the ground, noticing as you did so, the sky darkening. you won’t make it back before the doors close. you won’t make it back at all.
the griever was getting closer. closing your eyes you try and block out the dull ringing in your head.
someone is running towards you, a boy, you think. he gets closer and closer, until your blurred vision can finally make him out.
Minho runs as fast as he can towards you, finally reaching you and grabbing you. he drags you to your feet and hauls you along after him as he runs.
your feet bump along the floor as he keeps dragging you. shouts from a distance, quiet clicking and small grunts from Minho are the only thing you hear.
finally, you turn a corner and see the gladers, crowded around a rapidly closing door. they shout as they spot Minho and you see through your blurred vision, Newt’s face momentarily split into joy then fills with horror as he sees Minho dragging you.
he bounces on the balls of his feet as the two of you stumble towards the group. shouts fight to rise above each other, “hurry!”
“come on, you can do it”
“leave her Minho, save yourself!” you’re almost certain that one was Gally.
then a huge gasp escapes the gladers and you look back to see what had happened. your heart drops into your stomach as you see Newt break free of the crowd and limp as fast as he could towards you.
he reaches you and gently helps Minho carry you. running in a three, you’re arms draped around both Newt and Minho’s shoulders, you race towards the opening.
the loud screeching of the doors closing pierces the air.
Newt unhook your arms from his shoulder and pushes you and Minho in front of him, through the gap. he jumps through after you, only just snatching his leg out the way before it was crushed.
you slump onto the ground and Minho bends down, examining you for any injuries. “I don’t see why you didn’t just leave her Minho.” Gally’s voice murmurs from somewhere behind you.
a loud thump sounds and you turn to see Gally clutching a bleeding nose and Newt, fist splattered with blood and face contorted into a snarl. he moves forwards, and draws his fist back again, “say that again you bloody shank, say it again and see what happens.”
Minho straightens and puts a hand on his shoulder, talking in his ear. Newt shoots a glare at Gally and turns to you, dropping down beside you.
“What happened y/n”
your voice comes out slightly hoarse as you say, “I was being caused by a griever so I climbed the ivy but I fell and hit my head”
you see Newt’s face drain of colour and he looks like he’s going to faint. something is flashing in his eyes, and Minho is looking at his friend anxiously.
he touches his friends arm and Newt grasps at his wrist still looking faint. sucking in a deep breath of forced calm, he looks back at you. you notice his eyes flitting to your ankle.
“y/n, what happened to your ankle”
“My foot got tangled in the ivy as I fell, I think I might have twisted it”
Newt looks at Minho questioningly. Minho looks closer at the ankle, at the sharp bend in it. he holds onto Newts shoulder, takes a breath and says, “y/n, I think it might be broken”
Newt rises to his feet and sprints off towards the wood, stumbling more than usual. Gally looks sniffly after him, muttering darkly.
you look confused at Minho and he sighs, “has Newt never told you how he broke his leg”
you shake your head.
“It was in an accident,” he stresses that word, “similar to yours.” you can tell he is deliberately keeping something out of the story but don’t press him.
“Do I need to see a medjack”
“Their dealing with Ben at the moment and I doubt there is much a medjack can do for you, it’s not bleeding, and we can’t heal it, all I can do is straighten it”
“I saw them do it to Newt’s leg.” he adds at your skeptical look.
after an excruciating few moments, Minho lets you go to ‘rest’, but you have other motives. you limp towards the trees looking for, there.
a boy huddles up against a tree, shaking, either with sobs or shock. you limp closer, calling out his name.
his head jerks towards you and as soon as he notices your ankle, and you limping he rushes towards you, pulling you into a hug.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault”
“What are you talking about”
“I said I’d protect you, I promised. I never wanted anyone else, not even Gally, to end up like me.”
you hold his cheeks in your hands, tears streaming down his face and sobs shaking his body. looking into his watery eyes you say, “Newt, I love you how you are, you’re the strongest one of all of us, why would I care if I end up like you”
he opens his mouth to reply but before he can, you pull him into you pressing your lips against his.
you finally break apart and look at him, “understand me?”
“Yeah” he answers quietly.
you pull him back into you, with him kissing you back this time, putting your arms around his neck and him holding your waist. you spin on the spot.
“I love you, you know, I really do”
you smile against his lips, “I know”
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More Posts from Just-a-casual-newtasaur

Black Veins
Black Veins (newt x gn!reader)
Word Count: 695 words
Warnings: Spoilers, pretty sure that’s it
Summary: you’ve been distancing yourself after finding out you’re not immune, but you’re less alone than you think.
(Requested by anonymous)
(Check out @PandaPlayz on Pinterest who I got this idea from)
you watch the crowd from a distance, hands clasped in your lap and eyes set on the people talking and laughing together. you blow a stray strand of hair out of your eyes and push yourself to your feet.
with one more glance behind you, you slip out of the door into a hallway with doors on either end. WICKED never failed to disappoint you with needlessly advanced, well everything, you think to yourself as an automatic door slides open the second you approach it.
you walk down the long echoing hallway with doors lining it, looking for the room a WICKED employee in a white suit had shown you to when you arrived. when you are about to reach it, a voice sounds from behind you.
“you seemed in a hurry to get away.”
you don’t even jump. you knew that he would follow you. knew he’d notice you slip away.
“What do you want Newt?” you sigh, turning to face him, arms crossed.
“I want to know why you’ve been keeping away from everyone. you’ve been acting strange.”
“I just, need some time to myself.”
he continues to look concerned and you force a smile and relax against the door, “I’m fine, honestly Newt”
but you could tell he didn’t believe you. you knew he wouldn’t leave until you told him the truth. you sigh again, “Alright, you win. I’m not fine.”
“Well what’s wrong?”
in answer you roll up a leg of your trousers to reveal black veins, snaking up your leg. at first he looks confused and then you see horror cross his face.
“Turns out I’m not immune.” you try to sound casual but your voice is shaking slightly. he opens his arms and you walk into them. pulling you close to him, he whispers, “shh, shh” as you start to sob.
“Newt, I don’t want to be a crank.” you know it sounds childish, but too many emotions are swelling inside you too worry about that now.
“I know, I know, listen” he holds you at arms length and looks you in the eyes. waiting for you to calm yourself, he makes sure the tears have stopped before pulling up a sleeve of his jacket.
you feel your heart fall into your stomach as you see the same dark veins across his arm. he smiles at you, his dark eyes swimming, “if we’re going to be cranks, at least we won’t be alone.”
then your arms are wrapped around each other again. you bury your face in his chest as he does the same in the crook of your neck.
you stand there in the middle of the hall, not even noticing the footsteps making their way towards the two of you.
“What’s going on?” Minho’s voice echoes towards you, sounding worried, which was not usual for him. no doubt seeing Newt cry would be worrying for anyone but you.
next to none of time Newt cries in front of anyone, unless he had his face hidden in your neck.
you break apart, Newt giving you a meaningful look before pulling down his sleeve and turning to face Minho and Thomas. kicking your trouser leg down you stand next to the boy beside you, shoulders pressed together.
“What’s going on?” Minho repeated. you both stand in silence before Newt finally answers. “We were just talking.”
“Mhm. Sad conversation?”
“Is there any relevant topic that isn’t a sad conversation?”
Minho doesn’t answer and Thomas speaks up, “are you sure, you seem a little,” he pauses and watches Newt use a sleeve to wipe the tears from his eyes, “upset.”
“We’re just tired. y/n was just about to go to bed before I stopped for a chat with them.”
“Well if you’re sure.” the two walk away, talking in hushed, worried voices.
Newt turns to face you and puts his hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes. “Listen, we don’t tell the others until they find out themselves, alright?”
he nods and lets go of your shoulders, he opens his mouth, looking like he wants to say something more before nodding again and walking away after a, “goodnight y/n.”
(I might turn this into a bigger fanfic, lemme know what you think)
(Also, I don’t know whether or not I’ve already mentioned this but I wanted to say, if you wanna request a fic of a maze runner character other than Newt, lemme know and I’ll do my best to deliver)

Golden (newt x gn!reader)
Word Count: 529 (sorry it’s so short)
Warnings: hints at being naked
Summary: the boy told you to wake him at sunrise but you find yourself not wanting to.
the golden light of the sun peers over the gigantic walls, turning the sky a honey colour.
you stand in the doorway of the hut, wondering what to do. Newt had told you last night to wake him if he wasn’t up by sunrise, but the peaceful look on his face made you not want to.
the yellow light of the sun shines onto his face, turning his hair, which was growing fast and covering part of his face, a beautiful golden colour. it rustles with every steady breath giving it a feeling of being alive.
freckles splash his pale face making it look as though small fireflies dance across his cheeks and nose.
his thin pink lips are turned up in a small smile, no doubt he was dreaming of a better place than here.
but that was not the only reason that you do not wish to wake him. he looked so relaxed and content that a soft yellow glow seemed to emanate from him, only another thing that made him look like an angelic, ethereal being.
you walk slowly into the room, not wanted to rouse the sleeping boy, but knowing you have to.
“Newt.” you breathe, half hopping that he won’t wake.
he groans a little and curls further into the hammock.
“Newt.” you move closer to him, brushing hair his from his closed eyelids. his blond eyelashes flutter and he opens them, showing slightly bleary chocolate irises.
“y/n? what are you doing here?” he runs a hand through his hair, unsticking strands of it from his face.
“you told me to wake me up at sunrise.” you roll your eyes, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah well…” he pauses for a moment, “thanks”
you smile, “you better get out of bed.”
he groans again, burying his face in a pillow before resurfacing and swinging his legs over the side of the hammock.
“I’ll leave while you get dressed.”
“I don’t mind if you stay.”
“nice try,” you smirk and kiss him on the cheek, “I’ll be waiting outside.”
after a minute or two, Newt slips out of the hut, looking much less exhausted. the two of you walk across towards the hall where Frypan’s kitchen attached to the hall where the gladers ate.
the golden sky was now splashed with blue, and the sun was higher, sitting serenely on the gigantic walls.
swift footsteps run towards you, and you turn to see Thomas skid to a stop next to the blond boy.
“you two getting breakfast?” he doesn’t wait for an answer, “that’s nice. listen,” he lowers his voice even though there are no other people around, “Alby needs you Newt, he wants all the keepers and well you,” he adds somewhat apologetically, “to meet him in the map room.”
Newt looks back at you and your mouth tilts into a smile, “I think I’ll be alright eating breakfast by myself for once.”
he smiles and follows Thomas towards the map room, leaving you to watch them for a moment before spinning on your heel and making your way towards the large hall. wondering all the way, what Newt would have to tell you when he returned.
(Sorry it’s short and rubbish, I have writers block, whoop whoop 🎉)
Sorry for rebloging, my phone will not let me leave messages.
Yeah, take your time, don’t stress yourself. I am genuinely awed at the skill of your writing and it’s no surprise that it takes a while to write. Keep happy and once again don’t stress, quality over quantity! 👍
I might take a while to post chapter 3 of my fic (Good Luck, Babe!) bc I'm stuck on a specific scene 😭,,, Anyways it will be out in the next weeks (fingers crossed that it will be before the end of August) !!
Sorry I haven’t been posting, I’ve had no signal for days, im gonna line up some fanfics for when I get back on Wednesday. I’m out now so I can post this and let yall know 😁
Sorry about that can you make a minewt

Try (Minho x Newt)
Word Count: 652 word
Warnings: kissing, hugging
Summary: Minho is worried about Newt getting infected during their venture outside of WICKED.
(Right, finally got the right one. I’ve never written minewt so bare with 😁. Btw this takes place during The Fever Code.)
Minho hurries down corridor after corridor, Alby trailing after him, still wide-eyed. he knows they shouldn’t have done it, he knows it was dangerous. he wasn’t thinking.
what that WICKED worker had said wreathed around his mind, chilling him to the bone.
why hadn’t he though about it before? why during all the times they had gone up to that roof, why hadn’t he thought?
he bursts through the door to the huge hall the boys slept in, beds line it, bunk beds with crisp white sheets and small lumps, showing the rows of sleeping figures.
he practically sprints down the rows looking for a particular one, looking for a particular lump.
Minho skids to a halt so suddenly that Alby runs right into him. he rushes towards the boy that sat on the lower bunk of the bed, looking amused.
he lets out a sigh of relief and starts examining every part of the blond boy’s body, as if tasked with memorising it.
“something wrong Minho?”
his gaze snaps upwards and his voice comes out exasperated, “of course something’s wrong. why didn’t I think of it before? I didn’t realise… I didn’t think-“
“What the bloody hell are you talking about” Newt looks concerned as he pulls the boy onto the bed beside him, who was now running his hands through his hair and looking ready to pull bits out.
“What am I talking about?” Minho knows he sounds hysterical but he is so focused on getting the point he needed to get across to the boy, he didn’t care. “I’m talking about us sneaking out, we shouldn’t have don’t it. it was stupid. we should have thought about it sooner.”
“Thought about what sooner?” Newt puts a hand on Minho’s shoulder, looking seriously confused.
“The fact that you’re not immune!” he says this so loudly, several boys raise there heads, muttering in annoyed tones.
“What about it?”
“What about it? What about it? What if you had got infected while we were out there. What if a crank had jumped us and infected you. Why didn’t I remember it before?”
“Minho, I’m not a child, I can look after myself.”
at these words, the boy seems to deflate, slumping on the bed.
“I know, but that’s not the point. I don’t think you can’t look after yourself. It’s just,” he breaths deeply, “there are probably tones of cranks out there, and no matter how many fancy weapons WICKED uses on them, you might still catch the flare.”
“Honestly, you’re worse than Tommy. stop worrying.”
“I can’t.” Minho whined, hands twisting in his lap.
“Just don’t think about it anymore.” he sighs quietly.
“I can’t“
Newt doesn’t let him finish. he presses his lips on Minho’s, stopping his words. the dark haired boy wraps his arms around the other’s neck and his soft blond hair tickles them. the boys feels soft fingers creep down to his waist.
after a couple minutes, or maybe it’s several hours, the two break apart.
“Try, alright.”
“okay.” Minho answers quietly.
Newt smiles at him and raises his head to Alby, who was leaning on the bed and watching the two. he holds up his hands, smiling. I’ll leave the two of you to it.
he walks away still smiling and Newt’s eyes latch back onto Minho’s.
“So, are done yapping, or-“
this time it was Newt’s turn to be cut off. Minho drags them both down onto their sides, not breaking away from the boy, holding him as though he would disappear if he didn’t.
the boy knows he should have kept trying to persuade the other to be more careful, but right then, in that moment, nothing mattered but the feels of Newt’s soft lips and warm fingers on his waist.
nothing but the gentle eyes that swallowed him. nothing but the blond hair, tickling his arms. nothing but Newt.
(Hope you liked it, sorry it took a minute)