The Maze Runner Newt - Tumblr Posts

i cant
this was just so hard to make this art

2021 vs. 2018
redrawing my first art of newt :3333

day 5: ms paint
kinda went lazy with it and no, this is not actually drawn on ms paint, but i hope it looks like it :,)
decided to draw newt for this one because i promised that to my friend ^_^
Sorry about that can you make a minewt

Try (Minho x Newt)
Word Count: 652 word
Warnings: kissing, hugging
Summary: Minho is worried about Newt getting infected during their venture outside of WICKED.
(Right, finally got the right one. I’ve never written minewt so bare with 😁. Btw this takes place during The Fever Code.)
Minho hurries down corridor after corridor, Alby trailing after him, still wide-eyed. he knows they shouldn’t have done it, he knows it was dangerous. he wasn’t thinking.
what that WICKED worker had said wreathed around his mind, chilling him to the bone.
why hadn’t he though about it before? why during all the times they had gone up to that roof, why hadn’t he thought?
he bursts through the door to the huge hall the boys slept in, beds line it, bunk beds with crisp white sheets and small lumps, showing the rows of sleeping figures.
he practically sprints down the rows looking for a particular one, looking for a particular lump.
Minho skids to a halt so suddenly that Alby runs right into him. he rushes towards the boy that sat on the lower bunk of the bed, looking amused.
he lets out a sigh of relief and starts examining every part of the blond boy’s body, as if tasked with memorising it.
“something wrong Minho?”
his gaze snaps upwards and his voice comes out exasperated, “of course something’s wrong. why didn’t I think of it before? I didn’t realise… I didn’t think-“
“What the bloody hell are you talking about” Newt looks concerned as he pulls the boy onto the bed beside him, who was now running his hands through his hair and looking ready to pull bits out.
“What am I talking about?” Minho knows he sounds hysterical but he is so focused on getting the point he needed to get across to the boy, he didn’t care. “I’m talking about us sneaking out, we shouldn’t have don’t it. it was stupid. we should have thought about it sooner.”
“Thought about what sooner?” Newt puts a hand on Minho’s shoulder, looking seriously confused.
“The fact that you’re not immune!” he says this so loudly, several boys raise there heads, muttering in annoyed tones.
“What about it?”
“What about it? What about it? What if you had got infected while we were out there. What if a crank had jumped us and infected you. Why didn’t I remember it before?”
“Minho, I’m not a child, I can look after myself.”
at these words, the boy seems to deflate, slumping on the bed.
“I know, but that’s not the point. I don’t think you can’t look after yourself. It’s just,” he breaths deeply, “there are probably tones of cranks out there, and no matter how many fancy weapons WICKED uses on them, you might still catch the flare.”
“Honestly, you’re worse than Tommy. stop worrying.”
“I can’t.” Minho whined, hands twisting in his lap.
“Just don’t think about it anymore.” he sighs quietly.
“I can’t“
Newt doesn’t let him finish. he presses his lips on Minho’s, stopping his words. the dark haired boy wraps his arms around the other’s neck and his soft blond hair tickles them. the boys feels soft fingers creep down to his waist.
after a couple minutes, or maybe it’s several hours, the two break apart.
“Try, alright.”
“okay.” Minho answers quietly.
Newt smiles at him and raises his head to Alby, who was leaning on the bed and watching the two. he holds up his hands, smiling. I’ll leave the two of you to it.
he walks away still smiling and Newt’s eyes latch back onto Minho’s.
“So, are done yapping, or-“
this time it was Newt’s turn to be cut off. Minho drags them both down onto their sides, not breaking away from the boy, holding him as though he would disappear if he didn’t.
the boy knows he should have kept trying to persuade the other to be more careful, but right then, in that moment, nothing mattered but the feels of Newt’s soft lips and warm fingers on his waist.
nothing but the gentle eyes that swallowed him. nothing but the blond hair, tickling his arms. nothing but Newt.
(Hope you liked it, sorry it took a minute)

And then the world exploded
And then the world exploded (Newt x gn!reader)
Words: 5.4k
Warnings: injury, infection, explosions, mentions of death, blood, violence, mentions of violence, kissing
Summary: Minho has been taken by WICKED and the gladers are trying to rescue him
(50 follower special, whoop whoop 🎉, I luv you all tyy for being here and have an amazing week)
you follow the boys as they run along a road, looking around nervously. if they were seen by WICKED wouldn’t hesitate to blow them all sky high. you raise your head along the crowd and see Newt herding boy after boy under a moss covered overhang.
when you reach him he says in a worried voice, “is that everyone”
“yes, I’m the last one”
he nods and follows you after the others. the youngest of the boys are being comforted by the others while some had spilt into small groups to talk.
you walk with Newt, peering out around the rock you were hiding behind. you see Newts eyes scanning the area and the sky around it, muttering, “he should be here”
you put a hand on his shoulder and he holds onto your wrist, still scanning.
Thomas joins his friend at his shoulder and starts surveying the barren land between the distance WICKED building and their rocky overhang.
Newt stares, absently kicking the sand with the toe of his boot as he keeps looking into the distance.
you look at Thomas and he looks at you. he is biting his tongue and looking anxious for his friend. he had known Minho for maybe more than two years, and you have no idea what he’d do if his friend didn’t make it back to them.
“There!” Newt’s cry makes you, Thomas and others look up. you see from the distance a figure walking towards them from a distance. even from far away, it is almost certainly Minho. Newt rushes forward only stopped from running right to Minho by Thomas’ arm and quiet words.
the gladers crowd in a semicircle, bunched together watching as Minho stumbles towards them, Newt and Thomas’s faces are filled with glee and you can tell Newt is barley stopping himself from running towards his friend.
everyone keeps looking left and right, he was doing alright so far, it looked like WICKED hadn’t noticed him yet. hadn’t noticed that one of their prisoners had just escaped. the last thing you see is Minho’s face split into a giant grin. and then the world exploded.
you fall to your knees, ears ringing as bombs fall from the sky. smokes snakes around you making you cough and fire rains from above.
you bend your head, covering it with your hands and coughing violently. and then everything was still. a dull ringing fills your head and people are standing up all around you.
you find you’re sighing in relief despite yourself, as you see Newt and Thomas are already on their feet, looking around to where Minho had been a few moments ago.
“Over there.” Thomas points towards a hunched figure, no doubt Minho, shaking with coughs. three shadowy figures holding long sticks with electricity fizzing from the end, approach him from behind.
you don’t think. you weren’t thinking. all you know is that you’re running. running towards the crouched boy.
“No! Y/n!” you glance behind you to see Newt fighting off Thomas who had his arms gripped around his waist, restraining him. “No!”
you turn away from him, Newt’s screams still ringing after you. you race towards Minho and the figures, slamming into one of them and making his teammates turn and raise their weapons.
there is a fizz of electricity and you feel your limbs jerk from under you. a strangled scream escapes your mouth as you fall to the ground.
hands carry you away, another flash of electricity and shout of pain tells you Minho is being carried after you. pain ripples through your body. and then you pass out.
Newt POV
I struggle against Tommy’s grip, fighting as hard as I can to run after them. “No! Y/n!” Thomas grunts with the effort of restraining me and Frypan moves to help, grabbing my arms and pinning them down by my sides.
I see them slam into one of the figures and a flash of light as the others shoot their weapons. a strangled cry, somewhere between a scream and a sob, escapes my mouth and I double my efforts in fighting to free myself.
“Newt stop it”
I ignore him.
“Newt, if you get caught now, we won’t be able to help them”
I stop struggling and Tommy uses the opportunity to drag me away after the other gladers who had taken cover behind the large overhang.
you blink open your eyes and see Minho leaning on one of the walls of the blinding white room you’re in. “you’re finally awake.” sitting up, you rub your head.
“That was a really stupid thing to do.”
you scoff, “yeah, you’re welcome” he smiles grimly at you.
“When Newt gets his hands on us, he’ll kill both of us.” at the thought of Newt your stomach flips and you fight the urge to be sick. you didnt know whether they were safe or not, if any of them weren’t.
the last time you remember seeing him was him screaming at you to not go while being held back by Thomas.
you spin around and start hitting one of the walls with your fist, hoping you were somewhere near the door that was pretty much invisible. or non existent. but you push that thought away.
Minho is watching you, a tiny smile on his face, “it’s no use, you don’t think I’ve already tried that?”
you press your back against the wall and slide down it. Minho sits beside you, “Listen y/n, I’m grateful for what you did, I really am, but you didn’t have too”
you look at him sadly, “I did though, I couldn’t leave a friend.”
Minho sighs, “this is why Newt gets so worried about you.” you rest your head on your knees, and Minho pats you on the arm.
“I’m sorry y/n.”
“No, it’s alright, it’s true”
“but I’m still sorry”
“it’s not that. I just feel bad that I left him. that I left all of them.”
“you got me though. that was pretty brave of you, even if it was stupid. I’m glad I’m not on my own”
you look sideways at him and smile a little. he smiles back and tucks his knees up to his chin.
Newt POV
I bounce on the balls of my feet, “we need to go get them, we need to go get them”
Tommy puts a hand on my arm, “calm down, it’s alright.”
I push him away, “it’s not bloody alright, what if they’re hurt, what if they hurt them, what if they-”
I cannot finish that sentence but Tommy’s eyes show understanding. “they’re tough, y/n, they can take care of themself.”
I sighs, “I know it’s just” I bite my lip, worry creasing lines into my face.
Thomas pulls me around to face him and hugs me tightly. I find myself hugging back, resting my face on his shoulder.
“y/n’s fine, they’re both fine, they’re troopers, they’ve been through worse.”
the click of the little hatch on the door makes you jump to your feet. “about time.” Minho scoops up the food and hands you half of it, digging into his own.
you sit cross legged on the floor, silently eating with Minho. “you know you have no manners.”
Minho grins at you through a mouthful of potato and starts stuffing his face so much he looks like a hamster.
you laugh quietly.
“I’m glad I’m not alone in this place. It’d be pretty miserable.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t be alone for long. they’ll get us out”
you scoff.
“Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if Newt isn’t pulling out bits of his hair right now. he worries about you, you know”
you put your chin on your knees, not very hungry anymore. you did not want to think about Newt right now, let alone think about the worry you knew he must be experiencing.
Minho puts down his food, “I’m sorry y/n, I’m just trying to keep you from losing hope”
you nod at him, “how did you escape before.”
he grins to himself, pointing to a piece of plaster scraped hastily over a patch of ceiling.
“See that up there, these shanks don’t think we can get up there but I wasn’t keeper of the runners for no reason”
he gets to his feet, walks up to the back wall, takes a breath and sprints as fast as he can at the opposite wall, he jumps on a small foothold you see Minho must have made himself, and pushes off it touching the uneven ceiling with the palm of his hand.
he lands on his feet, and sits back down next to you. “it was probably because I need some fresh air but now they’ve just covered it up and are probably using some kind of fancy technology to blast air in here.”
you sigh, “how on earth are we getting out of this place”
“You’ll see” Minho smiles at you, “the others will be here, they’ll help us”
Newt POV
I feel my leg shaking, having to stop myself biting my nails for the fourth time. Tommy paces behind me, talking with Frypan and a few other gladers.
they are talking about how best to get Minho and y/n out of their prison. Brenda has a vague idea of where they are, but the rest of us are stumped, we just know that they’re in that building.
I get to my feet and walk over to the group. “Have you decided what to do for Minho and y/n yet?”
“Newt,” Tommy starts patiently, “it’s only been five minutes since you last asked that, and we haven’t got much further in figuring out how to get them out”
“Let’s just burst in there”
“Newt they’ll shoot you down within seconds”
I feel my blood boiling with hatred for WICKED, “I’d like to see them try, I’ll snap their necks in half for what they’ve done to all of us”
Tommy puts a hand on my shoulder, “If we start hurting them what do you think they’ll do to y/n and Minho. they have them trapped. won’t be too hard to put a bullet through their brains if we do anything wrong”
I press my mouth into a thin line and take a deep breath, closing my eyes tight before nodding and sitting back down some ways away, watching the WICKED building and imagining many things, most involving piles of Cranks and giant rocks of fire, destroying the whole place.
I feel my hopes lift as Thomas beckons all the gladers to gather around him. “I think we have come up with an idea to get Minho and y/n back from WICKED.”
I listen carefully as Thomas explains the plan, “but before we do this, I need to tell you, if anyone breaks from their post,” he fixes me with a serious stare, “this whole thing might not work.”
I raise my head indignantly, “I won’t break from my post, so long as I’m helping actually rescue them.”
Thomas looks at me and I glare back at him. then he sighs and I know he’s given in. “Fine, you can help, but don’t go running off, or attack anyone from WICKED just because they’re passing”
“Alright, alright, I’ll behave myself”
“Good,” Thomas turns to assign posts to the others, as they gather around him.
you sit in the middle of the room, your back pressed against Minho’s. “So, how long do you think it’ll be before the others get in here.”
“At least we’ll hopefully know if they tried,” you look at him in confusion, “well they’ll be thrown in here, won’t they?”
“Doesn’t seem like WICKED will let us all share a cell.”
Minho doesn’t answer, just kicks one of his legs over the other. “When do you think they’ll bring dinner.”
you laugh, “I thought we were talking about the others rescuing us.”
he shrugs, “I’m hungry.”
you laugh and he laughs too. that’s when the door clicks. both of you scramble to your feet, expecting to see the faces of their friends.
as the rat man steps through, your face falls. “What do you want.” Minho’s voice is harsh and he folds his arms across his chest.
“I’m here to take y/n”
“Mhm, let me think about that, no”
“It’s not your choice, I’ve been sent to take them”
“And why is that?”
“That, is not your concern”
Minho opens his mouth again, but you pat him on the shoulder and step towards the rat man.
he nods at you and gestures for you to step out of the door. you see Minho’s confused and a little anxious face as the door slides close behind you.
two guards flank you and the rat man as you walk down a long hallway. you look around, thinking of the possibility of escape. a guard prods you in the back with his launcher, “don’t even think about it.”
you reach a door and the rat man opens it with the guards shoving you inside. “Make yourself at home, you’ll be here for a while.” the rat man smiles cruelly as he shuts the door on you, leaving you in another, slightly smaller, white room.
Newt POV
I crouch next to Tommy, keeping my eyes on the building. two people sprint towards it, using the overhanging rocks to shield themselves from the view of the cameras that are propped all around the walls of the building.
they run until they are about one hundred meters away from it, and then they raise a hand above their head.
Thomas nods at me, and we and three others run towards them. Funny really, WICKED had so much security, yet they fail to put any cameras under these rocks. or maybe they did and were just toying with us. that was one of the reasons that only me and Tommy were going in.
we run, doubled over to avoid hitting our heads on the rough rocky roof.
Tommy holds out his hand and we stop abruptly. he turns to the boys behind us, “okay, you three, wait here and make sure nobody notices that anyone is going in or out. use a distraction, cover the cameras, just make sure WICKED isn’t focusing on us or Minho and y/n.”
they nod and Tommy moves forwards with me close behind him. we reach a heavy door, when Tommy spins around to face me. “Listen, I know you want to get them out, and we will, but don’t do anything stupid.”
I look defiant but eventually say, “fine.” he nods and ducks under the garage like door, slipping inside.
a long hallway stretches before us. Tommy leads the way down it, peeking around corners before moving.
I breathe quietly into his ear, “where are they?”
he looks around before answering, “Brenda said it was around here somewhere.”
we slip down the hallway, running around corners before Tommy stops so abruptly I slam into him.
I peer around him and see a door. my heart starts racing, and he shoots me a look that says, ‘remember don’t do anything stupid’.
he walks ahead of you, keeping one of his arms stiff as though he is getting ready to hold me back if he has to.
Thomas flattens his palms and starts patting the door, muttering under his breath. no doubt Brenda had told him how to open these mechanical door.
there is a click and a whir, and the door slides open slowly. I’m surprised that people don’t start running towards us, the sound wasn’t exactly quiet.
Minho’s apprehensive face comes into view but it quickly splits into grin as he sees me and Thomas standing on the other side.
he rushes towards us, “I knew it, I knew you’d come. I kept telling y/n.”
“speaking of which where is y/n,” I survey the room, feeling my face grow pale.
Minho looks at me, “the rat man took her. I don’t know where she is.”
Thomas pats me on the arm, and I take a deep breath, though on the inside, my heart is screaming. “Right, we probably don’t have much time before WICKED find out that you’re out of here, so we’d better find y/n, and get out of here”
at the silence that follows I nod and gesture for either Thomas or Minho to lead the way. they share a look of understanding before Thomas moves in front of me.
I follow behind him, being much less careful to be quiet. it was only a matter of time before WICKED was on us anyways.
you sit, curled in a corner of the room, bored out of your mind. footsteps run past your door and you jump to your feet, pressing your ear up to the door at the sound of mumbling.
“He’s out somehow, the cell’s empty”
“Sounds like his friends have finally come for him”
“Where is security, they should have been stopped”
“They’re over by Denver, taking care of some Cranks”
“That isn’t our problem”
“Well their paying for it and we all know-“
the last bit of the WICKED employee’s sentence was cut of by a loud crunching, and the sound of flesh against flesh.
their friend shouts in surprise but his is cut short too by a thumping sound. “Newt I told you not to do anything stupid,” Thomas’ annoyed voice echoes from near the unfindable door of your cell, “like that.”
you bang your fists on the door, shouting, “Thomas, Newt!” a shout sounds from nearby, “y/n!”
you hear footsteps run towards your door. “Back up Newt, I’ll open it.” you hear a few clicks and whirs and then a hiss as the door slides open slowly.
“Y/n!” Newt grins widely at you and you sprint towards him, throwing yourself at him, wrapping your legs around his waist. you crash your lips onto his the second you two collide.
he stumbles backwards slightly, but keeps his balance, returning your kiss and hugging you back so tightly, you’re sure neither of you can breathe. You finally break apart as Newt says quietly, “Never do that again, you hear me. Never.”
you don’t answer, you can’t promise that.
you raise your head a little and see Thomas and Minho grinning at each other. unfortunately, the moment doesn’t last. at that very moment, alarms blare and red flashing lights dance before your eyes.
“well that’s our cue, let’s get out of here.”
you intertwine your fingers with his and run after the three, down long, narrow corridors. footsteps and shouts sound from behind you.
you glance over your shoulder and hear a clicking sound. armed WICKED guards race towards the group, aiming guns at you.
the bullet flies through the air and hits you in the leg. you cry and feel it jerk out from underneath you.
Newt turns around and bends down next to you, “no, they’re not taking you again.” he sweeps you, bridal style, into his arms and runs with you.
catching up to the others, you see their eyes widen as they see you, still letting out small cries of pain, in Newt’s arms.
Thomas reaches out an arm to help his friend but he waves him away. “Keep going, I’ll take care of y/n, get the others out of the way, it won’t be long before WICKED sends those bombs again.”
Thomas nods, speeds up to run beside Minho, exchanges a few words with him and they both start sprinting away from the two of you, around a corner and out of sight.
a loud metallic creaking reaches your ears. you hear Newt groan quietly. he speeds up, running, or rather hobbling, down the long hallway.
he races around a corner to find a slowly closing garage like door. picking up the pace, you try to block out the footsteps behind you, growing closer.
Newt leans into you, whispering in your ear, “this is going to hurt, it’ll be over soon.” you nod and he touches your nose with his for a moment, before bending down and sending you rolling underneath the door.
you shout in pain as you tumble on your injured leg. as you roll to a stop, you see Newt slide under the door, just before it closes with a crash.
he kneels next to you, gently prising your bloodstained hands off your leg so he can examine it. you see him bite his lip, anger flashing in his eyes.
putting a hand on his, he smiles at you, warmth once more filling his face. yet at the sound of footsteps, both of your heads jerk upwards towards the sound.
Minho and Thomas stand above the two of you, looking grave. “What is it?”
they look at each other, “follow us.” Newt looks back down at you, “are you okay if we stand?”
you take a breath and nod. he puts one of your arms around his shoulders and, as gently as he can, rises with you.
wincing slightly, you lean on him, keeping weight off your leg. the two of you follow Minho and Thomas in silence.
you duck under rocks, bent double. you finally straighten up, expecting to see the gladers, anyone.
but you’re met with a completely different sight. large smoking craters dot the area. boulders have been destroyed, littering the floor with rocky debris.
Newt POV
“looks like WICKED were more aware of what was going on than we thought.”
“I suppose y/n, and me weren’t doing much for them except to get the rest of you in one place. seems like they attacked the others before we got back.”
“Do you think they’re alright” Thomas bites his lip, looking anxious.
“Well there are no bodies but WICKED could have always cleaned up after themselves.” I twist my hands together, worry and hatred for what WICKED had done fighting for dominance.
“They know what they’re doing.”
“That won’t stop them getting blown up.”
Minho sits down with his back against a rock, “so what’s the plan. we can’t stay here. it’s only a matter of time before WICKED blow us up too.”
“We should get moving.” y/n lowers themself steadily onto a rock, “maybe we’ll be able to catch up to the others, and regroup. and if not, at least we’re putting some distance between us and this wretched place.”
“We need to do something about your leg first. I’d clean it, but there’s nothing, but bloody sand around here”
I bend down, looking closely at the bloody fabric of her trousers. I look around me for some sort of bandage, before eventually ripping off a strip of fabric off my jacket and tying it, gently yet tightly around their leg. a small wince slips from their lips and I immediately look up. they have their eyes squeezed shut and their fists clenched.
“It’s alright love, I’m done now.”
you prise open your eyes slowly, trying hard not to look at the already bloodstained bandage.
“Are you okay y/n.” Minho is looking at you sympathetically.
“Of course they’re not bloody okay. bloody shuck ran their leg through with a bleeding bullet. and when I get my hands on the idiot that did it, I’ll-“
“you won’t do anything to anyone” you pat him gently on the arm.
“We’ll see”, menace edges his voice but the rage has left his face.
“There isn’t much we can do against them.” Thomas is watching Newt closely, “four unarmed teenagers, one of which is injured, against hoards of armed WICKED workers with bergs and launchers. this isn’t a movie, just ‘cause we’re the good guys doesn’t mean we’ll win.”
you sit in silence for a moment, letting Thomas’ words sink in. the truth was, he was right, they didn’t stand a chance against WICKED. it would be a miracle if all of them made it out of this alive. you had already lost so many.
you look around at the boys. if any of them didn’t make it. no, you shake away that thought, it was too unbearable.
besides it wasn’t true, you would make it out, all of you. you’d just have to keep telling yourself it. then maybe you’d believe it.
Newt POV
we keep walking. walking, walking. not sure to where exactly. well I know where, but I don’t know if ‘where’ is even real.
didn’t seem likely that the people that had just dropped bombs on us, and shot y/n in the leg, would just let us into a ‘safe haven’.
I feel I have good reason to be skeptical but I don’t want to mention it to the others. they’ve already got enough worry to burden their minds.
I find myself glancing over at y/n more and more often. I can tell that they’re struggling, though they don’t say anything. their small gasps every few seconds and ever increasingly obvious limp.
they catch me watching them anxiously and tries to smile but it comes out as more of a pained grimace. I move closer to them and offer them a shoulder.
with a small sigh, they lean gratefully into me. burrowing their head in my neck, their short sharp breaths slow gently.
“we need to keep moving love if you’re ready.” I didn’t want to have to say it but Minho and Thomas were getting further and further away.
they look up into my face for a moment, as though they were trying to remember every detail of it. then they nodded.
I let them wrap an arm around my shoulder as we started walking. both of us limped along after Thomas and Minho who looked like they had stopped to wait for the two of us.
you reach the boys, and see Minho and Thomas watching you closely. “Do you want me to take her Newt.”
you press closer to the boy beside you, and he looks down at you before answering, “I’m alright Tommy, they’re good with me.”
he nods. Newt looks towards Minho, “are we gonna keep moving or are we stopping here?” he cups his hands over his eyes, looking up towards the sun then back at you.
“we can stop here.”
you sigh in relief and sink onto the sand. the sun has already started setting, splashing orange into the blue sky. Newt sits down next to you and you put your head gently in his lap.
he looks down at you, stroking your hair softly. you hear Thomas and Minho laying down out of your field of vision. you close your eyes and feel sleep tugging at you.
a few weak rays of sunlight peek out from the horizon, creeping through your eyelids.
you raise your head to see Newt. dark circles showing prominently under his eyes. looking like he hadn’t slept in ages, still in the same position he was when you fell asleep.
you prop yourself on an elbow. Newt looks down at you then at the boys. “you should try and get some more sleep darling.”
“you can talk.” you retort quietly, “it looks like you didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.”
he doesn’t answer you, pretending he didn’t hear.
“Newt, you need to sleep”
he shakes his head. “Who’s gonna make sure no one from WICKED comes and takes you again in the night”
you shuffle closer to him, and put a hand on his cheek. “don’t worry about me, you need to sleep” he opens his mouth but you put a finger of his lips and drag him down slowly onto the sand.
he lets out a small sigh and, after a few moments, his breathing becomes steady. you run a hand gently through his hair. and smile at the peaceful look on his sleeping face.
Newt POV
I wake with a start, silently cursing myself for falling asleep. propping myself up on my elbow, I start looking around for y/n. my heart starts to race as I look up and down the endless dunes. spinning around frantically, I spot them and feel my heart slow from its, one hundred beats a second.
they smile, “lose something.”
“Not anymore”
“How did you sleep.” they move towards me.
“‘bout as well as I can in a desert with a fear of me or you guys being blown up by a bunch of mad scientists.”
“So pretty bad then”
I yawn hugely in answer. they look over to Tommy and Minho, who are stirring slightly. “I’d tell you to get back to sleep, but Minho will kill us both if he catches anyone sleeping longer than him. the filthy hypocrite.” they add as an afterthought, but I can tell it was a joke.
“speak of the devil”
I turn to see Minho, with bleary eyed Tommy in tow. “Shall we get moving then.” he doesn’t wait for an answer, but drags Tommy after him.
y/n rolls their eyes at me, but the smile on their face is wiped away almost instantly as they start walking. their leg seems to have gotten worse over night. they are limping worse than ever and every step is met with a grimace or small gasp.
I find myself moving closer to them, stiff, as though being ready to catch them at any moment. they seem to notice because their mouth turns into a brave smile and they say, “after this heat, I’ll never complain about the cold again.”
I have to agree with them there. I’m not sure there is a part of me that hasn’t been burned from the sun. not that I’m a stranger to sunburns.
while being both a runner and a trackhoe, I usually found myself in the sun. but this was a whole different level of torture. at this point, I’ve given up trying to wipe the sweat of my forehead.
though if anyone was struggling, it was y/n. it wasn’t that hard to see they were in pain. with both the sand dunes making walking normally impossible, and their leg that looked to be getting worse by the minute, I half expected them to keel over at any moment.
beads of sweat glisten on their forehead, and though it is hot, I’m not sure it’s from the heat. their breath is becoming rasping. yes, none of us have had enough water for quite some time, but, I can’t help worrying.
it wasn’t just me who was getting nervous. Minho and Tommy glance over their shoulder more and more frequently until they are practically walking with their heads facing backwards.
as soon as the sun starts to sink, Minho tells everyone to get some rest. he and Tommy sit on a large rock, tipping sand out of their boots, and shaking emptying bags of water sadly.
I help y/n over to another rock and after making sure they are alright, gently peeled back the makeshift bandage. the little liquid I have left in my body nearly came back up as I look at a swollen, red streaked wound where the bullet had entered their leg.
clearly an infection had set in, no doubt from the little piece of metal buried deep. there was nothing I could do but try to get as much excess blood off the strip of ripped jacket as I could.
you lean into the boy beside you and he puts an arms around your shoulders. looking up into his face you see worry there and both of you know there is nothing you can do to stop the infection.
the other boys walk over to you, “how is it looking?” Thomas asks Newt.
he doesn’t look at him, but says quietly, “infection.”
“and-“ Minho starts.
“and it means without fancy medication from WICKED there’s nothing we can do. after what’s just happened I don’t think they’ll be all too happy to help us” anger edges his voice now and his grip around you tightens.
you hold onto his hand and he relaxes a little.
“is there anything we can do, anything at all?” Thomas looks at his friend.
Newt pretends not to hear him, under the pretence of binding your leg back up, not that it would do anything but cover up the vomit inducing sight. his head is low, hidden in the shadow of the setting sun.
“You just need to go easy on it and I’m sure it’ll be fine.” he pointedly ignores Thomas’ question once again.
Thomas opens his mouth again but Newt cuts over him.
“We need to rest.”
“Now Tommy.” Minho gives him a stern look, gesturing to Newt’s blank, numb looking face.
all four of you know. you all know that if you don’t get medication, and soon, you’re not going to make it much further. you all know that you’re never going to get said medication. there wasn’t much hope. there never was much hope. but you have to keep going. for your friends. for the gladers. for Newt…
(Might continue this, if y’all like this one 😊)
Newt Day 2023
Haha, I found this silly poem I wrote for year 10 english.
(from the perspective of thomas)
Page 250
“Please, Tommy. Please.”
The remnants of his sanity
He pours acid in my ears
It eats into my brain
Between the shell
Of a retired ally
And the unforgiving tarmac
Excavating my skin
Between a drowning dread
And the dawn of guilt
Life and death in my grip
As the first is slipping
From his
His eyes
Level with mine
But I
Do not see them
Only two
Empty tunnels
With one
Journey through the scorch - Part 1 - Newt (Maze Runner)
Request by @tiagrindalen - Can you write an imagine that takes place in the scorch (the book) and its when Brenda and Thomas are separate from the group. The others are trying to find them but Jorge decides they need help to do that. So he goes to the reader who also lives in the city and knows every little corner of it better then anyone. She is an immune who used to work for WCKED but escaped because she thought what they did was wrong. She used to know all the gladers and seeing them, especially Newt brings back a lot of memories. She is a badass, a trained assassin. She used to be a soldier for WCKED.
A/N - This is a long request so I’m going to split it into a couple of parts.
Your name: submit What is this?
“ We need to go now, or we’re not going to find her in time.” Jorge said, turning to the exit. The group of boys cast a glance back and started following him.
“Find who in time?” Newt questioned, a look of confusion spread across his face. Jorge stopped abruptly and turned to face the group.
“The only person who can help us get our friends back and survive in the scorch.” With that he turned around and set off again, the boys following after exchanging a series of glances.
*** The small group spent the next few days journeying towards the city to find this mysterious character Jorge told them about. They arrived at an ‘abandoned’ warehouse, the floorboards creaking as the ventured inside. The boys started looking around for food or water but finding nothing.
When they gave up, Jorge lead them through the warehouse to a hidden set of stairs with light at the top of the passage. He took a step back and gestured for them to go up. The boys looked uneasy but after Minho went first, the rest shortly followed.
When they reached the top they found a living area with fresh clothes, food and water laid out on a table a short distance away. The group rushed forwards, with the exception of Jorge and Minho, the latter letting out a short yell of surprise as he found himself being held against a body with a knife pressed gently across his neck.
The others span around, a few of the starting forwards before abruptly stopping when the voice called out.
“Take one more step and your little friend here will be the newest addition to my stuffed bodies collection.”
“Come now hermana, is that any way to greet an old friend?” Jorge called out from behind the group. The girl let out a sigh and reluctantly pulled away the knife before pushing the now-pale boy into his friends.
“What do you want, Jorge?” The girl asked, moving behind a desk and falling down into a chair, allowing the boys to get a good look at her. They stared at the girl, taking in her appearance. Most of them felt a sense of awe or shock, but for the second-in-command it was something different, something he couldn’t quite place his finger on, like somewhere deep in his mind he knew this girl.
Jorge moved in front of the boys to talk to Y/N, putting his hands on the desk, blocking her view of the group. “We need your help. Some friends of ours were separated from us in our escape from WICKED and we want you to help us get them back.”
“Look, hermano, I’ve told you this before and I’m gonna tell you one more time. I don’t know everything that happens to everyone WICKED has, I only know a few of the subjects and have a connection with even fewer.” She leaned back in her chair, twirling a small knife around her fingers. “So either you give me a good enough reason as to why I should help you, or you get the hell out of my house.”
“That girl is as sassy as you are Minho.” The British boy muttered to his friend who rolled his eyes, muttering a quiet “is not” to himself. At the sound of the first boy, Y/N leaned forwards in her chair and glanced around Jorge, her gaze falling on the boys behind him. Her eyes locked with Newt’s and there was a quiet intake of breath before she leaned back to face Jorge.
“Fine, I’ll help you find your friends, but you all follow me and do everything I say. That way you might survive.” The boys exchange confused looks, wondering what changed the girl’s mind, a girl who seemingly couldn’t be reasoned with. The girl noticed them staring at her and she narrowed her eyes.
“Is there a problem?” The boys shook their heads vigorously, none of them wanting to be on the receiving end of her knife. “Good. Get some food and get some sleep. We leave in the morning.” And with that she spun her knife into its case, turned around and marched off.
awesomenewtimagines - What about a Newt imagine where it's basically the same as the scorch trials movie but the reader was in the maze with Aris and they are best friends. Instead of Minho knocking out the guard the reader does that. And while running out of the compound the reader get shot, nothing serious, just a flesh wound on the upper arm. Since the moment Newt saw the reader he felt like he knew her, like Thomas felt like he knew Teresa and the reader feels that way about Newt too. The reader is fearless, protective of the people she love, hates having people take care of her, or worry about her. So she doesn't tell them that she was shoot right away. They figure out she was shoot when Thomas and Newt is fighting about not having a plan and she almost faints do to blood loss. (the bullet hit a blood vessel) not to much fluff. And you don't have to stop writing in the mall, continue maybe to the end of the movie? I don't mind it being long and multiple parts, but if you like it short and have a good idea for a short one, don't let me stop you. Write how you want to!
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
You followed the others half way down the corridor before stopping and turning to the other end.
"Y/N! What are you doing? Come on!" Newt yelled, but you ignored him and took off running in the direction you had just come from.
'I hope this works', you thought to yourself, the shouts of the others barely audible over the sound of the air whistling in your ears. As you reached the end of the corridor you slid along the floor, swinging your leg into the legs of the guard who had just rounded the corner, causing him to fall to the floor and hit his head on the wall, his gun sliding across the smooth surface.
You grabbed the gun and pushed yourself off the floor and ran back to join the others, met with looks of astonishment and pride.
"Are we gonna wait around for more guards or are we gonna go?" You asked, resting the gun on your shoulder. The reply was a mixture of silence and laughs, making you grin and walk off down the corridor, trying to find a way out.
The group followed Thomas to the medical ward where Teresa was being kept. You stood back as Thomas ran over to Teresa, helping her up, your gun pointed at the rattling door. In a flash, Thomas and Newt had smashed the window with chairs and you threw Thomas the gun before you climbed through the window, Newt helping you to make sure you didn't get cut by the shards of glass.
You soon found yourself running alongside Newt again, trying to get away from Jansen and his guards, your fingers linked as you helped him run faster until you arrived at a door. Thomas swiped the key card again and again, the mechanism denying access every time.
Thomas turned to face Janson as the rest of your group tried in vain to get the door open. You watched as Thomas moved towards Janson, pointing the gun at him before the door opened and Thomas started firing.
You heard another gunshot and felt something hit your arm, pain radiating off it, but you tried to ignore it as the group ran for the big door that lead to the 'Scorch'. Thomas managed to get the door open and you followed the others out into the unknown, ripping a piece of cloth off the bottom of your shirt to tie around your wound, hoping the others wouldn't notice. You saw Newt glance back at you and slow down to wait for you to catch up before the two of you chased after the others.
The group finally arrived at what looked like an abandoned mall and you all slid down the sand dune and stumbled in. You took in your surroundings as best you could with the slight darkness around the edge of your vision, pressing down on the cloth tied around your arm. You heard faint conversation between Thomas and Newt which soon turned into an argument, bringing your attention to them.
"You brought us this whole way and you don't have a plan?" Newt yelled, a mixture of shock and anger on his face. Suddenly you felt light-headed and tried to find something to lean on, accidentally pushing something metal off a surface, drawing attention to you.
"Y/N?" Newt asked gently, his tone changing as he took a few steps in your direction. You looked up at the group, taking in their looks of concern and confusion before your legs gave out from underneath you and you fell to the floor, your vision blackening.
"Y/N!" Startled voices cried out and you felt yourself being pulled into someone's arms, brushing your hair out of your face as the others crowded around you.
"What happened to her?" You heard Aris ask, worry evident in his voice.
"I don't know!" Newt replied; obviously flustered before you felt a hand brush across the wound, causing you to flinch slightly. Moments later you felt your makeshift bandage being pulled off your arm and heard sharp intakes of breath and you guessed they had seen the blood and the bullet hole.
“Oh my god.” Aris whispered and you could imagine his hand covering mouth as it had done so many times before in the glade.
“I don't understand, when did she get shot?” Newt questioned loudly, his panic shown very expressly in his tone.
“It must've been on the way out, y’know with Janson and his guards…” Thomas muttered, his voice just audible.
“Does anyone know anything we can do to help her?” Minho asked, taking control of the situation.
“I don't know man, we don't have a lot to work with.” Winston sighed and you heard Newt’s breathing speed up and become uneven.
“We have to do something!”
“Frypan see if you can find any cloth we can use as a bandage for her arm.” Minho instructed and Frypan quickly set off, trying to find something to help. “Whilst he's looking, everyone else try and get as much stuff as we can take with us. Newt, you stay here with Y/N.”
The group dispersed, leaving Newt holding your body in an unconscious state, your head resting on his lap and one hand with your fingers loosely intertwined. You could feel Newt’s shaky breaths and he tried to calm himself.
“How could I let this happen to you?” Newt quietly said to you, making sure the others didn't hear. You wished you could convince your eyes to open and make yourself sit up to tell him it's not his fault, but your body was ignoring you. The two of you remained in silence until you heard shouts in the distance causing Newt to sit up, making sure not to injure you further in any way.
You weren't sure what was happening, all you heard was a surprised exclamation from Newt and soon found yourself being carried out of the building in the arms of a running British boy. You heard the others catching up and their shouts at each other to hurry up. All the time you and Newt were kept at the front of the group, the others trying to make sure you would be the first ones to get out. Soon all the shouting and disorientation got the better of you and you fell into a gentle sleep again.
When you woke up you were under a giant slab of brick, shielding you from the sun. Your arm was aching and your head was pounding slightly, the aftermath of the running and blood loss. You slowly pushed yourself up into a sitting position before glancing at the people around you. Everyone was asleep except for Frypan who was left on watch over the group.
You coughed, the lack of water in your body making your throat dry and also bringing Frypan’s attention to you. The moment he saw you awake and ‘healthy’, his face lit up in a relieved smile.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed before pulling you into a hug, careful not to put pressure on your bad arm. You smiled and wrapped your other arm around his side, watching as the others stirred from the noise. One by one they realised you were awake and all had similar reactions to Frypan, especially Aris and Newt, who both pulled you in for a long hug, obviously relieved you were okay, the bags under their eyes visible.
Once you had drunk some water and had something to eat you changed your ‘bandage’ before tying your hair up and linking hands with Newt, ready to start in the next part of your journey. Little did you know, everything would go downhill from there.
Not yet - Newt (Maze Runner)
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
The runners were out on their daily run around the maze, all noting down their pants and any differences, although there never were any changes. All of them were busy, trying to escape, however one of them was trying to escape a different way. A blond boy was slowly climbing the vines up the walls until he reached the top, preparing himself to fall. Just before he pushed off, he muttered one word. As he fell, he kept repeating the word to himself, trying to find comfort in it before the end. A name, the name of the person he wanted to see more than anything in the world, for she was his world. The single word showed the feelings he had kept inside for 6 months, the pain and despair were the most prominent.
The word was Y/N.
***6 months earlier***
Newt was returning from his run in the maze when he heard a scream pierce the air. Instantly recognising the voice, Newt spun around and raced towards the source, adrenaline coursing through his body and fear flowing through his mind. Newt quickly turned a corner and ran straight in to the person he was looking for. He quickly grabbed their hand, pulling them up off the ground and took off running again.
Y/N stumbled behind Newt slightly, the shock of seeing a griever the only thing she could think about. The sound of the griever and Newt calling her name was enough to get her out of that state and into survival mode. She sped up, prompting Newt to do the same as they dashed towards the Glade, the knowledge that once they were inside they would be safe fuelling them.
When they were two corridors away, the unmistakable rumbling sound of the giant stone doors starting to close began, flooding the pair with fear, urging them to go faster. When they rounded the last corner they saw a crowd of boys, encouraging them, their shouts barely reaching the pair over the wind, rumbling and mechanical noises coming from the approaching griever.
The gap between the pair and safety was diminishing, but not as fast as the opening in the doors, soon shrinking to only allow one person through at a time. They both knew that only one would make it, but both wanted that one to be the other. They came to a halt a short distance from the doors, ignoring the shouts of the other gladers and turned to face each other.
“Go.” Y/N said quietly, not breaking eye contact. Newt immediately shook his head, opening his mouth to protest, before Y/N, with sadness and remorse in her eyes, pulled him in to a short kiss and then pushed him through the closing doors. The last thing he saw was her turning to the griever before looking him in the eyes one more time before the doors shut and she was gone. The noise was enough to wake Newt out of the shock and realization set in, tears starting to fall down his face.
None of the other boys said anything, not even joking about Newt’s ‘unmanliness’, all of them too shocked and upset to even try to say anything comforting or otherwise. Slowly, they all returned to the work stations, a few of them patting newt’s shoulder, trying to reassure him that it would be fine, although they all knew it wasn’t working.
For the entire night Newt sat by the doors, leaning against them and hoping to any ‘higher power’ that when the doors opened in the morning, Y/N would come running through and everything would be happy. However, come morning, no one came back from the in the maze and soon Newt lost all hope of seeing his girlfriend again.
Slowly, he started pretending to get better, although if anyone looked deep enough they could see that he was broken almost beyond repair and was falling apart a little more as each day passed.
***Present day***
As Newt fell through the air, he closed his eyes, passing out just before reaching the ground. He opened his eyes to find himself standing in a large white room with no visible walls or floor. He looked around in confusion before a figure a small distance away from him caught his attention.
“Y/N?” Newt muttered in disbelief, his eyes widening at the sight of the girl he loved. She smiled at him, her eyes shining and started walking towards him, hair bouncing with each step. Newt remained in silence until she reached him, too shocked to react. Y/N brought her hand up to his cheek, gently running her thumb across it before looking him in the eyes again, finally setting free the tears the boy had been holding in for so long. She pulled him in to a tight hug, allowing him to cry in to her shoulder as she gently rubbed his back.
“You shouldn’t be here Newt. Not yet.” Y/N muttered, causing the boy to look up at her, tears still in his eyes.
“What? Why not?” He sniffed, his eyes searching Y/N’s, taking in the look of fondness with a hint of remorse hidden in her Y/E/C eyes.
“It’s not your time yet. The others still need you, and as much as I want you to stay, you need to go and be with them.”
“No, I don’t want to. I want to stay with you, I can’t go back to the same life in the glade knowing that we’ll never escape and that I could have stayed with you instead. I can’t lose you again.” A fresh wave of tears started moving down his face, causing a few tears to appear in Y/N’s eyes, although she tried to keep them hidden.
“Newt, this isn’t goodbye. I’ll see you again, but for now you have to go back and help the others find a way out.” Y/N reassured him, linking her hand with his, slowly guiding him towards a door. She clicked her fingers and the door opened, revealing Minho, Alby, Gally and the other gladers standing just beyond it. They were beckoning for Newt to come towards them, their mouths moving but producing no sound.
They came to a halt a short distance from the doors and turned to face each other, an overwhelming sense of déjà vu appearing in Newt as he stood once again with the girl he loved by a door that was slowly closing.
“Go.” Y/N said quietly, not breaking eye contact. Knowing there was no point in arguing, Newt pulled Y/N in to one last kiss before slowly making his way towards the door. Just before he stepped through the door he turned to face Y/N and saw her standing there, tears in her eyes, but a reassuring smile on her face and instead of complete sadness like last time, he saw a glisten of pride in her eyes. She nodded her head at him, gently blowing a kiss to him before she faded into the air. Newt took a deep breath and stepped through the door, opening his eyes again to find himself hanging from his leg halfway down the wall, the sound of Minho approaching as he looked up at the sky, muttering a quiet “thank you” into the wind.
DCWI - Newt (Maze Runner)
Requested by Anon and michaelsshoe : Dating Newt would include?
Being the only other British glader
The other gladers being confused by your ‘Britishisms’
Talking in Cockney Rhyming Slang to have private conversations
Being like Alby’s little sister
Becoming best friends (and prank buddies) with Minho
Working with him in the garden
Your cooking being the highlight of everyone’s week
All the gladers respecting you
Even Gally
Whipped af
“Good morning love”
“Morning Newtie”
Being the only one allowed to call him Newtie
“How goes the work, Newtie?”
“Shuck off, Minho”
Him not leaving your side for the entire day when a greenie arrives
Being a gentleman to you
Hand holding at every opportunity
Cuddles every morning and night
Forehead kisses
Hello and goodbye kisses
Being his reason for staying hopeful