just-a-shark333 - Something interesting here
Something interesting here

He/they/it| 19 | I always take art/fic requests btw!

557 posts

I Like To Think That Ranpo Was Never Very Academically Smart, He Wasn't Bad Or Anything But He Was Just

I like to think that Ranpo was never very academically smart, he wasn't bad or anything but he was just kinda average.

This could also be part of why he never considered that everyone else is stupid and he was smart, he was never told he was and never thought he was.

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More Posts from Just-a-shark333

11 months ago

I think that the fact I'm trying not to kill myself proves that I don't actually want to, it just seems easier that Dealing with my problems.

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11 months ago

You guys just have to trust me on this one and click here okay?

11 months ago

atsushi with more cat/tiger behaviors but some lesser discussed ones:

he scratches all the doorways of the agency building and his dorm. kunikida scolds him for damaging property for over an hour but while he apologizes he’s strangely uncontrite (at least for atsushi who tends to overapologize) about it


a mostly nocturnal sleep schedule feels the most natural to him but since his orphanage’s schedule was (quite literally) beaten into him, he regularly wakes up early, though after a long mission or multiple in a row, he tends to sleep through the day instead.


when really frustrated (usually during an argument with akutagawa) he has a tendency to stomp his feet. it tends to break the tension, and atsushi finds its super embarrassing. akutagawa finds it cute


he’s constantly fighting the urge to sit on his coworkers desks while they’re working and distract them. same with knocking things off their desks.


head bunting!!!! he first starts doing it to kyouka after the end of the guild plot. just does it to her one morning while they’re cooking breakfast without realizing. he’s mortified for a moment until kyouka does it back, equally shy yet earnest about it. slowly he catches himself doing it to the rest of the agency: when kenji gives him a hug after a mission, when yosano buys him something he was looking at during a shopping trip, while sharing lunch with the tanizakis, to ranpo after atsushi solves his first mystery on own, to kunikida and dazai after a dangerous mission. he hasn’t worked himself up to doing it to the president yet (and fukuzawas kind of sad about it). dazai and kunikida are the most flustered by it, kenji and kyouka do it back to him the most.


as much as he hates being locked up or confined against his will (and he really hates it), he genuinely loves being in small spaces. he sleeps in the closest for kyoukas privacy but he does geniunely feel comfortable there. sometimes he eats lunch under his desk or in the supply room if he’s feeling stressed. dazai did give him a giant box once to see if he’d sit in it and he totally did.


he tends to suck on the corners of blankets and things like his shirts or sweaters when he’s asleep or distracted. dazai used to tease him for it until he read that it was often found cats taken to soon from their mothers. he didn’t really find it funny after that


he will just Stare at people. agency members look up from their work and will see him looking directly at them. he usually snaps out of it right after and apologizes but just like slow blinks and winks and closing his eyes, he starts doing it more and more as he gets in tune with his ability.

11 months ago

Its over :(