just-anothr-anxious-bisxual - Just Another Anxious Bisexual
Just Another Anxious Bisexual

Literally just 8 and a half lizards in a flannel and cuffed jeans. Be gay, do crimes. Live life until the universe decides to pluck you off ❤

439 posts

Omg I Was Looking At Funny Horoscope Stuff And I Can Across The Funniest Thing.

Omg I was looking at funny horoscope stuff and I can across the funniest thing.

It said "when the signs go to bed" and mine (capricorn) said 11:30 pm.

Ummm... that is not correct.

Most nights, I dont go to sleep until around 5:30 in the morning sooooo...

More Posts from Just-anothr-anxious-bisxual

I made cookies last night!

I Made Cookies Last Night!

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I put on all black clothes and told my mom that this is the most summer outfit that I am going to wear and this was her response-

"What are you, goth? Wait, do people still call it that? What do they call it? Emu? Emo?"

Send help I'm actually dying

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if you dont reblog this youre straight

This is all so beautiful 😭

So I Was Rereading Harry Potter, When I Came Across This And Thought- What If Instead Of Cedric Diggory,

So I was rereading Harry Potter, when I came across this and thought- what if instead of Cedric Diggory, Cassius Warrington had been chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament?

Imagine Dumbledore calling out the name of the Hogwarts champion and it isn’t a Gryffindor, or a Ravenclaw, or even a Hufflepuff, but it’s a Slytherin. A student from a House most people hate.

Imagine Cassius Warrington getting up, and three out of four Houses are booing at him and shouting things like “NO!” or, “We can’t have a Slytherin champion!” or demanding a retry. But he’s a Slytherin- he’s been dealing with this shit since he got sorted, so he keeps his head high and joins the other champions.

Imagine Harry trying to catch Warrington alone because he doesn’t really want to associate with Slytherins (plus Malfoy has this tendency of being around the guy ALL THE TIME since he got chosen), but at the same time he’s also fair enough not to want him to walk into the first task unprepared.

Imagine Warrington walking over to Harry a few months later, and Ron and Hermione both jump into a protective stance, wands out, but instead of attacking Harry he just tells him to stick the egg underwater. (Because Slytherins don’t forget those who helped them out).

Imagine Warrington and Harry helping each other out in the labyrinth.

Imagine Harry being devastated when Peter kills Warrington- because Voldemort doesn’t care what house they’re form, a spare is a spare.

Imagine the uproar that causes among the Slytherins, because some of their parents really are Death Eaters and they know what really happened.

Imagine Slytherins fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts and shouting “This is for Cassius!”

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I just fixed my ceiling light because the bulb stopped working or whatever 😭 I feel like such an adult

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