Peraltiago Au:
Peraltiago au:
Amy comes home drunk after 6x05. In the morning Jake wakes her up before her alarm goes off so her it doesn’t jar her awake. He closes the curtains so the light doesn’t hurt her eyes. He brings her Advil and a glass of water in bed for her hangover.
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B99 the show where is impossible to pick a least favorite character 💝💖💗💓💞💕❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💘❣️💟

The Villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a Nutshell
Iron Man: Backstabbing Businessman
The Incredible Hulk: Soldier on Extreme Steroids V2
Iron Man 2: Vengeful Son with no Stage Presence
Thor: Angry Adopted Brother With a Sadistic Streak
Captain America The First Avenger: Actual Nazi Leader
Avengers: Angry Adopted Brother With Backup This Time
Iron Man 3: Ripoff of Syndrome From The Incredibles
Agents of Shield Season 1: Cyborg Military Leader
Thor The Dark World: Space Conqueror With No Stage Presence
Captain America the Winter Soldier: Robert Redford
Guardians of the Galaxy: Overly Dramatic Radical
Agents of Shield Season 2: Manipulative Vengeful Mom
Agent Carter Season 1: Beta Black Widow
Daredevil Season 1: Businessman With Toddler Like Temper Problems
Age of Ultron: James Spader as a Robot Tumblr
Ant-Man: Dr. Goodweather On Shrinking Drugs
Agents of Shield Season 3: Godlike Shapeshifter
Jessica Jones Season 1: Psychotic Mind Controlling Rapist
Agent Carter Season 2: Actress With a Sadistic Streak Going Unnoticed For Too Long Thanks To Cultural Norms
Daredevil Season 2: Resurrected Ninja Burn Victim
Captain America Civil War: Angry Colonel Out For Blood
Luke Cage Season 1: Arms Dealer Having Way Too Much Fun For This Plot
Agents of Shield Season 4: Horny AI Program
Doctor Strange: Mads Mikkelsen With Magic
Iron Fist Season 1: Its own showrunner
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2: Literal god
Spider-Man Homecoming: Honest Blue Collar Worker Turned Scary Arms Dealer
The Defenders: Ancient Ninjas With Resurrected Ex-Girlfriend
Inhumans: Game of Thrones Actor Typecast for the Rest of his Life
Thor Ragnarok: Edgy Older Sister With Fabulous Stage Presence.
The Punisher: Military Friend with a Face Full of Glass
Agents of Shield Season 5: Some Liquid Metal
The Runaways: PTA parents in the Mafia
Black Panther: Radicalist Cousin
Jessica Jones Season 2: Crazy mom
Avengers Infinity War: Space Gorilla With a Shiny Glove
Cloak and Dagger: Oil Corporations
Luke Cage Season 2: Really Angry/Scary Gangster
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Baba Yaga

Saw this on Reddit. My favorite comments were:
Season 1 - Everyone’s preppy as fuck
Season 5 - Fuck that shit, where’s the shirt that I wore yesterday?
Fitz went from cute to pure sex
*cough* Ward *cough*

‘We all had our traumas. Didnt turn any of us into phycopaths’ - Melinda May
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)

for @fitzcamebacktome 💙