I'm Noah Latz and this is where I post my illustrations, comics, and the occasional reblog. Artist for Existential Comics — Portfolio site
232 posts
Justaddspace - Just Add Space - Tumblr Blog

panzer dragoon ii zwei (1996 saturn, dir. katsuhiko yamada, team andromeda/sega)
from ending sequence by katsumi yokota

Blossoms in Portland 2021

Blossoms in Portland 2021

Calvin and Thomas Hobbes
Hey guys,
I haven’t seen it talked about here, but maybe some of you are aware of the crypto art / NFT discussion that’s been around lately. I’m strongly against it and decided to share few articles and threads you might want to read:
The problem of CryptoArt by Joanie Lemercier (I don’t agree with all the points, but it’s worth a read)
A few threads by Jackie, Artyom, Nathan, isyourguy.
Long story short: the whole ordeal is dreadful and it’s getting even more depressing now that Big Names (and long-loved illustrators) are jumping on the bandwagon. I lack the energy to voice my own thoughts at this point, but I wholeheartedly agree with witnesstheabsurd’s take on this.
If you considered to do this shit… please don’t.
Dead Cells Remixes - Trap Shop
“If you see only ten thousand movies this year make sure this isn’t one of them!”

Music by e.sanchillo
(Do not donate money to change.org, none of their funds go to their petitions or organizations)
I Run With Maud - a fundraiser for the family of Maud to support them financially and seek justice. Ahmaud Arbery is black man who was chased and gunned down by two white men. (donation)
Minnesota freedom fund - raise money to bail out minnesota protesters (donation)
Official George Floyd donation fund (donation
The heart of a chef - Help pay for a black chef’s medical expenses
Justice for Sheku Bayoh - A black male who was taken into police custody and never returned home (petition)
Justice for Jennifer Jeffley - A black woman who was arrested at the age of 15 for a crime she did not commit (petition)
Abolish prison labor in the US (petition)
Free Willie Simmons - A black man serving 38 years for stealing $9 (petition)
Free Siyanda Mngaza - A young black woman sentenced to 4 1/2 years for self defence (petition)
Drop all charges against trafficking survivor Chrystul Kizer - A black woman incarcerated for using self defence against a trafficker (petition)
Justice for Zinedine - A black woman who was r*ped and he walks free. (petition)
Justice for Joāo Pedro - A 14 year old black boy who was shot in his home by the Rio de Janeiro police and died. 72 bullet holes were found in his home. (petition)
Justice for Sean Reed - A young black man who’s life ended after excessive violence by the cops against him while he was unarmed. (petition)
Justice for Breonna Taylor - A black woman, an award winning EMT who was killed by police in her home after an illegal unnanounced drug raid. They went to the WRONG HOUSE. (petition)
Exonerate Eric Riddick - A black man who was sentenced to life in prison for a crime he did not commit in 1992. There was no physical evidence. (petition)
Justice for Elijah Nichols - A black man who was attacked by a predominantly white fraternity party, stabbed his attackers in self defence, and is now incarcerated for it. (petition)
Justice for Emerald Black - A black pregnant woman who was attacked by the police for having bad registration tags. She was stomped in the stomach causing her to miscarry. (petition)
Justice for Amiya Braxton - A black child who was hit by a car. No one took her case serious and the driver was not charged. (petition)
Justice for Belly Mujinga - A black woman who was attacked while she had COVID-19 which likely lead to her death.(petition)
Justice for Tamir Rice - A 12 year old black boy who was shot and killed by officers for playing with a toy gun. The officers were not charged. (petition)
Justice for Andile Mchunu - A missing black man who was last seen beaten by a group of men. (petition)
Disbarment of George E. Barnhill - The man who decided to sit on the case of Ahmaud Arbery. (petition)
Criminal charges against Travis and Greg McMichael in the murder of black jogger Ahmaud Arbery. (petition)
Correcting a wrongful conviction against Kyjuanzi Harris - A black man who was arrested without cause. He has been in prison for 9 years now. (petition)
Justice for Darrius Stewart - A black man who was killed by a cop for a mistaken identity. (petition)
Reopen Kendrick Johnsons case - A black man who was killed by a man through a jealous fight over a girl. The autopsy revealed that his death was not accidental, the man admits to murder, yet the case is closed. (petition)
Raise the degree - remove bail for Derek Chauvin, the man who killed George Floyd (petition)
Exoneration of Albert Wilson - A black male wjo was sentenced by an all white jury 12 years for making out with a white woman in a bar. (petition)
Julius Jones - An innocent man set to be excecuted in oklahoma (petition)
Junk the anti-terrorism bill- a bill is trying to get passed calling protests, mass mobilizations, and political activities “terrorism” and trying to make them illegal (petition)
Justice for Darrius Stewart - a 19 year old who was gunned down by a white police officer (petition)
Free Wis. teen facing life in prison for killing her rapist (petition)
Justice for Alejandro Vargas Martinez - A black 15 year old who was shot 7 times while walking to school (petition)
I need to share this right now so I can eat but i will add more later! I DON’T care if its not ACNH. If this bothers you, unfollow me. I couldn’t care less. It bothers me how little I see donation and petition links on here, i have a good amount of followers on here, so see this. sign them.
Please sign them ALL. It really is NOT that hard. And share so others will do the same.
boost if able, re: minnesota protests
in case y’all didn’t see, the Minnesota Freedom Fund is actually good on donations after that massive fundraise yesterday and is directing people to donate to other causes, including Black Visions Collective, Reclaim The Block, and Northstar Health Collective.
MFF page for verification.

Inktober 6

The Nightmare Frontier from Bloodborne

Sunken Gem, page 3.

Reworked page 2 of Sunken Gem.

Improved version of the Nausicaa watercolor.

Inks finished on this one!