140 posts
Coming Soon Will Be Published A New Undertale AU. Machinetale. Above It Is Conducting Painstaking Work.

Coming soon will be published a new Undertale AU. Machinetale. Above it is conducting painstaking work. Details will come later. So far the animation here.
Скоро на свет выйдет новое Undertale AU. Machinetale. Над ним ведётся кропотливая работа. Подробности будут позже. Пока что вот анимация.
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More Posts from Justpainterrobot
OMG YES. I want hug you.
Your au is amazing. I can't stop thinking about it. So could Sans portray on his face gaster blaster when he was alive? And I can't stop imagine Gaster as a royal wizard in a black robe with a hood pulled over head , wearing gloves with holes , with king's symbol on the chest and white half face mask with black slits for eyes wide with two stripes radiating from them.

something like this?

I really like ikimaru's au. But I noticed that some of the characters lacking. So I came up with the appearance of some of them, as well as the possible variations of fusion.
1) Gamzee Makara. His stone on his chest. His weapons are two bowling pins for juggling. When it emits a stroke of Energy, which inflicts heavy damage to the enemy. During the war, he flew into a rage, his energy wave destroyed everything and everyone who was in front of him, until the Jane’s shield.
2) Tavros Nitram. His stone in the palm of his right hand. His weapon Lantz. His attacks represent a un- deflected lightning jerks to pierce the enemy.
Next Eridan Ampora with his stone on the belly, fusion Karkat and Gamzee, fusion Terezi and Karkat and some weapons.
I have not decided on the details of their stones and colors , and would be very grateful if someone helped with that .
I hope Ikimaru like it.

Muffet - one of the security service operatives. Born in 3271 year on the planet Ebott. In 3287 she joined the police. In 3289 she went to serve in the National Guard. Since 3290 a member of a special combat unit of cyborgs "Purple tarantulas". As a result of hostilities years 3291-3295 remained the only survivor of the entire unit. She survived the "Day of gray dust" with a group of military robots in the karst cave. During the four years she was surviving in the wastelands. Then she joined the inhabitants of the dome "New home". In the year 3329 she has served as a major. Main specialization: urban combat, the use of drones swarm, the use of chemical warfare agents.