Ori - Tumblr Posts

My first sketches of Ori with some color splashed on. The cutest and easiest to draw!!!

Started my 3rd Ori and the blind forest play through today so my brain is 100% occupied by my babies and I've been doodling Ori every second that i have not been playing
This os my favorite game series and i will play it many and many more times until i die

I'm gonna get 23 cats I'll name 14 of them : Thorin, Balin ,Dwalin, Óin ,Glóin, Fíli , Kíli, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur & Bilbo (These cats will have a Key on their collars ) & the other 9 : Frodo , Sam , Merry , Pippin , Legolas , Gimli , Gandalf , Boromir & Aragorn (These cats will have a ring on their collars )
Imagine starting a snowball fight with the Company
Just a quick thing. The original is on my Wattpad account. I reworded some of the story because the original was kind of cringey but I figured fix the small mistakes here. But if you wanna read the original version of this then check out my Wattpad. I’m going to add my stories from there to here to expand my stories so hopefully more people will read them. So hopefully you enjoy reading this.
Thorin x Modern!Reader
You were relaxing inside Beorns’ home, looking outside the window, watching the falling snow (A/N : I know it didn’t snow in the movie but pretend) you start to feel a bit mischievous. Growing up in your world, you never got to play in the snow, so when you saw it for the first time, you tried your hardest to contain your excitement.
You looked around the room trying to decide who your first victims would be, your eyes almost immediately landing on Fili and Kili. You walk outside seeing how no one’s really paying attention to you and make two large snowballs. As you’re about to walk inside, you get another idea. Quickly putting down the snowballs, you build various barricades, each one with a large pile of ‘ammo’. After being outside for a bit longer than an hour, you run back to the snowballs you made earlier and head inside.
Trying to act as casual as possible, you hide your hands behind your back and, not wanting to seem suspicious, clear your throat, “Hey, Fili, Kili. Could come help me with something?” you say with a small smile. They both turn to you and return the smile, “Of course. What do you need help with?” Fili asked. You took your hands from behind your back and before they had time to react, they both fall backwards due to the impact of snowball.
Everyone saw what happened and started laughing, even Dwalin and Thorin. You doubled over with your arms wrapped around your stomach, trying to catch your breath. The princes brushed the snow off themselves and look to you, both with amused faces. Kili stands, brushing off the last of the snow and says, “You’ve just declared war!” “I was hoping you’d say that.” you say giggling.
You dart out the door and run to a barricade to hide yourself before they followed you and grab two new snowballs. You could hear heavy footsteps making their way outside, hearing them laughing seemed like a good sign. “It’s two against one, lass! Hope you’re prepared for the doom you’ve brought upon yourself!” Looking over the barricade, you see them running to another and duck behind it.
You look to the house and see everyone else coming outside. You see Bofur, Bifur, Nori, Ori, and even Bilbo running to their own snow barricade. “IT’S EVERY MAN, uh, DWARF AND HOBBIT FOR THEMSELVES! LAST ONE STANDING WINS!” you yelled, ducking back down to cover yourself. As you, half the dwarves and Bilbo start running around, trying to hit each other out, you notice that some them starting to team up. Ori and Nori, Bifur and Bofur. So when you saw Bilbo by himself, you ran over to him, “Shhhh. It’s okay. Let’s team up.” He nodded and began fighting together.
Ori , Bifur, Bofur, and Kili were all out, so they went to sit on the back porch watching the war continue with everyone else who didn’t get involved. The fight started to get closer to the house and as you were hiding behind one of the barricades closest to the house, Nori threw a snowball, intending to hit you but he over estimated the shot and instead of hitting you, it would hit Thorin. Making a last minute decision, you quickly run over to Thorin and push him out of the way, taking a rather large snowball right in the chest. You dramatically fall over, hand over chest, by Dwalin and Thorin’s feet. “Lass?!” Balin exclaimed, he was just about to stand and help you but Thorin beat him to it, kneeling next to you.
“T-Thorin? Is that you?” you say quietly, faking a weak voice. Thorin chuckled and decided to play along. “It’s me. I’m here, (Y/N).” You could see his eyes and hear in his voice that he was trying to hold back a laugh while also hearing light laughter coming from behind him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” he continued. “Thorin.” you dramatically choked out. “Avenge ... me.” After that being said, you let a loud exhale and fell limp in his arms. “Nooo!” Thorin cried loudly. He laid your body down and formed a few snowballs of his own, handing some to Dwalin then turned to his company.
“Come on lads! We must avenge (Y/N).” With that, they yelled some dwarven battle-cry. Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin ran after Fili. Oin, Gloin, and Dori were running after Nori. And Bilbo came over to help me up while Bombur brought out some hot chocolate, a recipe the entire company was more than thankful for.
Everyone headed inside when the sun began to set to warm up after being in the cold for so long. Well, you went to warm up anyway. Curse dwarves for their thick and tough skin to endure these kind of conditions.
You began to drift to sleep while sitting by the fire with you mug of hot chocolate sitting on the ground, your hand laying limply next to it as if you were still holding it when you feel something heavy and warm lay gently on your shoulders. Confused, you look up to see Thorin looking down to you smiling. “May I?” he gestures to the open space next to you. “Of course. You don’t need to ask, though. You are the leader of our company after all.” you reply with a light sassy tone. He smiles and proceeds to sit down next to you, looking to the fire.
“You said before, when we first found you, that you of our journey. That you’ve seen these past events and those to come more than thousands of times. If I were to ask what was to happen when we leave. Would you tell?” Thorin asked. The question completely catching you off guard. You straighten yourself a bit, laughing lightly in an attempt to cover your nerves. “Uhh, heh, in all honesty, no. I wouldn’t. I don’t want my knowledge to affect your decisions on which paths we take. And I don’t want to risk changing anything because then I won’t know what is to come.” you said honestly. You knew what was going to happen and as much as you didn’t like it, it needed to happen in order for this journey to continue smoothly.
Thorin looked to you for a moment and nodded understandingly before turning his attention back to the fire. “But this I can tell you.” you continued. He turns back to you with full attention, “I’ve already told all of you that we reach the mountain. But what I didn’t tell you is that getting to the mountain was going to be the easy part, it’s what happens after is what I’m afraid of.” you tell him staring into the fire, afraid to look at him. “When your journey ends is when mine will begin. Though I can’t tell you what happens after you reclaim the mountain yet, I will tell you that I intend to change it. It’s the only part of the story I’m planning to change. I don’t know if you fully believe that I’m from another world where all this,” I gestured all around us with my free hand “, is nothing more than words on a page. But I do need you to trust me, if not with your life then at least trust that I will tell you what you need to know in the time you need to know it.” I finished while staring in my lap.
Thorin reaches over for your hands that were in your lap and held them in his, “I do believe that you are from another world, you’ve proved that with what you said about Goblin-Town and our encounter with Azog along with Beorn. And I can only hope that you will tell what we need to know in the moment we need to know it. I also trust you with my life as I hope you trust me with yours.” Thorin says. You both sit there staring into each others eyes for a moment before he looks to the fire for a second then turning back to you, “How well do you know this world?” he asks with a half smile. “Not a lot but quite a bit. I know some dwarven and elven words if that’s what you’re implying but definitely not fluent in either language, other than that, just the monsters that roam this world but not much else.” you laughed nervously, sensing some mischievousness behind his words.
His smile widened at your words. Thorin stood, letting your hands go and leaned down, kissing your forehead. His lips lingering there for a few seconds before he pulled away and began walking to where he put his cot. After a few steps, he looked to you over his shoulder, “Good night, Armralime.” You turned your head to face him, your eyes wide with surprise and mouth slightly agape. “I-I-I don’t know what that means.” you stutter out, failing to play stupid to the word. He looks to you with an amused expression, “I think you do.” You close your mouth and smile softly to him, “Good night, my King.” you say half joking while you bowed with your torso to him. Thorin laughs lightly as he walks away. You turn your face back to the fire, you couldn’t see your face but you were 110% positive you were a blushing mess.

Baby Mine - Dumbo
A/N : The original story is on my Wattpad, so feel free to check that out. I post stories on there and here. But updates are really slow so please be patient.
As you and the company settled down for the night, Thorin tells you, Kili, and Dwalin to go out to hunt for food while Bombur gets a fire going to help prepare for the food, just in case you can't find anything while out. You guys are out walking, well you're trailing behind the two dwarves. They may have taught you how to use a weapon, but you didn't know a thing about hunting.
As you were out hunting, you caught a few rabbit and a deer. Today was pretty lucky, you found a decent amount of food AND you learned something new. As you were heading back to the camp, you thought you heard something but you couldn't tell what it was, you tried to shrug it off since Dwalin and Kili didn't seem to hear it. You kept walking and then you heard it again, a bit clearer now."Did you guys hear that?" you asked. You weren't sure if your mind was playing tricks or not, so you stopped to see if you'd hear it again.
The two dwarves looked to each other then back at you, "We didn't hear anything." They took notice of your sudden concern. "Are you alright?" Kili asked concerned. "Shh!" you replied quickly. Then you heard it again a second after. It was a baby's cry, but no normal cry, it sounded like a desperate cry for help. You bolted into the direction of the sound leaving two very confused dwarves behind you. "Kili, go back and tell your Uncle we'll be a minute." Dwalin said in a authoritative tone. Kili nodded and made a B-line to the camp as Dwalin trailed you.
Something snapped the mother side out of you, you were no mother in your world but you'd be damned if you stood by and did nothing. You came into a small clearing with what looked like an abandoned cabin in the middle. You walk into the cabin and looked for the source of the sound, you follow the sound through the house to make your way upstairs, the first door you find it locked. You considered breaking it down until the sounds came from a different direction, you then followed it to a room you assumed was used as the bathroom. In the very dusty and cobwebbed tub covered with a white cloth, you remove the cloth and find a thick cloth moving around. You pick it up and open it up, only to find a baby.
It continued to cry until you lightly bounced it, walking around trying to soothe it. It opened its eyes and looked up at you and smiled at you with the moon light gleaming in its eyes. Dwalin walks into the cabin, ax drawn, ready to fight. "Lass! Are you--" He stopped when he saw you holding a baby, "...alright?". He looked around the cabin, just to be safe, before sheathing his ax and walks over to you. He looks between you and the baby for a bit before sighing. "Wait here for a bit, will ya?" he asked. You nodded and sat down on the edge of the tub rocking the baby back and forth.
Dwalin made it back to camp and explained that (Y/N) found a cabin that's large enough to fit everyone while they were out hunting. "Kili said (Y/N) heard something before running off, is everything alright?" Balin asked in a concerning tone. "That something is the reason she found that cabin." Dwalin explained. Thorin stood, "And what sound did she hear?" "It's better to show ya." Dwalin said as he packed up his stuff. Thorin and everyone else following their leaders actions. As they follow Dwalin and find the cabin, you've moved to a more open area towards the entrance to keep an eye out for the company or trouble.
You look out the window to see the company coming into the clearing. Dwalin walks in first and looks for you, only to see you sitting on in a rocking chair by an unlit fire place with the baby still in your arms. "That is the sound she heard, the sound that lead her to this cabin." He says pointing towards you as the company walked in one by one staring at the baby in awe. "Is that a baby?" Ori asked walking a bit closer to you, setting his pack down. You leaned forward a bit so he could see better.
Thorin and the others start to clear the place up a bit to make room for sleeping while Bombur got a fire going in the fire place, after cleaning it first, of course. Everyone ate and talked for a bit before going to sleep. Bofur was on first watch while you still remained in the rocking chair. As you looked around the cabin and the mess that was currently shoved to the side, it didn't take long to figure what happened here. As you almost cried thinking about it, considering it all looked recent. Something broke in a did the unthinkable to this poor family, you were pretty positive on what was behind the locked door you found earlier.
"Is it a boy or girl?" asked Bofur. "Boy, I had to change him before you guys got here. Remind me to buy some spare cloth next town we visit." you relpy , Bofur laughed at the last bit. As the you stopped rocking, the baby started to fuss a bit. The company tensed a bit, either not knowing what do with a crying baby or not wanting to deal with a crying baby. You figured he refused to sleep, so you started rocking him again and started singing "Baby Mine".
"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine."
"Little one, when you play, don't you mind what they say. Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine."
"If they knew sweet little you, they'd end up loving you too. All of those people who scold you. What they'd give just for the right to hold you."
"From your head, down to your toes. You're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me. Sweet as can be, baby of mine."
"If they knew sweet little you, they'd end up loving you too. All those same people who scold you. What they'd give just for the right to hold you."
"From your head, down to your toes. You're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me. Sweet as can be, baby of mine."
"Baby of mine."
You sang softly, trying not to disturb anyone. You look down to see the baby sleeping deeply in your arms, you smile softly and put the baby in a quick make shift bed you made from anything made of cloth in your pack and set the baby down gently. You stood back up to so you could eat your, now very cold, dinner, you didn't mind though. As you began to eat you felt eyes on you, you looked up to see half the company watching you with adoration in their eyes. Fili, who was sitting next to his uncle, spoke, "Are you a mother, in your world, I mean?" he asked softly, trying not to wake the baby. " No, why?" you said curiously. "Siblings?" Bilbo asked. "No." you said. "You have a motherly voice when you sing." Thorin said kindly. "Thank you?" you lightly laughed, you were pretty sure it was a compliment. Bofur turned to you, "I do believe you put half the company to bed, lass." You looked around to see six dwarves, deeply asleep. You giggled then went back to eating.
You finally cleared your plate and put it with the others to be washed. "You have a beautiful voice, (Y/N)." You turned around and saw Bilbo. "Oh, thank you." you sat down, "to be honest, I don't like to sing in front of others. I always get nervous and end up sounding like a dying cat. No, scratch that. A dying cat probably sounds like an angel compared to me." You joked. "Nonsense, lass. Your voice was heavenly." Bofur said. "Thanks." you said with a shy laugh.
"Goodnight guys." you said laying down, protectively next to the baby.
A/N : I damn near squealed when I saw this request and immediately went to my laptop to type this story. Holy crap lol. Hope you enjoyed reading this, feel free to request something. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as did writing it. Original story is on my Wattpad

Imagine starting a snowball fight with the Company
Just a quick thing. The original is on my Wattpad account. I reworded some of the story because the original was kind of cringey but I figured fix the small mistakes here. But if you wanna read the original version of this then check out my Wattpad. I’m going to add my stories from there to here to expand my stories so hopefully more people will read them. So hopefully you enjoy reading this.
Thorin x Modern!Reader
You were relaxing inside Beorns’ home, looking outside the window, watching the falling snow (A/N : I know it didn’t snow in the movie but pretend) you start to feel a bit mischievous. Growing up in your world, you never got to play in the snow, so when you saw it for the first time, you tried your hardest to contain your excitement.
You looked around the room trying to decide who your first victims would be, your eyes almost immediately landing on Fili and Kili. You walk outside seeing how no one’s really paying attention to you and make two large snowballs. As you’re about to walk inside, you get another idea. Quickly putting down the snowballs, you build various barricades, each one with a large pile of ‘ammo’. After being outside for a bit longer than an hour, you run back to the snowballs you made earlier and head inside.
Trying to act as casual as possible, you hide your hands behind your back and, not wanting to seem suspicious, clear your throat, “Hey, Fili, Kili. Could come help me with something?” you say with a small smile. They both turn to you and return the smile, “Of course. What do you need help with?” Fili asked. You took your hands from behind your back and before they had time to react, they both fall backwards due to the impact of snowball.
Everyone saw what happened and started laughing, even Dwalin and Thorin. You doubled over with your arms wrapped around your stomach, trying to catch your breath. The princes brushed the snow off themselves and look to you, both with amused faces. Kili stands, brushing off the last of the snow and says, “You’ve just declared war!” “I was hoping you’d say that.” you say giggling.
You dart out the door and run to a barricade to hide yourself before they followed you and grab two new snowballs. You could hear heavy footsteps making their way outside, hearing them laughing seemed like a good sign. “It’s two against one, lass! Hope you’re prepared for the doom you’ve brought upon yourself!” Looking over the barricade, you see them running to another and duck behind it.
You look to the house and see everyone else coming outside. You see Bofur, Bifur, Nori, Ori, and even Bilbo running to their own snow barricade. “IT’S EVERY MAN, uh, DWARF AND HOBBIT FOR THEMSELVES! LAST ONE STANDING WINS!” you yelled, ducking back down to cover yourself. As you, half the dwarves and Bilbo start running around, trying to hit each other out, you notice that some them starting to team up. Ori and Nori, Bifur and Bofur. So when you saw Bilbo by himself, you ran over to him, “Shhhh. It’s okay. Let’s team up.” He nodded and began fighting together.
Ori , Bifur, Bofur, and Kili were all out, so they went to sit on the back porch watching the war continue with everyone else who didn’t get involved. The fight started to get closer to the house and as you were hiding behind one of the barricades closest to the house, Nori threw a snowball, intending to hit you but he over estimated the shot and instead of hitting you, it would hit Thorin. Making a last minute decision, you quickly run over to Thorin and push him out of the way, taking a rather large snowball right in the chest. You dramatically fall over, hand over chest, by Dwalin and Thorin’s feet. “Lass?!” Balin exclaimed, he was just about to stand and help you but Thorin beat him to it, kneeling next to you.
“T-Thorin? Is that you?” you say quietly, faking a weak voice. Thorin chuckled and decided to play along. “It’s me. I’m here, (Y/N).” You could see his eyes and hear in his voice that he was trying to hold back a laugh while also hearing light laughter coming from behind him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” he continued. “Thorin.” you dramatically choked out. “Avenge ... me.” After that being said, you let a loud exhale and fell limp in his arms. “Nooo!” Thorin cried loudly. He laid your body down and formed a few snowballs of his own, handing some to Dwalin then turned to his company.
“Come on lads! We must avenge (Y/N).” With that, they yelled some dwarven battle-cry. Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin ran after Fili. Oin, Gloin, and Dori were running after Nori. And Bilbo came over to help me up while Bombur brought out some hot chocolate, a recipe the entire company was more than thankful for.
Everyone headed inside when the sun began to set to warm up after being in the cold for so long. Well, you went to warm up anyway. Curse dwarves for their thick and tough skin to endure these kind of conditions.
You began to drift to sleep while sitting by the fire with you mug of hot chocolate sitting on the ground, your hand laying limply next to it as if you were still holding it when you feel something heavy and warm lay gently on your shoulders. Confused, you look up to see Thorin looking down to you smiling. “May I?” he gestures to the open space next to you. “Of course. You don’t need to ask, though. You are the leader of our company after all.” you reply with a light sassy tone. He smiles and proceeds to sit down next to you, looking to the fire.
“You said before, when we first found you, that you of our journey. That you’ve seen these past events and those to come more than thousands of times. If I were to ask what was to happen when we leave. Would you tell?” Thorin asked. The question completely catching you off guard. You straighten yourself a bit, laughing lightly in an attempt to cover your nerves. “Uhh, heh, in all honesty, no. I wouldn’t. I don’t want my knowledge to affect your decisions on which paths we take. And I don’t want to risk changing anything because then I won’t know what is to come.” you said honestly. You knew what was going to happen and as much as you didn’t like it, it needed to happen in order for this journey to continue smoothly.
Thorin looked to you for a moment and nodded understandingly before turning his attention back to the fire. “But this I can tell you.” you continued. He turns back to you with full attention, “I’ve already told all of you that we reach the mountain. But what I didn’t tell you is that getting to the mountain was going to be the easy part, it’s what happens after is what I’m afraid of.” you tell him staring into the fire, afraid to look at him. “When your journey ends is when mine will begin. Though I can’t tell you what happens after you reclaim the mountain yet, I will tell you that I intend to change it. It’s the only part of the story I’m planning to change. I don’t know if you fully believe that I’m from another world where all this,” I gestured all around us with my free hand “, is nothing more than words on a page. But I do need you to trust me, if not with your life then at least trust that I will tell you what you need to know in the time you need to know it.” I finished while staring in my lap.
Thorin reaches over for your hands that were in your lap and held them in his, “I do believe that you are from another world, you’ve proved that with what you said about Goblin-Town and our encounter with Azog along with Beorn. And I can only hope that you will tell what we need to know in the moment we need to know it. I also trust you with my life as I hope you trust me with yours.” Thorin says. You both sit there staring into each others eyes for a moment before he looks to the fire for a second then turning back to you, “How well do you know this world?” he asks with a half smile. “Not a lot but quite a bit. I know some dwarven and elven words if that’s what you’re implying but definitely not fluent in either language, other than that, just the monsters that roam this world but not much else.” you laughed nervously, sensing some mischievousness behind his words.
His smile widened at your words. Thorin stood, letting your hands go and leaned down, kissing your forehead. His lips lingering there for a few seconds before he pulled away and began walking to where he put his cot. After a few steps, he looked to you over his shoulder, “Good night, Armralime.” You turned your head to face him, your eyes wide with surprise and mouth slightly agape. “I-I-I don’t know what that means.” you stutter out, failing to play stupid to the word. He looks to you with an amused expression, “I think you do.” You close your mouth and smile softly to him, “Good night, my King.” you say half joking while you bowed with your torso to him. Thorin laughs lightly as he walks away. You turn your face back to the fire, you couldn’t see your face but you were 110% positive you were a blushing mess.

Baby Mine - Dumbo
A/N : The original story is on my Wattpad, so feel free to check that out. I post stories on there and here. But updates are really slow so please be patient.
As you and the company settled down for the night, Thorin tells you, Kili, and Dwalin to go out to hunt for food while Bombur gets a fire going to help prepare for the food, just in case you can't find anything while out. You guys are out walking, well you're trailing behind the two dwarves. They may have taught you how to use a weapon, but you didn't know a thing about hunting.
As you were out hunting, you caught a few rabbit and a deer. Today was pretty lucky, you found a decent amount of food AND you learned something new. As you were heading back to the camp, you thought you heard something but you couldn't tell what it was, you tried to shrug it off since Dwalin and Kili didn't seem to hear it. You kept walking and then you heard it again, a bit clearer now."Did you guys hear that?" you asked. You weren't sure if your mind was playing tricks or not, so you stopped to see if you'd hear it again.
The two dwarves looked to each other then back at you, "We didn't hear anything." They took notice of your sudden concern. "Are you alright?" Kili asked concerned. "Shh!" you replied quickly. Then you heard it again a second after. It was a baby's cry, but no normal cry, it sounded like a desperate cry for help. You bolted into the direction of the sound leaving two very confused dwarves behind you. "Kili, go back and tell your Uncle we'll be a minute." Dwalin said in a authoritative tone. Kili nodded and made a B-line to the camp as Dwalin trailed you.
Something snapped the mother side out of you, you were no mother in your world but you'd be damned if you stood by and did nothing. You came into a small clearing with what looked like an abandoned cabin in the middle. You walk into the cabin and looked for the source of the sound, you follow the sound through the house to make your way upstairs, the first door you find it locked. You considered breaking it down until the sounds came from a different direction, you then followed it to a room you assumed was used as the bathroom. In the very dusty and cobwebbed tub covered with a white cloth, you remove the cloth and find a thick cloth moving around. You pick it up and open it up, only to find a baby.
It continued to cry until you lightly bounced it, walking around trying to soothe it. It opened its eyes and looked up at you and smiled at you with the moon light gleaming in its eyes. Dwalin walks into the cabin, ax drawn, ready to fight. "Lass! Are you--" He stopped when he saw you holding a baby, "...alright?". He looked around the cabin, just to be safe, before sheathing his ax and walks over to you. He looks between you and the baby for a bit before sighing. "Wait here for a bit, will ya?" he asked. You nodded and sat down on the edge of the tub rocking the baby back and forth.
Dwalin made it back to camp and explained that (Y/N) found a cabin that's large enough to fit everyone while they were out hunting. "Kili said (Y/N) heard something before running off, is everything alright?" Balin asked in a concerning tone. "That something is the reason she found that cabin." Dwalin explained. Thorin stood, "And what sound did she hear?" "It's better to show ya." Dwalin said as he packed up his stuff. Thorin and everyone else following their leaders actions. As they follow Dwalin and find the cabin, you've moved to a more open area towards the entrance to keep an eye out for the company or trouble.
You look out the window to see the company coming into the clearing. Dwalin walks in first and looks for you, only to see you sitting on in a rocking chair by an unlit fire place with the baby still in your arms. "That is the sound she heard, the sound that lead her to this cabin." He says pointing towards you as the company walked in one by one staring at the baby in awe. "Is that a baby?" Ori asked walking a bit closer to you, setting his pack down. You leaned forward a bit so he could see better.
Thorin and the others start to clear the place up a bit to make room for sleeping while Bombur got a fire going in the fire place, after cleaning it first, of course. Everyone ate and talked for a bit before going to sleep. Bofur was on first watch while you still remained in the rocking chair. As you looked around the cabin and the mess that was currently shoved to the side, it didn't take long to figure what happened here. As you almost cried thinking about it, considering it all looked recent. Something broke in a did the unthinkable to this poor family, you were pretty positive on what was behind the locked door you found earlier.
"Is it a boy or girl?" asked Bofur. "Boy, I had to change him before you guys got here. Remind me to buy some spare cloth next town we visit." you relpy , Bofur laughed at the last bit. As the you stopped rocking, the baby started to fuss a bit. The company tensed a bit, either not knowing what do with a crying baby or not wanting to deal with a crying baby. You figured he refused to sleep, so you started rocking him again and started singing "Baby Mine".
"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine."
"Little one, when you play, don't you mind what they say. Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine."
"If they knew sweet little you, they'd end up loving you too. All of those people who scold you. What they'd give just for the right to hold you."
"From your head, down to your toes. You're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me. Sweet as can be, baby of mine."
"If they knew sweet little you, they'd end up loving you too. All those same people who scold you. What they'd give just for the right to hold you."
"From your head, down to your toes. You're not much, goodness knows. But you're so precious to me. Sweet as can be, baby of mine."
"Baby of mine."
You sang softly, trying not to disturb anyone. You look down to see the baby sleeping deeply in your arms, you smile softly and put the baby in a quick make shift bed you made from anything made of cloth in your pack and set the baby down gently. You stood back up to so you could eat your, now very cold, dinner, you didn't mind though. As you began to eat you felt eyes on you, you looked up to see half the company watching you with adoration in their eyes. Fili, who was sitting next to his uncle, spoke, "Are you a mother, in your world, I mean?" he asked softly, trying not to wake the baby. " No, why?" you said curiously. "Siblings?" Bilbo asked. "No." you said. "You have a motherly voice when you sing." Thorin said kindly. "Thank you?" you lightly laughed, you were pretty sure it was a compliment. Bofur turned to you, "I do believe you put half the company to bed, lass." You looked around to see six dwarves, deeply asleep. You giggled then went back to eating.
You finally cleared your plate and put it with the others to be washed. "You have a beautiful voice, (Y/N)." You turned around and saw Bilbo. "Oh, thank you." you sat down, "to be honest, I don't like to sing in front of others. I always get nervous and end up sounding like a dying cat. No, scratch that. A dying cat probably sounds like an angel compared to me." You joked. "Nonsense, lass. Your voice was heavenly." Bofur said. "Thanks." you said with a shy laugh.
"Goodnight guys." you said laying down, protectively next to the baby.
A/N : I damn near squealed when I saw this request and immediately went to my laptop to type this story. Holy crap lol. Hope you enjoyed reading this, feel free to request something. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as did writing it. Original story is on my Wattpad

Rivals of Aether just announced their first guest character, Ori from the eponimous game! I got the chance to work on some shots from the reveal trailer, go check it ot if you’d like. Also you can check out the game over at http://furrytrashsmash.com it’s a fun 2d fighting game inspired by Smash Bros.
~Arrows and Dragon Hide~
Kili Durin x [Dragonshifter}FemOC Part 1/?

A/N-this whole fic idea came to me in a chaotic ass dream, so, uh, ya. oh and the oc's name is pronounced (Eye-Jah)
Word Count- 1.3k
Summary- At the request of Gandalf, a dragon shifter joins the company of Thorin Oakenshield on the quest to reclaim Erebor.
Warnings- Canon typical violence, talk of death and torture
Next Part

The night hung quiet and peaceful over the small town of hobbits, many of the locals already tucked cozily away into bed. But at the top of the hill, with an emerald green door, lay a hobbit hole with a winding trail of smoke rising from the chimney. Warm light spills from the windows as a limber, cloaked figure makes their way silently to the door with the small glowing mark. The well kept garden path was encircled by a small wooden fence, the wood remained unpainted but smooth. The gate slowly creaks closed, and the small path crunches beneath the boots of the mysterious figure. Raising a hand to the door the figure delivers a sharp knock, and the sounds of conversation and movement behind the firm wooden door quiets before a solitary set of footfalls approach the door. As the knob turns and the door swings open, a gust of warm air ruffles the cloak of the newcomer. A small hobbit stands in the open space, blonde curly hair ruffled. the figure bows, and with a slight lilt to her voice says, "Eyja, at your service, you're Mister Baggins I presume?"
Rising to meet the smalls mans gaze, the hobbit gives a small nod and shuffles back a step, leaving room for woman to enter the small entry room. Removing her cloak allowing her waved brown hair to fall free and the light from inside to catch on the rings of metal in her lip and ears, she hangs the dark fabric on the wall and lays down her long slender blade on a small chest.
The sound of voices comes from down the hall and as Bilbo moves towards the sounds of ruckus, Eyja follows on nearly silent feet. Rounding the corner, her gaze is met with 13 dwarves all laughing and shouting, and one taller man in grey robes.
"Ah there we are, Thorin, this is the shifter I was telling you about," Gandalf's calm voice drifts across the room and Eyja turns to see the wizard and the raven haired dwarf watching her, "Eyja, this is Thorin Oakenshield the King Under the Mountain." The dwarf nods briefly, as she bows.
"Your majesty." Thorin stands, and the rest of the group quickly falls quiet. Bilbo moves to stand beside the grey wizard as Thorin begins to detail the quest they will be going on, and how the dwarfs will receive no assistance from the dwarven kingdoms of their kin.
"We are here to collect a burglar, and a shifter to assist us in our adventure." Thorin's cool gaze drifts from Bilbo to Eyja, drawing the rest of the companies eyes to the two aforementioned people.
Gandalf clears his throat, and places a map upon the table, "The journey to Erebor will be long and treacherous, but with this map we will find a way into the mountain, where our burglar will be able to find the Arkenstone, and in the worst case scenario where the dragon awakens Eyja will be there to handle it quickly." Gazes travel to the woman in the corner, wondering how she would be able to best Smaug the Terrible.
A dwarf with a dark mustache, pipe and large hat raises his hand and interrupts the wizard, "Now, no offence lass, but how is that wee girl meant to kill the infamous Smaug the terrible, the greatest calamity of the age?" Eyja raises her head watching as Gandalf brings up his own pipe, taking a large puff before sighing, leaning back in his chair he begins to explain.
"Master Bofur, Eyja is a skin changer, one of the very few that still roam Middle-Earth, now shifters often turn into great beasts, but she can shift into a dragon large enough to rival the size of the one currently residing in your mountain." At those words all heads turn swiftly to the woman who stands in the corner, picking at her nails. The dwarf, that she now knows is named Bofur, nods and brings his pipe to his mouth.
The other dwarfs murmur to themselves about the newest information about the only female member of the company. Bilbo however speaks up from behind the monarch, "What were you saying about a dragon?" The fear in his voice is evident in the way it warbles a bit at the end. Bofur speaks once more, going into detail about Smaug took over the mountain years ago, leaving Thorin's people to wander in search of a new home, and how those who tried to fight against the beast were scorched beyond recognition, which all lead to the small hobbit fainting.
"Eyja if you would be so kind to carry Master Baggins to his bed, so he may recover." Gandalf's soft voice breaks the silence that followed the hollow thud of Bilbo's body hitting the floor. Moving forward the shifter swiftly scoops up the burglar and begins to wander the halls attempting to find the bedroom of the company's host.
The pitter patter of feet follow her down the hall and a tall dwarf with dark hair and a shadow of stubble begins to walk beside her before bounding ahead to look into rooms. Once the two successfully find the room, Eyja gently places Mister Baggins upon the bed and both the dwarf and the shifter exit the room. "I'm Kili," the dwarrow breaks the silence while they walk slowly back to the rest of the company, "are there many other shifters like you in Middle-Earth?"
Eyja smiles at the young dwarfs curiosity, turning her head to meet Kili's dark gaze she slows her pace even more, "There were once many shifters roaming the world, for we were here before all else, we lived as one with the land and we a happy people. We protected those who could not protect themselves. But now," She brings in a ragged breath, "there are merely two left." Her walk ceases and she turns to face the warrior fully, "When the orcs first came they killed many of the shifters, capturing the rest, as it brought them amusement to torture us in cages and chains." There is a sullen pause where Eyja's hand drift to the sleeves that cover her wrists, old pain swimming in her yellowish gaze. "As far as I am aware, only two of us were able to escape the painful death we would have received, me, and Beorn; a mighty man who shifted into a great bear. Once free of the orcs grip we separated to find hidden corners of the world where we could remain safe."
Kili stands across from the woman mouth open, eyes wide, he had never meant to bring up painful memories and now the shifters eyes darken with the memories of her past. "Forgive me, I never meant to-"
She silences him quickly with a wave of her hand and a dry chuckle, "It is no worries master dwarf, you had no knowledge of it, those are old memories that I must learn to deal with eventually." Her lips close, and her golden eyes soften, "Besides, it is aways nice to talk of the times before the orcs came." The two grow silent, a contented peace settling as they continue back to the company. Returning to the table, Eyja finds the dwarfs dispersed amongst the residence setting up bedrolls and beginning to relax in preparation for the long journey ahead of them. Though Thorin stands by the door speaking with an older dwarf with a long silver beard. Kili turns to the woman again face turned up towards her with a gentle smile playing on his lips,
"I am going to go find my brother, so until tomorrow madam shifter." he bows his head a little and his grins widens at Eyja's quiet laugh.
"Just Eyja is fine, goodnight to you as well Kili." Turning away from the dwarrow the woman wanders away in search of the meddlesome grey wizard who had summoned her to Hobbiton.
~Arrows and Dragonhide Masterlist~

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
~Arrows and Dragonhide~
Kili Durin x {DragonShifter} FemOC Part 2/?

A/N- blegh, im stuck in bed being sick so im writing this and listening to Offspring
Word Count- 1.6k
Summary- The journey to reclaim Erebor has begun, and with it comes the dangers of Middle-Earth.
Warnings- Canon typical violence, talk of death and torture, will be 18+ in future chapters
Previous Part Next Part

Gandalf stands in the foyer of Bilbo Baggins hobbit hole, pipe brought up to his mouth and faint smirk on his lips. Eyja has seen that look on the bearded man before and it ended with her having to fight off a group of trolls. "What meddlesome plan is on your mind now wizard?" Her tone is jesting but her expression remains quite serious. "Are you scheming on how to get me fighting another band of beasts?"
The grey wizard laughs quietly so as not to wake the few dwarves sleeping nearby, "Young shifter I promise you that instance was truly accidental." His face breaks into a grin at Eyja's raised eyebrow and skeptical expression. "I was merely pondering the path we shall take tomorrow."
"'Young shifter', you do remember that I have been around longer than you have right?" Gandalf nods, smile soft on his face.
"It was merely a tease, I am fully aware of your age Eyja. Now if you'll excuse me I do wish to get some sleep, there is a long journey ahead of us." The cloaked man then walks past Eyja, soft footfalls fading down the dark hallway. Spinning on her heel, Eyja trods towards the living room. Finding an empty corner, she lowers herself smoothly to the floor leaning back against the wall and letting her travel weary eyes drift closed.

As the sun begins to peak over the emerald hills of the Shire, Eyja finds herself being roused from her slumber by a gentle hand pushing on her shoulder. Her golden dragon-like eyes are met with the sight of Kili kneeling beside her.
"Wake up, we're going to be leaving shortly." His voice is quiet so as not to disturb the other bustling around you. Nodding slightly, she brings her hands to her knees and begins to rise eyes turning to the window, seeing birds flit past in their early morning travels.
"Good morning Master dwarf did you sleep well?" Her voice is rough with sleep and her eyes half open as she gathers her set aside bag and blades. Tucking her slender sword into her back sheath and her smaller blades into their various places, she lets her gaze drift back to Kili's face.
He lets out a small chuckle, "Whatever happened to just calling me Kili, Eyja? And yes my rest was quite nice." Eyja swings her bag onto her back and starts towards the entryway of the large hobbit hole.
"My most sincere apologies Kili."
"I will find it in myself to forgive you." They both laugh quietly as they swing open the door and step out into the slightly chilled morning air. The large green door creaks slightly as it closes behind the pair, Eyja brings her arms over her head in a deep stretch hearing her back pop. Kili steps up next to his dark brown pony, tying his pack to the back of his saddle, running a hand down the ponies neck.
Mr. Baggins' door opens one more, the rest of the company pouring out and walking to their respective ponies, Gandalf stepping up the the shifter and dwarf.
"Eyja, Kili, good morning, I trust both of you are ready for our journey ahead?" as the two nod he turns to the tall skin changer, "Will you need a horse or will you be walking for our travels?"
"I will be walking, I figured I would be able to keep up relatively easily."
Kili turns to her, "Are you sure? You could ride with me if you want to."
Eyja waves her hand dismissing his offer, "It is truly no problem Kili, I am perfectly capable of keeping up with the company."
"Alright, but the you should at least let me carry your bag for you." Kili holds out his hand for Eyja's bag, she sighs heavily feeling the dwarf wont let her win this. She swings the bag off her shoulder handing it to his outstretched arm. As he ties her bag down atop of his, the dwarrow surrounding them begin to mount their steeds. Gandalf begins to steer his horse down the rolling hills of the small hobbit town, the long line of ponies following closely, Eyja walking between Kili and Fili's mounts. They are only travelling for half an hour before the sound of footsteps racing towards them stops the shifter in her tracks, head turning quickly and hand darts to her dagger.
"Eyja? what is it?" Kili's voice is tense with worry as he swings his pony around.
"Some ones coming." Her voice is low and flat. The rest of the company now stands still, hands laying on their weapons.
"Wait!" The voice from the trees is familiar and causes Eyja's tense stance to relax, "Wait for me, I signed it!" Bilbo Baggins bursts into the small clearing the long paper contract trailing behind him as he run towards the company. He approaches Balin on his white pony, holding out the paper to him, as Balin reviews everything to make sure everything's in order, Kili turns to his brother.
"I told you he would show up, hand over your coin brother." Fili rolls his eyes before tossing his coin pouch over to his brunette sibling. Eyja giggles at their interaction and grins as they lift the hobbit onto a pony ahead of them.
"How are you feeling, are you getting tired?" Kili turns sideways in his saddle to speak to the woman walking swiftly next to him.
Eyja smiles, "I'll be fine Kili this is not my first time walking alongside horses, and I doubt it will be my last." The dwarf nods still feeling uneasy over the skin changer walking when the pony was more than capable to carry them both.
"Alright, but do tell me if you want a break."
The company of Thorin Oakenshield travel through the forest for most of the day till the sun begins to get low in the sky, Thorin orders the dwarrow to tie up their horses and get a fire going. Kili and Fili sit against the cliff wall as the other dwarfs lay around them, some of them sleeping and other doing their own things. Eyja sits by the fire, sharpening her blades under the warm light, large pointed ears perking up every time Bilbo tosses and turns on his bedroll. She watches as he gets up with a mighty sigh, wandering over to his pony slyly pulling out an apple and quietly feeding it to his steed, the skin changer smiles as he shushes the pony, but the smile immediately drops as shrieks come from the forest beneath them.
"What was that?" Bilbo's voice is panicked his eyes wide.
"Orcs." Kili's voice is hushed and his eyes wander over their camp, catching briefly on Eyja's stiff figure. Thorin jerks awake as Bilbo repeats Kili's answer, his blue eyes scanning the forest in a mirror of the shifters golden gaze.
"Throat cutters," Fili gestures with his pipe, "there will be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them." Gandalf turns his head catching Eyja's unamused expression.
"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. quick and quiet, no screams just lots of blood." Kili's addition to his brother statement has Eyja standing up from her place by the fire. him and his brother snickering slightly, not noticing Eyja approaching on silent feet.
When she speaks her voice is low, anger clipping her words, "You think that's funny, you think a night raid by orcs is joke?"
Kili averts his gaze as she stares at them her yellow eyes shinning eerily in the firelight, "We didn't mean anything by it."
"No you didn't, you know nothing of the world." Thorin's voice interrupts, his own tone harsh. Balin approaches the small gathering and leans on the cliff face.
"Don't mind him laddie, Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs." As he launches into the tale of Thror's death and Azog's defeat, Kili notices Eyja rubbing at her arms, as if trying to shake of hands that aren't there.
"And the pale orc, what happened to him?" Bilbo's voice is quiet and unsure as he turns to face the eldest of the dwarves. But Thorin speaks before Balin is able.
"He slunk back into the hole from wenst he came, that filth died of his wounds long ago." The look shared between Gandalf and Balin does not go unnoticed by Eyja and she bristles at the thought of Azog still roaming the continent.
The shifter settles back down beside the two dwarven princes, and Fili moves to speak but she stops him with a finger. "I know you two meant only to joke, but as your uncle stated, orcs are nothing to jest about for they have committed such atrocities that it haunts many of this company." Her tone is stern but light and she resumes sharpening her weapon beside the dark haired dwarf, her posture finally relaxing from its stiff position. Both Kili and Fili nod, and the former of the two knowing she is one of the few in the company who's is haunted by the actions of orcs. As the hours of the night stretch on Eyja finds herself leaning on Kili's shoulder as her mind tires, and her eyes begin to close.
She feels a blanket being draped over her body, and she drifts into unconsciousness, the heat from the fire creating a soothing warmth and dim light.

~Arrows and Dragonhide~
Kili Durin x {Dragonshifter}FemOC Part 3/?

A/N- its one in the morning and my brain is broken
Word Count- 3.2k
Summary- Bofur calls Eyja a witch, and trolls are stanky.
Warnings- Cannon typical violence, mentions of torture, mentions of death, will be 18+ in future parts, cursing/foul language
Previous Part Next Part

As the morning sun rises and the forest around them begins to come alive with animals, Eyja wakes slowly, feeling an arm resting over her shoulder and another around her waist. Her eyes slowly drift upwards, finding the youngest of the Durin brothers leaning back against the rock wall, head tilted to the side, lips parted and hair askew, his dark eyes hidden behind closed lids, and she feels his breaths as she leans her head farther back trying to figure out how to untangle herself from the arms and the blanket holding her to Kili's side. Gently she raises her hand and pushes lightly on the dwarven princes shoulder, seeing his brow crease slightly and his eyes flutter but remain closed. "Kili," her voice is barely audible, a mere breath of noise in the quiet morn but it is enough to rouse the dark haired dwarrow she leans against. As his eyes crack open he is immediately met with the sight of the brunette woman entangled in his arms, and his face reddens almost instantly, his hands fly away from Eyja's body and she sits up as he begins whispering an apology.
"I am so sorry, I hadn't meant to fall asleep, I swear I meant no disrespect-" the woman in front of him cuts him off quickly.
"it's fine Kili, besides, its not everyday I wake up in the arms of a prince." Her voice is lilting and she grins at him as his face remains the color of a ripe tomato. Kili laughs, causing his brother, who sleeps mere feet away to shift in his sleep.
"Yes, well it's not everyday I wake with a beautiful woman in my arms." His joking voice matches her own and they both chuckle softly, beginning to feel the sleep rise from their bodies. Kili sits up, groaning softly as his back cracks after being in one position for so long. The two slowly start to pack up their belongings, strapping it once more to the back of Kili's pony. As the sun gets brighter, shinning over the treetops and illuminating the rock the company rests on, the dwarrow begin to stir, slowly awakening in the warm sunlight.
Eyja drapes her dark green cloak over her shoulders in an effort to preserve some of the heat still remaining from Kili's body, as the morning air nips at the rings of metal in her exposed skin.
"Are you cold?" Kili's voice is louder than it probably should have been and the dwarfs around him grumble, as they are still half asleep and do not appreciate the loud voice.
"Just a little chilly, I'll be fine." Kili's brow remains furrowed but he moves on to rousing the rest of the company. As the dwarfs begin to move around her, Eyja remains at the edge of the cliff, looking out over the forest, the large poplar tree leaves lay turned down, barely rustling in the breeze. "It's going to rain, do be sure to cover anything you don't wish to get wet."
Bofur turns to her, eyes still weary from sleep and large hat askew, "How do you figure that lass?" His head turns up to the cloudless sky above them, "there aren't even any clouds." Eyja points to the leaves on the large trees below them.
"When it is going to rain, poplar leaves upturn." The hat wearing dwarf nods still looking confused. Fili walks over dropping his bag on the ground at his feet.
"I couldn't help but notice your sleeping situation with my brother last night," His lips turn up into a sly smile, "might there be something there?"
Eyja chuckles at the dwarrow's antics, "Fili, what may or may not be between me and your brother will remain between the two of us, now I'm pretty sure Bombur has some food so I'm going to get some breakfast." Walking towards the small gathering of dwarfs, she watches as Kili and Fili laugh about something that did not reach her ears, the wide smiles worn by each of them bringing a strange warmth to her. As a bowl of the fire warmed stew is placed in her hands, she steps out of the rowdy crowd of dwarrow, walking back over to the dwarven princes.
Kili steps back creating space between the two ponies for Eyja to stand, the shifter nods her thanks as the dark haired dwarf ties her bag atop the horse. Each of the ponies surrounding them is quickly mounted by their respective dwarf and the ashes of their fire are quickly doused and stamped out. Gandalf once again rides to the front of their procession and starts down the mountain trail. Eyja matching pace with Kili's horse.

True to Eyja's earlier prediction soon the sky had begun to unleash a torrential downpour, the dirt road quickly turning into slick muddy mess. Eyja grimaces at the thought of having to clean her boots of the grime later, pulling her hood farther over her head in an attempt to save her hair from the water. Bofur turns in his saddle to call back to Eyja, "Lass that is some mighty witchcraft you pulled to guess this was coming."
Eyja laughs at his remark knowing he is just poking fun, "Master dwarf I have been on the continent for a good many years, I have learned to read the signs nature provides, that is not witchcraft, merely being observant." The few dwarfs around them chuckle at the exchange, before they continue to ride on in silence. they only ride for a short time before Dori calls out over the pounding noise of the rain.
"Mister Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?"
Gandalf spares not even a glance as he replies, "It is raining master dwarf, and it will continue to rain and it will continue to rain until the rain is done," the grey cloaked wizard pauses before continuing, "if you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard." Dori slumps down in his seat, accepting that he will continue to be pummeled by the weather. As the hobbit and wizard discuss the other great wizards of Middle Earth, Kili leans down to speak close to the shifter ear.
"Eyja pretty soon the mud is going to swallow your boots, I do believe it would be in your best interest to get on a pony instead of continuing to walk." Eyja sighs at the dwarfs continued pestering of the subject, Knowing he will not give it up as long as he has breath in his lungs she stops walking and nods to the dwarven prince.
"Fine, but only because the mud is making my boots weigh twice what they should." Kili grins down at her before shifting forward in his seat patting the space behind him urging Eyja to sit. She climbs up onto the horse resting her hands in her lap, unsure of close she should be sitting behind the prince.
"You should hang on, it would be a shame for you to fall." Eyja can hear the smile in his voice and shakes her head with a quiet laugh as she places her hands lightly around his torso, his back pressing against her front. He turns his head as much as he can trying to face her, "Have you met any of the wizards Gandalf speaks of?"
Nodding her head her cloaks hood shifts back a tad, and she quickly pulls it back to its proper place, "I have met Saruman, he was quite the stern fellow, the only other wizard I have met was Radagast the brown, he was quite peculiar, but a pleasant enough person if a little odd." The dwarf in front of her hums in acknowledgment and they ride in a peaceful silence, the only sound is the quiet murmurs of the company, and the shower of the rain.

Days pass and they slowly establish a routine, of waking with the sun before riding all day before setting down for the night. The group rides through the hills before coming to a burnt building. "We'll camp here for tonight," Thorin's deep voice carries through the small valley, "Fili, Kili, look after the ponies make sure you stay with them." Nodding the two princes dismount, Eyja following after them, they tie their horses up to the small pieces of fence left unscathed by the flames. beyond the trees, Eyja's ears pick up Thorin arguing with Gandalf over whether they should move on from this abandoned home. Suddenly Gandalf shouts about being the only one with sense and she hears him storm off.
Kili and Fili sit against a fence post quietly discussing things Eyja pays no mind to, instead she wonders over why a farmer would leave their home, was there something dangerous lurking in these woods, if so what had it been and was it still residing close by. Her blade lays a comforting weight across her back, and she lowers herself to the ground across from the two dwarves. Looking down at the sorry state of her once brown boots, she begins prying at the mud caking them, hoping that it will fall off easily now that it had dried. The trio sit there listening to the bugs fly overhead and the ponies shift and whinny as the sky overhead grows darker.
The sounds of the forest suddenly stop, leaving an eerie silence hanging in the air. The silence only lasts for a mere moment before suddenly a deafening crack of a tree falling pierces the air, the shifter and dwarves shoot to a standing position, and the three rush towards where the ponies are tied. The sound of footsteps behind them soon comes with bilbo standing between them all.
"What's the matter?" His question comes with a bowl of stew pushed towards the two dwarves.
Kili's voice comes out low, "We're supposed to be looking after the ponies,"
Eyja continues the sentence, "Only we've encountered a slight problem,"
"We had 16," Fili speaks now voice uncertain, "now there's 14."
After a quick search to find which horses had vanished, the group reconvened with Bilbo still trying to offer the princes the stew. "Daisy and Bongo are missing." Kili paces to the group brow creased and frown on his face.
"That is not good," the hobbit lets out a nervous chuckle, "that is not good at all, shouldn't we tell Thorin?"
Fili turns quickly speaking even quicker, "No no lets not worry him. As our official burglar we thought you might want to look into it?" Eyja paces around the fallen tree, finding a large footprint and her stomach drops. She knows those tracks, and the foul stench they left behind.
Bilbo's face drops, and he nods pointing to the fallen tree, "Right well, um, it looks like something big uprooted these trees. Something very big indeed."
Eyja speaks, her voice even toned and flat, "Trolls."
Fili and Kili turn quickly to face the skin changer, and something in the trees catches the elder brothers eye, "Hey, there's a light. come 'ere." he gestures for the other to look and he starts towards the light, and Eyja sighs heavily before unsheathing her dagger and following after the blonde headed dwarf. Kili launches over a fallen log quickly followed by his brother and Eyja, Bilbo trailing after them, stew still in hand. As the four hide behind a tree, a troll stomps past a pony beneath each arm, and Eyja's hand flies to the sword strapped to her back unsheathing it quickly.
"He's got Myrtle and Minty, I think they're going to eat them we have to do something!" Bilbo's voice is hushed and tense with worry for his pony. The two dwarven brothers turn to him and nod simultaneously.
"Yes, you should, mountain trolls are slow and stupid and you're so small, they'll never see you, it's perfectly safe." Kili takes a bowl from the hobbit, Fili doing the same. Eyja has to repress the urge to smack her hand to her forehead, but Kili's plan isn't terrible and was currently the only idea they had other than just storming the trolls camp.
"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like barn owl and once like a brown owl." Fili speaks quietly as he shoves the hobbit towards the light of the mountain trolls fire, Bilbo protesting the whole way.
"Don't worry Bilbo, I will remain in the trees, and will intervene should it be needed." Eyja's words seemed to comfort the hobbit a tiny amount as he nods and starts quietly towards the sound of voices.
Eyja turns to shoot one last unhappy glance at the Durin brothers but the two dwarves had already disappeared. so she walks as close as she can, leaning against a log, watching as the trolls bicker over the food an Bilbo tries to free the horses. As the hobbit tries to grab the blade off the troll who seemed to have some sort of disgusting cold, Eyja hisses out a breath watching as bilbo is hoisted into the air and covered with troll snot.
"Ah, blimey, look what's come out of me hooter!" the trolls high voice shrill in his shock. The skin changer huffs unhappily at the development of the plan, and steps into the light of the fire.
Her sword shining in the light of the fire, she readies it and calls out towards the trio of trolls. "Put him down!" her voice cuts through the creatures bickering and they turn to face her, their faces twisting into scowls. As the largest of the three moves towards her, Kili bursts from the trees, blade spinning as her slices at the legs of the foul beasts. He stops beside the shifter, sword raised.
"She said, drop him." His blade twirls in a circle and he places both hands on the hilt ready to take another swing at the much larger beings. The mountain troll holding the companies hobbit, growls before throwing the poor burglar at Kili, his arms open in an attempt to catch him. Instead they both go tumbling to the ground, Eyja standing over them with her blade at the ready. The quiet of the camp is broken by the shouts of the company as they rush out around her, each of them holding their weapons high. Eyja charges forward with them, swinging her sword into the thigh of the smallest troll, then cutting upwards with her dagger as he bends over in pain, effectively catching him in the mouth with the small blade. Thorin steps beside her also bringing his blade to meet the skin of the monster. Eyja catches sight of Kili fighting the largest of the trolls with his brother and she turns to go help him. But before she can make it three paces, meaty hands encircle her limbs, raising her above the dwarves head, pulling them till they are ready to pop out of her sockets.
As the two trolls lift her even higher, the dwarves freeze. Kili lurching forward at the pained expression on Eyja's face, "Eyja!" Thorin grabs his nephew before he can move farther, knowing that should they move Eyja will lose her limbs.
"Lay down your arms. Or we'll rip hers off." The trolls sneer down at the dwarrow, and Eyja golden eyes meet Kili's earth toned ones. He frowns as his uncle lays down his sword, and Kili throws his at the ground beside his brothers many blades.

Soon, half the company lay tied up in sacs, while the rest lay tied to a spit over the fire. Kili lays beside the skin changer, who scowls deeply at the foul creatures. "I fucking hate trolls." Her harsh words are quiet but Kili's ears catch them and he nods his agreement. "The bloody wizard told me I wouldn't have to deal with any of these nasty things."
Bilbo stands awkwardly in his sac, "Wait, you are making a terrible mistake." the company protests calling their captors all sorts of foul names, but Bilbo ignores them, "I meant with the, uh, with the seasoning. You're going to need something a lot stronger than sage to plate up this lot." Gloin and Kili start yelling at the hobbit but Eyja stays quiet, realizing the burglar is stalling for time.
While Bilbo tries to think of ways to stall the trolls from eating the company, a flash of movement in the trees catches Eyja's yellow gaze. looking up to the sky, she see a faint pinkish tinge to clouds floating past, signifying dawns near approach. As the cross eyed troll picks up Bombur, dangling the poor dwarf over his mouth, Eyja rises to stand beside the hobbit.
"Not that one, he is, he's infected," she pauses as the trolls turn to face her, "Ya he's got worms in his tubes." Bombur is promptly dropped atop the pile of dwarves, and the troll stumbles back a step. Eyja continues, "In fact, they all have them, they're infested with parasites, truly I wouldn't risk it."
Kili turn indignantly to face her, "We don't have parasites!" Eyja rolls her eyes helplessly as all the dwarves yell at her, not understanding that she's is trying to keep them alive. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Thorin pull back his leg and deliver a swift kick to his nephews back. Quickly Kili's complaints are replaced with remarks about how he has parasites the size of his arm. Eyja sends a silent thanks to the gods for blessing Thorin with enough brains to understand her plan.
The troll lumbers towards her and Bilbo, "What would you have us do then? Let them all go?" Bilbo nods and shrugs his shoulder slightly. before any more words can be exchanged a voice rings out over the camp and Eyja lets out a sigh of relief.
"The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf raises his staff, bringing it down swiftly, breaking the stone in two, allowing the trolls to be bathed in sunlight. As they shriek and begin to turn to stone, the dwarves begin to cheer and shout. The wizard quickly cuts down the dwarves suspended over the fire, and frees them from the sacs. As Thorin questions Gandalf of his whereabouts, Kili approaches Eyja as she slips her blades into their proper spots.
"Are you alright, how are your arms and legs feeling, do you need me to get Oin?" Kili's words are spoken quickly with panic lacing every syllable as he looks over her, trying to find any injuries.
"I'm alright Kili, just a tad sore nothing some stretching can't fix." Eyja rests a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to relax. "Relax, everyone is alright, there is no need for worry."
Kili takes a deep breath, gives her a final onceover before deciding that she's right and stepping back. The two share a long look before Fili calls his brother over to help him pick up all his knives. "Make sure to get Oin to help you if you don't feel better please, for the sake of my sanity." Eyja nods with a small smile, and lets her eyes trail after him as he walks away. A familiar warmth is growing in her chest, and she does not wish for things to end as they had the last time she felt this way.
~Arrows and Dragonhide~
Kili Durin x {Dragonshifter}FemOC Part 4/?

A/N- my tummy hurts
Word Count- 3.0k
Summary- Radagast is a bloody menace and Rivendale is like a pretty princess (can you tell idk what to put here?)
Warnings- Cannon typical violence, mentions of scars, torture and death
italics=elvish bold=dwarvish
Previous Part Next Part

The troll cave smelled like a giant pile of shit and dead bodies. Eyja carefully makes her way downwards into the cave until Gandalf stops in front of her, turning and holding an unlit torch out to her. "Eyja, can you light this please?" She sighs and takes the torch from his hand. Bringing the foul smelling thing up to her face, she brings in a deep breath before letting out a mighty puff, flames passing over her lips and catching on the torches material. "Thank you." Gandalf turns back around, the now lit torch illuminating the gold and other treasure lining the walls.
Kili steps up beside Eyja, watching as she sifts through the weapons tossed haphazardly about. "How were you able to light that torch?"
She continues running her hands over blades and bows as she answers, "I am a skin changer, while the outside is me shifts from one form to another, the inside, remains the same, though it does shrink and grow to match my body." Kili hums a sound of acknowledgment and points to a long wooden bow she hadn't gotten to yet,
"This is a great bow if you're looking for such a weapon, the curve is strong, and the string appears to be taught." The shifter turns to the weapon, lifting it from the ground, dusting it off with the corner of her cloak, revealing a dark wood and leather grip.
Eyja nods, "You are right, this is a fine bow, do you see a quiver anywhere?" Kili's smile widens at her praise, the matching quiver of arrows already in his outstretched hand. "Thank you Kili, are you in need of any weapons?"
he thinks to himself for a moment, "No I think I have all that I need." Eyja nods and starts off back towards the entrance of the cave, passing Gandalf handing Bilbo a small sword. As they reach the top, and Eyja begins reorganizing her small stash of blades and new bow the rest of the company begins to file out, many of them inhaling deep breaths of the fresh air. Eyja turns her back to the dwarven prince and looks back over her shoulder at him.
"Could you undo the sheath on my back, I can't seem to reach it?"
"Ya I can do that." Kili's hands brush lightly over her hair on the way to the strap holding her sheath to her body, and Eyja stills at the contact. As his hands fiddle with the clasp, she reaches back and pulls her hair to the side so to get it out of the way. As the clasp finally lets go and Kili lifts her sword from her back.
Eyja turns smile wide on her face ready to thank him when through the trees barrels huge rabbits towing a sled holding a small man cloaked in brown, lopsided hat pulled low over his ears. the dwarves quickly pull tightly into a group blades at the ready, but Gandalf steps forward laughter in his voice.
"Radagast the brown, what on earth are you doing here?" Kili shoots a questioning look to Eyja as if to confirm this is the wizard she had spoken of the day prior. The shifter meets his gaze for a fleeting moment, nodding, her brows furrowed in confusion. She had never seen the wizard in such a state of panic as he explained to the grey wizard how the greenwood is sick. As they wander away from the group Eyja turns back to the dwarf at her side.
"So that's Radagast," Kili's tone is light as he watches Eyja secure her sword to her waist.
"Yes, though I've never seen him look quite so worried before, normally he is quite calm, something must be terribly wrong to have him so upset." As she slings her new quiver over her shoulder and across her body, a menacing howl pierces the air, chilling the blood in her veins.
"Was that a wolf?" Bilbo's question is spoken swiftly his voice laden with fear, for the hobbit had never heard such a noise before.
Bofur's response is shaky and uncertain, "That is no wolf."
Movement behind the two catches Eyja's gaze, "Wargs!" her shout rings through the air and every dwarf turn weapons out as the beast hurtles down the hill towards them, it tackles Dwalin to the ground, only for Thorin to bring his new elvish blade down with bone crushing force. As another warg comes barreling at them, Kili readies an arrow and lets it fly, the arrow sinking deep in the creatures leg, causing it to tumble the rest of the way down the mossy hill, Eyja brings her blade across its throat with a quick twirl, the dark blood splattering across her cloak and face. She bares her teeth at the foul animal as it let out one last whining howl.
Thorin wrenches his blade from the neck of the first warg, "Warg scouts, which means an orc pack is not far behind."
"we have to get out of here." Dwalin's voice is tense and he looks to Thorin.
Ori rushes to the group, "We can't, the ponies have run off."
Radagast volunteers to draw them off and Gandalf turns to face his companion, "These are gundabarg wargs, they will outrun you."
A wild glint enters the brown wizards eyes, "These are ruskavelle rabbits, I would like to see them try." He climbs back onto his sled, commanding the rabbits forward, and he takes off like an arrow shot from a bow, here one moment, gone the next.
The howls and wails of the warg pack draw closer only for them to be drowned out for a moment by the sound of Radagast yelling obscenities at the orcs as he rushes past. As the orc pack take off after the wizard, Gandalf ushers the company to move, he runs in front of them leading them into the open fields. Eyja brings up the back of group, making sure that none of the dwarves get left behind, ushering them forward when they start to slow.
The group runs down the hill and moves to pass a large boulder when Radagast flies past, manic giggles escaping him, and the large pack of orcs soon follows. Many times in their mad dash across the plains are they cut off by the parade of orcs chasing the gleeful wizard. The group slams their backs against the boulder as Radagast darts in front of them once again and one of the orcs moves his steed atop the rock which they try to hide under. Thorin turns to meet his nephews eyes and nods at him. slowly Kili draws an arrow, and knocks it on his bow, taking a breath, he steps away from the rock revealing himself to the orc atop it. Letting the arrow loose, it flies into the chest of the warg, and as the orc brings his horn to his mouth intending to call for the others, Kili looses another arrow into the chest of the orc. The wail of the dying orc and warg ricochet off the rocks echoing at deafening volumes. Eyja sinks her blade into the orc's skull silencing it as Dwalin dispatches the warg, but not before it lets out another agonizing howl.
"Move, run!" Gandalf's yell is heavy with panic, "This way quickly!" he leads the company towards a rock surrounding by a small stand of trees, Thorin's shouts for Kili to shoot the beasts has Eyja readying her own bow, letting arrows fly in every direction, as more and more wargs pour over the hills.
Dwalin yells that Gandalf had abandoned them, but as Eyja turns quickly to seek out the wizard, her mind connects the dots as to where they are. She resumes shooting at the orcs as they advance, Kili by her side mirroring each other.
"This way you fools!" Gandalf's cry from the rocks reaches Eyja's ears at about the same time as an unseen warg pushes her to the ground, teeth bared and saliva dripping. She wrenches her dagger from its place on her thigh, driving it home in the underside of the beasts jaw and dragging it downwards, towards its neck. Kili turns to find Eyja covered in blood, pushing the now deceased warg off her.
Thorin's shouts for Kili and the shifter to run, has them turn from the orcs, they begin to sprint, Eyja dragging Kili along by the wrist as she out paces him. As she dives into the crevice, pulling the brunette dwarrow with her, Thorin jumps down sliding after them. As her feet hit the bottom of the hole she steadies herself on the cool rock wall. Kili stands beside her, out of breath, and unsteady himself. A horn sounds from outside the cave and the sound of hooves pounding the earth sounds in the air. As the sounds of orcs yelling and wargs dying grows louder Eyja and Thorin begin pushing the company away from the entrance, trying to remain concealed from the newcomers. An orc comes rolling down into the cave, arrow protruding from it head,
"Elves." Thorin's voice holds distaste as he tosses the retrieved arrow aside. Bofur calls that they should follow the path and starts walking, the group filing down the twisting hall. Kili and Eyja fall to the back of the group, and she rests a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you alright Kili?" Her eyes dart over his face, "Do you need to rest?" His breaths are still coming in momentous heaves, but he shakes his head, face turning red at her show of concern.
"Ya," his eyes meet hers and he pauses for a moment at the concern swimming in them, "I'm alright, what about you?"
"I'm perfectly fine." Her voice is soft, and her eyes dance over Kili's face, and they catch on the leaf stuck in his bangs, "Hold still." She reaches out gently pulling the debris from his hair, the strands are soft against her fingers and she drops the leaf on the ground between them. "There was a leaf in your hair."
Kili's face is now a bright red, and he avoids her gaze, "Thank you." The sounds of the company are getting farther away and Kili turns to face the hall, "We should probably catch up to the rest of the group." Eyja nods, and they walk down the path, side by side hands occasionally brushing.

As the pair round the last corner, they come across the company, standing in awe as they lay their eyes on Rivendale, home of the elves. Kili jaw drops open at the waterfalls and architecture. the company makes their way down the hills, and across the bridge approaching the elf standing at the base of the steps. Eyja, bounds forward, bringing the dark haired elf into a hug, which is quickly returned by the ellon. "Lindir, it's lovely to see you, it has been far to long old friend." While Eyja releases the elf from her grasp, Gandalf approaches, and begins speaking with the tall man over the whereabouts of Lord Elrond. Kili stands beside his brother brows furrowed at the elf Gandalf and Eyja are conversing with.
"Brother if you continue to glare at him, he might spontaneously combust." Fili's teasing only serves to make his brothers scowl deepen.
"It's nothing." Kili walks away from his brother, stopping only when he's standing at Eyja's side chin held high as he watches the exchange between the three taller beings. A horn sounding across the valley turns the heads of all those present to the incoming procession of horses. The dwarves quickly bunch up, Kili pushing Eyja to the center of their circle alongside bilbo who had been put there by Thorin. The shifter just laughed and waved at the elven lord as he stepped off his horse.
"Eyja, what a wonderful surprise, it is lovely to see you again," Elrond steps forward and Eyja steps out of the circle of defensive dwarrow, "What brings you here this time dear shifter?"
She bows slightly before responding, "I'm afraid you're going to have to ask Gandalf for the details, for he is leading us." She smiles at the elf before rejoining her dwarven companions, standing next to the very prickly looking Kili. "Are you alright Kili, you look ready to remove somebodies head?" The brunette prince looks to her, the yellow of her eyes reflecting the sun in such a way they appeared to glow.
He nods curtly, "Yes I'm quite alright, how do you know the elves?"
Eyja smiles gently as she looks up to see Elrond and Thorin discussing something, "I met Lord Elrond many years ago, I was passing nearby and was attacked by a band of goblins, Lindir and Lord Elrond were a part of the hunting party that helped me that day." Her smile widens remembering the day, and how she had thrown Lindir to the ground at first mistaking him for an enemy. Kili nods, and tenses once more as Elrond begins to speak in the elven tongue to his uncle.
Gloin brandishes his weapon, "Does he offer us insult?" Eyja laughs quietly.
"No Master Gloin, he offers you food." Her lilting voice is joyous as she explains Elrond's words to the company, causing them to go quiet before Gloin says to lead the way.

The group is led to an open area, where they are told to leave their bags and supplies. Eyja shrugs off her cloak folding it carefully before placing it on the floor, laying her weapons down beside it. Kili watches the skin changer closely, and mimics her actions. Eyja walks over to kneel beside the prince, who is placing his things on the ground in a not so neat pile, "I am going to go and wash all this blood off, follow Lindir, he will show you to a table and provide you with food, I will join you all in a moment." The dwarrow turns his head, pleading silently for her not to leave him alone in the unfamiliar place, but the shifter nods once, before rising and walking swiftly and surely down the hall. Kili moves to stand by his brother, whispering quietly to him the same thing Eyja told him.
Once the rest of the company has finished organizing their bags, Lindir turns to face the group, "Follow me," His voice is smooth and he spares no eye contact for any of them, instead turning on his heel and starting down a new hall. The thirteen dwarves and singular hobbit are quick to follow, not wanting to get lost in the unknown city. The raven haired ellon leads them down the white hallway, before opening a large wooden door to a ginormous room. the room is lit by the setting sun, and filled with a long table with many dwarf sized seats and one regular sized chair. on a raised platform at the end of the room, sectioned off by towering floor to ceiling pillars is a separate table, where the elf lord already sits with the grey wizard.
"Ah welcome, Master Thorin, please join me at my table and do bring your Hobbit, the rest of you my take a seat, the food will be out shortly." Everyone moves at once, the promise of food has them scrambling to find a seat. Kili seats himself beside the larger chair, hoping that when you return, you will sit with them instead of the other table.
As promised, elves are soon bustling around them bringing platters and bowls of food to the long table. But as the dwarves sift through the many dishes, they find no meat. As the company grumbles and complains over the lack of protein, the doors open once more. Eyja steps into the room, skin no longer covered in blood, and dressed in a pair of loose brown pants, that are sinched at the waist and tucked into her boots, her shirt is flowing and white, cuffed at the wrists and tucked in at the waist.
She rounds the long table heading to the empty chair next to the raven haired dwarven prince, but pauses as Lindir grabs her arm. Kili doesn't hear what the elf says to her but at the way her fists clench and her brow furrows, he suspects it can't be anything good. Eyja nods grimly at her friend before stepping past him to rejoin her dwarf companions.
As she pulls the chair out and sits down Kili turns his head, watching her through the curtain of his hair. She quickly dishes some of the leafy meal onto her plate, eyes unfocused. He lifts his head and turns to face the skin changer fully, "Are you alright?" His question seems to shock her out of her trance like state.
"Yes, I'm quite alright, there's just some new information that's been brought to my attention," Eyja shakes her head, "but no matter, it is of little consequence now." Kili raises a brow, but leaves the subject alone for the moment.
"If you say so, hey me and Fili have been thinking-"
"That's never a good thing." Eyja tone is teasing and she smiles at the dwarf.
"Choosing to ignore that, but anyways, we were wondering why Bilbo is called a burglar and not just a robbit." The timing of his words couldn't have been worse, as the shifter had just taken a large drink of water. Eyja bursts out laughing, spewing water over the unfortunate Dwalin seated across from her. As her laughter dies down to giggles and coughing she chokes out an apology as the burly tattooed dwarf scowls. Kili and Fili howl with laughter as they watch the shifter try and mop up the mess with the napkin on the table.
It was then that Bofur leapt onto the table, declaring the music to be unfit for the company and bursting out into song and dance, stomping over the food. The commotion draws the attention of those at the other table and Lord Elrond grumbles as the company sings along, Eyja smiling joyfully.
~Arrows and Dragonhide~
Kili Durin x {Dragonshifter}FemOC

A/N - told my sisters kids they can dye my hair red, rethinking my life choices, and lemme know if you want me to start a tag list for those of you who want notifs when a new part comes out
Word Count - 769, its a short one sorry
Summary - emotions and bonding, just a bit of a filler chapter
Warnings - Descriptions of torture, familial death
Previous Part Next Part
Bold-Khuzdul Italics-Elvish

The moonlight filters serenely through the walls of the eleven halls. the shadows passing over the gathering of dwarves huddled together, laughing as Bofur throws food at his brother. Kili pans his dark eyes across the room watching as his uncle stares at the company's burglar from his position against the wall. The young dwarf smiles to himself, Thorin was painfully obvious about his crush on the hobbit. He lets his sight continue across the group only stopping when he notices the missing shifter from their company.
Kili sighs, his heart heavy as he thinks of how Eyja had seemingly deflated at dinner after whatever Lindir had said to her. She had looked as if she had been told that someone had died. Excusing himself from his seat beside his golden haired brother, he steps out of the airy room and out into the direct light of the moon. The silvery light dances over the twisting path leading through sparse trees. The worn leather of his boots crushing leaves on the gravel. Following the trail down to a shadowed gazebo, leaning into the tall marble structure his eyes catch on Eyja's hunched figure leaning on the railing.
"You're missing Bofur's lovely singing," Kili's voice is hushed but still loud enough for the shifter to jump at the sudden break in silence. She turns swiftly tucking something into a pocket with one hand while wiping her face with the other.
She lets a small grin grace her face as she approaches the dwarven prince, "I do think I've heard enough of Bofur's singing for one day." She pulls him into the gazebo and over the the rail where she had previously stood. As Kili goes to ask after why her voice was rough and why her eyes seemed to be on the verge of spilling tears he looks out over the elven valley. His mouth drops open at the sight of the sky, filled with stars and the valley illuminated by their glow. In the distance the warm light of fire-flies dance through shoots of sycamore trees and green shrubs, making them appear to be glowing with an ethereal light. "It's beautiful isn't it?"
Eyja's voice is hushed and Kili nods in bewilderment. She takes a breath before speaking again, "Rivendale was always one of my favorite places to visit." The dark haired dwarf turns to face her, his eyes reflecting the spattering of stars.
"You aren't from here then I take it?", Eyja laughs softly and shakes her head, her dark hair beginning to fall from the braid she had put it in.
The shifter slowly lowers herself to the floor, leaning her back against the support post, "The village i was born in was forgotten long ago by the people of this world, after my birth, my parents thought it fitting to begin travelling, to try and find a proper place for us." She pauses for a moment as Kili sits beside her, "we moved around very often only staying in one place for at most a month, a year into our venture, my sister was born." Eyja voice catches at the mention of her sibling, and Kili watches her with concern creasing his brow. "My mother never truly recovered from her birth, so we settled in Hollin, we lived there for maybe a decade before the orcs showed up." She pulls back her shoulders and huffs out a breath, "From there its just pain and death."
Kili nods, "I know how that feels," Eyja, looks over to him a sad smile on her face. as the two sit in the shadow of the gazebo, the silence acting as a comforting blanket around them, the sounds of the company floating through the air. As the sounds of crickets and voices carry across the valley Kili begins to stand. "Come, we should go get some sleep, I'm sure Thorin will be anxious to get moving again."
"Yes I'm quite sure you're right." Eyja stands beside him and gestures for the dwarven prince to start back towards the company. Kili smiles and holds out his arm.
"What kind of person would I be if I let a lady walk alone?" He chuckles and his dark eyes gleam. Eyja laughs and shakes her head at the dwarf's antics.
"You do realize that even if I'm not holding onto your arm I won't be walking alone right?"
Kili shrugs still bearing his crooked smile, "semantics." Eyja sighs and takes his arm, the two of them beginning back up the hill towards the room where the sound of dwarven voices still comes through.

Naja, you are the camembert/Beyblade top of my heart. /platonically
Semper, do Siam still believe that you got cured from your disease ? Do you feel like told her the truth ? ((if it was fanon and I got everything mixed up I'm sorry in advance 😭))
*pointing at Slash* GAY- ((yeah it was totally free don't thanks me :3))
Drop, just keep slaying and breaking the jaws of idiots with stiletto heels. You are amazing ✨

(my new artstyle is so inconsistent help)

Why did the drawings gradually get better I was going for a lazy answer--
Anyway thanks again for the asks x3 masterpost coming soon I promise!
(Drop is just Semper but femboy/hj)

Made a new banner for FA page.

but what about dwarf tails 🤔

dwarves an flowers 🌸
✨ my commissions are open! ✨